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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest shadow_of_Atum




Errr...am I seeing things or are they really holding hands in the first pic as they are entering the Mercedes?


If they are holding hands, then it is now a non-issue with the goguma couple? And in front of his high school friends too...and in his HOMETOWN? What would all the gossipy ajummas in Busan say? Heavens!! :)


Dear Luvtoki, I like your post. Yes I do agree that Yongseo tend to re-visit issues, but don't we all in a relationship especially if we do not know how to express ourselves well and properly and there are things that nag us? I think it galls Yong that she does not take the first step in calling him or in showing him that she is interested because he is.


When Hyun thanked Yong for her change - my goguma-biased mind just tells me that actually she is telling him how he has impacted her life in a major way because she has never been into boys and had never thought she would like to be in a relationship until now... That was what should have been said, instead it came out the awkward way that she put it. But she is learning and she has improved.


Your scenario that she would just end it with a pat on the back make it sound like Yong would be a lab rat for her experiment in a relationship. I know there is this intellectual side to her that is open to self- discovery, but like someone pointed out, she has shown herself to be caring too e.g. sending him propolis when he was ill, going to his concert on her own, so I don't think we should worry that it'll end up this way. No matter how it ends, I think that Yong will always be special to her, if not as her first love, then as a person who has open her eyes to the possibilities of what it is like to be in a relationship and for that, I think she will always be thankful to Yong.


I cannot wait for this Busan episode...likely to be shown in Jan? :oSigh


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Guest SophiaPia




lenovo and kubih thanks. Thanks as always to DC they are always updated ^^ Yongseo korea daebak ^^. I'm excited as always esp. looking all these bts photos of our lovely YongSeo couple. I hope they don't edit too much so that we see almost anything and everything here @ Busan date esp. this is hubby Yong hometown. If Meeting hubby's family is private it's fine. I hope they have skinships here again kekeke! i hope they are holding hands or link arms again. ^^ I hope on that photos they are. Hubby Yong so gentleman, opening the door and let the wife go in 1st. U seldom see that now a days.


YongSeo couple looks Posh.


Cheers to all. Cheers YongSeo couple


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yess... i've been searching for this in luvtokki's post & thanks to aliene, i found it! haha! hmmm... i guess i'm not in the same page as u guys in this. it seems to me that hyun likes yong so much that sometimes i'd think that she likes yong more than yong likes her. but who knows in reality, they like each other equally... that will always be unknown. what i wanna say is that, maybe with what we know about her robotic self... we can assume that she'll leave WGM just like that. but hey... uri hyun has changed a lot over time. things could change a whole lot ya know. ;) my guts are telling me that she won't just leave WGM just like that. :) uhh sorrry... for the short answer. can't help it although i'm supposed to finish this urgent task of mine -.-" (am gonna be dead meat if i don't meet the deadline!)
































































































































































































































































wokeh...bye all! *poofs for real* :P































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ah don't get me wrong, I'm not particularly disappointed or anything. It's more a case of come back to earth and feeling a bit more objective about things :). Like lovekin (i think..I read the reply a couple hours ago) said, we can only guess and in no way can we be certain and say that Yong or Hyun feels a certain way wouldn't be very fair...so considering the flip side of things after spazzing and grinning ear to ear, I just meant that I can see where luvtokki's opinion was coming from :). Though what you just said is interesting...It's actually the first time I've seen the 'Hyun might like Yong more' opinion though I can also see your rationale of this being a big show of affection already from 'robotic' Hyun XD. (cute description btw).
































































































































































































































































I definitely think they're becoming very comfortable with each other though, and I've seen affectionate people and also behaved affectionately to others (platonically or otherwise) and don't think there's much doubt that they'v really really grown on each other. Someone else said that they're finally seeming more like a married couple now on the show (sorry I forgot whose post...) and I think that's coming from the increased familiarity that everything that's happened so far (especially mildang, heart to heart talks etc). 
































































































































































































































































Hmm am I still making sense here? >_<"

















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Guest lorein27
































































































































































































































































































































































































do you guys have link for ep 33.. it's not up yet in rdrsubs.. tnx!!
































































































































































































































































































































thanks for all the caps, news..
































































































































































































































































































































excited for the ep of yongseo in Busan.. tnx for the pics..

































































































































































































































































































































































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do you guys have link for ep 33.. it's not up yet in rdrsubs.. tnx!!




thanks for all the caps, news..




excited for the ep of yongseo in Busan.. tnx for the pics..










for the links to download, sun-sun will up when she's back from her business trip. about 2 weeks more, so we have to wait. but to watch on youtube there are links posted some pages ago, but i still add it here. enjoy:-)




33-1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KorfWbHVW_U







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Guest lorein27
































































































































































































































































































































































for the links to download, sun-sun will up when she's back from her business trip. about 2 weeks more, so we have to wait. but to watch on youtube there are links posted some pages ago, but i still add it here. enjoy:-)
































































































































































































































































































































33-1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KorfWbHVW_U































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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wow! what a day!

lots of daebak posts, links and pics!

GO-CHUN hwaiting!

ah! me too want to jump on the wagon and say my piece..hehehe

luvtokki oppa, i've always looking forward to your daebak posts, but today

i sense some kind of dissatisfaction from your side abt the latest epi,

and its the first coming from u..didn't expect that tho.. :sweatingbullets:

anw, i'll not say too much, since there are already lots of replies to it..

i just want to highlight the following which makes me kind of :( after reading it..

So, yes, I’m frustrated and disappointed. And I’m feeling a little sorry for Yong. I’m afraid he’s going to come to the end of WGM and get a hearty pat on the shoulder and a ‘Thank you for all your hard work’ from Hyun and she’s going to take this ‘wonderful experience’, enter it in her diary as another good ‘life lesson’ and go right back to the safe, sheltered life with her unnies she has so carefully planned without a second thought (or even realizing) about what she has done to Yong’s heart. I’m hoping this will not be true. I would LOVE to see them be together forever, but I don’t feel Seohyun’s heart has developed in step with her logical mind.

i believe this is not going to happen and also i ask that u give hyun some credit, oppa.

she maybe robotic or some call frigid in expressing her emotions out in the open,

but i believe her feelings towards yong is way way deeper than what she shows.

i've said this before and i'll say it again..

always go back to their darkroom interviews and there we'll learn what yongseo

really mean to each other..

H: My hubby…thinks of me a lot…even monitors me all the time…

Compared to how much Yong hubby thinks of Hyun…

H: He might have felt that I don’t think of him as much as he does of me.

Come to think of it, I don’t think I have been expressing my feelings that much.

I’m going to try to do that, one by one.

and abt skinship, i think u want them to be more touchy freely after that arm-linking

iniated by hyun right? but that is not yongseo, oppa. not them at all..

expect the unexpected, and slowly but surely, they WILL get there.. ;):D

hope i don't come across as being rude, oppa, if yes, forgive me..

geez, i want to spazz more on the Busan filming, but i have to go now...


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Guest Candies4Life
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hey, fellow Gogumas! First time posting here (lurking about this thread ever since), but I've decided to be useful for once and contribute to the community for once. laugh.gif I've actually tried to sharpen the pictures which lenovo had shared with photoshop. Specifically, the first picture which everyone has been commenting that they're holding hands.
































































































































































































































































And after sharpening it, I also tried blowing it up slightly bigger just to confirm my suspicions, as well as everyone's. happy.gif
































































































































































































































































Base on my opinion, I really do think they're holding hands. If you actually squint your eyes and look carefully (and maybe refer to the other pictures), you can see the furry part of Hyun's coat near Yong's hand. smile.gif

































































































































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Guest anne0129
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For me I don't think they were holding hands. I just saw in other pictures that Hyun seems to be holding a paper bag and it's white. Since Yong is in front of Hyun his hand sorts of has a white background behind it which I think is the paper bag. Because of you see the other pictures Hyun is holding the paper bags in her left hand during that picture and if Yong was holding her hand then we should have seen the paper bag too but alas it's not. Sorry if I am becoming the downer. It's just my speculation anyways. :ph34r::unsure:sweatingbullets.gifblush.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just another info. The guy who has his hands over the roof of the car in not the fat PD....he is actually CN Blue's manager hyung. hehehe!!! (I love their manager hyung by the way, he always seemed so nice) :P

































































































































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Guest lunasol




For me I don't think they were holding hands.  I just saw in other pictures that Hyun seems to be holding a paper bag and it's white.  Since Yong is in front of Hyun his hand sorts of has a white background behind it which I think is the paper bag.  Because of you see the other pictures Hyun is holding the paper bags in her left hand during that picture and if Yong was holding her hand then we should have seen the paper bag too but alas it's not.  Sorry if I am becoming the downer.  It's just my speculation anyways. :ph34r::unsure:sweatingbullets.gifblush.gif






Actually, i see her in the other photos holding a white paper bag on her right hand, not her left hand. In other words, her left hand is empty unless they are holding hands in the first photo, and maybe behind his back in the first one in the second set. We will never know for sure unless the same person who posted the photos at DC also commented on what they were doing and where the photos were taken. Maybe MountainMadman or another goguma can go to the DC site were it was posted and translate the info related to the set of photos smile.gif 


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Guest Candies4Life

@anne0129 Hmm, I'm sure everyone has their own speculation and opinions but then again, pictures sometimes do tell lies and my speculation of them holding hands might be wrong after all. sweatingbullets.gif We weren't there at the point of time, so we can't say for sure if they're holding hands or not, but one can wish. happy.gif  But after much study of the pictures, I would like to point out that Hyun was carrying those carrier bags in her right hand. And from the picture I've sharpened and blown up, a man is apparently blocking the view of her entire right arm. So yeah, I guess that gives us a small chance to hope that our goguma couple is indeed holding hands tongue.gif

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I think he is holding something from his jacket maybe???? -_-, but not her hand... but heyyy I like the theory about family car :wub: I think it could be, I also remember fans saying that Yong´s Dad car is a mercedes, so maybe :rolleyes:.
































Thanks a lot gogumas for all the pictures and links and everything! we do live in Go-chun lately right? I don´t want  to be kicked out of here :w00t:. YongSeo please keep the goodies coming!!!









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Guest wallpaperfood








thanks candies4life!!! really happy =)












I still can't decide if they were holding hands or not, but it does look like Yong's hand is curved in a way, giving that impression...








About the white bag, anne1029, I thought it looked more like she was holding it in a her right hand with the other bag? (from other pics). But yeah, the white bag is quite convincing as well.








Nice merc.








And are those people around them his high school friends/randoms/or the staff who have perhaps packed their cameras away? I was under the impression that the man with his arm over the car was the "fat PD" (as per a fan's account).








Anyway, Hyun looks lovely and happy in all these pics, whereas yong looks kinda grim/serious. Maybe he was nervous showing Hyun around his hometown, battling whether he should speak in satoori or not XD. (I find satoori hot and I'm totally looking forward to hear some smexy Busan satoori at the restaurant lunch for this ep!)





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seohyun in busan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre http://gogumalove.tumblr.com/

































































































































































































































































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they're @ Busan KTX station maybe they just arrive there and that black car probably Yong's family car

































66730960.jpg Do you mean this guy? He is CN Blue manager not WGM PD

















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I found it...













































































































































































just been browsing everywhere...































































stumble to our thread bout Busan trip on page 715/716, how do we wish them to be in Busan,































































suddenly read baby_bo wrote she's wanna see Yong house & family merc...






























































































































suddenly, feel like deja vu














































































































did PD-nim also read our thread????













































































































































































then, i found this fan account on CNBLUESTORM































































After interview, they sang love light, Yong Hwa came to the end of the T-shape stage, he found his parents.















































He smiled and waved to them. The fan could confirm they were his parents.































































After that, Yong Hwa kept smiling looking at parents’ side. After concert, Yong Hwa’s parents drove Benz, CNBLUE’s car followed them. Maybe they had dinner together. Both













































































































































so possibility the Merc is family car, maybe 70% correct..































































(i really hope so)































































But whose driving?????































































since it looks like Hyun is sitting at the back???































































So to all goguma in Go-Chan...































































let's speculate....














































































































Me, Zealous

















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Guest Stephanie_tran
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello All of Gogumas.Maybe i dont know anyone here but i just wanna say "hi" with u guys.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And today,i wanna share something i wanna see our Yongseo do it ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. I think that YongSeo couple should shoot a wedding album (please PD nim).I really want to see it.I just hope that they can create that beautiful memory when they take wedding shoot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. I wanna see them into a drama like a couple love each other.(Do u guys like it?????).U know YongHwa also got experience through his first drama and he is found by directors for the follow dramas.About SeoHyun,she has amazing skill about acting through some of variety program.And she also got Kim Bum Soo's praise.So i really hope that my wish can come truth.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And the end of this,i wanna watch WGM's next ep. soon.Waiting so long TT
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Have a sweet dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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that black merc could be yong's family car and that his parents may send it over

to fetch them and bring them back to the house! :w00t:

wow! i love this already!

i think most of our minds will be working overtime tonight and until Sat..

where we will see another daebak episode NOT TO BE MISSED!

lenovo, sonia, mountainmadman, redtulip, kubih, bizie b,

yuyusaiyuki, sally, geumjadi, candies, lovekim, klee, d_?


A BIG THANK U, for pics, links and translations of Busan filming..

ah..its a blissed living in GO-CHUN..


what? seriously magdal?

hyun's manager drove them to the farm, and now yong's manager's turn

to drive them arnd Busan?! wow!!

imagine this..

their wedding photo taken with family will be HUGE!!! :lol:

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Thanks GeumJanDi, thanks Sally7 for telling us about that and for the pics...
































 But now I´m spazzing again!!!!!!!!! ottokeeeeeeee haha... Wayeo? Because in the case that they were just arriving in those pics, then for whom are all the bags that Hyun have in her hands???? ayyygooo, must be for father and mother in law! must be must be!!!! (ok I need to calm down :P)
































Zealous, sally said that the guy with them in the car is CNBlue manager, and I think he is the driver ^_^. I like it, first was Hyun´s (next episode) and now is Yong´s... Seriously, they are a big family :wub:.
































Thank u gogumas!!! Love love love for you ^^
































EDIT: Hi stephanie :)!!! welcome to the land where every wish comes true, so you can wish whatever you want, you have a BIG chance of obtain it keke :wub:.
































jnj: well I remember someone, few pages ago, said that the oppa who is driving them to goguma field is Hyun´s manager ^^, and one daebak goguma even make a theory about managers being trained to cover their relationship :w00t: (too much spazz for now ♥ )









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Guest _hachimitsu
































































































































































































































































































































Hello everyone. It has been awhile since I post anything new. I can't really spaz now... I'm still having exams huhuhu. But really, first SNSD manager, and now CNBLUE manager caught on camera? keke what is this? (okay.. so i do remember they met each other during the old rumoured park filming and perhaps many unknown meetings too). Anyway, what i've been up to is this........... deugum deugum!
































































(been compiling this since some few months ago)

































































(Compiled by _hachimitsu)































































































































Album cover: 































































































































































































































































Original pic credit: KIMTANG9.COM &
































































Just a simple one because I did it while studying for final law paper lol! There's a mini theme, guess guess^^. Currently songs are from Episode 1 until Episode 33 (Japan Trip). There are a total of 70 songs as used in Yongseo WGM cuts, will update as the episodes continues.































































































































ayaka@facebook  or  video link
































































































































NOTE-I think u have to login 1st, not sure.
































































(An old unused account, cuz youtube, dailymotion & twitvid refuse to upload the songs. Add if you want.)   
































































Download :  mediafire .......... update-posted in twitter
































































(Since it is unappropriate to post here, I will post the link through twitter xhachimitsu or maybe sweetpotatodays? Is that ok, gen?)
































































The songlist : Yongseo OST List 
































































Yongseo OST List 101203































































































































































































































































(In jpg format, will be updated accordingly. Please take note of the date at the file name. Credits included if taken from soompi/elsewhere. Included are the episodes the songs appeared.)































































































































I also need some help. (MountainMadman, maybe? or simply anyone^^) In the list, you can see songs marked in green colour. If you know the title please inform me. Will update & credit. I heard of them before but i am not sure about the title. Those are frequently used songs so i feel it is important to complete atleast the ones marked in green. Thank you in advanced!
































































Cant wait for the finish my final french paper this week. lol^^
































































































































I forgot to say this. Few of the songs might have minor(?) explicit meanings, depending on how you perceive it due to the difference of cultures. I have to say this though, for these songs, normally the lyrics related with the scene are played, and NOT the not-so-nice-part so there's really nothing to be worried about.































































































































































































@ Caliope awhh really.. i thought it sounds kind of either spanish, italian or mexican hahahah. ahh hope any kind goguma will help us with the unknown songs~ 
































































































































caliope unfortunately it is not there too, and i noticed my song list is more than their's. haha its ok, might figure it out one day.

































































































































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