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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Yamapi77
















mamasang_589 I think I know what you mean..yesterday I had a really good dream about Yongseo!! they were so lovey-dovey in my dream and I had the feeling of happiness to see them like that and what do u know, this mv came out!








This clip makes them seem more real to me, like they aren't some fantasy...
















Honestly this is not the first time I dreamt about them. I'm seriously too addicted... :blink:





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I'm seriously repeating the clip again and again! The song is so perfect for Yongseo and their voices fit together so well. I love the relationship they have now and that they have both grown so much on this show!






I made this fanvid (Himnae - Yongseo [fanvid]) last night as an encouragement to all the Korean fans who are voting for Yongseo for the MBC best couple award. I hope someone can share it with the fans over there and let them know that even though we can't vote, we believe in them and no matter the results - Yongseo is still the best for us!!!






Make sure we all drop a comment of encouragement at Yongseo's channel! Yongseo fighting!



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click this link to be able to see who has uploaded banmal song recently onto youtube
































































































































































































please kindly ask these uploaders to remove the banmal song from their channel
































































































































































































and also flag their vids as spam/ fraud!
































































































































































































Protect YongSeo!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































updated view counts on youtube

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
















click this link to be able to see who has uploaded banmal song recently onto youtube












please kindly ask these uploaders to remove the banmal song from their channel












and also flag their vids as spam/ fraud!












Protect YongSeo!!


































Wow! that's a lot... :blink:






































Why can't they just support yongseo by watching through their official channel?  Ahhhh seriously! is that hard to do??? <_<






































Looks like i'll be spending the whole day flagging those videos... :phew:





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Guest dorkafied!










I couldn't help but reply in this thread, I've been a lurker for a while :P






I seriously love these two together, and their banmal song is daebak ♥






I love how their harmonizing perfectly (at least i think so) they look so






good together, I can't wait for them to kiss.. hopefully. The way how they






look at at other, and how they are together I can't help but get attached to






them so easily :wub:



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Yamapi77 Hahahahahha..that's cute! Dreaming about Yongseo couple. Whew, they are addicting right? Even in your dreams, they are still     lovey dovey. Hahahahahahahaah
























    Hmm..will their  SM and FnC family watch their sing? Ooohh, that would be totally cool. I'm just waiting for reports that super     junior and other artist tweeting abut the Banmal Song. That would be pure epicness!!!!!
























    Aaahh..PDnim, a live performance perhaps?wub.gif





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Guest dan_glitz
















OH MY GOD MY DEAR GOGUMA VILLAGERS! I was just going to spazz on their episode last saturday with you guys, and what i found here? BANMAL SONG OFFICIAL VIDEO. 








This is soooo much better than preview right goguma villagers?? omg, they should perform this song, at least once. (btw, i'm replaying the mv on youtube as i'm reading and typing) keke








LOL, remember we were speculating that the mv will have a wedding theme and all? Nah, yongseo has proven to us that simplicity keeps the love going. 








And someone posted something on body languages; that is if a person points their knees to another person, that means the person is attracted to the other person? This mv gives us the obvious evidence. 








Oh, the last part, the saranghae part, OMG. They looked at each other and said it, with perfect harmony. kiaaa!!! and to add, seohyun said, 'i understand' to yong and yong said ' me too' to hyun. what are you guys implying? like you love each other and acknowledging it too. oh!



















btw, im sure this mv has so many views already, probably surpassing 10,000? its just that with many ppl watching, maybe the servers get a bit cocked up.



















Now I know why no preview... PD wanted to dissapoint us for a while, then surprise with the greatest gift he can ever give. It's like PD wants to play mildang (push pull) with us. hehe. 



















keep replaying the video ok? here's the link. Banmal Song by the Best Couple Ever








warning: watch only from account user sweetpotato4339














































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Guest constantia11




I think I'm in heaven.

I went online with the initial purpose to update the latest news about my fave couple in this forum and I found this!!!! THE BANMAL SONG MV


This must be the best Christmas gift ever.


Unfortunately, I haven't been able to watch the video fully.


I don't know why but the vid is buffering for a long time (it is almost an hour now and it hasn't finished buffering).


Anyone here knows what I can do to watch it smoothly?? I'm watching it in the official site.I tried to watch another vid in Youtube and it worked fine.


Or maybe it is just because so many people are watching it at the same time?


Oh well, I will just have to be patient and wait for it to finish buffer.


In a lighter note, I found that our couple is loved by so many people around the world.


I have never seen something like this before.





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Guest BluMistLaydee




wow what a wonderful suprise. I haven't checked this site all day and what do you know. I knew that it was inevitable that others would download and reupload the video. It's the nature of the beast when it comes to youtube. Some people really have no shame and scruples. The best thing we can do is to just flag them down and it would be better if yongseo or mbc step in and claim copyright on it.


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Guest shenibabi
























































oh my god iam crying because of happyness
















































































so beautiful and it's more meaning beacause it was sang by our lovely couple

























































































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Guest justbulan
































crazy.gif i've just woke up and found the BANMAL SONG?!!! crazy.gif 
















omo.. it's sure fast...
















btw anyone notice it yet? 
















it's seems they've just recorded it recently... if you look at yonghwa hair, you'll se that his hair has already grown much more longer than episode 37, and it looks the same as his bumblebee photos.. so it means.. they've been recording WGM lately? in their hectic schedule?! really?! 































and about park shin hye issue..
















basicly i don't care about the rumour regarding yonghwa X shin hye.. but from what i saw.. it seems like the've been keep in touch even after You're Handsome already ended... 
















which is a good sign because we can see that the possibilities for both of them (yonghwa and seohyun) to stay in touch even after the WGM period end is high. and i think that PSH support all of the "you're handsome" cast entirely.. it proved during lee hongki's concert in taiwan recentlyphew.gif.  
























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Guest Kerube-Chan




















@Constantia11 Maybe you are downloading the high definition one... The HD one took forever to DL in my computer, but the regular one download super fast...
















Here is the link:
































I cant stop saying this, please people lets keep using the official channel SWEETPOTATO4339... Dont you feel with this channel that they are closer now... It is so strange and wonderful at the same time... I think I now love/hate the WGM PD a little more...
















Happy spazzing, I need to sleep, work if waiting for me tomorrow... Keep sharing the love with the official channel!!!



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aigooo!!! i thought i was still in my bed dreaming about browsing the seohwa thread. and i thought i've lost track of time when i saw the pages jumped so much & also when i saw the uploaded banmal song!!! I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK!!! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :w00t:

danggg, it was surreal!!! but the song was really daebakkk! didn't realize that their voice could harmonize that beautifully. during the love light, it was beautiful... but in this banmal song, their voices harmonized even MORE BEAUTIFULLY! ahhhhh i'm on cloud infinity!!! :wub:

btw, IDKW but yong looked like he was so shy to really look into hyun's eyes in the MV. it's like he's afraid that he might give out too much info (i hope i'm not overlooking this matter as i sometime tend to -.-"). i also noticed that he "acts" like he doesn't care much in public but in fact, it's the opposite! :lol: i guess he's just shy... & lets the couple ring that he's wearing tell us a thousand words.

haha d3, u're a genius! 4339!!!

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Guest graxhaie
































































for the banmal song music video!very daebak couple! YongSeo couple are indeed genius! very nice collaboration of lyrics and talents...they are for real! gosh! i want to attend your wedding...decide the date now!kekeke...banmal song really made some panic and accidentally press the dislike button..but for the record..5000 plus likes for only hours..kekeke...YONGSEO fighting!









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Guest A.I.N.A

woooow daebaakkk

First, once heard, I immediately put it into practice. and repeat 500x.

The second, "I have an idea" What if the HYUN'S PIANO, combined with YOONG'S GUITAR . for the official video. Because we know, the banmal song with piano instrument is very nice too. 

It is only my hope ..rolleyes.gif

to one million views ...Iam looking forward to it. wink.gif

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Guest my.yonghwa.baby












A few things:




1. I've been flagging re-ups for the past few hours. It's disgusting mad.gif




2. I love the fact that Hyun's rocking that air guitar tongue.gif




3. Why is my video stuck on 4981 views?blink.gif




4. Darn you, antis with you dislikes sleep.gif




5. How exactly did we find the video? Was it posted on the MBC's official WGM page? I tried looking, but I couldn't find it. Who found it? blink.gif




Oh, and as much as I hate this word because it really isn't a word, it's the only word that'll adequately express what went on in this video:









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Guest crinkle_twinkle
































































































































Wahhhhhh OMG!!! :w00t:














































































































































































































































































































Best christmas gift ever!!! :lol:














































































































































































































































































































To the PD, writer, staff or to whoever came up with this awesome idea,














































































































































































































































































































i'm forever grateful to you!!! ^_^

















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Guest justbulan
















































update page views.. it sure a lot.. since it's just about 12 hours ago since they uploaded it crazy.gif









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