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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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fellas~~ i just wanna ask you guys if you have any idea what song was playing during the 30th episode where yong surprised hyun with the school uniform??? it's just a really good song. thanks in advance everyone!!! it's a slow rock kind of song. pleasssse, i will owe u another goguma life if you can share me the title of that song. :wub::wub: THANKS A MILLION!!!





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Guest DJHinata

aww i will miss yongseo couple this saturday T_T !! But Fightiing !! 

this week why we don't play the game - the "SPECIAL MOMENTS" of yongseo couple?-

Special Moments of YongSeo Couple

My favorite moment of yongseo is when they went to that coffe house in the 4 episode, i feel their first real love conection at that time, hyun look to yong so cute and innocent, like she was thinking "Why he is so cute? ". They look so inlove in that episode, that's why this is one of my favorite yongseo Special moment! ♥ 





i really miss this thread but i'm having problems with my internet, that's why i'm in the mode lurker this days, But thank you for all your comments and translations and pictures of this lovely couple.... 

i'm working in my xmas present for you goguma villagers so you have to wait to see it !! yeeey xmas time with yongseo love

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Guest ninyaah

















fellas~~ i just wanna ask you guys if you have any idea what song was playing during the 30th episode where yong surprised hyun with the school uniform??? it's just a really good song. thanks in advance everyone!!! it's a slow rock kind of song. pleasssse, i will owe u another goguma life if you can share me the title of that song.  :wub::wub:  THANKS A MILLION!!!
















































































































































































The song is called Sunday by the Jaejoo Boys (재주소년). Yozoh also has her own version of the song. I was searching for like, 2 days straight when I realized I have the song on my iPod. LOL. I noticed that WGM uses a lot of indie music.
















































































































































































Here's a link: Sunday - Jaejoo Boys
































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks everyone for the comments, pics, translations, etc. Although there weren't any filming pics, I still believe that they filmed yesterday. There's no reason for Seobaby to be absent at a fanmeet -- especially the first for their Hoot promotions. So excited for Happy Together. I hope they ask Seohyun WGM-related stuff to at least have something to spazz on. I feel so empty without WGM this Saturday; I'm used to staying at home every Sat, sacrificing my social life for YongSeo. Haha. Soompi is acting all weird on me.

















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Rouenna - All your pix made me laugh! Yeah those are the great moments when things turned out unexpected!! I think there should be one more, you know when Hyun won the wrestling match with Victoria, that was quite unexpected too. :)










Djhinata - Lookin fwd to yr Christmas stuff. I hope WGM let them celebrate Xmas together!! They should have a live broadcast without any editing!!!


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so its true then...no WGM this week -_-

and just when i've applied leave on next Monday so that i can sit

in front of my compi and spazz abt their Jpn date Part 2

(im confident it'll be another daebak epi)


u are not alone oppa.

but unlike u, what happens to them DO affect my life, well,

its too drastic to say that :sweatingbullets:

but what happens to yongseo definitely affect my mood.

like today for example, since there is no news abt hyun's whereabt or

confirmation abt them filming, i was feeling fidgety the whole day..

What causes this kind of ‘haunted’ obsession?

for me, their love story is the kind of 'old' love story that shoot straight to the heart.

they don't know each other, slowly but surely, they will fall for each other.

and since i love disney love story..yongseo WILL live happily ever after.. :wub::lol:


What to do in order to survive this empty weekend with no YongSeo?

erm..i plan to rewatch the birthday epi at the usual timing,

and pretend that i'm watching wgm via 'live' streaming, only this time it

comes with subtitles! :lol:


luxubu & betty, tks for baidu translations.

i love love this part

Audiences feel that these two people's relationships make people relate it to the feeling of first-love. Having pass their 200 day, they would become another long-lasting couple.

reposting one of qwenli's caps. tks!


see how hyun's shoulder was touching yong's armpit?

and the way his fingers clasp like that?

aah..i'm feeling giddy already! :wub:

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so... no wgm. (sigh) but i made some stuff :)
































































































































































































since i havent been spazzing i wanted to post these. hope you guys like them!
































































































































































































going on a trip?
































































































































































































































































































































































































lol, this makes me miss my busan picture! i think i'm going to go hunt it down and repost it :)
































































































































































































and notice how she's waring a blue shirt with a black bag and his wearing a black shirt with a blue bag? coincidence? lol
































































































































































































and a wallie to get me through the week!
































































































































































































































































































































































































the lyrics are from their japanese version of Y, Why but i guess it would be their english version...? lol but the lyrics are for them. but it's sort of like i'm saying it to them. lol. i will feel their love forever, i want to know their true feelings, i will need their love (because what am i going to do without it?!), i can feel their hearts-they feel it too, when they (as a couple) came into my life-i seriously am not the same! i've become madly in love with the both of them and i made so many new friends :wub: gogumas forever!

































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@ninyaah thanks soooo much!!!! you're such a hero! *hugs* this song just reminds me of yongseo so much. i keep imagining all these yongseo eyeships while listening to this song. thanks again!!! :wub::wub: and i agree, i just love all the songs they play in wgm. :))





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Guest yslovelightys



Hello everyone! So there's really no possibility that WGM will air this saturday then. sad.gif 


Btw, I really love all the screencaps posted and the fanvid! wub.gif I guess we all have our own little ways of distracting ourselves from thinking too much about the coming goguma-less weekend. 


I also want to share a FMV made by me. I hope you'll like it despite its simplicity and my amateur movie-making ability. blush.gif


Here's the linkYONGSEO Couple FMV

  Enjoy! biggrin.gif


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buin in school on 30th sept.


cr phokar & blueswim

blue jacket with ring-ding-dong

still shy with fanboys, or just hyun rmbering what hubby told her abt taking pics in school


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Guest archiehon
























































Hi, goguma villagers. This week must be the lamest week ever! I feel deprived of joy to know that we can't watch the progress of our couple for 2 weeks.  So i decided to join the funny moments of yongseo couple.








































a.  when CNBLUE first introduced to their hyungso-nim, they went to the sauna and eat boiled eggs. remember how seo hyun unintentionally hit the egg a little too hard on yong's head?















































































b.  when they competed in arm/fingers wrestling. yong was shocked when hyun agreed to wrestle.















































































c.  when hyun poured all those salt in their first attempt to make kimchi - that girl is really generous to a fault!















































































d. when hyun innocently asked 'won't they smelled?'  ( the shoes in the hall)and brothers - in - law were like 'hyungso nim - our - hero!'















































































there's a lot more but i'm really sleeepy now. will cont later,









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Guest ahn_annann







these days Yongseo give me more energy to come back to made vid once again..





made by me





Michael Buble: Some Kind Of Wonderful







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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahahah i love that fact that everyone is bring back memories of our yongseo couple!! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it makes me remember how awkward they used to be when they first meant and how close they are now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































as gogumas we could tell how each of them has changed. wonderful changes :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lol. at yonghwa's interview in taiwan...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yesterday he wore a few rings on both his hands,he was asked : "Does the ring has any special significant/meaning?". He smiled and answer: "I love to wear many rings." He asked back the audience/reporters : " Is it because you know something that's why you asked?" and he admitted voluntarily: "This is my couple ring with SeoHyun, I am afraid of losing it so I wear it wherever I go".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahahaha yonghwa WOULD ask that! ahahah remember when seohyun was asking bout love light and beating around the bush?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i guess yonghwa sense that with the interviewer so he asked back. ahahah he is soooo cute!!

































































































































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Guest Crystal392




ahn, yslovelightys and to everyone who have shared links to fanmade videos, those are super cute ♥ I loved them :wub: And also thanks to the ones who have shared screencaps and info about uri Yong~ and Hyun~ ^^





Let me join the funny and cute YongSeo moments (screencaps cr:dcmarried):







~When Yong~ brought his children to Japan, hehehe and his voice was so funny. Hyun~ was really happy to see them








~Hyun~ spazzing about Yong~'s physical changes ;)~






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Guest Stephanie_tran
































Hello everyone.Maybe i dont know anyone at here but still wanna share something about our Yongseo.
































Haha just like miracle because the first i dont care about Korean Music also as Korean idol.I really dont know anything about that.But I begin focus Korean Showbiz when i watch WGM.And i started know about SNSD via TaeYeon.So i just like TaeYeon into SNSD.
































And when i see SeoHyun,i really dont like her cos' i think she is too weak via her looking.But when she has attended WGM,i find out her new side.She has a strong image and mature than her age.And YongHwa who has married with her also make me think that they are a heaven couple for each other.Everytime,every moment ,they always make me feel happy and nervous.And SeoHyun make me think about my first love.But it's not really a first love to me.Because i dont have any feeling , action , word , etc like Huyn.So i think i really dont have a first love yet. T.T
































YongSeo is the relax way for me to rest after a hard week.I really hope that they can date in real life.Anyway,hope that they will can make new things to their married life in the future and i'm waiting for that.
































By the way,about the last ep. I just find out the day that Huyn received the mission card,it's maybe when she recorded for G20 because: 1. She wore necklace that Yong~ gave her. 2.Her clothes are same when she filmed for G20.
































Finally,wanna say goodnight with Gogumas.Have a nice dream and wake up with bright face.^^:D:D:D

















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Guest monie1909
































































































































hi,guys..nothing much to spazz.this thread is so quite and i just found this in dc. Yongseo wgm in nicovideo.i wonder why they,k-gogumas spazz about it..and i google about it.Apparently nicovideo/nico nico duga is one of biggest vid sharing website in Japan.Thats mean uri Yongseo wgm is getting well known in japan as well ,right.
































































































































i dont know what else to spazz..This week going to be a long week without Yongseo>I feel soulless right now.Hope we could hear some news about them tomorrow..

































































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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7







Hi everyone first I really love to visited that thread and read all your post it makes me really happy and all my stress are gone.









I was thinking to write a letter for mbc for our Yongseo couple and maybe that is just an idea to suggest something what and where our couple can do.









Because it is winter time soon so maybe:









1. our couple can enjoy ice skating (there will definitely skinship hahaha:wub:)









2.or all snsd members and cn blue should meet ( maybe some of them reveal intimate details and that is one way to become closer).AHh and play the game<< truth or dare>>









3.They should go on a trip somewhere with Yongs car, where are colourful light strings and take a walk .....and spend a night in a hotel and sit by the fireside and have a drink (hot chocolate with cream or tea..) and chat all the night long









4.Go to the cinema and watch a romatic movie









5.meet the parents(both) and spent time together









6.Hyun should meet Yongs parents and learn from Yongs mom to cook I dont know how it calls <<Seasoup>> so she can cook for him in their house









7.ride a couplebike









8.go to a bowlingplace and the loser have to give a massage to the winner














However that is just an idea.









All of you have to stay healthy OK!!









And Im sorry for my english









Lets spread LOVE:wub:







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one of the most unique and beautiful fan video I have seen so far is:


"By Myself" by goguma1207 of YT. S/he also made the famous FMV, Pyramid. Please don't forget to credit him/her (maker of vid) :D


Since I've topped the page and has nothing to share, I can only tell you guys my top 10 fave spazztastic moments:


10. When they've arrived at their honeymoon spot to watch the sun that's already risen: Yong was being tickled by Hyun's hair XD so freakin' cute how he laughed when he realized it and how he toyed with it (like a kitty with his yarn :D)


9. When Yong grabbed Junshin-chingoo's, the nation's chingoo's, hand. I am a big fan of bromance so forgive my spazzing XD plus it was a way of "protecting" his Hyun, so I was pretty much on cloud nine when that happened.


8. When Jungshin-chingoo pushed Yong to the side when he was being childish and when he told on Yong to Hyun about him being extra super over mega nice when Hyun's around. (I was actually embarassed for Yong at that time, I was like, "WHY in the world would you do that to your friend in front of his GIRL?! U insane?! Junshin charae! XDDD But at the same time, Hyun wasn't even put off by it, rather she took that opportunity to be closer to Yong and his dongsengs. She saw another lovable side to her choding and she was happy about it.)


7. When Yong and Hyun failed twice. EPIC. Seriously. I know I shouldn't be happy about someone else's failure or misfortune but in a way, that was a win-win situation for them. No one gets left behind (like Hyun's "Let's do it together," literally). If Yong had passed alone, I don't think he can even feel happy bragging about it since he might hurt his buin's feelings and might feel distant from her again. Likewise with Hyun. If she alone passed, it would hurt Yong's pride and might make him feel inferior. Plus we wouldn't be able to see Yong Nyu Shi Dae <3333


6. Yong's face when he saw Hyun come out of the room in her uniform. I don't know how to screen cap but his facial expression was.... DAEBAK! XD face of a smitten man.


5. YongSeo's reunion in Japan <3 It was so romantic! I loved how Yong confidently said to himself that Hyun will find her way to him and when Hyun stayed in place, regardless of what she said about him being somewhere else. I was reminded of how magically attracted they are to each other, like a magnet. It was very much a reminder that Yong and Hyun are meant to be, just like how Hyun picked Yong on the first episode, rejecting Jungshin-chingoo.


I'll be back a bit later after I come back from shopping :D Have a great weekend to all gogumas :D



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Guest waetoriya














i saw this posted at allkpop. And it thought it was interesting.

November 11th is Pepero (snack similar to Pocky) day in Korea. It’s a day similar to Valentine’s Day where people in Korea exchange gifts, candy, and some even play a Pepero game where two people share a Pepero stick together resulting in a kiss.












If they do film today, would they be participating in this infamous Pepero Day? I do remember the actors from the Season 1 of WGM playing the Pepero Game. kekeke












Omgod. Right now, I'm just imagining it. :)


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Guest toomuchsmiling


hafunohane I love your top 10 moments b/c they were basically MY fave top 10 moments as well. and idk why, but ESPECIALLY the kangaroo mishap. lol, but she still managed to beat him with it. :lol: so thanks for sharing. ^^




Rouenna- u too! i love these moments. so thank you for sharing them. i never really looked at some of these though as mishaps but when you put all the events together like that i see how so many things went wrong with what they wanted to do. i especially noticed it when they went to see the 'sunrise" and it was just a furious storm blowing away. LOL.




lol, i think these were some of my fave moments too. GIF credits go to shane for always making so many wonderful gifs! i always save some every now and then! the faves of course~~ xD




Some Other Fave Moments~




Yong's face. srsly enuff said.






Yong needs support from his wifey. srsly looked like he was trying to hide behind her. LOL.






Yong gets freaked out by Hyun's amazingly piercing gaze. o_O u can't blame the guy.




A CLOSE-UP of the moment-




it looks like his arm went up like a flinch or a way of feeling like he has false protection






An ALL-TIME fave!! i give it most of my gogumas. Seohyun's aegyo and YONG'S STARE TOWARDS HER. gaaaaaah, wen i first saw it MY stomach had butterflies and i totally spazzed out.






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I wanted to do this on the flight home but it was too crammed! Now that I'm home....here's my contribution to the list, though I just couldn't keep it to top 10! I took the liberty to add goguma points to rate the daebak-ness of each moment :P.

In no particular order:

When everyone thought Seohyun had recognised Ueno Juri, but actually...she had realised they had picked out the expensive plates of sushi instead...kekeke...

Goguma rating: 3.5/5


Same ep when Yong goes 'Meeting her in front of my wife...' and Hyun's reply was ...'I like it even more, don't worry'. Yong = pwned!

Goguma rating: 3/5


Yong makes a pitch-perfect imitation of JoKwon's 'Yeobo' yell before they start their 'wife-summoning' performance which was a gem in itself hahah

Goguma rating: 3/5


Hand of failz is truly....FAILZ! Oh, while rewatching this for the nth time, I finally realised it was Seohyun who initiates the hugging for the photo because she noticed the couple tees each have  half a heart on it! Because Yong usually initiates things, This must have slipped past me because i just ASSUMED!

Goguma rating: 4/5


Seohyun's combo! Always felt there was something cute and ...fixed about the way she spoke but when Yong pointed out exactly what it was...I burst out laughing ;)

goguma rating: 3/5


Ahaha this was one of my fave moments...Seohyun opting to do th Hyun Senorita impersanation thing was funny to begin with but the random twanging of the guitar really...cracked me up and think ...Hyun has a good sense of humor that's very well hidden!! 

Goguma rating: 4.5/5 XD


When hyun kept setting specific lyrics from Run Devil Run as Yong's parts and Yong kept looking so... :) Kekekek

Goguma rating: 3.5/5


ok...will amend further when I rewatch more eps!

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