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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest deeana55


my first time post....


coz i cant stand to spazz about this you tube video it's been 20,395 views now, you can see it in their first page and using search tools


come on we can do it until more than 100.000 views...


let them know about our goguma international power....


wuaaahhhh so happy, i dont even know what i'm talkin about....


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OMG guys! I was screaming like a lunatic this morning when I saw the Banmal songs on youtube! This is unbelievable! They totally made my Christmas daebak! I can't get over the fact that they sang "sarangae~~" at the end looking into each other's eyes! ***SWOON*** Guys if you haven't had a youtube username already, please register one and start posting under the video and let them know how much the villages adore them! The only curious thing is, how come I keep getting 49XX views for the video despite reloading it again and again? If it's because of those who re-upload the video to their own channels, is there a way where goguma fans can be redirected to the official channel??


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Guest Kerube-Chan




















Ok, something random, but that channel (SWEETPOTATO4339) was created December 25, 2010... Maybe they got together after the MBC special to record this... Just a posibility, how interesting, spending christmas together and recording this daebak song...
















This is pure assumption on my part...
















Lets keep supporting the official video... the link:
































Happy spazzing!!!
















Edit: Remember to refresh the page, always refresh, lets help the view numbers!!!



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I hope there will an studio Ver. as the video guitar sound is so loud i cant heard them singing...

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest ainigoguma



안녕 친구야 !!!!

Annyeong chingu ya!!!!


I have just signed up to soompi....:lol:

ah...had i known it earlier .. I would have been so much more happier. but that's okay.

AH... WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MONDAY TODAY IS !!!! banmal song released !!!

its so DAEBAK !!!!:w00t:


I love this couple more and more. I hope they make it into a real studio-recorded song, and then they would make an official MV for it....

aaawh~~~~ i'm dying of HAPPINESS.....:wub:



Yo~ong and Hyu~un ... PLEASE GET MARRY FOR REAL !!!! ^^:rolleyes::D

-aini goguma indonesia-


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Guest miel_1301
































The YongSeo Banmal Song Video is just plain, simple, raw yet it definitely is "PURE LOVE".






















































Their presentaion is very personal... very "YongSeo"!
















SeoHyun is the SNSD member who is said to be good in harmonization as she has been described by Voice teachers/experts. And darn, she just proved it all the more in this duet with YongHwa. I just love the contrast in Yong's husky voice and in Hyun's sweet, soothing voice. Perfect harmonization and blending.
















This is the best Christmas gift 2010 that the YongSeo couple has given us International Gogumas. They have never failed to amaze us, to leave us in awe and to make us feel the happiness that they both exude together.
















To Yong and Hyun... just continue with the "Journey...Together" that you've started as indeed "fate" undoubtedly has brought the two of you together and that same "fate" will allow the both of you to keep on enjoying the ENDLESS BLISS SO DIVINE. Don't let go of each other's hands.































You, as YongSeo Couple, have given us, your supporters, more than what we may have probably deserved. And for all the things you have shared with us, as "The YongSeo Couple" that you truly ARE and not as the couple that skeptics and critics want you to be, we couldn't "Thank You" enough.
















_d3seohyun, hahaha! Thanks for decoding the username (SWEETPOTATO4339). I personally think also that it's not just any random number.









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Guest full-of-love








woooow daebaakkk




First, once heard, I immediately put it into practice. and repeat 500x.




The second, "I have an idea" What if the HYUN'S PIANO, combined with YOONG'S GUITAR . for the official video. Because we know, the banmal song with piano instrument is very nice too. 




It is only my hope ..*quoted image*







to one million views ...Iam looking forward to it. *quoted image*







@my.yonghwa.baby i agree with you about all the aspects you pointed out. I've also wondered how duckduckduck found out about the vid too. It's so weird and so random how someone just found the video without it being declared on any website or MBC official page for the matter of fact...





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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































Those who want to playing the guitar and doesn't know the chord
































































































































































































































































Yongwha :
































































































































































































































































Intro : G D Em D
































































































































































































































































Verse : G D F E7 Am C D
































































































































































































































































Chorus : G D Em D G C D Bm Em C D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun : Always A minor haha
































































































































































































































































credits to Fariz Danial Zainuddin
































































































































































































































































on YongSeo Couple Facebook!! (:

































































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Guest jitluvyongseo

It's look like the number of dislike were increase to 61 people....

damn that people....really wanna say GO AWAY to them....

Why should they watch the video if they only want to dislike that....

Really can hold anymore.......

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Guest constantia11
































































































































































































































































































































































































@Constantia11 Maybe you are downloading the high definition one... The HD one took forever to DL in my computer, but the regular one download super fast...
































































































































































































































































Here is the link:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I cant stop saying this, please people lets keep using the official channel SWEETPOTATO4339... Dont you feel with this channel that they are closer now... It is so strange and wonderful at the same time... I think I now love/hate the WGM PD a little more...
































































































































































































































































Happy spazzing, I need to sleep, work if waiting for me tomorrow... Keep sharing the love with the official channel!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much Kerube-Chan!! :wub:































































































































Now I'm replaying it over an over. Or should I refresh it over so the view number can increase?
































































































































I notice that Yong looks embarrased or shy and failed to see Hyun in the eyes.
































































































































On the other hand, Hyun looks so adorable and stealing glances to her nampyeon all the time.
































































































































Her adoring look towards Yong is so obvious.
































































































































Love the "saranghae" part so much. The harmony of their voice in that part is the harmony of love.
































































































































Ya!! Why am I being all mushy suddenly??!!
































































































































Yongseo always has this effect on me. I'm all giggly and smiling like crazy by myself.

































































































































































































































































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I just connect to my inet a while ago and shock when i saw twitter. Banmal song already upload in YT. And then i open this thread and open the link. And i tell my self why i am not open it earlier.































































































































































































































































OMG.......................... the MV just daebak, adorable, sweet, simple....
































































































































The Banmal song is so beautiful, their voice really blend well (just like yonghwa said at inkigayo). The composing is simple but wonderful. I can't help to replaying it over and over again. 































































































































































































































































I really love the part when they sang saranghae while looking at each other. 































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT : You guys see the little blue elephant doll in top of the big elephant doll? I think this is the first time i saw it.
































































































































Maybe WGM PD didn't give us the preview for next week because they will give us this MV. And this is better... 































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest full-of-love
































































































OMG!!! to all the Goguma out there, i think YongSeo couple was together yesterday wub: . If you notice the video was uploaded 12 hours ago which was at 3 in the morning in Korea. I don't think any staff at mbc would stay up till 3 in the morning just to upload the video for yongseo. They must have finished their schedule really late at night and met each other after their performances and recored their mv. Wow spending a night together with no wgm crew around... *fishy* LMAO my mind is going crazy right now imagining what was going on then
































EDIT : one more thing the mv is officially 36,131 Views

































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer




















Yong bb, be careful... your cheeks might explode from too much happiness... smiley-laughing002.gif




































































I can't help but notice this, their baby avatar is in the middle watching them... :P






































Baby Avatar, aren't Omma & Appa the most adorable couple ever??? :lol:









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Guest graxhaie
































































another updates for the views...the BANMAL SONG MV is really daebak!
















































it's increasing in views!
































































































haha...guys more views!for 13 hours!
















































































































































































































































never mind the dislikes!

























































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Guest bluekngiht_princess
















































Park Shin Hye's comment:
















하 하하 ;; 안녕하세요. 박신혜입니다.^^ 아침 6시부터(여긴 타이페이입니다..) 약속지키기 위해 일어나자마자 씻고 UCC 보러왔어요. 누군가가 확인해주시겠죠 .. ? 볼매정씨, 나 약속지켰으니 한국가면 맛있는거 사줘야해 >_<? 서현씨, 목소리가 너무 예뻐요. UCC 대박나길 바랄게요 ~ !!
















우리 결혼했어요 용서커플 반말송 화이팅 !!!!
































"Hahaha ;; Hello. This is Park Shin Hye. ^^ I woke up this morning at 6 AM (this is Taipei..) to keep my promise I went >_< ? Seohyun, your voice is so pretty. I hope it gets a lot of views~!!
















We Got Married Yongseo couple banmal song fighting !!!!"
















--credit to YongHwa ♥ SeoHyun on facebook..
















sorry if it has been posted here..

















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Guest moonwei






10 Steps to become a guguma supporter of the Yongseo Banmal Youtube Video




Yongseo youtube video




1. Sign in to your first youtube account


2. Favourite the video


3. Subscribe to sweetpotato4339


4. Comment in the video


5. Like the video


6. Comment in sweetpotato4339's youtube channel


7. Tweet the video


8. Facebook the video


9. Comment in allkpop Yongseo youtube video allkpop so that it reaches the top trending list in allkpop since the article has been pushed back to the next page.


10. Keep refreshing(F5) the video or sign in another youtube account and complete steps 1-9






It is only 10 steps to show your support of the Yongseo Banmal song. They are not selling the music, they posted their original music online in youtube for free to entertain us and make us happy and show their commitment to their song. So hopefully we can be a committed guguma fan by following all these steps.




Do enlighten me if there are more steps to support this couple.








Thank you justabee! I did all the steps as followed. Now I am at Step 10 refreshing the youtube video! wahahha, I am so happy that Yonghwa chuckled a little there during the chorus, it seems like he is so happy and I love that they didn't try to make the song perfect or remove the chuckle or the small mistakes as I saw Seohyun strumming a little slower at a certain part. These imperfect bits make the video more real.




Gugumas remember to support the video by following all these steps!



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Guest jitluvyongseo

ANyong!!!!can we make the view number up to 100,000 in 1 day? we have 11 hour more to get that number target!!!!

GoGUma villagers lets spread the video over the world....

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HI Goguma Villagers 
































Just a quick up date on the number of viewers  it's 32,347 keep reloading the page
















fellow villagers we got to make 1,00,000 or more for the NEW YEAR
















I so love this couple, created a youtube account just to say how much i love them
















Aaaah LOVE makes you do crazy thingssmile.gif
































 Fighting Gogumas

















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Guest clothpighwa






'Banmal'& 'YongSeo Couple' is trending on twitter in sg! ^^




Let's all continue refreshing the video and make the views go UP UP UP!! :D



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Guest Seychan
















































OMG, I love our couple so so much. I am so happy to see this vid. They were so cute and sweet. :wub: I am the anti fans of who dislike fury.gif and if Yong & Hyun feel sad because the anti fans, we'll kick them :angry: don't worry my love couple, just coz they're so jealous with your sweetness :rolleyes: YongSeo looks so sweet in the vid, vid was shot in their home, the sofa yellow with the objects of their memory. There are a lot of fans are jealous of the house of KhunVic coz it bigger than Yongseo's but let's look at, the little house was sweet and warm when YongHuyn stay in it. The sweetness and warmth of YongSeo worth more a thousand times the big house :wub:






























































Goguma couple, you make my whole week full of happiness and meaningful. I'm cry like a crazy when see this vid coz happiness. I love and thank you much. I really agree that may be the next saturday is behind the video of Yongseo :lol:






























































Goguma couple, like the words on the two pillows in the bedroom of the two of you: "Be happy, do not worry, ":wub: Do not fear anything, because we are here, always supporting and loving you both. Plz remember :wub: Luv you guys :wub: so so much

















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