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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest chachann
















































this is the first time i'm posting here..































i'm usually a lurker..































but seeing everybody in panic, i came out just to say the tvu link is not working..































everybody can go to this link to watch..






























































but it lags to much..































they are performing now..

















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Guest hayitsglen



o finished already ): lol

great episode ! liked yongwha's 200day thingo.

and the uniform?!

guess well see next week !


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oh my got , they changed the channel i kept waiting, now it finished, waiting for someone to upload, so frustrated now, cant wait to know what happened. love YongSeo


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stream page but lag so much...

















thanks for the link. you saved me. but gosh it was so short! i think i only saw like the second half, but still. so short. does anyone else feel that way :(






armedbattle thanks for the info. but why would they do that to us :( i'm so sad now. gosh. hahaha.


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Morning, happy Goguma lovers!








Sorry, I won’t be able to translate the Yongseo episode today (and next week) for I’ll be away for a while. T^T








It’s work related and this is the reason why I couldn’t come to this thread often for the last couple of weeks.








Was so busy I almost got on the plane without telling you!








I’m relying on other kind translators to provide their own wonderful service^^








See you later, Goguma lovers-





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oh my gosh!..it was so short... why?...huhuh
















































































it was jong hwa who made the 200day pin... on his guitar...

















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Guest pandasoori




tvu suck ! erggh , wait whole week just for today ep but turn like this . mini coopert .


tension rite now . yes . so short . grrrr . mbc !


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Oh, their segment just finished. So impressed with Yongseo. They barely had time to practice but everything turn out so well during the duet! Am really impressed with Seohyun. I mean, I know Yong can do impromptu, but Hyun? She must have planned in advance what to do during her singing. Really well trained and professional.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And Jonghyun have to come in!! hahaha, you guys watch it, you will laugh. :D I dun want to tell you now, else it will reduce the humour when you watch it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And the other two boys are so funny too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I dont quite understand korean, so I cant tell you what exactly went on. But overall a very happy episode :D

































































































































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Guest magicaL.chubi3
































































i've only saw Yongseo---the choppy one! heck~ now i want to watch again. oooohh~ tvu waegoereyo? jjinja! :tears: waiting for fast uploaders...maybe keoconvoi or diodanoo...or sun_sun dear! hihi~









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Guest _hachimitsu


@miel & panGG thank you~ doing artworks/fanart is my way to release stress. heheh, crazy uni life.^^

ughh i managed to stream WGM but it was lagging much. hopefully some kind souls will share download/YT links soon. seems like most of us cant stream it huh? Sharing 1 caps from today's episode:


lol look at jungshin and minhyuk mimicking yongseo at the back!

gotta go, love u guys^^

EDIT: OMG 1062 users!!!!!?

and guys, i know it is frustrating when you can't stream/missed yongseo cuts but please please follow the soompi rules: NO ONE LINERS (please write more than 20 words) or the mods might close down this place   :mellow:

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Morning, happy Goguma lovers!
































































































































Sorry, I won’t be able to translate the Yongseo episode today (and next week) for I’ll be away for a while. T^T
































































































































It’s work related and this is the reason why I couldn’t come to this thread often for the last couple of weeks.
































































































































Was so busy I almost got on the plane without telling you!
































































































































I’m relying on other kind translators to provide their own wonderful service^^
































































































































See you later, Goguma lovers-































































































































































































































































Have a  nice and safe fly J2dlee, thanks a lot to you, we will be waiting for you!!
































































































































Missed WGM T_T, that was not fair <_<...
































































































































EDIT: Thanks for the screencaps... LOL to CNBlue boys hahaha

































































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you can watch it here. :) I'm watching it right now. hahaha



















thanks for sharing the link, sad to say though, by the time I got connected, their part already ended :angry:. Anyway,  I'll just wait for the uploads at YT :)



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Guest exceptional.chic








OHHHHH. TVU how could you do this to me.




it ended already? OMONA!




TVU, WHY? i really can't understand after Music Core there where a couple of commercials and then it became like a travel show. OMONA!



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Guest miel_1301

Morning, happy Goguma lovers!

Sorry, I won’t be able to translate the Yongseo episode today (and next week) for I’ll be away for a while. T^T

It’s work related and this is the reason why I couldn’t come to this thread often for the last couple of weeks.

Was so busy I almost got on the plane without telling you!

I’m relying on other kind translators to provide their own wonderful service^^

See you later, Goguma lovers-

It's okay j2dlee. We understand that there are other important things that we ought to prioritize. Always take care of yourself.

I'm sure other kind GoGumas will do their own versions of the translations.

The episode just ended. It was so fast again. But the episode is loaded with many BTS from the Incheon Korean Wave.

Just a gist of what happened in the episode...

Another good episode for me--- basically showed YongSeo practising their performance at home then Hyun went to the Concert venue for the rehearsal. Jonghyun had to fill-in for YongHwa. Hahaha! He was all feeling so shy being with Hyun on stage. Hyun practised in a room with the CN Blue Dongsaengs while waiting for Yong who had an emceeing stint at SBS Inki. Then finally Yong arrived and he had to fetch Hyun from the SNSD's dressing room. Sooyoung and Yoona were both screaming as Yong entered. Yong felt kinda embarrassed. Then the couple went to the room where the CN Blue dongsaengs are waiting. They all did a final dry-run. Jungshin and Minhyuk were so funny dancing together while the couple was practising singing "Love Light". The choreo for the RDR was all SeoHyun's idea. She definitely is a PRO.

YongHwa was obviously feeling nervous before the start of the CN Blue's "Love" number. He must have been thinking about the YongSeo performance more than his band's number/performance. The rest of the CN Blue dongsaengs were also feeling a bit nervous.

The highlights of the Duet--- RDR and Love Light--- were shown. The WGM cameras even panned at the audience/crowd cheering for them.

I knew it!!! The badge with the 200th Day Anniversary was prepared by Yong himself. He wrote the number 200 on the badge.

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Guest Crystal392

Woah nearly 1000 users on the thread.

It's ok j2dlee :) Good luck with work and hopefully you will be back soon on Goguma Planet.

I just came back from a party and I should be sleeping because I have to wake up in a couple of hours to go to class xD but I couldn't help buy check the thread.

Thanks in advance for sharing screencaps and lots of info ^_^

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Guest SophiaPia





Oh my Goodnesssssssssssss i've waited since music show and they didn't even tell us its in the other channel Geeeeeeeeeeeeee! i'm so pissed right now :( now i didn't even see YongSeo segment. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr what happen to YongSeo guys?





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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































Gosh .. I missed like 5 minutes T.T haha I guess i missed the part where YongSeo practised at home.
































































































In today's episode our YongSeo was performing on Incheon Music Wave and since i missed the first part, i only saw 15 minutes of the show. Yonghwa went to CNBLUE's waiting room and talked to his band mates. He then went to SNSD's waiting room and as soon as he arrived, he could hear his sister-in-laws or should i call them YongSeo fangirls screaming. It was Sooyoung and Yoona. (I think) Sooyoung screamed "You look good together!!". YongSeo and CNBLUE practised together in CNBLUE's waiting room. and at some part Seohyun came up an idea that Yong should put his hand on her shoulder and then she would shrug it off, which she did. Yonghwa got owned by Seohyun (rofl) when they held hands at the end, jungshin and minhyuk imitated them. it was adorable! ^^ Yong prepared a badge that had 200 on it. 200 goguma days! CNBLUE performed and Hyun was backstage watching them. Hyun came out and rocked the stage with CNBLUE. MBC shouldn't have cut the performances short T.T
































































































@ j2dlee, no worries! ^^ Good luck

































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Guest exceptional.chic









tvu suck ! erggh , wait whole week just for today ep but turn like this . mini coopert .












tension rite now . yes . so short . grrrr . mbc !















TVU, MBC. how could you do this to us. OMONA!







i was waiting patiently because after MuCore there we're a couple of commercials then it suddenly became a travel show?! ohh c'mon. i've been waiting for this since last week. a sudden change of channel, huh. OMONA!












raws are my only hope.




oopps, i already posted my sentiments at the previous page. i thought i wasn't able to submit it and all that. i'll just use this spot later after watching the raw one. :)ohhh, please kindhearted people enlighten us. :)








i'm currently watching it. HOORAY! thanks kindhearted fellows. it just feels weird because i'm posting at this page yet the one i'm referring to were the posts on the next page. LOL.



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Morning, happy Goguma lovers!


Sorry, I won’t be able to translate the Yongseo episode today (and next week) for I’ll be away for a while. T^T


It’s work related and this is the reason why I couldn’t come to this thread often for the last couple of weeks.


Was so busy I almost got on the plane without telling you!


I’m relying on other kind translators to provide their own wonderful service^^


See you later, Goguma lovers-



So sorry I didn't mean to click on the + sign.  I was gonna click the reply button...anyway, bon voyage to you, be safe on your business trip :).  It's sad to know though that, it might take awhile for somebody to translate today's episode.  See you in a couple of weeks , though.



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good thing i chose a really realiable link! :sweatingbullets:
































































my fave part was the jong-hyun interaction during their rehearsals! wahahaha.
































































since yong was still busy mc-ing inkigayo, hyun had to practice with the in-laws and jonghyun played yong's part! it was awkward and fun to watch coz jonghyun bro-in-law was so awkward and in a little panic and at the end they touched hands! wahahaha, made me wonder what if yong caught that in the act! :P:sweatingbullets:
































































bare with me, im going to share some details about th episode, :sweatingbullets:
































































while they were practicing at home, i think hyun opened up the seokyu duet and mentioned( NOT SO SURE ABOUT THIS PART) that they must do a different gesture coz seokyu already held hands ;) and what do we expect, yong got jealous and they talked an incident in singapore while cn blue was there( AGAIN NOT SURE ABOUT THIS PART). and hyun mentioned about keeping distance with yong that it was so cute to watch. when yong asked hyun to make her the MA shake, he was supposed to put his hand on hyun's shoulder but hyun refused. that was just sooo cute! :wub::wub: but yong has to leave for inkigayo ( i think).
































































and then for the halyu concert part, yong prepared a present for hyun( I THINK?) and then hyun was with her inlaws dressing room and then yong called checking on them, and then when yong came back, hyun was already at snsd's dressing room and yong was supposed to fetch her there and he was sooo nervous that it took him seconds before he knocked on their door! and again, the soshi unnies were on the rescue to kid around with our lovey dovey couple and then the two left to prepare for their stage. and yong wore the pin that says 200 on his guitar strap to commemorate the 200th day and their satge began and the hosts looked forward to their ending. :wub::wub:
































































i hope this helped you guys, please bare with my english and relay of the episode. :sweatingbullets:

































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