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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest shane09
















































































dreamyboo, jnj.....
















































saw ur request for gif..
















































will make it .....

















































































































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i enjoy this thread because it's all about Yong Hwa and Seo Huyn. It's YongSeo thread, is it right? So i think that every news about Yong Hwa and Seo Huyn should be post here.

YongSeo = Yong Hwa + Seo Huyn 

--------> everything about Yong Hwa or Seo Huyn is also about YongSeo

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Guest blueshoes
















Seohyun endorsement at WGM
























































































credit 오즈세컨/ 질바이질스튜어트 + 용서돋네 @ DC married gall + yongseofacts/yongseo.exteen

















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Guest SophiaPia





Thanks Blueshoes i love that photo of SeoHyun wearing black mini dress i hope she wear that in wgm she looks lovely :) so i guess most of YongSeo clothes in wgm are sponsored cool. Not to forget all the YongSeo korea who always give them huge gifts :) so sweet. NOT TO FORGET SHE WEARS THE RING kekeke!



So hubby Yong i think now in Japan for running man filming. Then 28th in Japan again fan meeting. YongSeo couple are busy again. But on sunday @ inkigayo might say 'anyoung' to each other kekeke! i hope we can get behind the scenes in Tudao or Baidu :)



I love this phase 



everything about Yong Hwa or Seo Huyn is also about YongSeo 






Nite nite for me :)


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Hello! Can I ask what happened to rdrsubs? I can't access their website. I'm waiting for their new subbed episode of goguma to be released but then their website is not found? :unsure: Hmnnn. :o

















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































From DC. the look on Yong's face whenever he sees his wife cooking or preparing something from him. same look, but different situation. I'll just post the link, soompi is acting weird on me today. here is the link: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=529583&page=7&bbs=





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Guest my.yonghwa.baby

































































Hello! Can I ask what happened to rdrsubs? I can't access their website. I'm waiting for their new subbed episode of goguma to be released but then their website is not found?  :unsure: Hmnnn.  :o
































































































































I was just about to post about the same thing.
































































































































Gogumas, I think RDR is down excl.gif

































































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Guest missmoomin101

Wow... So I was trying to access the RDR website, but it says the server was not found.  How is that possible?? ph34r.gif Strange things going on  mellow.gif  

In other news, I can't believe this thread is jumping so quickly!  I love the excitement Yongseo brings to people from all over the world.  I didn't say much about the previous episode, but the preview has left me wanting Saturday to come quickly!  I have a couple of theories about what Yong might have prepared:

1) School date/picnic (how romantic wub.gif)

2) Bike ride!! (my favourite one! I hope they share a bike)

Although, I have to say that for me the weeks pass by quite quickly enough because I'm doing things I enjoy, so I'm very lucky!  (gotta love Einstein).  I hope this week passes quickly too...

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This is my second post here and I just want to share some opinions with regards to our couples current situation.






























Let's face it, very seldom can you find a man that is as patient as Yong and very seldom (especially in this generation) can you find someone as innocent as Hyun. Since this is Hyun's first "taste" in having a "relationship with the opposite sex,"  it is only expected that she will not be able to fully understand if Yong's sincere or not (as she have stated). Even I who have been married for 6 years now, I still questions my husbands sincerity at times.






























As for Yong being exhausted (lately), it's but normal to feel that, he's just human. Man hates it when their woman questions their sincerity especially in Yong's case when he's always so accommodating to Hyun's wants and requests. He had been so patiently waiting for her to be ready to show some skinship and he was ever so patient in waiting for her to trust him. The only big mistake that he made was that one month no contact plan (it's really too long). And since Hyun is this innocent, she is more careful than the average girls and trust is harder to achieve.






























But with all these trials comes the beauty in a developing relationship. If and I believe that they will be able to overcome this, Yong to add more patience in the equation and Hyun to be more flexible, their relationship will reach a new level of understanding and they will become more closer than ever. I really hope that they can become a real couple but we all can see that the kind of friendship that is developing with these two beautiful people is not just any kind of friendship but a special one that gives positive effect on both of them.






























Sorry for my blabbering, I don't even know if I make sense... If you read this, thanks...  ;)



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RDR website new url: www.rdrsubs.org






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to everyone who commented about my post many many pages ago! I'm so sorry that I'm not able to name you guys out individually but know that I read every single one and was very encouraged!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to everyone who continues to abide by the soompi rules, lets keep Goguma land a happy place! :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wouldn't think too much about the Kyuhyun rumor because wasn't he recently casted in a musical? He would be super busy preparing for that so I doubt he would have time to film WGM...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Looking forward to Goguma weekend! Hoot hoot hoot!!!





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lenovo I agree! I watched a fancam of SNSD at the G20 event and poor Seohyun looked so tired...and hubby is probably still filming running man! They're certainly working super hard...

































































































































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Guest icegabrielle
















































Hi.. I don't know what's wrong with RDR website but earlier I can't access it too.. But, I can now.. I've been lurking their site.. Waiting for the new Goguma episode.. It's still not up yet, last time I checked.. Hope this helps..

















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We see the ring... but why the sad, tired face Maknae????















































































































































Come here you.... **hugz**
































































































































































































































































































credits to: GGPH (girls' generation philippines) facebook page.








































































more pics: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=252383&id=132392998935&page=2









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i agree on the part abt snsd & cn blue individual activities should stay at their thread.

but yongseo wearing the ring is worth mentioning isn't it?

it IS their wedding ring after all.

i quote BluMistLaydee

3. Posting multiple times on the same page with any random things. The old saying "if you have nothing to say, don't say anything all" comes to mind. I know we all get super excited when anything new come out, especially new episodes. But for the interest of saving this precious thread that we all love, it's better to just make one post where you can have something that's a little bit more in depth to say, rather than whatever that pops in your head, even if it's a question. Chances are, someone is going to post about it or even post the answer that you may be looking for.

i am one of those who can't write long post or pour out my thoughts in

one single post. so whenever i post my views or Qs , and when someone asnwers,

we pick up from there and continue to spazz..

is that considered as spamming? :unsure:

and since we live in diff time zones, same topic tend to be discussed repeatedly..

hmm...should i be a lurker now? hmm..

and soompi is acting weird again

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[PHOTOS][screencaps] Yongseo Couple in the Practice Studio – WGM Episode 28
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































by jaslovesyg in Photos, Screencaps Tags: yongseo couple, yonghwa, seohyun, we got married, goguma couple, screencaps, photos, sweet potato couple, episode 28, practice
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. dcmarried ; reuploaded by jaslovesYG@iloveyongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest BluMistLaydee




jnj... soompi is acting weird because someone didn't close the {b} tags in one of the posts so everything on this page is now bolded.


As I said, in my post, all of it was my OWN opinion what's considered spamming. I'm not a mod so please don't take what I said as law. But as the mod posted things that were considered to be spamming, I went from there in my examples. Like she said. posting "we reached x amount of page" or "x amount of people is viewing this thread" are things she used as examples of what's not allowed. Once again, I'm not the authority on things here, I was just trying to clarify as I used to moderate some forums and we had similar rules on things as they do here in Soompi. To be 100% sure of what it and isn't allowed, are questions that we should be sending to the forum moderators to be 100% clear.


As it seem I've upset some people.. I'll just go back to my lurk mode now.


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Guest constantia11




From DC. the look on Yong's face whenever he sees his wife cooking or preparing something from him. same look, but different situation. I'll just post the link, soompi is acting weird on me today. here is the link: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=529583&page=7&bbs=






The look! I love to see him looking at his buin adoringly.

But can you see the subtle difference in the look between the two pictures?

In the first one the look is more like "I can't believe SNSD Seohyun is my wife making me a drink" look (a disbelieve look)


While in the second one, the look is more intense as in "this is the woman that I love n adore" look.


Either way, it's a clear proof that Yong is smitten by Hyun and the feeling has become deeper and deeper the more they met. Let's hope that their feeling will be growing deeper each time and in the end, we, Gogumas can be a living proof of a true love between two extraordinary individuals.




PS: something I found in YT that makes me realize that Yong & Hyun were really brought up by fate.


the fate brought them together


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Guest sun_sun



Missing Skinship (it's hard to see but we can imagine ^^)

I really imagine that Yong's hand is around Hyun's waist.^^


PD-nim cut this scene too fast...ummm what happened!!! ^^


I agreed with Blueshoes ^^ I wanna see that too.


and I really wanna see picture from white shirt camera man. ^^




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BluMistlaydee, u meant well since u've got experienced as a mod.

i appreciate that u shared it with us and i hug u for it.

i think some of us are more unsure than upset, so no worries k :)

so, postings will be done with more precaution now.

and its good to see no more one-liner post.

thank u to those concerned.

looking at those caps again, one can see that the way yong look at wifey was

as if he wanted to kiss her! especially caps no. 8.

poor yong getting all the 'bad' lines... :lol:

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sorry if this repost
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































RDR subs
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[RDRSubs] Goguma Couple Ep29 http://www.twitvid.com/REAEN http://www.twitvid.com/0TAYL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre http://www.rundevilrunsubs.blogspot.com/

































































































































































































































































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