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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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they're on the beach and hold hands in yong's jacket pocket

















































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WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH i am sorry for this one line post... but the preview looks daebak... they are at sea... and eating together... waaaahhhhhhhhhhhh it happened so fast... wasnt expecting it, i am sure its going to be another daebak episode...

merry christmas~

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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omg just saw the preview!!! it seems like after the harvest the two spends more time together!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omg more lovely dovely scenes with the couple!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































feeding each other, holding hands, and having a good time!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































man after the japan episode they really got close!!! (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can wait for the next episode!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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next week preview
































































































































I love saturday pls come soon

















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next week's prev is going to be daebak with lots of skinsip!

feeding each other food using their v own chopsticks...indirect kiss!! :w00t:


spazzing more on the prev then today's epi.. :rolleyes:

did i hear yong call buin, seojuhyun.

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Guest lovekin


so i was looking at these screencaps you amazing people have been posting and i was like, "hm, this could be a fun episode, but probably nothing too squee-worthy.  that's okay~"




AND THEN THAT PREVIEW, OH MY GOD.  on one hand, i'm glad i've stayed up this late just to catch it; on the other hand, it's like, i have to wait this much longer and anticipate next week's episode that much harder.  ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~  wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif i love it so much, it warrants three love-struck faces.




EDIT:  if there's a specific moment i can name that i think probably altered their relationship to the point where they might be seeing each other (without the labels attached to dating, such as "boyfriend-girlfriend"), it's probably happened after the next episode.  i've not seen them that happy and that comfortable ever; it's just pure happiness.








EDIT #2:  HAHA SORRY, another edit, but i can't stop spazzing and seriously just replaying the preview over and over.  i don't think i could ever get sick of watching it.  but i really like how, in one of the preview links, it shows just the end of the khuntoria preview and how victoria has her head on his shoulders, and it's so - it's like it's super cute, but i get huge paternal/maternal vibes from seeing them.  and it's such a huge contrast to yongseo, who act like they're actual boyfriend-girlfriend before they get serious, that little honeymoon period before you officially ask someone out.  


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Guest SophiaPia




Thanks to all of you who shared the raw vid and screen caps BUT next saturday PALiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Holding hands today, and holding hands again next week, YEAH BABY! YongSeo always surprise us also the wgm PD kekeke! next week lots and lots of sweetness. Wife Hyun playing w/ hubby Yong Daebakkkkk. This is what wife Hyun says SHE WILL SHOW HER FEELINGS ONE BY ONE to hubby Yong yeah baby! Holding hands then hubby Yong put wife Hyun hand inside his pocket DAEBAKKKKK THIS IS WHAT HE WANT hahahhahaha! All in all YONGSEO THE BEST AND REAL FEELINGS, REAL LOVE yeah baby




Cheers to all we are all happy as always. We are in Go-Chun always kekeke! Anyoung








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after see the preview!! OMG!!!








































KYAAAAA... so sweet.. too sweeett... DAEEEBAAAK!!! XD~








































holding hands, feesing each other, etc!!








































cant wait for next week!! XD~








































thank you for sally7 for the preview caps...








































and thank you for every one for share the raws link :)








































Thank you everyone!!

















































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Guest chilipadi_22



today's live streaming was perfect for me. NO LAGGING!!! :)

really curious about what hyun's manager talked about on the truck. mentioning hyun's unnies and cn blue. haha:)

they were really disappointed with the small number of ogumas harvested. they worked so hard to plant it.

i love the part where yong played with hyun's hand on the truck. OMG~

right under the nose of hyun's manager. hahahhahaha:)

yong, you are BRAVE! ^^

now, after watching the preview for next week, i guess we all wants next saturday to come at lightning's speed.

how i wish i was watching the next episode now.

holding hands and walking along the beach. AND YONG PUTTING HYUN'S HAND IN HIS POCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


this couple is getting really comfortable with each other after the japan episode. :)

and i am loving it!


saturday palli nawa~


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she's so comfy with yong..skinship comes naturally to her now..


tks kinjisam, sally, ikekeyou, rxp, nadihee

for caps and links


hi nram! welcome to Go-Chun!!

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Guest rjcm127












Thanks for posting up the raws. The links that I was following had been disruptive so I just didn't enjoy as much as I could. Now I can enjoy watching and will wait for our awesome translators/subbers on this episode...




Next weeks episode looks great. Hopefully it's better than tonights episode. Sweet Goguma Dreams everyone!





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Guest yongseo_forever




Omo! I'm smiling myself silly by watching the preview :DDDDDDD


Replayed it again and again!


Now i can't wait for next week ! Hahaha


Help~~ Yongseo is forever making me hope that sat comes faster. :P




For now, I shall settle myself down and wait for the subs haha.



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Guest nadihee
























i cant breath while watching this. oooooooooo yongseo now is soo bold. they've become sweeter and sweeter really cant wait for the next episode. goddddd please make next saturday come faster :wub: :wub::wub: :wub::wub: :wub::wub:








































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Guest shenibabi














oh my god this ep so funny and cute










i dont understand anything but smiling so hard










they're so cute on their way










next week DAEBAK










so much skinships haha



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Guest basiCblacK-junG
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the preview for next ep...
































































































































*nose bleeding*
































































































































































































































































THEY LOOKS LIKE A REAL COUPLE!!!:w00t::w00t::w00t:
































































































































































































































































@luvtokki oppa...wait and see for the next ep..I'm sure you will take back your words!!
































































































































oh no....
































































































































how can I wait for next week??!
































































































































I'm dying of happiness right now! :wub::wub::w00t:

































































































































































































































































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Guest chilipadi_22

replaying the previes again and again!

and i cant stop smiling to myself.

they are getting more and more like a real couple. 

i really cant wait for next saturday......> <

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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








I'm downloading today's episode now :D




Just finished watch preview of next week, and it's pure awesome. They are so comfortable playing around and hold hand. Surely their relationship level has risen to next level, i'm glad for them :D




To all Go-Chun villagers, i've been missing you all my brothers and sisters :wub:



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