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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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soshisoshi, hwaiting yahhh on ur FINALS~! :D

whoa... luvtokki!!! *mouth opens wide* :w00t: ur post is indescribably WONDERFUL to read! it's sooo touching! yongseo can really touch lives eh! so in this thread we have mama guma guma & papa guma guma too! kekekeke ahhh pls forgimme for calling u that out of a sudden :sweatingbullets: it's just that i could feel a very fatherly touch to ur post :)

genxv~!!!! yayyy~!!! *hugs back senselessly* xD btw, how have u been? i hope ur work isn't stressing u out >.< oh ya, are u a frequent visitor in tweetville? i always forget to go there :sweatingbullets:

jnj... when u mentioned scratch, a flashback of yong rinsing hyun's hair came to me! dang, and did u notice yong's look when hyun shot him many times with the RDR lyric? he looked pretty hurt there. i feel for him. i think it;s yong's 1st time playing push & pull. 'cause based on RDRsub, he said, "i heard that as time goes, there has to be a change in the relationship." ahhh so this is another 1st for yong! :w00t:

edit: ahhh ichigo-chan~!! so sorry i forgot to thank u for the beautiful wallies~! they're daebak! *hugss* xD

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Guest YongSeo
































































































































Yup! When i watched RDR's version of this week's episode, when Yong was asking her how come she didn't inform him about the photoshoot, she said its because she can't get hold of him for 2 weeks. So I guess the 1 month was an exaggeration made by the PD. 2 weeks ain't that bad after all.
































































Anyways, I guess we can include this reason IF they don't wear their rings in future: *couple fight* amongst the many other reasons everyone came up with such as *afraid of losing the ring*, *CF filming*. :P
































































I can't wait for Saturday. Watching their relationship progress is better than watching any Korean Drama hands down.































































































































I'm abit confused here. In the blackroom, hyun said he didn't contact her for a month. Could any kind goguma enlighten me what is the exact timeframe that they didnt contact each other? Thank you!

Dont know why did I feel that yong is trying to distant himself from hyun or trying not to mislead her e.g. didnt contact, did not reply to sms, did not send bday wishes perhaps the last 2 are unintentional or maybe all are unintentional. the meeting with uri ueno shows that their r/s remains status quo. Sorry.. this is just what I feel

































































































































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I just noticed something in this photo, it seems like Seohyun wore the Lanvin flats given to her by Yongseo fans! Super cute flats!
































































































































































































































































Cr: Iloveyongseo Blog
































































































































































































































































Cr: Sweetpotatodays Blog

































































































































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soshi -안녕하세요 to you too. Dun stress too much, try to relax and take care b4 your exams!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































goguma1207 - wow the fans are so rich they can buy a pair of lanvin flats for her??!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually I want to comment on the hairsalon that they went to. For korean standards, I thought it look rather cramp? Both Yong and Hyun heads are almost touching the ceiling of the little room they are in . Or maybe thats why celebrities like it because it is private with no windows?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Secretly I am quite happy they were forced to sit together in that little sofa, leaving them hardly any place to get away each other. Hyun have no choice but to seat with Yong even tho she was not happy! Which gave Yong a chance to do the head banging thing. hahah :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please see this link to the Chinese forum. someone posted an observation of the movement of the toy that Yong was holding in the ep.Little black train
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It just show there was editing done.

































































































































































































































































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YongSeo... i think WGM did a lot of magic shows in this ep.

this is an excerpt from genxv's blog (full credits to genxv):

[07.03.2010] YongHwa Holika Holika BTS (with the japanese model): this is prolly one of the reasons hyun got angry? it's impossible not to feel upset when ur bf don't tell u stuffs like this. but again, it may be 'cause he forgot about it <_<

[07.05.2010] YongHwa @ CHJ Power Time Radio: yong stated UJ as his ideal

[07.11.2010] YongHwa vs Onew@ KBS Night Star

[07.22.2010] YongHwa on Happy Together

[07.22.2010] YongHwa NII Photoshoot BTS: yong finally wore the ring onscreen for the 1st time.

[7.25.2010] SeoHyun on the HaHaMong Show

[07.26.2010] YongHwa @ KBS Happy Together

[07.27.2010] YongHwa @SBS Happy Birthday

[08.06.2010] Yong & Hyun Congratulatory Message for DFBS

[08.07.2010] YongHwa @ The Muzit (taped July 14)

[08.12.2010] YongHwa @ MNet Beatles Code (taped August 4)

[08.21.2010] CNBlue talk marriage in press conference @ Singapore

[08.21.2010] CNBlue fancam @ Singapore Showcase ("SoNyuhShiDae!")

[08.29.2010] YongHwa & SeoHyun at the Incheon Korean Wave Festival

besides, according to d_???? (u can backtrack a few pages to see her timeline post on hyun's ring appearances & disappearances)... hyun also didn't wear her ring in the beginning of july, not till 24th of july. and that's after yong wore his 1st on the 22nd of july. i hope that'll clarify some things for u :)

WGM is pretty good in doing magic ya know xD

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Guest ichigo_kawai

@Genxv, jnj, dreamy_boo....Thanks.......... (waves and hugs to u and all gogumas in here) :wub:

Everyone....I have a story...

I'm  falling in love with handsome boys.... :wub:

He is very handsome, and nice...

But in the same time I'm broken heart coz he already has a gorgeous, pure, and nice wife..... :tears:

And They are so cute together,

But  I'm very happy for them... :wub::lol:

And here is the handsome boys..who makes me broken heart..ke..ke...ke







Sorry Just random things.......  I don't know why....He is very Handsome......

Edit: Luvtokki I really..really love your post....daebak story..... :wub:

 And I found this video...sorry if this video has been share before...:sweatingbullets:

I think it's very awesome... Here is the link:

101018 Gee (Orchestra Ver.)

Edit 2: Genxv unnie...yupssss yong seobang very panjak 2.( Unnie Did I do something wrong with my post? coz someone tumbs down my post ) I'm so sorry if I do something wrong, Please tell me. :sweatingbullets:

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kubih I have to agree it all fits with your theory! I remember someone posted here that it takes about 100 days before gogumas can be harvested. And it's been about 105 days (since June29). They were seen driving the truck on October 11.
















































































hi dreamyboo! *doublehugs* As I rewatched episode 28, I noticed too Yong's regretful looks. .. Awwwww.. And it wasn't his cute *I'm sowwy* aegyo way but he looks really, sincerely sorry. Now I think even more their kiss-and-makeup will be daebak
















































































Wow, sharp eyes goguma1202! Yeah, I know right qwenli? Those flats are supposedly $500+ USD.. OMO..!! :blink: What generous fans!
















































































Edit: Ahh.. panjak! panjak! Yong is so blindingly handsome there ichigo, hehe. Thanks sis for sharing
















































































Hi ichigo!
















































































Looks like you have 3+ thumbs up so don't feel bad dear. maybe someone just accidentally clicked on the '-'. I just did that on someone elses post and I felt so bad..
















































































































































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Guest sonnawabit

Hi all!!

I'm a yongseo couple lover just like you all.. and seeing all of you contribute gifts and such make me feel like i'm such a bad fan. So, while waiting for RDRsubs to release their episode, i decided to have a go on subbing... so I spent the last 45 mins just subbing.. typesetting and timing on my own

This is the first time i'm trying subbing after reading some tutorials.. it was confusing at first but slowly I got into it.

anyone know how to fix the sub problem at 0:28?


please view it and give comments!! thanks :D

i'd like to join a sub team when i'm more experienced lol

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seo hyun with snsd is comeback soon in korean scene with a mini album
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(just remembered back in old days ,where both of them first met they promoting together
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seohyun with snsd promotes Oh!,yonghwa promote bluetory)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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So many great news and pictures! Thank you aneng, kubih, GeumJanDi, d_???, dreamyboo for the pictures! And ichigo and raindrops your fanarts are awesome. Keep on with your creativity!





Sorry, this is going to sound like an acceptance speech but... I want to thank the regulars, new posters and all spazzers who are keeping this thread alive with LOVE. My dearest potatoes, villagers, aliens, ninjas, keledeks do you know how awesome you are? YOU'RE AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME





I want to High-Five YongSeo style, shoulder bump and head-nudge all of you.


As a family we can argue, pout, hug, kiss and make-up. (Hey, sounds like our YongSeo couple too ! ;)) Our dear trent started a senseless kissing movement. I propose a senseless hugging movement. Can I hug you guys senselessly?  *Come here! Don't run awayyyyy*


Pollykyp thank you for that daebak news from Taiwan! YongSeo, can you guys get any more PRECIOUS? (borrowed that term from deeOmfg *waves*)


I am loving this thread. Thank you everyone who posted an I LOVE YONGSEO post. My heart feels like it will burst with happiness reading them. Really, I have run out of '+' clicks already because of too many great posts here. Soompi, you should give us more!


I'm going to post another update soon about the YongSeo 300-Day Project. But in the meantime thank you redtulip, kerube-chan, baby_bo and everyone who helped post about it. Let's share and celebrate our YongSeo love  :wub:


Edit: Gaahhhhhhh... lovetokki I love your post. Thank you for sharing your story. I can't tell you how much its killing me that I have run out of '+' to use. I wish I could give your post 10+. Our Saturday story is exactly the same! haha. I wake up at 3am so I can watch it live over a laggy internet connection. The things we do for YongSeo love


Edit 2: Thank you sally7 for that update on the timeline. For some reason I had the day SNSD came back as Aug 14, but you're right it was the 13th. Here is the post about SNSD coming back from Thailand





Edit 3: I like what you said jnj! *hugs* Yup, let's inject LOVE. Does that make us love doctors? Er... too lame? haha.. mianhe


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yong: "i heard that as time goes, there has to be a change in the relationship."


now i wonder where & who he heard this from.


yong: why do i have to say 'curiosity'.



but its not my story, i'm not 'just curious'


does that mean, in yong's love story...hyun is for real?


hahaha i like!


don't mind me, gogumas...


i'm just being delusional... :D


since dreamy thought u as a fatherly figure, iluvtokki, i should


apologise too for being blunt in calling u bro.


so, should we call u guma appa now? blush.gif


yong apologise quite a number of times in the recent epi.


but with full of aegyo.


hyun may have forgiven him already, but she just want to torture him a bit longer..


how will they kissed/hugged and made up, is much to everyone's anticipation



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GENXV - I also love the Sweet Potato Days blog - do you run that, because I see you answer a lot of questions on that blog?  I have often put my 2 cents worth as comments on SWD, but as 'anonymous' how do I sign in as luvtokki on SWD, so you know it's me???  Anyway wanted to say I appreciate your hard work on Sweet Potato Days, you're so talented and awesome! 


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Guest Rouenna
















































































































































@geumjandi Thanks for sharing the photo! :w00t:
















































































































I saw the photo on their website as well. Really have no idea they will have a comeback in Korea, was so surprised. Then suddenly, I thought, darn, wouldn't it be nice if CNBLUE have a comeback at the same time, too, later this year? Too bad it got delayed.
















































































































It would have been like the whole first meeting again, like you said, in the old days. :wub:

















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Guest GogumaJjang
































Hello all,
















Im new here.After reading all of the POVs posted here, finally I decided to register and enter the Goguma land..Hooray!!This ep quite disrupted me.Oh gosh!However I keep thinking positively and they will be fine soon.YongSeo Hwaiting!!.
















Below are some of the fancam caps during the duet concert.I think their problem will gonna be ending resolved soon.
















Seohyun touched YongHwa back.
































































She is calling her husband
















































So all..cheers!!!









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jnj - it's okay if you call me 'guma appa' as long as it means 'dad' or 'father' - not grandfather!  I'm not a grandfather yet, no, no ,no!   What does guma appa mean, exactly?  And there is one more thing I would like to request of all yongseo lovers - please mention where you are from!?  On sweet Potato days they have an app on the website that shows what country each person who logs into that website is from.  I find it fascinating that yongseo love is coming from 108+ countries around the world.  This pretty much makes Yong & Hyun 'international' stars in theri own right, even if it is a 'viral' internet fan base!   I think besides the 'power of 9' that Hyun as with her unnies, I think yongseo couple has the power of 108 countries and tens of thousands of fans around the world, with this kind of fan base and following I think we may have the power to change things we don't like with WGM or SM Entertainment and the way Korean entertainers are treated, because they need to know the entire world is watching these 2 wonderful people and want the best for them.   I already posted something like this on the WGM website - mabe others can follow suit?   Just let them know the world is monitoring them? And we don't want to see any harm to come to our 2 beautiful young people - Yong and Hyun?   Thank you!     

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Guest sun_sun



After I saw Ep.28 almost 30 times I guess and I heard something... Translation at that part from My vid at 5:20

NY: But a whole month was too long.

JW: Originally it should be 3 days.

MC Kim: Yes, exactly. Shouldn’t be longer than 3 days.


but I think I heard MC Kim said  " 3 days is Seoul Style but 1 month is Busan Style"

(Please someone knows Korean well correct me)

If I correct , Yong did it with style from Busan ...

Edit : Oh ! Hi genxv    ....Ahhhh maybe you're right.^^

Edit : Good Night ...GoGuMa


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Hi Luvtokki! I think I'll call you my goguma -oppa because we're probably around the same age ;). Guma I think is short for 'goguma' (sweet potatoes) and appa, like you said means father. So you're our sweet potato father or oppa (brother). :lol:
















































































Haha, yes, I started Sweet Potato Days as a way to keep track of all the great YongSeo stuff. Thank you for the kind words! I'm really happy you enjoy it. Hahhahahah... I'm so happy I don't know what to say
































































































































As for the login name, for the chatbox, you can click on "Set Your Name:" and type in a username. You can also create an account on chatango so your username is saved.
















































































For posting on the blog itself if you are logged in to Google,LiveJournal, TypePad,AIM or OpenID it will use that username or you can select to type in a new one using the username/url option.
















































































I hope that helps and wasn't too confusing. You can PM me or email sweetpotatodays@gmail.com and I'd be happy to help any way I can.































































































































































Yeah, it's really amazing how many fans all around the world like the couple. 108 countries is no joke!! I'm going to join you on the Official WGM board to let the producers know that there is a GLOBAL following for YongSeo. People just love them for the many reasons that have been posted here. Which I think is a great segway to my little update about the project here (hehehe). Come be part of an international project from fans all around the world! \(^0^)/















































































































































































































































SeoHwa Soompi Thread and SeoHwa Couple International Forum































































































































































(YongSeo International Fanbase)































































































































































And in conjunction with fans from DCGallery (Korea), Baidu (Chinese fans) and Japan
















































































Proudly Present :
































































































































































For YongSeo 300th Anniversary on 7th December 2010
































































































































































































































































































































18th September : Launching & Project Briefing
















































































20th November : Submission Deadline
















































































01st December : Sending the project to Korea
































































































































































We're excited to announce that this project will be part of a larger collaboration with DCGallery (Korean fans), Baidu (Chinese fans) and fans from Japan. This is going to be a truly international effort! So please come join us and fans from all around the globe celebrate how much joy the YongSeo couple brings you.
































































































































































A booklet compiling 300 reasons why we love the YongSeo couple which will be printed and sent to them. Write yours now ^^ we are targeting to collect 300 reasons for their 300th day anniversary. ** Note, this is a continuation of the previous project. We received 104 messages for the 200-day project. If you haven't posted anything before on this thread, don't hesitate to join in and let us know why you love YongSeo
















































































1. All you need to do is fill in I Love YONGSEO because...<fill in the blank> in 50 words or so.
















































































2. You can either write them here or send to the project email: seohwa.project@gmail.com titled as 3rd Project – I Love YongSeo. If posting n the forum please make sure to make bold or highlight "I Love YongSeo" so that we don't miss your post.
















































































3. Excluding I Love YongSeo Couple because… , try keep sentences to no more than 50 words so we can easily fit them in the booklet design.
















































































4. Submission deadline is 20th November 2010, 11pm KST
































































































































































For this project we will collect gifts for the YongSeo couple to celebrate their 300 days together. Gifts will be sent to the YongSeo couple through the Korean fan DCGallery tribute team. Shipment date is December 1.
















































































Current gift list:
















































































- Couple T-Shirt
















































































- Couple PJs
















































































- YongSeo plush toys
















































































All suggestions and donations are much appreciated. To make a donation you can send a gift in any amount at all using PayPal to seohwa.project@gmail.com. More details will be posted at seohwaproject.blogspot.com
































































































































































































































































































































Compilation of fan pictures and videos for YongSeo Couple's 1 year anniversary (February 11, 2010). Originally this was part of the 300-Day project, however to allow more time for submissions and compilations the deadline is now January 15, 2011. At the end we will compile a Video tribute (similar in idea to the SONEs project) that showcases all the fans from all over the world and their love for the YongSeo couple. So please do send us your pictures and videos ^___^
















































































1. Using your own creativity, take pictures or videos and include the YongSeo International Fanbase Logo. Click here for the Hi-res logo
















































































2. You can either capture your solo picture or together with your YongSeo country fans. We accept all the pictures and videos as long they are clearly visible.
















































































3. It’s okay if you don’t want to show your face (I know some of us are shy) So, please use your creativity and imagination to take pictures or videos that show some parts of you (eg. hand, fingers, head etc etc).
















































































4. Pictures – Must be in JPG format & in high resolution. Send to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the title 3rd Project - Picture.
















































































5. Videos – AVI, MP4, MOV formats accepted. Upload to any uploader hosting and send us the link for download to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the email title 3rd Project – Video.
















































































Crew: bezbezbez, genxv, nazweena, fengz_, redtulip, baby_bo, luckynew, j2dlee, chikaa















































































































































































































































I'm really excited that we are doing this together. Many thanks to the crew and all the fans for your continuous suport and efforts to make the project successful. Let's work hard to show YongSeo how much we love them. Hwaiting!































































































































































And shoutout and BIG thank you to the Korean DCGallery team for their help: 감사합니다 용서 디시인사이드^^
















































































Edit: hi baby_bo! *waves* Thanks for spreading the word! It's amazing how many people have posted. We'll get to 300 in no time (right now 130 or so and counting.. ^^)
















































































Edit: hi sun_sun! Ahah, for that, I thought it was a joke you know like here we might say "that's how they do it down south" when it's not really the case actually, but we're just teasing the person. LOL, I don't think I'm making sense. Hurhurhur

















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Guest baby_bo



Good Morning Everyone!

Tuesday already :)

waaaaaaaaaaaaah im all hyped up because of the surprise SNSD gave us SONES :)

Isn't Seohyun lovely on her teaser pic??

kyah! Can't wait for the comeback, too bad CNBlue's comeback is postponed for next year, they could've perform in shows together.. anyway, it's okay :) i want to see Yonghwa in mucore backstage for his WIFE'S COMEBACK! kyah! MBC please make it happen kekeke

Also, guys..

For those who haven't shared yet, please continue on posting your..

"I love YongSeo because...."

complete the sentence and don't forget to include your NAME, AGE AND LOCATION :)

for those who already contributed, thank you so much .. this is a big project.. hope the ALL villagers here can help :)


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















































































































@sun_sun: I heard that too. although I didn't understand the whole sentence, but he definitely mentioned Busan style. its only Tuesday and I'm itching for Wednesday (for MC Kim's tweet, if he would tweet about WGM commentary filming) and of course Saturday to come.

















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