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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest fifth84200
























































Hi, sorry,
















































I remembered that there used to be a blog/website which subbed the episodes within 2-3 days. I forgot what the site was. Can anyone let me know? =) thank you































































































hi I_broke_a_nail







































































































you can check the thread on page1210,  sun_sun posted a link already. 
















































as for other subbed videos, you can check at sweet potato days or rdrsubs.
















































hope it helps.









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Guest seohyun_yh






Yoona wrote a letter to Seohyun


yoona ask  When wgm with yongseobang will end ?   i´m curiosu. (I hope someone can translate this) :tears:

윤아가 서현에게 보낸 편지래요~~~~~    



할말이 별로 없어..ㅋㅋ 농담이구


책좀 그만읽고 언니들이랑 놀지 않을래..


너 그러다 빨리 늙는다!! 넌 소녀시대 막내라고..평생 소녀야할 의무가 있어!


언니들한테 그만 튕기고 같이놀자! 그리고 학교좀 같이가..


맨날 혼자 사라지면 좋냐


아 너 용서방이랑 결혼놀이는 언제 끝나니!   언니들이랑 같이 있는 시간이 더 줄었어..





Now, I can only think one just thing, maybe   Yonghwa had inspiration thank to  Seohyun with his new song. " i don´t know why"



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Guest biancacoolio










Hey guys, I'm confused about one particular thing.






Is it a cultural norm in Korea for the girl not to initiate? Sorry for sounding so ignorant but I'm always curious about cultural differences that's why I'm asking this. I think it's so fascinating.






Because if I'm worried about someone I'll probably hit them up, text them like "Hey, how you doing? Are you alright? Why aren't you calling me? D: I miss you, you jerk."






Or maybe Seohyun DID communicate with him in some  way, and he just didn't respond. This is what poor editing does. Holes in the situation are very apparent. 



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Guest lovely_ocean












I didn't post for ages but wanted to ask your help in a poll to choose the most ideal WGM couple.




It's a Japanese poll and Yongseo is now No2. You can only vote once!








チョン・ヨンファ-ソヒョン is Yonghwa and Seohyun




3rd from the top




I read in Soompi CNBLUE thread that Yonghwa said he's been feeling sad because he couldn't be in a drama due to his 3 commitment with variety show.




If this is true I am sad and worried Yonghwa wants to leave WGM too?




Once he casted in a drama, no way he could continue WGM..... My wish is Yongseo will continue as long as Adam couple, but it seems its against Yonghwa's will/wish.




As for him in Taiwan, I really hope so.




I hope Yongseo will spend some time alone in Taiwan.



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Guest seizmic

Hi everyone...

Usually i'm a silent reader in this thread bcoz my english is not good. But bcoz of negative comments on Yong, i think i also need to share my opinion on this  :D

I'm CNBLUE fan n i love their music so much. For some reasons i just don't buy Yong's excuse that he purposely don't call hyun. IMO this has got to do with their concert. We BOICES know how strict FNC with them. If u guys remember while preparing for their BLUELOVE album, they had been isolated in a small room for several weeks with no connection with other even their parents. So i believe FNC doing the same while CNBLUE preparing for their concert. Maybe their phone being confiscated until the concert done. Its not something new to CNBLUE.

Besides, we BOICES also know how details Yong is. He is such a perfectionist leader. I remember watching one of the clip from Making the Artist while he composing with Jonghyun. He may seems playful but he can be really serious. We know that he is quite playful when he is with Hyun, he loves to tease her. I'm not blaming Hyun for being mad with him bcoz she has the right for it. It's also a good sign that Yong has a special place in her heart  :wub: .

I feel really really sad for Yong bcoz he is always being blamed by fans for whatever happens on WGM  -_-  . We already know how hard he try from the day one of filming WGM to be a good husband for Seohyun. From this latest episode there will be more negative respond on him. BOICES know he is sad right know due to cancellation of fan meetings n also he has to give up on doing drama for a time being due to commitment on several variety shows including WGM. I really hope this episode will not add to his disappointment.

Lastly, although i enjoy watching them on WGM, as a true fan I want him to quit WGM and he can secretly dating Hyun. By doing that he can concentrate composing good music for us. I'm sorry that i can't lose Yong Hwa coz i think he is very talented  :P . And i believe Seohyun can be his inspiration :P .

About mobile phone being confiscated

CN Blue doesn't carry mobile phone, they promise that they will use it again after one year of success (That including Yonghwa as leader)

Below are part of interview CN BLUE given that relate to this issue

Kyuri: I read it at newspaper, you were isolated from  the world while  you’re preparing the album. How many hours do you  practice per day?

Jonghyun: To tell the trueth, we practiced all the  time except sleeping time.

Shindong: Wow then you didn’t meet  friends?

All: Not at all

Shindong: You didn’t date?

All: Not at  all

Jungshin: We don’t have cell phones.

Kyuri: Were they  confiscated?

Minhyuk: When we went Japan, we canceled it because  roaming service costs so much.

Jonghyun: And after we came back, we  are not making it again.

Shindong: Do you have a goal? So if you guys  reach the goal, you use cell phone again?

Jonghyun: We promised  after hard work of one year, then make it again.

Shindong: How long  have you been since you made debut?

Jungshin: We did showcase on  Jan.14. 5 monthes.

Shindong: 7 monthes left. Dear women celebrities,  you can contact CNBLUE in 7 monthes.

you can find full interview here click here

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Guest Joh-Eun

Kyahhh. Almost everyone here didn't miss that cute "head nudging to shoulder" scene.

Thank you guys for making GIF's. I can't thank you enough. That scene was the best so far from all the episodes I've seen.

Real couples do that. I'm so satisfied Yong managed to pull that move, Hyun how did you feel? Skinship Deabak!!!

This couple continuous to surprise me without giving too much for a little suspence.

Ahhhhh. Seriously. They are so goodlooking. They look so good together.

I am going to plant that nudging scene in my brain till next week. Hopefully, I'll replace it with a new one.

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Guest yongseofee11
































































































































































































These stares are just <3














































































cr: as tagged

















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Guest adorkable_baby






first of all, thanks to those who had been posting spazzes, translations and subbed videos.. <3


next, honestly i think that there must be really a real reason for yong not contacting hyun.. I don't believe that he was just trying to get her to miss him.


I'm sure yong is not actually that stupid but I'm sure that he kinda expected hyun's reaction.. I mean who wouldn't be angry if their special someone just


decided to disappear  all of a sudden..


which brings us to the next part, the fact that hyun is upset, shows that she's really emotionally involve in this relationship. It's also good to see her outwardly talking


about the topic rather than just keeping it inside her heart and letting herself boil which may have further destroy her trusts in yong..


whatever it is, I can't wait to watch the next ep..



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Guest lovekin




Yoona wrote a letter to Seohyun


yoona ask  When wgm with yongseobang will end ?   i´m curiosu. (I hope someone can translate this) :tears:






Now, I can only think one just thing, maybe   Yonghwa had inspiration thank to  Seohyun with his new song. " i don´t know why"






careful not to take it out of context.  it worried me too, but we have to also consider what was written before it.  it's no secret that seo's unnies miss her.




in any case, i believe she's asking when WGM will end so that they (the group) can spend time with each other again?  something to that effect, i suppose.




also, it'd help if anyone knew when this was written.  the SNSD unnies always say they miss her, but i've always concluded they meant it half-jokingly.  if anything, they're happy for her (being with yong), but it also takes time away from them.  hopefully, this doesn't influence seo at all.  ahhhh.




someone please provide context and any additional info!  thanks!


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Just wanted to share this interview of Seohyun done in March - Seohyun is indeed a firm woman (from 1:51) 100319 SNSD interview






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun had this attribute to her since the beginning, we are only just seeing it happen with Yonghwa now....LOL































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I get the feeling that the two of them are equal when it comes to emotional investment into WGM. Seohyun is more real with her emotions because of her lack of experience therefore we might see a bit more from her, but I feel that Yonghwa really truly cares for Seohyun. I just trust in them as a couple and the support system around them that though they may both experience some pain through WGM that at the end of the day the positives will outweigh the negatives and they won't regret this experience.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lovely_Ocean I read that too and though at first I was also sad, after thinking about it I feel its more likely that Inkigayo is the one holding him back not WGM. That show requires him to be there every week at a regular basis but WGM tends to be very flexible with their filming. Also in the past, the PD-nim has been very open as to letting go of their couples either due to album launches, drama filming, etc. I don't see any reason as to why the PD-nim would cling onto the Yongseo couple. They understand that the couples all need to be happy when doing WGM and have a certain commitment to the show for the filming to turn out well. Therefore, if Yonghwa is feeling trapped on WGM, the filming will be less realistic and more acting which I don't think the PD-nim would want. Hope that makes sense!!!

































































































































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Guest gettawa

Hi every goguma lover:wub:

In want to express my feeling since I watched YongSeo ep1 untill ep 29


Through the 200 days  anniversary and looking for 300days anniversary. I believe in both of them

so , I can not say anything except I'll give them the love and support No matter what happens.:wub:

Because I love both of them and i love everyones who love yongseo too.


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Guest lovekin






I didn't post for ages but wanted to ask your help in a poll to choose the most ideal WGM couple.


It's a Japanese poll and Yongseo is now No2. You can only vote once!








    チョン・ヨンファ-ソヒョン is Yonghwa and Seohyun


        3rd from the top




I read in Soompi CNBLUE thread that Yonghwa said he's been feeling sad because he couldn't be in a drama due to his 3 commitment with variety show.


If this is true I am sad and worried Yonghwa wants to leave WGM too?


Once he casted in a drama, no way he could continue WGM..... My wish is Yongseo will continue as long as Adam couple, but it seems its against Yonghwa's will/wish.




As for him in Taiwan, I really hope so.


I hope Yongseo will spend some time alone in Taiwan.






if he's feeling hampered down by being on 3 variety shows, it doesn't necessarily mean he's thinking of leaving any of them.  did he specifically say he wanted to leave a show or hint at it?  if so, then that might be worrying.




otherwise, nothing to be concerned about for now.  he's expressed his wish to be in a drama – missing shin woo, etc. – but there are more opportunities.  he needs to slow down and stop taking up new activities.  honestly, i hope that if he feels like dropping one, it won't be WGM.  it has a more flexible schedule, like goguma1207 said, and it seems more like a vacation than a job, i would imagine.




... and they still need to go bike riding!  unsure.gif


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Guest seohyun_yh






@lovekin: Thank you.  :)


or maybe yoona´s jelaous. 


click there:


Yoona's Confession


YoonHyun - I'm a bad unnie



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Guest anne0129




















In a previous post someone said that this episode is fishy. I have been considering that there is just something so staged in this episode. It could be that Hyun did get angry at Yong sometime in July when he did not contact her after the fishing trip. But the scene in episode 28 just doesn't feel right. If you're a celebrity I don't think you would argue in public even with your friend. So for Hyun to try to confront Yong in a hair salon with the hairstylist and makeup artist there is just feel so staged. I mean did WGM PDs just signed a secrecy contract with the staff there? I mean the Yong was being reprimanded by Hyun in front of them and the some of the stylists even had smiles on their faces while they were doing the 2's hairs. I feel like WGM staged this scene to get a story that will lead to the duet. Anyway, just a gut feeling for me. blush.gifsweatingbullets.gif:unsure:





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Guest Crystal392



Hiiiii! Reading all your posts I'm glad I'm not the only one who is bothered by the editing of the latest ep.

As someone said, the latest ep kind of damaged Yong and Hyun's image. It depends on the way you see it.

Yong~ seemed mean because he didn't contact her in a month.

Hyun~ seemed a bit hypocritical by complaining about him not contacting her and claiming to be worried when she didn't contact him either, also she seems to put lots of enphasis on things that happen outside WGM and that shouldn't be discussed in front of cameras.

But both things are probably because they are inexpierienced and it is totally understandable because both are Learning together ^_^

Both are amazing, I was (still am) a YongHwa fan and thanks to WGM I also became a Seohyun fan. And I will always support them no matter what :)

I really hope WGM PDs would make a better job at editing next time and won't cut important parts.

I hope Yong is in Taiwan *fingers crossed*

Now I remember SNSD encouraging letters to Hyun telling her that if she liked Yong they would help her.

And Jonghyun saying Yonghwa took WGM too seriously.

This two are super cute together. :wub:


I agree with your post, there are some reactions from her that are soo not her like talking about that in front of the stylist. She normally would have cornered while they weren't filming WGM and asked him why he didn't contact her or would have waited until they were by themselves. Also the dates and news don't seem to fit. If they didn't meet for a month then the news released by wgm crew of them meeting for lunches/dinner was just a false rumor, also she meeting Yong's parents after CNBLUE concert seems to be false too =\


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Guest lovely_ocean








goguma1207, lovekin




Thanks for your comments, I feel more at ease now with hearing your thoughts.




That's true WGM doesn't tie him up too much and more flexible than other two variety shows.




Although I don't watch Korean (or any asian) dramas, but I will support if Yonghwa decide to take a role in any drama or film. Seohyun will obviously support him too.




Hopefully, Yonseo will act toghether as a lead actor and actress someday!



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Yongseo - What I want to do if I have a lover
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre GogumaLove@tumblr
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest bonbon31



Hi all, I just watched Inki and Yong is still there. I think it is not a pre-record because the MC's clothes look different with the picture in the previous pages in this thread. So, this mean Yong will not go to SNSD concern. Howeever, he still wear his couple ring in this show.:rolleyes:


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Anne0129 and Crystal_Malfoy I had the same question too but I think someone posted maybe 10-15 pages ago that when the PD revealed they organized lunch/dinner for Yongseo couple was between the Apr 7 when Hyun surprised Yong and May 1 when they exercised.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think the reason behind Seohyun being upset is legit but I agree the PD probably edited it to make it a little bit more dramatic. The news about Seohyun being at CN Blue's concert was pretty solid so I have a feeling perhaps she came then left without properly meeting Yonghwa. He was probably really busy that night after the concert anyway. Or the other reason could be she was still upset at Yonghwa at the concert but they didn't have time to really sit down and talk it out. Plus it was his special day so she wouldn't have brought it up. Knowing Seohyun, she would have been an absolute professional in front of his parents and etc. :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I also wondered why Seohyun didn't contact him during that period, but if the translations are correct I would say she actually did. After she showed Yonghwa the photos of her in a wedding dress, he asked her why she didn't tell him about it and she said 'It was during the period I couldn't get in touch with you!" It sounds like she tried to contact him but wasn't able to which was perhaps why she kept saying she was really worried about him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































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Yonghwa can't be in Taiwan because I read Inkigayo was half-live with performances from last week as well? Oh well. :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyways, like you guys said, everything is pretty fishy with the time-line. Urgh c'mon WGM pds! I don't buy the whole not contacting each other for a month thing. It's not that hard to send a couple of texts (even though they're both stubborn). Even on previous episodes, they would bring up stuff outside of WGM filming (when Seohyun went to pick up CN Blue from the airport and Yonghwa asked about her reports from the night before, him texting her that it was his birthday that day, etc.). And CN Blue's first concert in Korea! Weren't there fan accounts too? I don't see why they would lie about it. And If she didn't go, I would imagine her at the very least texting him a congrats since it's a huge accomplishment for CN Blue. It's just weird because the birthday episode was such a huge turning point in their relationship.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Whatever. I'm just happy they got over it haha. Just look at the performance from the Incheon Wave concert! Like kay77 mentioned, Japan is another epic episode so we have that to look forward to as well! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And yeah, I feel really sad for Yonghwa for not being able to film another drama. I would like to think it's not WGM holding him back since the schedule is so flexible compared to weekly recordings of Inkigayo. I was surprised SMEnt didn't pull Seohyun out with SNSD's crazy schedule. Sucks how Yonghwa picked up another permanent variety show when the boy is so obviously overworked. :( Random comment but
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we need more Jungshin appearances on variety shows besides Star King! He's hilarious without trying to be.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































:lol: And I'm dying to see Jungshin and Minhyuk part of the '91 line with Key, Jaejin, Jinwoon, Dongwoon, Mir, etc!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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