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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest chilipadi_22
















thanks for translating MC Kim's tweet! i have been waiting for it since after last week's epiosde.








after seeing it, i cant wait for this saturday's episode.








what exactly is yong's present for hyun??? i cant guess!!








i also chanced upon the interview which yong did! HE SAID THAT HYUN IS HIS IDEAL TYPE NOW!!








after i saw it i was like "wow"!! conclusion= YONGSEO is real!!!








AND congrats to yong for getting his driving license. he can now drive hyun buin around. heehee^^








after seeing the news that jonghyun and se kyung are dating. the first thing that came to my ming was...will YONGSEO date too??








i hope they will!!! heehee^^








counting down to saturday! 3 more days! saturday palli nawa~





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from twitt
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The unseen video of the Yongseo Couple.. :)) http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/wedding/svod/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't know but there's a rumor about MBC counting the hits of the videos..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so maybe they goona release another bts scene if the hits of video is good ???

































































































































































































































































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Guest DJHinata


I found this beautifull FanCam of our beautiful and gorgeous Maknae ~ 


BTW mckim is right this episode of WGM is very special ! ~  aaaa saturday come ~ 

i rewatch the 14 epi of yongseo couple and finally i can see the door of the other room of yonseo house >o<

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Guest Faith_memory















































































































































this is such a nice photo ♥
































































































LINK click YONGSEO: http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/wedding/svod/
















































let's promote this link in any way we can, to gain more views!
















































we can do this!!!
















































it is our way to show how much we appreciate and love our YongSeo Couple!! let us show them full support! Please post the link to all your sites and promote it in any way you can. Let us spread the GOGUMA LOVE!!! ♥































































































Do not forget to SHARE THE LINK ON FACEBOOK by clicking SHARE. and TWEET it on twitter!! go!!!!

















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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello!!! I have been lurking a lot, work is killing me... But found a little time to post around here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Well I have read all your comments, Gogumas are really DAEBAK!!! We reached the 300 post for the I love Yongseo Project... We deserve ourself a round of applause, good work people!!! And for bezbezbez thanks for your hard work!
































































































































































































































































































































































































About the latest news...
































































































































































































































































































































































































-- I really love MC Kim, he is the greatest!!! I really cant wait for saturday, the things that have been going through my head thinking about what they will do for each other, ackkkkk This wait have been killing me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































-- YH is interview in the Japanese magazine, I think the only thing that registered in my brain was "A caring person like SH is my ideal type now".... WOAH... AHHHH.... ACKKK... HOW CUTE!!! Yonghwa, I love you, if SH doesnt keep you, it is her lost really... I remember the time he was saying SH was his type because he was married to her (so he kind of say it for commitment) then he changed his ideal to Ueno and other artist, he wasnt constant and now this... He is loud and clear about how he feels and I love him for that... SH please read the signals or Unnies make her a map so she knows what is happening!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































About the count for the Unseen clip on MBC is website. Well, I declare myself guilty of clicking that link a gazzillion times... How I wish MBC will confirm if they are using this for something... As someone said they should count the IP, but we dont know nothing and this is driving me crazy... But in the other hand I am proud of the Goguma shippers we have almost reached the other couple is count. I think this thing have gone viral, but dont trust me. Well I will keep clicking, it really not take much effort while I am doing other things in my computer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Have a nice day my fellow gogumas... I love you all, thanks for sharing all the goodies and news and fanartas and fanfics and everything else... BYE!!!

































































































































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Hello everybody, I am a new fan and I'd like tio know where I can watch all the episodes of SeoHwa couple
















Thank you
















Seohwa <333

















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Guest raindrops_919
















annyong GOGUMA  :wub:
















@ dreamyboo, panGG : thank you  :wub: here's another one, spring summer edition..hope you like it, i got another one, but let me post it later so i have something to share at that time, honestly i'm afraid considered spamming because of nothing to share, so i'll keep the artwork coming.. gogumahouse2low.jpg
















@ heartbreak_warfare22, sassysnsd : thank you for mc jake tweet info and the translation, ahhh i'm getting more and more excited  :wub:









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hello fellow gogumas ^^ just want to share some stuff would you love... (i think).  I found it in facebook (yongseo fanpage)


Another good news is that in Japanese magazine interview (Creasta short for Crazy for asian star magazine)


Yonghwa said




Q:  You are in WGM with SNSD Seohyun, If other member would be in the show  who would you want to be with? Yonghwa, probably you have someone else  you may want to be in the show with?


Yonghwa: I would choose Seohyun  in any case. As we became closer over the time, I got to know that  Seohyun is very caring person. When I was suffering from vocal cord  nodule, she cared for me and brought something good for my throat and  nutritious food for me even when we were not filming.




Q: Ideal type


Yonghwa:  I liked Lee Yeon hee when she was in a millionaire's first love, but  nowSNSD's Seohyun who is very caring person is my type.




Q: What do you want the most at the moment?


Yonghwa: I got a driving license now so I want a sports car.




There are some other answers reminded me of Seohyun in his interview but these are cleary related to Seohyun.




Hope these make Yongseo lovers happy




cr. to lovely_ocean 


photo by raindrops


Original thread and credit to^^http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=140066199374268&comments



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Greetings all gogumas...

    Here I am again leaving the pile of work and rewatching uri Yongseo’s videos. MC Kim’s tweet is increasing d anticipation in me. Yongseo keep on barging into my mind at unexpected moments *sigh* I was typing reports but suddenly stopped. My mind kept on wandering around... thinking of what Yong had prepared for his Hyun buin... The waiting is really suffocating sad.gifsad.gif

What would Yong present be?????

Dear bizzie_b I just love your imagination kekeke... I was seriously imagining the situations as I read yours  *thumbs up*

I couldn’t help myself too and started to come up with possible scene for  uri lovely Yongseo and this pop up to my mind....

    Yong taking Hyun to a quiet school hall where there is a grand piano placed at one side on the stage with a single chair placed in the middle.There is a boquet of white roses on the chair for Hyun. Yong took her hand and leads her up on the stage and handed her the roses on bended knee. wub.gifwub.gifHyun accepts it with a bright smile and sparkling eyes. wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif Yong makes her sit on the chair and he plays the piano while singing a beautiful love song to his lovely Buin. Their eyes meet throughout the song... wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif Omo... I could vividly imagine the scene*faints*

How about this?

    The two students, yong and Hyun going to town playing video games at the arcade, walking around small shops looking at stuffs, then eat delicious snacks at the street vendors or something. Taking instant photos at the photo machines. Basically doing normal things that school students would do during a date. (just to let Hyun have the experience of first love or high school love which she missed). They tease each other, laugh together and be playful the whole time. Their date ends with both of them sitting on a swing at a quiet park. They would talk on the ‘push & pull’ issue and finally dissolve the matter. ( I would love to see another scene where they have a ‘heart to heart talk’ just like how they talk after they had their first dinner together in ep 14). They both make the promise to always wear and cherish their couple ring and to always think of and keep in touch with each other no matter how busy their schedule is (hence, we have Yong proudly wearing and showing his ring outside WGM - Hyun wearing her ring and second favourite color BLUE at times)

    I would like to believe they made some sort of promise like this to each other that’s why they were happy during the Japan Filming (based on the pics shown by fans). Though they haven’t meet for some time Hyun was not upset. Probably they text or call each other often despite their busy schedule... at least that’s what I imagine kekeke...

Well... it's time 2 leave goguma land 4 a while. To all Gogumas who have been working hard on producing translations,photo caps, fanarts, infos and interesting spazzing on Yongseo... THANK YOU... wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

And I'm sorry for another long post 

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i've just noticed that seohyun had a similar hairstyle when she mc-ed music core with yonghwa and in the birthday arc of yongseo. i would like to speculate that yonghwa might praised seohyun that she looks cute with pippi langstrumpf hairstyle during music core.







































cr: kubih































maybe from that, seohyun decided to fix the same hairstyle when they met again on the august 29th wgm filming because yonghwa adores her 'pippi' looks and knowing that they are going to celebrate their birthdays albeit they have no clue about the surprise events that they have prepared for each other. furthermore it was hot on that day so it's better to tide up her hair.







































cr: kubih




















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Guest basiCblacK-junG
































































































































































































































































































































































































just visitedMBC site..
































































































































2057573 viewers! no.1!
































































































































what a great job guys!! :w00t:
































































































































thank you goguma shipper all around the world!
































































































































YONGSEO fighting!! :D:D

































































































































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HD video of Seohyun singing and HD image of her shiny silver ring. She is even wearing the ring to the studio.








SeoHyun & Jessica(SNSD) - Snowy Wish(Studio Ver. / Short)








credits to CodeMonmonSeason3








Yonghwa dancing in pink and laughing at himself for dancing in pink. He is not wearing the ring, I guess for CF purposes.








【CF】Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini 廣告 - CNBLUE








credits to BOICEMinShin2








I have seen many rumours about MBC releasing more cut videos of the couple. I have no idea on what basis they are going to release it, but fans say most probably the number of comments and view counts of the couple would be one of the factor to judge the popularity of the couple.








We are ahead of the other couple in terms of views but not comments.
















However I believe MBC would not try to kill themselves by being superficial, I am pretty sure they will do things fairly for every couple, why would they want fans to complain to them that they are being unfair. But we still can play safe by increasing the view count either by using auto-clicker or just refreshing the page continously IF you have the time. But please prioritise, studies and work are more important, try not to focus too much on the view count at the expense of your studies/work.



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Guest bizzie_b


Hey guys!  New pictures of SNSD are out.  I just noticed something.  I dunno if these people are reakky teasing us, Yongseo lovers.  Look at this picture!  Seobaby's background is a STAR!!!  Yonghwa's favorite is STAR!  Oh gosh!  These two are just so lovely! hahaha wub.gif



Oh, and since I dunno how to post images (sorry wacko.gif), you may just view this link:






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okay so sadly the link isnt working for me :( but i'm going to continue clicking it until it comes up so i can support our yongseo! does anyone know if the link works best in IE or FF? cause i do want to watch it..
































































yay! it finally loaded for me :) the clip is so cute. they should of released it during the episode. would have been super cute for us to spazz about :)
































































hm... saturday is almost here. but not soon enough. i need my dose of yongseo. i really do.
































































hm... do i have anything to share(runs off to go check)
































































here is just a picture i quickly photoshopped but i never really finished it. and then forgot what i was planning for it and so its very plain... :)
































































































































edit oh topped.. i just went to go find something because like raindrop_919 i didnt want to see like i was "spamming" but i hope no one else minds but i'm going to repost the japan mag interview since i only just really read it today.
































































































Another good news for Goguma shippers! YongHwa talks about his “wife” in an Japanese magazine interview (Creasta short for Crazy for asian star magazine).
































































Q: “You are in WGM with SNSD Seohyun, If other member would be in the show who would you want to be with? Yonghwa, probably you have someone else you may want to be in the show with?”
































































YongHwa: “I would choose Seohyun in any case. As we became closer over the time, I got to know that Seohyun is very caring person. When I was suffering from vocal cord nodule, she cared for me and brought something good for my throat and nutritious food for me even when we were not filming.”
































































Q: Ideal type?
































































YongHwa: I liked Lee Yeon Hee when she was in ‘A Millionaire’s First Love’, but now SNSD’s Seohyun who is very caring person is my type. “
































































Q: What do you want the most at the moment?
































































YongHwa: I got a driving license now so I want a sports car.
































































There are some other answers reminded me of Seohyun in his interview but these are cleary related to Seohyun.
































































Hope these make YongSeo lovers happy!































































































































Credits: lovely_ocean and thanks to yongseo couple fanblog for sharing on their... well blog!

















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I just checked the link and refreshed it multiple times the last hour and now it has reached over two million views? Currently 2304943. Here's the link for anyone who still wants it http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/wedding/svod/?list_id=3263122




















Now that it's confirmed Yonghwa got his driver's license, I wonder if there will be anything fun on that later in WGM. Maybe renting a nice car for a day and going out, enjoying their time together? It's winter though, but maybe drive to a nice place to watch the sunrise together as they couldn't do that earlier :lol:





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Guest DJHinata

Hello villagers from all around the world !!! Wellcome to gogumaland ~~ 

I found this video in my youtube ~~ so funny and so cute Yonghwa ~ Hello seohyun?

YongHwa [CF] CNBLUE - Xperia X10 Mini (20s ver.) 

Another video of yonghwa Now he says : Good Night 

Good Night And CNBLUE

And pics of seohyun !! Recording at the studio

RingDingDong !!!



Raindrops and PanGG thanks for you artworks >o< 

Revred I love your post !! *W*  i want that talk to ~~ 

Aw YongSeo Couple Thankyou ♥  Thanks to all the gogumas who sharing and comments here in this thread ~~  

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so i was just going to add this to my topped post, but then realized that the cap/picture is kind of big, so i just decided to add a new post. just was bored and watched the bts video like 1000 times and so i made caps for it. :) just being silly and trying to survive until saturday. :lol:

















































































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i was watching the BTS for the nth time, first in imbc then i got tired of waiting for it to load because i refreshed it sweatingbullets.gif so i watched yukiandjudy3's copy in yt (thank you so much yukiandjudy). i actually downloaded lyn's song honey baby love. rolleyes.gif then i searched for the song's cut in music core where our couple was the MC. 











watch the video CAREFULLY. you'll see something that'll make you spazz and get through until saturday.. wub.gif











i died after watching that PARTICULAR part then i came back then watched it again then died again then repeat.. laugh.gif


















YONGSEO is really REAL! >.<





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sunshine030773take2 if I am not wrong, is that Yong was wearing the ring on his right? He seemed to have kept playing with it throughout the interview, esp, at the end , the fighting part!

Dear goguma friends, as far as I remember, there was a photo in which Yongseo couple was having their little talk after the Incheon Wave performance (from DC married). They were standing at the back of those props. I suppose that they were making up for their conflict due to the push and pull game. I wonder if it would be shown in WGM this week. If not , does it mean that they were talking privately?

Can someone repost that photo?

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Guest raindrops_919
















@ DJHinata: thank you   :wub: thanks for your artwork too, looovee it!
















omo the cf is out, i'm dying to see yong dancing *HUAHAAA* hyun must be very proud, her husband now dancing *since dancing is so much hyun thing* and he's wearing pink *SNSD color*
















ninja me says   :ph34r: : hyun's mind: yo~ong, you asked me to play guitar, now you have to dance in pink *HA*   :w00t: 
















@ panGG: aigoo, i hope i don't plant silly idea about post artwork to be saved from considered spamming   :w00t: but anyway if it makes you post more, i'm going to say i love the idea.. since i'm longing for YONGSEO ARTWORK to help me resist another day... THANK YOU
















edit: @ ichigo_kawai : *hugs* love your artwork too, thank you  :wub:
































dear GOGUMA aliens, here's another one, hope this can help your goguma dose

























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