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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392














OMG I just woke up, can't believe my alarm clock didn't sound.. or maybe I didn't set it blush.gif Awww I wanted to watch it live *sigh*






























MountainMadman: You are awesome, you almost always translate the episodes and always share info about YongSeo. You are one of uri Goguma angels and I know how frustrating it must have been but don't think too much about it... What's done it's done... *hugs* MountainMadman fighting!






























Dduk: Thanks soo much! :D






























*goes off to watch the latest ep*






























To the ones who haven't watched it yet or want to watch it again: Part 1 || Part 2



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Thank you DDuk for the translations<3 and dont worry MoutainMadman things happen, please don't apologize and don't be to harsh on yourself, we appreciate what you have contirbuted in this thread a lot. Thank you everyone for sharing the vids and caps!
































Did anyone noticed hyun carrying her Handphone?..when she excused herself to go to the bathroom she had it in her left hand .Ahhhhh i wonder if she went to call her unnies to spazz .lol.
































Anyway this episode was very sweet and sincere . Hyun is such a thoughtfull DIL and i am sure MIL was touched by her presents and most importantly the letter. The way MIL looked at Yong after reading it speaks volumes as to how she feels about Hyun.
































the hand holding ..kyyahhh..PD nim we need to know how that happened! ..did they just naturally held hands or if there was some funny cheesy lines yong had to say before he held hyuns hand?lol. But anyways it was sweet and i had my eyes focused on thier hands the entire time they were walking.
































Thank you gogumas <3 spazz more later!





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Mountain madman - I feel very sorry for you. I think we all understand your frustrations.








I am very touched by this ep. The letter that Hyun wrote is very touching. If Yongseo is not real, she doesnt have to write it this way. No wonder Yong look like he is going to cry too.








Yes I am really curious too if they interlock their fingers when they hold their hands. They are really so naturally comfortable with each other now. I am so :wub:


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This is crazy. I mean, really crazy. It's my first time totally spazzing like this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I watched the holding part yet again. And I noticed at this part:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't know if they're doing it unconsciously or not but look at their thumbs. PLEASE. Just look at them. They have their own lives.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Their fingers weren't interlocked though.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And please, let's not forget Yongface again. He was putting on his smug face once again. Alright, boy, that girl is all yours. All for you.

































































































































































































































































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Guest luv_yesung




@Mountainmadman please stop blaming your self,we gogumas will feel bad :) you've no idea how grateful we are to have u willing to spend your time for translating yongseo related,seriously thank u (90 degree bow)




watching today episode is so......


i can't get better term than magical


it seems that they destined to be together


hyun and MIL interaction i so sweet,heartwarming,natural and REAL


watch the streaming,missed a lot of scene though :sweatingbullets:


when MIL read hyun's letter.....


believe me can't even read a thing,as i only know 2 letters of hangul :sweatingbullets:


but i cried,don't even know why,i just did


the scene is just so powerful,the expression on yong's mom,and the way she look at him.....


and even yong confused and ask wae??WHY?(am i right)kekeke


gosh if they not get together in the future (or they already mow PLEASE!!)i can't imagine what will happen to me LOL




aigoo sorry gogumas for my rambling,i surely have a lot to say,considering i only understand a tiny but of their convo


thanks @dduk for the translation


gogumas please bare with my poor english and embarrassing grammar :sweatingbullets:




EDIT:yong drives now????really??


finally LOL



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Owws @MountainMadman is feeling down, we don't like our fellow Goguma to be feeling down so lets give her a group hug...Group hug guys...i hope you will feel ok soon...:D:D i was not able to watch yet the episode, going to watch now...



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For some reason my most favourite moments in the episode was when she tried to eat one (was that the sea cucumber) and yonghwa asked about the taste and the mother asked if its strange hyun gave a really cute reply, and after that my eyes were transfixed on yonghwa's facial expression just after hyun reply his mom.
















The second moment is when the mother asked yong to feed hyun, omg the scene, the couples body language, the way yong did it, the way he was looking at his wife when he was ready to feed her, when she took it and when she was eating and the way hyun looked at her husband before taking it and while eating like as if to get his reaction and assurance.. omg its just toooo cute for me. cant stop replaying the scene.
















gonna set aside the fact that its a make believe marriage, im sure hyun asked her mother for some pointers on what to do when meeting mother in law, she was prepared with the right manners, how to act. yonghwa too did very well by being really supportive of his wife and his mom too. I think whats really beautiful about this couple apart from their chemistry is just how well they are brought up by their parents.
















The episode comes with another sad ending for one of the couple, the time will come when i'll be like the adam couple fans, though I'd like it to be much much later, its definitely not avoidable. Whatever happens, regardless of how they'll decide to do it.... I'm just gonna enjoy watching, supporting and "growing" with this couple until the day comes and not gonna think of it.
















yonghwa seems like he has a close relationship with his mom, all i can say is, his love for seo definitely has grown stronger after observing her manners and efforts pleasing his mother and family and especially after gaining more points and love from his mother. i doubt any guy would let this precious girl go. i hope that, just like his lyrics, he's gonna hold on her two hands and hold her tightly and not let her go from his grasp. Same goes for hyun.
















Its a perfect goguma couple and a perfect Go-Chun









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really they are serious. why? because if you just speak sweet things together, it is ok. but with parents it is a different level. even with your real gf/bf you always have to be careful when you take back home. but Hyun put all her effort in that. that makes me touched and afraid for her at the same time. she really put her heart on the sleeves. all the action she did, that present for her heart.

She is really upright girl, and being like that with his mum, it is really difficult, and she even write a letter while she doesnt need to do that. she just want to say to his parents that she is really thankful to Yong who have guided her so well in this relationship. i think YOng's mum was touched and at the same time also frightened what if my son not good to her.

hahha, i also gave presents to my parents in law when whe first time met ( couple scarf). how coincident it is:-)

may be it is good thing his father not here, because maybe his mum will be more jealous. hahha. but i think his father will love Hyun a lot.

I am just a free woman, and really good talking daughter in law, but if i have a son in the future, how i wish i will have a daughter in law like this


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Guest blueshoes




Yonghwa doesn't drive .... I think his friend drives












DDuk : Thank you so much for translation for us .... :wub:




MountainMadman : I always wait your translations everyday ... :lol:



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Guest isomerkyaa






I really enjoyed this episode even i dun really understand...thanks to dduk for the translation...MIL is really yeppo with that sunglass and scarf....such a great combinations...wine colour..kekeke MountainMadman pls dun be sad...u r doing a very very good job before.. I really can't wait for the next episode...sharing the scaft aww.....this is yongseo charm..kekeke:wub:



But today episode really focused on Hyun and MIL...really enjoyed it...Yong MUM cute....kekeke






Today for all gogumas....i want to shared a very sad video about yongseo...just found it today... I FEEL LIKE CRYING..HOPE IT WILL NEVER HAPPEND









must see!!!!!!!  




This is a story of two people who love each other but discovered that love wasn't enough


Pressured by both their groups, Seohyun finally decides to give up on their relationship...


These are the words she writes on her paper airplane as she says a final goodbye to Yonghwa


cre :goguma1207















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oh got it fixed it thanks! I know I was looking at it and I was like EWWW ><! pwahahah okok i'll be back w/ the rest!










I KNOW right my gawd. i was like..... gawddddd... sea cucumber organsss!!!!!!!










Hyun is such a lovable girl.










even if she didnt like it she ate it without complains.....










salute to her.......










yong is a lucky dude LOL










he made him proud as a man!!! treating his mum with respect and manners.










even the studio family were complimenting how great hyun was.










saying that yonghwa must be very proud of having such a gd wife


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Guest archiehon








































Hi, just done watching the raw video for a few times. Still enjoyed them eventho i dont know most of the words. Crazy me!
























@MountainMadMan, dont be sad bcoz you've done so much for us, providing us with translation and news. Just take your time and dont rush yourself. We'll still be here tmrw.
























@Dduk, thank u for the translation. we are so lucky to have so many translator and subbers who are willing to spend their precious time on this thread and giving us the joy of understanding and knowledge. we love you so much!!
























About the episode, did anyone notice the absence of the backroom interview? I really want to know what was Yoong thoughts on Hyun effort during the meeting with his mother. We can say that he was happy and also touched by her effort but it is nicer to hear the words from his own mouth.
























I have a theory: Maybe our couple is so transparent in their action and intention that they do not need any clarification of they had done. It is all there for everyone to see and interpret. I really love this couple more and more every time i watch them together.

I could not imagine the day they would end this partnership and find someone else (touch wood!), I know i could never imagine them without the other. Please be together Yong and Hyun!









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Guest yongseo_fighting


Hi, everyone, first and foremost, I want to thank Dduk on the translation. You are one such kind goguma soul. We are so lucky to have you here to translate for us non Korean gogumas... A million hugs to you... You have translate it very well indeed... Saranghae....




To MountainMadman, pls don't apologize, esp you have translated so many past episodes for us! Will look forward to your BEST translations next week.




I have to say I am impressed with Seohyun in this episode. Sea cucumber organs!! haha.... and the expression when she denied it to be weird.. her eyes and expression are so CUTE...


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thank you for translation Dduk and it's ok M3 we all appreciate your hard work don't be sad
































































































this episode cute and touch It's look like hyun put a lot effort in this 'MIL meeting' wanna see when it's yong's turn
































































































my fav scene






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Next week preview

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hello goguma villagers!
















































































































































































Today's episode was cute and sweet <3 Yong's mother is pretty and she looks so nice. I do think that they look alike, in some ways...
















































































































































































And the preview... awww <3 SO CUTE!
















































































































































































Thanks tp EVERYONE who posted videos and pictures :) You guys are the best!
















































































































































































And thank to DDuk for the translation :) That was fast, I'm happy that know I can understand what they're saying^^
















































































































































































MontainMadman, please, don't worry too much :) You're still awesome <3
















































































































































































Don't forget to support Adam Couple fans... We're just one big familly, after all <3

















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Suddenly it struck me!!!

They're sitting in the restaurant and Hyun is eating a lot and tastes everything:



<she firsts dips it into the chili paste>

YM: You eat well.

S: It tastes good!

S: mother I’ll be right back from the bathroom.

<Hyun leaves her seat for just a moment>

She went to the bathtoom and throwed up all of it!

She was so nervous that all of her inner was in a turmoil. Poor gal'

OK, i'm just making it up, but it could happen :sweatingbullets:

Now, when I'm on the loose:

Supose they become a real couple, how on earth can they carry around all this embarrassing moments they shared with us viewers?

All their friends and enimies have watched it, or am I to ungenerous about sharing my privacy? How come?

Yes, because if they become a real couple, then we can assume that all their other shortcomings must be a part of their personality and not something that's acted...

And you know a Idolship is all about image!!!

Sorry if I make someone angry just by raising a solemn wondering.

Personally I love them in any case, but what about the public in general? :(

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<you’re putting a lot of effort wife.>




MC: she can’t even swallow it yet!




YM: it smells a little but like the sea right?




<smells a little like the sea!?




S: it’s ok.




YM: ohh hahaha Eat a lot~




Y: if you drink water it becomes sweet.




S: oh really?




MC: if it was in front of her mother in law she would even most likely eat rocks if she needed!




Y: yeah, if you drink water, it becomes sweet




S: oh! It’s delicious!




<till the end… >




<it’s delicious~




S: did I dip it too much into the sauce?




Y: no its not. It’s ok. You ate it well.




S: it tasted good.




MC: whenever the girl puts some effort when she is in front of the mother in law, does it make her look pretty?




MC’s : Of course it’s pretty.




YM: what is this?




Waitress: Minke Whale




MC: Minke whale!?




<this is whale meat!?>




MC: I never tried that before.




S: there is a lot of things that I ate for the first time today.




YM: dip it a little there and give it to her. Feed it to her.




<put it in her mouth>




<the mother who wants to see her son feed his wife>








<showing affections in front of the mother in law?!>




Y: eat it.




S: wait a minute




Y: it’s sam-gyup-sal (Korean bacon)




<without knowing her smile widens ^-^>




S: It’s really delicious!




YM: oh really? You eat well.




<am I doing well? Slightly relieved>




<hyun who is getting advice from the mother>




S: while you were watching us being married, because I am still lacking, he always comes to my level.




Y: I’ve never done that.




S: no, you always do that.




YM: when I was watching, there isn’t a lot to fix because if you just take care of yong well your feelings will be eventually expressed. You’re doing well. It’s yong who has to do well.




<the mom and daughter in law who are affectionate while the sound is pushed out>




S: this is the goguma that we planted. Shall we open it?




<thewrapped up goguma that is given to the mother>




YM: oh the ones where you planted yourselves?








S: yes. Even though we worked hard…




MC: Oh it’s goguma!




MC: oh they presented it very prettily




<the bad harvest w/ the radish-like goguma>




YM: Oh wow it grew beautifully.




MC: oh, out of the pile it’s the best ones… the one they sent us were really tiny.




MC: it was this tiny




MC: mother! That is special A goguma!




Y: we selected the only pretty ones.




YM: I’ll eat it well!




S: over… there, can you hand me the shopping bag?




<and then…>




Y: what is it?




MC: she prepared something else, Soehyun-shi




<wide eyed>




<what can it be?>




<the husband not knowing>




Y: what is it?




S: this is a present for you mother.




<Hyun who has prepared another present>




YM: oh how can I receive this!




MC: Oh Duty Free!




S: it’s Glucosamine and omega 3




<while in Japan bought…. Healthy presents>




YM: Glucosamine for joints




S: yes




YM: I… already have to take these?




S: oh but its also for people like me who constantly dance we already take these.




YM: oh I’m so thankful. I didn’t even prepare anything.




S: oh no, it’s not a problem… this whole thing. And also this…




<in no way…. Again?>




MC: she has something else?




<she has another present!>




S: And this is…this is for mother. It’s a scarf.




MC: Mother hit the jackpot today!




MC: to impress the mom you have to give her some presents.




Y: It’s fancy




YM: it’s fancy~ can I open it?




S: Yes




YM: She only bought things that I like.




S: oh really?




<will the mother like it…>




YM: it’s pretty.




<wine colored scarf>




MC: oh it’s pretty!




MC: it’s pretty! Pretty!




<and then…>




YM: letter?




S: oh, no it’s not…




YM: how to wear the scarf advice book?? So that is what it is.




<oh that’s what it is>




YM: oh the color is really pretty and it’s elegant. After this I have to try it.




S: Oh! It really does look good on you. You look good in wine like colors.




MC: oh so that is why she asked if she like the color of wine.




<that’s why she asked if she like the color before>




YM: with the sunglasses… is it a set? ^-^?! Should I try it on?




S: yes!




YM: alright!




YM: I’ll try it on both.




MC: the mom got excited












YM: should we go to Italy?




MC: After she puts on the glasses she should walk out to the beach.




MC: oh she looks good




<Mrs. Italy>




S: oh she looks good.




YM: I’m I pretty?




S: Yes.




Y: you look pretty.. Pretty pretty pretty.




<the happy son ^^>




<watching the happy mother>




S: and this is for father and for the older brother.




MC: you’re doing well.




MC: oh she prepared for the whole family.




S: it’s a couple scarf so the colors are similar.




YM: I’ll hand it to them well. Thank you so much.




S: It’s nothing.




S: and this… is a letter.




YM: Oh so there is a letter!




<she prepared it>




<there is a letter…!>




MC: out of everything I think the letter is what she most wanted.




YM: Should I read it now? Or should I read it later?




S: oh you can read it now.




Hyun’s letter.




Translated by :baidu gogumas




Hello Father and Mother. I am very nervous since this is my first time greeting both of you formally. yong oppa has always been accomodating the inadequate me in all circumstance. and he understands me well. really thank you. it is all because of father and mother's succesful teachings. i will work hard to be a wise wife for yonghwa oppa. to be a daughter in law that father and mother proud of. wish both of you good health. Daughter-in-law Hyun




MC: oh she write it really nicely.




Y: what?




YM: no I suddenly got impressed.








MC: Oh she succeeded!




< the letter in which the daughter in law impressed her…>




MC: because if she gave the letter first she might have been eh about it but with two presents and a letter… you can’t help but be impressed.




<with two presents and letter you the impression can’t go away!>




<there has to be a formula to get the mother in laws love.>




YM: thank you so much.




MC: The mother’s face suddenly became brighter.




YM: every now and then I’ll read this.




Y: yes!




YM: thank you!




YM: but I didn’t prepare anything




Y: I’m telling you it’s ok




S: oh it’s ok!




Y: it’s fine.




YM: Yong~ thank you!




Y: with what?




YM: You married well!




MC: Must be proud.




MC: I mean if the girl is like that who wouldn’t be?




YM: I think you bought too many presents




S: oh no its not. It’s my first time meeting you. It’s my first time greeting someone formally like this.




YM: so this is how it feels to receive a present from a daughter in law. I’m really happy




S: really?




MC: it looks like the atmosphere is comfortable.




S: please just comfortably think of me as a daughter.




<just think of me as a daughter>








YM: all of a sudden I feel as if I know you well. After getting your presents I want to be around you more ^^.




S: really!?




YM: I think we are getting closer now!




S: oh thank you




Y: You didn’t buy me a present?




S: I buy a lot for you.




<more than usual the well done good wife.>




<now the mother leaves the two>




Y: oh I’m stuffed!




YM: after you see the nice places, meet his friends and come back.




MC: oh looks like the mom is leaving now.




YM: tell your parents to stay safe and tell them that I am so grateful. And I’ll look forward to meeting them




S: I’ll see you again. Please return safely!




YM: have fun




<bye mom!>








S: Goodbye!




YM: I’m leaving!




<watches until the mother fully leaves>




Y: Oh the weather is nice.




S: You’re right




S: it’s not even cold.




S: I didn’t by any chance make a mistake did i?




Y: no you didn’t. you did really well.




<did well>




<did well>




Y: you’re the same as my mom, she said the same thing. She asked if she make any mistakes




MC: oh look they are holding hands comfortably




S: really?




MC: It looks good




Y: We have to look at the beach.




S: yes!




Y: we have to look at the always darkly lit beach.




S: and always cold beach.




Y: cold and dark.




MC: oh looks good




MC: OH it’s San Francisco!




Y: oh the smell of the sea!




<smelling the sea>




S: this is the smell of the sea?




Y: yeah. You can’t tell?




BTW. Does anyone have the preview for next week? I can't find it anywhere!?!





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S: this is a present for you mother.
































































































































































































































































S: it’s Glucosamine and omega 3
































































































































<while in Japan bought…. Healthy presents>
































































































































































































































































<she has another present!>
































































































































S: And this is…this is for mother. It’s a scarf.
































































































































































































































































YM: She only bought things that I like.































































































































































































































































I suddenly remember Seohyun and the of rest SNSD guested at Come to Play recently. She was asked:
































































































































MC: Is there anything that would make your mom very happy?































































































































































































































































SH: Of course, material presents are just as important...































































































































































































































































MC: Like what?































































































































































































































































SH: Like health products and necklace...
































































































































SH's gifts to her mom starting at 22:22
































































































































Everybody was spazzing that SH's mother must be happy when Yong gave her the couple necklace. Apparently, someone from this thread corrected this and said that the translation should be scarf instead of necklace. In that case Hyun gave Yong's Mom the the things that she gives to her mom, as well; things that she thinks are important and make mothers happy. And Hyun and Yong's moms appreciate similar things! Woah * delusions again* (stop it!)
































































































































axy569: I was thinking the same, too about Hyun going to the bathroom. Hahah!
































































































































3M (sounds like a known brand :) : don't be frustrated. We still appreciate you much!
































































































































Dduk: thanks a lot!































































































































































































































































































































































































YM: should we go to Italy?































































































































































































































































































































































































whaaat?! Is this the reason why they want to go to Italy? But then the episode where we saw the amended wish list is before this episode, right? Coinsidence or Goguma Mystery Room?

































































































































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Today's episode is sooo sweet! Yonghwa's mom is so funny and sweet. And Seohyun was.. well being her perfect self again.. if I were the future mother in law of Seohyun. I would drag her to the City Mayor and let her marry my son on the spot before she changes her mind..LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love Yonghwa's expressions while looking at his two favorite females in his life.. especially when Seohyun showed her thoughtfulness by giving gifts and especially writing a letter. Judging by his expression, Seohyun must have tugged his heartstrings big time~!!!!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa! no need to look for other women! Your mom already approves of Seohyun! All you have to do is to MAKE IT REAL!! LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































By the way, i have less timme in spazzing but I noticed a list, pages back.. Please add me on the list.. chyme_31 from the Philippines!!! :w00t:

































































































































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Guest Crystal392














OMO I just watched the latest ep and it was so sweet ♥






























Yong's mom is soo cool... it is soo obvious how much she adores her son and she seemed to really like Hyun. When she finished reading Hyun's letter I felt like she wanted to cry... and the first thing she did was to look at Yong and he notice she was super touched by the letter. Hyunnie you did an awesome job and I am sure your MIL loves you too! :D






























When they were walking holding hands to the beach... they looked so good together, and the sea looked so pretty and I felt as if I were watching a Kdrama.






























As I said before Hyun did a superb job and Yong couldn't stop smiling! ^___^






























Dduk: You are made of awesomeness! hehehe thanks so much for the translations ♥






























Thanks to everyone for the links, pics and everything you've shared ^_^



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