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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest shane09

































































































































































































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Guest sweet_spy












Hi Gogumas!















I was so grumpy about missing yesterday WGM streaming. But thanks to all of you kind souls, i can not be any more happier than right now. Raw, translations, subs all come out on the same day...just wow...really, this thread is the most wonderful place ever existed during the 4 years i've lurked on soompi. J2dlee, MountainMadman, Synykiss, and many others, i cant be grateful enough towards you dedicated gogumas. Anyhow, please continue to stay here until the very end. I dont know how bloomy my weekend would have been without you guys.















Since i have nothing much to contribute, im going to post a picture of Huyn that i love the most from this recent episode. Looking at uri lovely wife in this capture, i can confidently say that she has undoubtedly and truly fallen for her choding husband now
















Lastly, here's an FMV I just made out of my immense happiness caused as a result of YongSeo's heartfelt conversation during Japan trip. First time putting together an FMV so excuse the choppiness ~ i tried ^^

















YongSeo Japan Trip



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i have my japanese exam tomorrow. but i can't help to leave my words here before i go back to my books.




i think there are four important eps to our yong seo couple. first, the ep about cnblue members' visit to studio representing their start, then the train ep showing their deeper feeling to each other, then the fishing ep where they linked arms and held hands and had their faithful rings which never leave their left hand fingers for most of the time, and now this ep where they showed their bottom of the heart feelings... so touching so honest.




in this ep, i could see how they really care about each other,how they mind to see the other not caring about themselves. hyun wants to be cared (and loved) by yong and similarly, yong wants to be cared (and loved) by hyun. just this silly couple do not know how to express themselves. i have to salute to hyun's courage of speaking out her thoughts, that made yong then speaking out his. yong deserve everything what hyun does for him - the thanks, the first time cooked food, the healthy drinks, the yongseo story book, the 'love light' solo performance, the new rings, her care about him, being close to him being the first male friend, going to his concert by herself in private, breaking her longstanding wall with boys just for him, ... whenever i think of how many things yong did to make hyun changed to be a better and open cheerful lovely girl, my emotions will go up immediately.




i trust yong's honesty. he did all these not because of wanting hyun to thank him. so he was a little bit upset when hyun surfing his news because she happened to see his news. but i also trust hyun's honesty. she is just shy to say that she misses her hubby badly. she surfed the news about yong so she knew about the comedian "hyun"news, about his ideal girl, about yong not wearing the new couple ring while at that time, she was also busy with schedules.




this couple is so beautiful that i can't find my limited words to describe them correctly. they cherish each other and their time. i don't know if you guys notice, whenever they are together just being only two together, they have their own world, it seems that they don't care what is happening outside their world, but just we go into their world to look at them, they don't care what we think.




my little worry is that yong thinks hyun is pouplar than him, i think it is an ego down in his heart. but yong seobang, i can tell you even if it is true (though i don't think it's exactly true, i like cnblue very much), hyun is only a girl and girl is a feature that prefer to lean on her husband. yong seobang, if you could overcome your ego, hyun is already yours. as what psy said to you, if you are brave enough to express yourself, then your loved girl is yours. if you let her go, then she belongs to other guy. you have to realise hyun has opened herself to you, and she has speeded up her pace already to catch you (the pace we did not expect). i trust she will keep her promise to express more her true feelings to you.




my lovely couple, you make my world full of bliss.


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Guest FallenAnjewl




























From what i said before i believe is even more true now.




















Goguma's look at what shane09 posted. His first gif showing hyun holding yong's hand. You can see when she went to hold his hand. Yong leaned forward and looked at her manager. Could the manager know something??? keke ;]




















Maybe yong is trying to show off their relationship to her manager and prove to him that its true???




















And dont you guys reckon that hyun looked extremely happy in the next episode. We can definetely see a big development between the two <3





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Guest MountainMadman

Hello everyone. :)

A big shout-out to everyone who's contributed screencaps, analysis, gifs, pictures, etc. etc. I really enjoy going through all of them!

And you could've probably guessed, but a non-translation post by me usually means that, yes, Love Story has been updated.



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Guest YongSeo












I must pen down my inner thoughts. Watching yongseo from the first epi till now is like going through a roller-coaster ride. It builds up anticipation during the first few episodes when they are trying to get comfortable with each other, then came to a peak during their double bday celebration, it slides downward at an accelerating speed during the mildang period but rebounds to a even higher peak during the Japan trip!!




I agreed with some that their heart-to-heart talk during this episode is just like a couple sorting out their misunderstanding, voicing out their inner thoughts.They have matured so much and have learnt from each other on how to handle relationship issues e.g. Yong saying that, "relationship is a process of adjusting to each other, changing each other. So from now on, if there’s anything needs changing, we should do it together". Well-Said!!!




To J2dlee, Mountainmadman, Sun_Sun, keoconvoinewseason, no amount of thanks is enough to express all the gratitude and appreciation that I have for you. Greatly appreciate your effort in serving the goguma community!!:rolleyes:





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Hi Gogumas.  I really loved the latest ep.  I love it when Yongseo have their meaningful conversations.  I think that everyone has mentioned all my fav scenes in this ep - most of them relates to their serious talk. 


Just wanted to elaborate on a couple of scenes.  The first is when Hyun thanked Yong for the changes he has brought to her. It really shows that Hyun did a lot of thinking while she was in Japan.  She realized herself that she has changed and who has brought about that change.  I can't help but think that in the future Yong should talk directly with Hyun and not let his "man pride" get in the way because now, with Hyun's "awakening", there is the possibility of another guy reaping the reward of his labor.


I kept replaying their last serious conversation.  You can almost see the flinch (narrowing of Hyun's eyes) when Yong mentioned the "bad thing" that he did.  I could feel her pain that she was recalling in her mind at that time.  And Yong's plea to Hyun to "please don't do that bad thing to him" - I think that you can see in his face the pain he imaged if Hyun were to do the "bad thing" that he did to him.  About the "bad thing" that Yong did to Hyun - a big part (the logical part) of me thinks he referred to the mildang in general...but a small part of me thinks that there is one particular aspect of the mildang whether it was the shutting off all communication/or something else - known only to them - in particular that he was referring to.  I think that Hyun took a while to nod her agreement with him than the scene suggests just because of the change in body positon and the beer can in the ep.  You can almost see the relief in Yong's face when she agreed not to do that "bad thing" ever again.


I applaud Yong's patience with Hyun and the changes he has brought to her.  Like someone mentioned, Yong has been able to bring about these changes in her in less than a year - where her unnies had not been able to.  Perhaps the change just needed the right guy at the right moment in her life.  At the same time, I also applaud Hyun for her acceptance of Yong for the way he is and her ability to forgive and persevere in this relationship.  She is different from other girls.  I think that most girls would have quit by now if they were subjected to the 2 weeks/ 1 month mildang that Yong put her through.  I think that she had the real option to quit WGM when SM pulled all the other SNSD members due to their Japan promotions, but I think that Hyun had the determination/stubborness to see this relationship through to where it may lead.  With Yong, she seems to have great flexibility and willingness to adapt with him.  I hope that the pace at which she expresses herself to Yong is faster than her banmal because I think that would help further the relationship.


I look forward to seeing their progress next week.  The preview looks so lovey dovey.  For now, inki - some members of SM "The Ballad" is having their debut.  Yong will be meeting more of his in-laws...hahaha...he has a lot of them.



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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































Watching Inkigayo right now !!
















































































































Yong looks as handsome as always and yess goguma he is wearing the ring !!!
















































































































i wonder when he changes his mic to his left hand, does he think is hyun watching me???
















































































































Sorry the picture is  a bit blurry but you can still see the ring

























































































































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Guest kerobear
















































Yong is wearing his ring @ inkigayo today

















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YongHwa saying.. sarangheyo ... Inkigayo!! was LOL!! hahaha... they are teasing our Yong :P

































































































































































































































































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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































@magdal: why did yong say sarangheo??? and what were the other MCS teasing yong about?? like was there a certain reason??
















































































































was it related to hyun??
















































































































hopefully we see some yongseo couple today at inkigayo todayy









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Guest nafa_yongseo




thanks for the english sub...


 yongseo really make people crazy... everyday i watching them...


daebak for this week...


can't wait for inkigayo and next week...


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@magdal: why did yong say sarangheo??? and what were the other MCS teasing yong about?? like was there a certain reason??
































































































































was it related to hyun??
































































































































hopefully we see some yongseo couple today at inkigayo todayy































































































































































































































































I think They were announcing a song named Sarang Heyo... I think Jkwoon said Sarang Heyo dad?, sulli mom and Yong Inkigayo and Sulli and Jkwoon stared at him with a weird faces hahaha... but since I don´t understand korean I don´t know anything else.
































































































































Just was funny ^^
































































































































Edit: my connection laged so much, I couldn´t make pics T_T... but I think we need fancams, at the end Yong stood for a moment in front of the girls, but the camera moved away from him ¬¬, fans, we need your fancams! haha

































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Guest cvillejin
















































lol seohyon really changed a lot she's extra bubbly nowadays and she's calling him oppah a lot...this came outta no where or just me ? haha

















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I was fully prepared if Yongseo will not air this week due to the condition in Korea. I'm glad they still air though.
































































































































































































































































































































































Episode 33 was far beyond my expectation. They had confessions. Maybe it's their most honest conversation. Hyun saying thank you to him and his effort in approaching him. Yong said, "Try to call me first". And her, "I'll break down my walls" and the symbolic moves using his hands. The wrestling, like a rewind of their past. His "How many goguma points am I now?". And he got six! After everything, I'm thankful for that goguma points. Great job Yong Hwa, you get your points back. I wish I could watch the sub to understand the reasong why Seulong was making that retching voice. That line of Yong must be really cheesy. A cheesy Yong means a happy fangirl me, haha. And when he grabbed her hand, I died several deaths. I mean, really, how cuter can they get than this?
































































































































































































































































































































































And it's so sweet of him to prepare her bed, and he looked like he didn't want to leave her. God I love them. I want to go to Korea and hug them!
































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you snsdlivenew and j2lee. You are Yongseo Angels!
































































































































































































































































































































































I finally managed to update my fic, The ABC Set Series. The title this time is : The End. I hope you like my contribution. I can do nothing except write fics to show how I love this Sweet Potato Couple. About the fic, all I could say is, don't get discouraged by the title. And um, it's a long fic.
































































































































































































































































































































































The End Part One :































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The End Part Two :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I'm looking forward to see Yongseo on Inkigayo :)




Thank you j2dlee and mountainmadman so much for the great translation!




I just went through the old ep when they first did the hand wrestling. Let the photos speak, u surely see the difference!




First, preparation:


















Second, get set (Hand on hand :D)


















Third, Go... (during the competition)






































Last, the result (we still have the same winner as well the same symptom of the happy loser)












(Photos caped by me)



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Guest ikekeyou












































i didnt expect inkigayo today but it was on today!!




































ahahah well yay for snsd they won again!!




































and yong gave hyun the trophy like always!! and stood next to her!! (:




































they both had their hair tied up today!! coincidence much? :D








































































sorry for the horrible quality!!




































ahahah the girl's in BLACK and mcs in WHITE :)





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