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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest nadihee








May show how they are impatient towards ‘love’






Reporter: I don’t know why’ aroused great attention from the public since it seems like adding all the essence of music styles in 1 song. The production of the song should be unforgettable, right?








Yong Hwa: We are concerned about how much fans like this song since we have taken up a great challenge in composing this song. (laugh) Since we have been using the electronic sound synthesizer lately, we tried to input the electric sounds into the system then came out such kind of effects that you hear from the song.








– Adding percussion with guitar will give out an atmosphere of Latin which can easily impress people since the melody is ever-changing…








Reporter: Besides minding the sounds which varies, what do you still have to pay attention for performing this song?








YongHwa: I have mentioned that the playing of the prelude and the main melody are the parts which worth paying attention to. Moreover, we are band, but since we also want to produce ‘that’ kind of music, I also try writing songs with more notes. I think this kind of songs can represent what I am striving for now.








Jonghyun: Me too. Whenever I hear the melody coming from the speaker, I would feel delighted. I perform with great care. Although sometimes I am worried about whether I can perform the songs well, I am still happy that I can embrace new challenges.








Reporter: ‘I don’t know why’ was written in English while ‘Lie’ was written in Japanese, you tried to write your songs in different languages. Is it a challenge too?








Yonghwa: Although it is difficult to compose songs with languages other than mother tongue but we can be free in expression if we do that. We feel that the area of our expression has broadened. It is easy to express the sense of an album with English.








Jonghyun: When I am composing, I will first fill the Japanese lyrics in and Yonghwa will fill in the English one. In this way, our melody seems to be more vivid.








Reporter: To show the image of the song faithfully. It seems that your current style suits the taste of the fans!








Yonghwa: Usually I cannot express what I feel very well. For this reason, I want to express my view towards’ love’ in this song and how impatient I am when I cannot express it well… There are a lot of my views in the lyrics and I don’t feel nervous anymore. (laugh)








cr: cnbluestorm.com















i found cn blue interview bout 'i dont know why'...........and i dont know why i'm a bit suspicious this song is about his buin too. kekeke i hope soo. :wub:








Japanese 2nd Single ' I don't know why'








Release Date: 2010/09/16
















1. I don't know why








Lyrics: Yong Hwa Composer: Yong Hwa & RYO








2. Lie








Lyrics: CUL Composer: Kim Jae Yang & Jonghyun








3. I don't know why (Instrumental)








4. Lie (Instrumental)








cr : forum.cnblue-sky.net















and this is the prove that yonghwa is the one who wrote the lyrics cheers cheers!! i hope that song is for seohyun too. i wish i wish. i really wish :wub:



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Guest MountainMadman

@ YongSeo: Good eye! I never noticed that before! I think I'll go watch the preview again and see what else I missed. :)

Oh...and you misspelled my username...LOL. MdmMadame? Haven't seen that one before!

To tide us over until WGM airs (just a few more hours!), I updated my Love Story fanfic!


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oh! only 3 more hours until our yongseo couple time!
































































































































































































i'm so excited. hm.. i'm not sure which channel to stream it on thou, because last time i streamed, it was on something different and so i missed like the first 15 minutes, lol.
































































































































































































oh i really miss them so much :) :woot: i'm spazzing already.
































































































































































































i know a lot of people are saying they dont want to put their hopes up. but honest to god, if hyun does ANYTHING skinship wise to yong, i'll go goguma! seriously. hahaha.
































































































































































































and it has to be something GOOD if the mcees had a 'VOLCANIC EXPLOSION" after watching it :)
































































































































































































oh come faster wgm!!

































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Guest Crystal392

I am having trouble to access Goguma Planet :tears: I don't know why it appears javascript:false, I've had to 'Refresh' the page a million times x_x

3 more hours until a new ep! :w00t:

To all the ones wondering where you can watch WGM you can find links here: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/video.html. Personally I recommend TVU networks :P


I was just 'reading' posts from dcmarried using Google translator and found this post: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/554658 it says something about YongHwa, We Got Married, rumour and off? o_O What is it about? If it's something not so good I hope it's just a silly rumour.

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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Three more hours :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have a quick question for our dedicated gogumas. I'm assuming most of you download all the episodes every week, right? Generally episodes are about 250-400mb. That's not huge, per se, but that's not particularly small. For someone like me (who happens to be a hugehuge yonghwa fan), downloading all these episodes of WGM and shows like NIght by NIght and his hit drama You're Beautiful means that I'm taking up manymany GIGABYTES of space in my computer. I know many gogumas have their own personal archive of sorts for our dear yongseo. How, and where, do you guys save/store your stuff? Doesn't it all take up a lot of room?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks :) See you all in a few!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest MountainMadman

@ crystal_malfoy: It says the post has been deleted! :(

Hmmm....conspiracy?? Would you happen to have the text for when you copied and pasted to Google Translate?

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Guest nadihee
































































































my.yongwa.baby i save it on my itouch. and i copy the rest on the cd. i dont have any copies on computer. it will take so many spaces if i put it on computer. and, i'd like watch it anytime anywhere so i put those eps on my itouch ^_^

















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Guest Crystal392

*To all the ones who are bored and waiting until WGM airs like me, watch this cute superminimovie: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/554675 . So cute :wub:

Faith, nadihee: About 'I don't know why', when I first listened to it I really didn't think it was Hyun~ related, but after the past episodes I believe it was influenced by her :) Hyun~ has become Yong~'s inspirations blush.gif


I used to download them but when I realized how much space they took I deleted them

:tears: I also had a folder full of pics but now I upload them on imageshack and then delete them.. :(


Hmmm so weird... No I don't have what I translated but from what I understood using Google translate it was about Yonghwa stopping woogyeol (which is WGM) or something like that... it was probably just a silly rumour and that's why it was deleted. I hope...

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just a little something i made because i really want hyun to initiate hand holding :rolleyes:blush.gifw00t.gif:):D:P;)^_^

































































































































































































































































































































































































i actually have invested in an external hard drive and moved ALL my downloads on there. but their kind of expensive, yes. but for the amount of things i download and go back to watch. its definitely worth it. you wouldnt even have to buy a big one! and it saves on constantly buying cds/dvds

































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Guest mrsjoker


@crystal_malfoy : i saw your spoiler for MountainMadman, try to click the link too but the post had been deleted. weird... anyway, i've seen someone posting the same rumour in a comment on one of Yongseo's fmv (i'll try to find it again, i forgot if the person leave any link or not)... I know we should not be worry so much, since there's no "loud" talk about it so far... but i do feel a little bit sad of the possibility, i'm not ready for that. :unsure:




where do you ussually go to find "trustable" news/info/rumour related to YongSeo's ? i wanna try to lurk on them for a bit, because my heart is kinda feeling uneasy suddenly. :sweatingbullets:


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Guest chilipadi_22



one more hour to goguma!

i need my dose of goguma admist my miseries of not being able to get Super junior Singapore show's concert tickets! sighs....

really looking forward to whats going to happen between them!

counting down....


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Guest bizzie_b


I seriously can't wait to watch our couple. cancelled my date with bf because I want to stream and spazz with you guys! haha.   I'm also very excited for tom since it's Inki day.  For sure, they'll be watching their episodes today and I wanna see clearly how they would react or how they would treat each other tom! ahaharolleyes.gif




I can still remember pages back, day after their double celebration, love light story and hand holding event showed, Inki was cancelled because of a baseball game(?) but all the performers and the MCs still continued with he recording.  According to a fan, Sulli asked the audience if they watched WGM and Yong was just all smiles.  wub.gif  If this episode is going to be a daebak one (all episodes are daebak anyway) and knowing that SNSD are still promoting, I wonder how the 2 will feel tom!  I wanna see fancams and all! happy.gif




Another thing, I'm really wishing that SNSD will wear the cowboy costume because Hyun is just so freaking HOT and GORGEOUS on that one. (my pervert mind). w00t.gif   looking at their past performances, they will definitely not wear it today (Music Core) since they wore it here 2 weeks ago.  Maybe they'll wear the blue and red today, just my guess since they haven't worn it this week. I super kadooper wanna see Yong's reaction, seeing his DROP DEAD GORGEOUS WIFE HYUN WEARING THE SEXY COWBOY OUTFIT IN PERSON!  He'll realize how lucky he is to have her as his buin! happy.gif


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Guest toomuchsmiling


ahh, u guys!! i've been miserable i had to write this freaking 8 page paper for english class (i didn't even finish, i will tomorrow) but my head was hurting, and my back and muscles (college sure is work) but right wen i was done i was like 'i HAVE to check with the Gogumas!'


It was like a miracle cure i'm not even kidding. reading everyone's posts/predictions of what will happen made me laugh and smile so much and all my body pain went away!! I'm srsly gonna get major wrinkle lines/crows feet around my eyes from all the smiling. i'm only 18!! sheesh. :lol:


ahhh, i wanna watch this wen it airs but i'm so freaking tired and the time it airs it's like 1 am in Southern California. darn it ALL. but i WILL come back here in the morning when everyone's spazzing like insane ppl. :lol:




i won't set my expectations too high, but that doesn't mean i don't feel like a volcano getting ready to BURST!!!! and that way if something major major happens i can explode properly. hahaha, i wanna react the same as the MCs!!! -dies-


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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9


































































































































































































































































Starts 5:15 PM
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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TVU Networks works best for me
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'll do quick updates via twitter for those who can't access the links/stream^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello all Gogumas~. I haven't posted here for a long long time it seems. But I have stalked this thread every single day. I am finally going to do live updates on my twitter @yangyoseob again! last time i forgot that we changed our clock so i woke up one hour too late. but i'm up early today :D

































































































































































































































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You guys, TVU is being nice today... totally not lagging..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just hope TVU will cooperate until WGM...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Omo! the wait is such a torture...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I feel like an idiot checking the watch constantly if it's time already... lol

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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dugeun dugeun

Seohyun tried to have skinship with Yonghwa, but

Yonghwa who did not see it coming, gave a rather unusual response.

even if its a minor skinship like holding to his pinky,

God, pls make the skinship happen!

my heart is beating fast right now...the anxiety is building up, its so intense!

ichigo, mrsjoker, i'll reply to your PM once i've calmed down... :sweatingbullets:



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Guest nadihee












can you guys all tell me how to use TVU? ive never used it before. thank you
























and the show will be started just minutes later!! kyaaaaaaa i really cant wait!!! palli palli :wub:
























okay i dont why this post has -11. can someone tell me? i'm really new to soompi. i havent known all the rules :unsure:
























okay another minutes to go!! excited. altough i dont know what they're saying i still wanna do streaming. hope the translation will be out soon yihaa












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Guest Faith_memory


















OMG everyone is really excited! and the streaming sites are ready! ♥ hahaha! any skinship initiation will be okay for me. we're getting all hype up because this time, it will be Hyun's time in initiating skinship, right? it has always been Yong doing the first move, but this time Hyun will initiate it. ekekeke~ ♥ makes it something 'new' for us. i will surely spazz!!!!














any moment now.. for wgm!!














have you guys seen the HOOT performance at MBC??














seohyun had bangs!!! o.O














reminds me of yonghwa's drawing of his ideal girl!!!

















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Guest promisetoloveu

rolleyes.gif annyeong goguma villagerolleyes.gif

it's a very nice day today right?? YONGSEO DAY... although it's already 2am from where I am...Since i was deprived of my yongseo dose last week I really prepared for this week haven't slept yet and I am determined to stay awake and sleep right after the yonghwa and seohyun WGM...hwaiting~~ kekekkeke

this is my first ever time to stream...hmmmm and I'm liking it...phew.gif

waah really E-X-C-I-T-E-E-E---D on what will hyun do to his hubby to initiate skinship as well as yong's reaction...w00t.gif 

I'm hoping this will be worth the eye bags I'll be getting for not sleeping and streaming on a saturday morning blush.gif

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nadihee.... your post must be at least 20 words, otherwise considered spamming the thread








please dont post ONE LINE POSTING...!!!...IT MUST BE AT LEAST 20 WORDS...

dont spam the thread please....

others can also join us at sweetpotatodays.chatango.com

there are people posting live scene or even give translation...


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