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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































@toomuchsmiling: it could be that they stayed in that hotel. but I remember reading somewhere that they returned to Korea immediately after filming the Japan episode. and a fan account stated that they returned to Korea in the same flight. it could be that they stayed at the hotel for a while to rest and booked an early flight to Korea. the hotel looked like a traditional Japanese Mansion that was owned by lords and aristocrats. I bet it is expensive there. and in the preview, it said that they are there to celebrate. another 1 day filming episode. too bad it won't be aired on November 13
































































































in the preview, Seohyun is wearing a yellow hoody. it looked big on her so I'm secretly hoping that the Yellow hoody that she's wearing is Yong's.
































































































by the way, welcome back j2dlee. :)

















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Guest mluvzsx3
































in the preview, Seohyun is wearing a yellow hoody. it looked big on her so I'm secretly hoping that the Yellow hoody that she's wearing is Yong's.
















by the way, welcome back j2dlee. :)































I think she is wearing her beyond 9 sweater... all of snsd have one I think?

















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Guest mrsjoker


aigooo...meant to post yesterday but so tired... I'm happy the thread is back to live with more spazzing... :lol: i won't ramble so long this time... many of you have shared the same feeling as i do with this episodes so i won't post redundant things.

I just want to share my feelings with this recent episodes, because when watching it live, i felt a "bland" vibe coming from them, but i have to say i was wrong! and i know this Japan filming supossedly be another turning point for them, so can't wait for the next episodes (which MBC cruely delays for 1 week...).

I've watched and rewatched yesterday episode  for like 7 times already and connected all of the dots from previous episodes... and i must say again that Yong is amazing! seriously... don't get me wrong, I think Hyun is great but Yong never failed to bring me to cloud nine from his deeper meaning on things and how he is so simple and transparant...

This big goofball of joy is a one amazing boy, he gives a lot in this relationship without expecting more in return. If there is one thing he truly demand from Hyun is her affirmation that he is indeed SPECIAL!! and i can't possibly imagine seeing this side of Yong if the girl was not Seo Joo Hyun and that she is indeed worth his time and patience.

and i agree with Luvtokki that they are now hanging on thin ice in between reel situation but real feelings. That's why there is so much "flirting" coming on from both sides in their own respective ways. It's hard for them to have those confirmation in front of the cameras, and i don't think they'll have time outside filming to cozyly talk and sort these things out. They'll have to make do with whatever time they have. It is indeed cruel to have your real feelings exposed infront of cameras and so for that as fans i sincerely wishes them to enjoy each other company and make the best of their time together.

They are walking on a thin ice, it's fun but it's also dangerous... But i always say that if it is meant to be then it's meant to be, nothing can change that! and with that, i wish it will be the reality for them.:wub: 




ps : Welcome back J2dlee... and thank you for the translation. You are greatly miss in this thread. ^_^




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Guest raindrops_919

CALLING GOGUMA FBI!!! palllliii..

i know this gif from one of our awesome GOGUMA but sorry i forget where i got this from *BOW 120 degress* mianee :(

yong put his hand around hyun's shoulder when they taking picture, we wonder if hyun put her hand around yong's waist.. PDnim cut the scene and zoom it so we didn't see where hyun's left hand goes.. but see this gif, don't bother anything else, just look at the glass wall behind YongSeo, you can see the reflection.. and i guess i see hyun is going to put her hands around yong's waist!


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Guest Crystal392



Hi my lovely Gogumas, I enjoyed reading your posts.

In a few more hours we will see uri YongSeo at Inki. Inki usually is a week late when it comes to awards but I am hoping SNSD will win this week :D

Btw, has anyone found fancams of uri YongSeo at Inki?? Jayjay, did the Baidu goguma upload something? :o


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Guest shadow_of_Atum
































Dear Mrsjoker and Luvtokki
















I agree with both of you. Their tentative foray into 'skin-ship' - the hand around the shoulder, the hi-fives - these are sure signs that they are friends because friends do such things with one another with no question. And they show these to us viewers because they are comfortable displaying their friendship.
















But hand holding, hug, back hug and a peck on the cheek would be 'skin-ship' signs of a closer relationship, that of boyfriend/girlfriend or lovers. And until they iron out where they are, how they feel for each other and how they wish this relationship to turn out, I don't think we will see much of such physical display.
















As much as we are aware that they are skating on thin ice between reel and real, I am sure that they are also highly aware of their precarious situation.
















Yong may not want to initiate any more physical closeness beyond hand holding until he is very sure of where he stands with Seohyun. This is because he is probably mindful of the fact that such things will be Seohyun's first time and the big questions on his mind are likely to be:
















"Should he be the first to hug her when he is afterall just a TV-reality husband?"
















"What lines can he cross or not cross without taking away the special moments Seohyun might want to share with a real future boyfriend?"
















Poor Yonghwa :tears:
















Of course, the obvious answer to the above would be to become her real boyfriend :w00t: but, at this point in time, he does not know if this is what Seohyun wants, even if he might wish it.
















Hence we see the copious flirtation on both sides. What we can infer so far from their words, actions and facial expressions are two people who really like each other, respect each other and enjoy each other's company. I would even say they are attracted to each other, and the possibility of it becoming real is high but until that happens, the skin-ship will just be as we see now.
















Perhaps something will be revealed in Japan Part 2? Yonghwa is obviously wondering how many gogumas he is worth now - yes he needs the affirmation that he is special - and the only turning point I can think of is if Seo tells him that he is worth more than all gogumas put together!!!
















I really cannot wait.









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Guest blueshoes
















































credit [고구마하우스]









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Guest Faith_memory
















shadow_of_Atum wow, i love that post of yours. I really agree with that. and i think that is part of their boundaries that yong was saying. boundaries between him and seohyun. it's really difficult for him, since i think that he is aware about everything. Seohyun being 'new' about all these things can only hold on to her unnies experiences and suggestions. Yonghwa on the other hand, knows what he's doing. REEL or REAL. Yonghwa thinks of seohyun for sure.












i think he is still not sure where he stands. that is why he doesn't do much skinship with her. but he sure thinks that they are closer. The hugs, holding hands, kisses, carrying kind of skinship are not been done, because it is like saying, "kissing, don't you think it needs to be done to someone you really love?" it was like yong letting seohyun save skinship to her future boyfriend. I mean, maybe, yong already experienced those things in the past, unlike seohyun who is still young and 'new' in these things.












i just hope that everything would work out ♥












our NATURAL COUPLE rocks!!!!!












blueshoes awesome fanart! ♥♥



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Just to comment on the house comparison, I actually prefer yongseo's house to be small but most importantly comfortable for the two. Plus if I am to think like they are trully married, I rather them buy a small yet comfortable house and save up their money, instead of buying a big house. Its cozy and nice imo.
















As much as I too am dying for more skinship from the couple, i think they are in the position that they have to be careful with their actions and to a certain extent words... seohyun and snsd are immensely popular, so is yonghwa since he's the lead singer and leader and also an actor in a hit drama.. i believe these two are very respectful and thoughtful to others. It doesnt help that seohyun is extremely shy to initiate any form of skinship.. i believe though, it will come naturally. They are already progressing well as compared to their first meeting. hehehe.. Even so, I think its wonderful to watch how they progress and their cuteness. It really heartwarming.
















if only i have the remote control to fast forward everything.. haha so to speed things up!
















I love the how many gogumas questions from yonghwa, which i'm hoping hyun will reveal in the black room or at the end of the date! hahaha...









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Guest FallenAnjewl




























to be honest, we all know that yongseo is kinda slow with their skinship but shouldnt we focus more on how they can still make the relationship work without showing any of this skinship.




















It is because of the mutual trust and support they have from each other, hence they always believe and will eventually make the relationship work.




















Im really excited for the next episode, but im still unsure if its next week or the week after???




















I think this episode would be a major turning point as we see seohyun regaining her trust for yong and that she is really excited to spend the entire day wit him. Also yong expresses to hyun how he feels that she doesnt understand him when he asks about how many goguma he is




















Im currently watching inkigayo and yong is wearing the couple ring and SNSD will be on the show. And yes it was yong who talked about all teh SNSD performance for the show. Not sure what Sulli and Kwon said, but they said something to yong making him kinda shy?? :s

























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Thanks J2dlee for translations! Welcome back!


Regarding this episode, I agree with quite a few of you that there is an 'uncertainty' and 'tension' due to how real our couple is becoming. Lack of skinship yes, but when u watched in detail on every facial expression, it shows a lot on the dimension of their relationship. Both wears their hearts upon their sleeves, bless.... Watch Yonghwa's expression very closely, when they were in the bakery after Yonghwa asked Seohyun why she didn't give the gifts earlier and she replied cos there is no gogumas left- OMG his expression- heartache written on his face, yes...., that is how much he cares abt what Seohyun thinks of him....


Anyway, on a lighter note, the next episode definitely is going to be DAEBAK! Cos if u saw the photos of CN Blue at Incheon and Taipei airport 22/09/10, Yonghwa was absolutely BEAMING with smiles. So I think it is safe to say, that Seohyun must have gave him a very satisfying reply to his goguma question :wub::wub::wub: I mean with his tight schedule, he is supposed to be really tired, but no..... he looks even more spirited than his other members!


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Guest angelic0326






just watched the photos for Khuntoria couple's new house~


well, honestly i think the house is really too big..


if they give that house to our Goguma couple, i think it doesn't suit them at all~


Khuntoria couple is more of like luxurious couple life~


but i love our Goguma couple, as they share their simple interests towards each other, it's just a PURE LOVE


it doesn't matter what they own, as long as they are with each other~


will continue to read all your posts regarding the couple~


let us support them together! ^^



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SNSD won!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong gave Hyun the trophy and stood side by side :) brb for caps[

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest chilipadi_22
































































































































































































































































ooooo....luckily i was in time to watch inki!
































































































































SNSD chuka hae~
































































































































yong was looking at hyun while she was giving the thank you speech! heehee^^
































































































































the looks in his eyes was so loving. hahahhaa:)
































































































































i bet yong must be looking forward to every week's inki because hyun buin is there! hahahhaha:)

































































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Greeting all gogumas

Thank U Soo... much to all the hardworking translators. You translators are angels and made this goguma's life happy. wub.gif

This episode is simple but sweet. I think Yong finally realised that somehow they are indeed closer to each other even without the Banmal.  

His reasoning for rejecting Hyun's Banmal is understandable. I would prefer if she starts using Banmal naturally without any pressure or by force. If she does use Banmal in the future, it would be 100% more meaningful for Yong as she uses it because she feels really comfortable with him not because of his 'push and pull' strategy.

 Being close to each other is not through your speech but through your actions, thoughts and your feelings. I'm sure by now they are more comfortable around each other, thus the playful teasing, the sweet bickering, the aegyos and eye interactions. biggrin.gif

The scene at the station made me grin and giggle like a silly girl happy.gif  No hugging or holding hands are fine with me coz their eyes and smiles already reveal their joy in seeing each other. 

Just wanna share a little YongSeo smiles with everyone. smile.gif


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Just finished watching inkigayo. Now, I'm not Korean so I'm not really sure about this. SNSD won and Yong was standing next to Hyun. He gave her the prize/award and Hyun did the talking. When the girls
































































































































































































































































































































































































Moved off to do their encore, someone (Sulli, I think) yelled SARANGHE SEOHYUN! I Thought it was cute. Maybe Yong asked her to say it. Lol!
































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: Topping a page is such a responsibility... I wish I knew how to post a picture or find some goodies about YongSeo but I'm so hopeless at it. :tears: The only thing I can share is my new update for my fanfic, DESTINED TO LOVE YOU... http://www.soompi.com/forums/topic/348764-destined-to-love-you/page__view__findpost__p__16633310
































































































































































































































































































































































































Please enjoy... blush.gif

































































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Guest constantia11




I love to read all of your posts here. As expected from Goguma lovers, you are all so positive and always try to see the bright side in everything (this I really need while facing the cruel world outside)


My thought about this episode:


Honestly, I wasn't so excited when I first watched this episode.


I sense a distance between them. Maybe because they haven't met for so long.


I remembered in my last post I said that I think the table has turned.


Now Hyun is the one trying to be closer to Yong, which can be seen from her gesture (she almost always leaning towards Yong).


At first I was wondering why Yong seems so distant towards Hyun.


The way he seated himself a little to far from Hyun, while in the earlier epi he always seated himself so close to Hyun.


His gestures also shows the distance (at least in my eyes). They walk a little too far away from each other, while in earlier epi they walked so close their shoulders bumped so many times coincidentally (this I realized after I re-watched epi 2 today).


His usual touchy self also doesn't show in this epi (while in epi 1 and 2 he touched/patted Hyun shoulder or arm everytime she said something that amused him)


But then I read some of your post.


I don't remember who (I'm sorry), but someone explained that Yong might be in a state where he is confuse about the real and reel parts of the show.


I'm sorry I can't explain it better, but I hope you Gogumas understand what I'm trying to say.


So basically, now I put aside my insecurity about their relationship when I first watched this epi, and now is trying to look for the signs of their growing relationship.




My thought about their love nest:


I agree with lots of you that their present house fits them better than if they were given a bigger house (like Khuntoria's).


They are "forced" to interact when they are "cramped" in their little house. Thus they have more lovey dovey moments that we enjoyed greatly.




Now for the goodies:


I found this video when I searched for news about Yongseo couple.


I remembered a while ago, someone posted a link to video of Lee Hong Ki of FT Island talking about CN Blue and uri couple in his recent broadcast of Oh! My School variety show.


There were no English sub at that time so we were not sure what he was talking about.


I found the Eng sub vid :Hongki talks about Yonghwa (n WGM)


He basically talk about his jealousy towards CN Blue and Yonghwa. and coz WGM airs at the same time as OMS, he put a message to Yonghwa that he can be funny in OMS but Yonghwa seems to lose his sense of humor in WGM (which I don't think it's true). I would have hate Hongki if he talked about CN Blue and Yonghwa in a scolding way. But because he said it in a funny way, I could not resist to love him more (I have loved him since YAB). We can see here why he is a good friend of Yong. He is so supportive of Yonghwa (and he might also be one of Yongseo shipper).




I'm sorry for my long post. I hope I don't violate any rules here and don't offend anybody.


Love you all GOGUMAS!!



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Guest chilipadi_22
































































































































































































































































just saw the today's winner at inki!
































































































































and when SNSD were preparing for their encore and the MCs were walking away, i noticed that hyun and yong bowed to each other! heehee^^
































































































































i think yong congratulated her!
































































































































here's the link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWziHVgxdAc&feature=youtu.be
































































































































see carefully at 1.12. heehee^^

































































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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































Lovely Couple.
































































































































































































































































































































ohh almost 10 hours to done this 2 parts...My computer's not work today...maybe it's too old hahaha ^^ ...sorry for waiting >> and here link
































































































































































Part 1
































































































































































Part 2
































































































































































Thank you j2dlee for your translation ..I'm so enjoy to sub the vid from your translation...It's so easy to understand..Thank you again ^^

































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