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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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some of you guys thinks that maybe next week uri yongseo get 40 min, i would like that, but does it mean 4 the next ep they will airs only for 7 min like what happen to the khuntoria? so what do you guys prefers? got 40min airtime and cut to 7 min only at next ep? or 20 min this ep just like usual so next ep there will be no decrease on airtime on uri couple?
























You have a good point there. I don't know if I can survive just having 7 minutes of YongSeo for a whole week lol if the editing would be great, showing us the most sweetest moment to spazz a whole week for then I guess it's not that bad. Like with Khuntoria, their 7-minute-cut was very sweet. Don't even begin about Adam's.. ha.
























I don't know what to say about the picture... I saw a Korean tweet with lots of 'T_T' faces so initially I thought it was some other girl that was leaning against Yong's shoulder. The green-eyed monster (jealousy) in me almost got upset on behalf of Seohyun, but then I read the tweet and oh... <3.
























Normally I wouldn't think anything of a girl resting her head on a guy's shoulder on WGM. Happens times before, 'cause it felt to me just part of the skinship. In YongSeo's case it has so much more meaning to it as we've all witnessed the emotions, struggles and changes they've been through and know that this isn't something they'd just do for the sake of doing it. With this they lay their feeling out raw, for us to see and for each other. Sigh.





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You know what is more awesome? is the fact that after the Busan trip we know that they have gotten closer and more lovely judging from the Banmal song recording last week which was recent. Aww man, thank you PD nim for your epicness!
































Thank you guys for sharing and spazzing. I have such a hard week but reading your posts and spazz makes my heart feel a little bit lighter. Thank you :-)
































Actually i would prefer 20mins rather than 40mins. Because then every week we would have 20mins for our goguma couple and other couples will have a fare share of airtime. I don't mind because even 20mins is enough for me to spazz like mad. Every episode they showed their progress and that is so much more precious than everything else. As long as its always 20mins i won't complain.^_^
































Have a beautiful goguma day guys!





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Guest linh80


watching the video Hyun refuse to hold hand with Yesung, hahah. i think Yong must say something before or show his jealousy that makes Hyun refuse holding hand with other guys.




Before WGM she still hold hand with other guys when the show ends, but now because of someone's jealous she didnt do that anymore. i really want to see jealous Yong:-)




edit: I changed my mind, i want everyweek 20 mininute better. because 40 minute is too much for my heart to consume :wub: maybe it will explode. and it will give our couple relax time to record. i dont want our couple sick and rush, just relax and stay forever than i even dont need 20 minute a week anymore


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Guest quisty86
























Re the photo: I think they maybe be linking arms? I was trying to figure out how Seohyun could be in that position without getting too uncomfortable. It can't go just limp bec. it needs support for the shoulder. Holding hands only will not give that much support. Better if it's holding onto/hugging something. So I figure Hyun's right arm must be linked behind Yonghwa's left. But that's just my speculation. 
















Better if linked arms, holding hands. Hehe. 
















So, have you guys recovered already? We need lots of Oxygen tanks and vitamins I guess for this week and most especially for Saturday. 
















It's just funny how maybe that Yesung-Seohyun incident could have been their inside joke (among SM) but fancams captured it.
















Lovekin! :)





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Guest Fluorescent.Flower



EDIT: Also, I found this fancam today that had a closer view of Seohyun and Yesung at the MBC Gayo.  From this view, you can see that Yesung didn't say anything to Seohyun, she just hesitated to take his hand.  When she hesitated, it was like Yesung remembered something and took Taeyeon's hand instead.  Onew nor Taeyeon was surprised by this move...hmmm do they know something we don't? Like perhaps....the fact that Seohyun is 100% taken?

Fancam - Seohyun only holds ONE boy's hand!






Thank you for the link. I knew she rejected him but I didn't know how to prove it because it was quite obvious even from the Yesung fancam that Seohyun didn't want to hold hands.




@Busan train pic: Wow. I died for a moment there. That's such a cute picture, I would've never thought maknae could be so comfortable around a guy to link her arm with his, hold hands, wear his jacket, be piggybacked by him, and now lean on his shoulder and sleep! This show has indeed become a valuable experience for her and hopefully it will make Yonghwa a valuable person to her as well. I really wish they would date now, I can't see her with anyone else.




Anyway, can't wait for Saturday~!!


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Guest icegabrielle






Daebak! When I first saw the picture I kept on staring at it.. I couldn't believe it!  I even asked my sister if the picture was photoshopped.. laugh.gif  When she said that its not..  I couldn't stop squealing.. Oh my.. !!!  I can't believe it!!!  Can't wait for this episode.. Hope they'll show this scene...


Love Love Love..  YongSeo!!!



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Guest miel_1301
































































[Thanks CheriMerci for dropping this bomb that caused loud explosions not only here but in many fan sites.]
























From the moment this photo has been released to the public and up until now, the word "OMG!" can very well make it to the Guiness Book of records for being the "most used" word of the day. Everywhere I go @twitter, @FB, @tumbler, @SPD and in here--- every line, every sentence of every spazz of every Goguma has the word "OMG!".













































































































Humor aside, What sets this YongSeo Couple apart from the rest?... What makes them different so-to-speak?
























In this ever so fast moving and changing world, the YongSeo couple has been consistently making us viewers appreciate albeit savor the "basics", the "fundamentals" and what could have been the "simplest" things in living and in loving that we may have taken for granted, that we may have long ignored or that we may have even brushed aside as mere trivialities. This couple need not resort to any grandiose gesture to display their penchant or even perhaps their affection for each other. Because the very simple hand holding, the sweet arm linking and the head-resting-on-the-shoulder are but enough manifestations of their PURE BLISS.
























There's only one word that I can best describe YongSeo Couple --- They are simply "BEAUTIFUL"
























@_d3seohyun, so that fancam of Yesung and Seobaby says it clearly---- that it was indeed our Seobaby who refused to hold hand with her SUJU Oppa Yesung. So her hands are just exclusively reserved for that "someone"? And if for this can I say, "Jung Yong Hwa, you are one lucky boy!".
























@lenovo, dearie, hugs to you for reposting that capture of Yong inside the car during their arrival at BUSAN. It's one of those that I am looking for which I wasn't able to save when they were first posted here. Is the woman driving beside YongHwa her Mom? I think so, yeah?









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Guest YukiAgne





Here's the eng translation for COME TO PLAY ...Seohyun cut....



Jaesuk: Seohyun what wouldyou do if you were in the same situation (as Lee Teuk)



Seohyun: Of course I would greet mymom.



Jaesuk: What if you told your mom“mom, this is my boyfriend” and your mom responded with “what do you thinkyou’re doing?” what would you do?



Seohyun: My parents aren’t the type todo that.



Jaesuk: This is so frustrating… we’rejust saying what if!



Wonhee: Then what if your parents werein opposition of your future marriage?



Seohyun: Then I would ask why they areagainst it.



(Acting out the scene)



Jaesuk: You shouldn’t be dating!You’re in a time enlightenment!



Seohyun: I’m working hard inself-development and he is someone that assists me in this time.



Wonhee: No, we reject!



Seohyun: Please tell me what you don’tlike about him



Jaesuk quits and goes: Seohyun isn’tthe type of person to have a marriage that her parents will object, but wow sheis stubborn.


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Guest uh-ohxev
















































I think it'd be ok if we got 40 minutes this week... last week Adam got 40 minutes, the week before it was KhunToria, now it can be YongSeo! The week after it can be regular again.. it'd only be fair! That way all couples would get their 40 minutes. I'm just anticipating this Busan ep! They're teasing us so much.. aigoo.. why is it only Wednesday? If only I can fast forward time! :wub:

















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this news article mentions something from FNC Staff regarding Banmal song...
















that's what i oculd barely comprehend with google translate
















can a kind soul please clarify what bit of news this article contains?
















































thanks scatterbrain for translating!
















aigoo i feared this would happen
















but no worries
















Gochun's first priority is Yong & Hyun
















if they're happy then I'm happy
















and right now I feel that they're very happy
















see this:

































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Guest Faith_memory






I had a really bad day at school, but seeing the picture made me perfectly happy again!! ♥ gosh the power of yongseo. The shot was awesome.. they look 'weird in a good way'. lol. honestly, they look weird, they look PERFECTLY GOOD. I love the person that took that shot. lol!!











I want to cry because of too much happiness to be honest. The development is so OBVIOUS. they started awkward but slowly becoming like this. They are not the type where at the beginning they are already CLOSE. they started differently. the development is observable and we are so lucky to be a goguma.











Gogumas we are being BLESSED!




YongSeo is the REAL DEAL.


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Guest LennieYongseo




now I can only SCREAM with my heart flowers bloom. YONGSEODAEBAK! SOOMPI DAEBAK! and GOGUMA DAEBAK LOVERS!how can they do this? haha .. I imagine them holding hands in theblanket. and they wear the same type of glasses ..? really cute .. Ireally hope tomorrow is Saturday and tonight I can dream .. yongseohuwaaaaaaaa ..





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Guest scatterbrain

I got this news in baidu. Please do not be alarmed. is a pity but well, we know how crazy Yong's and Hyun's schedules are. and their health are the most important.

all the news released in baidu have been very reliable so far...

Looks like SeoHyun and JungYongHwa won't be able to release banmal song in the time being

Seohyun JungYongHwa composed banmal song in WGM recently. jungyonghwa composed the song and the lyrics for the chorus. seohyun wrote the lyrics for the first part. Both of them finished composing the song. released it in youtube and broke 1million views.

but it seems that the song won't be able to be released in the time being. CNBLUe management told the media: both of them wont be collaborating. even if CNBlue can promote this song, they won't be able to use the lyrics that seohyun wrote.

considering CNB and SNSD schedules, a duet is not possible at the moment. Last year Adam couple also released a song and received cheers from fans. this time, banmal song also received attention from netizens, and are expected to be released as well.

WGM crew said: this song was able to be written because jungyonghwa and seohyun felt the love. to them, it's very meaningful. even though fans felt it's a pity, looks like there's no other way

on the other hand. on WGM on the 8th, seohyun visits jungyonghwa's hometown Busan. she will meet mom-in-law for the first time. mom-in-law mentions seohyun's sea-flavoured kimchee and fist-sized bean paste soup. how will seohyun and jungyonghwa reacts?

credit to goguma baidu

i don't mind them not releasing the song. they need to take care of their health. we can watch them in youtube and that's good enough for me. and we already receive a lot of good news from them. the busan trip picture, the news about seohyun meeting mom-in-law. can't have too much good news.

edit: @wallpaperfood. i agree with you, it shudn't be commercialised because it's something personal to them and by not selling it, it will be just a simple song that will be shared between them. for us to be able to watch and support them thru youtube is already our honour.

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whoaaa today was a pretty hectic day for a goguma like me! before i proceed... KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

dang i was sneaking into the thread while my new colleague went to washroom & saw that EPIC yongseo-leaning-against-each-other-while-zzZ-pic!!! seriously... i couldn't believe what my eyes saw till i looked closer! omigoshhhhhhh i'm sure i got stoned there for many seconds & quickly savor the pic as much as i could before my colleague came back LOL!! danggg why do i hafta have newbie under me at this time!!! >.< finally, i'm here to savor & save the pic!!! muahahaahahahhahahah THANKS SO MUCH cherimerci!!!!! u're jjang!!! & also mountainmadman... u're daebakkkkk!!!! am still dugeun-duguen here! :w00t:

oh ya!!! did u notice that blue mini xperia there?? yong got himself another new cellphone! andddd if u zoom into their glasses. the side rims(?), uh not sure what u call the sides of the glasses... yong's in blue & hyun's in pink! what's more, both glasses look identical in shape & size! could they be wearing couple glasses!?!?!?! wow! now i just realized that both yongseo are short-sighted! whoaaaaaa they're sooo meant for each otherrrrr!!! dang sorry for the messy sentences... blame it on that pic! :w00t:

woolly~!!!! i know how u felt seeing that SURREAL PIC while at work... tough eh! i had to sneak a few times to satisfy myself! :tears: btw, i luv that song suggestion of urs! ohohohoh... hopefully someone will make FMV outta that song~! xD

LOL lovekin... u certainly have changed so much!!! :lol:


scatterbrain~!!! thanks for the news update! this really caught my attention!

WGM crew said: this song was able to be written because jungyonghwa and seohyun felt the love. to them, it's very meaningful. even though fans felt it's a pity, looks like there's no other way

whoaaa!!!! even WGM is mentioning the word LOVE! it's like WGM is also helping yongseo out in someway by giving the public an introduction just like what taeyeon did??? since WGM is said to favour yongseo a lot! pull me back to earth someone!

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Guest linh80



WGM crew said: this song was able to be written because jungyonghwa and seohyun felt the love. to them, it's very meaningful. even though fans felt it's a pity, looks like there's no other way
thanks to scatterbrain




If this is what the Staff said than i dont need anything else. the song i can download from internet. but i really want them to realse the song because it is so meaningful for them, and i a goguma want to have an official version. i hope FCN and SM can work together, who knows these 2 still compose together. the song just beautiful when these 2 sing toghether and it is so obviouly this is for Hyun.




Or Yong can finish his lyric and released in his new album. but come on. please let them sing and record together. the company also can earn money from that.






BUt anyway if the WGM staff said that they felt the love when writing this song, then we fans are much too happy :wub:


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so is this scene a cut from the upcoming episode or is it a bts pic?

and why i'm asking?

rmbr there was a rumor or was it a fan acct during yongseo train trip

to Jeongdongjin that said hyun did sleep on the train and that yong covered her

with the blanket, but this scene was edited out.

so, i'm hoping and praying that PDnim will NOT edit this one too..

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Guest wallpaperfood

T_T Scatterbrain, but thanks for alerting anyway :"(

I read in Youtube comments and didn't believe, until you confirmed, sigh. 

Even though Yongseo's schedules are so packed that they can't even do a duet, can't it be done through WGM? Like how Banmal Song was anyway...

Well, I guess taking care of their health is more important, for sure. To be absolutely honest......and please don't hate me....I didn't like the idea of it being sold and hence commercialised..I liked the simplicity behind the song's origins - Yong composing a little on the sidelines to one day sing it for Buin, and Buin eventually joining in to compose lyrics, where they recorded a vid of them singing it on their couch in their own home sweet home <3 . All us gogumas showing our love via Youtube is enough already =).

sorry, it's just my opinion! just realised my post is a bit contradictory haha

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their couple eye-glasses!
















so cute!
















blue for yong & pink for hyun
















cr: dcmarried & as tagged
































































(the case on the table...)

















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Guest clrais






I needed something to boost me through work today and this picture of them on the train is just awesome! I didn't realize i was squeezing my lil girl..lol. Ahhhh...they look so cute resting on each other..I couldn't believe it. I can't wait for saturday already. :D



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