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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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ready to harvest
















2 row of yongseo couple
































cre dc married
















reuploaded by jaslovesYG@iloveyongseo































i think that is napa cabbage not goguma. i've seen goguma plants before (since i'm an avid fan of invincible youth. hopefully uri couple didn't encounter a snake lurking under the goguma plants like the girls of G7. imagine the panic situation that might occur if that kind of scenario happens while they cutting the goguma plants before digging it). if i'm not mistaken on the other images that was posted on dc married, their 2 rows of goguma have been harvested by yong and hyun when the yongseo's fans arrived there.
















edit: @jnj absolutely. these are the pictures that i've mentioned. credit to 갈뽕양★@dcmarried and me self reuploaded them. you can view more pictures and read a bit of the fan accounts (does anyone kind enough to translate it?) here







































the yongseo's gogumas have been harvested































@bonbon31 i'm guessing this pictures were taken very recently after the latest wgm filming. i'm sure that yongseo (possibly with the help of yuri) have managed to harvest their gogumas. even the entry at dcmarried was posted today. i'm sorry i couldn't find the exact date when was these pictures were snapped.





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oooohhhh.... love her style!!!!!!!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the holes in her pants and the boots.... such a ROCKER's wife!.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































by the way, do we have any videos of that TAIWAN RING Interview of HYUN???





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































is it here???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia




Lordy Lordy Lordy! SeoHyun looks gorgeous w00t.gif. Thanks for sharing the photos. Like i said before SeoHyun whatever she wears looks good on her. The girls have their own personalities that match each other. They all beautiful in a different ways. That's why SNSD Click. It's impossible that hubby Yong don't have feelings w/ wifey Hyun. Like he said he is controlling not to call wife Hyun biggrin.gif Hubby Yong can't say it out loud. So what he do he put it in writing and it's  I DON'T KNOW WHY I DON'T KNOW WHY I LOVE U BABY wub.gif of course he will not admit it's wifey Hyun biggrin.gif


yes! at least Taiwan got the chance to ask this time wife Hyun about the couple ring. And yes! ON MY LEFT FINGER RING.  IT'S MY HUSBAND COUPLE RING DAEBAKKKK.


Cheers to all


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Guest bonbon31



@kubih: where did your pictures taken? Because if I am not wrong, on last Tuesday Yongseo couple arrived their farm to harvest goguma? Are these pictures taken before or after last tuesday?



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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































so i guess happy times is back here again? gass i can imagine every time new episodes will air, this thread will be full of debates again. >>__<< good in a way but, huhu, it's kind of huhu. sad for us semi lurkers, plus lurkers, plus to all of the active posters in short to all of us.. haha:)) and i am happy as the episode will air this saturday i think we can have the recent filmed episodes already such as the japan episode and the harvesting episodes *crosses fimgers*
































THANK YOU FOR SHARING THOSE PICTURES GUYS! really thanks alot! anyways, MAKE LOVE NOT WAR. let's enjoy this journey! and as what has hyun said, let's make good memories together.! :))

on whether the episodes are scripted or not, we all have our own opinions or say about it, we have to respect each other's opinions, anyways it won't affect the episodes itself and their FACIAL EXPRESSIONS . hahaahha:DDD









































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Guest karai_kuma

kinda sad with the latest episode though.. but i still love this couple ^^

ooh thank you for all the pictures and everything.. and i just realize that their goguma harvested already.. ummmm i wonder they eat them together or not XD

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someone know when did yesterday episode was filming? i can't find it on timeline,is it on the 3rd Aug "Make a wish" filming?...i think that's not it...
















credit:people who posted this before sorry i can't remember :sweatingbullets:



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yahhh goguma1207~! that's one great finding u got there! IMPRESSIVE~! :w00t: ahhh that may be one of the reasons as to why they suddenly looked awkward after Adam couple pointed their holding hands. but there's still one thing that i'm puzzled about & that's what d_???? brought about in her posting of hyun's pics in july. from her post, i can see that early in july, hyun didn't wear the couple ring. but on the 24th july, she was spotted wearing the ring! ahhh i'm guessing that yongseo finally kept in touch before 24th july or else why would we see yong pointing up to SOMEWHERE when he sang Sweet Holiday & suddenly we spotted him wearing his ring after his concert! oh, wait a minute! if i'm not mistaken, yong's photoshoot with Jung So Min... that was when he 1st wore his new couple ring right? that was filmed on the 22nd of july. ahhhh so i guess hyun was actually mad at yong mainly 'cause HE DIDN'T WEAR HIS COUPLE RING THAT SHE BOUGHT FOR HIM & yong prolly didn't contact her for about more than a week or two & i doubt that he didn't contact hyun for a whole month! also, i doubt yong won't even care to invite buin to his concert! AND one last thing... this [7.5.2010] CHJ Power Time Radio Interview was also in july, and that was the 1st time we hear him say UJ as his ideal type. it sounded very playful on his part to answer the character that he knew is one of hyun's fav characters in Nodame Cantabile. so what i'm trying to say is that, he prolly could've freaked out by hyun's ring at 1st but he managed to think things thru' i guess. it could be that the scale of him freaking out to him falling for her is like 1:10. he'd rather follow his feelings for now. btw, does anyone remember when yong initially answered that he'll be able to focus on what he's suppose to do & then changed his answer to something like he'll just follow his feelings. what radioshow was that already?

ackk sorry for the long rambling! >.<

raindrops! ohohoho that was fast! thanks so much xD *saves* kakakkakaa... i'll use one of ur siggies once my warning status has turned 0% ya :sweatingbullets:

whoa aneng!!! thanks for hyun's pics! don;t u guys think that hyun has changed a lot??? even her dressing up is getting more similar to SOMEONE's! edit: as per lenovo, SHE'S LOOKS MORE LIKE A ROCKER'S WIFE!xD (good one lenovo-cuz! LOL) even her attitude... she's more open somehow. if yong pulls another careless stunt like that, i bet she's gonna change some more! girls tend to change after a break up or after a big serious fight with their bfs. ahahhh yong... u'd better be careful! cherish her while u can.

LOL jnj~! i thought u;re always on a spazzing mood? oh! when i get married i wanna wear something like hyun's LOL :P hahah sorry for my randomness!

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Guest jaslovesYG

Hello Gogumas!!

I have been a lurker of this thread for quite some time now and as you can see on my post count.. I don't really post in soompi.. I think it's my first post?? haha! :)

I am the one managing @iloveyongseo and I've mistaken the napa cabbage as gogumas.. mianhe! Thanks for the info though.. I deleted the post already!

I really hope that they were the ones who harvested the gogumas because that will confirm the rumor that they rode a blue truck to go back to their sweet potato field and harvest the gogumas! Just imagine the long ride to their sweet potato fied! :)

U hope I am welcome here though.. hehe.. I really want to be active in this thread.. :)

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first part at salon filming 3rd august from fan account @DC
































second part at MBC filming 13 (that day snsd just comeback from phuket and some of them go to Music bank for Boa's comeback except Seohyun I guess she filming WGM)
































































@SK on 20 Aug. Yong known Hyun will mad at him if he don't wear Ring so he proudly present it to audience you guys from the event can confirm do you?? I hope Hyun have known this and give him back some goguma.

















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Guest windstorm34
















hello to all the goguma villagers :)














The latest spazz of the newest Yongseo episode have been really interesting...i truly love this place...its very illuminating.














thank you for the pixs  of seohyun....she really is getting prettier by the minute :w00t:....i just have to restrain myself from speculating about ep 28... but overall this episode is very....hmmm... like my lady boss kept saying.."this episode is very entertaining"














cant wait for the next episode...




























I Love YongSeo  Couple because they make my life less ordinary... and added spice in what usually is a boring existence...they complete me. :wub::wub:

































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Hi all,
























I just finished watching the subbed lastest episode and found something interesting . When Hyun showed yong the wedding photos on her mobile, yong asked why she didn't tell him about the photo shoot. Then she replied it did happen when they didn't contact for  <b><span class="Apple-style-span" >





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Guest ichigo_kawai

Anyeong everyone...

wowwww...this page move so fast ....

@Crystal_malfoy thanks for repost my video..

And to everyone thanks for all lovely comments.....:wub:

@Geumjandi...Based on that pict, so yongseo couple after they harvest goguma so they plant cabbage???? Coz I think that pict is not goguma but cabbage.... Thanks for sharing that pict ^_^

Always thanks for all gogumas in here for sharing all about yongseo couple... :wub:

Here is I wanna share this pict...

Seo ju hyun...Please don't go...


Jashik...You must have missed me hyun


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Guest desirenhope


Hi all,

I just finished watching the subbed lastest episode and found something interesting . When Hyun showed yong the wedding photos on her mobile, yong asked why she didn't tell him about the photo shoot. Then she replied it did happen when they didn't contact for  <b><span class="Apple-style-span" >

Yup! When i watched RDR's version of this week's episode, when Yong was asking her how come she didn't inform him about the photoshoot, she said its because she can't get hold of him for 2 weeks. So I guess the 1 month was an exaggeration made by the PD. 2 weeks ain't that bad after all.

Anyways, I guess we can include this reason IF they don't wear their rings in future: *couple fight* amongst the many other reasons everyone came up with such as *afraid of losing the ring*, *CF filming*. :P

I can't wait for Saturday. Watching their relationship progress is better than watching any Korean Drama hands down.


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i think that is napa cabbage not goguma. i've seen goguma plants before (since i'm an avid fan of invincible youth). if i'm not mistaken on the other images that was posted on dc married, their 2 rows of goguma have been harvested by yong and hyun when the tourists arrived there.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yeah seems that kinda false news and iloveyongseo deleted the news,thanks for correcting the pic,so they already pick the gogumas but is that part of the shooting wgm or they just wanna pick it because the goguma is ready to harvest ?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi




용서 팬들 안녕하세요!!!


  phew,,, I'm glad that this thread sticks to the  motto "MAKE LOVE NOT WAR"..


well, I don't have much to say right now since it's around 10.40pm here  in my place.... anyhow after watching the latest episode, we certainly  can feel the closeness between them and we witnessed moments of jealousy  from both YONG an HYUN. we should not really over-analyze the episode  because it is just the first half of next week's episode, so we gogumas  have nothing to worry! ever the preview shows their intimacy :wub:  :wub:  :wub:.

just to tell you gogumas,, I'm TOTALLY STRESSED OUT right now because it  is 8 DAYS BEFORE MY FINAL EXAM !!!:wacko:  :wacko:  :wacko:.  watching our couple's episode is truly a cure to my  stress hehehe.


I keep thinking to myself that I have to be like uri seobaby, who always  spend her time studying (well she has to take care of yong too)......


to all of the amazing goguma shippers, YOU PEOPLE ARE AMAZING!





I can't wait for Saturday. Watching their relationship progress is better than watching any Korean Drama hands down.






you are DAMN RIGHT! watching their progress is more interesting than watching korean dramas w00t.gifw00t.gif





EDIT woohoo! I topped the page!



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I LOVE YONGSEO couple because…..


Let me just fill you in on who I am and where I’m coming from, I’ll try to be brief ‘cause I know I can get too wordy sometimes!


I’m a fully grown adult male with a wife & family, house & profession in the USA - and I’m hooked on a Korean drama with two adorable young people.  WHY?


How did this happen?  I don’t get into soap operas and girly romance movies, I only see those kind of movies when my wife and I do ‘date night’ and I have to ‘give in’ to her after seeing too many action movies!


My daughter got into SNSD because she likes dance and really liked their dance routines and songs.  Curious about what she saw in a Korean dance group when we have so much talent of the same genre in the USA, I began watching SNSD on YouTube also, and was amazed by their talent – dancing & singing – and their different personalities.  These girls were cute and sexy – but genuinely so – not ‘dirty’ sexy like so many girl acts in the US.  There is so much ‘talent’ in the US that just turns me off with their advanced state of sexiness compared to their age.


I never really noticed Seohyun until WGM started.  She was always the quiet maknae hidden behind all the other flashier girls on SNSD.  When WGM started, I was amazed at her innocence, honesty and individual talent.  At 19, this girl is an accomplished dancer, singer and can play multiple musical instruments.  I immediately fell in love with her character in WGM.   And at that time, I thought it was just a ‘character’ somebody she was playing in a K-drama.


Didn’t know anything about Yong until WGM.  I was amazed at his talent also.  Leader of a rock band, singer, rapper, avid musician.  Al at the age of 22, amazing!  I was also taken by his ability to ‘read’ Hyun and realize that this was not any ordinary Korean idol from a girl dance group.   I think from the beginning he had been given a ‘special’ girl, that required ‘special’ attention and that he had a responsibility to treat her right, because she was experiencing dating and marriage for the first time.


As I watched their relationship grow through WGM I became more and more enthralled with these two. Their reactions on the show seem genuine, I think they have really fallen for each other, they just can’t say it out loud because of the confines of WGM, their management companies and their fans.  They can’t be that excellent of actors to be able to fool this many people including me.  What I feel, what I see in their actions on WGM is real love.


So now, every Saturday morning I wake up early and watch the latest episode in Korean on sweet Potato Days.  Saturday afternoon I sneak on Soompi or SWD and check for English translations.  I wait patiently for the wonderful J2DLEE to post her English translations.   Then I wait for RDRSUBS to come out and view it again, hoping to catch a difference in the translations.  Then I scan the internet for any news on these two.   Why am I so obsessed?  My family really is beginning to believe I’ve lost my mind.  They don’t , can’t  understand this need of mine to stay connected to a ‘Korean drama’ let alone a ‘drama of any type!


Because like a good Disney movie, YONGSEO COUPLE MAKES ME HAPPY!  I watch their episodes with a huge smile on my face, I laugh at their dorkiness, their cuteness, their sometimes clumsy attempts at making their relationship work.   IT’S ALL GOOD WITH THESE 2 WONDERFUL PEOPLE!  They help my sometimes cynical heart, knowing that somewhere in the world, two wonderful people like these two really exist, and because of them, there is still hope for the world.   I will probably be their fans for life, even after WGM, I wish the best for them like they were my own son and daughter.


I wrote another book – sorry!   I can’t help it.    


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yeah seems that kinda false news and iloveyongseo deleted the news,thanks for correcting the pic,so they already pick the gogumas but is that part of the shooting wgm or they just wanna pick it because the goguma is ready to harvest ?
















what i knew from the previous posts of the goguma's fans here (via baidu and dcmarried) is that there was a filming on the day (October 11th) where they are spotted driving a truck. then they went to ganghwado to harvest their goguma since it has reached 100 days to be readily harvested. i only got the information from the various fan accounts. we have to wait and see whether they will work as a farmer again at the weekend farm.































as a routine i will post the ratings of wgm season 2 on october 16th 2010.
















source: TNmS




































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So many great news and pictures! Thank you aneng, kubih, GeumJanDi, d_???, dreamyboo for the pictures! And ichigo and raindrops your fanarts are awesome. Keep on with your creativity!






























































































































































































































































Sorry, this is going to sound like an acceptance speech but... I want to thank the regulars, new posters and all spazzers who are keeping this thread alive with LOVE. My dearest potatoes, villagers, aliens, ninjas, keledeks do you know how awesome you are? YOU'RE AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME






























































































































































































































































I want to High-Five YongSeo style, shoulder bump and head-nudge all of you.
















































































As a family we can argue, pout, hug, kiss and make-up. (Hey, sounds like our YongSeo couple too ! ;)) Our dear trent started a senseless kissing movement. I propose a senseless hugging movement. Can I hug you guys senselessly? *Come here! Don't run awayyyyy*
















































































Pollykyp thank you for that daebak news from Taiwan! YongSeo, can you guys get any more PRECIOUS? (borrowed that term from deeOmfg *waves*)
















































































Yesterday before the last SNSD concert there was a brief press con, according to the press SMT do now allow non-concert related questions but the Taiwan reporters still asking our maknae regarding her RINGS, which she politely answered.
















































































She first show the friendship ring with her unnies, then show her left finger ring and said 'this is the ring in WGM with MY HUSBAND', she didn't mention Yonghwa's name which made her unnies laugh at her.































































































































































I am loving this thread. Thank you everyone who posted an I LOVE YONGSEO post. My heart feels like it will burst with happiness reading them. Really, I have run out of '+' clicks already because of too many great posts here. Soompi, you should give us more!
















































































I'm going to post another update soon about the YongSeo 300-Day Project. But in the meantime thank you redtulip, kerube-chan, baby_bo and everyone who helped post about it. Let's share and celebrate our YongSeo love :wub:
















































































Edit: Gaahhhhhhh... lovetokki I love your post. Thank you for sharing your story. I can't tell you how much its killing me that I have run out of '+' to use. I wish I could give your post 10+. Our Saturday story is exactly the same! haha. I wake up at 3am so I can watch it live over a laggy internet connection. The things we do for YongSeo love
















































































Edit 2: Thank you sally7 for that update on the timeline. For some reason I had the day SNSD came back as Aug 14, but you're right it was the 13th. Here is the post about SNSD coming back from Thailand
































































































































































SNSD members visited BoA and congratulated her for her recent comeback.
















































































SNSD members Yoona, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Jessica, and Sunny visited BoA's waiting room during KBS's 'Music Bank' and congratulated BoA for her comeback.
















































































Excluding Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun, who couldn't make it due to their schedules, the six SNSD members and BoA shared the family love and had conversations.
















































































SM Entertainment's representative stated, "Due to filming, SNSD was in Thailand and just arrived in Korea this morning. As soon as they arrived, they went straight to 'Music Bank' and monitored BoA's performance."
















































































The SNSD members apologized for not being able to be present during the first comeback and stated, "As expected, it was a great performance. Unnie is the best!" and showed support.














































































































































































































































Edit 3: I like what you said jnj! *hugs* Yup, let's inject LOVE. Does that make us love doctors? Er... too lame? haha.. mianhe

















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tks for posting that pic, kubih.



wow..after harvesting, the land looks so barren.



but it is THE place with happy memories.. ;)






it'll be daebak if there is a filming of yongseo visiting cn boys and unnies



or even parents too, bringing their gogumas for everyone to taste!



yeah, okay..me being delusional again.. :sweatingbullets:






hmm..i wonder if the starter of the thread is somewhere here?



i mean as a lurker or something.



wouldn't it be nicer and neater if the 1st page is updated?






jaslovesYG, welcome. :)



there's really nothing that should stop u from being active here.



just post away...






ichigo..kawaiii... ^_^






dreamy, i'm scratching my head will all these timeline..





just some random thoughts






i guess jashik has become a term of endearment for yongseo couple..



see how many times yong kept calling buin that... :wub:






i love this thread and my gogumas too much to let the mods take it away from us. ;)



so if there is ONE nega post, i think its



our responsibility to inject more love into this thread. :D




luvtokki, i love your post and i want to hug u, (i love hugging)



but erm...since u're a married man, i'll shake your hand instead!



i marvel at your dedication to yongseo. hats off to u brother! :)






hello, genx! *wave wave*






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