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oh no!!! i hadn't only read this thread in 1 day..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but wow, i almost left behind.. :huh:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the song was totally daebakk...it's so obvious yo~ng confess his true feelings
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































towards hyun....(but poor yon`g, hyu`n seems unaffected) :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i can't believe it....(BANMAL song) got into top1 in just 1 day..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1000x congratulation..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































...btw, what is uriYONGSEO mean and Choding???

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest bolmaejung

ALL-KILL on korea music chart !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


cr. DC WGM

melon, dosirak, bugs, soribada, cyworld, mnet, monkey3, daum, naver

This song is awesome!!! I love it <3<3<3

Congratulations~~!! YONG & HYUN!!!!!!

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anink, thanks for the info & scatterbrain, thanks for the trans~! ^^

wow~ to have yong's mom telling his son's secret to some stranger means SOMETHING! means that she doesn't see hyun as a stranger nor as a celebrity. but her son's girlfriend/wife! :lol: and MIL has obviously accepted hyun as... *coughs* need i say more? xD dangggg this is BIG ISSUE TO THE HEARTS OF ALL GOGUMAS! kyaaaaaaaaaaaa infinity!!!! this must be love! ONLY LOVE WILL BE ABLE TO CHANGE A PERSON. they'll tend to be a better person because of their loved ones. that's what i like about being in love & it's also the best thing that could ever happen in one's life :wub: i guess that's what uri yongseo are experiencing right now~!

honestly, i still can't get over the banmal song's lyric by yong. i've been reading the lines in sync with the song for quite a number of times & it just makes me feel sooooo in love :wub:

soshisoshi, yes i don't normally purchase CDs. i'd rather spend my $$ on something else. well, uhhh that was me before i knew yongseo! :lol: HELLO, HERE IS THE NEW ME. THE ME WHO SUDDENLY PURCHASED CDS JUST BECAUSE... xD haha just what kinda magic do yongseo possess huh?

hi jess~! it's good to have a lurking-goguma coming out of its shell~! :D and u're from the same country as i am! *hi-5* ^^


bolmaejung, thanks for the info! wow, hyun must be very proud of hubby to top that many charts!

bluenix_me, URI = our... and CHODING = playful/childish (somewhere along that line) ^^

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Hi everyone! good evening! can anyone help me? @Bezbezbez  just bought soribada card, can the songs be transfered to my ipod? and how to click the other songs that i may choose?


thank you for your time & understanding! may gosh its my first time doing this because of my love for the couple!!!





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Some random thoughts about Yong's "For first time couple in love"

I remembered that YOng had once shared he could express his feeling much better in his song than words. His emotion could be released and he would feel better afterwards. Can someone find that interview?

This is important as his will to release his version was very strong. He must want to say something to Hyun as stated in the black room interview when being asked during the goguma-harvesting episode.

HIs accumulating drive to express his confession to Hyun must be HUGE that he tried his effort to accomplish it despite his crazy schedule. U can certainly feel his passion in the last two stanzes of the lyrics.

Considering such background makes me so touched by his LOVE and CARE for her!!

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hello gogumas.. 








































i checked this thread a few hours ago and was surprised how it jumped to so many pages....








































i wanna join in the spazzing but had to do so many things for school.. im a law student and so i had to read a lot of cases to prepare for class... but despite everything i still make sure that i get to watch our couple every saturday and get to support them at  anyway possible..laugh.gif








































so although its a bit late....blush.gif








































please let me spazz about the song!! hahawub.gif








































i am so happy that yo~ng released the song solo.. although im happy that they did  a duet, i share others' thoughts that probably this is not what yong had in mind.. he meant it to be his gift,, his confession,, his way of saying what he truly feels.. and im so happy that despite his very busy schedule he completed the song and shared it with us.. 








































when i first heard the song.. i felt like crying.. hahaha and then yongseo moments came flashing before me although i didn't understand 90% of it (i only understood uri and banmal and saranghe hahha)..








































i remembered yong's smile the moment he saw that his wife was hyun...the way he looks at hyun with that calm, sweet smile.. the gifts which he personally made...the first time they held hands...and many many more memories... there's just no other explanation... love has finally found the both of them...wub.gifwub.gif








































and then i read the english translation of the song... and then its gochun! ahahaha im so inlove with this couple... its not everyday that you get to see two different people fall in love with each other..  








































yo~ng...  thank you for sharing your feelings... thank you for having the guts to spill it all out.... i so so love the song.. and im very happy that you released it individually and not with cn blue.. gogumas please don't get me wrong.. but i just feel that its more special because its just yong....








































PS: their relationship is just so real... although its a fake marriage in the begining we all witnessed how it blossomed into something natural... there's just somethings you can't fake.. you can't act out... and sometimes no matter how much you restrain yourself feelings come out...








































oh i wish someday i could find myself a yo~ng! wub.gif








































oh and thank you  to all the translators...really... from the bottom of my heart.. and to all gogumas thank you... to those who supply us with information and photos of our couple im really really grateful as this is my only source of updates for our couple... and to all authors of great great fanfics thank you so much... 








































and lastly.. to that someone who added my name in the country list.. thank you so much... i don't know how to insert a spolier so thank u so much for including me... 








































happy spazzing gogumas... 









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Guest biancacoolio








Hi everyone! good evening! can anyone help me? @Bezbezbez  just bought soribada card, can the songs be transfered to my ipod? and how to click the other songs that i may choose?






thank you for your time & understanding! may gosh its my first time doing this because of my love for the couple!!!

















Lol.  I'm also pretty clueless about anything Soribada. Banmal Song is the first song I've purchased online. Ever. 






But I got the gist of it. 






Do you have Itunes?






To download it into your computer files, you just have to press that blue arrow pointing downwards besides the song on the very home page of Soribada. Then just drag the newly downloaded song into Itunes.






If you have any questions, you can just PM me. I'll try to help. smile.gif






And gosshhh it feels so satisfying to be able to  purchase the song in a Korean website. Usually I just download stuff illegally (I know, I know... lol) but Yongseo is worth it. 



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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong hwa's solo version of the banmal song is as daebak as the duet...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































as we have already had millions of views in YT for the duet,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































let's now go hand in hand to support yong's solo version...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































his rendition of the banmal song is the sweetest ever,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and it's like he's boldly declaring his love for seo hyun...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this couple really doesn't fail to amaze me...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they're just lovable, and we here in go-chun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































will continue to love them unconditionally...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































btw, i want to be included in the list too...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm from the philippines...

































































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OMO~ I want to say thanks YongSeo International for dropping by at the Adam Couple thread and for leaving a wonderful message to Kkapliners. We extend our love to you guys. Thanks for the vid and the poster. Adam Couple is definitely forever. Thanks guys.








Much Love ♥





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Guest bezbezbez































Hi Gogumas!






































I, along with dreamyboo, kaptenkeirin, rippergirl and Goguma1207, worked on small tokens for the KKAPLINERS to support them today. We all know that this will be the hardest day for them. I hope we can all be there for them. Just in case they'll do some trending activities later, I'm expecting everyone's participation. We are just one family, let's show them how supportive and caring we, GOGUMAS, are.






































One more request, please leave encouraging messages on this video. I'm sure that the KKAPLINERS can read it.







































































































Today is the deadline for the pictures for the "IT'S A YONGSEO WORLD AFTER ALL" part of our project. Please send your pics within the day because we still have to work on the fanvid so that we can finish it right before the shipping date, February 1.












I'm also hoping that you'll also support the "GOGUMAS GIVE BACK" project. We still need a lot of money for the charity project. Please PM me if you are interested to help :)












that's it for now! I'll be back later for more updates :)
















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Dear fellow Gogumas,

I have finally managed to update my fanfiction over at LJ

Goguma Hours (19.1/20)

Please note that the second part (Chapter 19.2) is NOT appropriate for minors. Seriously, I mean it. Hope you like it nonetheless.

Best regards,


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Guest ninyaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm such a fail fan. i didn't know the digital single was already released. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































after the episode last saturday, i was debating on whether to comment or not, but in the end i decided to just remain in my hibernate mode and enjoy the discussions taking place. reading some of the posts are very helpful in keeping me 'sane,' because most of the time, this fandom makes my overactive imagination worse. haha. it's a hopeless case.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































some people might kill me for saying this, but i'm happy that the banmal song was released as a solo. i love the way yonghwa sings -- he brings so much emotion in every song he performs. and this is no exemption. i'm not even gonna think of negativities or doubts right now. all of those things went away the second i heard the song and read the translation. if i got carried away listening to the song, i wonder how much more overwhelmed seohyun feels right at this very moment.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dear yongseo, i'm even gonna forgive you for toying with my feelings, because this rollercoaster ride has been one of the scariest and most exciting that i have ever experienced. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seohyun, you are freaking lucky.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Lol.  I'm also pretty clueless about anything Soribada. Banmal Song is the first song I've purchased online. Ever. 


But I got the gist of it. 


Do you have Itunes?


To download it into your computer files, you just have to press that blue arrow pointing downwards besides the song on the very home page of Soribada. Then just drag the newly downloaded song into Itunes.


If you have any questions, you can just PM me. I'll try to help. *quoted image*


And gosshhh it feels so satisfying to be able to  purchase the song in a Korean website. Usually I just download stuff illegally (I know, I know... lol) but Yongseo is worth it. 



Thanks Biancs;) HUGGSZZ got it already.. i forgot to activate the card hahahha! bcoz i cant wait to download the Bamal song and its 1:31 in the morning in my place..


likewise its my first time also! i dont know, but my love for this couple grows more everyday! ;)  thanks for your time? by the way your from?;)



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@bezbezbez: you guys are seriously daebak, I had tears in my eyes reading your post over at Adam Couple's thread. And the video, it's really amazing. This whole WGM world it really feels like home somehow:blush:




I'd really like to donate, what's the minimum or average donation, I am a poor student *sob*












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Guest adam_couple












Dear Goguma Fans,

















Im a KkappLiner  come here to thank a zillion to you for a wonderful wish, poster and a beautifully made video.








Im Cried when i watch the video tears.gif








I love Goguma Couple Fans!!








You guys are awesome!!








Wish both our couple will have good health and blessing.








Im pray for Goguma Couple will stay long in WGM








Adam Couple & Goguma Couple Fighting!!!!

















Love You Guys!!wub.gifwub.gif

















From us KKappLiner Fans biggrin.gif



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At last, am able to purchase the song from soribada, giving my support to this lovely couple~ =) Hopefully, with our support, this song will get the non goguma fans to be interested in them and more ppl will fall in love with them!














































































I would like to shout out my Thanks to mountain madman for the translation, donewdud for the romanization of the lyric. The heartfelt words from YH really moved me to tears. :tears:














































































Listening to this song, make me reminisce how I started to watch this show.















































I have to admit like one of the previous poster, am not really into reality show. I'm a Kdrama fans for years (however never find the interest to watch YAB hence didn't know YH prior) but never really a Kpop fan hence my knowledge of this couple was really from WGM.















































It's a twist of fate that i get to watch their eps in sept - I start off from the eps of them meeting Ueno Juri.. At 1st, i thought that they had only appeared for a few eps so imagine my surprise that they have already been together since Feb! I still remember the skinship between them at that time was really minimal so any little touch or eyeships will get villagers spazzing! :P














































































In order to know this couple better, I will try to watch their interview, variety show and have come to love them as a musician, a performer.














































































Initially, I had my reserve about YH making known of his feeling to SH while the show is still on. I just feel that it will be better for YH to confess to her after the show to show that his feeling is for real without attachment. However, after watching their relationship has grown and strengthen these few weeks and also I have learn from my personal experience recently that you only live once.















































All these thinking are all thrown out of the window now, why wait if this is what your heart tells you that your heart will only beat for her?














































































Hopefully, one day, both of them will stand in front of each other not as leader of CNBLUE and maknae of SNSD but as Jung Yonghwa and Seo Joo Hyun telling each other (allow me to quote my fav line in Notting Hill) that “I'm just a girl/boy, standing in front of a boy/girl, asking him/her to love her/him. :wub:














































































P.s wonder what is the 180 degree of changes that MIL refers to? Could it be the reading habit that his buin has influence him?









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I can't wait for the Banmal song to be release... Even if only Yonghwa will be singing it, because yong represent hyun because they are a couple... so no problem it will be like two roll into one.  Because whether yong  or hyun will be singing this song, i know that for us Gogumas fans, in our hearts Banmal Song will still and will be forever Yongseo song...right guys?..












1. MountainMadman
























3. Faith_memory


4. gmanalangster


5. shawie829




7. arwenarya
















1. K1L1On1Mr4


2. Puge




3. zero_one




5. nadihee


6. Rrelina


7. Transformer86










3. Hapiangle




5. genevieveshaun




7. isomerkyaa






1. zXavier


2. Aki_yongseo


3. yonseo_forever


4. sherlyn275 (sherlyn neo)


5. chilipadi_22


6. Applehaven


7. roy_lover


8. wishwash


9. babypillow


10. blurkimchi (Kimberlyn Tan)


11. whitezephyr
















1. womingzzine


2. psyche86


3. lovelybee




5. CheriMerci






1. rxp080100


2.crystalblue (I am Vietnamese but a U.S. citizen)


3. BRoze2001


4. ikekeyou













1. Kerube-Chan










1. Wallpaperfood


2. Goguma1207








1. Trent


2. Krissylia






1. carrots98






1. rushgiri


















1. Nettaya



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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong everyone....."waves"







I just come back from my trip. woaaa..it's been a long time since my last post. I really miss all of my family in here.....







so here is my new fan mv of yongseo "Will you marry me?"




















I hope yongseo's story like this fan mv..ke.ke..ke







They lived happily ever after........







I really love the lyric......







Song Will You Marry Me (Lee Seung Gi Ft. Bizniz)







Will you marry me?







Will you live forever with me?







Whilst loving each other







I want to have a child that looks like me, another one that looks like you







And live, unhurt, for 1000, or 10000 years







To be honest with you, I like you more than you like me







And people say thats better between a man and a woman












I'll love you more. I'll take care of you







If you cry, if you're having a hard time, if you're hurt, I'll hurt with you







I'll love you forever, I'll protect you forever







I'm thankful that I've met someone like you







I want to love only you everyday







Will you marry me












(Rap) Marry me, there's a feeling of happiness everyday







And I look forward to tomorrow with you







Why am I nervous







You are the best, no matter how much I look at you







Until our black hair becomes white







Until our lives end







Even if I put water to your hands, I won't put tears in your eyes












You as my half, I as your half







I'll love you as long as I breathe







When time goes by and we get wrinkles







You and I will be together like now












I'll love you more. I'll take care of you







If you cry, if you're having a hard time, if you're hurt, I'll hurt with you







I'll love you forever, I'll protect you forever







I'm thankful that I've met someone like you







I want to love only you everyday












(Rap) You're like the light which lightened up my dark life







The sound of soup boiling greeting me







The rain that falls on my thirsty heart







The poem that contains the meaning of love







The string of destiny that the heavens have allowed







The meeting between you and I was meant to be







You'll be irreplaceable even if I was given the whole world







You'll be the only person in my life forever







If you cry, if you're having a hard time, if you're hurt, I'll hurt with you












I'll love you more. I'll take care of you







I'll love you forever, I'll protect you forever







I'm thankful that I've met someone like you  I want to love only you everyday







Will you marry me?



















































Thanks everyone...for all about yongseo couple......




Can Someone add me to the list? I'm From INDONESIA...









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Guest gembul10

Jung Yong Hwa!!!

You are a genius!

If you are saying that Seo Hyun is a genius, I'm telling you that you are the one who is a genius!

You are always amaze us with your attitude, chodingness, your maturity to guide Seo Hyun to step into the new world, and your ideas of giving Seo Hyun presents...

Ooh.. I can never stop to adore you and Seo Hyun. You two are so sweet for a young couple in this era.

Thank you to YongSeo couple for giving us the happines every week, making our hearts dugeun..dugeun.. every week to wait the new episodes...

Ooh... how can I not adore you if you always present us with the unexpected things...

Kamsahamnida Yong Seo Couple... I can't write and express better, the overflowing feeling that my heart felt, making me smile and grin ear to ear every day.

First time to buy music on-line via Soribada! it's due to YeongSeo couple.

Will play it again and again....

Yeong Seo couple Fighting!!

BTW, I'm from Indonesia, if anyone wants to add me on the list.

Need to thank you to MountainMadman for the translation, to all gogumas who provide pictures, screencap, links, tips to buy to Soribada, all of you are amazing people, amazing goguma citizens.

Just wandering where is J2dlee, sun_sun?

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