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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































thanks redtulip for another fan account
































































































































































































































































































non-scripted episode!! omgoodness now i really cant wait for this episode!!
































































































































































































































































































now we get to know what they really talk about!!
































































































































































































































































































(even though every episode looks non-scripted) ahaahahh
































































































































































































































































































maybe it was yong's idea to go to his school and beach?!? (;
































































































































































































































































































(just like yong's idea to go to the temple -whether it was scripted or not)
































































































































































































































































































thank you kubih for the quick 7 sec filmimg in busan!!!
































































































































































































































































































ahahah man they are surrounded by a bunch of people!! no wonder they are so easily to spot!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyways yay for mc kim's tweet! looks like another exciting episode!!
































































































































































































































































































maybe this "busan" episode will air on Christmas or NEW YEAR?!?! (:
































































































































































































































































































a merry christmas and happy new year to us??!? ahahahh :P
































































































































































































































































































what do you think?

































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Guest SophiaPia




wow! thanks redtulip for the translations, credit also to DC.


YongSeo couple are shouting to the world that they are in Busan. Hubby's hometown and happy coz he is together w/ his wife Hyun "We are here" yeah!


My guess, hubby Yong meet his friends 1st, then maybe ask permission that they will be in tele, then friends agree. Hubby Yong came out and meet up w/ wife Hyun and the crew then start filming. Hubby Yong introduce all his friends to wife Hyun. Just guessing. 






edit: Thanks to DC gal for sharing all the bts photos of Busan filming. 






Some goodies from Baidu on the Busan filming translated from DC.


The words they wrote in the field in Yonghwa's school simply translated to "We are here"


Another Fan account (Summary of parts related to Yongseo)



They were filming at Starbuck. Yonghwa was with his friends in Starburks and Seohyun was in the car. Yonghwa came out to meet up with her and the rest of the crew. The rest were about how handsome and beautiful the both of them are. P.S one of the wgm's crew said that becuase there were no script, hence it was very tiring during editing.




Ohh, I topped the page.


I love Yongseo simply them just being them, good or bad, right things or wrong things. As long as they are happy, I am happy.



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Guest YuyuSaiyuki
































































































































































































































































































big thanx n credit to DC gal






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































another 1... (",)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong~ fashionista...i like his bag gegege~

































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redtulip, thanks for the fan acc~! :D

kubih & bizzie_b: thanks for the fancam~! kyaaaaaaa i've yet to watch it T.T (still at work)

So, yes, I’m frustrated and disappointed. And I’m feeling a little sorry for Yong. I’m afraid he’s going to come to the end of WGM and get a hearty pat on the shoulder and a ‘Thank you for all your hard work’ from Hyun and she’s going to take this ‘wonderful experience’, enter it in her diary as another good ‘life lesson’ and go right back to the safe, sheltered life with her unnies she has so carefully planned without a second thought (or even realizing) about what she has done to Yong’s heart. I’m hoping this will not be true. I would LOVE to see them be together forever, but I don’t feel Seohyun’s heart has developed in step with her logical mind.

I guess it's not hard to feel like Hyun will just go 'thank you for the experience' when WGM ends and that will be it. I can totally see where you're coming from and I guess that's one of the other 'hurdles' they have (IF the two of them have any real intention to progress as good friends or more). Maybe the basic condition that has yet to be 'decided' (particularly on Hyun's end) is: Now that we're where we are, what do I want from this? Just an experience? Or do I want to make the most of what I am presented with and go for more?

yess... i've been searching for this in luvtokki's post & thanks to aliene, i found it! haha! hmmm... i guess i'm not in the same page as u guys in this. it seems to me that hyun likes yong so much that sometimes i'd think that she likes yong more than yong likes her. but who knows in reality, they like each other equally... that will always be unknown. what i wanna say is that, maybe with what we know about her robotic self... we can assume that she'll leave WGM just like that. but hey... uri hyun has changed a lot over time. things could change a whole lot ya know. ;) my guts are telling me that she won't just leave WGM just like that. :) uhh sorrry... for the short answer. can't help it although i'm supposed to finish this urgent task of mine -.-" (am gonna be dead meat if i don't meet the deadline!)

wokeh...bye all! *poofs for real* :P


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Guest wallpaperfood

just wanted to say regarding Seohyun's intentions with WGM:

She may have started out with the mindset of WGM being a useful experience/stepping stone, and constantly answers WGM-related questions with the "experience" comment as well, however, keep in mind that this is her character.

She likely classifies things that happen in her life as good learning curves/experiences. The path of love would fall under the same heading (for her).

Having observed her, I don't think she is treating Yong/WGM as just the "valuable experience" she claims it is, as her actions speak louder than words. A small example would be the most recent ep, where she's gazing so lovingly and smiling/leaning in. Basically, there must be some sentiments at least. As to whether they will continue after WGM, it's a risky thing to speculate, and I'm sitting on the fence on that one. But I think right now, Hyun is very into Yong, more than just a friend/colleague (duh). She's just shy at expressing it, and doesn't know how to. The most obvious times are when she tells Yong "But this is closer to me than friends" - that's a pretty clear indication of what she thinks/feels for him. It's just not as direct as some gogumas would like it to be, but this is what I love about Yongseo.

luvtokki, I was also surprised at your post - i'm not saying I didn't like it, in fact, it encourages discussion and feedback so it's good =) - i'm just surprised, because like Trent, I didn't get the same feelings at all! I thought they looked much more comfortable with each other. I think that circling the earth 100 times is characteristic of Yongseo's interaction - it's just how they deal with issues, and it's very realistic. Besides, Hyun/Yong has shown times of being direct and forward, such as Hyun telling Yong she's been angry at him (ep28), Yong saying that he's always the one calling first (ep29). It's a mix.

As for skinship, I think it would have been awkward to talk about Hyun's move to initiate it that night. What would the conversation have been like? "So..about you holding my arm just now...why did you do that ^^?". I certainly was not expecting Yong to go "You've just made oppa really happy" on camera -.-  It would have been way too intimate a conversation to air (if they did discuss it, hypothetically), IMO.   I wasn't expecting them to hug or have more skinship straightaway either. If that was the case and they did have more skinship straight after, it wouldn't be typical of Yongseo, and we wouldn't have had to wait another 5 episodes to see more skinship since ep27. (not counting concert duet, cos that was during mildang and it was a perf). Besides, look at them holding hands so comfortably in the truck (preview)! Patience is a virtue, my friend. From now on, we will be watching Yongseo slowly embracing skinship ^^, just wait and see.                          

The banmal issue...seems to be a mute point for me. It's pretty straightforward. Hyun is a polite, respectful girl who will only speak banmal to people her age or younger, and that's it. What she said about speaking it on purpose to Jungshin/Minhyuk to be closer - I think that was true as well. It's a matter of how quickly she desires to switch to banmal (when with people her age). To try her best and avoid awkwardness for Yong's sake as well (from her POV), she used banmal with her brothers in law. She might have felt uncomfortable doing it that way, but she was doing it to ease the awkwardness, and could do so because they are the same age. Just consider how she still talks formally to her unnies. Banmal is not used to gage a person's closeness to Hyun.                                                                                                                                       

Lastly, I agree with lovekin that you shouldn't read too much into Hyun saying she's more comfortable making guy friends. For me, that meaning didn't even occur to mre. When she said it, I thought she was just expressing her gratitude to Yong for making her a more flexible and open person in general. In fact, if I recall correctly, I thought it was a bit abrupt when she suddenly said that she never had a single male friend before this, and I think this was not really the topic of the discussion. I attribute it to PD's editing. The main topic was Seohyun's change, and I think Yong knows Hyun enough to know that she doesn't mean to say she can go make friends with heaps of guys now. I think Yong knows where she is coming from, and was hence embarrassed (and somewhat pleased) to be thanked for it -(i.e., to see the product of his work/effort thanking him for it)

sorry for my lack of paragraphs/headings and overall coherency...I have a major headache right now but I just wanted to get this off my chest before i go nap haha...looks like I circled the earth 100 times with this long ramble... -.-"

PS thank you so much for translations/fancams/pics, they are seriosuly daebak and I'm just so happy to know that they are still filming =)


ok this is a bit creepy, but dreamyboo, your posts are the only ones I actually 100% agree with everytime. Seriously! (I've also [almost always] had the feeling that Hyun is sometimes into Yong more than he is into her; I feel it when I look at the way she looks at him, etc.). You managed to express what I've been feeling in like, one paragraph haha. And I also dunno why, but we tend to post at the same time sometimes lol...


onelast thing before I leave for real - i don;t think Yong's just going to get a "hearty pat on the back" at the end of WGM filming. My reason: Hyun has been the one to actually move the "real" relationship further. IMO, Yong initially helped her with the "reel" relationship by easing the tension, and did so very well btw, but things like contacting each other outside the show were brought up by Hyun. e.g.,  In ep13 when Hyun expressed her disappointent at finding out about the Thailand trip from Jinwoon, and in the more recent eps when Hyun was always being vocal about the calling/texting issue. I think she's interested enough to not just be so cold and give him a hearty pat at the end. She's going to treasure this experience for sure, and honestly, no one really ever forgets their first. ^^ Besides, Hyun doesn't seem like someone who will do that. She is a serious person after all, and takes care of those whomshe cherishes - Yong included.

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Guest quisty86




wallpaperfood - bec. I couldn't organize my thoughts and you very much did it for me, haha, thank you! and wait, dreamyboo I too sometimes have that feeling! Not to sound pessimistic don't shoot me but yeh the thought of Hyun falling more in the end (it's her first experience too) have crossed my mind a couple of times. 


About the not scripted part, is it referring to just this episode or filming WGM in general - meaning editing the program is hard (haha maybe the pds have been hearing the fans' complaints regarding the editing)?


I have to share. Last night I dreamt of our Yongseo couple! They were in a truck and they kissed! It was really quick but that was the only part of the dream I remember. Nothing naughty guys haha but they were serious and had eyes closed. AND there was a driver too! I really blame the next episode's preview. It's that scene but they were in the Japan night clothes. 


I forgot who mentioned Teenage Dream by Katy Perry but yeh, haha I think from now on I'd associate that song to them too! 


Looking at the pictures, woah, I'm still amazed by the number of cameras following them. It's so embarrassing haha. That's why I think the more restrained their actions are, even their conversations, the more real it is. :) That's why I feel so attached to our couple. 


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Thank you qwenli and rushgiri. Yes, I have been to KL and HCMC and Beijing many times for work but I wasn't a Yongseo addict before but I am now!!! That's great to know that there are ways! and I won't get left out of the fun. Thanks ladies! assuming you're ladies that is...
































Yes crystalblue. Very much of the feminine persuasion :)
































So excited about all the Busan news. Can't wait to see them together with his friends and at the beach.
































Also lovetokki, many people have responded to you on your comment but I'd like to add my two pennies worth! I always read your point of view with a lot of interest. I think looking at Hyun and Yong, I feel that there are a few factors one needs to consider here.
































1. The Asian factor:- Asians, specially those living in Asia, are not big into PDAs. Sure you do see couples holding hands, sometimes even kissing each other, but this is really not the norm, unlike in the West. We are in general shy of expressing our love/like in public (for the most part). I'm not Korean, but from what I've observed from my Korean friends, its a pretty conservative society when it comes to this. (mountainmadman, other Koreans, please feel free to contradict me on this :))
































2. Add to that the fact that for Hyun this is her very first relationship (reel or real). She's not used to even casual physical contact with a guy. And this is something Yong recognizes, which is why he is very very careful with her. He knows that skinship does not come easily to Hyun, so even though he is a touchy, feely guy, he gives her the space she needs to get comfortable with him. As a mother of 2 little girls, I really really hope they meet a guy like him. He knows when and where to push (asking her to call him first) and when to hold back (baby steps in skinship).
































3. And then of course, the biggest factor is that they are both idols with a big and sometimes very possessive fanbase. The Adam couple has the comic factor going for them. Khuntoria are given more leeway (I think) because they are foreigners. Remember, for all its international following, WGM is a show made for Koreans in Korea. So they have to follow the norms there. Since Hyun has such an innocent image (Not sure what Yong's image is like, someone please enlighten me), and I think Yong is perceived as a well brought up, gentlemanly guy, they need to keep that image intact.
































4. One can say that the whole intention in bringing them to this show is to change their image (in the case of Hyun) and bring more exposure (for Yong and CN Blue) but this needs to be done carefully and with a lot of sensitivity.
































Sorry for rambling on like this. Hope at least some of it made sense.
































Whether Yongseo will ever get together or not, doesn't really matter to me. I believe, that at the least, they are very special to one another. Their time together on WGM is like a wonderful journey, and I for one, am delighted that we get to walk a little bit of the way with them. Cheers all!
































Thanks again to all the regular posters who make this thread such an interesting place to be in.

















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Guest Crystal392










Woah so many pics about them filming in Busan :D And there are fancams too :w00t:











I have to study right now but can't wait to come back home and read all your amazing posts and watch those amazing fancams.


















Thanks to all the Gogumas who shared info and translated things about our YongSeo.


















It makes me smile when I read the fanaccounts and when people say they look good together ^^ hehehe



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More Busan pics...
























Thanks to the people from SPD:
























Edit:** This first pic: Seohyun looked like a pregnant wife here. LOVE IT! haha.








































































you can view it all at:













































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Say hi back to Sophiapia...
































And hi to everyone else in Go chun ...































































































I should out for my lurking mode to thanks for all the pict, fan account, translate, fancam about busan filming.
































bolameujung, caliope, MountainMadman, catcheungcw, sonia0805, magdal, redtulip, klee22, grazxhaie, lovekim, d_????,kubih, bizzie_b, yuyusaiyuki, lenovo..
































And thanks for the other goguma who make this thread so lively...































































































Luvtokki Appa...
































I always love your post, it always fun to read your post. But, such as trent and wallpaperfood, I'm a litle bit surprise too.
































At first, I also feel that something missing after they get back to the inn. I think they should talking about it. But, this feeling is just for a moment and covered with their serious talking and Yong's hold her hand. Maybe you think that after the linking arm, they will have a more skinship? But, as an Asian, it's difficult for Asian girl to have a skinship with a guy. It's more difficult if the girl is not use to it. Or it's her first relationship.
































I can say this because it's happen to me back then. I'm to shy to do skinship with my bf infront of the other people. To some of Asian people (especially in my country) it's not right to do skinship (holding hand, hug) with a guy who is not the girl's fiancee or husband.
































So, I hope you can understand why Hyun can't do skinship so often. (But, I think that is yongseo's charm)































































































PS : Yong's bag is the new brand that FNC (CN Blue's company) has launched. They make a college bag.
































And I really want one of those bag.































































































Sorry for my poor english, I'm really bad at grammar.































































































bye bye
































































































































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Guest lunasol




More Busan pics...

Thanks to the people from SPD



you can view it all at:





Thank you lenovo!!!




I think they are holding hands and I don't see cameramen nearby!! It would be wonderful if that is true and they are just arriving to Busan or are on a break. I know it is said that his family has money, so could that Mercedes Benz be his family car? I don't think WGM will rent a Mercedes Benz for a Yongseo recording. 






Thank you kubih for posting the photos here.




The more and more I look at the photos I still don't see the staff that will be associated with the show. Because at least for a recording they would have one nearby as we saw in Japan fanphotos or the photos of them walking on the street at night. The people there seems more like passerby except the guy with the black and blue jacket just in front of them who I think is the same guy who later is extending his arm towards them over the roof o f the car. Anyways, if the car belongs to his family and there is no camera nearby, and he is grabbing her hand, what do you think?!?!?! Maybe my Busan excitement is making me think too much into it hahaha


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[PHOTO] Yongseo at Busan entering a black car (Merc?)
























cr: soulmate@dcmarried






용서횽들 부산 촬영사진 새로운거 ^^






오늘 글 너무 많이쓰는거 같아 ㅋㅋㅋ








떡밥이 계속나와 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ








사진출처는 미니홈피








용화 완전 멋지다 서현이는 인형갖고 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ








이 촬영사진 스포별로 없는거 같은데 펑해야 되나???










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Oh my!!! YongSeo in Busan is LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! My expecting another great YongSeo moments there. not to mention the meet the in-laws part... just thinking of those makes me giddy.. blush.gif
































































































































































































































































Thank you to all translators and the pictures of uri couple in Busan.. really, thank you!!
































































































































































































































































and finally, yes, I post here mostly to share my fics so.. here it is.. Hyun Choding
































































































































































































































































Enjoy reading! :D

































































































































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waaahhhh i want to scream at the top of my lungs! WHAT'S GOING ON~ and i say HEY HEY HEY! ( i sang instead).... thank you so much for those who shared the Busan pics, i am sooo excited... the first pic, first frame, it really looked like they were holding hands... i love it... i want a 4 make it 8 episode Busan special for Yongseo... hehehehehe...

ahhh, one more thing, looks like its a special episode because they even used a Mercedes for their car.. usually its either a bus or taxi.. now a foreign made car... wow... WGM surely love this couple as much as i do... but i second what lunasol said, i would not mind if the pics were taken on a taping break... hahahaha


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yeah, i think they are holding hands, why i just want to scream , hope we have clearer pic. it is so good, so good. why just holding hand make me happy. and no camera when they holding hands. oh my god




this is what i imagine, Yong want to confirm with all his chingus in Busan by holding hands. hahah this is my girl, hahha she is my girl. yeah Hyun is Yong's Girl. if he said that in the future i think i gonna to collapse for a while. hahahha


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WOW...Really big WOW...































































Black Merc...???































































Why do I have a feeling that the car is Yong family car?































































I remember read @ CNBLUE thread, during CNBLUE concert @Busan,































































the fans saw Yong family going back with Black Merc...































































But I can't find the fan account anymore.














































































































Thank you to all goguma that share the pic of our couple.































































& He really are gentlemen...































































open a door for his beautiful Buin.. ;)














































































































It's really amazing that Korean fans can follow them everywhere....































































& come out with pic... hehehe....































































So we can spazz a lot...































































Until Saturday...














































































































p/s: clumsy day today....just a reminder... hehehe
































































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Guest Faith_memory




























I'm so happy to find out that they are filming at Busan, yong's home town. and NO Script at all. I can't wait to watch it. and wow, those picture/fancams updates from the filming is really coming. kekeke~ ♥ For sure it, must've been a tiring them for both yongseo and the Wgm crews and goguma stalkers. kekeke~ ♥




















and for luvtokki




















i kinda agree with some of your points at your entry. For me, just my opinion, I do think that Yong likes Seohyun more, than she likes him. yes, they like each other for sure, they are close, but someone might like the other more, for me Yong gives a damn love more. but for sure, seohyun likes him too. well, that is just my opinion.




















I don't want wgm to end yet.. that is for sure

my sister told me that, in a pairing, the one who you tend to love more is the one doing a lot in the pairing that you are watching for.




















anyway, can't wait for Saturday!!!





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i love your feeling... :w00t: if i let my imagination go further, i would lurve to think that this pics were taken sans the camera rolling for WGM taping... why? there's no cameramen hovering over them... the previous pics, the cameramen were literally on their back and front... i cant believe they maintained a big distance from them if this was part of the shoot... maybe, they used the family car and met the Jung family..

ohh, i'll snap out of it... :P


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Guest SophiaPia




aigoo! soompi acting weird to me, i will get strike if like this sorry. i did post comment then lost :( sorry guys


anyway, thanks lenovo and kubih for sharing all that bts photos. really excited about this Busan date. I hope we see most of the Busan date after they edited it. This gonna be another lovely episode. I hope. YongSeo couple as always looks lovely indeed.


Cheers to all


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Guest Caliope

I don't want to wait for January... :crazy:

I want to see the trip to Busan... NOW :phew:

Thank you so much for the translation and pics ^^

Wawwww!! Walking in the beach ^^ So romantic (too many staff ¬¬)

I'm sure that they were with Yoong's mother (and father... and older brother =D)

For now, we know that is recorded:

- Goguma Harvest (at a minimum, will be 2 episodes: 4 and 11 December...)

- In an aquarium (21th October... RUMOR)

- 9th November (another rumor)

- in Busan

Ohhhh!! So much...

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