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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia

caliope IF THIS IS TRUE in my mind, maybe she got wedding photo shoot w/ who? 

w00t.gif w/ YongSeobang? w00t.gif or maybe she went to the real wedding, maybe she is one of the brides maid. Coz, 9th November no news where is SeoHyun is she filming wgm that day or is she in school orrrrr aigooooo YongSeo couple makes me think kekeke!

sorry i don't know how to put it in spoiler :( thanks wallpaperfood for teaching me kekeke!

annyoung wallpaperfood long time no see mate :) 

edit:  wallpaperfood:

it's must be really important functions that she must skip fans signing 

edit again: zealous, caliope, shawie829, cindyle Thanks only now i check my inbox u guys PM me. Thanks now i know how to use spoiler kekeke!

caliope: is it reallyyyyyyyy? w00t.gif

Happy Together preview credit to bb0bbo2


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Someone wrote a couple of hundred pages ago that Seohyun might turn up in the end to be a "BAD" girl!
































































































































Liberated I would say, and it is of course just one mans doing and responsibility:
































































































































You can here clearly observe that her emotions is stronger than her ability to acting.
































































































































SHE CAN'T PRETEND. Why doesn't she just laugh as the other girls do?
































































































































































































































































The transformation under her own development and the catalysizing of Yongs influence, awakens her libido, hence her journey to become a real Bad Girl.
































































































































































































































































She's afraid of her own sexuality!
































































































































There: I took it in my mouth and revealed the unmentionable.






























































































































































































































































































































































































And I find her so intriguing, exciting, mystic and unexplainable.
































































































































































































































































And if he do so; can he handle the outcome?
































































































































Summa, Summarum (conclusion) in this journey that Hyun just started and the progress under only half a year is astonishing, so all who says that she don't progress, haven't a clue of what's going on...






































































































































































































































































































































































































It's lucky that Yong can sense this wonderful power, and that is why he is frustrated at the same time.































































































































































































































































When the time is ripe he will reap its loveliness, if he cultivates it and let it flourish.


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is past, seohyun about boys,from tablo dreamy radio jan 2009






































































































































































































































































































































































































soo young :seohyun and boys





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Soo Young said she kinda grossed out by boys





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































mc asked about that statement,tiffany give her denial



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seohyun is fans of kkotboda namja,well actually f4 is potrayed by cn blue in eps when yongseo came to cn blue dorm





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































DJ tablo said that in real life there is no such thing like f4 (seohyun hansome prince)





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































soo young brainwashed seo mind






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but again seohyun





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































tiffany said






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































tiffany is former roomate of seo,she knows seohyun better and always cherish about the yongseo couple in wgm.































































































































































































































































seohyun being maknae and living with 8 unnies with different characteristic,her unnie actually worried about seohyun who dislike boys (not in bad way,but seohyun not thinking about it) ,but after wgm she kinda changed .maybe thats why her unnie full suporting her on the show,well if you know snsd,the girls kinda crazy about handsome korean male actor /idol who have good looking face and abs :lol::sweatingbullets: ,but not like seohyun,the only interest she have is married man johny depp.and seohyun statement back then that she told to tiffany that she will better express her feeling in singing actually kinda happen right now,even there more article about it.









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Guest Crystal392




I miss my YongSeo, thanks to everyone who have shared info, pics etc about uri YongSeo <3


About the spoiler thing, OMO I wonder if it's true... o_O hopefully we will get more info through the day *fingers crossed*


Hehehe yeah I don't know what show was but I remember I saw some pics where A guy was dancing and all the girls where like :w00t: but Seohyun just turned her head and had a disgusted face xD


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i've yet to participate in any of the top 10 sweet/giggling/funny moments.. :lol:

but i'm enjoying each and everything that are shared...

aaah...those precious moments... :wub:

so what do gogumas suggest we watch this w/end, some old epi?

i would love to hear what everyone thinks abt epi 1, the v first time yongseo met.

and what make us hooked on this 'awkward' couple,

hafunohane is good in getting the ball rolling, so maybe we could

continue with the next top 10 moments. the romantic moments maybe? :w00t:

i wonder how do senior spazzers survived w/out yongseo during the strike,

because as we can see, a week w/out yongseo is already a torture.


guys..since everyone is using spoiler now, it looks interesting!

should i take a peep? am v curious now...what is it?

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TRUE OR NOT ... I BELIEVE!!! **screw everyone else!** hahaha








































































IF A WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT HAS TAKEN PLACE ... A KISS, yes a KISS too... i wish! hahahah! at least, a sweet cheeky kiss. even for the love of the photo album :wub:








































































YongSeo wont disappoint us. It's gonna be a good wedding shoot!








































































Ugh! YONGHWA's photogenic. hehehe. Seohyun's pretty.









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oops! sorry, caliope, i'm supposed to use spoiler too.

but i can't contain my excitement. this is too good to be a rumour!!

yongseo...the day has finally come! :wub::wub:

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:w00t: I swear if it is true, I will be like @#$%^& too!! hahahahah.






















But I thought it is abit too soon. I am just trying not to get too excited until there is some news to confirm it. I would have think the PD will save that for Xmas or Valentine ep. Some veteran WGM fans pls share how it was done in the past? I know Kwong and Gain only got theirs like a year after they started?






















Constantia - When I read you using the word rummaging, I just thought it is so funny. Yeah we are so hungry for Yongseo, we will just rummage thru anything. :P






















Luvtokki and Joshua27 - Well maybe you two will be happy to know that I am an ajumma by definition too. Altho I dun feel (and hopefully dun look) that way. :D



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































I was really hoping for YongSeo news today, then Caliope shared some goodies!! well I know all of us here hopes its true. waiting for WGM for 2 weeks is really frustrating and news likes this helps keep me sane. at least we have something to look forward to, if the news becomes true.





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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello! Right now I have been more than 26 hours up... I just finished a report I have to give to my boss (working at home, really sad), but then I decided to check the thread before putting my head on my pillow and now....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I CANT SLEPT!!!! Ahhhh, this is a dream come true, I really feel like crying, we have been waiting sooo long for this and if this is true, I think I am going to die of happiness!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just kill me... :ph34r::w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WEEDING PHOTSHOOT PLEASE COME TRUE... I have this feeling that it is really happening, just like the SH attending the concert thing... I just believe it is true.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A crazy and very HAPPY goguma, wishing all my fellow gogumas to have a really nice day, night, evening, etc.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy spazzing!!!! Argh!!! I am so happy right now. I cant stop spazzing, Caliope thank you so much for sharing the news!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@qwenli... About other seasons of WGM

In season 1, the couples made the weeding photoshoot in their 100 day, for the end of that season they stopped doing it for a few couple or only take like one picture with one weeding dress... In season 2, I dont really know, but I know Gain & Jokwon have their weeding photoshoot for their 200 day anniversary... As things were going I was thinking Yongseo were going to have theirs in their 300 day anniversary... If this is true I am just going to die of happiness.

































































































































































































































































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The rest of my TOP 10 DAEBAK OMG Moments:


4. When Hyun took the opportunity to get closer to Yong and his members by teaching them to dance "Tell Me Your Wish" and "OH." The members were reluctant to do it until Yong stood up and complied to Hyun's request. When they were finally doing the "Cow Herding" dance, Yong said they needed a formation so he switched places with JongHyun, who was closer to Hyun and her body (more specifically, her butt). Seriously. I'm not saying he did that to check Hyun out, but rather to protect her.


3. When Hyun decided to give CNBLUE a surprise welcome :D At that moment, I thought this girl has finally opened up to Yong. For the first time, we saw Hyun choding. She also had her choding moments, ie running to the house with Yong, but she was holding back a lot and you can see her become sern and serious again, but on the 13/14th episode, we finally see emotions out of Hyun. (Plus her ^-^ face when she closed the door of the car on the episode was priceless. She was happy Yong's back)


2. When Hyun asked Yong about why he didn't tell her about going to Thailand. First of all, they are not even a real couple, they are only in it for the show so they do not have to feel responsible of letting each other know what happens to them every single moment of their lives. Yet, we get to see Hyun get irked and irritated, just like a real wife/gf. We get to see that she actually cares for Yong, wishes him the best of luck and success, and that they actually contact each other outside the show. He could've texted her right before he left but he decided not to because at that time, Yong was still uncertain of how Hyun feels of him.


1. There are two things that are still on the very top of my list up to this date:


-when she chose Yong over all the members (even rejecting Jungshin-chingoo, her "husband"). Yong wasn't even the one who asked her who she thought would be suitable for her, it was MinHyuk. So either that girl is actually a super genius human who knows everything, or there was that "feeling," or intuition that Yong was indeed her real husband. I'd like to think it's the latter part :phew:


-the whole episode 27. I cannot choose any specific moment there because it was pure... DAEBAK. I laughed, cringed, anxious, and I teared up a bit. For any woman out there, I think every one has had that dream of when a guy will serenade her, or better yet, write romantic lyrics with thoughts of her.



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Guest lunasol

Happy Together is streaming live right now!!!

I don't understand but its still funny!! One of the hosts was imitating the Hoot dance, even Hyun's catwalk part and they put the host doing it and a scene of Hyun doing it at a peformance side by side.

Hyun looks pretty and has her ring. Yong will be happy wink.gif

EDIT: Maybe I am biased but they recorded a lot of closeups of Hyun. Everytime she laughs there is a closeup hahaha

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Hello everyone, thanks for that exciting news Caliope!!
































































































































































Since someone *cough*lenovo*cough* (hehehe) already said it out loud, I'm not going to use spoilers.
































































































































































I thinks it's confirmed that SeoHyun was getting her makeup done (The pictures pretty much confirm it :)) And the tweet says it's at a wedding makeup shop. BUT, we don't know what it's for. Like SophiaPia said, it could be for a relative's wedding.
































































































































































OR... it could be a wedding photoshoot! (YAY!!)
































































































































































I'm a little shy to share this since I'm no expert in Korean. So I would appreciate any corrections:
































































































































































Credit: hanna90661134@twitter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Rough translations:
































































































































































Wedding make-up shop brides get their make up done here. Many of them went... Oh!! It's SNSD SeoHyun!































































































































































































































































































































































Due to her tight schedule, she asked if she could take a short nap during the makeup session SNSD SeoHyun :). Such white skin! SeoHyun That's right! keke
































































































































































If I need to put this in spoilers, please let me know. I don't want to break any rules. But I do want to spazz!!! hehehe.
































































































































































Hope to hear updates soon about Happy Together as well!
































































































































































SophiPia, I wonder too where she was on November 9. No news at all of her that day. Half her unnies were at the SNSD fanmeeting, the other half at YongSan, and SeoHyun's location was a mystery. Rumors from a few days before said she would be filming for WGM. Hope we learn more about this soon :)

































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Guest Crystal392




dreamyboo: Thanks for pointing that out. hehehe 'fate'? :lol:





I'm really glad uri Hyun~ is going to appear on all those shows ^^ She is amazing, I wonder what story will she tell on 'Strong Heart'.





Thanks Heroine, heartbreak for translating the tweet ^^





jnj it's nothing bad I realized you checked the spoilers ;) hehehe how did we survive through all those times? I think we kept spazzing over their shows and if they were wearing the ring. I remember Chikaaaaaa made some amazing headlines... I miss her :(


lenovo: I believe too!! *goguma powers*


Trent: Yay fanfics! Right now I have to go out but I will read it as soon as I arrive home :D


qwenli: If it's true I also thing it's a bit soon, I was thinking maybe for their 1 year anniversary too :P but I am still excited for them! :)


d3j1k0: I ♥ your post ^^


lunasol: OMO really? Noooo I was about to go out... :( Can you share the link to watch it please? I can watch it while I'm changing :P


genxv: Ohh thanks so much for sharing that info sis! *hugs* So it is confirmed she was getting her make up done, but I wonder for what? For a wedding photoshoot? I don't want to get too excited but I can't help it :w00t: Poor uri Hyun~ so tired :( Hope she can get a bit more rest


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lunasol, which channel for HT?

watching from TVU?

sorry gogumas, will edit my post later


i got it!

tvu channel 90008

lets all watch together

yong should watch this. they're making buin speak banmal now..

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Huh???? SERIOUSLY??? If the wedding photoshoot is true I'll die a happy goguma biggrin.gif m getting sad as it's nearing saturday coz There wouldn't be YongSeo this week tears.gif But then I'll go back down YongSeo's memory lane or dig up all the Fan MV ever existed on YT just to satisfy myself tongue.gif

Since YT is not being friendly I reupload my FMV somewhere else. here is the link. 


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Guest joelyne



So in the preview you see they were writing something on a temple (?), does anyone know what was it that they were writing? where they wishes? :o




in the preview of japan episode, yongseo went to a shrine "jinja". not a temple "otera". :)   difference of shrine and temple


it looks like they went to hikawa shrine. (you can see the same picture in this hikawa "jinja" japanese site)


hikawa shrine is popular for making wishes/prays for good partner/marriage.


they were writing their wishes on a "ema".   what is ema

hi,guys..nothing much to spazz.this thread is so quite and i just found this in dc. Yongseo wgm in nicovideo.i wonder why they,k-gogumas spazz about it..and i google about it.Apparently nicovideo/nico nico duga is one of biggest vid sharing website in Japan.Its like YT,but even better.Thats mean uri Yongseo wgm is getting well known in japan as well ,right?..base on the views,especially on birthday episode,the response is ok, well ..better than other wgm couple's..Maybe lovely_ocean could clarify it.




I am not aware why Kgogumas posted in dc, as the reason of the number of the views is because those have japanese subs.


there are blogs which posts translations from the raw episode.


but i think those vids are the only japanese fan subbed vid for now, since MBC got strict to YT uploaders.


so i would be grateful if you kindly remove this link to avoid the vids to be deleted. for the japanese fans. well, deleting vids is not nikodo's style but still.


actually, WGM is already broadcasted in japan, the broadcast delay is 6-7weeks or so.


there are a few channels which broadcast korean enertainment in japanese cable television.


most are not a free channel, we need a wire transmission and to pay fee to view.


even not every one can watch WGM, there are a lot of WGM fans in japan :)  


and there are many people that watches in live and raw vids, just like me. hahaha.


i won't say nikodo is better than YT.



lots of talented people there, i do enjoy watching many good vids. and yes the streaming quality is good.



YT can be stated as a major/popular video site, but nikodo still has an underground kind of side.



such sarcasm to spazzing, not always a very cheerful place, be careful when you traslate their commets.


edit: oh oh... top the page. nothing to share...


umm, i will post our yongseo couple's filming timeline after the fishing trip.


for the people who are planning yongseo episode marathon for this weekend.


edit2: added whole june filming date


#12 JUNE 8 Apgujeong  playing pool, piggyhug!




#13 JUNE 15 kimchi making, visiting CNBlue's dorm, playing pool again


(ep20, ep21)


june 19 YongSeo hosts Music Core



june 22 YongHwa's Birthday



june 23 CNBlue in japan



june 25 special stage @ Music Bank



june 26 CNBlue in japan



june 27 CNBlue event at busan



june 28 SeoHyun's Birthday





#14 JUNE 29 GangHwaDo  birthday event, sweet potato feild and fishing


(ep25, ep26, ep27)


jul 05 CNBlue on Power Time Radio. YongHwa talked about the ring



jul 10 KBS Happy Together(record, broadcast july22) ring on right finger?



jul 14 NII Photoshoot interview(record,  broadcast july22) yonghwa shows the new ring



jul 31 CNBlue first concert. Seohyun attended





#15 AUG 03 WGM beauty salon, Yonghwa and Seohyun attended "Make a wish" event




aug 06-13 SNSD in phuket





#16 AUG 13 WGM duet practice at MBC




#17 AUG 17 WGM horror special




aug 21 CNBlue in  singapore



aug 21 SNSD in shanghai



aug 25 CNBlue in hongkong





#18 AUG 29 WGM  Sweet Potato 200 Day Anniversary, duet at IKWC, school uniform date


(ep29, ep30, ep31)




#19 SEP 01 WGM filming with Ueno Juri


(ep23, ep25)


sep 04 SNSD in LA



sep 11 CNBlue in thailand



sep 11 SNSD in shanghai



sep 16-20 CNBlue in japan



sep 18 SNSD in japan





#20 SEP 21 WGM filming in japan


(ep31, continue to ep32 and?)



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Hyun ~~ buin totaly cute with her balmal , and if i am not wrong she try speak satori , too


Yoong ~~ must be smile hear to hear....


She just too Cute ~~~ n pretty...



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Guest Caliope

The rumor is confirmed.... 90%

The girl who took the pictures is a Wedding Planner.

According to the translation of Genxv, about Wedding Planner's twitter:

Wedding make-up shop brides get their make up done here. Many of them went... Oh!! It's SNSD SeoHyun!

Due to her tight schedule, she asked if she could take a short nap during the makeup session SNSD SeoHyun :). Such white skin! SeoHyun That's right! keke

According to the KissMez@twitter, about Wedding Planner's twitter::

According to http://yfrog.com/03cqyej Seohyun is getting her wedding make up done! Aww is she gonna take wedding pics with Yonghwa?

Ok... We can confirm that: Seohyun went to do her a Wedding Makeup ^^

Why??... :wub:

If you want to believe,believe.

If you don't want to believe, don't believe.

Yes, I believe.

Finally, our day has arrived... :w00t:

EDIT: Lenovo... Are you listening Wedding Dress?? :P:D

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