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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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just watched today eps,funny eps especially when the quarell again maybe about kyuhyun and seohyun holding hands,need a translate for that because when yonghwa says merong to seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seohyun kinda bit angry,but in a cute way :D (from last eps seulong says when seohyun mad she is very cute),also from backstage yoona and soo young teased them ,lol so funny.and of course the performance,so many people cheer for them ,cannot wait for next eps
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































both of them wearing uniform school outfit.

































































































































































































































































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Guest tinybeatingheart












Hi again! biggrin.gif Just wanted to share my first ever banner or whatever you call it related to Yongseo.








Failure. =( Haha, I'm so bored. That's why. blush.gif





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























how did Yonghwa get Seohyun's high school uniform? could it be that he got it from Seohyun's unnies? her mom or he went to Seohyun's school and requested to make one? who knows. Yonghwa is very busy but he still made time to get that uniform and prepare for an event. that speaks a lot. he is going for the extra mile. I think the event he planned is for their 200th day and a way of saying sorry to Seohyun for the pushing-pulling stunt he did. also, there was something in CNBlue's waiting room. I think it was a Yonghwa mask but it has doodles on it. I think Seohyun and probably Jungshin made those doodles.





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Guest josielai
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh gosh i was reading the post watch the preview on my phone and i started smiling to myself in the bus!! gosh haha the 2 are really a pair of darlings! cant wait to watch it with subs keke thanks for all the updates girls!! gogumas fighting!!

































































































































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Guest iloveyousixteen

Okay, so I thought I'm going to be a forever lurker here. Haha. So.. I am a first timer here at soompi forums. I mean, I just regstered. crazy.gif But I was visting this thread (and I mean, ONLY THIS THREAD) for like 9423742365792 months ago just for Yongseo updates.

By the way, my name is Reyna from the Philippines. I am just 14 years old. biggrin.gif Certified Goguma! Just like every one here, right? keke~~

So yea, just finished watching Episode 29. Even though I don't understand, I'm spazzing like crazy. Haha. Here are some screencaps I want to share to my fellow Gogumas happy.gif


So first, they were practicing then.. YIKES. Yo~ng grabbed Hyu~n's hand. (MAJOR SPAZZ~~)


Then, they talked about Kyuhyun. dry.gif Jealous Yo~ng again. ohmy.gif


So they had LQ again. sweatingbullets.gif (Not so sure though)


Then they were okay again. blush.gif But.. EPIC FAIL, Yo~ng. laugh.gif


August 29 came. Hyu~n came first because Yo~ng is still MC-ing at Ink that time. But.. what's this? Jonghyun substituted Yo~ng? mellow.gif



Yo~ng! To the rescue! wub.gif So he fetched Hyu~n at their room. He was kinda.. nervous XD


Then... they practiced again! Last minute :D CNB Magnaes are dork, haha! w00t.gif


Time for their perf, fighting.


AND THERE IT ALL STARTED --- I mean, their Gangsta stuff. Haha.

Sorry if my post is sooooo long. tears.gif

Here's the preview btw, WGM Preview

Keke~ Welcome fellow Goguma Lover :)

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after the fishing trip Yong has been displaying so much more aegyo around Hyun!








this is my second fav. Yong aegyo Pt. 2!

























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Guest lunasol


I am rewatching the episode and I noticed that not only he wrote 200 in the pin but he filled the cloud with YS and I am not sure if something more!! You can see the writing at diodano1's part 2 video at time 7:48. How sweet of him!! He is a romantic guy wub.gif










What does Merong mean??








iloveyousixteen: People are giving you negative points in your post because it is against soompi rules to quote images etc and also write one-liners. They say that moderators are strict about it and can close a thread if people go against the rules. You can click edit in your own post and eliminate the tags ( and ) so hat you will only see the url of the link of the photo. Or just completely delete them. Also, write a little more so that it will not remain as a one-liner. Hope that helps!! smile.gif


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Guest armedbattle








I am really envious of all those at the KPN Concert now. I refrained myself from going because of my exams in 2weeks and I wanted to spend time studying. The last time I got back after CN Blue’s mini live, I was on a never-ending adrenaline for more than a week and my studies went on a bad-timed hiatus. So in the end, I stayed at home watching WGM and reading Chinese subs then translating. Ironic.




Y: Aish. Its today.




H: Hurry. There’s no time. Hurry.




H: But without you at rehearsal, can the three of them handle it without their hyung?




Y: That’s right. I will rush down straight after my schedule




MC NY: How can they perform without a rehearsal?








H: I was really worried. Our schedule was really packed and we never had any rehearsal before




Y: We practiced individually for the past few days. That day was our first time practicing together.




Y: How should we do it? Jung Shin and Jong Hyun will be here. Minhyuk will be at the back




H: Yes




Y: You will come in from there




H: From here




*Starts singing RDR*




Y: Do I come in here?




H: Didn’t we change the sequence?




Y: Ah… Its like this. I got mixed up.




H: There’s no action here. What do we do?




Y: You will feel uncomfortable?




H: Yes.




Y: Aish. We will know what to do when we are there.




H: No. We can’t perform without any preparation.




Y: Then I will do freestyle.




H: What do I do?




Y: Don’t worry. I will lead you.




H: No. I am worried




Y: *singing RDR* We will meet here.




H: At this part when I sing I’ve been cheated by you, I will tilt my head this way.




Y: Okay! Okay! That's what we will do.




H: Hurry.




Y: You’re the best! You’re a genius.




H: Hurry! Hurry!




*singing RDR until the part about kicking you away*




Y: Kick! Kick!




H: I will really kick.




Y: Ah. Really?




H: You want me to kick?




Y: Of course you kick.




H: To the left or the right.




Y: Are you a left hander or right hander?




H: Right hander.




Y: Okay but don’t kick my butt.




Y: Okay. Good.




*You better run run run*




Y: I will look at you here ok. And you will glare at me.




H: Ah. I will laugh. I can’t.




MC Jake: Its difficult to face each other and sing.




MC: Its awkward!








Y: We are husband and wife! Husband and wife! We need to look like one!




H: Okay.




*Singing Love Light: It feels as if Love has come to us*




MC: They look really close




MC Jake: Has Seohyun forgiven him?




MC NY: That’s right.




MC: No. She hasn’t forgiven him.




MC Jake: Really?




Y: And… You are my love……… light. THANK YOU!




H: Should we hold hands on this side instead?




*You are my love light*




MC Jake: Just like this




MC: Yes. Hold hands








Y: Good. Good.




H: Its funny but alright.




Y: Run devil run is fine too?




H: Yes. And… You know about it? KyuHyun Oppa and I




Y: Yes. I heard about it




H: Oh. You heard about it?




Y: Yea.




H: Held hands…




*News: SeoHyun didn’t hold hands with Jung Yong Hwa. She held some other guy’s hands*




H: Holding hands with him and this is different. Anyway, its nothing.




Y: What? What? Its nothing holding another guy’s hand?




H: No.




Y: When I was in Singapore, I saw your text and got a shock.




H: Why?




Y: Your text was hilarious “I held hands with Kyuhyun oppa at a concert. You should know about it.”




H: No. I meant “I just wanted to let you know”




Y: “You should know about it”




H: I wanted to say “I just wanted to let you know”




Y: No “You should know about it”




H: aish. I will check later.




Y: I knew about it before. I read on the internet. Fans said “They held hands. What about YongHwa?”. But I am cool about it.




H: I texted you but you didn’t reply




Y: I choose to reply you carefully. The day you were flying off, didn’t I call you?




H: That… I don’t know




Y: You never text me first. It’s always me texting you first.




H: I….




Y: melong. *sticks out tongue*




H: I do text you first. Liar. Seriously.




MC Jake: Shouldn’t they be practicing instead of having another push and pull battle?




Y: Your tone was hilarious! “I held hands with Kyuhyun oppa at a concert. You should know about it”. I texted you and you never replied!




H: I didn’t receive it. My phone wasn't with me. I did tell you. Liar.




Y Sings: Its raining. Singing this song, I think of you




H: Aish. Seriously. Come here and sit down.




Y: Got it. I will treat you well, Seohyun-ah




H: Forget it.




Y: Sorry.




H: I feel as if we don’t understand one another




Y: What understand?




MC: Looks like they have reached this situation




Y: No. Why are you like this? Its just interesting




H: Its not interesting








Y: I have nothing to hide about my feelings. So up til now,  I’m surprised she still doesn’t get what I mean? Its exhausting lately.




H: Truthfully, during this period of time, regarding our mutual concern for one another. I am not clear when it was sincere. That’s why from the recent events, it allowed everyone to understand better.




Question: Is the push and pull situation going to help?




H: Yes. What  goes around will come around




JW: Ah. Its raining heavily




Y: Let’s make Kimchi stew




H: Really?




Y: Ah. Kimchi stew needs to have (?). Make it as a herbal medicine for me




H: Okay. Please wait.




Y: Because today’s schedule is really exhausting




MC Jake: Even his hands are not coordinated




Y: Buin! I am going to work!




H: Come back soon




Y: Bye




H: Bye




Y: Practice well at home. I’m off.




H: Bye bye




Y: Bye bye




MC NY: Its raining heavily




MC: Ah. Jung Shin chingoo








Y: Hello. I am Yong Hwa… Sulli… JoKwon.








*Jong Hyun and Seo Hyun highfive*




MC NY: Ah… Jong Hyun is so shy




JW: Its still raining. The concert is not even indoors. Its outdoors!




MC: Seo Hyun can’t coordinate well with others








Y: How long does it take to get there?











Min Hyuk: You have a call




H: Hello




Y: SeoHyun-ah. Have you practiced with the kids?




H: Yes. I practiced with Jong Hyun oppa




Y: How was it?




MC: She’s happy




H: It was different without you




Y: Got it. I will rush there now.




H: Come quickly. Be careful on the road.




Y: Okay




*Jung Shin sings awkwardly*




Min Hyuk (to Seo Hyun): Not bad








MC: What’s that?




JW: Is that a present?




MC NY: Is he preparing something?








Y: Because it was a special day so I would definitely do something that Seo Hyun likes. I prepared something for during the performance and after the performance. Things she would like to do. And I have a present for Seo Hyun. Three things.








Y: Where’s SNSD waiting room?




Min Hyuk: The room in front. She came just now. They did that (referring to what Jong Hyun was holding)




Y: Really? Okay.




*8Unnies together*




Y: Its weird.




JW: Its going to be awkward








SNSD: Yong Brother in law!




Y: Hello




SNSD: Come in




Y: Seohyun-ah




SNSD: They look good together




Y: Let’s go to our waiting room. There’s nobody there




H: Really?




SNSD: But there’s only the few of us here.




SNSD: Why must you go somewhere where there’s nobody




Y: Let’s go. Let’s go.




H: I will be back.




SNSD: Fighting!




H: Fighting




MC Jake: Isit the Japanese(?)








H: There’s no problem with Love Light so let’s start from Run Devil Run




Y: Do I stand here, Seo Hyun?




H: Here.




Y: Loudly!




H: When I sing “You have to hold onto me”, you rest your hand on my shoulder.




H: Okay?




Y: Ah. Its not bad. Not bad








H: Why are you nervous suddenly?




Y: I was nervous all along.




H: Fighting!




Tiffany and Yuri: Hello




Yuri: Ah. Seo Hyun. Let unnies see your cute side.




Y: See you later




Y&H: Fighting!




*Camera focuses on Yong Hwa's guitar strap with badge*




*Caption: 200th Day Anniversary. Wife doesn't know about the badge on his guitar strap*








MC: Ah. He's so energetic!








In preparation to move about, Yong Husband




While BEG is performing, CNBLUE is setting up




Swave Brothers-In-Law and with-worry-written-all-over-his-face Yong Husband




Without Hyun Wife, can we do it?




BEG's performance ends. Next up is CNBLUE's stage




Full of energy, Yong Husband and Wife's who's watching backstage




200th Day Anniversary




Husband performing while Wife gives her support




Slowly, it inches towards Husband and Wife's duet




Y: Love! Love! Love!




H(backstage): Clap! Clap! Clap!




Caption: Hyun prepares to go on stage




Caption: Yong slowly shows signs of nervousness




Caption: The door opens




Caption: Standing on the same stage, YongSeo Couple!




MC NY: Its starting! Its starting! Its starting!




Caption: Yong Husband prepares to go out




Caption: YongSeo Couple's first duet on stage




H Sings: Behave well, you bad boy!








On CNBLUE's stage, a very charismatic Hyun Wife




Ah! Is he nervous or is there something wrong with the earpiece?




The earpiece is malfunctioning




Immersed in the performance, Hyun Wife




Yong continues to fiddle with the earpiece




Yong tries his best to focus on the performance




After Run Devil Run, its Love Light which bears deep meaning for them




A different atmosphere from Run Devil Run




MC: They look like there's only the two of them present




MC: Focus on the meaning of the song!




Caption: Unknowingly, the song ends








Question: How was your first duet?




H: We did it. I was really relying on him, I didn't know it too. In such a nerve-wrecking situation, we could only rely on one another.




Y: The earpiece malfunctioned. Even though such a situation happened on our 200thday anniversary performance, it was very meaningful despite it being a heavy responsibility. It was very meaningful.




Question: What were your unnies reactions upon watching you and Yong Husband hold hands?




H: They went "wa!" Haha. All of them had the same reaction. I don't regret any bit of it (holding hands)




Y: We have already had our 200th day anniversary so they might be more accepting of us holding hands.




Caption: The weather was terrible and they did not have sufficient practice. Despite all the difficulties, they safely put on their first performance together.








1. Pardon any inaccurate translations so do take them with a pinch of salt. I might have misinterpreted some things.




2. AND I might have mixed up the MCs




iloveyousixteen: I will finish it once the Chinese translations are fully out. They release it part by part, they’re subbing at this moment as well. The moment they release the chinese subs, I translate it. Sorry to keep you waiting(: and please do share it, its for all yongseo lovers!




haeanna: Yes! I’m a Singaporean, how about you? On a self-imposed stay-at-home-and-study because where yongseo is concerned, I get easily distracted. Credit should go to the Chinese subbers on baidu. I’m merely translating and I don’t even know how accurate I am!







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Guest Jillwithercraft









how did Yonghwa get Seohyun's high school uniform? could it be that he got it from Seohyun's unnies? her mom or he went to Seohyun's school and requested to make one? who knows. Yonghwa is very busy but he still made time to get that uniform and prepare for an event. that speaks a lot. he is going for the extra mile. I think the event he planned is for their 200th day and a way of saying sorry to Seohyun for the pushing-pulling stunt he did. also, there was something in CNBlue's waiting room. I think it was a Yonghwa mask but it has doodles on it. I think Seohyun and probably Jungshin made those doodles.
























































I was wondering too, who did this? so funny :D Poor Yong :lol:
















































































































cre: Dc gall jyh.net









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Guest iloveyousixteen

So, yeah i'll be out for now.

I hope when I come back later or tomorrow the translations will be out already :))

I love this episode 29 they look cute :)))

Goodnight fellow Goguma Shippers ;)

I am really envious of all those at the KPN Concert now. I refrained myself from going because of my exams in 2weeks and I wanted to spend time studying. The last time I got back after CN Blue’s mini live, I was on a never-ending adrenaline for more than a week and my studies went on a bad-timed hiatus. So in the end, I stayed at home watching WGM and reading Chinese subs then translating. Ironic.

Y: Aish. Its today.

H: Hurry. There’s no time. Hurry.

H: But without you at rehearsal, can the three of them handle it without their hyung?

Y: That’s right. I will rush down straight after my schedule

MC NY: How can they perform without a rehearsal?

H: I was really worried. Our schedule was really packed and we never had any rehearsal before

Y: We practiced individually for the past few days. That day was our first time practicing together.

Y: How should we do it? Jungshin and Jonghyun will be here. Minhyuk will be at the back

H: Yes

Y: You will come in from there

H: From her

*Starts singing RDR*

Y: Do I come in here?

H: Didn’t we change the sequence?

Y: Ah… Its like this. I got mixed up

H: There’s no action here. What do we do?

Y: You will feel uncomfortable?

H: Yes.

Y: Aish. We will know what to do when we are there

H: No. We can’t perform without any preparations.

Y: Then I will do freestyle.

H: What do I do?

Y: Don’t worry. I will lead you.

H: No. I am worried

Y: *singing RDR* We will meet here

H: At this part when I sing I’ve been cheated by you, I will tilt my head this way

Y: Okay! Okay! You’re a genius!

H: Hurry

Y: You’re the best! You’re a genius

H: Hurry! Hurry!

*singing RDR until the part about kicking you away*

Y: Kick! Kick!

H: I will really kick

Y: Ah. Really?

H: You want me to kick?

Y: Of course you kick

H: To the left or the right

Y: Are you a left hander or right hander?

H: Right hander

Y: Okay but don’t kick my butt

Y: Okay. Good.

*You better run run run*

Y: I will look at you here ok. And you will glare at me

H: Ah. I will laugh. I can’t.

MC Jake: Its difficult to face each other and sing

MC Park: Its awkward!


Y: We are husband and wife! Husband and wife! We need to look like one!

H: Okay.

*Singing Love Light: It feels as if Love has come to us*

MC Park: They look really close

MC Jake: Has Seohyun forgiven him?

MC NY: That’s right.

MC Park: No. She hasn’t forgiven him.

MC Jake: Really?

Y: And… You are my love……… light. THANK YOU!

H: Should we hold hands on this side instead?

*You are my love light*

MC Kim: Just like this

MC Jake: Yes. Hold hands


Y: Good. Good.

H: Its funny but alright.

Y: Run devil run is fine too?

H: Yes. And… You know about it? KyuHyun Oppa and I

Y: Yes. I heard about it

H: Oh. You heard about it?

Y: Yea.

H: Held hands…

*News: SeoHyun didn’t hold hands with Jung Yong Hwa. She held some other guy’s hands*

H: Holding hands with him and this is different. Anyway, its nothing.

Y: What? What? Its nothing holding another guy’s hand?

H: No.

Y: When I was in Singapore, I saw your text and had a shock

H: Why?

Y: The way you text was hilarious “I held hands with Kyuhyun oppa at a concert. You should know about it”

H: No. I meant “I just wanted to let you know”

Y: “You should know about it”

H: I wanted to say “I just wanted to let you know”

Y: No “You should know about it”

H: aish. I will check later

Y: I knew about it before. I read on the internet. Fans said “They held hands. What about YongHwa?”. But I am cool about i

H: I texted you but you didn’t reply

Y: I choose to reply you carefully. The day you were flying off, didn’t I call you?

H: That… I don’t know

Y: You never text me first. It’s always me texting you first.

H: I….

Y: melong. *sticks out tongue*

H: I do text you first. Liar. Seriously.

MC Jake: Shouldn’t they be practicing instead of having another push and pull battle?

Y: Your tone was hilarious! “I held hands with Kyuhyun oppa at a concert. You should know about it”

Y: I texted you first and you never replied!

H: I didn’t receive it. That’s why I said I didn’t bring my phone. I told you. Liar.

Y Sings: Its raining. Singing this song, I think of you

H: Aish. Seriously. Come here and sit down.

Y: Got it. I will treat you well, Seohyun-ah

H: Forget it.

Y: Sorry.

H: I feel as if we don’t understand one another

Y: What understand?

MC: Looks like they have reached this situation

Y: No. Why are you like this? Its just interesting

H: Its not interesting

Y: I have nothing to hide about my feelings. So up til now,  I’m surprised she still doesn’t get what I mean? Its exhausting lately.

H: Truthfully, during this period of time, regarding our mutual concern for one another. I am not clear when it was sincere. That’s why from the recent events, it allowed everyone to understand better.

Question: Is the push and pull situation going to help?

H: Yes. What comes around will go around

JW: Ah. Its raining heavily

Y: Let’s make Kimchi stew

H: Really?

Y: Ah. Kimchi stew needs to have (?). Make it as a herbal medicine for me

H: Okay. Please wait.

Y: Because today’s schedule is really exhausting

MC Jake: Even his hands are not coordinated


1. Pardon any inaccurate translations

2. AND I might have mixed up the MCs


is it okay if your finish with this i will share it on our goguma shippers?. it's okay if not :D

well i hope you finish it~ hwaiting~! >w<

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Guest haeanna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yes..Yonghwa is sweet like that..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































merong is actually korean word to indicates the action when someone stick out the tongue to tease someone..very adorable of Yonghwa to do it to Hyun. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































rxp080100.. me too agree with you..Yonghwa started to display his aegyo-ness a lot to Hyun after the fishing trip.. Seriously this two is beyond adorable.. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kubih! your assumption is DAEBAK! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































iloveyousixteen you might want to edit your post. please don't quote images in your posts.. It's against soompi rules..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































j2dlee hugs to you..no need to worry girl. I bet there's some other kind soul who will be translating the ep.. have a nice work trip!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and for kind gogumas who post the YT links, artworks, screencaps, news , gifs, spazzes, many many many thank you to all of you. HUGS n KISSES~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OFF to rewatch the episode for the umpteenth time. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: ooppsie! sassysnsd already answered your question lunasol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and armedbattle ILUVU for the translation..So kind of you to take the time and translate for us..So i get that you're also SG Gogumas but decided not to attend the K Pop Night Concert to lock yourself up and study..* bear HUGS *. THANK YOU again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































btw, the K Pop night concert has kicked off already.. If you want live update via twitter you can follow yuki. .

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest iloveyousixteen

People, i'm really really really am sorry if my posts are too long or too many pictures. tears.gif

You see i'm new here, and yet i don't know the things which are wrong or not allowed

So i'm really am sorry blush.gif

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People, i'm really really really am sorry if my posts are too long or too many pictures. tears.gif
















You see i'm new here, and yet i don't know the things which are wrong or not allowed
















So i'm really am sorry blush.gif































It's okay, but just a reminder to all, there are soompi rules that we need to abide.
















1. Please don't quote pictures (Remove the image tag to avoid it)
















2. No one LINER, or post less than 20 words..
















3. Please stay polite
















WELCOME NEW Goguma Villagers!!! LET'S SPAZZZ!!!!! :w00t:
















edit: here's the link for the PREVIEW









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Guest chilipadi_22
















i just finished watching today's episode.








IT WAS REALLY DAEBAKKKKKK....hahahhha:) yongseo couple does not fail us every week.








really love today's episode. heehee^^








by the way, can someone upload next week's preview again. coz i think MBC removed it from youtube alr. thanks in advance. :)





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Guest xxraqSTAR

It's okay, but just a reminder to all, there are soompi rules that we need to abide.

1. Please don't quote pictures (Remove the image tag to avoid it)

2. No one LINER, or post less than 20 words..

3. Please stay polite

WELCOME NEW Goguma Villagers!!! LET'S SPAZZZ!!!!! :w00t:

aw. i'm sorry i didn't know about the "no one liner post" rule..

you see i am new here also, but i've been a lurker eversince,:sweatingbullets:

thank you for the info! ^_^

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Guest _hachimitsu


haha what's wrong with me, i am supposed to study! Anyway I really like this episode, it is really nice to know how yongseo prepared for their 1st live duet. The fact that both of them were very busy and have no time to practice together is even sweeter. So they even practiced over the phone? And what's up with the school uniform?? Awesomeee! 

Cant spazz much till we got the full translation (thank you subbers!) but other parts I like are SNSD members spazzing about yongseo, and CNBLUE members mimicking them practicing! I was laughing like a maniac while live streaming just now. Soo we've seen video proof of Hyun's unnies spazzing over yongseo - Tiffany, Taeyeon & Hyoyeon (+Sooyoung) in the earlier episodes, Yuri during their MuCore MCing, Yoona & Sooyoung in this episode. I want to see Jessica & Sunny next! AND THOSE ADORKABLE CNBLUE maknaes!!keke^^ 

@kubih!!! I was thinking along the same line. If what you predict actually happens, that's gonna be so cool! I remember there's one goguma from soompi predicted seohyun will wear the gagman mask while singing with a pink guitar to yonghwa during the birthday trip and when it happened while I was live streaming.. I was like woah-omg-awesome-gahh!

@iloveyousixteen posting lots of pictures is OK^^ but if you're quoting from other goguma, you can either remove the IMG tags(just find and delete the word IMG and the bracket around it), or you can repost the pictures without quoting. Just type what you want and insert back the picture link will do. Make sure you type more than 20 words yeah^^ 

This one is a bit out of today's topic... I've posed this before, but got some feedback that the colour was too pale. So i edited the colour & added the missing 'horror' word. Make Love Not War version 2:


Not to forget our 300th Yongseo Anniversary Project "I LOVE YONGSEO BECAUSE..."

I love Yongseo because through the journey of Seohyun & Yonghwa's virtual marriage, these two people who were total strangers from the beginning show us how to appreciate, respect, care, learn and love the simple things in life.

_hachimitsu, 21, Malaysia

All the best to the team! aishh these two... I want to keep them in my pocket T_T.

S'pore gogumas is having fun huh! *envy envy* Thank you in advance for translations, screencaps, opinions, etc!   :wub:


P/S: I'm sorry I just have to type this again...


1. No one liners (You have to type more than 20 words. You can edit your post, just add anything you want to say about yongseo)

2. Do not quote pictures (When quoting/replying someone's posts, delete the IMG tags. Just delete the word IMG and its bracket)

I saw a moderator just now, heck I was worried he/she might give us another warning. To new posters... we've got a warning before. If we get more warnings then they might shut down this place. You dont want that to happen dont you? Let's takecare of our Yongseo Thread, together, ok? 

  Yongseo FTW! :wub:


from lyrynne's translation

Yonghwa: *sings* While it's raining I listen to music and I think of you..

What's this, Yonghwa, an indirect confession?? *I'm at cloud nine*

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Guest *lyrynne*
















































































































































































































































the kyuhyun thing. I have poor Korean skills so please don't squish me *pouts* but I translated this based on what I heard them say ㅋㅋㅋ sorry for my inserted comments ahaha i can't help myself.
















































































































































































































Seohyun: Kyunghyun Oppa and I...
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: Ah, I heard.
















































































































































































































Seohyun: We held hands. It's the same.
















































































































































































































-Yonghwa and his ??? FACE-
















































































































































































































Seohyun: Anyway..
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: What is?
















































































































































































































Caption: Why mention that all of the sudden?
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: Are you trying to say something else seohyun-ah?
















































































































































































































Seohyun: No.
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: (I can read something else from his face) Okay.
















































































































































































































Caption: Are you just saying that?
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: When I was in Singapore. you know I was surprised when I read your text message.
















































































































































































































Seohyun: Why?
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: The way you texted was something "Kyuhyun Oppa held my hand at the concert. Just letting you know".
















































































































































































































Seohyun: No, I was just letting you know.
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: You're just letting me know. But I already know about that before because the fans uploaded it on the internet and they said "What about yonghwa?" But I'm cool about it.
















































































































































































































Seohyun: But you didn't reply to my text.
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: I text you regularly and I call you when I'm overseas. (OMG THEY DO THAT REGULARLY?? *GIGGLES*)
















































































































































































































Seohyun: That..I don't know.
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: You're the one who doesn't text first and I should be the first one to do so?
















































































































































































































Seohyun: No..I..
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: Melong~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































MC: They should be practicing but they're on a tug-of-war.
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: I texted you and I didn't receive any reply.
















































































































































































































Seohyun: The text didn't came and I didn't have my cellphone then. (I'm not sure about this since she was talking fast) Liar.
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: *sings* While it's raining I listen to music and I think of you..
















































































































































































































Seohyun: Ah, really now~ Hurry and sit down.
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: Okay. I'm sorry.
















































































































































































































Seohyun: It's the "push away" situation now.
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: What pushing away?
















































































































































































































Seohyun: Tug-of-war (push and pull battle)
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: What's the matter? I was just kidding.
















































































































































































































Seohyun: It's not funny.
















































































































































































































-seriously i can hear someone else laughing from the background...the staff?-
















































































































































































































Yonghwa: I didn't mean anything bad. I think she still doesn't understand what I feel. Sometimes it's hard.
















































































































































































































Seohyun: Actually when it's like this referring to our mutual concern for each other there are a lot of times that I'm not sure if it was sincere that's why I think this time we get to understand each other better.
















































































































































































































Staff: Was there a good thing about the push and pull battle?
















































































































































































































Seohyun: I think so. It's too late to find out about the good thing (about the push and pull battle)
















































































































































































































Seriously now...The Love quarrel was really cute. I can't wait for next week~ aiyee~ *buries myself in books*
















































































































































































































EDIT: oh if you see some mistakes feel free to correct me.^^

















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