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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest cloiee18
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello Gogumas,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just want to share this GIF's of Seohyun in HOOT MV (;
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Omooo, Yonghwa is so lucky to have Seohyun <333
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For me, SEOHYUN IS THE PRETTIEST of all the members in the music video, agree?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just want to share this picture of Seobaby  :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia





yesssssssssssssss! finally HOOT HOOT HOOT



The girls are amazing. This time no more lollipops they all grown up :) esp. SeoHyun she is really gorgeous not a SeoHyun baby anymore. She really changed for the better. Become more and more lovely everyday. I guess 1 of the reason is being we got married to hubby Yong YEAH BABY! Now she can sho-shoot Hoot hoot hoot kekeke! lovely indeed. 



Music bank tomorrow Friday - kbs



Music show - saturday before wgm - mbc



and thennnnnnnnnn



Sunday @ inkigayo OMG! hubby Yong u better watch out Hoot Hoot Hoot YEAH BABY!



All the best for the girls generation SeoHyun and her unnies who i feel they love their maknae and bro in law kekeke! and all the best to our YongSeo couple wub.gifwub.gif



Cheers to all


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Here's a new fancam from the Music Core MC of Yongseo.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































100619 MuCore MC
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Sweetest. :)

































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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































This step inspire from Yong!!! ^^ ...Cant wait for tomorrow and just two more days ..Saturday's coming^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT : Thank you aneng for sharing the link ^^...Yong cannot even eye contact with Hyun...CUTE BOTH. (Fans at there super lucky and I think PD-nim told them can share the vid after they aired it already)

































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Guest SophiaPia





can i scream eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thanks aneng yes! sweetest w00t.gif and you really can hear the fans screaming eeeeeeeeeeeeeee SWEETNESS really Sweet wub.gifwub.gifkekeke! i hope we can see more behind the scenes or fancam esp. this coming sunday @ inkigayo. What is the reaction of hubby Yong when wifey Hyun will shoot shoot shoot HOOT HOOT HOOT w00t.gif



sun_sun yes! that's Yong Choreography biggrin.gif i remember the mission when they will show their (old) ring in the music bank kekeke!



Cheers to all



Here's a new fancam from the Music Core MC of Yongseo.



100619 MuCore MC



credits: sweet0829



Sweetest. :)




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aneng thanks so much for sharing that! I wish there was a fancam fixated on Yongseo the entire night....unfortunately we would have to storm into MBC headquarters SNSD 009 style to get our hands on all the unedited cuts of YongSeo!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just dropping in to share with everyone my new channel because youtube has deleted my old one. I am reuploading fanvids as I type and I am hopefully able to upload a new one by Saturday, so please subscribe to the new channel and look forward to the new fanvid!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































New Channel

































































































































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aneng thanks for sharing the yt link to the fancam.
































































For the second chorus, is it just me or did yonghwa seemed too happy and couldnt stop his huge grin after he looked at seohyun mouthing "chagiya, yeoboya" while looking at him.
































































yonghwa, you were too happy. bet youre heart is jumping around inside huh?

































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Guest Faith_memory
















































































from the video posted by aneng I made screencaps.. kekeke! ♥ they look really cute!

































































































































































































































































































































































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forgive me but i think i need to do this

my heart is beating fast now when i see newbies breaking rules..

in our midst of excitement for Hoot MV,

pls remember this

sharing it here is okay BUT we also need to spazz abt yongseo at the same time

maybe we can add something like 'what if yong see this..'

i see some of us also mention abt yong in regds of Hoot MV,

thats should be good right mods?

*Please follow the rules.*

There are way too many members spamming the thread with irrelevant posts.

  • Please do not SPAM! No one line posts.
  • Please do not quote images.
  • Please keep all posts about the WGM program.

Please do not post about SNSD or CN BLUE activities.

Anything about those two groups should be kept in their respective threads in the K-music forums.

This thread is about the couple on the We Got Married program so please stay on topic.

I do not want to end up closing this thread due to the large amount of rule violators.

Do not spoil it for those who are following the rules.

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Hello dearest Gogumas!































































































































































































Wow, a lot of interesting news today!































































































































































































Hyun looks gorgeous in the Hoot MV! Yong is sure a lucky guy to have her. hehe






























































































































































































































































































































Thanks aneng for sharing the awesome fancam and Faith_memory for the screencaps!































































































































































































I just can't get enough of these two lovebirds! Their shy smile is soo cute!






























































































































































































































































































































Just wanna share my thoughts on their upcoming episode - Yong said that they should do what Hyun wanted to do right?































































































































































































So maybe--(close the ads to see the subs below)

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong was definitely listening to Hyun's conversation with her friend, and maybe he wants to fulfill her wish?































































































































































































Hehe. If he does that, I'm sure that Hyun will be extremely happy cause she's been talking about eating apples































































































































































































while wandering around the campus a lot of times in other interviews =)






























































































































































































































































































































In other note, hope that all of us will be able to follow the rules here in soompi. This thread is too precious to































































































































































































all of us! Please inform me if I'm breaking any of them and I'll quickly edit my post.

































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Guest Crystal392






Hoot MV is out ? Yay! I haven't watched it yet because I was sleeping and right now I need to fly to my uni because I am a bit late but ai wanted to thank all Gogumas for the screencaps and gifs.


Woahh she looks super pretty ^_^ hehehehehe YongSeo dance moves? :lol:


AeRin: it's like she is proudly showing off her ring to Luna (?). Hehehehehe


I know we shouldn't have our hopes too up for this Inki but just knowing that they will be together on the same place makes me spazz. Heheheheh


And to all gogumas: please make your post YongSeo related somehow, I am sure you can so it; is easy and we are a creative bunch ;D


SnSD, CNBLUE and YongSeo ftw!!!!



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Guest Faith_memory
















































































maybe07 omg!!!!! THAT COULD BE IT!!! seriously!!! maybe you're right!! yong overheard that conversation and maybe that is what he will do on the coming episode!! wow!! yeahh!! you're great, O.o never thought of that really!! but i love you for that! ♥ that is highly POSSIBLE. they will walk on a school campus with apples...!! O.o apples or gogumas?? lol ♥ but anyways, we should include your post in the possible ones to happen!! ♥ thanks for that! made me go excited again. xD ♥
































































































ooppss.. im on TOP. be back later to share something. lol

















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i can't find the scenewacko.gif































Hm... Watch carefully, at 1:15  ! It looks like our dear Hyun buin is showing off her new ring! Tss tss tss, she couldn't have waited until the end of the recording :P








And yes, Crystal_malefoy, I thought the same... She looks so proud! She's like "look, look, it's shiny, eh? Most beautiful couple ring ever, eh?" ;)








Hehe, maybe07 you are so right! That could be true... I can't wait to see their date... I'm sure it will be so sweet. Yong is amazing, creating a "high school mood" because she never experienced a high school date... Can't wait!








I'm going now, so have a good day my dear goguma villagers! Keep spreading the Yongseo LOVE LOVE LOVE <3









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ah! we forgot abt that one maybe07! tks!

yes, that could be the 3rd surprise for hyun..

from yours and redrev..

i imagine this..

'walking around campus, eating apples / gogumas.

ride bicyle when both get tired, then have a heart to heart talk,

with both of them making the promise to wear the ring 24/7'

aneng and faith, tks for link and caps.

both were shy on the 'sarang' part.. :rolleyes::lol:

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Guest bowzo12


After watched the Hoot MV, I just want to say that yong is so lucky 'cause your wife is so charming/beautiful/sexy :w00t: .




About new fancam at music core, they're so cute together :wub: . I hope there're fancams at Inkigaya this sunday.







I just remembered what Hyun said in Driver License Episode that Jongshin's look alike Sooyong.




In the Hoot MV, Sooyong's really look alike Jongshin. :w00t:





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I've watched the HOOT MV for the nth time... anyway, i had this in mind.






























































































































































































































NOTICE seohyun's 2nd solo part in HOOT.















































































































































she was kinda like stuck in a sexy pose looking at her left....






























































































































































































































Fast forward to INKI on Sunday...isn't her left - is where the MCs are??! :wub: :wub::wub:






























































































































































































































I'm sensing some OGLE, OGLE, OGLE ... (this part is best read in the tune of **Trouble, Trouble, Trouble** LOL!!!)
















































































































































OGLE means ----> to look at amorously (strongly moved by love), flirtatiously, or impertinently.








































































cr to dictionary.com, mmerriam-webster.com









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Guest SophiaPia





Since now it's Thursday, and can't wait for Saturday YongSeo day :) i was thinking in the previous page we tackle about what is the best moment so far of our YongSeo. I know there's lots of sweet moment of our YongSeo even staring each other is sweet moment already. But i guess for me still best moment is THE LOVELY RING SCENES. U really can see how lovely YongSeo couple exchanging belated bday gifts w/ each other. Real feelings we've got right that very moment and that's why the ring has a huge part of YongSeo relationship. I believe it's LOVE I Don't know why but i guess there's love in there wub.gif (aigoo! sorry maybe i just missed YongSeo)



Next episode i really can't think or guess right now, what will be in Yong's mind. What is it up to w/ these 3 things for their 200th anniversary. But i hope saturday epi will be another sweet moments that we can't forget.



For the love of our YongSeo couple. Let's all be happy and inlove :) Cheers to all



Btw, pls. check baidu site Yong got new photos their departing for Japan today (no ring :(  i guess diff ring ) 


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i bet yong's gonna get hit by seohyun's arrow this coming sunday








on inkigayo....








i just love their new mv and many people are noticing seohyun now...








can't wait for thir next episode....



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@ SophiaPia : So, it's not just me. I also think the ring is different. I wonder why???
































this is one of Yong photo when CN Blue depart to Japan
































credit : golden yjh















Do you guys also think that the ring is different???unsure.gif































Thanks for sharing the fancam aneng.... Yong is shy... so cute...































with love

































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Ae-Rin I caught that moment too! lol hyun!





























































































































































































































































































AeRin: it's like she is proudly showing off her ring to Luna (?). Hehehehehe













































































































































































































































































Hehe, maybe you are right. It does look like she's showing off her ring!














































































































































































































jnj love,love,love your imagination! =) Yeah, they didn't have a chance to ride a bicycle together yet right?































































































































If they do that, their 200th day will definitely be a memorable one!














































































































































































































I've actually totally forgot about the apples but when I watched the episode again, it hit me that Yong might do this with Hyun. It will be great if they really do it.














































































































































































































091114 snsd entertainment relay































































































































Here's the interview last year where Hyun mentioned about eating apples around the campus. It's around 2:50 when the interviewer asks her what she wanted to do now that she had entered university. Sorry i couldn't find an English subbed one. ^^














































































































































































































Okay, i guess i'll be back to my lurker mode. I'll be having my finals starting this week.=(

















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