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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest missmoomin101




Ok, so I posted my message of support for the couple in the limited Korean that I know!  




 I hope that they do read the comments and enjoy the love the get from Gogumas all over the world!! 




Wouldn't it be great if they showed the couple reading the comments in this saturdays' episode??  Some of the comments people had posted were so touching and lovely, I'm sure our couple would have appreciated them very much!




Can I also just take the time out to say how much WE ROCK!!!  Our fan-base spans the entire globe and it's humbling to know that we all support, love and want this couple to succeed so much.




Gogumas GOGOGO!!!



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Guest gembul10

@Wishwash: Thank you very much for the news. So now we can expect the BTS video on Saturday.

@pen(..^^..): I lover your fanart, can I save it?

I'm still cannot get over YongSeo couple, because I'm just too happy.

What originally supposed to be a Gift Song from Yong to Hyun, now has become a Gift Song from YongSeo couple to the fans.

I don't know how YongSeo couple feel about it. I mean to share something personal to the public, maybe there is a strange feeling? Somebody in the forum who is also an artist maybe can confirm this.

But, since our reaction is so overwhelming, I hope it will make their feeling better and get the encouragement that what they did is a good thing.

I love you YongSeo and may God bless you!

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Guest scatterbrain

i'm a bit disappointed knowing that yong isn't nominated for the MBC variety rookie award. but i don't think he mind. he already got many awards for his music. and he also won something last year for SBS' YAB, so maybe MBC can't consider him as rookie anymore. even though SBS and MBC are of different channels...who knows...

and knowing how supportive yong is towards hyun, he will be very happy to know that hyun is nominated, it will be like he himself is nominated. he'll probablu brainwash his buin by saying ,"hyun, you're genius, you're the best..."etc, like he always does.

yong maybe a little bit dissapointed that he isn't nominated.every human will be dissapointed if his hardwork isn't awarded. but i hope he realises that he doesn't always need award to measure how loved yongseo CP is. he doesn't need award to feel that he's acknowledged.

i don't know how popular is YongSeo compared to other couples. but from the news, sharings from this forum,baidu, good or bad, i feel that we all love yongseo from the bottom of our hearts. i think that's the most important thing. popularity comes fast, yet it goes as quick. but to love someone deeply takes time. you have to go thru processes. but once the feeling is there, it stays.

i hope we'll support whoever wins the award.

edit: i watched the video again, at the end, when yong put the guitar in front of the camera, you can see the reflection of only him and hyun. so they must have made the video themselves.

maybe after they made the MV, they contacted all their friends. hence the PSH comment.wonder who else did they contact, since the news said that there will be wishes from all their friends.

you can also see the frog and spider that yong brings everywhere in the MV (the spider was also in yong's room in episode 36, placed behind the dj-like equipment). they are placed beside the dragon.

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tip@iloveyongseo formspring































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong the trend setter:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Khun in December































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& then 
































































































































































































Yong in early November (2 weeks after SNSD's Hoot debuts)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































JoKwon in December 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































fact remains Yong wore them first
































































































































































































and both hubbies are wearing Yong's clothes in the same episode/outing!































































































































































































































































































































































































Most logical explanation is that WGM has their couples wear sponsored clothing most of the time, hence the recycled wardrobe

































































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Guest glennpaulo












I just read a comment in the Banmal video stating that China people create their own copy of the video. because in china, they cannot access youtube. if im wrong please correct me. So our 300+thousand views is only power of us there's a country cannot access the youtube especially china which is so many goguma. I wonder if all of us access the video in youtube 2million views will be a piece of cake before saturday.. 




Wow im very happy to know that our yonseo video is also trending in youtube in many countries :











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But slightly disappointed and sad because our country philippines is not in the list..





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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































Waaah! The banmal MV is on repeat on my pc, hahaha! :lol:
































































































































































































































































I'm sure all the gogumas are doing the same.
































































































































































































































































I woke up today with my sister playing the banmal song but my ears picked up two voices on the chorus followed by random conversation, so I got confused. It turned out to be an official MV and they were singing it as a duet. :w00t:
































































































































































































































































I love how at the end, it captures Hyun's laugh. It reminded me of the Ctrl+V of Hyun's laugh that Yong did on the Banmal demo at his room last episode. In the end, she still laughs on the last part of the MV. I really find it cute. ;)

































































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Hi all, saw from kpop website... The translation for the video... no idea if there's a post about it alr.. so sorry if i repeat it accidentally.. Enjoy!


Credits: seohyunloves5 from kpop... and mountainmadman from soompi for the lyrics...


Yongseo: 1 2 3 Hello (Korean English Japanese Mandarin Thai). We are Yongseo couple's...


Y: I’m Yong


S: I’m Seo


Y: What have we prepared today, Hyun?


S: Today we prepared a couple song that we, the Yongseo couple, wrote personally, called the ‘Banmal Song’.


Y: It’s a nice song and we hope everyone will enjoy it. We will perform right now.


Lyrics (credit MountainMadMan for first verse and chorus)


S: It's so hard for me to say 'thanks' or 'bye' to you [NOTE: these are informal words in Korean.]


All I can say is "thank you" or "thanks so much" [NOTE: these are formal words in Korean.]


Everything is brand new to me, so I'm a little unsure


How should I say it? It's still really awkward


Even today, I worry about it


YS: hopefully we can be a banmal relationship


though still unnatural


Y: rather than saying “gomawoyo”


let me hear more intimate words


S: You know what, Yong?


Y: What?


S: Do you really want to hear banmal from me?


Y: Ah… it will be good if I’m able to.


S: But you know that banmal is hard for me right?


Y: Why is it hard?


S: Err… I really tried very hard… It’s really difficult. How much do you want to hear me speak banmal?


Y: A lot.




Y: When we met for the first time


Even our smiles were shy


After today we should be closer to each other


I’m both excited and looking forward to it.


YS: hopefully we can be a banmal relationship


though still unnatural


Y: rather than saying “gomawoyo”


let me hear more intimate words


YS: we can have a banmal relationship


one step at a time, slowly walk closer


Y: look at me in the eye


can you tell me


YS: “I love you”


S: I understand, Yong. (in banmal)


Y: Me too.





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Guest gettawa




Hi every goguma Lover


I,m thaugh today is so great for everyones :wub:


Both of them make aspecial gift for us


I don't know hoe to explain everything ,In my heart filled with love and pround to both of them


and this moment that they  say Hi for fan in many country. Lets me know that they recognize the love sent from anywhere in the world


We love you YonSeo
















Hello  !!!!!!!!!!!


















and The last one for Thai fan .... สวัสดีครับ สวัสดีค่ะ


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Guest YongSeo












I can't believe my eyes when I logged in to my facebook and come across this video! Just like many of you here, I screamed when I realised that it is their MV!!! They finally posted on youtube and can't believe that they actually posted it so fast. This is really unexpected! Can I quote some of you here "expect the unexpected from yongseo couple"!!




I'm really happy that there were so many supporting them, judging from the video counts and the comments that so many left. The comments are flowing in nonstop, every second, there are words of encouragement, words of support etc.




I shared this video link on my facebook and guess what I received 1 comment from a friend who does not know yongseo couple at all finds their song very endearing.




Not sure whether has this been shared because this thread is running pretty fast too!!




Someone in youtube left a comment about the rationale behind 4339. It is 4x3=12 3x9=27. It is the date of today!!!




Btw, I noticed that hyun doesn't seem to be strumming the guitar physically. Correct me if I'm wrong.




@scatterbrain: Well-said!! Perhaps Yong was not nominated becos he was not considered as a rookie?





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Guest mach8infinity

I can't believe my eyes when I logged in to my facebook and come across this video! Just like many of you here, I screamed when I realised that it is their MV!!! They finally posted on youtube and can't believe that they actually posted it so fast. This is really unexpected! Can I quote some of you here "expect the unexpected from yongseo couple"!!

I'm really happy that there were so many supporting them, judging from the video counts and the comments that so many left. The comments are flowing in nonstop, every second, there are words of encouragement, words of support etc.

I shared this video link on my facebook and guess what I received 1 comment from a friend who does not know yongseo couple at all finds their song very endearing.

Not sure whether has this been shared because this thread is running pretty fast too!!

Someone in youtube left a comment about the rationale behind 4339. It is 4x3=12 3x9=27. It is the date of today!!!

Btw, I noticed that hyun doesn't seem to be strumming the guitar physically. Correct me if I'm wrong.

@scatterbrain: Well-said!! Perhaps Yong was not nominated becos he was not considered as a rookie?

hmmm according to some youtube comments, apparently hyun has been strumming the a minor chord only.. -not sure-

with regards to yong's nomination... if yong is not considered a rookie, jokwon and nickhun should not be considered as one too.. afterall, they have debut a lot earlier than yong.. the mbc rookie awards are a bit puzzling in that sense/ whatever the case, we all know yong and hyun are great entertainers :D

on a sidenote, i wonder if the korean/international media is going to write any article on the hype surrounding the yongseo video? i remember reading on allkpop once that the lead actor of playful kiss is interviewed for the huge success of their youtube video episodes..

teehee happy new year everyone!

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I just read a comment in the Banmal video stating that China people create their own copy of the video. because in china, they cannot access youtube. if im wrong please correct me. So our 300+thousand views is only power of us there's a country cannot access the youtube especially china which is so many goguma. I wonder if all of us access the video in youtube 2million views will be a piece of cake before saturday.. 
















Wow im very happy to know that our yonseo video is also trending in youtube in many countries :







































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But slightly disappointed and sad because our country philippines is not in the list..
















Hi Glennpaulo, nice to know that your from the Phil. too, and it's sad that we are not on the list...how do we that, by the way?  so that we can also promote our own "camote" hehehehe (that's goguma in korean and sweet potato in english).  This couple is really daebak, and for sure there are a lot of Filipino Goguma's who love them :wub: And I'm proud to be one of them blush.gif









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Guest lindayeahyeah



Hahaha! It's so funny to read everyone's perception of how 4339 came about. Wow the previous post did had some logic as did the 4 CN Blue members 9 Soshi and 33 heart logic. Guess we'll have to wait till Jan 1st to know right?

And I've watched the video so many times but I only just spottted it and its so cute!

Check out 2.24 when SeoHyun pouts. Thats the part when Yong is saying:

When we met for the first time

Even our smiles were shy

After today we should be closer to each other

I’m both excited and looking forward to it.

Which part did she pout after hearing exactly? I think it was after our smiles were shy! Did she pout because she thought they should be closer? haha! Or she didn't like that part of the lyrics? Anyways, kyopta!

Oh! And i just saw the video someone posted about Sulli and Jungshin in Inki. I think they were imitating Lovelight when YongSeo sang at their 200th anniversary. Can someone translate? Heres the link-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-JGNuzI9IU&feature=player_embedded


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Guest kerobear






hi goguma's i'm wondering if anybody has the audio mp3 for 


falling slowly-yongseo


banmal song (not rip from yt )  the one played in wgm


thanks :D


somebody should make a compilation with all yongseo duets:)



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Guest glennpaulo
























For those who are disappointed that yonghwa is not on the nominees of Rookie variety, it is because i think yonghwa is not a rookie anymore. He first debuted in variety in december 2009, in Sunday sunday night.








MBC's Sunday Sunday Night program Korea Ecosystem Rescue Centre: Hunters, which featured seven celebrity MCs, including Kim Hyun Joong going out to capture wild boars. The show premiered on December 6, 2009 but was forced to prematurely cease its run in mid-January 2010 due to protests by animal-rights groups.






















I think that's the reason but im still not sure because there's still a lot of holes.






















Hi Glennpaulo, nice to know that your from the Phil. too, and it's sad that we are not on the list...how do we that, by the way?  so that we can also promote our own "camote" hehehehe (that's goguma in korean and sweet potato in english).  This couple is really daebak, and for sure there are a lot of Filipino Goguma's who love them :wub: And I'm proud to be one of them :blush:t




















































Its nice to found a fellow countrymen here in soompi.. I hope our "KAMOTE" power will scattered here in phils. and we can also prove our love to yongseo.Welcome back jnj and hi to jerbear....
























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Guest my.yonghwa.baby












I hope YongSeo sees this :)




This the power of LOVE through the strength of GOGUMAS WORLDWIDE









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For those who are disappointed that yonghwa is not on the nominees of Rookie variety, it is because i think yonghwa is not a rookie anymore. He first debuted in variety in december 2009, in Sunday sunday night.

MBC's Sunday Sunday Night program Korea Ecosystem Rescue Centre: Hunters, which featured seven celebrity MCs, including Kim Hyun Joong going out to capture wild boars. The show premiered on December 6, 2009 but was forced to prematurely cease its run in mid-January 2010 due to protests by animal-rights groups.











I think that's the reason but im still not sure because there's still a lot of holes.






sorry to cut your post but I don't think that they could use that excuse because adam couple started filming "We got married" on last year Chuseok Special, so they can't be considered rookies


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Guest hihi_hehe
























Let's just cut the whole "rockie or not rockie" <_<
















C'm on, MBC clearly didn't put Yonghwah on the list!
















So what? Yonghwa's work is just about AWARDS? SERIOUSLY?
















We, fans, acknowledge, him, as THE BEST......... that's it
















Don't drag this!
















Btw, Cnblue has achieved many awards already, considering that THEY JUST DEBUTED THIS YEAR
















other groups would just die for this!
















Next yeard, will be another deabak year for Cnblue and JUNG YONGHWA TOO
















Drop this!





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Guest glennpaulo









sorry to cut your post but I don't think that they could use that excuse because adam couple started filming "We got married" on last year Chuseok Special, so they can't be considered rookies








You're right, that's why im still thinking why? and that's why i say that there's a lot of hole. 








Maybe we can know what's the reason behind it after a few dawys...








hihi_hehe <<you're right he's always #1 so be it.









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Guest miel_1301
































Before I log out from the thread, let me repost this capture, which is by far my fave, from the video of YongSeo Couple Banmal Song.
































The YongSeo Banmal Song Video may have been done in a simple, raw and unadulterated manner yet it speaks solely of nothing else but "Pure Love".
















Just like what the YongSeo Couple said in the video description:































"This is Yongseo Couple's couple song Banmal Song.































Hm..it is lacking but please watch it enjoyably and prettily.






















































Ogeul-ogeul...(meaning cringing from awkwardness/mushiness)































Even so, the meaning of the song is really more significant since the we composed it ourselves.































Please listen to it well!"







































[Thanks to neptune_joker for the translation! It's good to see you again in the thread as I remember a number of translations you did for us in the thread some months ago.]
















Yes, Yong & Hyun! Your Banmal Song Video may be lacking... it may be inadeqaute but let it be known to both of you that precisley all these "imperfections and inadequacies" that characterize YOU as "YongSeo Couple" are what have made us, your International Supporters, LOVE you unconditionally. And we shall continue to LOVE YOU BOTH as YongSeo Couple simply for WHAT you are and NOT for WHAT skeptics and critics have long wanted you to be.
















And I still can't get through with my curiosity of the possible meaning/significance of the username sweetpotato4339. We all know that SeoHyun is one person who always finds and gives significance to just about anything that must be done. So I am more than inclined to believe that the number 4339 is not just a random number.
















A fellow goguma here, _d3seohyun, earlier posted a possible decoding of the NUMBER 4339.
















She said that: 4 stands for the CN BLUE members; while 9 for the SOSHI members and the 3 and 3 are for the "Love Code".
















Closely linked to Number 3 being the "Love code", could the 3 and 3 also stand for the "Coded Okay Sign" that YongSeo Couple has been seen occasionally doing as in these captures?
































Okay! It has been a very wonderful day for all of us! Thank You to ALL Gogumas who have shared and spread
















our "YongSeo Love".





























































































And Yes! I highly think and believe that the Video description was written by YongSeo Couple themselves because if my memory serves me right... if I am not mistaken, "ogeul..ogeul" is one of the many expressions of Seobaby and her Unnies which, if I remember correctly, was first heard of from the girls during their First Fan Meeting with SONES some months back.









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Guest ninyaah








































































































^ that has got to be my favorite screencap as well.
























































































i was wondering why the thread had jumped to 10+ pages since my post, and i was like, there must be something going on here. to further the suspense, i decided to check the page i left last night instead of clicking the very last page where all the recent comments are. there it was, the banmal mv, staring straight at me. how can i not squeal at the sight? the video was PURE LOVE. it was simple and understated -- there nothing was extravagant about the whole thing. it was just both of them, singing and playing guitar (or should i say 'air guitar' in seohyun's case? ^^). and that's what i liked about the whole thing. they don't need fancy props because their presence is enough to capture our attention.
























































































if i wasn't a fan, i would think that yonghwa is the shy one out of the two. he couldn't even look at her! i thought that was funny; he looked so shy, it was adorable. their harmonization was awesome. seohyun always does  harmonization in snsd's songs, so i'm not at all surprised at how good she was. their voices matched well together. what more can i say? best christmas gift ever. now i only need a live performance and a digital single and i'll be in heaven.
























































































regarding the whole mbc award nominations, let's just stop stressing over it. what's done is done, whether they decided on fair terms or whatever, we cannot do anything about it (: the number of likes in youtube clearly outnumber the dislikes. don't mind the haters. just think of it as a good thing -- the more popular a person gets, the more they're bound to attract haters. yongseo is very popular, hence the number of people trying to destroy them.









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