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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































There's no We Got Married on Saturday? sad.gif I saw it from CNB's sched. -> LINK Ugh, I was dying to see the next episode since last week. WAE IREOKE. tears.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyways, I re-watched WGM and noticed somethinggggg





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Look at how Yong looks at her. lolll K- bai ~ XD

































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Guest _hachimitsu
































































































































































































































































Apparently I always post when the thread is a bit quite. heh. anticipating for this week's episode. I'd like to join the bet (still remember the old one we had, that was fun^^) but... I can't decide. Meet the parents? Performance? Wedding photoshoot? Pappero? Shouting out their feelings at Han river?? *the last one is fun haha thanks to the goguma who had this idea* hmm.
































































The fact that they had to open it at 9PM bugs me. Based on MC Kim's latest tweet, it must be another awesome episode~ Whatever the mission card says, I assume Yongseo will have lots of fun doing it. or embarrassed ;P but will smile whenever they thought of it^^ 
































































I'd like to ask, since this Saturday's episode is on 25th December, so will the usual channels stream WGM?? I mean, of course to those who celebrate it, I don't mind if they can't stream it for us. It's an important day for you and you deserve spending your time with your loved ones. Just wondering~ I can always wait for raws.
































































Enough babbling... Music in episode 36. ATM, updating u guys with these. Sorry I posted it in my Twitter & Facebook first. Soompi will always be the last because it doesn't feel good posting just one song. You know, the feeling something is incomplete. Haven't start on the instruments but these should be fine I hope? Please take note I might not always post the music in Soompi, if anyone is waiting for such post anyway^^
































































The caps & info
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Listen it here:
































































1.  Loving U
































































2.  EDIT:   Knight Rider Classic Theme (cr: Caliope) ----- will put caps & upload the song in the folder later. CAPS ADDED. FOLDER UPDATED. Thanks~
































































3.  굳은 살이 박혀버려 ---------- my.yonghwa.baby was right, it was definetaly a F.T Island song^^
































































4.  With you
































































5. Empire State of Mind
































































6. Rockin Around The Christmas Tree ----unfortunately, I listened to around 15 versions but I couldn't find a match. Just Youtube the title, it's a famous christmas song ;)
































































and, an artwork (more like a snippet) from myself *shameless goguma* It is part of my 2 pages manga, sharing this one first.
































































































































A shoutout to dreamyboo unnie^^ and jnj who i assume is having fun playing with snow for her holiday in Korea. Ughh one of my Korean friend send us a video of the snow falling.... She even made a mini snowman! I hope Yongseo had a blast during their snowboarding date~
































































































































Caliope! Thanks for the song! (I hope u see this) Funny, I just heard the song last night in this episode of Supernatural (One of the brother was turned into a car) but can't remember the actual show. Also thank you to those who PMed/tweet me about the older episodes :D

































































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Guest Rouenna

















There's no We Got Married on Saturday? *quoted image* I saw it from CNB's sched. -> LINK Ugh, I was dying to see the next episode since last week. WAE IREOKE. 
































































There's WGM this Saturday. It's the Christmas Special. Maybe the CNBLUE site has not updated it yet. :)
































































Guys, thanks for sharing the piano version of the banmal song. I am really looking forward to listen to the whole official song. :wub:

















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Guest Kerube-Chan




















From AllKpop, the Maknaes are going to have and special performance on SBS, so Hubby is going to see his wife doing and special performance, the news said what the others are going to do but not news about what Mir (MBLAQ), Lizzy (AS) and SH are going to do... I really want to know...














SBS’s “2010 Gayo Daejun” to feature a special maknae performanceby VITALSIGN on December 22, 2010 at 1:00 am













































The youngest members of various idol groups will be coming together for a special ‘maknae show performance’ on SBS’s “2010 Gayo Daejun.”
















Broadcasting live from Ilsan KINTEX on December 29th, the ‘maknae show’ for the 2010 SBS Gayo Daejun will consist of SNSD’s Seohyun, KARA’s Jiyoung, SHINee’s Taemin, 2PM’s Chansung, MBLAQ’s Mir, f(x)’s Sulli, and After School’s Lizzy.
















Taemin, Mir, Chansung
















Seohyun, Lizzy, Jiyoung, Sulli
















All seven maknaes will be divided into unique circus roles to perform Britney Spears‘ “Circus.” The distribution of roles will see Taemin playing the ringleader while Sulli and Chansung will become the acrobatic couple. Meanwhile, Jiyoung will be a rhythmic gymnastics athlete.
















The group recently participated in a pre-recording parodying the movie “Actresses“, which will be released before the actual event, to raise anticipation for the segment and show.
















Hwang In Young PD of SBS’s “2010 Gayo Daejun” further revealed, “This was a line-up we’ve been planning since the fall. They’re busy people, so it was difficult finding time to get them all in one spot. They’ve been rehearsing on their own and finally got together on the 21st.”
















The 2010 SBS Gayo Daejun will be themed with a concept of ‘Welcome to Music Factory‘ and will be hosted by Jung Yonghwa, Hwang Jung Eum, Jo Kwon and Kim Heechul.































On another note, the UFO reply comment really make me smile, Yes, he needs to give her a massage... kekekeke The things I am thinking, not good.... :phew:
































































About, the MBC awards, it is confirmed that us (international fans) cant vote... If someone can confirm this, I saw the link to the awards on the other page and before I give up on the though of voting for them, I want to know if I can vote.
















Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! Have a very happy day!!!



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Guest Caliope


_hachimitsu, Can I help you?? ^^




In the last episode (when Yongseo read the envelope of the secret mission):










I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for you and yours :wub:








Kerube-chan, To vote you must have an account Cyword :tears:


_hachimitsu, I read it ^^


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Thanks MountainMadman & WendyLoveSoshi for translating :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@Dreamyboo : Yes I was watching Oh My School too hehe, for those who missed it & wanna watch the eng sub version of KBS World, they are going to repeat this show again tonite 10.20pm Jkt time; it's funny that in Korea, this show is shown at the same time WGM is shown, if I'm not wrong. But it was interesting to see that ppl that's closer to Yong were in the Yes panel of announcing dating publicly (Simon D & HongKi) and the ppl that's closer to Hyun were in the No panel of announcing dating publicly (EunHyuk & MinHo)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Already loving the banmal song, can't wait for Saturday, wish everyone here a merry xmas :)

































































































































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Just found this quote and i think it really suits our couple:








Perfect is not when compatible persons are together. Its when you're both opposite but in that way you both "COMPLETE EACH OTHER"



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Guest bluemoonlight
































































































































Hi Goguma-Couple Villagers!














































































































































































































































































































I still can't believe Christmas is only 3 days away! Everyone must be busy with either finals, parties, last minute shopping, or on vacation (lucky people)...it does seem a bit quiet here. A few pages ago, some villagers mentioned about No. 11 on our Goguma Couple's wish list (going to Florence, Italy) and maybe because Yong recently read "Between Calmness and Passion"; it affected/influenced his thinking. It would be super sweet and romantic if they could really go...but I don't think the WGM PDs would make it happen. Anyway, I wanted to post a link where you can download the movie. The movie is a little different from the books, but you can get a general idea of the story. The website requires you to setup a login ID and password, but it's free to join.














































































































































































































































































































Here's the link for the movie: http://www.asiatorre...02c8a1a3e89c4ce














































































































































































































































































































I wish our Goguma Couple & everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D































































































































































































May all your wishes and dreams come true!















































































































































































































































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Standing of the three WGM couples on 'Best Couple Award' (I'm guessing)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































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Guest haemin13









Can you tell me what is " pepero game"? I'm not Korean citizen so I can't understant it at all??????????
















































to those who are still wondering about the pepero game, ^_^
















































if only we can vote for our yongseo for the best couple award..
















































@tinybeatingheart, keen eyes you have there! i love yong~'s stare as well.
















































i had to admit, i was really disapponted w/ yong back in ep 28, but in the latest episodes, he is really making up for those times, and we can really see that he's making a lot of effort and he's more sincere this time. i know he's just being cautious considering hyun's love experience, but how i wish he would initiate the romantic moves since HE'S THE GUY!! :lol: and probably, hyun wants him to lead as well.









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i have a silly query these days as to why hyun felt surprised to frozen in the backroom interview. she should have heard what yong sang the part he initially pretended to have forgotten the lyrics..."step by step.... coming closer to me slowly... slowly... can you say to me 'i love you'". the only reason i can think of it's still because of her innocence. she did not actually know what yong did sing to her. she just heard it as a song. i am afraid she at that time was not too devoted to the song. can you guys think of another reason ?




i remember that yong, more than once, slightly complained to hyun that she was slow (innocent). the most recent incident is that at the harvest night, on the beach, hyun could not get what yong was trying to say. i think yes, our lovely hyun buin is so innocent most of the time. it's hardly for us to find another girl like her in the world. but i like her world, so pure, so kind and warmhearting. i still remember in the second ep when they went to the music store inside the bookstore, yong bought her cds and she then put her money, which she wanted to pay for the cds, to the donation box. i now will do the same thing. everyday i go to the same coffee shop, if i have coins, i always put some into the donation box. at that time, i will think of how kind hyun is. that's what hyun teaches me without knowing. i used to read a lot of books, but because of giving excuses for being busy with my work and my japanese study, i spend not as much time as before on reading. but now, i always have a book in my handbag. whenever i have time, i would read it. the book i recently read is a book hyun bought for yong - 'letters to sam'. it's a meaningful book.




no wonder why jiwoon likes hyun that much. if i were a boy, i would like hyun too. about jiwoon's message to hyun, by looking at hyun's impression when yong reading the message, i thought hyun felt thankful to jiwoon who, even as an idol himself, always supports her expressly. jiwoon is so consistent referring to hyun when he is asked about his ideal type. it's totally out of my expectation. i think he would avoid mentioning about hyun after a while. but ohh.... he is really sincere and desperately express how much he likes hyun... having her name as his computer password, talking this in an radio interview. yong should pay attention to his boy. what jiwoon did and does really could touch a girl. it seems to me that jiwoon is also very patient to hyun, staying around hyun as a friend, supporting her, telling her she is prettier than before, telling everyone she is his ideal type. he is quite a brave boy. an idol-to-idol admiration is not easy to express.




so tired, share later with you guys my thoughts about how hyun feels for jiwoon....


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Guest shingg06








































hey i wanna ask :)
























i wonder why i saw a post where hyoyeon stated that snsd cannot date?
























that means seohyun as well. haih :(
























why they can't date?
























isit in the contract?
























but suju members do date? and they are in the same management company..









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Guest scatterbrain

regarding jinwoon..

i choose to believe that he's a real friend, a reliable friend. not someone with motive. i don't see him as a guy who will take a chance with hyun as soon as yong let his guard down. he's really a good friend of yong as we can see in GDA fancam. just can't see him as a backstabber...

Him keep mentioning vocally that hyun is his ideal, i'm actually quite suspicious about this...i thought an idol is usually very protective of whom he/she like. he would not want to mention names as it may bring attention to the other party, which is wat idols want to avoid in the first place. yet jinwoon dares to say that hyun is his ideal. i wonder whether he really likes her like what he says...if he really,really likes her and hopes for something more, he wouldn't mention her( that's why i didn't like him at first. i was thinking "hey!why did you mention her name??won't it cause rumour and burden her?? she will be attacked by some crazy fans")

what i'm trying to say is...they are purely friends. jinwoon maybe asked for hyun's permission to mention her name when questions about ideals comes up, perhaps because he likes someone else and want to protect that girl. and hyun doesn't mind. maybe because she knows the girl as well...

i think someone here also mentions that if jinwoon really minds, why jokwon and seulong wrote such messages to hyun? supporting yong and hyun? and they didn't know that the messages would be shared in WGM. it was supposed to be personal messages. yet both messages mentioned yong. even jinwoon's messages mentioned WGM too.

watch Oh!My School KBS re-run today. i like what honggi FTIsland said. fans like him because of his songs. so he shouldn't worry about saying to the public that he's dating. sadly, not all fans are like that.

i personally against idol couple declaring that they're in a relationship in order to protect themselves. fans might say harsh things and may actually cause the couple to break up. i think yong would think the same as he mentioned before that if he's in a relationship, he'll be able to hide it well. i don't know why but i really believe in YongSeo. if they are in relationship for real, they will only be able to meet very rarely. they're still young and want to build their careers. they will have very busy schedule. but it seems that both of them are the faithful types.

wrote a lot of stuff in the spoiler. put it in the spoiler because i'm afraid that i might break rules or sumthing.

Final words of the day. Both Yong and Hyun have shared many beautiful memories by now...and i don't think they will be able to erase those memories. they even want to create more. i still can't get over duomo di firenze...it they view WGM as a program that is just temporary, why do they even add that place as to-do list? they surely know that it's quite impossible to visit italy for WGM.

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greetings gogumas! i know all of us have been very eager to help our K-Gogumas vote for our YongSeo couple, we just can't because none of us know how to vote for them and it requires a cyworld account..
































however, animo0 on twitter is very much willing to help all the gogumas..here's what he tweeted minutes ago, i hope he won't mind me posting it here..
































animo0: "A lot of fans around the yongseo let me know! When you sign up it is easy to cyworld."
















"Best Couple award yongseo couples do not forget to vote can be! If you can vote for up to Cyworld. Ask me any time if you do not know.^^"
















- so i hope we can try to ask for his help for us to be able to vote for yongseo..i really hope these tweets of animo0 are for international fans.. :)
































let's all work together for our yongseo :wub: among all three couples, YongSeo's been through so many criticisms, being tagged as the "boring couple" some even want yong out of the show, the process they went through to being the sweetest couple that they are right now, i think only YongSeo deserves the award! but of course i know fans of adam and kt also wish the same for their favorite couple i just think that if there is any way that we can be of help for yongseo to win this award, then let's do it :) thank you!
































and before i forget..i hope we can help her..

























we have a fellow goguma who wants to join in our discussion here but she only gets "You do not have permission to reply to this topic." message..i've never really encountered that error message before so i don't know how to fix that..i hope we can help her fix that problem..thank you very much in advance.

























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if there is a way to vote for them , ill try. but i dont know how to make account in Cyborg. really have no idea. really want they want the couple award, they really deserve it after difficulties they faced and still can built up a beautiful relationship:-)


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hi gogumas somebody talk on .....soompi about vote for couple maybe this can help us and i'm new here not really new ??? but thank you for the news foto's about yongseo I think it's not hard just click this http://member.imbc.com/User/Join.html to be a member.




Click Foreigner Living Abroad > click the two boxes > click the purple box > fill up all the necessary info > click purple box... that's it. ^^ Easy, right? after you have become a member, click the voting link I gave you above and click the button beside the pic let try


ps... sorry my english is bad and i dont know how my com werk


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^ I see there's some help already! Disregard the spoiler lol




















About the voting

I saw somewhere on Khuntoria's thread that there's a tutorial on how to vote for the couples. I don't want to post it here, because it seems really rude to use a tutorial that is especially made and translated for Khuntoria fans. If people still want to vote or know about it, please look it up yourself. I hope no one will post it up here as well, because that's just disrespectful in my opinion.




















One more test tomorrow and I'm done for this horrible, agonizing, painful, slow and tiring week. I kept thinking about the mission as a distraction, but it left me more confused than ever. The WGM PD's really know how to do cliffhangers. Normally we'd get a general idea about an episode or mission, but I really have no idea what in the world to expect this coming Saturday. Okay, they went to the HAN River (LOTS of flashbacks to some K-Dramas now lol), played basketball and got a mission. MC Kim's tweet doesn't reveal that much either - YongSeo's creation. Did he mean the song? Well, I'm not going to stress about it, but I just don't think it'll be the Pepero game since I'm sure their reaction would be much bigger. Especially Seohyun's :lol:




















Also, this is something I've found so hilarious looking back. It's about the 'in sync' thing. Not going to obsess about it, but I saw this gif and suddenly realized that it went way back further than we thought. (Again, please don't kill me if this has been shared lol) Back in March:








































And in the latest episodes:




























































Cr: Gogumalove




















This might be my favorite Saturday of the year - WGM in the morning (here in Europe) and dining out for Christmas with the whole family in the evening! Two of my biggest loves in my life in one day :lol:




















Oh! And I forgot to mention how I love Seohyun's nails. :sweatingbullets: As a girl myself I really like the 'natural' look the way her nails are done. The French manicure! I've never been fond of doing nails, because I'm just not the type of girl for that but I just want to say I think she looks nice (I mean, she was literally shining in this episode) and it somehow matches with her personality too.








































And just because she's lovely;








































and he's adorable.

























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Guest mluvzsx3
































i have a silly query these days as to why hyun felt surprised to frozen in the backroom interview. she should have heard what yong sang the part he initially pretended to have forgotten the lyrics..."step by step.... coming closer to me slowly... slowly... can you say to me 'i love you'". the only reason i can think of it's still because of her innocence. she did not actually know what yong did sing to her. she just heard it as a song. i am afraid she at that time was not too devoted to the song. can you guys think of another reason ?
















i remember that yong, more than once, slightly complained to hyun that she was slow (innocent). the most recent incident is that at the harvest night, on the beach, hyun could not get what yong was trying to say. i think yes, our lovely hyun buin is so innocent most of the time. it's hardly for us to find another girl like her in the world. but i like her world, so pure, so kind and warmhearting. i still remember in the second ep when they went to the music store inside the bookstore, yong bought her cds and she then put her money, which she wanted to pay for the cds, to the donation box. i now will do the same thing. everyday i go to the same coffee shop, if i have coins, i always put some into the donation box. at that time, i will think of how kind hyun is. that's what hyun teaches me without knowing. i used to read a lot of books, but because of giving excuses for being busy with my work and my japanese study, i spend not as much time as before on reading. but now, i always have a book in my handbag. whenever i have time, i would read it. the book i recently read is a book hyun bought for yong - 'letters to sam'. it's a meaningful book.
















no wonder why jiwoon likes hyun that much. if i were a boy, i would like hyun too. about jiwoon's message to hyun, by looking at hyun's impression when yong reading the message, i thought hyun felt thankful to jiwoon who, even as an idol himself, always supports her expressly. jiwoon is so consistent referring to hyun when he is asked about his ideal type. it's totally out of my expectation. i think he would avoid mentioning about hyun after a while. but ohh.... he is really sincere and desperately express how much he likes hyun... having her name as his computer password, talking this in an radio interview. yong should pay attention to his boy. what jiwoon did and does really could touch a girl. it seems to me that jiwoon is also very patient to hyun, staying around hyun as a friend, supporting her, telling her she is prettier than before, telling everyone she is his ideal type. he is quite a brave boy. an idol-to-idol admiration is not easy to express.
















so tired, share later with you guys my thoughts about how hyun feels for jiwoon....































Since nobody replied to you, I suppose I will just express what I think?
















I am not sure if you are Korean or not... but it might have altered your view of the interview if you arent?
















Anyways... she was responding to what Yonghwa was asking for.
















So she did hear it... but she wasn't sure how to react.
















I mean, it's Seohyun we are talking about XD
















It is revealed during last week's ep that he did not sing those lines on purpose in order to cover up the lines,
















"Tell me taht you love me"
















but when that is revealed, Seohyun is speechless because well... she just got asked by a guy to tell her that she loves him. To add to that surprise, it is also a request to say I love you informally, instead of formally.
















"Saranghae" - informal
















"Saranghaeyo" - formal
















That's why Seohyun replies sheepishly, "But I have said it many times..." referring to her Oh! lyrics..
















"Oh Oh oh oh, oppa reul saranghae..."
















Haha I feel like this was just babbling and not really any help... XD

















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Guest fabiistar07








hi gogumas somebody talk on .....soompi about vote for couple maybe this can help us and i'm new here not really new ??? but thank you for the news foto's about yongseo I think it's not hard just click this http://member.imbc.com/User/Join.html to be a member.




Click Foreigner Living Abroad > click the two boxes > click the purple box > fill up all the necessary info > click purple box... that's it. ^^ Easy, right? after you have become a member, click the voting link I gave you above and click the button beside the pic let try




ps... sorry my english is bad and i dont know how my com werk







Thank you!! :D




In case it's a little complicated to follow ..




To sign up ...




CLICK Foreigner Living Abroad > CLICK to check mark the 2 boxes > CLICK the purple box below that > fill up all your info




aisuo415 thanks for the spoiler .. i'll c if i can vote now ^^




EDIT: i finally registered to mbc, but i can't vote, everytime i click to vote [even thou i logged in already] it tells me to log in again but then it says my user name/password is wrong (unless they want me to register on Nate too..?)





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