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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello Gugoma Villagers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I subbed the vids. thanks to the great translators
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part 1 and 2 are here:Latest episode with english subs
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Pls don't re-upload this to any site. whitezephyr has not yet replied to my PM yet.. I just hope it's okay to use their hard work for this vid..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's for Goguma Villagers. Merry Christmas! :D

































































































































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Guest kuroPii
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































okay, i just finished watching this weeks episode RAW.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i would just like to point out a few of my favorite scenes from this episode:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. when yong pulls out the cake icing from hyun's hair.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. yong's jealousy with minhyuk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. when they're walking to the boat & yong takes hyun's hand and brings it to his chest. KYAAAA! <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. the scenery at the han river when the water is falling w/ the pretty lights.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5. yong's HOTNESS as he plays bball.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































6. when he piggy backs her. you can tell he's struggling after a while, but he pushes through anyways.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahh i totally LOVE this couple <3 <3

































































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hi hi sophia.

i feel strange coming back to this thread after only a week of absence...

idkw...i guess i just lost touch to lots of things going on arnd here.. :sweatingbullets:


i bought lots of yongseo stuffs from korea,

such as their couple socks, posters and calenders.

i can't find the bag that yong endorsed tho.

also took a few pics of hyun at the SPAO store,

and guess what..a few shops away..there's a life-size cut out of yong

in front of the holika-holika store..so handsome! and there's the bros too..

and yes! goguma cake is indeed very nice.

tks for the translations and sub links, lalacakes and synykiss.

i don't see j2 arnd, maybe she's still busy...

but i'm thankful to the other gogumas who step in to do the trans and subs for us.


i find yong quite seductive :sweatingbullets::lol: laying on his manager's bed

with that low voice, talking to buin. kind of inviting?! lol


i'm a girl but i can't help admiring her like this


looking at hubby while hugging the 'you're beautiful' softie..



forgot to mention that while in korea,

i spotted some couples doing yong's hand-in-pocket skinship! :wub::lol:

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Guest Seychan
































in sbs's gayo daejun preview
















hyun is also wearing her ring!
















double ring exposition today!
































*quoted image*
















(just a thumbnail cause the pic is HUGE!)































Thank for your post :lol:  I'm so happy when realize Yong wear couple ring too at ⓢⓑⓢ Gayo Daejun Preview :wub: cr. B2RTV

















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Guest jazziejec



I remember Seohyun saying in the Japan episode that she never had any guy friends before Yonghwa...how about Super Juniors? Is she not close with them?






HI!..first, sorry for editing your post...about the last part of your post..yes, she's quite close with them..and i think Maknae sees SuJu not as her guy friends but as her big brothers and she grow up with them since training days..and also because as we know she's an only child in her family..












I've been a longtime lurker in this thread..LOL..and i just decided to join the Goguma Bandwagon..(",) It's so nice meeting people who also supports this couple just like me..I'm a fan of Seohyun..and that made me start to watch WGM..though i also watched Taeyeon's which i find hilarious..at first..i'm perplexed on how Maknae will gonna handle this..because i know her as not too comfortable with variety/reality shows..and really surprises me that she joins WGM..






anyway, as our YongSeo's  relationship progresses..from awkward to "cheesy" comfortable..i find each episode satisfying..at the same time looking forward to more from this couple..and for me..that made it NATURAL..just like any relationships in real life..



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Thank you for the translations, videos, and pics.


I really enjoyed this week's ep of our yongseo couple. They are so much closer. Hyun didn't even think about the bet on the piggyback. She just said yes...and she was wearing a skirt at the time.


My fav scene was when Yong was blowing on Hyun's hand to warm her up in the boat. I don't know, but there is something about that scene that screams (to me) intimacy between them - more so that the piggyback etc.


I thought perhaps I can ask goguma villagers opinion on something. The following convo has kind of been nagging(?) me.


YH: I was so shocked.


SH: Why?


YH: "I can only say these words."


YH: Could you only say these words?


Caption: <He makes his rocker hyung fall over>


YH: This.. this isn't about you right?


SH: Yeah.


YH: It's like a couple's story..


SH: Yeah, I thought about that and wrote it!


YH: A shy relationship..


YH: The shy girl.. just..


SH: What?


There are so many alternatives as how to interprete this convo. To be truthful, when I first saw the lyrics to the song, I thought it was Hyun's real feelings and didn't see the implications that Yong brought up in the translation of their conversation. I know some of the alternatives may not be popular, but I think they should be considered. Is Yong and Hyun doing an improv here to deflect the depth of Hyun's feelings as someone else's story? Going by the scene where they were talking about the Faculty they belong to - Yong and Hyun are good at improvs. Reading between the lines its like he is saying that they are virtual couple yet the words are like a real couple. But the audience knows that so why emphasize something like that - its like "doth protest too much"? Or is Yong shocked because he realized that Hyun may have "feelings" for him and he kind of doesn't know what to do with that or is taken aback (afraid of the implications)??? He seems to be thinking deeply when Hyun was singing during their collaboration.


I also thought that SO and JW actions in three scenes in particular very interesting and strange(?). I don't know how to describe the feeling when I watched them. Is it just me or SO and JW seem to be having conversations between just the two of them about Yong and Hyun aside from the other MCs. I didn't notice this until about the 3rd repeat of watching the ep. The first is when the boat was going under the waterfall from the bridge - after MC Kim comment on how pretty the scenary is. The second and third is when Yong said "What do I do to walk into your heart" and "I claim you". I get the weird feeling that they are curious/puzzled about the Yongseo???


On a lighter note - may I ask how Minhyuk heard about this boat ride or WHOM did he go on the romatic boat ride with????? Ohh, boyyy.


FNC must have told Yong to not wear the ring until the CNBlue concerts have ended.


I hope that we will get Yongseo ep next week.


I wonder whether it will be the music video or Busan ep? Sooo looking forward to Busan ep.


Its good that Yongseo will put their MV in youtube - it means that WGM is using them for their plans for international expansion. It will also expand their popularity as individuals, as a couple, and their respective groups. So that's why I don't think SME had a problem with Hyun missing the fansigning - and SME and FNC (hopefully) won't have a problem with Hyun and Yong staying on in WGM.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.



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Guest The Hamzter
































































i have rendered WGM 37 into HD format also combined the 2 vids into one KDR subs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iUhhtkAH_E
































Jessica Kwon 권 제 시 카 TV

















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Guest wishwash
































































































































































































































































































































































































I thought perhaps I can ask goguma villagers opinion on something. The following convo has kind of been nagging(?) me.
































































































































































































































































YH: I was so shocked.
































































































































SH: Why?
































































































































YH: "I can only say these words."
































































































































YH: Could you only say these words?
































































































































Caption: <He makes his rocker hyung fall over>
































































































































YH: This.. this isn't about you right?
































































































































SH: Yeah.
































































































































YH: It's like a couple's story..
































































































































SH: Yeah, I thought about that and wrote it!
































































































































YH: A shy relationship..
































































































































YH: The shy girl.. just..
































































































































SH: What?
































































































































































































































































There are so many alternatives as how to interprete this convo. To be truthful, when I first saw the lyrics to the song, I thought it was Hyun's real feelings and didn't see the implications that Yong brought up in the translation of their conversation. I know some of the alternatives may not be popular, but I think they should be considered. Is Yong and Hyun doing an improv here to deflect the depth of Hyun's feelings as someone else's story? Going by the scene where they were talking about the Faculty they belong to - Yong and Hyun are good at improvs. Reading between the lines its like he is saying that they are virtual couple yet the words are like a real couple. But the audience knows that so why emphasize something like that - its like "doth protest too much"? Or is Yong shocked because he realized that Hyun may have "feelings" for him and he kind of doesn't know what to do with that or is taken aback (afraid of the implications)??? He seems to be thinking deeply when Hyun was singing during their collaboration.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi Lulu2, sorry to cut your post this way. I was puzzled myself when I watched that part too. I had to rewatch that scene a couple of times to get a better idea of what they were talking about. You mentioned Yonghwa "doth protest too much". I thought of something similar, just that Seohyun was the one instead. I thought that Yonghwa was trying to test waters by asking the reverse... trying to probe further about how Seohyun came about writing her lyrics. But Seohyun being shy, just went on to agree with Yonghwa's suggestion (that it isn't her own story), and she doesn't go on and elaborate on it!
































































































































































































































































Also, I think Yonghwa was unsure about how to approach the topic and his subsequent words were so garbled up that I didn't really get what he was trying to say. Nervous perhaps? Their relationship is caught between virtual tv and the serious real-life type... it must be awkward when they try to make clear their feelings for each other.

































































































































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I cant wait for the song to be release on youtube. LOL

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hello fellow gogumas, this is my second post in this forum since i tend to just read the posts that you all post on this thread~








[please do tell me if i'm doing anything wrong]








anyway, i must say you guys are the best.. your detective skills are awesome.. such as trying to find the hidden meanings behind yongseo's words and actions!








And also, i love your photo caps, [i believe that's what they are called~] It's good to clearly see the tiniest of moments that I could have missed by just watching the video~








I would like to thankyou all for your brilliant work!! Supporting YongSeo!! :wub:





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lalacakes, synikiss, thanks so much for the trans & subbed vids~! u guys are our goguma angels! :)

jnj~!!!! i envyyyyyyy uuuuuuuuuu! hahaha welcome back! upload some pics will ya! :D aigoo, i so wanna try the hands-in-the-pocket-style but too bad the weather here doesn't permit it -.-"

wishwash, i kinda get watcha trying to say there... like u, i also think yong wanted to know if hyun wrote it based on them or other couples (haha he was indeed testing the water!). but as we all know how coy hyun can be, she naturally denied it straight out. although she denied it, i think yong knew it was from the bottom of her heart the moment she denied it & sang the song. moreover, from the translated lyric, it was very obvious that hyun was composing from her heart & yong knows hyun would never do something meaningless but he just had to see her reaction. LOL choding yong! beside MC Jake, even i had goosebumps hearing her sang her lyric!

btw, there are many convos which are still very confusing to me. for example:

YH: The court is over there!

YH: I want to shout 'I like you!'

was he confessing indirectly to hyun??? and yet it also seems like he's telling the basketball court that he likes it. maybe he was killing 2 birds with 1 stone?

YH: I had a meeting today, but for you I skipped the meeting and came here.

SH: Good job.

YH: <Imitating Hyun> Good job.

SH: Just eat your ice.

YH: What do I have to do?

YH: To get to your heart.

SH: Ah, too sweet. [NOTE: Hyun is referring to the tea.]

YH: Alright I've decided.

YH: I claim you.

SH: Ah really..

YH: What!

am i being too sensitive over this convo? again, it was like yong was indirectly confessing his heart out to hyun. but it also seems like he was just trying to be funny. hmmmm... IDK why do i find this ep full of indirect confessions from yong? it seems like yong became 100% confident ever since the goguma harvest, thanks to hyun's manager i guess :lol: could it be that after knowing for sure that hyun really likes him & that there're some strong supporters around (esp manager oppa xD), he gathered his courage to quickly respond to hyun before his rivals snatch her away? could it be that? hmmm....

oh ya... i'm amazed by yong's determination to get a yacht! it looks like he managed to impress hyun on that... atta boy! i was hoping that he would say "i'll let u ride on my yacht when i get one" ... i believe yong could have thought about it but he just can't voice it out yet. whoaaa just the thought of this is making meeeee :w00t::wub: yahhhh! i really hope hyun will get to ride on that yacht of his keke!

and oh ya! his backroom interview is daebak! LOL @ his tsskkkk before answering the question ROFL!!!!! xD

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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong everyone.......^_^.







@jnj..unnie welcome back...I really miss u.....







@Boo unnie..."waves"







@fabiistar07..thanks..I'm happy u like it...







Thanks everyone for engsub videos and translation...also thanks for sharing caps, link, and all about yongseo..







nomu..nomu kamsahamnida....




As usual I wanna  share my new Fan MV








and repost    YongSeo Duet Banmal Song (Banmal Memories)




And here is some pict.....











































Good Night Everyone....^_^






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i'll try to upload those pics that i took, dreamy..

tho i'm quite dumb at this thing.. :sweatingbullets:

btw, yong's darkroom interview (after the piggyback) has no sub, dreamy,

so what exactly did he say?

after their hardwork of composing their song, they indeed need time off to relax.

now, the thing is...(this is where my thinking starts to get a bit weird)

they composed their song from their own feelings right?

and i think that somehow, things get a bit heavy and hot and serious...

so they need to chill and what better way is to go out there and face the cold madness

of the weather... ;)

and the fact that hyun is wearing a short skirt, won't it hiked up when yong piggyback her?

luckily she's wearing tights and that yong's jacket is quite long...

and i think there was more than one take on that piggyback scene..

its been a while since we see yong with his killer stares.. :lol:




ah..tks caliope.

lol...that is even funnier..

i agree yong!

hyun is just trying to be modest but we know that she likes it too! ;)

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Guest Caliope





btw, yong's darkroom interview (after the piggyback) has no sub, dreamy,

so what exactly did he say?






From Lalacakes subs... ^^






YH: Pretending like she doesn't like it~


SH: I was heavy and the backpack was heavy..


SH: The combination of those forces would've made it even heavier!




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watching them play basketball the japanese drama Buzzer Beat suddenly crossed my mind(starring Yamamini coopera Tomohisa; roughly its about a struggling professional basketball player meeting a girl who is a music college graduate) :w00t:








How awesome would it be if they could make a korean remake starring Yonghwa and Seohyun. I can totally see them pulling it off. :wub:









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Hi Boo.... I planned on saying something on Lulu's and Wishwash' posts, unfortunately I pressed the wrong key and have mistakenly deleted what I have composed, and since I can no longer recall my thoughts I decided to forego my plan...hehehe  But after I've read your post, I decided to post.  I agree with what you said.  Yesterday's episode, I think, is giving us a glimpse of where their relationship is leading too.  Their banmal song speaks of what they feel towards each other.  Though Hyun agreed with Yong about the thought of what she'd written, it's pretty obvious that Hyun wrote something that really came from her heart, simply because that's what Yong taught her....to write what she feels...hahaha.
















And with regards to their conversation at the shop while having their drinks...though it might be scripted, thanks to Yong for creating that scene (really a genius when it comes to that), his lines about how to get to her heart and saying something about it's okey because she's his...wow, that freaked me out, he is not only indirectly confessing Boo, he is literally, shouting it out, and, what's funny is that, the only thing that Hyun uttered was " Ah, really " that totally caught her off guard...hehehe...and just look at Seulong's expression, he was speechless... honestly, while I was writing this, smile is written all over my face.  Yong is not only a choding but he is one-hell-of-a-guy!  :w00t:
















Night Boo!









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jnj, it's ok! take ur time to upload those pics :) ahhh ur question has been answered! thanks for answering it caliope~! ^^ oh ya jnj... i think u haven't seen my x'mas MV... i made it quite hastily but hope u'll like it :D so HERE IT IS~!

ichigo-chan~! thanks for sharing those MVs... i especially love the banmal MV :wub:

btw, i was just wondering why did he hafta say that "i claim u" since they are already considered married in WGM. even hyun was taken aback by that statement of his! ohoohohohohoh another confession or should i say OFFICIAL DECLARATION of the start of their REAL RELATIONSHIP kekeekekeke :w00t:

wokeh, goonite gogumaz!


shawie~!!! u felt it too huh!!! haha hyun was totally caught off-guard! yahhh *hi-5-yongseo-style* xD same brain, same mind LOL!

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They're talking too close for comfort and they don't even try to move away. Seohyun's already fond of staring at Yonghwa straight in the eyes too. Tell me why other people think they're not real. -_-
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I also adore how they do sweet things naturally. I don't know if they're trying not to act like it's their first time doing these things but really, it all looks so natural and so real to me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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