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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas! Who watched Come To Play yesterday? Is it just me or Seohyun really keeps on saying 'boyfriend' there. Or is that really the topic. Idk. Haha. Seohyun chose Leeteuk. Hyun, you're hubby is watching you. XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lovekin yes Yonghwa's signature has been like that ever since he debuted. It also amused me to no end when I first saw it I was kinda anticipating for them to talk about it during their Jeongdongjin trip but they didn't >__<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post, jinkee, but where and when was that photo taken?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Have a nce day! school tomorrow :((((
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest teuksunghae



yeah, I am actually watching it now ( CTP ) at youtube but no sub yet obviously which means I don't understand anything sweatingbullets.gif

ah it's only Monday and I already thirst of yongseo's news.. ha ha ha

can't wait until Friday...



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aisuo, u got me out of my noontime-lurk-mode! haha thanks for hyun's family pic~! now we know where she got the looks & the chubby cheeks from! kekeke hyun's so lucky to have such good-looking parents. :wub: btw, i luv ur compilation! it was really reminiscent... their walks in the uncertain path that they risked was certainly worth it~!

luvtokki, thanks for the input on taeyeon's statement. come to think of it, u may be right. for taeyeon to take such action, i'm sure she must've thought about it (consequences, etc) enough to speak out her mind.

ppsf~! wow... it's been a long time i haven't seen u around! :) thanks for sharing their signatures~! just like lovekin, i also think that it's kinda freaky that these two have so much in common despite them coming from different origins & not to mention, their huge differences in personality! seriously, i've never encountered any two individuals when put together, to have so much similarities/coincidences & to really complement each other so much like yongseo! i'd be sad if they don't get together/married for real. yongseo are truly ONE OF A KIND! even SNSD unnies know that~!

back to work! :ph34r:

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer




















oohhhhhhh another mention of Yongseo (?) in Come To Play...










































































































It starts on 06:06... ^_^





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the ratings of We Got Married Season 2 on January 1st 2011
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































source: TNmS
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Gosh everyone. I never expect for you to actually like what I posted the other day. Thank you so much. =)








































































































































Anyway, this post from DC married has 1000k views already and I have no idea what it says. If it's irrelevant, I'm sorry.
























































































































































































































































































































































































































I have a bad feeling about that link. I don't know why. -__-









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Guest wallpaperfood

sweet_spy; wow, hey I can relate completely (except about how you weren't exactly hooked from the start)! The reason why I prefer Jdramas over Kdramas? The length - usually 12 eps max, compared to 16+ to unbelievable lengths,despite their superb plots and emotions, etc. I have a short attention span and get bored easily, and watching more than 4 episdes is a breakthrough for me. Hence i've started sooo many must-watch Kdramas, but I've only ever finished Full House & You're Beautiful LOL. I'm shocked at myself for keeping track of Yongseo each week this whole year . Not to mention those withdrawal symptoms (that I never want to experience via long trips again!!). Through Yongseo, I've gotten a twitter account, a soompi account, a livejournal account, learned about fan clubs, been alerted to the fact that Youtube takes down stuff quicker than I think, and I've even discovered forums (omg I'm a lateboomer). I've never bothered staying on one page and refreshing the whole day before. I don't even normally care about activities of celebs or idols, so i'm just sayin'...I never thought I'd be a die-hard shipper of ANYONE. ;P ... I'm glad it's Yongseo. :)

aisuo; thanks for the pic of her and her parents! I can see she gets her mom's nose and her dad's eyes =). neomu yeppoh <3

also a big shout out to dreamy and pia chingus!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 Dreamy, let's just say it was a long trip enough for me to read more than just Emma -.-" hehe, but great to be back!, and Pia, happy new year to youtoo - must spazz with you soon this Sat! it's a date lol

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Guest tkagoguma
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hey there..hihi
































































































































































































































































just want to share what i found while browsing through yesung fancam mbc gayo daejun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 hehe..i'm not sure if someone already post this..but i just loves the looks on yong face...hehephew.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest shane09

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































just some new news on yong to relieve some pressure from any goguma fans
















































































































CNBLUE went to a fansigning event at a school on Monday the 3rd of January
















































































































and from some fanpics we can see yong wearing a ring???
















































































































I know i should stop mentioning any events about the ring since we all concluded that the ring isnt a significant item of their relaitonship anymore
















































































































But he is wearing a ring on his left hand 4th finger, but i cannot 100% confirm that it is te couple ring, but it does look like it
















































































































so i guess we all can relax about that last filming RUMOUR.

























































































































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Guest BigSmileAgain
















I got this from Twitter.































On Tuesday 4th January 2011, @SMTownFamily said:
















SNSD’s Seohyun, who’s known for her upright character, started off the discussion by revealing her self-sufficiency. ”I think that the way I respect my parents is by doing what I’m supposed to do on my own. From my mother’s perspective, she probably wants to take care of her young and busy daughter as much as she can, but I told her not to worry about it because I can do it on my own. I think that unfortunately made her more upset because I was forced to mature so early. Of course, other physical presents are just as precious, but as their daughter, I think growing up without being fussy is a bigger present for them. I will become a daughter that works hard on improving herself and does not make her parents worry.”
















on MBC's Come To Play ~~^^









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Reason why I keep watching the recent episode despite the dragging feeling the PDs did for it:
















































































































































































































































































This is my most favorite part from the whole 19 minutes of their cut. Simply because I adore how Yonghwa perfectly flashed a smile that contains real happiness and contentment. Some of you may think that he’s just merely smiling his toothy smile again but look closer, think deeper. There’s something in that smile that makes me positively think that it’s one of his moments when he completely forgot about the rolling cameras in front of them. He flashed a smile that guys do when they knew they did something silly and their girlfriends absolutely liked it. It’s like the only time he didn’t felt annoyed with himself when he messed up with the lyrics again. It feels like he was completely, utterly and beyond happy just being with her again. (Now don’t you think he meant those mistakes just to prolong the filming time with Seohyun? We know how abrupt this filming was and if they’ll finish early…they wouldn’t know when they’ll meet again XD)
















































































































































































































































































Truthfully, it's my first time seeing him smile like that.
















































































































































































































































































Now that’s a real smile. A usual smile after hearing a pleasant reply. Yes, I’m comparing the smiles he made in those two caps. The meaning behind those smiles looks completely different from each other. This is just my opinion.
















































































































































































































































































It’s completely lovely to see and know that this couple can totally make different levels of happiness in their smile, touch, look…of just everything. I’m contented with the episode even though they obviously focused on their NGs. You just need to watch beyond what they’re physically doing.
















































































































































































































































































/shuts up

















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On Come To Play they mentioned YongSeo because for that segment they had to choose a couple name. Seohyun and Leeteuk chose TeukSeo because Seohyun is YongSeo on WGM.
























aneng I am so frustrated, because I don't understand a word that person's writing (Korean internet slang). But from the comments they're mostly What is it?, I want to know too and Don't be upset. I can't find anything about the actual matter. Someone fluent Korean should have a look, from the comments it seems worrying?
























Edit: From what I can gather, that person doesn't say anything about the actual matter but says that he/she discovered something striking before. He/she instead shares his/her frustration and sadness about something related to YongSeo while not actually saying anything about it. That person even said that he/she's devastated. That he/she can't talk openly about it and hopes that we understand.
























So.. someone with better Korean should help to have a better understanding on this, so don't panic because my translations might be totally different from what's actually said. It could also be that that person has heard something disturbing, but it might not be true? Either way, please don't panic until it's properly translated.
























About their autographs, I noticed that before and it's pretty cute. If I'm correct, Seohyun has had that star since debut (like Yoona) but halfway changed it to something else and later went back to her initial way of signing lol
























I also want to say that Yonghwa's autograph is really thought out well. The way he curves the Y and how the extension of the letter G is essential to make out the letters H and A. Amazing lol





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i am sooo with you aneng!!! i really love that moment. of all the spazzworthy moments of yongseo (besides the skinships and eyehips) THIS part killed me. of all the real moments of yongseo, this seemed to be the TRUEST and SINCEREST of all for me. :wub: watching them since episode 1, i have never ever seen yonghwa laugh like he did at that moment. it was purely human (if you get what i mean). sweatingbullets.gif i kept replaying that scene coz it just flutters my heart watching yong act that way with seohyun as if his there were no cameras. :wub: it'll be easy for us, avid yongseo fans, to differentiate this from all other moments/episodes where yonghwa laughed. THIS IS JUST EPIC. i swear, this scene made me fall even more for this couple. and this scene is what i'll miss the most if they leave wgm. tears.giftears.gif





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Guest tinybeatingheart

































































































































































































































































oohhhhhhh another mention of Yongseo (?) in Come To Play...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It starts on 06:06... 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Teukie was just explaining on how they formed the word 'Teukseo' which is derived from Yongseo. Haha. I think?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ANyways, last filming rumor? wtf. Yongseo, nooooooooooo. I'm crying rn :(

































































































































































































































































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Guest uh-ohxev
































On Come To Play they mentioned YongSeo because for that segment they had to choose a couple name. Seohyun and Leeteuk chose TeukSeo because Seohyun is YongSeo on WGM.
















aneng I am so frustrated, because I don't understand a word that person's writing (Korean internet slang). But from the comments they're mostly What is it?, I want to know too and Don't be upset. I can't find anything about the actual matter. Someone fluent Korean should have a look, from the comments it seems worrying?
















Edit: From what I can gather, that person doesn't say anything about the actual matter but says that he/she discovered something striking before. He/she instead shares his/her frustration and sadness about something related to YongSeo while not actually saying anything about it. That person even said that he/she's devastated. That he/she can't talk openly about it and hopes that we understand.
















So.. someone with better Korean should help to have a better understanding on this, so don't panic because my translations might be totally different from what's actually said. It could also be that that person has heard something disturbing, but it might not be true? Either way, please don't panic until it's properly translated.
















About their autographs, I noticed that before and it's pretty cute. If I'm correct, Seohyun has had that star since debut (like Yoona) but halfway changed it to something else and later went back to her initial way of signing lol
















I also want to say that Yonghwa's autograph is really thought out well. The way he curves the Y and how the extension of the letter G is essential to make out the letters H and A. Amazing lol































Thank you for this brief translation.. I will also wait for the full translation, but this "preview" is good for us too. Thank you! ^^
















Umm.. I don't want to become pessimistic but I have 2 possibilities on my mind right now of what this "bad thing" could be and I'm going to just pray that I'm misunderstanding something. I would say what my guesses are, but I don't want to get anyone riled up.. so I'll just wait for full translation before opening up. vicx.gif I hope it is neither of the 2 things I think it might be, because if it is.. I will cry! tears.gif I've grown too attached to YongSeo.. to be honest, I spend more time fangirling YongSeo than my favorite idol groups! I'll try not to be sad... I'll just wait for the full translation........
















I hope some of the comments left by fans will also be translated!

















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Can I talk about the last filming thing going around for the past days? I'm not encouraging you guys to talk about it again. We don't want to be depress over nothing confirmed right?
















































































































































































































































































But seriously, isn't it stupid to talk about the last filming, ending soon and such when we all know that they purposely filmed a lot last December so we'll have something to watch for January onwards? The amount of the filmed session is enough for months.
















































































































































































































































































Now we all do not want them to finish soon, right? We really are not helping anyone if we keep on talking about something we don't want.
















































































































































































































































































But the link I shared really is giving me a scare...which I will get over in a few minutes. Thankyouverymuch.
















































































































































































































































































Anyway...with all the filming they've done. I'm actually looking forward on their Busan trip the most. I don't know. I really want to see their interaction that day.

















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don't be panic, gogumas..

geez, its easier said than done! :rolleyes: lol

dugeun dugeun...

so from what aisuo gathers, its just someone who wanted to share her sadness with

fellow gogumas? and those responses that we see are to console her?

since she didn't elaborate what's really bugging her, so...

i shall not worry abt anything...yet ;)

*stay positive*

shane, tks for the gifs dear.

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Those ups and downs with this couple, I am near having a heart attack every time I visit this thread :crazy:








What kind of source is it anyway? Why can't MBC just make an official statement for how long YongSeo couple will stay at WGM.








Then we/ me could handle it better:ph34r:








But I agree there are a lot of episodes yet to come and what can we do but enjoy this couple while they are still on tv.








But my heart starts aching thinking that my lovely couple won't be seeing each other regularly when shooting this show will finally end.









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Guest 3nieex






Teukie was just explaining on how they formed the word 'Teukseo' which is derived from Yongseo. Haha. I think?




ANyways, last filming rumor? wtf. Yongseo, nooooooooooo. I'm crying rn :(






fellow goguma shippers, dont despair.. for all we know, it might be just another endless rumour. as long as we keep our faith in, im sure YongSeo will continue. although my heart still do sank when i knew they will probably have their contract deal with, this yr or the coming year. nevertheless, for the moment, at least YongSeo live in our memories :)




cheer up fellow goguma shipper! :)




meanwhile, am really anticipating our fellow translators to help w/ the translations~ arigato fellow goguma shippers :)



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