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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to magdal for the tip:

MC Kim's tweet:


Finished recording this week's episode. It was interesting but not sure if it'll be broadcast this Saturday because of the state of the country. Khuntoria movie episode...YongSeo's goguma harvest...Adam's new ____ episode (sorry, I don't understand that specific part), etc...it was daebak~

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Guest bizzie_b











Woogyeol recording has finished. For really shone jam I do not know Whether the country's broadcast Sunday with the atmosphere. Kuntoriahmyubiepi forgiveness ..

You realize that was a big hit ~ Kumamoto harvested .. .. ahdamnesaeroungaheunepideung




Hmmm, yes I think he mentioned about their country and maybe the atmosphere during the taping.  And I guess about the gogumas were harvested already.  Maybe mountainmadman or someone else could help us.  But I think, basically that's the idea. 






Whoops and there goes the translation.  Sorry bout that. rolleyes.gif


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dreamyboo :) chanced bumped, i like that! hahaha.

but hey, what's your youtube user name? because i know i'm subscribed to you, but it's not dreamyboo is it? because i didnt see it under that. but maybe i'm not subscribed to you... hm... this is strange! but i want to see! so give me a link or something.... please
































































































































































































ancaemma10 lol! that is daebak! great eagle eye!
































































































































































































i dont think the korean entertainment industry understands the explicit lyrics they sing when they are covering english songs. for example i talked about yong and the cn blue brother in law's performance of "inside of you" yea, that song is major RrrrrrrRRrrrRR!
































































































here are the lyrics:
































































































It seems so obvious
































































































Theres something up with us
































































































I swear I feel it
































































































From across the room.
































































































So can I ask you this?
































































































Not to be forward, miss,
































































































But I think I'd kill myself
































































































If I never knew...
































































































What do I have to do
































































































To get inside of you?
































































































To get inside of you?
































































































Cuz I love the way you move,
































































































When I'm inside of you.
































































































When I'm inside of you...
































































































Just ask and I will do
































































































Anything you want me to
































































































There is no limit
































































































To how far I will go..
































































































And Im sure I can pretend
































































































To be a gentlemen..
































































































But before I begin,
































































































I just gotta know,
































































































I just gotta know,
































































































I just gotta know...
































































































What do I have to do
































































































To get inside of you?
































































































To get inside of you?
































































































Cuz I love the way you move,
































































































When I'm inside of you.
































































































When I'm inside of you...
































































































For now I'll play the game
































































































And I'm waiting for your move
































































































But I've got to say
































































































That I never lose...
































































































What do I have to do
































































































To get inside of you?
































































































To get inside of you?
































































































What do I have to do
































































































To get inside of you?
































































































To get inside of you?
































































































Cuz I love the way you move,
































































































When Im inside of you.
































































































When Im inside of you...
































































































When I'm inside of you.
































































































































































































































































































When Im inside of you..
































































































so yea... i know exactly what you mean. lol and funny thing. this was on CHOCOLATE too!!!!!!! hahahahaha.































































































































































































mountainmadman thanks thanks for the translations! :) daebak~!!!!

















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Guest SophiaPia























edit: credit to sonefancam and d3SeoHyun.










wife SeoHyun and only the ring :)









































Hi to all chingus 










yes! it's so sad what's happening in this world. We pray for peace and love not only in South and North Korea, but for the whole world.










But there's a saying that the show must go on, hopefully we have wgm this Saturday. Let's see this coming Saturday. 










Thanks to all of you who shared screen caps of our lovely YongSeo couple, i'm still watching the Japan date over and over again and not fade up w/ it :) they really look good together esp. wearing casual clothes like that, w/ linking arms like that, staring at each other, it's so so sweet wub.gifwub.gif










Cheers to all










"Let's make love not war"



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Guest Crystal392





panGG: About the songs SNSD and CNBLUE sang in 'Chocolate': hehehehehe :lol::P








Thanks MountainMadman and klee22 for translating MC Kím's tweet.... so they will show uri YongSeo harvesting Gogumas. :o Btw, is that the ep where Yuri appears?








I agree with lovekin, I will be sad if they cancel this saturday ep but I will understand.








YongSeo hwaiting ^_^


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Thanks all for the update
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks Sun Sun for subbing
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks MountainMadman for translating & I've been following your fanfic Love Story
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's really good and after this I'm off to read the latest chapter, whom the writer said the best so far hehe...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I also follow the other fanfic too, like Trent's Goguma Hours
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PanGG when I found out abt the real meaning of If I Seek Amy, I quickly browsed through my CNBLUE video collections & rewatched that Inside of You performance again LOL, funny that those two performances are on Chocolate hehe..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Crystal_Malfoy u always bring such positive & sweet influence to the forum hehe, you're like Hyun!! haha!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and also I totally agree with what Lovekin said (in spoiler), as much as we want to watch WGM this saturday, whatever decision, let's respect it, because there are bigger problems than just missing a few episode of our sweet couple :)

































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































hello gogumaland!!






























































so there is still no confirmation about whether WGM will be cancelled or not (I hope that will not happen!)..... so I guess next episode is the finale of their japan trip and the start of their goguma harvesting right?? any speculation on how the episode will be?? I'm imagining many things now :wub: :wub::wub:






























































bizzie_b...... about the seohyun fancam, do you mean the video posted in DCGal? coz I don't seem to find that fancam. anyway, there are fancams about if you seek amy.... it's quite short though





























































































edit: just want to share a screencap when the guy in the temple explains






























































look at the lady, she looks soo scary :lol: :lol::lol:






























































edit2..... I just saw this video on DCGal. veryy lovely :wub: :wub::wub: It's a song by DBSK. So I reuploaded it on youtube.....































































credits: WGM DCGal

































































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Guest nafa_yongseo




i hope WGM can be aired on this saturday...


i don't want to waiting for long time u watch their lovely dovey...


even one week it's too long... can't wait...


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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































Hai guys, so the bombing thing really shocked me. What if TV shows will be delayed, aish. And what if Yong and Hyun were filming that time? OMG. Anyways, just knew about the thing about If You Seek Amy. I was really amazed @-} Lol. Wonder if they know it also. XD Made another FMV. Hah
































































































































































































[Eng Sub] Can I Love You? by Yurisangja - FMV Yongseo | LINK































































































































































































































































































































































































































So, yea. DL-ing Episode 32 now. Gonna watch it forever HAH wub.gif K- babai~

































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mountainmadman & klee2: thanks for the trans... MC Kim is always very generous in providing us with some infos! :)

lovekin, haha same here!!! i also kept replaying the latest ep... i think this ep is the most meaningful one thus far! :wub: and i like them wearing those normal outfits too... but hyun especially looked veryyy pretty in that yellow sweatshirt. oh, i especially like it whenever the older generation make some good comments on yongseo... IMO, they kinda help give me some head start direction as to where the couple would be heading as they are more experienced & their sense of judgment is also better. ugh, sorry for the rambling! -.-"

panGG~!! my username in YT is mctl83... gah! i shouldn't have used that username huh. oh well! yahh here's the link... i was playing with some effects. hohoh i had tonnes of fun experimenting it!! xD unfortunately, i think it was lacking in the emotion department -.-"

magdal~! i also wonder what actually went thru' yong's head when he watched hyun's sexy dance! :w00t: i'm thinking... %$#%^@$%*@#$$@#$%^&!!!! <-- explicit content! :ph34r: haha but i'm sure he's very proud of her. i think hyun often asks yong for his opinion when it comes to her performance as she knows that he is partly the reason she's progressing. who knows yong did make some comments, and BAMMM... SEXY HYUN appears~! haha as of now, i wonder... will he lessen his advice to hyun in order to prevent further nosebleed??? kekeeke

sophiapia, thanks for the link~! hyun is indeed getting sexier with time haha! xD

putri172, no one liner pls... suejinners just gave us warnings. i suggest that u edit ur post & visit the soompi's rules. :)

omo... i didn't realize that both yong & hyun performed some xplicit songs. well, at least their main motive isn't like what the songs are implying then it's ok i guess. owhhh... i guess my plan of going to korea next yr may be postponed... i hope nothing worse will happen to south korea & uri yongseo!


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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello, goguma villagers! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was watching old episodes and noticed an interesting wordplay-shortcut habit of Yong. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Like in the salon episode, Hyun said something about salon friend (miyongshil chingu) and Yong wittily says "mi-chin" (crazy?) which from what I understand is another different word altogether. And in the latest Japan episode, Hyun said goguma heaven (don't know the Korean word for heaven but I know it starts with chun), and Yong remarked "go-chun". I find it cute and Hyun laughs with him every time he jokes like that, so, yeah...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Random but cute. :P

































































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Guest putri172


mountainmadman & klee2: thanks for the trans... MC Kim is always very generous in providing us with some infos! :)

lovekin, haha same here!!! i also kept replaying the latest ep... i think this ep is the most meaningful one thus far! :wub: and i like them wearing those normal outfits too... but hyun especially looked veryyy pretty in that yellow sweatshirt. oh, i especially like it whenever the older generation make some good comments on yongseo... IMO, they kinda help give me some head start direction as to where the couple would be heading as they are more experienced & their sense of judgment is also better. ugh, sorry for the rambling! -.-"

panGG~!! my username in YT is mctl83... gah! i shouldn't have used that username huh. oh well! yahh here's the link... i was playing with some effects. hohoh i had tonnes of fun experimenting it!! xD unfortunately, i think it was lacking in the emotion department -.-"

magdal~! i also wonder what actually went thru' yong's head when he watched hyun's sexy dance! :w00t: i'm thinking... %$#%^@$%*@#$$@#$%^&!!!! <-- explicit content! :ph34r: haha but i'm sure he's very proud of her. i think hyun often asks yong for his opinion when it comes to her performance as she knows that he is partly the reason she's progressing. who knows yong did make some comments, and BAMMM... SEXY HYUN appears~! haha as of now, i wonder... will he lessen his advice to hyun in order to prevent further nosebleed??? kekeeke

sophiapia, thanks for the link~! hyun is indeed getting sexier with time haha! xD

putri172, no one liner pls... suejinners just gave us warnings. i suggest that u edit ur post & visit the soompi's rules. :)

omo... i didn't realize that both yong & hyun performed some xplicit songs. well, at least their main motive isn't like what the songs are implying then it's ok i guess. owhhh... i guess my plan of going to korea next yr may be postponed... i hope nothing worse will happen to south korea & uri yongseo!

Sorry, Actually it`s an accident. I`m supposed to reply the other yongseo thread, but I ended wrongly typed it in this forum. I`m so sorry. I hope condition in korean peninsula going to better. Not only for our favourite goguma heaven, but also for the citizen in there..From afar we pray for peace in there...Make Love Not War..our favourite couple has stated it before, I`m so agree..And of course I hope this saturday will be another daebak episode from our lovely yongseo couple. I`m so sad, but also knowing that recently, many of yongseo thread becomes silent..God.. please help this situation, don`t let it becomes worse...Hope it becomes much better soon..amiin..


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crystal_malfoy and bamz yea its a pretty lol-ish thing about chocolate. but i think its because chocolate is a late night show so mostly adults attend and watch it. i think. but yes, yongseo have done some HOTT performances on there for sure. now they just need to do one together ;)
































































































soshisoshisoshi lmao at your picture. totally random! and it reminds me of the bathroom grandma from the horror special with yongseo and other couples, lol. (btw, i love random post like that, lol)
































































































dreamyboo oh i love it! it wouldnt let me comment thou, kept saying error message to me. but i loved it :wub: it was so touching and i really like the song! i dont think i've heard that song before but so good with your video. your intro effects were cool. but dont hate me for saying this but the white spots were kind of distracting after a while, but it was cool! :) hahaha. but i loved it. seriously. thanks for sharing that yongseo love! i'm going to dl it and watch it forever! "river flows in you~" gosh i love it
































































































hm... so if the episode isnt aired this weekend, that's sad and i will truly hate missing another saturday without yongseo. but it has good reason. so i hope everyone in s korea is well and i hope things stay peaceful.
































































































s korea fighting! wgm fighting! yongseo fighting!
































































































...and i was just thinking. i wonder what hyun's reaction is like because her idol is a political figure (if i'm not mistaken) the secretary of something guy (now i sound like an ignorant child because i dont know, lol) but i wonder how this is effecting her. and yong as well. hm... fighting!!!

















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Guest ahn_annann







ya, Rouenna Yong always make a joke that Hyun response, enjoy with him.. big smiles, laughing..





here's YongSeo language





share my pics ..















waiting for ep.33



























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if only i could send this over there now to ease the tension

i'm saddened & concerned by the latest developement btwn both countries.

and since yesterday, there is nothing much on TV except 'live' reports on the incident.

like what lovekin has shared, if MBC decides not to air wgm this week,

i also think its an appropriate thing to do.

lets pray both sides can come to an agreement soon.

and i really really hope i don't need to cancel my holiday trip there this Dec.

abt MC Kim's tweet, tks for the translations mountain madman and klee22.

so they're going to show yongseo harvesting their gogumas..

PDnim better not edit out the part where yong helped hyun puts her boot on..

but what comes after the harvesting episode?

something random abt their synchronised steps.

not only were they in sync while walking outside, they did it while inside the house too



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just wednesday, i miss our couple badly, sarturday come soon. rewatching their first eps, so cute each other. i can see both growing up alot, not only Hyun but Yong as well. he is more manly, even in the childish way, more husbandlike :-). man just act childish with the woman they like, i think. sarturday pali.




and hope North and South Korea can reach the peace agrement.


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Guest Crystal392





Like almost all of you I'm missing my YongSeo too... 3 more days until the next ep :)



Thanks to everyone who shared pics, links, fanfics, videos etc about uri YongSeo. That makes this week less long hehehehe



I asked this question before but no one answered me so I will ask it again :P Is the goguma harvest ep the one Yuri was a guest? Or was it just a rumour?



YongSeo hwaiting ^_^


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Like almost all of you I'm missing my YongSeo too... 3 more days until the next ep :)
















































Thanks to everyone who shared pics, links, fanfics, videos etc about uri YongSeo. That makes this week less long hehehehe
















































I asked this question before but no one answered me so I will ask it again :P Is the goguma harvest ep the one Yuri was a guest? Or was it just a rumour?
















































YongSeo hwaiting ^_^































































































I think we don´t know, seems like a rumor because there were some fans who said they saw Yuri but then others said that there were just Yong and hyun :wub:... anyway, lets wish for Yuri to be there!!! She is one of us :rolleyes:.
















































dreamyboo: Yong´s nosebleed? hahahaha, I can totally imagine it... Lets hope that they will talk about it next time when they film :wub:















































































































Gogumas, I need to say this even when I know it is a very much over analized thing but I´m really curious about yong´s drawings of them in the wooden tables  ... I wish I know how to interpretate them;  he seems like a snake and she is round like a ball, as if she was pregnant or something keke.
















































I don´t think that is intentional, but I´m pretty sure that we could find an interesting meaning behind the drawings ^^...

































































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