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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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hello gogumas...






first welcome to mountainmadman and thank you for the trans...you dont know how you make us all happy






and to soshisoshi..for giving the sub link...gosh i watched it many times aalready...






NAN make us happy after missing our couple last sat...






yongseo fighting..






gogumas fighting..



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Guest chilipadi_22






Just wanna say a very very very BIG thank you to all the gogumas who posted all the translations, videos, fanfics, pictures and GIFs!!


It was terrible not having our dose of goguma last week! But all the things contributed by fellow gogumas really made my day and week more enjoyable!


It's tues and tomorrow we will all be waiting for MC Kim's tweet!


Gogumas, let's countdown together to this Saturday!


How many gogumas will 용 have??


Why will happen during their date??


Is 현 still angry with 용??


So many questions, Saturday palli come~


Gogumas are dying without uri 용 and 현!! ^^



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Thank you for the translation.

While I'm happy to have some Yongseo news I must say that I was cringing when watching the vid because it seemed like he laid his emotions bare for all to see.  If I was him, I would stay in bed today with the blanket over my head.

As to whether it was scripted or not - If it was scripted, why would he put himself and especially seohyun in a situation that could potentially create scandal.  He must know that SME would not be happy if Seohyun was involved in a scandal as that would tarnish her "brand image".  I think he must know that Seohyun would not be happy to be intentionally pulled into that kind of situation.  I think that after he saw how smooth psy can be from the mock telephone conversation with UEE, the question just slipped out of his mouth.  Psy also gave advice about playing hard to get - getting a girl to think "what the" - but he's already done that with mildang and that backfired on him.  Since Hyun is different from the typical girl, his question may have entered his mind.

I think this was recorded on Oct 13 (not after the acquarium date) - 2 days after Yong and Hyun filmed in their truck to the goguman farm - so if Yong has implemented Psy's advise on not being afraid to show his feelings then it seems good that they are both still wearing the ring one month later.  I think that Hyun does have feelings for him.  All her unnies has been vocal on how much Hyun has changed and HyeYeon has even mentioned that they had once talked over night until morning - and you know how Hyun is about sleeping by midnight exactly.  She was willing to speak Banmal to him so that he would know how close they are to each other.  If the rumor is true that they filmed on Oct 21 in the acquarium - do you goguman realize what that would have meant for Hyun - she would have flown from Korea-Japan-Singapore-Japan-Korea (for filming) - Japan (perform the next day) - Taiwan - Korea in less than a month time.  That is quite the commitment for her.  I must admit that I am like Hyun in the sense that I don't express my feelings very much - that just means that we are harder to read - not that we don't care.  I agree with the previous post about her actions speaking louder than words on Hyun liking Yong.  I hope though that she will be more vocal (at least to Yong) on how she feels.

Surely Yong would have told Hyun about what happened in this show if only to warn her about it.  I know if I were her I would have quizzed him about whom he was talking about - and to speak frankly to her.  If they haven't done that already I'm sure we will see the fallout of it soon - outside or during wgm.  I think she watches his shows - she watches inki based on a scene on the 200th day ep.  At the very least she would have heard about what happened by now.  I think its highly probable that SME saw the vid  cut in the beginning of this week before the broadcast so all talk of wgm was forbidden in all the talk shows to avoid scandal.  That may explain why the SNSD girls stopped talking about the positive influence Yong has had on Hyun and Hyun did not get asked about wgm.  Heechul especially was amazingly discrete for a guy that's usually quite outrageous.  He did not hesitate to ask Yong all about wgm when Yong was on Youngstreet.  So I don't buy the excuse that they are in a non-MBC radio station.  Its highly probable that SME told them not to interact or be in too close proximity to each other during the love concert.  The SNSD girls are so much well behaved in inki compared to music bank or music core.  They did not tease her as much - at least not in public. The fact that she still wore the ring till up to this Sunday means that either (1) they haven't talked about it - so the fallout between Yong and Hyun is to come - or (2) they know what stage they are in their "relationship" and are taking what may come in stride - the fallout at least between them has occurred.

I think that it is highly probable its Hyun.  I remember in the first 2 ep I think - in the blackroom interview - he said how she is so pure that he will try not to put "dirt" (opposite of clean) on her.  I hope that he is at least honest with Hyun about these things because I hope he at least respects her enough to do so.  I have a bad feeling though that the WGM PDnim will be giving Yong and FNC a phone call.

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Guest FallenAnjewl




























I just want to share this video fancam of yong at the Love Sharing concert during SNSD performance




















In this video, you can see that during hyuns part he sang along and was closely looking at the monitor =D It is at about 3.05 of the video




















Yong fancam




















I am so glad to have had some recent news about yongseo couple. I was sooo happy and excited when i watched NAN. I think he truly showed his feelings because the question wasnt scripted and he was actually quite shy when they interrogated him. As we know yong is usually quite good with interviews like in the earlier interviews, hesaid that his ideal was hyun because of WGM and also i remember watching a host saying at a concert that it is only a fake marriage to the fans and yong nodded. But we can see from this that he has grown so much into the relationship that he didnt even deny it. Everyone knew who they were talking about




















I loved how one of the fancams on NAN wrote yonghwa <3 seohyun. And he got all shy. So cute





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I am not sure if this has been shared but here's a fancam of Yonghwa during SNSD's Hoot performance at the Love Sharing concert. You can see Yonghwa singing along when it's Seohyun's part.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh shoot~ FallenAnjewl posted it already. Will look for something else to share.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Pictures from the last episode~ >.<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks u MountainMadman for the translation~ I was thinking why your username looks really familiar then I realized that you're the writer of Love Story. Guilty for being a silent reader >_<

































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Guest Revelmonk

I think that it is highly probable its Hyun.  I remember in the first 2 ep I think - in the blackroom interview - he said how she is so pure that he will try not to put "dirt" (opposite of clean) on her.  I hope that he is at least honest with Hyun about these things because I hope he at least respects her enough to do so.  I have a bad feeling though that the WGM PDnim will be giving Yong and FNC a phone call.

I think yonghwa is already past the dirtying part when he tried to pull of the mildang episode with hyun, I mean I dont think push and pulling in a relationship has anything to do with honest clean emotions, you saw how she reacted to it lol. I think he is fundamentally past that part.

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Fallenanjewl - thks for the fancam link.




















Actually can someone who speak korean confirm this: prior to the fancam, I watch another video of the same segment and I thought Yong slip up in finishing up his last sentence before introducing snsd, because he seems to fumble and then he said che song ham ni da, which is like apologising for his mistake.




















I was tempted to think that he was too nervous about how to behave when he introduce SNSD that he sliped up. :P What do you guys think?



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Fallenanjewl - thks for the fancam link.

Actually can someone who speak korean confirm this: prior to the fancam, I watch another video of the same segment and I thought Yong slip up in finishing up his last sentence before introducing snsd, because he seems to fumble and then he said che song ham ni da, which is like apologising for his mistake.

I was tempted to think that he was too nervous about how to behave when he introduce SNSD that he sliped up. :P What do you guys think?

qwenli - as i remember (please dont believe me yet...need confirmation from other gogumas)...they said on that time they had problem with sound system....i think i read somewhere in soompi also....but i cant recall whose post it....

but as usual...Yong always been nervous when everything about SNSD.....hahahhahahaha

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qwenli - as i remember (please dont believe me yet...need confirmation from other gogumas)...they said on that time they had problem with sound system....i think i read somewhere in soompi also....but i cant recall whose post it....




















but as usual...Yong always been nervous when everything about SNSD.....hahahhahahaha







































Yes, yes, I am so sorry, I just read on another China site that he was apologising on behalf of the concert crew because during the Beast performance, there was a sound fault to the extent that audience can hear the crew talking! :wacko:



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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































@qwenli. On that part, Yong was actually apologizing to the audience because of some technical problems on Beast's comeback stage (something about the audio, I think, though I haven't seen their performance). ;)
































































































































































































































Thank you guys for all the translations and caps. I was really :lol: watching Yong in NAN. I think he didn't really realize his innocent question will go out of hand. I mean, if he knew, he wouldn't even dare open his mouth and ask specifically about how to deal with an "honest and upright girl". It indeed put him on the spot. :P
































































































































































































































Like you, guys, I can't wait for Saturday, too! :crazy:

































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Guest yslovelightys
























Hello fellow Gogumas!!! biggrin.gif






























I should really be studying right now. I have two quizzes tomorrow BUT I can't concentrate. Ugh. 























I just want to look and look and look for more news about YongSeo OR SLEEP WHILST WISHING THAT WHEN I WAKE UP IT WOULD BE SATURDAY ALREADY. 























More than a week without yongseo dose can seriously take its toll on any yongseo addict. haha. tongue.gif






































I thought that seeing Yong on NAN can make me wait patiently for the next episode but IT ACTUALLY DID EXCITE ME MORE!!! Yong on NAN was just...wub.gif  






























Definitely spazz-worthy. I can't stop watching the video over and over again. It just makes me feel giddy! haha.























JUST A FEW MORE DAYS THEN IT WILL BE SATURDAY!!!  I sure hope that this saturday's episode is quite long and not a cliffhanger considering it will be shared by three couples. rolleyes.gif







































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Guest bolmaejung

fancam Love Sharing Concert

at the 3:00~

yong sang seohyun's part! (where are you lookig?~~)

& 'your arrows are trouble trouble trouble~~'


cr. DC wgm 'Dmate'

mbc drama 'Pasta' yongseo ver. kkkkkk

so cute ♥

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Guest Crystal392





MountainMadman: thanks so much for the translations. Really thanks so much :)



:lol: Yong~ so shy :P I really wonder if Hyun saw the show ^^ I'm so grateful to the girl who was shown on the screen that wrote "YongHwa <3 SeoHyun"



And thanks to all gogumas who shared screencaps and links. Cant wait to watch them later.



4 more days until WGM :) Yay!


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Guest _d3seohyun



Hoot hoot hoot! :w00t:


Thank you for sharing Yonghwa's fancam from LSC while singing Seobaby's part <3 ADORABLE!!!


After spazzing and replaying that part a zillion times I just had to rewatch the girl's performance

and keep a closer look at Seobaby's part.. and what do you know I found myself spazzing even more.

Gaahhhh! I'm over the moon here. :lol: Of course I might be wrong on this..but I believe I believe I believe. :P

and I always have..so I allow me to spazz with you all....



I'm sure you guys have watch all of Seobaby's Hoot performances right? And I'm sure you guys have noticed

that our girl NEVER smiles during the performances esp on her solo parts(not counting encore and rehearsals I've seen from fancams)

NEVER! The only time she did was during Happy Together, which is why it became my favorite HOOT performance of hers :lol:


Anyway, then what was so SPECIAL about their number at the Love Share Concert that she suddenly found herself smiling while looking straight to the camera?!!!! :wub:

sorry i couldn't capture it well...



I doubt it was because of something she saw in the crowd or something the fans did. Because she said it herself before, that during performances she only does what she's supposed to do regardless of how the fans react (keeping her serious face and all)

Maybe because of her adorkable unnies? It could have been, but I didn't see anything. Even if unnies did something, Seobaby hardly cracks when something like that happens while she's performing.

So I say....Busted! :lol: Aigoo! That smile and those extra sparkles in her eyes were meant for that special SOMEONE monitoring her <3 Her YONG SEOBANG who had his eyes glued on the monitor screen while singing shouting her lines along hahahah Seeing him leaned towards the podium as he started singing along, it felt like he wanted everyone to hear his voice along with hers <3 And it's so spazzworthy that he wasn't even trying to be discrete about it hahahha and that lip/mouth thing he did LOL the very cool Yong seobang in action..pretending as if what he just did is nothing Hyun related/out of the ordinary bwahahhaha <3


So during that finale number...Seobaby looking at Yoona? Yong to Jokwon? Yeah. But I bet you that even for a split of a second those two were stealing glances at each other :P

can't wait for WGM Japan. I hope the pds will present us with something as beautiful as the epic birthday episode (:


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Guest waniey_haha
















hye guyz...yes....same wit u all gogumaz...i'm missing our YONGSEO so much....n keep replaying the previous episode...n at one time while watching those episode i suddenly smile thinking that all of the gogumas have done the same thing wif me....we must be really missing yongseo couple right???:wacko: :wacko::wacko:  ...n one thing for sure...even i replayed the previous ep about 10 +++ times..( did not account how much i watched those episode when it first shown ).. wahhh i really watched it so many times.... n i did memorize their lines too...their eyeship...n of coz it's still made me giggles....... heeee... smiling widely like a pabo...heeehehehe....do u guyz feel the same too?? i bet that u guyz will feel the same too...if not i dare to cut my fingers....:lol:hahah ..














about the NAN... it's really a BONUS for us....even we don have yongseo las week...one thing that i can surely said is that...yeap.... it is a confession.!!!! i keep watching it and analyze yong a bit....it seems that those questions was slipped out of his mouth...n i thought he surely asked about the question regarding his situation .right? and it was so obvious that he said he like "HER" (heee, u know who? )..when the mc asked him,, (psy ) asked him."do we know her?" and surprisingly he answered " maybe u know or maybe u not "..can u guyz think wat exactly i think of? he can  just zip his mouth or being silent juz like when the previous question " do you have a woman whom you like ? " n respond for this he just been  silent.. but then he said "maybe u know or maybe u not"...it clearly stated that yeah he LIKE that person (U KNOW WHO? ) n analyzed his face while being interrogated...super shy yooong...because he BUSTED !!!..his cheeks look like want to explode...hhaaahhaha







n becauze of that..... i really love yooong for being so BRAVE...yeah go get her yOOONG>>.go get HYUNNNNN !!!!














p/s:.n i keep wondering if psy really give the super duper great advise to yoong after the shooting.....i really hope too...:wub: :wub: :wub:  









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Guest Germbaby

Hoot hoot hoot! :w00t:

Thank you for sharing Yonghwa's fancam from LSC while singing Seobaby's part <3  ADORABLE!!!

After spazzing and replaying that part a zillion times I just had to rewatch the girl's performance

and keep a closer look at Seobaby's part.. and what do you know I found myself spazzing even more.

Gaahhhh!  I'm over the moon here. :lol:  Of course I might be wrong on this..but I believe I believe I believe. :P

and I always have..so I allow me to spazz with you all....

I'm sure you guys have watch all of Seobaby's Hoot performances right?  And I'm sure you guys have noticed

that our girl NEVER smiles during the performances esp on her solo parts(not counting encore and rehearsals I've seen from fancams)

NEVER! The only time she did was during Happy Together, which is why it became my favorite HOOT performance of hers :lol:


Anyway, then what was so SPECIAL about their number at the Love Share Concert that she suddenly found herself smiling while looking straight to the camera?!!!! :wub:

sorry i couldn't capture it well...




I doubt it was because of something she saw in the crowd or something the fans did.  Because she said it herself before, that during performances she only does what she's supposed to do regardless of how the fans react (keeping her serious face and all)

Maybe because of her adorkable unnies? It could have been, but I didn't see anything.  Even if unnies did something, Seobaby hardly cracks when something like that happens while she's performing.  

So I say....Busted! :lol:  Aigoo!  That smile and those extra sparkles in her eyes were meant for that special SOMEONE monitoring her <3 Her YONG SEOBANG who had his eyes glued on the monitor screen while singing shouting her lines along hahahah Seeing him leaned towards the podium as he started singing along, it felt like he wanted everyone to hear his voice along with hers <3 And it's so spazzworthy that he wasn't even trying to be discrete about it hahahha  and that lip/mouth thing he did LOL the very cool Yong seobang in action..pretending as if what he just did is nothing Hyun related/out of the ordinary bwahahhaha <3


So during that finale number...Seobaby looking at Yoona?  Yong to Jokwon?  Yeah.  But I bet you that even for a split of a second those two were stealing glances at each other :P  

can't wait for WGM Japan.  I hope the pds will present us with something as beautiful as the epic birthday episode (:

Hi d3seohyun,

I think I know why she is smiling during her performance in Share Love Concert. Look at her left hand. Did you see it? The OK sign with yong I think.


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Germbaby Thanks for pointing that out! I'm watching the video right now but it's hard to take a good look because the camera zooms off right at that moment. You can only see her hand for a second, so more speculations haha
































































































































































































































































































































Also, please remove the %7Boption%7D tags, it's against the rules to quote pictures! :)
































































































































































































































































































































It's nothing really related to YongSeo, but since this thread is moving quite slowly lately I'd just share some random stuff. I was having my WGM marathon and right at that moment my brother-in-law walked in. He doesn't have any interest in Kpop or idols or anything Korean aside from Kdramas (which are dubbed in Vietnamese lol), but he saw YongSeo... Probably watched for 5 minutes along with me and then suddenly asked: 'These two, are they boyfriend and girlfriend?' :D
































































































































































































































































































































Heh, my whole family is unintentionally giving me so much hope for this couple... it's not even funny anymore.

































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Guest Caliope

This is my first video subtitling. I used the MountainMadman subtitles (Hope you don't have bothered)

I think the translation is placed where it should go.

If there is any error (the subtitles are in a broken line)... Please excuse me... :sweatingbullets:

Some scenes are not subtitled (sorry again)... :unsure::sweatingbullets:

Next time I'll do better.

- YongHwa and PSY short cut: Subs by Yukiandjudy CLICK HERE

- YongHwa and PSY long cut: Subs by MountainMadman and timing by Caliope (mee xD) CLICK HERE

Please Enjoy!!

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thank u so much for the translations, aisuo415 & mountainmadman.

did yong think he can get away after asking such question?

poor guy sure regret now because it was so obvious who he was referring to.

and to be on the hot seat, having the 'seniors' grilling him on national tv,

abt something personal...boy oh boy...uri yong was lost for words!

he's gone so shy but still look dang cute! :sweatingbullets:

the fact that he said "maybe, maybe not" is a give away to the question

"do we know this girl?".

if that girl is not from the entertainment world, yong would've said "no" right away ;)

pink!22, indirect confession indeed! we all know how expressive yong is.

nily, tks for the 'yong awkward moment' caps. was yong fidgeting on his seat now? ^_^

ichigo, i love your macros!

borrowing sierralainewalsh cap,

rmbr the time where hyun questioned yong abt not contacting her for one month?

he had the same gesture..how nerve wrecking for yong at that time

rxp080100, yong did say that wgm has nvr leave his mind.

mountainmadman, i'm glad u decide to join us here..i love your POV.

and i agree with d3j1k0 and callmedaydreamer too.

hyun, who didn't know anything abt boys, love, dating etc,

is experiencing all these in a 'fake' marriage.

she maybe slow in getting the right signal, but she is getting there OR she IS

already there, for all we know.

by now, gogumas should know she can be as expressive as yong.

with all their private calls & texts, yongseo could be sharing more than what they

are willing to share with the public..

when i read some comments on hyun's feeling towards yong... :rolleyes:

"uh oh..here we go again".

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