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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I just hope when yongseo is going to end, next we gonna hear  yong n seo confirm about their relation.
















It will be DAEBAK!! They looks good together ..





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Guest pen(..^^..)




































panGG: yes i can stream from there :) you're welcome..thank you too for sharing the pic xDDD he looks so cute kkkk~
































i think that views' counter is kinda weird to me LOL! at the first day when the video been shared, someone posted here if im not mistaken that our couple has reached 200k views, but yesterday when i check it, it just has 100k views, and today just now i visited the site, it has 600k views LOL!



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































MC KIM just tweeted. 오늘 우결 세커플의 에피는 모니터를 보고있으면 몸이 간질간질 오글오글 아주 걍 닭살이야!..이번주 토욜 닥본사..ㅋ *used google translate and ended up with this: The Monitor reported today, if epitaxial woogyeol sekeopeului tickles your body is too much wiggling very gyang! Dakbonsa Sunday with this week .. Blah .. *so maybe next episode is a fun one. I hope someone will translate this. :)





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constantia, maybe one of these photos is what u've been asking for? anyways, these photos are all the moments that i think hyun is mesmerized by yong. just look at her eyes. :w00t:

i'm sorry i had to put them in thumbnail though -.-"












heartbreak, OMIGOSH!!!!!!! what did he say!? i wonder if someone could translate it for us! >.<

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Guest sassysnsd

[JM MC Tweet translation] Today, watching the 3 couples in WGM, even through the monitor, could feel the tingling in our bodies, and goosebumps.

cr: kkaplinesubs @ twitter

sounds like an exciting episode!

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Guest bizzie_b


Omo!  Thanks sassysnsd for translating! smile.gif




Though MC Kim's tweet is kind of general, I really think that this week's episode is going to be daebak!  I think he tweeted in general because all the 3 couples are celebrating their special days. 100 days for Khuntoria, 1 year for Adam and of course 200 for Yongseo.  So in general, it really made all of them giggle and shriek and spazz and whatever. haha




I seriously can't wait for Saturday!!! wub.gif


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wow, the next episode will be another epic one base from mc kim's tweet. (thanks for translating sassysnsd ^_^)




i can't seem to concentrate in my work. i'm always refreshing the thread every 5 minutes. ugh. yongseo fever got me real good. it would be a long long long long time before i can recover.




*need... to... work.... ~_~





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Guest LiyLiy14

Hi Goguma's lovers..

M quite AGREE with anj1207. M also the same

Keep refreshing this page to see what is going on with our YONG SEO..

M working right now but my mind is on this forum..

ARH.. If my boss know abt it, i will be in trouble..

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Sorry I took some time to post about "I Love Yongseo" project, because I really can't find any reason to explain why I love them. Is just like if I ask my mother why she loves daddy and asking myself why I love my boyfriend. It is really quite hard to think of a reason why you love somebody, it is just loving them for no reason, as you are not loving on certain particular traits of a person.








But for the project to be successful, here is my entry =))








I love Yongseo because








exactly like a real relationship:








they started awkward -> followed by sweet honeymoon dates -> declaration of feelings for each other -> quarrels which showed their true colours -> how they are going to overcome their quarrels and learn about each others' expectations -> at this stage most couples either break up or attain a higher level of relationship which we have yet to see since we have last watched episode 30.








I want more Yongseo episodes to observe if the quarrels they had either lead to them thinking whether they are not suitable for each other or encourage them to be stronger as a couple, overcoming all obstacles and learning about each other.








Jasmine, 22, Singapore



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Thanks lovely_ocean for the good news! Yongseo love is expanding to Japan~ ♥ ♥ ♥ Also thanks to sassysnsd for the trans of MC Jake’s tweet~ now I can’t help but look forward even more to Saturday! Ugh 3 days more (>_<)…. I really wish that one day YongSeo will have a special whole episode (during their wedding photoshoot maybe???? kukuku~)














































































































































































[i love YongSeo project]
























































I love YongSeo because they give me the comfort of knowing that, in a rapidly-becoming liberated generation, there are still young people who have pure thoughts on relationships and go through the normal process of dating. They are proof that excessive amounts of skinship and dirty pick-up lines are not the rightful means of getting your feelings across and showing someone that you care.
























































Maryclaude, 21, England









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Guest starfish_29








This link leads to the future baby picture of the yongseo couple...



I actually bumped into the future baby picture of the khuntoria couple and i envied their baby because it looked like REAL.






So I morphed the pictures of YONG and HYUN and made this CUTE little ANGEL. :)



It looks like MASON the baby in the movie with Jang Geun Seuk. He was really cute.






Now, guys help this cute little angel to have a name. :))) hehehe. :wub:






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Congratulations Gogumas, we have more than the 300th reasons for " I Love Yongseo Because" project way before the deadline!



A big Thank You to everyone! BezBezBez is now working hard on it, we should be able to see the result soon.



P.S Thanks for all the PM and postings, I actually did not missed any posting except for one. Just that the name list is too small maybe for some to find their names.



My guess about the next episode. Since there are no fan accounts, it can't be to anywhere crowded or to public places. It was in the middle of the night, think highly impossible to do cycling etc. Even, when they went to the SPA place with CN Blue in the earlier episode, we heard the rumor about it as soon as it was filmed. The school uniform got me to think that they either went to a school and pretend to be students again or he brought her for blood donation again since they missed it for 22 days to do it together.


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woww is it truee ??? our couple reached 609021 views ?!?
























































LOL last night it was 130 000 but im so happy
























































they deserve it <3















































































































I couldn't believe it as well~ I just checked it now and its on 830k+ views! But then again, like me, a lot of people can't get enough of the sweetness of YongSeo's interactions XD Plus the clip is soo short that we have to watch it a couple hundred of times in order to satisfy our YongSeo needs kekeke (Omona I sound like a freak hahahaha~)









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Guest bizzie_b


Actually, the reason behind the views is that many gogumas are working on it. Viewing it over and over to increase the views because of the rumor (?) last night regarding the number of views that the couples will get being the basis for the longer airtime.  Guess, the goguma planet was shocked since most of us don't really watch it through IMBC's site because we love the couple so much that we have already downloaded the video.  LOL wub.gif



Oh well, I'm also helping out increase the number of views.  VERY GUILTY!  Been doing it since last night. haha.  You guys might want to try it as well. haha laugh.gif






Whoops! I topped the page without anything to share.  Errrr... anyway, this might be an SNSD news but still I kind of relate it to Yongseo.  wub.gif



Have you guys listened to SNSD's My Best Friend?  At the end of the song, the unnies are kind of teasing Maknae, melrong!!! ahahaha. and you could hear Maknae shouting UNNIE! haha.  so cute!  It is possible that they're inserted it because they know that it is how Yong show his affection to their maknae. haha.  wub.gif  Here's the ending part of the song:




    Hey, aren’t you my friend?

    Maerong (teasing)


    Good night




You should hear this upbeat song:




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Guest sunshine030773take2





Hello sweet potato lovers! =)




I saw that the "I LOVE YONGSEO" PROJECT is




still not close, I'd like to make my contribution though short it may be.



























































"I love YONGSEO because they complete my day. 




I do not admire them when WGM YONGSEO first started because I though




  they're still immature and childish to play a husband & wife roles.







BUT as the episodes went on and their "relationship" slowly




unfolds, I began to have this thirst that refuses to be quenched.




I can no longer wait for Sunday morning (my time) to come.




On weekdays, I would hunt the internet for any update on the couple.




If one of them isn't wearing THE RING, I'd feel sad and hurt (don't know why).




And I get elated if I saw that BLING BLING on their waving hands.












~Sunshine, 26






































































































































...and this

video made me wonder why Yong nampyon




isn't wearing that bling. What would 







his buin think again, this time?




credit to the owner of the clip








































































































































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When I first read that SM had confirmed Shin Se Kyung and SHINee's Jonghyun it did give me hope that it would lead to allowing the girls of SNSD a chance to pursue relationships. I've always believed that they do (but are forced to do it in secret). Yuri & Sooyoung have been on dates although after the fact they said things like was just 'friends meeting together'.

However, look at the backlash on Shin Se Kyung by crazed SHINee fangirls (and yes I know it's not all of their fanbase), but I've been around a long enough time to see how obsessed girls react to boy bands or male idols is different on an emotional level to how obsessed male fans react. I think Shin Se Kyung is in for some really rough times and under those type of circumstances who knows if their relationship will actually succeed or not.

Now how does impact Seohyun? Well I think a female idol is more likely to be able to confirm being in a relationship and not get that same level of attack from the male fanbase. I also think if it was Yonghwa that so much of the fanbase already has accepted them from this show that there would be so much positive feedback that it would outweigh the little bit of negative feedback. And for whatever reason while CN Blue is a male group it doesn't seem to have achieved the same type of crazy female obsessed fans that a 2PM, SHINee, etc... have.

The thing is that once the dust settles from this whole Jonghyun/Shin Se Kyung thing I'm pretty sure you're not going to see any young idols (male or female) confirming relationships for awhile. I think this thing is going to get ugly with a lot of attacks on Shin Se Kyung and I believe agencies will do everything in their power for the near future to make sure their young idols aren't put in a similar position. That will probably mean some of them telling their idols not to date, or making sure they know to do it in a very discrete (and non-public) manner.

If this reveal had gone well I think you could have seen other idols revealing their relationships over the next couple of months, but it doesn't like it's going to go well.

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Guest mrsjoker


hookaaay...I've recovered from the shock as  to why suddenly SM ent suddenly allowing their artist to announce their  relationship publicly.



@dreamyboo: i am just as surprised as you are on this one. this is  an odd and bold move from SM ent. I always thought they were like the  strict-est company in K-pop when it comes to their 'kids" announcing  real relationship publicly. a big question mark for me!

Despite my desire and high hopes that perhaps maybe someday YongSeo  announce that they are in fact REAL, i am also aware of the consequences  that follows such statement, therefore I am torn. :sweatingbullets: So...weighing on the impact, IF YongSeo is indeed REAL than it will be best to lay low and kept it a secret for a period of time. Besides i think i don't need news confirmation whether or not they are dating because by seeing their progress each episodes, i can pretty much assume where this will lead to...:rolleyes:

@panGG : LOL. my initial reaction was more towards... "OMG it's a green light from papa SM, go for it YongSeo!"

@constantia11 : hey...your point of view is interesting. i was kinda thinking the same thing too when watching ep 28. I was like," hey Hyun...aren't you suppose to be a shy reserve girl, where's the "distance wall", why do you keep on leaning towards Yong, why are you freely making fun of him and showing of that picture with Trax oppa,  OMG my Hyun is growing up..." That sort of reaction. LOL

So i guess, Hyun ways of mesmerized is indeed differ from Yong's. Hyun ways is clearly more subtle and it's more towards her gestures or action. with Hyun, you can not ignore the smallest action.

Thank you to sassysnsd for the translation. i think saturday episode will be another round of cotton candy sweetness. :wub:

Edit :

@timpa : agree with your point on this whole publicly announce relationship among idols. I think in this particular point in time, announcing a relationship to public IS still not a wise option. CN Blue might not have the same amount of "crazy antics fangirl" as a dance idol group, but still they have quite a hand full for sure and it wont be beneficial for Hyun. as for SNSD, i don't know if fanboys have the same amount of "crazy antics" about the girls dating, so no idea there.


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Sorry if repost,,
















just wanna share..
































cr. soshified
















RING DING DONG!! even in Japan promotion, happy huh ??





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Guest pen(..^^..)




































































yes she's wearing the ring at the perf at hey!3x music champ also :):wub:
































obviously she can't get enough of her husband <333 by wearing the ring, it reminds her to him :wub: *beingdelusional* xDDDD
































yongseo FTW!! xDDD


































caps by me :)



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Like many of you I reacted the same (regarding the confirmation of the idol-actress couple, can I write their names in this thread?!lol)




I was like wow, maybe there is really a chance for the YongSeo couple to come out as real(if they are indeed real,but who is doubting it anyway? otherwise they have to get an award for sure).




I had this feeling maybe just maybe, aren't Jonghyun and Yonghwa close?!(just guessing from vids I saw at youtube), and seeing YongHwa and SeoHyun as a couple, all under the the shield of WGM, maybe he was jealous and wanted to declare his love to his gf publicly so that everyone knows and backs of.




I am just assuming, but it is fun.




And for the crazy fan girls, in my earlier days I was a crazy fan girl of Take That(somebody knows them?!) and very possessive too. But you get over it eventually and now I have to laugh about it. cheer up!!





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