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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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is there no preview???








































ah its truly a cliffhanger..








































can't wait for another week..








































i want to know her gift for him..








































the pics look like its from the dressing room of c.n. blue..









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Eagle eyes for all goguma..
































































































































































































































































Just edit the pic to make it big..
































































































































































































































































Hyun@CNBlue concert...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: goes to the owner of screencaps (baidu) & dc
































































































































































































































































TQ to : yongseofact for tweet. ;)
































































































































































































































































guess this pic was capture by none other by jungshin chingoo....
































































































































































































































































he likes to take pic right....hehhe

































































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Guest Maggie-Seohwa

sooo hyun attending cn blue concert its true :wub: ooooh so my question is : who take the picture?

i notice in letter yong wrote 200, 300, 1000 wow yong maybe you want foreveeeeer

tvu playing with us *but really hope someone upload the video on YT asap.......... :phew:

waiting for translate :sweatingbullets:

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i need to see that clip of yong's 1st concert again,

now that it is confirmed hyun attended it. :wub:

gosh! more things to spazz abt..it can last us a week!

and so this means that hyun already met yong's parents and bro.

ack!!! i'm so happy!!

redtulip...where are u?

mrsjoker, when a guy rmbrs such a small detail, it means something.. :wub:

yong took note on everything, even during their small talk on the bus!

Busan should be their next stop! :w00t:

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Guest shenibabi














this ep so epic










yong so sweet and cute eps when he's embarrassed










so huyn went to cnblue's concet,right?










omo iam so happy










yongseo is real










thanks for sharing news videos...gugoma shippers



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Guest Crystal392




It's 441 am where I am and I should be sleeping but I can't stop spazzing over the fact that she went to CNBLUE's concert! And apparently they didn't film WGM that day so it means she went just because she wanted to :w00t: but then that would also mean they did have contact in that 'month' where supposedly they didn't talk to each other :o


Also please can someone share the link to the cuts at YT of their latest ep ^_^


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Guest blancface
































































































































































































































































































actually Maggie-Seohwa the text written next/near that picture is actually from one of the guys in CNBLUE cause it says to HYUNSOONIM!
































































































































































































































I'm actually curious as to who took the picture too...didn't someone say before that WGM staff was there? I'm hoping that they actually weren't there and it was just Seohyun and the family! But of course that is my wishful thinking~

































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Guest missmoomin101




Oh and here's something that was shared on the Sweet potato days blog! (I hope I'm allowed to cite other Yongseo fansites!) It looks like we have evidence that she went to the concert??   :w00t:




Hyun at CNBlue concert??








Where??? I can't see the picture :(  can you please send me the sweetpotatodays blog link so that I can see please?




Anyway, just wanted to share something again that I said in my previous post back on page 1296:




 summary -  Basically, Yong prepared this event for Hyun to go on a date as 'haksehngs' (students) and they went to eat pattbinsu, which Hyun loves (I think she was saying that in the bus during the driving test epis).  At the restaurant Yong kept trying to tell Hyun to stop pretending she didn't know it was a special day, but she kept insisting she didn't know! It was very cute and funny ^^  In the end, he showed her the badge and she still pretended not to know w00t.gif  Then she apologises, and Yong presents her with his final gift, a guide to being pop artist in Japan.




EXTRA:  In the blackroom interview after Hyun came out wearing the school uniform, he basically said that he thought she was pretty in it *SPAZZINGRIGHTNOW*




EDIT: HA, nevermind, I saw it wub.gif


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Guest soshisoshisoshi






It's 441 am where I am and I should be sleeping but I can't stop spazzing over the fact that she went to CNBLUE's concert! And apparently they didn't film WGM that day so it means she went just because she wanted to :w00t: but then that would also mean they did have contact in that 'month' where supposedly they didn't talk to each other :o




Also please can someone share the link to the cuts at YT of their latest ep ^_^






yeah I had the same thinking like you. It means that they actually had contact during this "one-month-no-contact".




Gosh, how come the thread today is relatively quiet?? I guess many gogumas are still in :ph34r: mode since there are many people who broke the thread rules...




COME BACK GUYSS!! I want to see all of you here, coz today's episode was good, despite the cliffhanger (aarrrgg... PD-nim you are killing us)......... Well, don't be afraid to post here again because you just need to be used to the rules okayyy






EDIT: something just popped into my mind................ maybe HYU~N was holding her anger when she went to the concert and when he met YONG, since I think she does not want him to lose his concentration.......... Then during the WGM filming 3 days after the concert she said everything about her anger infront of yong, because just like the PDs said, THE COUPLES WILL REVEAL THEIR EMOTIONS DURING THE FILMING OR THE INTERVIEW.....  I don't know whether this is correct... any other opinions???



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Since a photo released that shows Hyun really attended CN Blue's concert, now I'm absolutely sure that not contacting each other a whole month and this 'push and pull' game were scripted to gain more tension for their first perfomance together!!!
































































CN Blue's concert - 31. 07.
































































Hair Salon filming - 03. 08.

















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Guest Crystal392




Yay YongSeo cuts are up!!!! Yay yay :)


About who took the pic: I am almost sure it was Jungshin. Jonghyun and Minhyuk are shy and I don't think they would dare to take a pic of them, they would probably just leave them alone ;) while jungshin is the boldest and he LOVES to take pics.


Such a beautiful pic, with flowers in the middle :wub:


OMO so I think she met his parents backstage. Wooaaah I'd love to see her talk to Yong's mom. Part of me hopes it was recorded by WGM so we would see what they did backstage but part of me wishes it wasn't because it would mean she went to it because she wanted to! To support her Yong :)


EDIT: Yeap now some Gogumas theories make sense, probably it wasn't a month but two weeks (if I'm not wrong she said later that :3 ). :)


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Guest *lyrynne*
















































































































































































































































I'm spot translating right now. spazztranslate time!














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WGM Part 1





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WGM Part 2














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Omgah~ Chinese fans are superb! They spotted it right away huh?































































































































































































































































































































































































































LOL at SNSD! They're so cute supporting the couple! And CNBlue watching SNSD's perf on tv at the backstage is adorable.
















































































































































































































Seohyun said she thinks that they became closer now and Yong thought she was talking about "them" but Seohyun said "Brother-in-laws" ㅋㅋㅋ that was cute.































































































































































































































































































































































































































LOL FAIL YONG! He asked Seohyun to get his socks in the room he said he's too tired to get it. He said it's near the closet so when Seohyun went to the room she said "We don't have a closet" LOLOLOLOL.































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm dying right here. They're pretending "game" is so cute! they went to a store and while waiting they were saying stuff as if they're really in high school like "I have to study for the exams" and "I'm in section 1" sooo cute~
















































































































































































































And Yonghwa was like teach me math and seohyun said "I'll teach you what you don't know" I'm bad at math so teach me too!































































































































































































































































































































































































































So i'm finished. Sorry if I translated randoms things. Srsly Seohyun's laugh is <3. Yong thinks Seohyun's really pretty in her uniform but couldn't say it because he's embarrassed =.= if i were you I would've just said it! *pinches yong's cheeks* Yong's really frustrated that he's really trying hard to make Seohyun realize what day it was and even threatened her that he'll spit some patbingsoo beans on her *though it's disgusting it was a cute threat LOL* Seohyun said these days she's been losing herself (like she's not normal these days sth like that, you know when you're tired it's like you're mind is in a daze). About the handmade book Yong gave Seohyun, he said it's his first time to make sth like that so he was so embarrassed. I love the contents of the notebook! Like there were Japanese words Seohyun should know, food, Yong said that she should try the set A he suggested in there, and some tips on how to live life in Japan, like at night it's not good to be out since police will arrest them. Yong put a lot of picture of himself in case she misses him while she's in Japan and there was a pic of Yong hugging a fan and Seohyun said "it's alright since it's a fan, I can do the same right?" and Yong said "Not much, you can do it sometimes". I laughed hard at Jungshin's message "Seohyun! Annyeong! Your friend, Our friend, The friend Jungshin!" ans Seouhyun burst out laughing as well. LOL the natinal friend Jungshin!<3 And Jonghyun's message was really awkward like Yong said who would write puahahaha then hmmmm later in a letter? LOL. Seohyun really really appreciated the gift Yong prepared for her (reminds me of the 동화책 she gave him ㅋㅋ) And gahhh why did they cut it when she took out the BIG box form her bag!!?? Seohyun said "My bag is really heavy *takes out the box* what's this?" WAHHHHHH I WISH IT'S SATURDAY AGAIN!































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry, this post is called spazztranslate. Moments that I translate because I think they're funny. Sorry if it's in random order. ㅋㅋㅋ

















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1. dream concert filming rumour -> still unconfirmed, maybe will be the next unseen footage from mbc


2. sarangbit rumour -> confirmed


3. hyun attend concert -> confirmed


4. dont know why song rumour -> sadly, i dont thk we will get confirmation seeing how crazy fans reacted by


sarangbit news and latest news of jonghyun&skk dating




hmmm...so sad seeing this thread so quiet...only 500 people here...last week we have alsmost 1100....


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Guest ordinary_arie

The people from Chinese Baidu really got an eagle eyes and they're fast to question this.

It seems Hyun buin really attended the CNBlue concert. Isn't it this is what Yong was wearing during the concert? So this might be really a private meeting.....


Cr : Baidu Goguma Couple

after i streamed today's episode i came here to lurk n waiting for YT video link and maybe some translation.. i smiled like a silly people read all of your spazzing post, i wanna join but i'm really2 not good at expressing word especially in english. so, i stay at my lurker mode :ph34r: till i saw pollykpy's post.. I can't stand it anymore, I have to say this...


seohyun really attended the concert, n we have a proof. n that proof is coming from yong himself. so, there's no more doubt about seohyun attend CNBLUE's concert. I remember my friend called me delusional because i believe that seohyun attend cnblue's concert while there's no any single picture that prove her existance in that concert . now i can give her that pict to shut her up. hahaha*evil laugh* :phew:

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Guest scatterbrain

the picture that proved that hyun went to CnBlue's concert. i think the clothes that yong wore was during encore right?so it means that hyun was waiting for him backstage...i like it better now to know that hyun was ther not because of WGM !

also in the same screencap where it showed some parts of yong's writing...i think it said 200 days, 300 days, 1000 days!!!!!!does that mean he wants to be with hyun even after the show ends(coz i don't think they will reach 1000days in the show..)

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Guest SophiaPia





okkkkkkkkkkkk can i screammmmmmmm that i'm hereeeeeeeeeee loveeeeeeeee loveeeeeeeee loveeeeeeeeeee



tvu works fine for me but when the wgm started my net connection is grrrrrrrr so i went out go to the nearest resto who got wifi and thank God i managed to see the girls performance in music show/core. But when it's wgm it's not in 82048, the 89991 is not friendly w/ me then i found out its new channel again grrrrrrrrrrr. 



Thanks to SeoHwa international for the livestream, i decided to watch it in their. The other link is not friendly w/ me :( anyway.



Ok, now eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love the episode today hahaha! we always say wife SeoHyun is shy but i guess the more shy is hubby Yong hahaha! YONGSEO COUPLE DAEBAK. Again, we need to wait for 1 week this time it's wife Hyun's turn what is her surprise w00t.gif Hubby Yong is a good artist and i guess he get an idea w/ wife Hyun about doing scrap book IT'S SO SWEETTTTTTTTTTTTT.



Thanks to hubby Yong for being so sweet i can say that YONGSEO are Both pure and innocent. I guess 1st time for both of them doing such a sweet thing like this :)






OK NOWWWWWWWW, thanks to chinese baidu EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE so the 1st concert 31st July eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee U CAN SEE ON THAT PHOTO WIFE SEOHYUN WENT TO WATCH HUBBY AND BRO IN LAW 1ST LISTEN TO CNBLUE CONCERT and meet BACKSTAGE. So i guess WIFE HYUN MEET THE PARENTS ALREADY eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee NO QUESTION ASK IF SHE GO OR NOT. LOOK AT THAT PHOTO THANKS JUNGSHIN CHINGU :) in that photo wife Hyun also holding cnblue towel i guess :) 






SeoHyun this her 1st time be in a relationship and looking at it, this is Yong 1st time as well to have this kind of relationship w/ a girl. SO LOVELY INDEED









Thanks to diodano for part 1 of raw 






Cheers to all








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Guest Maggie-Seohwa

blancafeaaaah so its message from broinlaw so sweeet they pray for yongseo couple until 1000 or foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer.....

if the staff of wgm take the picture how yong can get in....i think yong soooo clever they wanna tell us/fans/everyone about hyun attend on cnblue concert coz no camera/pers get they picture hahaha *sneaky boy

thank u for sharing the video :wub:

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Since a photo released that shows Hyun really attended CN Blue's concert, now I'm absolutely sure that not contacting each other a whole month and this 'push and pull' game were scripted to gain more tension for their first perfomance together!!!








CN Blue's concert - 31. 07.








Hair Salon filming - 03. 08.















i have to refute this because i think the one month no contact actually occurred from the birhday date (6/29) through cnblue concert (7/31)








that's a time frame of 1 month and yong would have been extra busy for concert prep.








so i think this is the time period hyun mentioned when he didn't contact her








the hair salon filming took place on 8/3, about a week later, and that was just the time for hyun to air out her feelings. she couldn't do it at the concert because it would have been inappropriate. so she put off her frustration until the salon date/wgm filming









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