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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Kerube - haha you are so funny saying that "he is smiling like a silly woman"




















I relook at e screencaps of Yong on NAN,and the way he look, altho embarassed but yet all so smiley meant to me tat even if the relationship is not very concrete, it seems to be positive, I mean he dun look frustrated.




















Its like when someone is in a relationship and got tease. :)




















But anyway, I will leave the analysing to lovekin. :P



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Thanks for the link!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just watched it, and here are some of my thoughts:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The part that came before Yonghwa's question (where Psy was pretending to hold a conversation with the girl) was supposed to be a demonstration on how to hold a successful phone conversation with someone you really like.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks MountainMadman for the translation!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It really made up for the lost WGM weekend along, of course,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































with the love concert fancams.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I feel that I am begging for YongSeo love. :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for MountainMadman ['cause it seems that WGM PDnim is right ~ YongHwa is still a "pure" guy]:

Is it too much to ask for the whole translation of Yonghwa cut? Or at least how Psy gave advice and the simulated phonecall? It seems interesting that YongHwa genuinely feel amazed and thankful for the advice/counselling of Psy. Maybe the translation will help us understand and know YongHwa more. Thanks!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan

































I relook at e screencaps of Yong on NAN,and the way he look, altho embarassed but yet all so smiley meant to me tat even if the relationship is not very concrete, it seems to be positive, I mean he dun look frustrated.
































































































































































































































































@qwenli, I totally agree with you in this. (Glad to make you smile)
































































































































































































































































I just think about something, someone said this (NAN episode) was recorded after the "Aquarium Rumor" Uhmmm... So maybe we just have to prepare ourselve for some slow, full of fluff, not talking directly about the "issue", next episodes... at least Yonghwa appears relaxed with how the things are right now... how much is going to last is another different thing... Maybe he is in doubt about how to approach her... but what I want to tell him is that he is doing a great great great work, and give him a friendly hugh too... and SH I just wish I can write her a letter or be in front of her an tell her in the name of all the woman around the world, that men like YH are not easy to find and she should grab him and not let him go for anything in the world.... :w00t: I am crazy I know, dont worry... :D
































































































































































































































































If the Wedding Photoshoot did happened I think I am going to die of happiness... with other couples (last season) the wedding photoshoot was really a turning point... It make them be more more more close... I want the wedding Photoshoot please PDnim.... :tears:
































































































































































































































































Well happy spazzing gogumas, need to sleep now... BYE!!!
































































































































































































































































Random thing: Currently listening CNBLUE is cover of Geek in the Pink. It make me thing about Yongseo, dont really know why... I am been totally random today... better sleep... BYE!!!

































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Guest MountainMadman

Here's the full translation for the following video:


Starting from the 0:58 mark (the part before that's basically Yonghwa asking the question "What is a good method of getting closer to the girls you like?"

Psy: I personally think that in a relationship, phone calls are very important.

Psy: there's also a time when your senses overcome your feelings. (not sure if that's right, but it's what I got)

Yonghwa: there's a specific time?

Psy: 11:30 PM. That's actually the time that's best for doing phone calls.

Psy: At that time, your sense of judgment is weakened. You feel like doing things you normally wouldn't want to do, you're basically the opposite of what you usually are.

Psy: You just want to laugh, you just want to feel, and you just feel like drifting off to sleep.

(I'm not sure I translated the above part with 100% accuracy. Basically, he's saying that your judgment is weakened at 11:30 PM. :P )

At the 1:43 mark.

Subtitle: should write that down

Psy: there's an idiom that says "every tree falls within 10 strokes". (NOTE: Korean idiom. Sounds stupid in English.)

Psy: but ONLY trees fall when you cut them 10 times. For people, they hurt!

Subtitle: Ohhhhh~

Interviewer: So how do you...? (NOTE: He actually said more, but I couldn't hear it above Psy's voice)

Psy: When you make a phone call, regardless of the length, I try to put in as much effort as possible. I make a list of things to talk about.

At the 2:15 mark.

1. First impressions - ask how they're doing

2. Ask thoroughly about things that have happened

3. Find things that they share in common

4. If you find one, don't let go!

Psy: I write them all down! Like a well-planned variety show.

Subtitle: Perfect from start to finish!

Yonghwa: So what's your percentage of success?

Psy: Do you know about that story? When Indians pray for rain, their chance of success is 100%. Do you know why?

Psy: Because they keep praying until it rains.

Subtitle: fantastic example

Psy: My chance of success is also 100%. Because I keep trying until I succeed. So it was 100%, and right now I'm doing very well at raising a family.

At the 3:15 mark.

Yonghwa: Why don't you show us some proof of your skills?

Subtitle: show us the proof

Subtitle: with me?

Psy: I told you it was about phone calls, right?

Subtitle: We're looking at each other right now...

Subtitle: then think it's a phone call!

Subtitle: now?

Yonghwa: make sure you don't go over too easily.

Subtitle: don't be too easy!

Girl: I get it.

At the 3:33 mark

Psy: Hello?

Girl: Hello?

Psy: Oh, is it you?

Girl: Yeah, oppa.

Subtitle: right now, it's 11:30

Psy: what are you doing right now?

Girl: about to sleep.

Psy: sleeping so soon?

Girl: well, it's 11:30.

Psy: what time is it?

Girl: 11:30.

Psy: Why are you sleeping at 11:30? For a pretty girl like you, that's doing a disservice to your face.

Subtitle: sneakily making the other person feel good

Psy: I just wanted to talk to you for a bit.

Girl: Ohh...yes

Subtitle: became relaxed after hearing compliment~

Psy: do you sometimes drink?

Girl: What? Oh, yes, sometimes.

Psy: like what?

Girl: like soju...

Psy: Oh, you like soju?

Subtitle: found common interest!

Psy: how much do you drink?

At the 4:10 mark.

Girl: Oh, I don't drink it too often.

Subtitle: now hold on to it

Psy: around half a bottle?

Girl: yes

Psy: half a bottle...around 3 glasses, 4 glasses?

Subtitle: Wow~

Girl: yes...

Psy: so what do you like to eat along with soju?

Interviewer: why are you talking about this at 11:30 at night?

Subtitle: surprisingly, the conversation keeps flowing

Girl: Actually, I keep answering his questions for some reason. It's strange!

Psy: So what do you like?

Girl: I don't know, what do you like?

Subtitle: now she's the one asking!

Psy: Wow, I think this is the first time you've asked me a question in return.

Subtitle: only applause

at the 5:00 mark (stupid commercials).

Psy: You're asking me what I like?

Girl: yeah.

Psy: I like you.

Subtitle: Wow

Subtitle: Psy is a master at dating!

(there's an idiom I'm not getting here between these two lines.)

Jaedong: how did you feel from a woman's point of view?

Girl: I was very surprised. Like, "what the...?" 

Subtitle: what the?

Psy: Actually, my strategy is based on that concept.

Subtitle: everything starts with "what the"!

Subtitle: it's important to grab her attention

Psy: for girls like her, the most effective way to get that reaction is to actually blow her off a couple times.

Interviewers: (shocked reaction) (another idiom I'm not getting...)

At the 6:00 mark.

Subtitle: Yonghwa is only able to stare in admiration

Psy: so then, girls like her are going to be flustered. She's going to think "what the...?"

Subtitle: make her flustered

Psy: and she begins to think "did he really?"

Subtitle: "did he really?"

Psy: and that slowly changes into "he likes me". (NOTE: in Korean, these two phrases sound similar.)

Interviewer: Kim Soo-ro, I think we're slowly losing ground here. (NOTE: I have no idea what this is referring to. Probably because I don't know what kind of skit they're doing.)

Soo-ro: Well, I'm a bit different from Psy.

Subtitle: different from Psy?

At the 6:33 mark. 

Soo-ro: Well, I really like girls.

Subtitle: What?

Soo-ro: because I'm not that particularly good-looking, so there's no pressure. And I'm not (perverted) like a few people here... (NOTE: literal translation. I'm sure he meant it in a different definition that I'm not aware of. In any case, it has a bad meaning.)

Subtitle: a few people?

Jaedong: I'm sorry, but can you tell us who these people are?

Subtitle: an issue that needs to be solved!

Soo-ro: It's not you!

Myungsoo: Who is it then? Who?

Soo-ro: It's not you, either.

Myungsoo: Oh, okay then.

Interviewer: Then is it me?

At the 7:00 mark.

Yellow Subtitles: Yes~


...and here we transition into the part that I already translated.


Phew!    ^_^

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Guest Faith_memory


















Omg~ even though there isn't a wgm last saturday, haha we have night after night for our yongseo. after watching the vid with my sister, i said, "OMG!! he's totally referring to SEOHYUN!! clean and honest!" and i was like spazzing all over our floor.














but my sister told me this really weird thought of hers














she told me that yo~ng might be referring to someone who isn't in a showbiz entertainment. who is Clean and honest. who is outside the entertainment business and just living as an ordinary girl."














she's just killing my joy, so i ignored her. lol.



























and the elderly guys at the show where like teasing yonghwa to death. hahaha! ♥ and the guy that wrote Yonghwa ♥ seohyun things was awesome. a goguma maybe?? kekeke~ ♥



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Psy: I personally think that in a relationship, phone calls are very important.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Psy: there's also a time when your senses overcome your feelings. (not sure if that's right, but it's what I got)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa: there's a specific time?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Psy: 11:30 PM. That's actually the time that's best for doing phone calls.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Psy: At that time, your sense of judgment is weakened. You feel like doing things you normally wouldn't want to do, you're basically the opposite of what you usually are.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PSY, you got this right!!! This is soooo true and appropriate for young lovers like our YongSeo couple!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When you are doing a phone call you don't see the other person, you are less conscious of each other, thus less inhibited. And when it is late at night, your mind is less guarded. To such extreme you even feel a little bit intoxicated. And I bet, a cold night is the best time to do this! It's autumn already, right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongHwa, you should keep close to Psy, he could teach you a lot!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































His advices are no joke!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Late night phonecalls and perseverance.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SeoHyun have long, late night phone calls with HyoYeon, right? Maybe it's Yonghwa's turn. kekek :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much MountainMadman! Thank you so much!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hi fellow gogumas!
























I'm sure all of us are spazzing like crazy about Yongwha's indirect confession on NAN, and that should last me till Saturday when I will see my favourite couple on screen again =D
























Thanks so much to MountainMadman for your timely and awesome translations on the show~ I was grinning like crazy just by reading your post haha! By now it should be no doubt who Yong was referring to, and oh my the way he got teased by other guys on the show.. I feel embarrassed for him too poor boy! And the interesting bit about his last kiss... I can only think of two possibilities: (1) It was with his ex quite a while ago and he either really forgot or doesn't wanna bring it up because he knows Hyun may be watching the show and doesn't wanna hurt her feelings by mentioning things that happened with his ex in the past ... or (2) Can it be...can it be that our goguma couple had already....?! ARGH! Just imagining it is making me all giddy! Since Jessica mentioned how SH was jjang one night in Japan, it really gets me thinking what happened in Japan! (And actually, they've been "dating" for 7 months already when the Japan episode was filmed, so if they really like each other, a kiss should just be the most natural thing given the amount of time they've spent together)
























Oh gosh.. my imagination is running wild right now...please stop me! hahaha!
























BTW, the fan account/fan cams for the first Inkigayo had not been posted on Baidu yet. I'll keep an eye on it and share whenever it's available! :D









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Today is Tuesday.....can’t wait for Saturday anymore...how i wish i have magic power and fast forward time till Saturday........*headache,heartache*

Thanks Caliope, Callmeday dreamer, aisuo415, sierralanwalsh, ichogo_kawai, MountainMadMan and all gogumas for the links, vids and pics.

I watched the vid provide by Caliope last night, my impression was…’’OMG….his smile?…look so fishy…his shyness?…look like something…’’. Then i read the translations provide by our kind-hearted gogumas.....makes me smilling, giggle and floating....

I don’t know with other people…but me myself, if I’ve been teased with someone I admire, my reaction will 100% like him…. Like to control myself..by smiling all the times…try to hide the truth..

But, the truth is inside him…how I wish whatever inside my mind now is real…..

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Guest soshisoshisoshi








Hi all!! seems like everyone is excited over yong's cut from Night After Night...........



Anyway I found the cut by our wonderful yukiandjudy



Yong's cut (eng sub)






sorry If I had nothing to post....... I'll edit my postand share my thoughts with you all














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Guest ikekeyou








































thank you MountainMadman for translating the NAN part!!
































you made my day!!!
































seriously, we had to suffer a week without our yongseo couple
































and today, this one and a half minute of yong made my day and entire last week!! :]
































wow i love psy!!!
































he is pretty good with the phone call thing.... yong should go to him if he has any relationship problems
































































they looked pretty close at the love sharing concert too.
































anyway cant wait for saturday to come to watch our yongseo couple!!!





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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































































lol the convo here whether Hyun has feeling for feelings for Yong or not is cracking me up...
































































































































Uhmm... what do you expect from a girl who doesn't have any experience with boys? or let alone, doesn't know the difference the between like and love?
































































































































You'd think that coming from a very popular group like SNSD or with unnies personalities, she'd be easy to read. But no. Hyun is not like that.
































































































































Hyun is............ different.
































































































































I'm as surprised as Yong when the show started. I didn't know her or her group that well.
































































































































All i know is that Seohyun is from the group singing catchy songs wearing sexy outfits, so i kinda thought that she's just like one of her unnies, with bubbly personalities. She's the opposite. I think Yong saw it too from the first time they met, that she's different.
































































































































Whether Hyun likes Yong or not?
































































































































I believe so. Maybe because i believe in the saying "actions speaks louder that words"... i know cliche...lol
































































































































That fact that she stayed up all night to make handmade gifts for Yong, or keeps bragging to her unnies  about her marriage (Hyo's said that in an interview),
































































































































or when she went to the CN blue concert or that time when that time got hopspitalized, even Fany sees that changes in her.
































































































































When she got pissed when Yong didn't contact her for weeks or when he didn't wear the ring, 
































































































































or during that time that she got upset coz Yong didn't text on her  birthday, i think that's already a statement that she has feeling for him...
































































































































and when she stuttered when Yong was confessing that the part of Love Light was because of her... lol i love that scene.
































































































































I can just imagine her in that moment, her mouth dry, her heart racing, and having a hard time to breathe. If it were me, i fainted already lol....
































































































































The fact that she bothers to text Yong that she held hands with Kyuhyun Oppa... lol she doesn't have to do that coz it's work and that's outside WGM already.
































































































































And as well all know WGM is just a show, but she did and that's quite a statement she's making there.
































































































































Little things like that reassures me, yes, she does have feelings for Yong.
































































































































She obviously doesn't know what to do it about or how to handle it. She's new to this and she's still learning.
































































































































And I mean, she's learning really well coz well all saw how she handled that mildang project of Yong.
































































































































And as much as I'm a Yong biased, I was silently cheering "way to go Hyun" lol... gurl got some spunk on her...lol
































































































































As for Yong, lol we don't have to question that anymore... You'd think that with a guy with experience he'd be more subtle.
































































































































He's transparent and you can tell that by the way he looks at her, he adores her.
































































































































Yong is holding back so she can catch up on him... I can just imagine how frustrating it must be for Yong,
































































































































but he's been very patient and understanding to Hyun.
































































































































They maybe on a show, but obviously the feelings involved there are starting to get real.

































































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Guest wallpaperfood

Actually, when it said "Is he trying to protect the girl?", I have mixed feelings, because I sense this in every interview he does that involves Hyun...but not in a bf/gf/crush way....read on but you won't like it (even I don't like myself for thinking it...it's pretty harsh)

It seems that Yonghwa (and ALL viewers of WGM) is always aware that he is Hyun's first relationship experience, and hence, he is very exposed to heavy scrutiny if, for example, he hurts Hyun in any way. In addition, it's quite obvious that Yong is someone who is caring to those he is close to, Hyun included, and I'm sure that he wouldn't want to hurt Hyun's feelings as a man (not only her first). E.g. he would know Hyun would be uncomfortable about him mentioning his ex

Take the scenario where he neither denied nor confessed anything. In order to not hurt Hyun (also because he has experienced the repercussions of that! lol) Keeping silent is the safest option. Denying openly on TV as if there wasn't anything between them would hurt her, see. Of course, boices have to be taken into consideration as well, and as Yong is a highly guarded person, I'm sure that played a role too. But the point is, it just seemed that Yong was hating the grilling session because he's thinking, "Great, getting asked about Hyun again", but this time in a more obvious way. I somehow always got that feeling from interviews he did.

As someone with more experience, he'd be able to hide his feelings better, so I don't really know what to concluuuuude, if he's sincere or not. (I guess being compared to Hyun's sincerity doesn't help much either)

Sigh, at first, I did spazz a LOT over his facial expressions, but the pessimistic side of me took over again. I need help gogumas! :( I was on cloud 9 for a looong time until I read pages back that someone's bf thought Yong was "backing off" during the japan trip.. :( I hate being so skeptical of yongseo :"(, and I need to be cheered up - and thanks to so many of you analysing him on NAN, I'm feeling slightly better =). Really sorry if I upset anyone, but I just need to be reassured...

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Guest DJHinata

OMG ! stupid internet conex !! D_D is so slow the i can hardly read the thread T_T !! i miss you all ! Really , once again thank you so much for the translation ! just amazing!! and yong and Hyun in these days omg beautiful !! their looks can kill !! they are in love~~ !!

But why doesn't Hyun was de MC with Yong and jo kwon? , but sigh.. in the future i hope so, and why yongseo couple wasn't the dad and the mom?! aish something is wrong with that people 

I need some help with some translations. Anyone can help me?!! korean = english please 

i want to know what is in the korean text ThankYou Thankyou! ♥




Cristal, Dreamy, PanGG I miss you girls !! T__T So much T_T !!! *hug*

Edit: Mountainmadman Thank you SO much for your help !!! Help me alot !!! ♥

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Guest MountainMadman


In the first screencap, the word in the cloud part can be translated to either "happy" or "excited". The main portion says something along the lines of "strengthening our plan!"

In the second screencap, the cloud says "instead of Yonghwa" and the main part can be translated as "Jungshin will be masquerading as the husband!"

In the last screencap, it's very hard to translate word for word, but here's the closest I can come up with: "in a planning mood?"

Hope this helps. :)

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Guest soshisoshisoshi








mountainmadman.... you have been quite active since you make an account, especially with your fluent korean/english. So I will say "WELCOME TO THE GOGUMA WORLD"! just a simple question from me...... are you a korean, you live in korea or u happen to learn korean language?






wallpaperfood.... I somehow agree with you about this







being a rookie and at the same time having a relationship with a member of one of the most popular group in korea, I think it is really hard for him to settle the situations regarding many things (his company, hyun's company, boice, sone). It's understandable that he will be grilled with questions like that, although like you, I also feel that it's kinda bothering him that many people ask about questions regarding hyun, indirectly. I won't say that he hates being asked the same question again and again, because from my point of view he actually wanted to give the answer clearly, but since NAN is a from SBS (not MBC) so this is where he refrained to give the answer.






Do I make any sense now?? Just sharing my personal thoughts. sigh..... why isn't NAN an MBC programme in first place...........












although one week without yongseo is a torture, it's fun to see this thread back to normal, people giving their POVs and most of all, our love towards yongseo couple never fades...












edit: I was watching yongseo's birthday episode and I noticed a funny reaction by jinwoon






I bet he realize that hyun is really meant for yonghwa :P :tongue::P











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Actually, when it said "Is he trying to protect the girl?", I have mixed feelings, because I sense this in every interview he does that involves Hyun...but not in a bf/gf/crush way....read on but you might not like it (even I don't like myself for thinking it)
































It seems that Yonghwa (and ALL viewers of WGM) is always aware that he is Hyun's first relationship experience, and hence, he is very exposed to heavy scrutiny if, for example, he hurts Hyun in any way. In addition, it's quite obvious that Yong is someone who is caring to those he is close to, Hyun included, and I'm sure that he wouldn't want to hurt Hyun's feelings as a man (not only her first). 
































































































Take the scenario where he neither denied nor confessed anything. In order to not hurt Hyun (also because he has experienced the repercussions of that! lol) Keeping silent is the safest option. Denying openly on TV as if there wasn't anything between them would hurt her, see. Of course, boices have to be taken into consideration as well, and as Yong is a highly guarded person, I'm sure that played a role too. But the point is, it just seemed that Yong was hating the grilling session because he's thinking, "Great, getting asked about Hyun again", but this time in a more obvious way. I somehow always got that feeling from interviews he did.































































































































Answer goes into the spoiler regarding the stuff in the spoiler :)
































































What you said makes sense though I have this to say in reply :):
































It could really be a case of 'great they're asking about Hyun again' but from the way he looks here and in other interviews where he was directly asked about Hyun, when the teasing is light, he looked like he was 'enjoying' himself despite being embarrassed (? maybe lol) and unable to answer (whether it's due to being shy or to protect the other party or just because they're famous and can't go around saying whatever they like). 
































I'm sure many of us have had that experience! You're harbouring a secret (and maybe sometimes obvious yet secret) crush and your friends keep teasing you about it. You're embarrassed at the same time but kinda happy because the topic is about THAT person XD. I remember that feeling hahah. I think I wanted to wiggle and laugh and smile and cry at the same time. Up until the point of being asked about kissing, Yong looked like he was 'enjoying' it a bit to me :P. Up till the kissing bit where I guess as the subtitles went, it got beyond his comfort level and he just stood up and reclaimed control of the whole proceedings.
































Since he did that I think he was pretty capable throughout the entire time and could have stopped the questioning if he really really wanted to (and he eventually did). So, I really don't think he minded those questions that much at first. I don't think I answered your plea to 'rescue' you from your pessimism directly...but...:)


































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Guest MountainMadman

@ soshisoshisoshi:

To answer your question, I'm a native Korean by birth and lived in South Korea for many years. Then I moved to Los Angeles when I was in elementary school, and currently I'm attending college in Wisconsin. :)

I'm not as fluent as I want to be in Korean, so these translating gigs should also help me brush up on my Korean skills! Thanks for your welcome!

EDIT: Oooh, I topped the page. 

Here are all of my translations:

Hey all, I've been following this thread for a while, but just decided to join - hihi everyone. ^_^

Anyways, being a fluent Korean/English speaker, I felt that I could help out a bit.

If you guys didn't get it yet, here's the link to the Psy/Yonghwa grilling (uploading credits don't belong to me):


And here's my translation:

Y: What are you supposed to do if you like a girl who lives life very cleanly and honestly?

Subtitle: This is suspicious...

Jaedong: Is there a reason you're asking this?

Subtitle: all the focus is on YONGHWA

Interviewer: Do you like someone?

Interviewer #2: Sit here, please.

-Audience Laughter-

Subtitle: YONGHWA is now the focus of the questions!

Subtitle: (sorry, my Korean isn't nearly good enough for this one...)

We're now at the 0:22 mark.

Interviewer #2: You're supposed to ride the subway! (Note: this is a Korean idiom that means you have to finish something you started)

Subtitle: Witty!

Psy: Yonghwa is asking me what to do if you like a girl who's honest and clean.

Yonghwa: Yes.

Psy: How you're supposed to approach her.

Yonghwa: Yes.

Psy: Is that girl...someone we know?

Yonghwa: You could know her, but you might not.

Interviewer #3: Does she go by herself, or in a pack?


Subtitles: by now, must've guessed who he was talking about...

Psy: Tell us how many are in the pack.

Myungsoo: I'm right here. (NOTE: this is a pun. Myung = form of counting when referring to people. Soo = how many.)

Subtitles: Smile!

We're now at the 1:00 mark.

Interviewer #2: Do you love her?

Yonghwa: What? (NOTE: Technically, he said "Yes?" but in reality it means "What?"....although that doesn't stop us from dreaming, lol)

Psy: You're fingering the couple ring.

Subtitles: Is that the couple ring he got with her...?

Interviewer #3: Is she a girl...? (NOTE: this is a joke. He used the phrase "So Nyuh", a word for 'girl' which isn't often used. He's referring to So Nyuh Shi Dae, the Korean name for Girls Generation.)


Subtitles: the elders are very into teasing Yonghwa

Psy: Yonghwa and Seohyun. (Gesturing to the screen.)

Subtitles: They're currently on a program as imaginary couples

Subtitles/Interviewer #3: Oh, the girl who travels in a pack?

Subtitles: That's going too far~

Subtitles/Interviewer #3: Are you protecting her, by any chance?


Jaedong: When was your last kiss?

Yonghwa: I don't remember.

Psy: When do you plan to kiss her?

Yonghwa stands up, end of "interview". ^_^

Hope this came in handy to all my fellow Gogumas!


Thanks for the link!

I just watched it, and here are some of my thoughts:

The part that came before Yonghwa's question (where Psy was pretending to hold a conversation with the girl) was supposed to be a demonstration on how to hold a successful phone conversation with someone you really like.

And I'd be willing to bet money that Yonghwa's question about honest girls WAS NOT SCRIPTED. ^_^ I think it just came out naturally, something he came up with on the spot because he was genuinely curious.

Also, probably nothing much, but right after Yonghwa stood up, the black subtitles at the bottom said:

"We'll try and figure out her identity next time *wink*."

Take that for what you will...

After that, Myungsoo said:

"In order to get Yonghwa to tell us his last kiss, let's all talk about our last kisses."

Psy: Actually, I want to say something to handsome guys like Yonghwa. I found that the more handsome a guy is, the harder time he has on approaching a girl.

Yellow subtitles off to the side: The girl comes to him, why should he go to her?

At the 9:00 mark.

Subtitles: the more handsome he is, the worse he gets at dating...

Psy: he doesn't care for girls who go to him, but he has a hard time approaching girls he likes.

Psy: So I want to say this to you - about relationships with girls. If it works out with a girl, that's great. But if it doesn't, it's no big deal. So there's no reason to be fretful.

Subtitles: Don't be afraid of expressing your love

The Guy Who Stood Up: when are you holding your next lecture?

Yonghwa: Seriously though, I feel that I've learned a lot.

At the 9:33 mark.

Jaedong: You stood up to ask questions, and you're coming back after holding a counseling session.

Yonghwa: You need to listen to him too.


...and that's all that's of interest. Thanks to rxp080100 for the link! :)

Here's the full translation for the following video:


Starting from the 0:58 mark (the part before that's basically Yonghwa asking the question "What is a good method of getting closer to the girls you like?"

Psy: I personally think that in a relationship, phone calls are very important.

Psy: there's also a time when your senses overcome your feelings. (not sure if that's right, but it's what I got)

Yonghwa: there's a specific time?

Psy: 11:30 PM. That's actually the time that's best for doing phone calls.

Psy: At that time, your sense of judgment is weakened. You feel like doing things you normally wouldn't want to do, you're basically the opposite of what you usually are.

Psy: You just want to laugh, you just want to feel, and you just feel like drifting off to sleep.

(I'm not sure I translated the above part with 100% accuracy. Basically, he's saying that your judgment is weakened at 11:30 PM. :P )

At the 1:43 mark.

Subtitle: should write that down

Psy: there's an idiom that says "every tree falls within 10 strokes". (NOTE: Korean idiom. Sounds stupid in English.)

Psy: but ONLY trees fall when you cut them 10 times. For people, they hurt!

Subtitle: Ohhhhh~

Interviewer: So how do you...? (NOTE: He actually said more, but I couldn't hear it above Psy's voice)

Psy: When you make a phone call, regardless of the length, I try to put in as much effort as possible. I make a list of things to talk about.

At the 2:15 mark.

1. First impressions - ask how they're doing

2. Ask thoroughly about things that have happened

3. Find things that they share in common

4. If you find one, don't let go!

Psy: I write them all down! Like a well-planned variety show.

Subtitle: Perfect from start to finish!

Yonghwa: So what's your percentage of success?

Psy: Do you know about that story? When Indians pray for rain, their chance of success is 100%. Do you know why?

Psy: Because they keep praying until it rains.

Subtitle: fantastic example

Psy: My chance of success is also 100%. Because I keep trying until I succeed. So it was 100%, and right now I'm doing very well at raising a family.

At the 3:15 mark.

Yonghwa: Why don't you show us some proof of your skills?

Subtitle: show us the proof

Subtitle: with me?

Psy: I told you it was about phone calls, right?

Subtitle: We're looking at each other right now...

Subtitle: then think it's a phone call!

Subtitle: now?

Yonghwa: make sure you don't go over too easily.

Subtitle: don't be too easy!

Girl: I get it.

At the 3:33 mark

Psy: Hello?

Girl: Hello?

Psy: Oh, is it you?

Girl: Yeah, oppa.

Subtitle: right now, it's 11:30

Psy: what are you doing right now?

Girl: about to sleep.

Psy: sleeping so soon?

Girl: well, it's 11:30.

Psy: what time is it?

Girl: 11:30.

Psy: Why are you sleeping at 11:30? For a pretty girl like you, that's doing a disservice to your face.

Subtitle: sneakily making the other person feel good

Psy: I just wanted to talk to you for a bit.

Girl: Ohh...yes

Subtitle: became relaxed after hearing compliment~

Psy: do you sometimes drink?

Girl: What? Oh, yes, sometimes.

Psy: like what?

Girl: like soju...

Psy: Oh, you like soju?

Subtitle: found common interest!

Psy: how much do you drink?

At the 4:10 mark.

Girl: Oh, I don't drink it too often.

Subtitle: now hold on to it

Psy: around half a bottle?

Girl: yes

Psy: half a bottle...around 3 glasses, 4 glasses?

Subtitle: Wow~

Girl: yes...

Psy: so what do you like to eat along with soju?

Interviewer: why are you talking about this at 11:30 at night?

Subtitle: surprisingly, the conversation keeps flowing

Girl: Actually, I keep answering his questions for some reason. It's strange!

Psy: So what do you like?

Girl: I don't know, what do you like?

Subtitle: now she's the one asking!

Psy: Wow, I think this is the first time you've asked me a question in return.

Subtitle: only applause

at the 5:00 mark (stupid commercials).

Psy: You're asking me what I like?

Girl: yeah.

Psy: I like you.

Subtitle: Wow

Subtitle: Psy is a master at dating!

(there's an idiom I'm not getting here between these two lines.)

Jaedong: how did you feel from a woman's point of view?

Girl: I was very surprised. Like, "what the...?" 

Subtitle: what the?

Psy: Actually, my strategy is based on that concept.

Subtitle: everything starts with "what the"!

Subtitle: it's important to grab her attention

Psy: for girls like her, the most effective way to get that reaction is to actually blow her off a couple times.

Interviewers: (shocked reaction) (another idiom I'm not getting...)

At the 6:00 mark.

Subtitle: Yonghwa is only able to stare in admiration

Psy: so then, girls like her are going to be flustered. She's going to think "what the...?"

Subtitle: make her flustered

Psy: and she begins to think "did he really?"

Subtitle: "did he really?"

Psy: and that slowly changes into "he likes me". (NOTE: in Korean, these two phrases sound similar.)

Interviewer: Kim Soo-ro, I think we're slowly losing ground here. (NOTE: I have no idea what this is referring to. Probably because I don't know what kind of skit they're doing.)

Soo-ro: Well, I'm a bit different from Psy.

Subtitle: different from Psy?

At the 6:33 mark. 

Soo-ro: Well, I really like girls.

Subtitle: What?

Soo-ro: because I'm not that particularly good-looking, so there's no pressure. And I'm not (perverted) like a few people here... (NOTE: literal translation. I'm sure he meant it in a different definition that I'm not aware of. In any case, it has a bad meaning.)

Subtitle: a few people?

Jaedong: I'm sorry, but can you tell us who these people are?

Subtitle: an issue that needs to be solved!

Soo-ro: It's not you!

Myungsoo: Who is it then? Who?

Soo-ro: It's not you, either.

Myungsoo: Oh, okay then.

Interviewer: Then is it me?

At the 7:00 mark.

Yellow Subtitles: Yes~


...and here we transition into the part that I already translated.


Phew!    ^_^

And not by me, but here's a pretty good-quality English subbed video:

Hi all!! seems like everyone is excited over yong's cut from Night After Night...........

Anyway I found the cut by our wonderful yukiandjudy 

Yong's cut (eng sub)

sorry If I had nothing to post....... I'll edit my postand share my thoughts with you all


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Guest wallpaperfood

aliene and sohisoshisoshi, thank you so much for making me feel better!!! (maybe not your intentions, but your analyses did cheer me up a lot! :D I'm going back to my spazzy self again)

After re-watching, I see where you guys are coming from, in that Yong doesn't mind being asked/teased - and the smile he gave wasn't one that was trying to hide his feelings excessively. Also, mountainmadman, thanks for the awesome translations!! They have helped put things into perspective, and it does feel like Yong's last question literally slipped out...i think he was subconsciously thinking about Hyun while PSY was talking about charming girls (btw PSY screams "player"LOL, especially what he said about UEE haha) and thinking, "but since Hyun is not the typical character you'd find, I wonder what his take on it is", and out came his question.. ^^, which I find really cute :)

(also at 16:54 of the vid, Yong's pout is really cute, like baby-cute)


On second thought - maybe Yong asked about the "upright" type because PSY had just given his advice while referring to the common/typical type. It seems he didn't realise it - like it only hit Yong after he asked it (study his face), that it could in all possibility link him to Hyun...


bee_ichigo, no worries! =) Thanks for trying to make me feel optimistic too! I see how you guys think that way! I guess I'm always a little up/down. And your English is fine, I can understand everyhting u said =D.

Oh and thanks for the caps! I'm glad you brought up Taeyeon, cos no one's mentioned her yet, but I also noticed that Taeyeon (AND YURI) at that moment, both sort of glanced at Yonghwa and looked knowingly at each other. (re: the moment Hyun helped Yoona). It was pretty obvious. And also, what was JoKwon smiling about all of a sudden, after turning around and seeing YoonHyun, eh? It's everyone-indirectly-tease-Yonghwa day ^^

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I've watch the cut from Night after night... And I loooooovvveeeee it when yong got interrogate. keke..biggrin.gif































Mountainmadman thanks for the translation... hug u...































soshisoshisoshi thanks for the link ....































































I got what are you worried about... I agree with soshisoshisoshi that maybe he was a little bit uncomfortable for him being asked about seohyun. I think that he want to get some privacy about that. As we know, WGM was broadcast and many people can watched them. From what i see, actually Yong is happy from being asked but he don't want to answer his true feeling so openly in variety show which is many people can watch it. Remember, that the WGM PD said that Yong is as pure as Seohyun, so i don't think that he is not sincere when he answer question regarding Hyun. he looks so shy n nervous but happy when the other interrogate him. 
















That's my opinion. Sorry, i am not good to explain something but i hope you understand and feel a bit optimistic. (And i'm not good at english sweatingbullets.gif














































I want to share some caps from Love Sharing concert.































Yong, where are you looking??? are you looking at your buin wub.gif































































Look at psy... Yong seems look at his buin, because he has the same gaze... and i think psy is looking at him















































Yong hubby stare at his buin... and look at taeyoon..














































this one from NAN... he's smile keep some secret...






























































































EDIT : wallpaperfood, i don't know your last post. I'm happy that you cheer up again































































































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Guest Faith_memory


















I'm missin' our couple. i can only survive by watching the past wgm episodes. gosh, can't wait for saturday.














yong's question to hyun! ♥














How many gogumas, now???




























anyway, pics of yonghwa with the ring ding dong! @ NAN.






































































it seems that yong and psy will become closer after that NAN episode. it looks like he's enjoying things shared by psy about love and stuffs. and i think psy and yong talks about hyun sometimes. lol, a lot of people knows about yongseo already. kekeke~














yonghwa doesn't really want to answer their questions about hyun, he looked like he was uncomfortable with it and just laughs about it. and it was really obvious on his face that he was referring to seohyun. kekeke~ ♥ the seniors at NAN was like really interested in his love life. kekeke~ ♥



























it seems that our yonghwa had fallen for seohyun. hmmm~ ♥



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