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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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@bee_ichigo& basiCblack-jung hi i'm indonesia goguma& i love cn blue too...is that true if cn blue will come to indonesia??








woahh i'm really happy &i wouldn't miss it...&where dou you live?jakarta?























i know jung yong hwa from korean drama you're beautiful&i don't know about SNSD. but when i found their episode in YT woahhhh i think i'm fall in love with them,,,








i went looking for information about them,,,,i like CN BLUE (love their song)&SNSD (hhmmm every time i  turn on the computer to do my final task i would immediately set the SNSD song)























i don't know why i love them very much. every saturday i can't wait for yongseo couple episode&search in this thread to find someone who has been uploading their video,,,,








i also really liked the fanfic about the yongseo couple....and i just want to say THIS THREAD IS DAEBAKK 























i'm so very thank you for all the caps, wallpaper, video, artwork, fan made, fancam, translation&subbing. if you're guys not there i thought i would die cause of anxiously waiting for their episode,,,,,








i love yongseo couple because they always bring me happiness every day,,,i always smiling when i watched them,,,,i love them very much& i agree with what you say basiCblack-jung Look at them and you will find out what the meaning of true love!








(sorry if my english so bad) 









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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































Hello! Found something interesting in CNBLUE is thread... I want to point this comment from SATURN (I love her post about CNBLUE they keep me informed, thanks a lot)
































































































Let's relax with Jong Hyun's artwork.
































































































































































































How he shows it with such innocent face?
































































































I have this fan too. It's made by Jungyonghwa.com and distributed to people at July concert. I didn't know members have it too.































































































































































































See that thing he showed YH that SH bring was distributed in the July concert!!!!






























































































































































































































































































































This is me been crazy but.... OMG OMG OMG OMG I am hyperventilating I TOTALLY 100% SURE THAT SH WAS IN CNBLUE IS CONCERT...






























































































































































































































































































































WAHHHHHHH!!!!! Me a happy Goguma!!!






























































































































































































































































































































Edit: Sorry I was so happy that I didnt make any sense... You have to watch this video



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am talking about what happened when YH enter CNBLUE is waiting room. Minute 1:55 onwards... Pay attention to what MH is saying and the comment below...






























































































































































































































































































































Saturn said she get one of does fans (plastic thing with YH is face) during CNBLUE is concert in july... (That thing was custome made for that concert by Jungyonghwa.com community)
































































































Where SNSD (aka SH) will get something that was only distributed during CNBLUE is concert in july???? ehhhh see what I mean!!! :w00t:
































































































My bad, thanks to SE7ENsyuhja for the correct translation in that part:


(The part you were referring to:)
































































































Yonghwa: Where is SNSD's waiting room?
































































































Jungshin/Minhyuk: The waiting room right next door. She came here earlier...
































































































Minhyuk: She had to go do the Photo Wall.
































































































Yonghwa: Ah, really?
































































































CAP: (SNSD) She's together with the 8 Sister-in-laws...!!































































































































































































































































































I was spazzing for nothing, but it made me happy... :D

































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Guest YongxHyun




















@YongxHyun: the gif posted by soleil was back in the episode when they were getting their driver's license. the episode before the consolation picnic prepared by Jungshin and Hyoyeon with the banmal and TMYW punishments.
















@Faith_memory and tinybeatingheart: hahaha, I'm not that big of a fanboy, but I am a fan. okay so I'm a fanboy. :) :)actually, I got to know SNSD through WGM. YongSeo is the first couple I watched. I grew fond of Seohyun and her unnies because of WGM.































oh thanks!! I have to rewatch it again haha
















I forgot it already :rolleyes:
















LOVE them so so so so much~~~
















I'm collecting all of their gifs~ ^^





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oh wow? where u found it? i never see it before!


is it part of WGM..or..??


that girl is seohyun right..??



YongxHyun...if, I'm not mistaken, this scene was taken during the time they were in the driving field for their driver's license.  Yong was waiting for her to return from the waiting area after she failed at the driving field.  He looks so cute on this cut, by the way :wub:



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Guest YongxHyun
























I really wish they practice in SNSD's dressing room....
















that will be so FUNNN!!!
















I really love hyun's unnies
















they are so cute!
















I really hope yong will visit SNSD's dorm...
















please PD!!!
















can u hear me :mellow:





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































@d_?????: nice translations. and the screencap of Yong entering SNSD's waiting room. Fany always likes Yong for Seohyun and treats the couple special. I think she is the fist to call him Yong seobang (in Music core with Sooyoung and Seohyun).
































































































































































































in d_????? screen cap, Fany was pointing at Yong's couple ring. but out of the 4 SNSD girls in the room, who had the widest smile? hint: she is not sitting. :)
































































































































































































@tinybeatingheart: I like the girls, but Seohyun and Taeyeon are my major biases. lately I appreciate Fany because she is caring and very warm towards Yong. I like the individual personalities of the 9 girls of SNSD. I watch all couples, but I only download YongSeo cuts. :)

































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Guest tinybeatingheart


Hey, yea. That's my case. wacko.gif It's actually early in the morning, exacty 12:45 AM. Seriously, I can't sleep. sleep.gif

By the way, while browsing some SNSD photos on Tumblr, I saw this one.


I was like, "Woah~ I want Yongseo couple to be like that too♥" So, I see.. Everyone will come f there'll be a weddng? Awh! wub.gif

Do every couple in We Got Married have 'wedding' because I definitely can't wait for that. Kkk~~ ♥

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Guest YongxHyun




















Hello! Found something interesting in CNBLUE is thread... I want to point this comment from SATURN (I love her post about CNBLUE they keep me informed, thanks a lot)
















See that thing he showed YH that SH bring was distributed in the July concert!!!!
















This is me been crazy but.... OMG OMG OMG OMG I am hyperventilating I TOTALLY 100% SURE THAT SH WAS IN CNBLUE IS CONCERT...
















WAHHHHHHH!!!!!   Me a happy Goguma!!!































emm.....SH brought this fan to the dressing room...?
















is that fan belongs to SH ?
















I dont really understand the first part..
















but i will take the "SH was in the concert" hahaaa
















I always think SH went to the concert ~~~:rolleyes:





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Guest sun_sun



And last, I want to ask to Sun_sun if there is a place where we can find all the subs she has done for us! I really like J2dlee translation the most haha ^^... thanks sun_sun, and thanks J2dlee :wub:

Have a happy spazzing gogumas!!!!



Sorry to cut your post...All vids that I subbed from j2dlee's translation, I reuploaded all here >>> My link

and Good Night everyone...just wish I wake up tomorrow is Saturday...lol


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Guest YongxHyun




















Hey, yea. That's my case. wacko.gif It's actually early in the morning, exacty 12:45 AM. Seriously, I can't sleep. sleep.gif
















By the way, while browsing some SNSD photos on Tumblr, I saw this one.
















I was like, "Woah~ I want Yongseo couple to be like that too♥" So, I see.. Everyone will come f there'll be a weddng? Awh! wub.gif
















Do every couple in We Got Married have 'wedding' because I definitely can't wait for that. Kkk~~ ♥































not all the couples have "wedding"
















but I think, and I hope goguma couple will have the wedding
































how can they not have it ><"
















I will be so sad if they dont....





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Hello guys... i am new here... just found out this page while searching for updates regading yongseo couple...   i been reading some contents...


BTW i was wondering whats Buin means T_T... i know i read it somewhere but i cant find it... hope you guys can help me ^^


Thanks you very much


its a pleasure to join in this thread ^^





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Guest maybelove






Hello guys... i am new here... just found out this page while searching for updates regading yongseo couple...   i been reading some contents...




BTW i was wondering whats Buin means T_T... i know i read it somewhere but i cant find it... hope you guys can help me ^^




Thanks you very much




its a pleasure to join in this thread ^^











welcome to the thread!! :) Buin means wife in korean



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Guest tinybeatingheart

heartbreak_warfare22, Ah, I like them all. Seriusly. Hmm, well, Fany unnie isn't just warm and caring to Yong. But also to everyone especially Seohyun rolleyes.gif Remember the episode where in they exchanged CDs, Tiffany said: "Make Joohyun cry and 8 of us will hate you." And Seohyun said too (just found it somewhere): "All of my unnies take care of me very well, but Tiffany unnie takes care of me alot." I'm kinda noisy today, please bear with me. happy.gif

Just downloaded SNSD's Genie 3D MV and yes, Seohyun in BLUE. Again. Yeah!

And first time seeing her doing a tongue action lol (Is it?)


Just noticed something.. Seohyun is slowly blooming since We Got Married started and she isn't that 'innocent' anymore nowadays. And.. I keep saying they are real. Definitely. What made me say that? Because I've been a S♥NE since their debut and Seohyun-biased. (Whoever had watched Horror Movie Factory here, I'm sure you can relate.) Seohyun is kind of awkward when she gets mad, yep. To put it short, she doesn't really get mad. But in We Got Married, everything came out. Yonghwa really changed Seohyun. Omo~


YongxHyun, Aw, really? I hope too! Really, really high hope! I will be sad too if they will not have that kind of wedding. tears.gif But it's okay, as long as they will marry in real life<3 wub.gif

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Guest YongxHyun




















heartbreak_warfare22, Ah, I like them all. Seriusly. Hmm, well, Fany unnie isn't just warm and caring to Yong. But also to everyone especially Seohyun rolleyes.gif Remember the episode where in they exchanged CDs, Tiffany said: "Make Joohyun cry and 8 of us will hate you." And Seohyun said too (just found it somewhere): "All of my unnies take care of me very well, but Tiffany unnie takes care of me alot." I'm kinda noisy today, please bear with me. happy.gif
















Just downloaded SNSD's Genie 3D MV and yes, Seohyun in BLUE. Again. Yeah!
















And first time seeing her doing a tongue action lol (Is it?)
















Just noticed something.. Seohyun is slowly blooming since We Got Married started and she isn't that 'innocent' anymore nowadays. And.. I keep saying they are real. Definitely. What made me say that? Because I've been a S♥NE since their debut and Seohyun-biased. (Whoever had watched Horror Movie Factory here, I'm sure you can relate.) Seohyun is kind of awkward when she gets mad, yep. To put it short, she doesn't really get mad. But in We Got Married, everything came out. Yonghwa really changed Seohyun. Omo~
































YongxHyun, Aw, really? I hope too! Really, really high hope! I will be sad too if they will not have that kind of wedding. tears.gif But it's okay, as long as they will marry in real life<3 wub.gif































I remember her unnies said she couldnt get mad when filming MV, right?
















I dont really remember
















I am just SNSD fan recently
















so I dont know how hyun was in the past ...





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Guest Crystal392

Buin means wife :)

Welcome new spazzers to Goguma Planet *throws lots of confetti*

In my opinion both are lucky to have found each other, both are amazing people who are living their dreams and I love them to death ^^

rainie_chu: I heard it is difficult to play with rings, and he wears BIG rings sometimes so I'm sure that makes it even more difficult. But he is probably used to it right now :) I find it amazing too... hehehe

s0leil: I want to give you + sooo bad but I reached my daily quota... awww that gif is :wub: To the ones who have watched 'You are beautiful', it makes me remember a scene with Minam... hehehe I'm sure you will understand what I mean :). Her hair... his eyes... ♥

ricevol: Nope she didn't. On KIA Motors event pics you can see she is still wearing her WGM ring on her left hand and her SNSD ring on her right hand :D

tinybeatingheart: Just reading your post makes me realize you are the person I've always looked for. I wasn't a big fan of SNSD before WGM, I liked their songs but didn't know much about the girls nor cared to look more info about them (just Sunny because I watched 'Invincible Youth'). Thanks to WGM I got to learn more about them, their bond is so awesome. I watched lots of SNSD shows and I always had the feeling that Hyun~ had changed in WGM, like she came (and still doing that) out of her shell slowly... she is always being an amazing and bright girl but sometimes she got overshadowed by her unnies (who are super bright too!). But since WGM began I felt as if Hyun~ became more flexible... like more experienced (I don't know how to explain it but I'm sure you will understand what I mean); but because I wasn't a SNSD fan before I thought maybe it was because I am YongHwa and YongSeo biased. Reading your post makes me happy because I agree with you... I also feel she has changed a lot and that's thanks to YongHwa ^^ And YongHwa has learned a lot thanks to Joohyun too. I am super glad they were paired together ♥^

Kerube-Chan: When I read saturn's post I didn't think of that. You may be right... supossedly Hyun~ brought that fan right? (or did the CNBLUE members already have that fan on their waiting room?). And that fan was distributed on CNBLUE's July Korean concert :o

Please don't forget it's against soompi rules to post one-lines (less than 20 words). :)

Let's take care of Goguma Planet and spread Goguma Love ^^

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Guest YongxHyun












































WOW!! 109338 VIEWS!
















and 1259 comments!
















and the number is keep increasing :)!
















They are so so so popular now ^^
















MBC gives us more more videos!!
















1minute 47 is too short :sweatingbullets:
















but i watched it more than 10 times already





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































@tinybeatingheart: (its almost 2AM, why are you still up?) :) 
























I watched horror movie factory. and I remember the host and her unnies asking her to act mad towards Fany. but she had a hard time acting mad, she even bargained if she could do it respectfully because they asked her to say "yah!" to Fany. and after that she cried. but towards Yong, she is very open and she tells him straight what she feels. she indeed changed because of Yonghwa. 
























and about the wedding photo shoot. It will happen soon enough. I think their schedule (which is very packed) gets in the way of organizing a wedding photo shoot. Jokwon and GaIn got their wedding pictorial about 8 months into their marriage. so let's wait patiently. it would be a very nice surprise. :)





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Guest henh_se7en

any1 tell me where can I watch this couple cuts with engsub pls.

been searching all night in Utube but nothing were found :((

love potato couple a lot but dont know what clan should I type for their wgm being shown in Utube....haizzzzzz

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Guest charmonster










annyeong haseyo ...  *bows*






just wanna share something to all of you ...






 i don't know if this was been shared before but it's already 2:20 am in my place & I'm already dozing off but this PICTURE wakes me big time !!!






>>> My link






When I saw , I was like ... blink.gif






 Whew .... sweatingbullets.gif  It almost looks like REAL !!  biggrin.gif






 Well, someday I do hope that we'll get to see a picture like this, and that time , hope that It's REAL ..












ok.. I'll just post the pic here.. but for those who want to know where I got it, there' the link above ..











YongSeo Couple Spotted At the Airport !!






















cr. dcmarried ; as tagged ; reuploaded by jaslovesYG@iloveyongseo










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Guest constantia11




any1 tell me where can I watch this couple cuts with engsub pls.


been searching all night in Utube but nothing were found :((


love potato couple a lot but dont know what clan should I type for their wgm being shown in Utube....haizzzzzz






most likely you won"t find it in Youtube.

try RDRsubs for download with Engsub (their eng subs are superb!) or watch it at SNSD Seohyun account in Facebook.

I was gonna give you the link, but I am too sleepy (it's 1 am here in Jakarta!)

If you can't find it, PM me, I will give you the link tomorrow.

Enjoy and happy spazzing!!

Good night Goguma Villagers!!


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