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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































i was watching the last episode AGAIN!!!
































































































































































































































































































because it's just toooo cute!! :)
































































































































































































































































































and i realized something.... or maybe it's just me but when SH was telling YH about the holding hands with KH
































































































































































































































































































saying that its different..... it think she wanted something more than just hands just touching :D
































































































































































































































































































since he's her HUSBAND afterall !!! but she couldn't really explain it..... so she's like NVM. AHAHAHAAHH
































































































































































































































































































THEN THEIR BICKERING WAS DEABUKKK :) now we all know they DO contact each other...texting and calling (:
































































































































































































































































































but seriously, YH is just tooo funny and sweet. his tongue sticking out was just tooooo cute!!!!
































































































































































































































































































(yeahhh saying that after you say you're cool ahahahah!!!) and his epic fail arm movement... i LOL sooo hard!!!
































































































































































































































































































but it would be even more embarrassing if he did it and she moved and he pretended like nothing happened at all!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































awww.... it was so sweet that he did the pin thing for his guitar strap.... 200 with YS all over in the background.
































































































































































































































































































he said he prepared 3 things: one during the performance (THE PIN), one after the performance (THE WALK AT NIGHT WEARING UNIFORMS) and a present (I WONDER WHAT THE PRESENT IS). awwww...... such a sweet guy!
































































































































































































































































































SH looks very comfortable with her CNBLUE brothers, and YH now (you can tell by the phone call, and their bickering)
































































































































































































































































































ohhh yeahhh i loove love their ENGLISH!! "bye bye" (:
































































































































































































































































































i cant wait to see the next episode!!! they look cute in the school uniforms!!

































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hello guys...i'm lurking around gogumalove@tumblr and i found this....































cr deeomg



































i love the bickering part the most. oh..and i hope someone will make a gif at the part where yong said he's cool with the news of kyu-hyun holding hand. (..or did someone already done it?) love his expression. :wub::wub:



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Guest CheriMerci








Hi all goguma lovers






Thank you for all the clips, pics and translations. :)



I would like to share some clips of YongSeo. They're so real for me. :wub:






The first one is Yong Seobang talked about SNSD's Comeback Next Sunday! I would like to know what he talked about the girls.



But his pose seems like SOMEONE. (keke) Yong is MC in the program that SNSD especially Seohyun, his wife will be performing.



Maybe Yong will interview SNSD.....A must to see!!!!






Cr : as tagged + YongSeo FB












Like Husband, Like Wife ;)






Cr : Keroro Planet+YongSeo Real Love ( KIK-KIK ) (kikgig_B)@YongSeo pantip















Cr : XRLuxtro@YT








Yong talk about SNSD's Comeback






And this is the clip of SNSD arriving at Singapore Airport. Hyun Buin in BLUE!!! :wub:



And Ring Ding Dong....






Cr : leslieana@YT






Hyun in BLUE









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seungie (se7en)tks for clarifying.

that is why u need to come out from your lurker mode :P

no worries abt shattering our dreams....

we are a bunch of strong dreamers/believers

thank u ALL for EVEYTHING

keep the happy posts coming gogumas and pls help to keep this thread 'safe' ;)

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Guest Crystal392

p!nk22: Sadly there wasn't any skinship, in that gif it seems there was but when you look at other fancams Hyun~ just did a gesture in the air.

SE7ENsuhja: Thanks for clarifying that! :D

haerin: Welcome to Goguma Planet!! *throws lots of confetti* :w00t: I like the three WGM couples but my fave is YongSeo because I can relate more to their story. ^_^

After all this time it keeps appearing lots of new Gogumas! That makes me super happy ^_^ Hehehehe that's why we reached 1000+ (almost 1100) Gogumas on this thread on Saturday! Gogumas ftw! YongSeo jjang :D

jnj: Hiii! *waves*

CheriMerci: Awww those pics are ♥

teoki: Thanks so much for sharing those links! ^^

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hello everyone...
































I just wake up n study for my next presentation but I can't help to open this thread before I go to college.
































@Neviza : I don't know if that's true. I saw it in one of CN Blue forum in Indonesia. Currently, I live in Malang. What about you?
































@ Crystal_malfoy : Yeah, I think I have to write in notepad before I post a long post... thanks for your suggestion. I will PM her?his? But I have to go to college in 30 minute, so maybe later. 
































Sorry don't have anything to share... sweatingbullets.gif  I must leave now.. happy spazzing guys...
































With Love
















bee_ichigo wub.gif

















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Guest basiCblacK-junG
































































































































































































































































































































































































good morning everybody...
































































































































thanks for all of you who read and like my first impression of them..
































































































































I'm happy if you like it.. :)
































































































































I believe that all of you, Goguma lovers, have your own experience and impression of them.
































































































































but at the end, we still connected and bounded by Yongseo's power of love.
































































































































keep your love and faith to this lovely couple, guys!
































































































































p.s: I keep pray for them and hoping they will be real couple for sure. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































Have a nice day! GOD BLESS YOU ALL :):)

































































































































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Guest Crystal392

bee_ichigo: Hiii! *waves* I'm glad my suggestion was useful ^_^ Nazweena is a woman, she is amazing! hehehe :)

basiCblacKjunG: Hii! :D You are right... we may come from different countries, speak different languages (besides english), but the thing that we share and bonds us is our love for uri Yong~, uri Hyun~ and uri YongSeo ♥

Soo I was lurking on dcmarried (using Google translator) hehehe and I found this:

*A post about us! http://gall.dcinside.com/married/527766 with the news that there were 1000+ Gogumas on Goguma Planet on Saturday. (they even posted a screencap I took when there was 1021 users on this thread! ^_^ and a screencap of a tweet by soompi) Hiii DCgallers!

*Hyun~ looking for socks because Yong~ asked her to on the top drawer? hehehe :lol:



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Guest Germbaby

Hi feelow goguma,

I was watching the lastest ep many times when I realised something. When YongSeo were practising "LOVE LIGHT" at their home, Yong finished the song in this way" You are my Love........Thank you every one" I think what is trying to said is that Seohyun is his LOVE. DAEBAK!!! He is one smart guy to hint her in this manner. I hope Seohyun gets it. You husband do love you.


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Guest _d3seohyun

GOGUMAS! *wave* you guys are rockn this thread. so many posts and so many things

to spazz about..feeling apologetic that i can't reply to any of them...just noding and clicking that thumbs up button as i read though each of them (: THANK YOU esp to our translators and subbers!

Spazzing on 3 episodes on this post so a tad image heavy and filled with some ramblings *hugz*

Episode 30 teaser

I've noticed this on episode 28 too when Seobaby was twirling around the chair and Yonghwa

called her, not Seohyuna or Seohyunnie but SEOHYUY? I kept replaying it over and over and i kept

hearing Seohyuy? something with a Y sound. And I think that's the way people in japan

call Seobaby because I was watching one of the girls' performance in japan and it sounded the same. Anyone?


Now on to this..I've been dying to spazz on this since I first saw it.

accccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!! my heart really goes degeun degeun every time

i watch the preview. awwwwwwww those high school dates are always so precious <3

i'm glad seobaby is getting a chance to have one with none other than her yong seobang.

asdfghjkl;kasdfghj! the whole idea is just romantic! teeeeeeheeeeeeee

How cute are they! Doesn't it look like Yong is the quiet handsome high school geek and Seobaby is

the outgoing one? Gawwdd! YONGSEO needs to do a drama proj after WGM..far far away from now (:


Instead of the ^ ones above, isn't this more like it? gawwwdddddddd! the silent long squeal i made

while putting these two caps side by side. LOL I'm anticipating Yonghwa's reaction as Seobaby stepped

out of their bedroom wearing that uniform. Already heard his WHOA reaction from the teaser..

but it's a defnite must see to see his facial reaction. will the pd give us two versions...one slow mo? just like

in the movies when the leading lady steps out of the dressing room to show her boyfriend/husband the dress he

had picked for her? hahahha pardon my rambling kkekek but you get what i mean right? (:


Seobaby you're right handed! use your right hand to hold that darn phone! hahahah

2nd cap: someone's getting closer and someone is feeling it kkeke just look at his lips movement LOL

3rd cap: Yong seems excited to show his buin his surprise. just like how happy he was

when he surprised her with the sweet potato field.



Episode 29

A few screenshots of our couple doing what they do best...making out with their eyes <3

Aigoo Yong seobang is loving the unexpected(?) naughty side of his wife kkeke

Loving his reaction which totally made Seobaby blushed (on last cap)

No wonder she kept saying "Hurry Hurry" :P


It took me a good 5 minutes to capture Yong's stare here hahhaha

It was so quick and hard to capture..but i just couldn't let it go.I must capture

and post it here! LOL



LMAO. Yonghwa did you get that glaring thing from your wife or Jokwon?

I didn't even noticed it but my sister said that Yong was a little Jokwonish

on a couple of scenes on this episode LOL kyupta!

last cap: Her husband's stares are definitely getting to Seobaby! <3


5th cap: He is so trying to make her blush and loose her focus <3


Dayummmmmm @his stares! <3


Yong seobang wins! Seobaby...hahhaha

Never thought Yong will win over Seobaby when it comes to their staring contest.


This is how SPECIAL when YONGSEO hold hands...pds showing us different views of such moment...

And Yonghwa,,,are you sure you're all cool with Seobaby holding hands with Kyu?

Are you sure it wasn't the reason you were so bold/brave to grab/hold your buin's wife on this episode?

Trying to tell everyone something Yong seobang? kekkeke Good for you!

MC Kim's reaction...daebak!!!!







Episode 28

I was quite disappointed that I didn't manage to finish the caps and my usual spazzing

for this episode before the new one aired..but oh well. never too late right?

Love the first cap. Seobaby looks like a kid waiting for her treat hahaha

A kiss perhaps? kekkeke



One of my favorite scenes. Replayed it nth times because of Yonghwa's laugh.

There's just so much joy in it <3



This is cute. as seobaby leaned towards him, Yonghwa pulled away a little.

love his trying-not-to-burst-out-laughing face <3

4th and 5th cap: Love his reaction when Seobaby did the hair flip.

Surprised and loving it much <3


Another scene on my repeat mode. Yonghwa's reaction is priceless,

as well as the MCs! daebak!




That's it for now gogumas. Have a good one :D

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Guest mrsjoker


Good morning/afternoon/night to every goguma lovers out there...

@tinybeatingheart : actually we spazzed about this a few hundreds page back, just when the performance aired and we were spazzing so much on several fancams... but thank you for posting it again. :lol:

@CheriMerci : Thank's for the fancam link. Gosh...hyun wears a lot of BLUE lately don't you guys think? it's as if she had a secret deal with Yong... and the RING DING DONG is in da house you guys... proud buin for sure!! :wub:^_^




@Shane09 : Can i request a gif of yong in the dark room interview and he's drinking his ice coffee or something... it's damn cute.. Thank's in advance...^_^




hoookay...gotta rush for work..i'm late... :sweatingbullets: see you guys later for some more spazing...








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Guest toomuchsmiling




Yong talk about SNSD's Comeback






CheriMerci- ahhh!! u BEAT ME TO IT!!! haha, but just to let u know gogumas...he KNOWS :w00t::rolleyes:


Him and Sulli pretending to shoot off guns. xD


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Guest suejinners

*Please follow the rules.*

There are way too many members spamming the thread with irrelevant posts.

  • Please do not SPAM! No one line posts.
  • Please do not quote images.
  • Please keep all posts about the WGM program.

The rule that is broken the most is spamming! This thread is growing at a fast rate and many new members are joining. (Some of you have been kind to remind those who are breaking this rule, and that is much appreciated.)

Please do not leave short one line posts.

Please do not quote images. Remove the [ img] tags.

Please do not post about SNSD or CN BLUE activities. Anything about those two groups should be kept in their respective threads in the K-music forums. This thread is about the couple on the We Got Married program so please stay on topic.

Please do not converse in the thread. If you have something to say another member and is not related to this thread you should send a PM.

There is no need to post about how many people are viewing the thread or the amount of pages the thread has reached. Posts that are just made about those two subjects will be treated as spam.

I do not want to end up closing this thread due to the large amount of rule violators.

Do not spoil it for those who are following the rules.

Guys did someone record the Yongseo episode today? :(

OMOOOOO ... 1099 Users viewing this thread .... 

bad TVU!!huhuhu!! yongseo couple just ended and i didn't watched it live....

i hope someone can uplod it...

@lunasol merong is the sound you make/word you say when you stick out your tongue i think :P merong



KEKE~ ThankYou >w<

SNSD are having their comeback this coming sunday on inkigayo!!

Anyone want to play a guessing game of what yong's present it ????

A week is too long to go :(

filling 20 words......

Actually my guess is a tamama

found it already 'n watching it now.

tks u guys ^^

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Guest CheriMerci












CheriMerci- ahhh!! u BEAT ME TO IT!!! haha, but just to let u know gogumas...he KNOWS  :w00t:  :rolleyes:




Him and Sulli pretending to shoot off guns. xD








ah, LQ link of ALL the song Hoot!! :w00t:




i want an HQ soon~~ but i'm glad i could finally hear it all.








sounds like such a hot song, even in LQ, Yong's gonna LUV it.













I agree with u, toomuchsmiling, Yong's gonna LUV it. And pls tell me more about what he talked to the girls in the clip. :wub:



Hyun Buin is a real goddess. She's so gorgeous.






Cr : on pic/dc wgm 














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D3SeoHyun - I am responding about you hearing the way Yong call Seohyun. Besides the times when he call her real name Seo Joo Hyun, I think you are refering to the time when they walk holding hands. Its actually Seo Hyun Yang. The subtitles indicate that it means Ms Seo Hyun, but it is actually a very intimate way of calling.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The other show that I watched that this appear was in Boys over Flowers, where the character acted by Kim Bum call Geum JanDi's friend Kal Yang. Maybe you can look that up.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh that airport photo, did somebody PS that or it was real?? hahaha.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually I thought the thread is moving much more slowly since the non one liner rule came up. :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oops, and I top the page again...

































































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Guest baby_bo


Please guys please FOLLOW THE RULES ... :(

This thread is much loved by everyone, don't let those spamming ruin the fun... There are a lot of things to spazz about.


*Please follow the rules.*

There are way too many members spamming the thread with irrelevant posts.

  • Please do not SPAM! No one line posts.
  • Please do not quote images.
  • Please keep all posts about the WGM program.

The rule that is broken the most is spamming! This thread is growing at a fast rate and many new members are joining. (Some of you have been kind to remind those who are breaking this rule, and that is much appreciated.)

Please do not leave short one line posts.

Please do not quote images. Remove the [ img] tags.

Please do not post about SNSD or CN BLUE activities. Anything about those two groups should be kept in their respective threads in the K-music forums. This thread is about the couple on the We Got Married program so please stay on topic.

Please do not converse in the thread. If you have something to say another member and is not related to this thread you should send a PM.

There is no need to post about how many people are viewing the thread or the amount of pages the thread has reached. Posts that are just made about those two subjects will be treated as spam.

I do not want to end up closing this thread due to the large amount of rule violators.

Do not spoil it for those who are following the rules.

ON A BRIGHTER NOTE, HOOT song is out! and everyone looooooooooves it. It's another daebak year for Seohyun and her Unnies. I can't wait to see them perform live and I can't wait to see them at INKIGAYO!!!! Super daebak!

And yes, im still rewatching last saturday's epi and im still loling at our cute couple kekekke I don't know if the 2 of them realized it, but they are totally the sweeeeeeeeeetest when they bicker! love it! keke

I can't wait for WEDNESDAY, yes a day to look forward to because of MC JAKE'S tweet and clumsy's update

and then SATURDAY!!!!! NEW EPISODE.. I can't wait on what's gonna happen. No one ever heard about that school uniform shooting.. kyah! a big surprise for us all :)



WHICH PART OF THE WORDS "DON'T SPAM" don't you guys understand??


STOP SPAMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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Guest kevin1320







i love yongseo cuople because i find them too good together ...they seem like to be born for each other...they made my every saturday....they r also something that ppl should not miss for the rest of their lifeeeeeeeeeeee....





the last ep was so amazing, i love how they care and look after each other...





cant wait to see them in school uniform, i think yong did that because huyn used to wish to wear uniform in public...what an understandble boy....cant wait no more


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Guest archiehon
























































Thank you for the raw vid, the translations, the subbed vid and all the posted comments. The people here are surely the best! I want to share my reasons for loving this couple so much.













































































































































































































I admire both of them individually, Seo Hyun with her innocence and stubborn streak really found her soul mate in Yong Hwa, the most patient man i ever know! They represent something we rarely see nowadays. Everything is so fast paced and people do not take time to know others but this couple shows that a proper relationship needs to grow slowly. Nobody can deny the chemistry they have even from the first episode. However, I really appreciate Yong Hwa consideration and understanding towards the shy and reserved Seo Hyun. He did not push her and ready to bend any rules the show has to accommodate her emotionally and mentally. I hope they will prosper with the show and continue to be our favorite couple for a long time to come. Archie, 30, Malaysia.






























































































































Enuff said, I want to say something about the recent episode. I LOVE IT! I mean the whole arguing scene on the historical couch was something to die for! If the double birthday was a turning point in their relationship, I'd say this is the HUGE change. Last week I was lamenting towards Yong Hwa 'why did u hve to pull a stunt like that' but this week I kinda feel that he needed that.He finally said the things that bother him 'why do I have to text/ call first everytime?' I thot that was it! He wanted Seo Hyun to be more proactive, be the initiator, not just texting him first when something comes up in the news (coz that was what i felt has been going on before). That was a dead giveaway of his feelings.When he said he did not hide his feelings from Seo Hyun, i'm sure he' s telling the truth. Sorry for the long post, i've been a lurker fo days now. Just need to put my thots here. Happy dreaming Gugumas!
























































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Dear Regulars & New Posters, please keep our beloved soompi thread alive by following soompi rules. The most commonly flouted rules here are posting 1-liners and quoting images. Some posters commit the same mistake time and again even after many reminders from fellow goguma lovers.

Some even get irritated by the reminders. If you do not want to be treated like a kid, then act like an adult in the 1st place.
















If you are just plotting to get this thread closed down, kindly keep your hate to yourself and not visit this thread to fuel your anger.
















If you genuinely love our YongSeo/SeoHwa couple, kindly keep to the rules so we can continue to share & receive love about our YongSeo/SeoHwa couple.
















Any soompi experts out there who know how to post a sticky on top of every new page so all users can read the rules before posting?
















No offence intended. Just being protective of our beloved thread. Thank you for reading.

















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