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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia





eeeeeeeeeeee! thanks lovely_ocean this is good news i love it yes! im happy reading this.  I love what Yong said in this interview i can feel it's really true what he say it's coming from his heart wub.gif yes! it's also true that SeoHyun is a caring person and sweet person. She is beautiful inside and out. Looks like this news is only recently coz he mentioned that he got driving license now same as SeoHyun wow! both failed the last time and now both have it. COOL! They are really husband and wife (like Yong always say) :)






Hi I'm back again with good news.



Probably lots of you already heard but there was a Vote [which WGM couple is Ideal?]



Yongseo was no2 got 3616 votes. (No1 was Sanchu couple? 5305 votes, adam No3 566, Kuntoria No4 175)



So in Japan, Yongseo is very very popular



Another good news is that in Japanese magazine interview (Creasta short for Crazy for asian star magazine)



Yonghwa said



Q: You are in WGM with SNSD Seohyun, If other member would be in the show who would you want to be with? Yonghwa, probably you have someone else you may want to be in the show with?



Yonghwa: I would choose Seohyun in any case. As we became closer over the time, I got to know that Seohyun is very caring person. When I was suffering from vocal cord nodule, she cared for me and brought something good for my throat and nutritious food for me even when we were not filming.



Q: Ideal type



Yonghwa: I liked Lee Yeon hee when she was in a millionaire's first love, but now SNSD's Seohyun who is very caring person is my type.



Q: What do you want the most at the moment?



Yonghwa: I got a driving license now so I want a sports car.



There are some other answers reminded me of Seohyun in his interview but these are cleary related to Seohyun.



Hope these make Yongseo lovers happy




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Thanks for the Japanese interview article!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I dont know, in so many ways and so many times, Yong has shown quite clearly that he likes Hyun. Seobaby - do you get the message? loud and clear? :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As for the voting thing, well the truth is Nickhun of 2pm has a lot of fans but I am hoping the combination of SNSD and CNblue will create some staying power!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Waiting for this afternoon's twitter from MC Jake!

































































































































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Guest mrsjoker


Dear fellow gogumaland citizen,




i find this news just now from allkpop. it has nothing to do with our beloved goguma couple BUT at the same time it does relate to YongSeo.


here's the news :Shin Se Kyung & Shinee's Jonghyun




So..... IF and i will stress out strongly on the IF. IF the news are true... so does that mean SM ent NOW allows their artist to DATE?


and IF so...this could mean there is a BIG CHANCE now to put all of our hope and dream that YongSeo CAN BE REAL too??!!




okay...i am now in shock... i might not make sense... mianhe...:sweatingbullets:


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Guest chedda31
















Hmmmm, it seems that there is something fishy going on with the views of the bts couple video's at the mbc website so I'm hoping that they decide not to base the length of each couple's segment on those. 20 mins is so short anyway, how are they going to make it any shorter!?!








@lovely_ocean thanks for sharing that! Awww, thats so cute that he was so definite in his answers about Hyun. Also, I'm so happy the both got their driving licence! The both looked so sad when they failed their exams so I hope they do something exciting to celebrate!








@lovekin I thought the question that you raised was a really interesting one and by now everyone has pretty much established that Yong and Hyun are very different people ans thus have different ways of showing their emotions. 








But I just wanted to share the moment that, for me, stood out the most in terms of Hyun being 'mesmerized' or 'dazed' in the moment and her feelings were overflowing. For me that scene was at the end of the birthday episode when they finally held hands and Hyun started singing 'Kissing You'.  The moment when she started singing really hit me because she has expressed her trouble in singing lyrics that she doesn't feel the emotion behind when it was revealed by another SNSD member on Star Golden Bell I thinkg that Hyun had to do re-recordings many times during the recording of 'Oh' because she had trouble singing the line 'oppa I love you'. So for her to spontaneously burst out into 'Kissing You', she must have really feeling the emotions in the lyrics to sing it in front of Yong and a whole bunch of camera's when she was having difficulty in singing 'oppa I love you' in a recording studio when it wasn't even directed at anyone in particular. 








I like to imagine that it was at that moment that the lyrics and emotions in that song finally made sense to her, as since we know that she hasn't been in a relationship before or had feelings for any guy before, the lyrics must have been meaningless to her and she was just singing them as part of her job; because she had to...








For Hyun to be holding hands with Yong, when only that morning she had expressed her discomfort for the idea on the bus when they had talked about skinship and THEN to be singing the lyrics to 'Kissing You' really hit me as a testament to how much she had realised her feeling towards Yong on that birthday trip. In my mind that was Hyun's equivalent of the look on Yong's face when she sang 'Love Light' to him.








And that realisation is what has led to the Hyun that we are seeing now, the one who is taking charge in their relationship and was so upset that Yong didn't contact her for 2 week/a month (which ever one it was) because Hyun wouldn't usually get that worked up about something if she wasn't invested in it.








Also, I would just like to add that I am so excited for this week's ep!!!! My mind is going crazy thinking of the things that they could possibly do in school uniform and but No. 1 on my wishlist is that Hyun finally feels comfortable enough around Yong to speak to him in banmal. The look on Yong's face if she were to do that would just be daebak! and I can just imagine the spazzing on this thread if that were to happen.... Wait, what am I saying. The spazzing on this post would be huge reagardless of what happens that weekend! Yong and Hyun together on Inki! gah, I'm totally not expecting anything between the two on stage since inki is on SBS but I'm just going to have a big goguma smile plastered on my face knowing that they will be together back stage and imagining what they would be saying! :D





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Guest YongxHyun




















Dear fellow gogumaland citizen,
















i find this news just now from allkpop. it has nothing to do with our beloved goguma couple BUT at the same time it does relate to YongSeo.
















here's the news :Shin Se Kyung & Shinee's Jonghyun
















So..... IF and i will stress out strongly on the IF. IF the news are true... so does that mean SM ent NOW allows their artist to DATE?
















and IF so...this could mean there is a BIG CHANCE now to put all of our hope and dream that YongSeo CAN BE REAL too??!!
















okay...i am now in shock... i might not make sense... mianhe...:sweatingbullets:































oh wow, what happened to SM??
















well..it's a good news for me
















I will just hope they are be real, but who knows
















I will always support them no matter what!!





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Guest monkie2804

When I read that news about Jonghyun and SSK, the thought of Yongseo immediately went through my mind. But I don't want it to happen very soon since as I remember, WGM has that no dating rule. If they really date now, we won't have the chance to see them every Saturday anymore :( But still, I wish they are SECRETLY dating NOW LOL I know i'm greedy

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Guest DJHinata

Hello Goguma Lovers here the new mini album of SNSD 

SNSD mini Album

awww i'm feel so happpy for yonghwa! YongSeo Fighting !!

Now together can get a ride car ~~ or something like that , you know more time alone ! 


by the way, I'm sorry, I really do not know what happened to my comment, use google chrome and maybe change the language before sending it, really I'm sorry, I hope does not happen again

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Guest Faith_memory
































































Hi I'm back again with good news.
















































Probably lots of you already heard but there was a Vote [which WGM couple is Ideal?]
















































Yongseo was no2 got 3616 votes. (No1 was Sanchu couple? 5305 votes, adam No3 566, Kuntoria No4 175)
















































So in Japan, Yongseo is very very popular
















































Another good news is that in Japanese magazine interview (Creasta short for Crazy for asian star magazine)
















































Yonghwa said
















































Q: You are in WGM with SNSD Seohyun, If other member would be in the show who would you want to be with? Yonghwa, probably you have someone else you may want to be in the show with?
















































Yonghwa: I would choose Seohyun in any case. As we became closer over the time, I got to know that Seohyun is very caring person. When I was suffering from vocal cord nodule, she cared for me and brought something good for my throat and nutritious food for me even when we were not filming.
















































Q: Ideal type
















































Yonghwa: I liked Lee Yeon hee when she was in a millionaire's first love, but now SNSD's Seohyun who is very caring person is my type.
















































Q: What do you want the most at the moment?
















































Yonghwa: I got a driving license now so I want a sports car.
















































There are some other answers reminded me of Seohyun in his interview but these are cleary related to Seohyun.
















































Hope these make Yongseo lovers happy































































































Q1: lol, he always choose his wife everytime he was asked of his ideal girl. after the marriage, during interviews and stuffs, he always say he's already married to Seohyun. even though WGM is just a show, he acts like it IS REAL even though they are not filming. aww.. he's totally in to it. haha! ♥ so hyun better take care of his husband well and not hurt him. ♥
















































Q2: lol, he mentioned his ideal girl, but then switched to his wife immediately. haha this guy.
















































Q3: yes! to his driver's license! he wants his car, red right? he mentioned it on WGM. anyone wanna give him one? calling all rich gogumas! ahahaha!! ♥
















































hmm.. i rewatched some episodes on WGM last night, yongseo episodes of course. I never realize how painful the episode where they visited cnblue's dorm can be. lol. Yong was really jealous, when Hyun speaks informally with his bandmate. he must be really hurt at that time. sad sad sad. ♥ hyun won't listen to him... tsk tsk. anyway, can't wait for this week's episode!

















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Guest suejinners
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hola amantes goguma! aquí las canciones del nuevo álbum de SNSD Mini! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*link removed by mod*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































awww me siento muy feliz por Yonghwa! Yongseo Fightiing pareja! ahora se puede ir en un coche de paseo y algo así XD que puedan dedicar más tiempo a solas ~ 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please provide translations if you are going to leave a comment in another language. And do not post d/l links, that is against the rules as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So there has been a lot of confusion on the rule about posting only about the WGM program and not their group activities. That is my fault for not being clear on the rule.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I do think its fine to post comments and photos of... for example if the two were wearing a ring at an event outside of the WGM program. Anything that relates back to the show and the couple is fine.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But posts being made about the their group activities like these below are not going to be tolerated.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And please do not abuse the use of spoilers.

SNSD are having their comeback this coming sunday on inkigayo!!

Hmmm..I wonder why they only singled out Yonghwa when Kwon is the other MC for Inkigayo as well? And isn't FNC Music one of the companies under Mnet Media? At least CN Blue isn't promoting right now, but 2AM is set to have their comeback this week. If anything, Jungshin/Jonghyun/Minhyuk can attend without Yonghwa? There are also other award shows out there (Melon Music Awards, Seoul Music Awards, and Golden Disk Awards) where CN Blue is pretty much guaranteed the rookie award as well so I wouldn't be too sad if Yonghwa isn't allowed to attend.

































































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Guest rRelina
















































hy guyss..i wanna join "i love yongseo" project too..
















I LOVE YONGSEO Because........
















their awkwardness and their development of relation ship.it's like slowly but sure.
















Sure being a real couple...!!!!! ;)
















if i pass (although) just 1 episode, i feel "something in my life been apart"
















when epi 24 was aired (chuseok special), i couldnt watch yongseo as usual (in my country aired at saturday 3 PM)and i knew from this thread,they're holding hands for the first time. i Just only could saw the pict,that u guys posted and bcause of curiousity but still couldnt watch that epi until the next day,i couldnt sleep tight all night long..
















jinjja,,i cant life without watching yongseo's act every saturday even every day.
















see their act (like real couple),their pureness love, all the things about them, decreasing my tired,fatigue,weariness...

















































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Hi everyone. :) My first time posting without anything to share.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't like to comment about MBC and their sudden tactic about their couples. I just want to say that instead of asking ourselves or anyone about what's behind this thing can we just silently show our support for Yongseo? I mean, we wouldn't be getting any answers from them any time soon or maybe we would once they're done with it (with Yongseo leading of course) but as for now, for those who are just staying in their house/work refresh the link all the time (because seriously the hits are increasing by thousands every second) or if you have nothing to do let's just do this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































With our number here we will surely surpass Khuntoria's hits soon.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The link: http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/wedding/svod/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope I'm getting my message across. (:

































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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hate to make things difficult, but I'm having serious issues with some of the rules regarding spamming.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, don't get me wrong. I'm all about the longevity of this thread and our dear YongSeo couple, but I'm not fully understanding why news about YongHwa and Seohyun's respective groups is considered spam. That's like saying the DSM has nothing to do with autism even though changes to the DSM will change everything about autism. Or saying that peanut butter sales have nothing to do with jelly sales.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yes, I understand that news about CNBLUE doesn't have anything to with YongSeo as a couple, per se, but I think it's pretty safe (and desired by fans) to assume that Seohyun would be very happy about CNBLUE's, and in turn Yonghwa's, success. I would hope that she monitors Yong the way Yong admitted he monitored her. Therefore, I think news about CNBLUE's sold out concert is relevant. I think news about SNSD's newest release and comeback through "Hoot" is just as relevant.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wasn't around the thread earlier so I wouldn't know if it was reported, but when Yong was hospitalized due to his vocal nodules, did gogumas not write about that? Wouldn't news websites have reported that Jung Yong Hwa of CNBLUE was hospitalized instead of Yong of WGM, who happens to be Seohyun's virtual husband, was hospitalized? To the media, isn't he firstly Jung Yong Hwa of CNBLUE before the husband of Hyun? Did moderators flag news about that then? Didn't we just find out through the Creasta interview shared by lovely_ocean (thanks, dear) that Seohyun had gone to him outside of filming with nutritious foods? Wasn't that completely relevant to YongSeo? Don't we consider Seohyun's action another reason to believe that YongSeo might just be real? Isn't that why we love them? When SNSD's plane got hit by lightning on its way to Japan, were gogumas not supposed to care and report that? If someone had posted something like, "OMG! SNSD's plane got hit by lightning!!!" would that have been flagged?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also, in the latest episode, when Yong went to SNSD's waiting room at the Incheon Wave concert, as he was leaving he managed to stutter, "SNSD, Daebak in Japan!" His wife's happiness and success is directly and inseparably linked to SNSD's success, wherever and whenever. Along the same vein, Seohyun's success through SNSD's success is directly linked to YongHwa's happiness.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't mean to be rude. Really. But, moderators, I know you're on the lookout on the thread pretty regularly, so I'd appreciate if a moderator could either post something that either makes some adjustments to the spamming rule or explains to not only me, but a lot of other gogumas why I'm wrong. I think a lot of us are not only YongSeo fans but CNBLUE and SNSD fans, BOICEs and SONEs. Recently, when CNBLUE performed at PIFF and Jump Guro, Yong looked really tired and upset while singing "Love Light." This also happens to be right around the same time the birthday episode was aired. Should we not have cared?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Am I overreacting?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If I offended anybody, I apologize. If I triggered some uneasy emotions within some gogumas, I apologize. Flag this post if you must, but I'd very much appreciate feedback, both good and bad, from others.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































With all due respect,

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia





In reality company cannot control peoples life, and all this artist really work hard, but at the end of the day these artist still human being who has feelings :) When i read this news i straight away think about YongSeo couple. Might be different case for them but still it's nice if they become real couple awwwwww! well, 1 thing for sure during wgm or after wgm YongSeo couple communicates w/ each other and that's the start :) they even upset one another if they didn't call or txt kekeke! and reading all Yong interview or Hyun interview all their answers is really telling us that they really getting close now WHICH IS VERY GOOD. I just wished it's continue until they both go to the next level of their relationship. YongSeo couple Hwaiting! Cheers



Dear fellow gogumaland citizen,



i find this news just now from allkpop. it has nothing to do with our beloved goguma couple BUT at the same time it does relate to YongSeo.



here's the news :Shin Se Kyung & Shinee's Jonghyun



So..... IF and i will stress out strongly on the IF. IF the news are true... so does that mean SM ent NOW allows their artist to DATE?



and IF so...this could mean there is a BIG CHANCE now to put all of our hope and dream that YongSeo CAN BE REAL too??!!



okay...i am now in shock... i might not make sense... mianhe...:sweatingbullets:




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I apologize that my last post was considered spam, but I have to say I agree with my.yonghwa.baby. It's hard to NOT talk about CN Blue and SNSD, but I guess what the moderator is saying that if you somehow manage to tie in Yongseo in anyway then I guess it wouldn't be spam? Like my previous post that was solely on CN Blue's activities would have been fine if I had few sentences about Yongseo? And what exactly are the rules on using spoilers? I usually see a lot of random conversations going on.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Where did SME say that they didn't allow their artists to date? Heck, Shindong is/about to be engaged. Trust me when I say some are dating now/did date in the past. They just have to keep it a secret due to the backlash from fans. It seems like SME only admitted to it because they got caught on camera. While some CN Blue fans/SNSD fans like Yongseo together, I rather them date in secret because already Shin Sekyung is getting a lot of hate comments. Idols' fans are pretty scary. There's way too much pressure on the artists. Good thing Yongseo can just do whatever they want on the show and say "it's just for the show", haha. :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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tk u mod for clarifying.

abt the mbc thing,

it is not a wise move. they're just inviting

trouble trouble trouble (hoot)

tension among fans is the last thing we want

to see

soliel, i lol at your caps

i hope wgm will show us a bts of

yongseo passing their driving licenses

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Guest monie1909
















Guys,i think mod are pretty clear with the spamming.He/she said its ok to post anything outside wgm as long as it goes back to yongseo.the fact that she didnt single out about some prev poster about cnblue/yong in mnet because the poster related back to hyun or yongseo.Even mrsjocker post about jonghyun/ssk (which is far away from yongseo) but she mention it make her think of yongseo,so the post is not consider irrelevant.So,we can post cnblue/snsd interview like lovely_ocean did because it yongseo related.Or about,snsd hit turbulance in airplane,the poster might say,wonder how would Yong think about it.On the other hand,post like snsd alone or cnblue alone without being supported by yongseo related info will be consider spamming as example the post that she/he single out just now.I'm just saying,lets be honest when we want to post our material.If those material,somehow remind you of yongseo eventhough it might not about them together,most likely you find a way to connect them in your post.But,if your material is only your love about cnblue/snsd alone ,high probability your post will be consider spamming.If you still want to post about those,please be creative..I hope i make sense here.They are not limiting us with unreasonable rules,We still can post what we post before without breaking the obvious rules.
















Just check out this spamming rules for soompier by soompi mod themselve.Hope you guys can get clear understanding of what is consider spamming.There is few example how we can bend the rule to post about cnblue/snsd without breaking the rules.I'm sure it is not as bad as you guys think.
































Hyuksu There are rules about spoiler as well.i guess he/she said even under spoiler we cant talk about those irrelevant post..which i'm guilty as charge many times.









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lovely_ocean, thanks so much for the scoop~! :D ahh so now that yong has gotten his driving license... i'm hoping that WGM will film yong picking hyun up from her classes OR just go for a ride or go somewhere secluded nice in his own car xD hmmm isn't it funny, when they failed, both FAILED not only once but twice! and finally, BOTH PASSED! *phew* i'm happy for the both of them. now yong can go search for his red sports car. i think he prolly got the influence of wanting a red car from his NII CF in Thailand eh? there was one scene where he drove a red car KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA! imagine hyun sitting next to him! EPIC!

mrsjoker~! thanks so much for the interesting article! :D i'm surprised/glad that SM isn't strict about their "kids" having a publicized relationship. as for FNC, hmmm i'm not too sure about them. they seem to be taking care of their "kids" in an iron fist way? or they're just too scared of taking risks as they're not as well established as SM? ahh i'm sorry if the info is wrong -.-" but at the same time, if yongseo's relationship is real & publicized, i fear that they may have to undergo a bigger pressure from the paparazzi & netizens. well, here's hoping that everything will go well with them both! whatever it is, friendship/relationship.

hyuksu, i agree with ya! i'd rather yongseo date secretly. that would be more meaningful than having everyone especially paparazzi on their tails which could disintegrate their relationship just like how many hollywood pairs are facing or have faced. on a side note, IMO, yongseo would want their relationship to be meaningful & well-kept too. so maybe, if they do plan to go on... they may execute their relationship in privy.

raindrops, i loveeeeeeee ur latest wally! more plsss! :wub:

my.yonghwa.baby, i understand ur sentiment. initially, i also thought that no pics of SNSD, CNBLUE, or yong & hyun as individual are allowed. but based on what suejinners posted, as long as we're relating the pics of SNSD, CNBLUE, or yong & hyun as individual with yongseo, only then it's fine. i find that very fair & reasonable. and i don't think we have the right to ask for more than what have been rationally permitted by the mods. am already thankful for that. :)

DJHinata, i love ur fanarts~! :wub: btw, u've got quite a number of -ve :crazy: pls remember to edit ur post & not to post in foreign language unless u're gonna translate them. and no direck links pls. thank u ^^

haha jnj! i also hope WGM will film the BTS of yongseo passing their driving test! that would be great~ i wonder if one of yong's present has something to do with him driving hyun around? umm i guess not since they're in school uniforms xD but maybe like some have speculated, maybe it's gonna be a bike ride! danggg i wonder what are the other 2 gifts >.< can't seem to think of the appropriate >.<


panGG, i spotted ya! xD oh ya, thanks for liking my COINCIDENCE thingy haha! yongseo isn't a coincidence nor are they an accident, i believe for a fact that destiny could be playing a very important role in their lives. yongseo hwaiting! xD ahhaa sorry for being random!

i find this pic very funny & kiyopta! i recall jokwon making that kinda face when gain was about to kiss him in their wedding photoshoot. haha imagine yong playfully making that kinda face when hyun's about to kiss him! haha!!! *imagination running wild* :phew:

yongcovereyes.jpgcr. dcinside

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ocha noona~ damnzzz thats a hott picture of yong. thanks for sharing!
































































pen(..^^..) you can stream from there? thanks for sharing the link! thats awesome!
































































crystal_malfoy i love your calming words to reassure everyone! your awesome chick. i miss spazzing with you!
































































YongxHyun your words are GREAT thanks for sharing the info.
































































Trent I'm seriously wondering about that too. i was hoping for some cn blue concert footage. maybe there will be... but who knows since the episodes are sort of falling out of place somewhere in there.
































































Beluga14 more then likely snsd will be attending music core and inkagayo, because since the relationship between mnet and sm are still in... question, i suppose then i doubt they'd attend. but yong and hyun together on inkagayo this weekend is too exciting for words! yay.
































































raindrops_919 aww thats super cute picture you made there! thanks for sharing. i love that picture of hyun.
































































mrsjoker lol funny thing. you posted that earlier and i just came on after writing on my twitter about how "now we're just waiting for yongseo" lol. nice.

so i feel that this thread has gotten really... "safe". since the mod dropped by. i'm not complaining about the mod dropping by, but it feels like its harder to spazz about them if we cant spazz about each individual's activities too... hm. well we'll see what happens with our yongseo next!
































































edit just saw this and had to share.
































































yong butt. lol.
































































































































yong + hairspray = tumblrlaw5a7epzd1qag68v.jpg
































































lmao. AND YOU CAN SEE RINGDINGDONG, if you look closely enough.
































































credits to original uploaders :)

















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Guest constantia11




Question from Lovekin:

are there any scenes in which you – or anyone! – can recall that Seo is mesmerized by him?



I want to join you guys in answering this question.


I agree with lovekin at some point that it's Yong who looked so obviously mesmerized by Hyun in every episode.


But then episode 28 came to view.


During their rehearsal in MBC rehearsal room, I saw Yong trying his best not to get too close to Hyun.


I don't know whether he did that in purpose, but I can see the effect his action.


The whole time they were rehearsing their lines, I saw Hyun inclining towards him.


You may argue that's so that she can view the computer. But I sense it differently.


I was her age before, and experienced first love too. I remember everytime I met the boy I like, I wanted to get closer to him, by inclining towards him whenever it is possible.


What I'm trying to say is, maybe her being mesmerized by him was not too clear before. But after a lot of time being together (plus him doing the push and pull act), we can see her true feeling surfacing therefore we can see more clearly now the love in her eyes (or in her action).




I hope I make sense. I want to add a picture that can explain better what I talk about, but I don't know how to do it.





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