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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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cr snsd thread

its funny to see some comments there..

apparently the trophy was a bit chipped, and someone commented that

'someone' might have dropped it while watching 'a certain someone' perform

in that sexy outfit! :lol:

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Guest ricevol





@shane09 love those caps, saved in my PC :rolleyes:



missmoomin101 and tinybeatingheart : thank you for the caps, though I don't see Yong's head clearly lol, I DO believe that he's always monitoring his wife in his own way kekeke :wub::w00t:



@jnj LOLLLL It might be the case!!! :w00t: and I would love to see that scene - Imagine YOng's face right now :lol:blush.gifB)



Btw, just want to say how much I love this thread, especially the diversity of us - goguma village's members. Which means We can see different opinions and views, 360 angle love for Sweetpotato couple.



Kamsahamnida :wub:


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Guest Faith_memory


















Hello there fellow gogumas! good evening! ♥ keke~ from where i am. Kekeke~ even at inkigayo we are being showered by yongseo moments. ♥ and tomorrow, it's night after night there might be a yongseo related stuffs there since yong is there. yihieee! ♥ you can see jessica sticking with seohyun at inkigayo, nee?? keke~ ♥ *one night in japan* wgm people are all over inkigayo today, kekeke~ even the wgm MCs haha! ♥














I think yong wore the couple ring at his picture with minkiee yesterday.. it was just been turned around so the diamond wasn't able to see at the pic, thus it looked a bit different but i think it's the couple ring. as for today, i haven't watched inkigayo well, and couldn't see their ring but, i'll look for it! keke! to be honest, if he didn't wore the ring, i'll feel weird inside. but still, yongseo ♥



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Guest FallenAnjewl




























we can confirm that both hyun and yong were wearing ther couple rings !!




















So goguma's dont worry !! No need to stress!!




















I think, its become a thing where they dont need to wear their couple ring to show their dedication towards each other. We can see that since they even waved at each other, that their relationship is still going strong and that even hyun's friends notice i.e. jinwoon, who has also become friends with yong




















We know that when yong handed the trophy to hyun, that he was standing to her right. So from the pictures below, both of them were wearing couple rings




















yonginki.jpg     hyuninki.jpg





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Guest minzyne
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My FanArt..300Days YongSeo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cr : minzynr

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest blueshoes
















Jinwoon a~ what are you doing with SH and YH ? :P:tongue::P:tongue:








































keke I wanna cap too IT'S COUPLE RING CONFIRMMMM
























































found this topic at DC married gall








about PUSAN SHOOTING ... hope someone will trans this








































용서네 부산에피 충무김밥집의 진실
































참...정말 내가 이렇게까지 하게될줄 나도 몰랐음ㅋ








사실 부산에서 태어나 20년을 살았던 동네지만 남포동 한번인가 두번 가봤음ㅋ
















암튼 어제 그 블로그를 보고








가야겠다. ㅋ
















아침에 나도 모르게 눈이 일찍떠져서








그래! 이건 가라는 계시다!!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
























근데 막상 찾아갔더니








충무김밥 좌판이라고해야하나? 너무많은거야








카오스에 빠졌지...그러나...ㅋ 난 할수있다는 긍정적 VD로 ㅋ 차근차근 간판을 둘러보기시작함!!








그리고서 난 찾은거야1!!수선집 간퐌~~~~~!!저건 블로그에서 봤던 그것!!!
































대강 눈치껏 자리를잡고








호감을 주기위해서 ㅋㅋ 1인분시키고 2인분을 포장해달라고 웃으며 말했엉-








그리고 떡밥투척!








방송이랑 인터넷에서 보고왔어요 ^-^*
















사실 바로 무실줄 알았는데








술술 얘기해줄거라고 생각한 나의 판단미스.ㅋ
















아주머니는 그냥 슬몃 웃으셨어...좀 수줍음이 많으셨음ㅋ 약간 시크하셨어 ㅋㅋㅋ








난 급당황...일코를 해제할것인가 말것인가....








진실을 위해서라면 그까이꺼 ㅋ
















지루하지?ㅋ기둘려봐 ㅋㅋㅋ
































"혹시 여기 우결촬영왔었나요?"








"(끄덕끄덕) 황우슬혜 이선호"
















"네에???????????????????????????????(ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ) 소녀시대 서현 아니에요?"








"아니 황우슬혜 이선호"
















포기할수없었던 쨔보살 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
















"언제 촬영왔어요?"








"올초 올봄? 온지 얼마안됐어"
















(아주머니 올초 올봄이 왜 온지 얼마 안된건가요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ지금 11월이에요 ㅠㅠㅠ)
























"하아..... 네에.....김밥 맛있어요 >ㅁ<"
























나에게 남은건 포장해온 충무김밥 2인분...ㄳ




















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regarding the whole RING DING DONG issue... i admit i was ring watching too... so when the show started and saw his ring finger without a ring, i jumped out of bed and looked closer... it was then i realized that it was his right hand holding the mic and his left hand was on his back.. so when i moved his left hand, i am 100% i saw the ring ding dong... but then there aare screen caps showing otherwise but at least now caps are also posted showing his ring... hahahahahaa... when they gave the award to 2AM i saw the ring... when they interviewed Kara, i saw the ring too... so no worries... they have other commitments beside WGM and some may not require them to wear the ring... what is important is that whether it is WGM related or not, they wear the ring...

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passing the trophy...







there must be an eyeship in there..hehe








i think its hard for them to stay this far from each other..so sad for them...they need to act professionaly..











where are you looking yong?...














..i was also wishing that they will wear this in ingikayo..and it come true..haha..sexy outfit.








bye bye!...my sarang bit!..




looks like yong doesnt like to leave the stage..











what could be possibly jinwoon said to yong?... :ph34r:




















see yong?..seo hyun is in trouble...having a hardtime.. she likes SKINSHIP!.. :lol:





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blueshoes, tks for the caps.

i love your macors!! lol

lots of imaginative convos going in my mind now... ;)

u guys getting worried abt one of them not wearing the ring,

i can understand that..

BUT i don't want to see ppl start over reacting and call yong bad or something

just because he did not wear the ring..

same goes with hyun..

IF one day she is seen w/out the ring..will someone call her bad too?


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Hello everyone, just finished watching the livestream of Inkigayo. ^_^






Nothing too spazz-worthy, but I thought I'd mention a few things:






-When KARA was teaching the MC's their dance, Sulli asked Yonghwa, "aren't you going to copy them this time?"






-at the end, SNSD won again for 'Hoot' and Yong went to stand beside Seohyun! The other MC's were on the other end of the group, but Yonghwa naturally went to stand beside his wife. :)






-is it just me, or is Seo the one that's always accepting the trophy in Inkigayo? If I'm not mistaken, she also received it from Yonghwa the week before as well.






-Yonghwa waved to Seohyun before he left the stage for SNSD's encore.











hello mountainmadman..






thanks for the trans...its nice of you to always explain something that we, who cant understand korean,






i read as well your fanfic and i love it im just a bit confused with all the names of the suju (im not a fan of them)






and with the snsd well now i know them as i became a fan of hyun since wgm, with the cnblue, im a boice kekeke






again thank you...yongseo fighting..gogumas fighting..



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Inkigayo today spazz worthy enough
































Yong&hyun both wear their couple ring (at least the ending part)
































































Yong give trophy and mic to Hyun
































































after MCs ending program Yong&Hyun wave to each other
































































































and Cameraman catch Hyun frequent (wonder he has a beg from Main Male MC or something)
















































































































































































































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Guest synykiss
















































Dropping this here.
































Subs... well a little bit dunno where the other parts are -.-"
















BTW... spazz fest on the whole of this episode.
















skinship everywhere.
















Hyun... I knew you'd be the one to do something spontaneous like that!

















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































I've been lurking lately and now I'm reading posts about Yong not wearing the ring in Inki and about a new couple in WGM.
























about the ring, Yonghwa was wearing it when giving the award. If I'm not mistaken, I think he is an endorser for accessories (rings) with Minhyuk. so he would be wearing other rings. but he is not forgetting to bring the couple ring with him. he may not wear it sometimes, but he always have it with him. proof of it is at Inkigayo, he wore the ring at the end of the show.
























its unfair that he is bashed by some people when he is not wearing the couple ring for a little while. and he is bashed by people when these people doesn't even know the reason for him not wearing the couple ring. he has his reasons for not wearing the ring. more importantly, we have seen him wear the couple ring in CNBlue events, Yonghwa's other variety shows, in airports, etc.
























regarding the rumor about a new couple in WGM. I believe its still a rumor. some people have been requesting for that couple to join WGM. they are petitioning for it. but everything is still a rumor for now. and I think all 3 couples in WGM today are showing no signs of slowing down or hints of leaving the show. and even with the busy schedule of SNSD during the Japan promotions and Yonghwa's schedule with CNBlue and his other variety show, both of them are still able to film WGM.
























okay back to lurking.





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Guest shadow_of_Atum




Hi all


I just watched Inki and something just got me excited about our couple. Ok some will accuse me of overanalyzing but I really can't help it. So if you don't enjoy overanalysis please do skip my comment ^_^. I am trying the spoiler function for the first time. Hope it works!


Watching the ending of Inki, I find it rather suspicious that Jinwoon stayed behind and made a beeline for Yong, patting him, in what I saw as a congratulatory manner

:lol: My overactive mind asked me what could these two boys possibly have in common that he needed to go over to Yong and talk to him. The only thing that my Yongseo-biased mind could think of was of course - yesterday's daebak event. I wonder if the MCs do not get wind of what happens until they are in the studio? Which means what happened yesterday would have been the first time the MCs saw it when they filmed on Wednesday? I don't think JW and YH are close enough for them to have each other's numbers and talked about it. Hence like many of us, they would be spazzing about it around this week and if JW and YH only met today at Inki, I can imagine JW would want to tease YH about it. I have also believed that if there is any development between our couple, the ones who would know best that something is happening are the people around them - Seo's unnies, some of SM family e.g Heechul, maybe WGM crew and possibly the MCs as there would be talk among them but such talk would be very contained as I think many would want to protect Seohyun


Can't wait for the next ep. So far the PDs have done a great job of building their relationship, making us wait with bated breath. I hope they do not let us down next week. Good week ahead everyone! :)


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Guest wishwash


Fr blueshoes:





"혹시 여기 우결촬영왔었나요?"


"(끄덕끄덕) 황우슬혜 이선호"




"네에???????????????????????????????(ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ) 소녀시대 서현 아니에요?"


"아니 황우슬혜 이선호"




"언제 촬영왔어요?"


"올초 올봄? 온지 얼마안됐어"




"Did WGM shooting take place here?"


"Hwangwoo Seul Hye and Lee Seon Ho" (An ex-WGM couple iirc)




"Is it not SNSD Seohyun?"


"No. It's Hwangwoo Seul Hye and Lee Seon Ho."




"When did the shooting take place?"


"Early spring? They came not so long ago."






Hope my limited Korean is correct. Guess the Pusan rumour is not true.


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Guest Haruhi-chan204






Hi all! My first post in this thread! ^^ Little introducution, I'm Laura and I'm Italian, totally addicted to the YongSeo Couple! Last episode was just amazing, I watched and watched the 'linking arms' scene millions times lol. This couple is driving me crazy haha~ So happy that SNSD won at Inkigayo! They're great, and the way Yong waved Hyun...How cutee~ *_* Can't wait for the next WG episode! I hope for more skinship hehe~



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love that we get a double dose of yongseo on the weekends with WGM and inkigayo. andd that somehow Seohyun's always the one to receive the trophy from Yonghwa. haha.

any who, sharing:


more here.


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Hi All
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just want to say thank u to J2dlee & MountainMadman for your kindness of translating for us..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also to everyone else who always share interesting tidbits here.. thanks a lot..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For me, this is the best episode, while watching it, had the exact same feeling as the 1st Ep and Birthday Ep, although I love all of Yongseo eps of course :) those three are my top favourite :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I couldn't even imagine that Hyun would ever do something like this. I had my thought before, Yong was really in for the hard job, like he had to be patient, follow Hyun's pace & initiate skinship first. But after watching the last Ep, I was happy to know how Hyun is now learning how it is to be in a relationship with a guy, that even though there are things that us girls want to wait for guys to initiate first, there are moment and time where we would do it too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It shows how she has her trust in Yong & already place herself in a comfortable relationship with him. She must've reread & reread what Yong wrote on the notebook (Japan guide thingy), about those invisible wall between them & also for Yong to spend his time making those notebook alone despite his crazy schedule shouted how committed he is to Hyun & how he cares for her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and that linking arm, I think is Hyun's way of saying how, she too, cares for Yong & she wanted Yong to know, whatever it is he's holding back, she's ready to embrace it with him and take a step ahead on their relationship together, also assures him that he really is the one she cares about, those other guys didn't even matter (Jungmo, Jinwoon etc hehe)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's so hard for girls to initiate skinship with guys, and imagine how Hyun did it, with this cameraman following their every move.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, I'll patiently wait for next Ep (by repeating this ep again & again hehe) because I'm sure it's gonna be even better.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong.. Hyun did her part.. now please show us the Busan guy way :D:P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also there's also I kept thinking about this skinship, do you guys think PD gave a private mission to them, like with this trip, PD wish for them to be closer, so PD encouraged them to do something that would be a step forward to strengthen their relationship.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What do you guys think..

































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia














Welcome Laura, gracias for loving YongSeo couple. Me too, i keep repeating the episode yesterday. It's just to sweet so sweet esp. SeoHyun did it :) lovely indeed. Today @ inkigayo it's nice to see them again. For sure backstage not only bow, and wave they do. They might talk for a 'lil while. Yap! i hope next week will be another sweet, lovely episode. Cheers

Hi all! My first post in this thread! ^^ Little introducution, I'm Laura and I'm Italian, totally addicted to the YongSeo Couple! Last episode was just amazing, I watched and watched the 'linking arms' scene millions times lol. This couple is driving me crazy haha~ So happy that SNSD won at Inkigayo! They're great, and the way Yong waved Hyun...How cutee~ *_* Can't wait for the next WG episode! I hope for more skinship hehe~



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