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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lovekin


i actually have a quick question about that video where yong and seo are perceived to have a "moment":






i don't want to be a debbie downer, and i did think for a brief second that they exchanged glances.  but i looked at it again, closely, and saw that she was just being a good maknae and taking care of yoona (by removing the confetti from her hair).  however, i can see that yong is stealing a glance at her, but i think seo was distracted.




at what point are you guys catching this "moment?"  is it right before she reaches over?




regardless, even if the look was only one-sided (i can't say for sure), i can entertain the idea that seo was probably just fixing yoona's hair as a cover-uptongue.gif



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@lovekin I am totally agree with you.

At first when I saw the caps I thought YongSeo were somehow brave, cause they didn't only exchange glances also smiles. But after I watched the vid on YouTube for the first time I was really confused, so I rewinded the 'moment' again and again. After several times I regconized that Hyun just removed confetti from Yoona's hair and the bright smile on Yong's face was shown to be for JoKwon. At that moment both of them looked at each other (accidently) then they turned their heads around for a second. Did Yong look at Hyun for a very short moment or not? I'm not sure.

















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Hey guguma! watch this video to find out ur answers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyA0Kwt0KaE&feature=sub
















I'm watching 2 fancam "n" times. First i think they were looking each other but now im not sure. in this video, i saw yonghwa was looking and smiling with Jokown, but why suddently he turn to Kwon's way? And second, i found out that Hyun was so looking after to yoona ( to put out the paper) but not really pay attention to taeyeon, who sat in front of her with full papers on her hair?
















I dont know but atleast i know that they try not to look each other.this is just my idea. :D

















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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How are we today? It's difficult to spend your weekend without YongSeo, right? :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm hoping that MBC would be kind enough to release unseen video, well I have that hope!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Regarding about the wedding rumor. I was more than speechless first knowing that. You know what I mean
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wedding photo-shoots has been our wish! There is nothing to compare if that happens
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*Running out of words* Have a good day everyone :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Remember It's up to you guys to believe!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*kinda lame* LOL

































































































































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Guest Caliope

Perhaps, you can see better in this other video:


Gogumas, no matter if they looked at each other or not... ;)

Remember... they are shy.

Together, they are a hot topic and are in another TV station.

Did you realize that Seohyun smiled during the performance? (she sang her 1º part) :lol:

And another link: Yoong (very nervous :-() apologizing for the sound problems and then... SNSD!! xD

and... a few hours: NIGHT AFTER NIGHT IN SBS ^^

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Guest Crystal392










hihi_hehe: It's difficult, yeah, but we Gogumas are managing to survive! :lol:


















lol when I saw that fancam I was also surprised because Hyun~ was actually removing a confetti (?) from YoonA's hair :lol: but Yong was right behind YoonA so I'm sure she saw him. ;) and Hyun~ was right next to JoKwon so I'm sure YongHwa saw her and the Goguma in me believes they looked at each other for a fraction of a sec :wub::lol:


















hehehe hehehe I'm excited because both looked at each other sides at the same time. Just a coincidence? fate? :P


















6 more days until a new ep of WGM ^_^




































jupegirls: Hi, please remember it's against soompi rules to post one lines or less than 20 words. :) About Jess






I think you are talking about her 'confetti tears' (she looked so cute ^___^), and I hope this won't offend anyone because it isn't my intention but I think SeoHyun was more focused on YoonA and YongHwa on JoKwon




:P:lol: ... or maybe on each other? hehehe *goes to Goguma Dreamland*








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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































Night after Night Yonghwa's new show as a host??
































































































































































































































Wow, I think SBS really likes Yonghwa :wub: ! (is Running man from SBS, too?)
































































































































































































































Oh, is that the show PSY mentioned something? (I was reading posts 2 days ago, I cam across that post, but I can't remember exactly what it said)
































































































































































































































HAHAHA, if that's true, well, we have something to talk about *giggles*
































































































































































































































what time is it aired? hum.....

































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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































































@ Crystal Malfoy, I think jupegirls is referrering to the pics posted by ahn_annann up there... Watch the part 2 batch pictures... the second picture, Jessica is looking at YH with the kind of expression that say "I know something juice is going on around here... kekekeke" That kind of expression.
















































































































Well, in my crazy imagination they briefly stealed a glance of each other... They are so cute... I am really in love with them... really, this is bad...
















































































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!
































































































































































































































@hihi_hehe Yes, that is the show with PSY and the preview about YH asking about relationship with a proper lady... kekekeke cant wait.
















































































































Anyone knows wath time it airs in korea???

















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Guest Crystal392










hihi_hehe: Yeap, it will air in a few hours. On Nov 15 at 11:05 PM (tomorrow for me, but probably today for some Gogumas ^_^). Actually I think SBS likes CNBLUE a lot

'You are beautiful' was from SBS (Shinwoo), Inki is from SBS, 'Running Man' is from SBS, MinHyuk is right now filming for a new kdrama from SBS. CNBLUE took care of children (shown on 'Love sharing concert) and that's from SBS too xD


















Btw, I was watching this fancam and it's probably because I am YongSeo biased and I'm sorry if I'm overanalyzing things but I blame it on my lack of YongSeo weekly dose blush.gif But imo Hyun~ kept 'looking at YoonA', ok I may be exaggerating a bit, she just looked at her a few times. But I mean, she could be playing with confetti with Sunny or Taeyeon that were in front of her, or Sooyoung that was behind her (I think Hyoyeon also), or play with Yuri and Jessica that were at her side... but she payed lots of attention to YoonA... maybe she was looking through her peripheral vision (is that how it is called? sorry for my poor english but I hope you will understand what I mean) at her hubby Yong~? ;) *stays in Goguma Dreamland*












[Kerube-Chan: Yeah, I was talking about that too xD hehehe it's from this fancam:






Hey! Our imaginations are similar ;) hehehe






~Yong's cute smile after announcing that the next performer was SNSD~












cr: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVFwwjvrdVE








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gogumas!! now is time for yongHwa´s fancams :wub:, please give a quick view at this YongHwa MC 101114, and now look at this Yong in Hoot :rolleyes:. I think he was paying attention to monitor, rather concentrate, I would say (compared to the other fan cam).
































































































And I think Yong  wasn´t looking at Kwoon, if you watch the first fancam (left angle) I think it is more noticeable

































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they did not directly have eye contact BUT they did steal glances

when the other one was not looking! :Pphew.gifw00t.gif

and one thing for sure...JW got nearer and nearer to hyun!

gee, i thought i would nvr have to say this..but i need to say this now..

My Sat Suck W/Out WGM!!! :lol::lol:

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Guest seohyun_yh






They had a  fleeting moment when both of they managed to steal a glance fast or it  depends on the angle of the camera.


but interestingly,  I can see like Yonghwa looked towards the direction from Seohyun when he had the chance, but it was a glance  fast or again it depends on the angle of the camera.


but the truth Seohyun was concentrated on Yoona.


 Yoona looked where was Seohyun.


Yoona is the kind of girl than likes to play, and her unnies were behind her. It was obvious than Seohyun rather looked on  Yoona because Yoona  looked backward where  Seohyun and her unnies were. Taeyeon didn´t even take a look at where  Seohyun and unnies were.


also Seohyun  looked at other places, she  turned around backwards, other point  sunni pulled seohyun´s arm.



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Hey all. Coming out of lurker mode to comment briefly on the Ending clip. I'm not sure if Yong and Hyun managed to exchange glances, but if you look at the body language they were both very conscious of each other. The smile on Yong's face so reminds me of the times when I had a major crush on some guy. If the guy is around its hard to keep from smiling even though you don't want to make it obvious. Similarly Seobaby was looking everywhere but at Yong directly, and that's a clear sign (to me at least) that she's very aware of him. If they weren't so conscious of each other they would have been much more relaxed around each other. Plus, the behavior of the people around them makes it pretty obvious, not just here but on other occasions (Inki).
































I'm not saying that they're going around with each other outside of WGM, but they're definitely crushing on each other BIG time, something which is obviously an open secret to the people close to them....
































Just my two pennies worth.....
































Incidentally I was missing YongSeo couple so much that I went back and re-watched the 1st 2 episodes again. Something I hadn't done ever. I had found their interaction painfully awkward the first time around and just couldn't watch those episodes again. That time around, I fell for them in the Guitar buying episode. When the two of them played piano together in the department store, that's when I fell in love with this couple. Anyway, coming back to episode 1 and 2, I have to say my feelings this time were completely different. I found Hyun's cluelessness adorable, and really really appreciated how much of an effort Yong made to make her comfortable. These 2 have come a long long way from there and that makes me very happy. Whether they get together in real life or not, I feel strongly that they've had a very positive impact on each other.
































Finally, just want to thank all the people who post comments, pics, videos, news on this forum which makes it one of the most interesting and intelligent forums to be a part of. I can't name everyone, but off the top of my head crystal_malfoy, Trent, lovekin. lovetokki, dreamyboo, Heroine, Magdal and so many more of you make me come back to this forum multiple times a day. Also genxv for running the fantastic Sweet Potato Days site.
































Returning to lurker mode now......

















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Thanks all for sharing fancams as soon as they are available, you guys are the best!!
































































































































































































































































It's a little bit painful for me to watch those two in those fancams, because I'm so used to seeing their sweet interactions on WGM :)
































































































































































































































































My pov from watching those fancams, I think Yong didn't realise that Hyun was that near to him until the moment where Hyun took the paper away from Yoona's hair.
































































































































































































































































Because the way I see it, Hyun was not seen (covered by Yoona) from Yong and after that moment, Yong kinda realised oh, she's there.
































































































































































































































































I noticed afterwards he stepped back a tiny bit, that way I think he could see Hyun in sight, although just for a mere glance.
































































































































































































































































Hyun on the other hand, it was easier access for her to look at Yong, she did take a few quick glances at him but I didn't think their eyes ever met, but not sure :)
































































































































































































































































Yong must've felt so nervous, since it's after all, his 1st MC job outside the studio, he was really concentrating hard :)
































































































































































































































































But, I'm sure, backstage, surely those two must've talked to each other, even for a short time, well, unless... Yong is angry about something (Hyun smsed Jinwoon on YS :P) hehe
































































































































































































































































Anyway, looking forward to more fancams and more analysis & investigations from gogumas all over the world :D

































































































































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Guest toomuchsmiling




To all Gogumas who love when Yong~ calls Hyun~ 'Jashik~', you have to check this post at dcmarried: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=550354&page=9&bbs= it's a gif with sound, like a minimovie. Super cute ^_^

I love it when he calls her 'Jashik~' :wub:

I miss my YongSeo so much :(






lol, and b/c i was bored/had nothing better to do i counted how many times he said "jaashik" in that video. 14 TIMES!!! seems like he did it the most during that Double Birthday episode. of course~~~ :lol:




Thanks for sharing this. :D so cool i wish i could save it. all the precious 짜~식 moments. :wub: ahh~


BTW, excuse my ignorance, but what is that great song that CN Blue is singing in this video? i know i've heard it before, but i can't pin the name. can anyone be of some assistance? Lol, nevermind then! i found it on my own. Sweet Holiday!!! ahhh, next time Yongseo goes on a holiday together someone needs to make an fmv using this song. :wub: -dies- hmm, i found this older one, but new ones are always good too. xD





as far as Love Concert goes, heck, i'm just glad they were at the same place at the same time and Yong could hear her precious voice singing Hoot. :lol:




oh yeah!!! and i had completely forgotten that Night After Night is gonna be aired tonite and and...that funny guy named PSY has something to say to Yonghwa about...Seohyun?! ohmygaaah, i wonder how that's gonna work out. :w00t: instead of giving serious advice, i'm sure Psy will probably give him some funny, you-can't-take-him-seriously advice. Psy loves the girls so anything he says wouldn't be taken offensively either, either way it will be good. XDDDD


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Guest Crystal392










lol I was just watching some fancams and PSY was standing next to YongHwa at the ending of 'Love Sharing concert' :P hehehe Seriously I didn't know who he was (I just read at allkpop that his pants broke while he was performing :lol: ) but now thanks to YongSeo I know who he is :P






Remember the cafe uri YongSeo went to? I think it was when Yong~ bought Hyun~ a guitar :P






Star Cafe Miss Lee - 별다방 미스리



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































both of them could have stolen glances at each other. I don't know what to think about it. it could be that Seohyun was looking after Yoona (but she could have looked after her other members that were a lot closer to her like Taeyeon who was on front of her), and Yonghwa was looking at Jokwon (they are both hosts of Inki so they are somewhat close). 










































































but the look on Yonghwa's face is similar to the look that he gives Seohyun when they are together, but was refraining from smiling. so I think he was really looking at Seohyun at that moment. and Jessica caught him. Jessica was smiling widely while looking at Yonghwa and Yonghwa I think was unaware the Jessica caught him. 
























Seohyun  could have taken care of the confetti on Taeyeon's hair (she has lots on her head). but she chose to remove the confetti on Yoona's hair. and in my opinion, its impossible for her to not see Yonghwa there since he is standing beside Yoona.
























so there is a high possibility that they stole glances at each other. i hope they did.





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hello, hello everyone! oh gosh, i swear its been centuries since i've been here last. (again, horrile person, i am, for not being able to keep up with things around here) so i see that everyone else was pretty sad and bored without any yongseo wgm this weekend. but thanks for everyone who has posted up stuff :) i am and will be forever grateful to everyone! i love our goguma village. forever fighting! (i want to mention names, but then i'm scared i'm going to forget them all so i'm not, lol, you know who you are ;) )
































































































































































































and so to share something kind of funny that i just saw. i just watched the concert that was shown in place of inki and the part where cn blue meets up with heroes and take cares of baby. how freaking sweet was that?! yong was so adorable :) here are some gifs i found, made by chiari
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OH! but the funny thing wasnt that. it was an article that i saw on mtvk. (i was looking at jyj concert stuff) and came across an article called "Why Would Girls Generation's Seohyun Be Jealous of IU?" and i was like 'what?' and i clicked it and it says...

C.N Blue’s Yonghwa and IU will be playing “mom and dad” for SBS’s 2010 Sharing Love Concert on November 14th for their 20th anniversity.

The two visited a nursery school for disabled children and spent time together sharing their warm love with the children as temporary parents.
































































































































































































The duo also held a surprise party for the children and even performed for them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































I wonder what Yonghwa’s “wife” Girls Generation’s Seohyun thinks of this… I’m sure we’re in for an interesting episode of We Got Married.































































































































































































































































































































































































i just loled. hahaha.
































































































































































































but its good to be back here. i miss everyone so much. and of course i miss yongseo.

































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It just goes to show how "hungry" we are for Yongseo after one weekend without WGM when so many of us here are analysing a split of a second's second interaction between Yong and Hyun at the love sharing concert.


















My view is that, Yong was definetly trying to look at Hyun (SNSD direction) and Hyun can see Yong pretty easily, since she came from behind. She gravitated towards Yong by walking that direction but standing Kwong was as far as she can get. Then she gravitated towards Yong again by seeing Yoona's hair filled with confetti (on the side closer to Yong) and removed it, not bothering about Taeyeon.


















I dont know I have to go back and watch a few fan cams. But, well I think they should be in sync enuf now to be able to catch each other's eyes in a split second without anyone noticing!!! :D:D:D



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