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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest luckynew
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hahahaha.. So funny! I am watching the raw version from tudou! Haha.. So funny when Yong told Hyun to go make him something (at their house).. Hmm.. I'm guessing a smoothie drink (banana?). When she was making it (she was singing.. Loving you?), he walked up to her and was about to place his elbow on her shoulder she ended up moving to her right.. Hahaha (WHY THEY ALWAYS GET BAD TIMING??? But, still funny!) Then he chased her with his elbow and placed it on her shoulder. Hahaha.. So funny and cute. Then, they started to sing Love Light.
































































































































































































































































Edit: And then, JongHyun practicing Yong's part with Hyun on the stage. Lol. He looked HAPPY and SHY. Lol.

































































































































































































































































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this is my guess. the reason why yonghwa and seohyun wear those uniforms and a visit to school is because yonghwa is trying to break the ice with seohyun to speak in banmal. in other words by wearing the school uniform its like they are now as the same age couple. if that is yonghwa's plan, then i might say that is a brilliant idea! for the sake of wanted being closer with hyun. banmal mission is on the way!





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a very kind ANONYMOUS goguma sent this to me so credits go to him/her!








































it's the first 5 min of their cut!
































yong: it's today...
































seohyun: hurry there's no time. we have to hurry








































yong: think about it patiently...*both sigh*








































seohyun: but you said you couldn't make it today... you have to be there








































mc: how can you perform without rehearsing?!








































yong: yeah... I heard that I'm going... finishing my other schedule (inkigayo) and we'll perform right after.








































*backroom interview* seohyun: I was really worried. Truthfully, we didn't meet up at all to rehearse. We were both so busy








































*backroom interview* yong: Today was the first time we rehearsed in person pretty much (the text says: they practiced over the phone)








































yong: what are you going to do? *stands on couch* jungshin. jonghyun. behind me minhyuk








































s: yes








































yong: then you come on stage. you walk out from there.








































 s: o from this side. *sings run devil run*








































yong: this is my part?!








































s: we changed it!








































yong: right right right right.. i was confused








































s: here... it's not a standing mic (a mic that stands up on its own) ...








































yong: it's embarrassing?








































s: yes.








































yong: ah we really have to be there (to figure this kind of stuff out)








































s: no we can't go without some sort of plan








































yong: i freestyle this kind of stuff








































s:... what should i do?








































yong: don't worry I'll do something to support you








































s: no no no it worries me








































yong: *singing run devil run* we're going to meet here... *keeps singing*








































s: "fell over" (part of run devil run lyrics)... i'm going to fall over like this.








































yong: ok *thumbs up* you have good sense (this is a sort of.. weird... korean compliment. kind of like saying someone has good taste.) you're a genius








































s: hurry hurry!








































*run devil run* (run devil run has lyrics saying "i wanna get rid of you/ i wanna kick you out")








































yong: kick! kick! *kicking motion*








































 s: i'm going to kick. you want me to kick you?








































yong: you have to kick








































s: should i kick to the left or right?








































yong: what's your strong foot?








































s: i'm right handed








































yong: (can't really make this part out - don't kick my butt??)








































*singing run devil run*








































yong: ok good... here we look at each other








































*singing love light*








































yong: we can't look away from each other's eyes








































s: i think i'm going to laugh! you can't do that!








































yong: we have to stare like this... we're husband and wife. we have to do husband and wife like gestures. 
















































































mc's talking








































*love light ends*








































yong: ok thank you! (pretending to talk to crowd)








































s: don't u think it's better to hold hands like this?








































yong: good good!








































s: it's funny!








































s: oh! did you know.. me and kyuhyun oppa...








































yong: yeah i heard about it i heard about it








































s: we held hands








































s: we held hands and this is the same thing








































yong: well what do u want? do you want something different seohyun ah?








































s: no








































yong: when was it... after i came back from singapore? i was so surprised after seeing your text








































s: why?








































yong: the way you were talking was so funny. "during the concert, i held kyuhyun oppa's hand. Just telling you." (said the text message)  








































s: just wanted you to know!








































edited it b/c it was out of order before








































This is all I have b/c its now bed time (5am!)








































thanks in advance to those translators who finish subbing the rest of the episode!








































Goguma fighting!









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Guest baby_bo

































































this is my guess. the reason why yonghwa and seohyun wear those uniforms and a visit to school is because yonghwa is trying to break the ice with seohyun to speak in banmal. in other words by wearing the school uniform its like they are now as the same age couple. if that is yonghwa's plan that i might say that is a brilliant idea! for the sake of wanted being closer with hyun. banmal mission is on the way!
































































Oh wow! Good POint :)
































































I like that idea :) keke
































































I was so upset with MBC, TVU because i wasn't able to stream the episode awhile ago.
































































But now im totally okay after watching the whole episode..
































































Don't you guys think our couple is the CUTEST???
































































that little argument/bickering they have at their house is super duper cute!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
































































































































j2dlee, no worries. we are very thankful for all your time and translations :) we will patiently wait for you.
































































I know there are gogumas here who can help us with translation kekeke

































































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Guest kudougirl



this is my guess. the reason why yonghwa and seohyun wear those uniforms and a visit to school is because yonghwa is trying to break the ice with seohyun to speak in banmal. in other words by wearing the school uniform its like they are now as the same age couple. if that is yonghwa's plan that i might say that is a brilliant idea! for the sake of wanted being closer with hyun. banmal mission is on the way!


OMG you're so smart!!! why didn't i think about that? w00t.gif 


yong is really an unexpected boy biggrin.gif


thank you so much, kubih, for telling us about this w00t.gif


yaaaaaaaay yong!!!!!! your mission will succeed!!!



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Guest blueshoes
















look how Yong hold her hand
































credit 뭉끼누나★ @ DC married gall
































@kubih : I think like you hehe ~
















@rxp080100 : Thank you very very much to translate this
















I like this part ~ She want him to be jealous haha
























yong: when was it... after i came back from singapore? i was so surprised after seeing your text
















s: why?
















yong: the way you were talking was so funny. "during the concert, i held kyuhyun oppa's hand. Just telling you." (said the text message)
















s: just wanted you to know!




















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Guest constantia11

this is my guess. the reason why yonghwa and seohyun wear those uniforms and a visit to school is because yonghwa is trying to break the ice with seohyun to speak in banmal. in other words by wearing the school uniform its like they are now as the same age couple. if that is yonghwa's plan that i might say that is a brilliant idea! for the sake of wanted being closer with hyun. banmal mission is on the way!

My opinion exactly!!

Reading some posts before, about Yong wants Hyun to speak banmal with him like she did with his brothers.

Since it's difficult to make her do the same to him in real situation, I think Yong is trying to make a situation where Hyun can speak banmal and comfortable with him like school mate.

My imagination runs wild... hehehehehe..

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Guest Cjbaby12


Hello fellow gogumas!!!! First time in this thread... :) Wanna share the YT links that I found!!!

Credit to diodano1 :D Thanks for the fast upload!






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Guest iloveyousixteen

Hello fellow gogumas!!!! First time in this thread... :) Wanna share the YT links that I found!!!

Credit to diodano1 :D Thanks for the fast upload!






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Guest DJHinata

this is my guess. the reason why yonghwa and seohyun wear those uniforms and a visit to school is because yonghwa is trying to break the ice with seohyun to speak in banmal. in other words by wearing the school uniform its like they are now as the same age couple. if that is yonghwa's plan that i might say that is a brilliant idea! for the sake of wanted being closer with hyun. banmal mission is on the way!

But i notice that seohyun said to yonghwa "chincha" doesn't in banmal? OWO   they are getting closer !! ♥ 

i hope yonghwa do something really romantic to hyun ~ today episode khuntoria part was so romantic but our yongseo couple is 1000000000 times more ! ♥ 

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But i notice that seohyun said to yonghwa "chincha" doesn't in banmal? OWO   they are getting closer !! ♥ 


















































i hope yonghwa do something really romantic to hyun ~ today episode khuntoria part was so romantic but our yongseo couple is 1000000000 times more ! ♥ 































yup, she seems like being able to speak banmal partially. what yonghwa is hoping that seohyun would talk in banmal as in a whole context of a conversation. comfortably, of course. that dude yonghwa really wants to feel the affectionate treatment from his wife. once again i will say this, for god's sake let that guy's dream be granted. it would be a nice prelude towards their highly anticipated sweet oversea honeymoon (erk!)i mean their date trip to tokyo.
















p/s: come on you torrent just a little bit more. damn busan mbc they didn't show wgm.





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Guest korukoru86
































































































hello guys..SR out for a while...ekekke :P
































today episode are so funny..can't stop smiling and giggling when seeing this couple bickering during their practicing at home..eventhough i'm not understand what are they saying but that is so funny..lol..both are so cuteee..
































sis in law are so funny also..yong seobangg.lol..are they so excited when looking at yonghwa?ahahha..and minhyuk and jungshin..lol..both maknae's imitated yongseo couple..i can;t stop laughing when saw that scene..
































as usual i keep repeating this at myself..i can't wait for next saturday.omg both couple become high school couple.so cute looking at them wearing high school uniform.they become a student and it looks like it will become 1st love for seohyun during high school.ekeke..that's good idea yong..what surprise you want to do again?can't wait..and i agree with kubih assumption..maybe it's true..wait & see next week.. B) back to lurker mode again..ekekke :ph34r:

































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Haha what the heck. Yonghwa manage to get Seohyun's old high school uniform. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=526005&page=10&bbs=

































































































































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Haha what the heck. Yonghwa manage to get Seohyun's old high school uniform. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=526005&page=10&bbs=































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks so much for the photo! I am a woman, but I must say she look very sweet!

































































































































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Guest DJHinata

Hyuksu ! that picture omo~~ aaa saturday come pali pali !!! XDDDD

aww yonghwa why you are so lovely?!  


aww yonghwa ~~  yonghwa yonghwa ~~  now the song "i don't why" it's getting more sense every episode that we watch

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Guest tinybeatingheart












Okay, so I thought I'm going to be a forever lurker here. Haha. So.. I am a first timer here at soompi forums. I mean, I just regstered. crazy.gif But I was visting this thread (and I mean, ONLY THIS THREAD) for like 9423742365792 months ago just for Yongseo updates.




By the way, my name is Reyna from the Philippines. I am just 14 years old. biggrin.gif Certified Goguma! Just like every one here, right? keke~~




So yea, just finished watching Episode 29. Even though I don't understand, I'm spazzing like crazy. Haha. Here are some screencaps I want to share to my fellow Gogumas happy.gif








So first, they were practicing then.. YIKES. Yo~ng grabbed Hyu~n's hand. (MAJOR SPAZZ~~)















Then, they talked about Kyuhyun. dry.gif Jealous Yo~ng again. ohmy.gif








So they had LQ again. sweatingbullets.gif (Not so sure though)








Then they were okay again. blush.gif But.. EPIC FAIL, Yo~ng. laugh.gif








August 29 came. Hyu~n came first because Yo~ng is still MC-ing at Ink that time. But.. what's this? Jonghyun substituted Yo~ng? mellow.gif












Yo~ng! To the rescue! wub.gif So he fetched Hyu~n at their room. He was kinda.. nervous XD








Then... they practiced again! Last minute :D CNB Magnaes are dork, haha! w00t.gif








Time for their perf, fighting.








AND THERE IT ALL STARTED --- I mean, their Gangsta stuff. Haha.




Sorry if my post is sooooo long. tears.gif




Here's the preview btw, WGM Preview





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Guest YongxHyun
















































I cant wait for next week!!
















and wow..they are still in the "push and pull" in the duet..
















when will u guys be finish with that ><""
















yong! dont push too far !!!

































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Hello gogumas


im at the concert hall now!


sooo excited


happy spazzing but keep the thread 'safe'


will share everything w u guys later


to SG Gogumas. LETS PARTY!!!



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a very kind ANONYMOUS goguma sent this to me so credits go to him/her!


it's the first 5 min of their cut!




edited it b/c it was out of order before


This is all I have b/c its now bed time (5am!)


thanks in advance to those translators who finish subbing the rest of the episode!


Goguma fighting!



Thanks for sharing this partial sub and thank you to the "anonymous goguma".  It's nice to know that there are a lot of goguma's who are kind enough to translate for those who cannot understand Hangul.  :wub:



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