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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest deep _sea
















































































































get up from the lurker mode.
















































































thanks to j2dlee for always make us from the blind one become the "i can see all the world right now" because of your translete, you're really really an angel sending from goguma heaven to us.keke~
















































































for sun_sun to subbing it too...
















































































and for mountainmadman for the translation too...
















































































and for all goguma villagers who gave me and another a bunch of goguma things (pic,fanfiction,giv,vid,etc) and make the thread alive.
















































































hi all!! still in the goguma dreamland right now, because of "the things that goguma king and queen did last night". keke~. seriously yongseo never failed to gave me shock and grinning from ear to ear, smiling and laughing alone like a crazy person.kekekeke~
















































































seohyun heart surely beating fast,when she's going to grab yong arms,hoho, you're growing up maknae..and i love the blushing yong and the choding yong, he never failed to gave me a crazy chuckle when i watch him..
















































































ok, back to lurker mode again.
















































































love you guys!!!!! XD

















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Guest Crystal392





hafunohane: I couldn't have said it better. I agree with what you said :D








Goguma06: Awww our YongSeo so famous :) They made a small 'cameo' xD xD xD








crystalblue: I forgot to reply to you before!! but you are right, we Crystals think alike hehehe I agree with almost everything you've said but I still think his question on NAN was spontaneous, he probably was just curious about what would PSY's advice would be because he seemed like a 'dating encyclopedia' xD but who knows.... :P I love this couple too!! =D








jnj: I know... I am a bit paranoid too.



I asked the mod how many warnings we needed to have to get the thread closed down and she answered that there wasn't a limit because she saw that there were lots of people taking care of the thread and reminding the rules so as long as we keep reminding the rules to other Gogumas and most of them try to follow we will be ok











sally7: Your screencaps are lovely <3








Btw there is Inki in a few more hours right? Can't wait ^_^








j2dlee, MountainMadman: Thanks so much for your translations!! A million Gogumas to you :D :D
















cat88: I think you are right! I notice it too but wasn't sure and then forgot to check again to be sure :P








Btw, I just checked our lovely YongSeo article in allkpop ( http://www.allkpop.com/2010/11/seohyun-initiates-skinship-with-yong-hwa-in-japan ) and the article has nearly 700 comments ^^
















2nieex: Welcome to Goguma Planet :) Thanks for reposting j2dlee's translation but please don't forget it's against soompi rules to post one-lines or less than 20 words or just to say thanks to someone/ask for a link/point out the number of viewers, etc; you can add what you thought about the latest ep ;) there are many things to spazz about in Goguma land! (:


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Sorry guys I don't know how to screen cap, and I don't know if you guys notice but I find it so cute how she's wearing the butterfly necklace on their date....

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lovekin


대박 as others have said!  every time i watch one of their episodes, i do find myself slowly grinning.  but with this one – i don't know if it's because i psyched myself out by reading what you guys have written in the last 10+ pages or so, but i would've been bouncing off the walls and ceiling if i was alone today.  i can say that this episode is probably, hands down, my favorite.




why, though, when the fishing trip was a great episode, as well?  hm, this is something i've asked myself after watching 32.  but i was thinking about it, and there were several reasons why this episode sneaked its way to #1 – although it's a close margin with e.27.  obviously, this is just my personal opinion, so take from it what you will.






this episode was basically yong and seo, stripped down to basics.  i feel like this is the kind of atmosphere they would share if there were no cameras following them around.  they're very laid-back and comfortable.  i mean, yong and seo are generally always like this, but there seemed to be a striking difference between their meetings in korea than japan, as other netizens had noted.




maybe it was because they were in a different country, and their mindset was that they were on a vacation.  watching them was like watching two people just naturally falling together into place without the entourage – as if they were not celebrities but a village girl and boy finally acknowledging that there is something there, even if it's not something they can say aloud.




this is one of those episodes where i think the timing was just right.  in the last episode, we – or i – still saw traces of their awkwardness.  had they gone a month apart and come back to their home, doing whatever assignment was given to them, i don't think it would've been resolved quite as quickly as it had been while they were in japan.  i felt it was good for them to start on new footing elsewhere – and what better place than japan, right?




i applaud the PDs for allowing them this vacation.




i felt that yong was in his element during this entire trip.  sure enough, many of you noted that he seemed more controlled than usual and cited that it was probably in response to the "push-pull" arc.  very good decision on his part, because it allowed seo to take things into her own hands and let him know where they stood.  after her attempt at skinship, i'm pretty sure that neither of them have much to be worried about where they stand in each other's eyes, right?




so another thing ... i don't know if seo was influenced or helped by her unnies when yong and seo were on their separate tours, but she was just naturally flirty in this episode.  it was totally unexpected!  it would be a far cry to say that she was uncharacteristic because the way she approached everything was all something she would have done in her own unique way ... but with an added feminine flair that can only be picked up if you really like somebody – even if you, yourself, are not aware of it.




you know how people tend to change almost imperceptibly – in the subtlest of ways – when they like somebody?  yep, it's that effect i'm talking about.  rolleyes.gif




the whole conversation about the hairstyles ... the way she easily brought it around to ask him how he liked her hairstyle to be, it was pretty bold of her and showed mutual interest.  so from then on it was like, yes, this episode is a huge turning point (at least for me).  and then with her attempt at skinship – HAHAHAHAHAHA – that was excellent.  if not awkward, it was just cute the way she practically pounced on his arm.  i mean, how else does someone unused to such closeness attempt such a feat?  by attacking it full-force, of course!




when the both of them could barely look at each other ... okay, let me provide a personal experience.




there was this guy i liked at the time, but it was kind of a casual crush – nothing i would have pursued beyond giggling about him to my friends. 
i, too, am kind of nervous about "skinship," so i wasn't about to try anything.  he, on the other hand, had other ideas (though i confess we were both slightly buzzed by alcohol), and just interlaced his fingers with mine ... and i kind of yanked my hand away
 HAHA.  after that, it was just so awkward, and i kept pointing up at the moon and random cars, and i could barely look at him because i was so embarrassed.  it wasn't unwelcome, per se, but it was different.



obviously, it was neither unwelcome for yong, but i could understand why he immediately reacted in pulling away ... and eventually settling down (because "skinship," i'm sure, has always been on his mind).




if the preview is of any indication, yong's confidence has increased.  and if the subs are accurate (because i've read different ones, and the contexts are conflicting), yong is definitely teasing/firting with her with whatever game they're playing (with the snacks).  wub.gif  it's very much the kind of thing i've witnessed from friends who like each other.




and as far as concerns go – because what would my posts be without it? – the only thing i worry about is the almost inevitable awkwardness that might follow when they return to korea.  it's really only natural because their time together in japan can be categorized as something surreal and "separated" from the real world.  i think that when they do, they'll realize the gravity of how close they were, and it might be one of those things they'll be too embarrassed to acknowledge or follow up on.




it's not as big a deal as i'm making it out to be.  that kind of thing, as i said, is natural.  the real world sets down on you, and you're going to realize that you may have done some things you wouldn't have done under normal circumstances – but that you regret none of it.  and considering yong and seo ... i wouldn't be surprised if they got super shy around each other.  if not, all the better!  i hope that they can continue and be more comfortable with the idea of holding hands.




if anything, they'll sort of go back-and-forth – being shy, being bold, being shy, bold, etc. – but on the whole?  they have nowhere to go but up!  biggrin.gif






P.S. thanks to trent for the shout-out!  tongue.gif


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Guest crystalblue




For some strange reason, whenever our Yongseo couple takes huge leaps forth in their relationship, it makes me nostalgic and so I want to go back and watch old episodes or clips of them at the beginning of this Goguma love thing and then I would watch the newest episode again and doing this, it makes me feel like WOAHHHH... this love thing is just amazing isn't it? I mean magical when it feels so perfectly fated and then you kinda feel like all the stars were aligned and the Gods were on points when they casted their power to create this WGM avenue to have these two meet and fall for each other. Crazy really!


Frankly, I think we are all so lucky lucky lucky to be living in this time, sharing these moments with them and with ourselves here. I feel like I get the Love Glow on my own face just being here feeling what I feel for them. It's corny and wonderful.


So now here's a clip of a performance when CN Blue first debuted and Hyun had just met Yong about a week or so before hand... Yong is in the white suit in the center and Hyun is in the back ground group but at the front row behind him to his left. Ahhh... if they knew then where they would be now in their lives... ( or DID they???)- I wonder if she was proud that her new man was featured as the main voice for such a performance?


Click on Link below:


The Beginning...


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Guest toomuchsmiling




Multiple choice question:


You grab the wrist (in quite a manly manner) of the nation's precious maknae only because




a) you want to increase the number of antis for her


B) you have a death wish at the hands of her fanboys


c) you have a death wish at the hands of your crazy fangirls


d) you are so crazy about her and who gives a damn to the crazy fanboys and fangirls :lol:






shadow_of_Atum- i just had to quote u cuz i thought this was the funniest thing, and b/c it's TRUE. No thoughts of crazy fanboys or his own crzy fangirls here. Just Yong thinking only of HYUN. :wub:




glitterspark- Thanks for ur cap shares. :D SOO cute.


ladylia257- for posting so freaking early in the morning u are completely coherent and i agree with everything u say!! XDDD






Totally agree with your post. That Jinwoon is overreacting is not surprising to me because he really likes Seohyun so he gets jealous or something but I don't know why Seulong does that. And also Kim Na Young has this annoyed face everytime Yong is goofy. But they are not like that when Jokwon does it ( no offense to anyone I like him). Honestly the only MC I like is MC Kim because he gives me the feeling that he really likes uri Yongseo. (Sometimes MC Park,too).




teoki61- i just have to quote what you said here. I KNOW Jinwoon makes a huge deal over the little awkwardness moves that Yong does b/c of course he's COMPLETELY JEALOUS. He's a professed Seohyun fan, and he's admitted his crush on her before. So acting that way is a form of revenge. LOL. Seulong does it I think because he thinks it's really funny and maybe because since he knows of Jinwoon's old crush he supports him with that. NaYoung...i noticed her face wen Yong was cting like the Choding he is. I was like "Sheesh, he's not even ur husband, get over it" <_< I think it's probably because the Choding type of men she probably doesn't like at all. I like MC Park&Kim, especially Kim. They're obviously fans and when they make a big deal of the 'crook arm' i think it's just their way of teasing, they're really just eating it all up. <3






ahhh, now for me!! I got to my limit of "Plus 1"-ing people a few pages back but i srsly wanted to plus more ppl and i couldn't! :( mianhae! My absolute fave moments was wen she asked him how he likes her hair and he said "loose" and ALL OF A SUDDEN she just let her hair down. (all goddess-style) haha. Yong was SOO freaking SHY trying not to act like it. C'mon, i know people noticed it!!! The guy did that finger behind the ear/hair thing he did at that Incheon Concert and he shook his wrist to shake his watch. that's a TOTAL nervous habit. especially the quiet way in which he responded "ah, why'd u do it so fast?" ah~ :wub:




HYUN GRABBING HIS ARM. (my gaah, she's changed! lol) first of all i've NEVER spazzed over anyone linking arms. This Yongseo couple has totally changed me. They make it look like SUCH a special moment when in the U.S. it's taken as such a casual thing.


Did you guys notice???? SO cute, to me when Seohyun held his arm like that and he pulled it i thought it was the cutest thing, like he trying to make her let go (pretending of course) notice the way she was PULLED along with his arm!! :w00t: HAHAHA, to me it looked like there was NO WAY he was gonna get his arm free. she had this cute stubborn face saying "i'm not gonna let go" :lol: TOTALLY had a huge smile the whole moment.




omoooo, ohmygahh, the PREVIEW. the HAND JERKING! YOOONG. I guess he felt like he wasn't gonna look like a sissy and that even though he was taken by surprise he was gonna do the EXACT same thing and not be outdone. hahaha. he looks like he's showing his REAL BUSAN-MAN style there. (oooohhh, i LOVE the roughness) Seohyun would never admit to it but i think she liked that too, she got this mini smile from it. :D and YAY for another arm-wrestling again!!!!


ahh, i just have to say it, i'm REALLY living up to my username too much smiling!! SRSLY!!




and Hyun today on Music Core looked TOTALLY (well, i'm a girl but there's no other way to say it) HOT. those flashing hot pink tight shorts. o_O i wonder what their concept is tomorrow on Inkigayo. I want Yong to be blown away more!!!! do another hot outfit PLEEZ just for Yong's sake. hahahaha.


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Guest babchie

@mountainmadman, i just read your fanfic and looking forward to new chapters..

Thanks j2 for the translation.. i've been lurking here for the past 2 days reading all the posts and waiting for the subs to be available.. sun_sun fighting!:lol:

Thanks fellow gugumas... i think i'll rewatch the episodes again... love love love this couple... I always have fun reading the posts. Keep up the guguma spirit!

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Guest ricevol





thank j2dlee and MountainMadman for doses of the day...the translation of yours is like engine so that I can continue my flight in Goguma heaven, I've been flying round and round since "THE BIG-richard simmons SMILE" day.



sally77 thanks for the cap, LOVE LOVE LOVE this scene, especially the way Yong hold her wrist, not with all his hand but with his thumb touch her back hand...OH MY GODESS, freaking hot and gentle.






OMG, they are so into each other, and they know it. hahaha :w00t:



Although I know we all crazy about this, we are happy, up to the sky, down to the ocean all over, and many articles wrote nice things about this, I still don't want it to become the focus of media. I know It is unavoidable since this is a reality show, I know, but hopefully it will not put too much pressure in our couple.



I don't know if this make any sense. I know Yong and Huyn are very bond and boldimo as their relationship progresses slowly but strongly enough through their fight and stuff. And I hope they continue like this in the future, keep their image in the stage, in front of the camera, etc. and still stay strong. I just need to see the RING :wub: It's just my thought of media and stuff will point at them from now on, which means much much pressure occur.



But they have us fan to support right. I know we are.




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I think I found another fitting song for uri YongSeo:


Gee (English Version)



Uh huh, listen boy.


My first love story


My angel and my girls


My sunshine


Oh, oh let's go!


finding just the right touch, rushin but not too much


don't be tellin me it's just a small crush


Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby


Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby


oh, don't know how to take this, both my knees are shaking


you gotta get yourself together girl


Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby


Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby


how do i confront, how do i even start


to say the thing i want, to the one i adore


everytimes he's near these butterflies keeps fluttering inside


didn't think it would be hard like this,


being caught in this eternal bliss


바보, i'm such a fool for falling hard


*my desire that won't fade away, no no no no no


he's one sweet flavor that i'll always crave, oh oh oh oh oh


i get so flustered when he walks my way gee gee gee gee gee


can't get enough, oh yeah, i'm so in love, oh yeah yeah yeah


oh, never in my mind thought i would find the right one


capturing my heart he's got the right touch


gee gee gee gee baby baby baby


gee gee gee gee baby baby baby


melting from his smile, his eyes are gettin me so


hungry for the flames of love i crave for


gee gee gee gee baby baby baby


gee gee gee gee baby baby baby


only he could say, anything he wanted


to take my breath away, and leaving me so breathless


everytime he's close this burning feeling rise up my cheeks


never knew that it would come to this


so caught up in this eternal bliss


바보, so i'm a fool for falling hard


repeat *


like a dream in my sleep, so unreal but i know that it's there


warmer than rays of the sun, softer than caress of the wind


floating on a cloud with wings from your sweet and heavenly heart



Now for my review for the episode:


I did not think arm linking can be so romantic and so spazz-worthy that I'd literally jump off my seat. I don't even recall reacting that way when Ga-In kissed Kwon. I wondered for hours while I was at work as to why I'd react with so much glee that it impacted my day even though a lot of crappy things that happened. I had already expected her to hold Yong's arm when she pulled him back to the side walk, when she was quiet the whole day (a sign that she has been thinking about it all day) and when they were walking to the konbini (japanese word for convenience store-7/11). Hyun didn't even cross her arms through out the episode and was letting her hand dangle and brush past Yong's arm. Yong on the other hand was sort of expecting something to come since she has been quiet, a bit flirty, submissive and playful. She kept brushing her arm with his (esp when they were walking to 7/11) and she made uncharacteristic yet adorable noises (pre-arm linking). He noticed the signs but was still taken aback. Like my mom and other gogumas' mentioned, he was too surprised that he didn't know how he'd react. Yong who is fond of skinship with his brothers and friends, how can you be so giddy with such a simple type of intimacy? It's because he knows there is a deeper, profound meaning than just a normal touch that came from Hyun. It was her subtle way of saying, "I like you too." A 'go' signal to Yong. Like I mentioned before, Hyun is finally able to reply to Yong's patience, understanding and feelings. Slowly yet surely, she'll be sure to make up for the lost moments.


I cannot stress enough how much I love these two. They are the most natural and real couple I have seen in any show, be it American, Filipino, Japanese or even Korean films or reality shows. Heck, they seem more real and loving than many couples I've seen and met in the US and my home country. They took the time to get to know each other (a heck of a long time~), they don't rush the intimacy and when they argue or have disagreements, they comprise with each other instead of killing each other for it or "break up" in which they can easily do.



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mountain madman, tks for the translations too.

from j2 trans, this one caught my eyes, among many things..

yong's darkroom interview,

Y: I heard that that temple is famous for forming ties for couples. It’s really a meaningful place...

The place where Yong wanted to come with his 'virtual' wife.

virtual or not, he took hyun there to 'form ties' with her.. ;)

watever which way we want to think of it...

Y: Then, what about this one (with a horse)?

The staff: That one is for a good affinity, wishing that the current relationship grows and continues for a long time.

i'm liking this too much..yongseo has something going more than meets the eyes..

watever their current status is.. :rolleyes:

it'll definitely grow and it'll definitely continue for a long time..

last night, with just that simple skinship, yongseo was on the TOP 10 worldwide trending.

at one point, it reached No. 4!

its so amazing the support they have from their fans...

the combined forces of Sones, Boices and of course, Goguma Villagers!!

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Guest calculator


It's funny how girls always talk about

skinship instead of funny things like this scene.

I mean it's so funny how Yong raises his hand

first and Hyun follows him in this part.

I'm already wondering about how it's going to

be for the next week's episode.

* I cropped these pictures and editted them.

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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































Hey guys, goodday. :D Still can't get over from last night, eh? :) Made new FMVs, hah. I really need to improve my skills because I don't know how to make them :P































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just The Way You Are - FMV Yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































[boys Like Girls] On Top Of The World - FMV Yongseo
































































































































































































j2dlee, Thanks a lot for the translations. Gonna read it now! *hugs*

































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I just wanted to spazz a bit more before I go to sleep.


The preview is just.......... <3


I LOVE AGGRESSIVE, yet gentlemanly, YONG! There are so many sides of Yong I've yet seen (since I don't particularly enjoy watching documentaries of idols). It got me so hyped up. I have waited ever so patiently for Yong's Busan style to come out more than skinship to be honest; since men from Busan are known to be really charming and manly <3


I am just amazed at how long Yong has endured touching her like that. I have a feeling that next weeks episode (if not cut into two parts) will be even more daebak than this week's episode. Saturday, I pray you to come sooner. Like... NOW..!



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@MountainMadman: I'm 28 and male - and to make my girlfriend laugh, I would do more childish things than play Secret Agent in a convinience store. Just to make her smile ...

And I seriously don't understand why his "Crooked Pirate Arm" was such a big deal for the MC, because I remember doing that too, mostly because when you are afraid she lets go of your arm, you crook it like Yonghwa did, so if her grasp isn't that tight, she just can't slid off. I could completely relate to everything he did this episode. I like Jinwoon and Seulong a lot, but sometimes I think they are overreacting when it comes to Yonghwa.

Best regards,


i love it when yong is on his choding mode.

girls love their guys to act goofy sometimes...

hyun doesn't seem to mind, she loves guys with a sense of humour, didn't she said before?

my fave mc has got to be MC Kim, he has a soft spot on yongseo.

jw is another story.. <_< *sorry to those who likes him*

i still can't get over his comment on the previous epi..

what was that abt yong being a coffeeshop DJ? seriously..hmpf!

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Guest crystalblue


crystal_malfoy: I know! I believed Yonghwa's question to Psy on NAN was not scripted also but after this episode,I changed my mind. Why? Because he has already received confirmation from that "upright girl" that she is crushin' on him big time. That Japan trip was filmed (according to Sweet Potato Days' Calendar)Sept. 21 and NAN was recorded Oct. 20th. A month later, Yong wouldn't be wondering how to attract an upright girl, would he? He knows how - he did it!!! When I went back to watch that show, it does seem well scripted- maybe you're right though as that particularly part when Yong asked, he came across very naive. Psy DID say the phone call must be well scripted and planned out like a variety show... hmmmm???....


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Guest ahn_annann







many scenes in this ep. I love as Hyun links her arms with with Yong and Yong locked Hyun's hand. I also love this scene Yong talked something then Huyn was laughing.. so cute and natural.





"Walk Together"










~ don't forget to put "11" on her shirt










made by me


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I see some are discussing about MC's reaction over YONG CHODING. Some might not like it, but hey! I love it like most of you guys here.
































































































































































































































































I am 28 and I goof around malls and convenience stores like that, or maybe more than that (I danced at a mall last Sunday and cracked the sales lady and my husband). The thing is, to someone who does these kind of things don't really care of other people's reactions or how they see us. The only reaction we wanted is from those who mattered, as for me my hubby, for Yong, Hyun. Those audiences who laugh because they think it's funny are added bonus but to those who find it silly, we don't really care coz they have bigger problems, they don't know how to have innocent fun. I'm Yong and my hubby's Hyun in our relationship so I can really identify with Yong and my hubby can identify with Hyun.
































































































































































































































































MC Kim really likes YongSeo. Aside from that, I can see Ong likes them too, albeit a bit critical. I started noticing it since their birthday episode. Ong said he feels like crying after he saw YongSeo holding hands. You won't have that kind of reaction if you're not a YongSeo fan..lol
































































































































































































































































And lastly, Hyun might have mustered a lot of courage before than arm hook. :wub: i love it!!! way to go HYUN!!! Make Yong fluster more and more.. I can't wait for the subs and for the next episode..
































































































































































































































































Thanks to j2dlee and sun_sun!!

































































































































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Guest calculator


The before picture has Hyun untie her hair

and that random Japanese man checks Hyun out.

After picture shows that Japanese man's girlfriend

stare Hyun's backside of her head.

Staring at her. Almost having laser coming outta her eyes.

* Editted and made by me.

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For some strange reason, whenever our Yongseo couple takes huge leaps forth in their relationship, it makes me nostalgic and so I want to go back and watch old episodes or clips of them at the beginning of this Goguma love thing and then I would watch the newest episode again and doing this, it makes me feel like WOAHHHH... this love thing is just amazing isn't it? I mean magical when it feels so perfectly fated and then you kinda feel like all the stars were aligned and the Gods were on points when they casted their power to create this WGM avenue to have these two meet and fall for each other. Crazy really!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Frankly, I think we are all so lucky lucky lucky to be living in this time, sharing these moments with them and with ourselves here. I feel like I get the Love Glow on my own face just being here feeling what I feel for them. It's corny and wonderful.
































































































































































































































































































































































































So now here's a clip of a performance when CN Blue first debuted and Hyun had just met Yong about a week or so before hand... Yong is in the white suit in the center and Hyun is in the back ground group but at the front row behind him to his left. Ahhh... if they knew then where they would be now in their lives... ( or DID they???)- I wonder if she was proud that her new man was featured as the main voice for such a performance?
































































































































































































































































































































































































Click on Link below:
































































































































































































































































































































































































The Beginning...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yeah i suddenly watch first eps when they had first meeting after watch latest eps
































































































































































































































































































































































































and if you compare there so much change and development .
































































































































































































































































































































































































feb 2010
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lol look at the gap beetween them
































































































































































































































































































































































































and in latest eps which shoot at september/oct 2010
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre as tagged

































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Guest bizzie_b


Hmmm, regarding the MCs.  I think all of them really love our couple so much!  But it's very evident on MC Kim and MC Park.  Will not explain on MC Kim anymore since it's pretty pretty obvious. haha.  MC Park on the other hand, really likes our couple. From the way she screams, shrieks and spazzes.   And she adores Seobaby.  She would always say she's pretty and all, not only in WGM but also in Happy Together.  rolleyes.gif Also, I think she really likes this couple because she kept on saying that they look good together even in Happy Together when Yong guested. For MC Nayoung, she's also spazzing like mad.  MC Nayoung and MC Park's joint shrieks and spazzing says it all.  w00t.gif




For Seulong, i really like his reaction.  Bowing down and all.  I could relate to him because I do that too!  You seem to bring your body parts closer or together when you are spazzing!  He really likes our couple!  Like someone mentioned it already, he said he felt like crying when he saw the two held hands.  For Jinwoon, I think he has come to love this couple as well.  And he was like proud of Seohyun that she was able to do that!  rolleyes.gif




I think we all spazz like this because we waited for such a long time for this to happen.  I know a lot of people may not like our couple because they're so slow in everything but their slowness was what made me love them.  I have watched WGM since season 1 and I must say that they are the couple I love the most.  You could see how the friendship grew into a more interesting and a deeper relationship.  And this slowness, made us feel like they are real because we witnessed the development and the foundation of the relationship.  I really think that they are real.  My biased before was Ansol but I never though that they are real, I only wished that they are real.  Next was the Ant couple, though they mentioned that 90% of their virtual marriage was actually real. But this couple is different!  I believe they are real!  I believe they are developing real feelings because of the way they are building the relationship.  wub.gif


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