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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Oh sun-sun, please do... we'd appreciate it so much!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and j2dlee - ur always an angel!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ahhhhh ..... I'm still trying to shrug off all the "bad vibs" I'm getting from the episode, esp after reading the trans. I feel sorry for Yong, that he had to be treated that way (because he was just testing waters for himself...) But at the same time, I so totally understand Hyun as well, where she's coming from....






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is like a real relationship! hahaha. I 'm so recommending these two a book.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YONG is from Mars, Seohyun is from Venus. hehehehe.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Towards the end... Hyun's dominating.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun to Yong: " Don't PLAY me oppa.... coz I'M NOT THAT INNOCENT!!!"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































haha --- we ladies can so relate. I love these two!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much for your effort in posting that long POST. It really brought me to the light. Awwwsome!!! **hugz!!!**

































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Guest pinkypanther_07

Hi everyone...

Usually i'm a silent reader in this thread bcoz my english is not good. But bcoz of negative comments on Yong, i think i also need to share my opinion on this :D

I'm CNBLUE fan n i love their music so much. For some reasons i just don't buy Yong's excuse that he purposely don't call hyun. IMO this has got to do with their concert. We BOICES know how strict FNC with them. If u guys remember while preparing for their BLUELOVE album, they had been isolated in a small room for several weeks with no connection with other even their parents. So i believe FNC doing the same while CNBLUE preparing for their concert. Maybe their phone being confiscated until the concert done. Its not something new to CNBLUE.

Besides, we BOICES also know how details Yong is. He is such a perfectionist leader. I remember watching one of the clip from Making the Artist while he composing with Jonghyun. He may seems playful but he can be really serious. We know that he is quite playful when he is with Hyun, he loves to tease her. I'm not blaming Hyun for being mad with him bcoz she has the right for it. It's also a good sign that Yong has a special place in her heart :wub: .

I feel really really sad for Yong bcoz he is always being blamed by fans for whatever happens on WGM -_- . We already know how hard he try from the day one of filming WGM to be a good husband for Seohyun. From this latest episode there will be more negative respond on him. BOICES know he is sad right know due to cancellation of fan meetings n also he has to give up on doing drama for a time being due to commitment on several variety shows including WGM. I really hope this episode will not add to his disappointment.

Lastly, although i enjoy watching them on WGM, as a true fan I want him to quit WGM and he can secretly dating Hyun. By doing that he can concentrate composing good music for us. I'm sorry that i can't lose Yong Hwa coz i think he is very talented :P . And i believe Seohyun can be his inspiration :P .

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































when Yong was singing RDR and he changed the lyrics, he said that he did not mean it. so I think he said this because he didn't mean for the "no contact period" to extend up to 1 month. he was preparing for CNBLue's first concert. and its their biggest event this year. a lot of expectations from fans as the tickets was sold out quickly. I alsot hink that this 1 month of no contact is exaggerated. I'd say about 2 weeks. if that 1 month is true, then reports and accounts of dinner outside WGM filming and Seohyun attended CNBlue's concert would be false. I'm really curious about the date when the next episode was filmed. because in the Chuseok special, they seemed okay. but it was filmed in Aug 17. and this week's ep was filmed in Aug 2 and then a week after that. or could they have resolved the matter privately which is hihgly unlikely since we saw how angry Seohyun is. the PD's would definitely want to show how they will solve the matter. I can't blame Yong for his actions, because I did that also to my girlfriend. I also can't blame Seohyun, because when I did that to my girlfriend, all hell broke loose.

















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Guest .:love_ya:.







Good night gogumas ^^





I wasn't gonna comment on this episode cuz it feels like "the heat" is coming back to our Goguma Land after the episode was aired lolz this always happens :D and I know this is because we all love uri goguma couple, that's why we analyze and over analyze and find reasons to put everyone at ease, so I just wanna add something to contribute a little to our supportive goguma team ^^





This episode really shows us how uri Yong~ is still inexperienced with relationships :D I don't mean it in a bad way, and I actually hope he isn't very experienced so he can accompany Hyun as she learns more about LOVE/relationship :D When he purposely didn't contact Hyun, he was probably thinking that "Oh in order to confirm her feelings, I should probably stop contacting her until we see each other again for another filming." But maybe their filming got held back for so long that they ended up not meeting each other until a month later. We all know how determined Yong can be when he decides to do something, just look at him with his passion for music. :D Plus, he was very very busy with CN BLUE first concert and everything, so he was probably too worn out. I think this is why he said "I didn’t do that on purpose, really didn’t. Please accept my apology~" :D





In addition, Hyun............lolz she said she went to his regular salon for a change in style but when they asked her how she wanted to do her hair, she said "just natural waves please" lolz sorry I have to point this out cuz I just thought Hyun obviously went there to check on her hubby lolz uri couple is so cute ^^ I think Yong's strategy didn't completely and only yield Hyun's frustration and worrying cuz we all can see that she really did miss him ^^





Regarding the poor editing, I agree with you guys that it somewhat really did hurt Yong's image. And I hope PD-nim can do better next time T.T but from his point of view, as an editor, he did his job. WGM is a show after all even though it is not completely scripted. I think he's trying to shape each episode into a sequence just like a drama. In drama, there are ups and downs. One episode might be happy, the following might be sad, creating a twist to catch the audience's attention. I'm sure he has no intention of hurting uri Yong~ ^^ PD-nim has been very supportive of uri couple, too. He let them meet their idols and go to places they want to go and everything :D I just hope, when he's editing, he could think about uri couple's image a little :D Being on the show, besides experiencing the whole marriage thing, they're also trying to entertain and provide fan service. If PD-nim keeps doing this, fans are really gonna eat all the gogumas (like how Hyun mentioned it in the dark room ^^) ...........and that's bad cuz we're gonna get fat lolz sorry guys I'm so random :D


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Guest Joh-Eun

Clap Clap Clap. Another week of YongSeo experience. I thought I was gonna get a dose of love but this weeks episode was not quite what I expected.

Although finding myself moving on from last weeks episode is still a challenge (I want to fill my heart and mind with inspiration for as long as I can) . . . but I can't help but be troubled and fearful after watching last Saturdays episode.

I keep noticing Hyun's expression, when she was with Yong, and when she was doing the black room interview. Her eyes were shooting dagger looks as compared to the cute sparkling eyes she always had. I am satisfied to see that Hyun is now learning how it feels like when celebrating birthdays with a partner. . . and how annoying it is when your man can't get in touch with you (the major cause why I recently broke up with my boyfriend). But I am scared how this is gonna portray Yong's character to people who have already complained that the show is reducing his personality.

Kay77- I agree. I think his schedule must have been so crazy. The writers may have injected a little (but frightening) drama here. I mean for about a month???:huh: Seriously. We all know that Yong is committed to the show, more than anything - to Hyun. I wonder how Yong will be able to handle his time now that he has projects left and right, traveling from 1 country to another, an album to launch and a concert to prepare. There are rumors (sorry guys) that they only have a few more episodes to go (this is really what's breaking my heart). I know this is a show and will eventually come to an end (I hope not anytime soon). But God, please let our Sweet Potato couple reach their 1 year anniversary, please let Hyun fall in love with Yong.

And it's really getting confusing, I mean the timeline. This was shot before they taped the WGM Chuseok Horror Special. I hope WGM can arrange the episodes to make it more current. I am dying to see the episode which was shot in Japan.

Some cute scenes noticeable in this episode . . .

They look really very cute when they were sitting together in that small room at the salon. They looked very good (pretty and handsome) when they were dividing their parts in the practice room.

Yong nudged his head TWICE to Hyun's shoulders. For a moment I wanted to scream "Yong don't move and just lean on to her". I wanted his head to stay there a little longer asking for her forgiveness. :D I kept replaying that part because it looked very cute and sweet.

It was funny at the same time worrisome watching them argue at the salon and at the practice room. I am worried because Hyun has been displeased lately and that Yong is continuously loosing GoGuMa points.

Yong looked so cute when he "sniffed" because Hyun didn't bought him a present from Thailand.

Hyun looked so adorable when she was looking at him saying "Is it really okay that I don't have a gift for you"?

There had been multiple instances that we saw how sad Yong looks like whenever Hyun starts talking about other guys. He either starts to talk lesser, changes the topic, becomes moody or tilts his head.

I think what's more distressing is that Hyun was wearing the gown for another man, even more disheartening for him to know that it was for Jungmo. I felt my heart ache for Yong seeing that his woman had already worn a gown and he wasn't the first man to see her, it wasn't even for their own wedding.

I love the way they look at each other. Whenever their eyes meet, they aren't afraid to look at each other straight in the eye. It's really sweet.

I can't wait to find out what strict rules Hyun is going to give to Yong. After a month of not contacting her and after finding out he wasn't wearing the ring.

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I loved this episode as much as last week's episode but for a completely different reason! Last week we saw some really raw emotions, this week we saw how they responded to the really 'special' moments. One desired more, the other got a little frightened (understandably).






























































































































































































































































I put it in spoilers because its so long and I don't want to bore people to death:






























































































































































































































































































































As a girl, I can't help but totally sympathize with Seohyun but as a fan of the couple I choose to be neutral when it comes to commenting about this episode. I think I did all my venting on twitter and now that I am calm and have watched this episode several times I am able to analyze it as unbiased as possible.






























































































































































































































































I honestly do believe that Yonghwa didn't intend it to be one entire month without contact and I really respect him for not making up stupid excuses (like lots of guys do) when responding to Seohyun's anger. He just said it as it is and gave her the truth - he wanted her to miss him. So cute and adorable the way he said it, then Seohyun's reaction was pure comedy.






























































































































































































































































Watching the interviews he did the first two weeks of July, he seemed like he was really trying to separate himself from Seohyun. I can imagine that after a emotion-filled birthday trip, he got a little frightened. I have always said that Yonghwa is an extremely guarded person and he really let his guard down that night. He probably needed the time away to reflect, figure out what his next step was going to be. Whether he likes her or not for real is something that only Yonghwa will ever know but I do absolutely believe that he cares for her at the very least like a really good friend. The last thing he wants to do is hurt her and like he said in one of his BGI 'I will never put dirt on her', he wants to protect her.






























































































































































































































































HOWEVER! The implication of being the first man to ever hold Seohyun's hand intimately like they did I can imagine would scare the heck out of him. Any guy in his situation would probably be scared because in the world of Yongseo, they can't really date in real life. Him being a rookie, she being in the nation's girl-group with lots of fans plus anti-fans, the dangers are all there. The need to separate himself from her and step back into the world of reality was probably really important to him. All the workload, not having to film was just perfect timing for him. I don't know if they planned the no filming for one month, but if they didn't I really don't think he intended it to go for one entire month.






























































































































































































































































Then we have Seobaby who has never experienced any kind of relationship with a boy. She gave him the privilege of holding her hand for the first time in her life and here he goes not even bothering to text her once in an entire month?!? She put herself out there for the world to see, acted like a fool for him and he doesn't even bother with anything?!? Haha as a girl, I can't help but completely feel for her!






























































































































































































































































The thoughts that must have gone through her mind, wondering if she did something wrong whether she was to forward or not; I can imagine all of that playing through her mind in the entire month. When watching this episode, the first time they meet and he reveals to her why he did what he did, I feel the reason her anger came out was because she was more relieved than anything. She was probably worrying herself to death and for the reason to be so simple and childish, she just got angry!






























































































































































































































































By the time we watch that BGI and the second time they meet up, its like she had time to talk it through with her unnies and she really sat down and thought about it; now she's just out for revenge. All the photos placed in her phone, not wearing her ring, not giving his present is all a punishment for what he did to her. I feel as much as she was upset, she's probably also having fun that she obviously has the upper hand in this game.






























































































































































































































































I can't wait to see how she makes him grovel for her forgiveness. I think what this episode shows at the end of the day is that they do adore each other to bits.






























































































































































































































































The line between reel and real has totally been blurred and I think Yonghwa is just trying to find the clear line again. Seeing his reaction when they were in the studio though, I have a feeling that every time he is near Seohyun the line becomes increasingly hard to see. Seohyun is like a child, not afraid of entering anything because she has yet to see the hurt and consequences that comes afterwards. Yonghwa I feel is trying to protect both of them by pulling away.





























































































































































































































































































































Either way, I adore this couple and this is all just my opinion!






























































































































































































































































Thoughts that went through my head when I was watching this episode, can't wait for next week!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OH! I was so immersed in writing this I forgot to share my latest fanvid! I really want to apologize about the lyrics not showing up properly but youtube was acting all funny on me. So I've uploaded it on megaupload for those who wants to download it - link is in description box. Hope you all enjoy it!































































































































Yongseo - What I want to do when I have a lover
































































































































































































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uh-ohxev, BluMistLaydee, p!nk22, kay77, crystal, jnj, woolly, baby_bo, rouenna, heartbreak, blu3bird, Trent, kerube-chan, qwenli, & many more~ sorry, there're so many of us now that i can't seem to keep track of the names... just wanna thank u guys for ur interesting POVs~! :D

credit: jinmeiyan baidu> a scene in the blackroom interview was deleted.hyun said that she got to know what yong had been doing from people around him.yong never decided to not contact hyun from the start. but during those times, he got busy with the concert and had other things to be done. so he always missed the time to make phone calls. so the time they did not keep in touch became longer. but he knew what hyun had been doingi quite believe what yong said about busy preparing for the concert. coz it's CnBlue's 1st concert. so he had the pressure to make it perfect since the tickets were sold out very quickly. and i watched CNBlue's older reality show. they practised until very late.

thanks so much for this info! now it kinda makes sense. if i'm not mistaken, anne0129 did mention that some may not have the intention of doing what yong just did. but somehow it just happened with a blink of an eye. to make a phone call to hyun, i'm sure he must've wanted a quieter place to do so, where he can have his privacy. BUT i doubt yong had that kinda opportunity. even if he did, i'm sure he could've been very tired & stressful... with that in mind, i don;t think he'll be able to call hyun in such a state. maybe in his view, it may just makes things worse. i'm sure he knows that he's gonna hafta face RAPPER HYUN once they meet for WGM filming.

oh, i think there's another reason as to why yong didn't contact hyun at 1st... READ MY SPOILER AT UR OWN RISK... this is just my imagination, so pls take it at face value :)

okay, i'm gonna try to put myself in yong's shoes in a female's view of course:

if i were in WGM with some interesting guy that i got to like a lot & even developed some feelings with, & he suddenly gave me a more expensive couple ring for my b'day to replace the previous old ring... i must say that i'll have an eruption of emotions going thru' me. the AFTERMATH of it may very well be too OVERWHELMING that i don't think i'll manage to think of an appropriate reaction nor do i know how to react as i'm very much aware that i'm a leader of a band & this is WGM for goodness' sake! how on earth am i suppose to react & what am i suppose to do about it? dang! i dunno what to do! no doubt that i feel for him BUT... is he for real? he's told me that he's never dated before & that he doesn't know what love is! does he know what he's doing by giving me a ring as my b'day present?? i don't mind if it's just an accessory ring as a gift but a couple ring?! :sweatingbullets: does he know what this mean? and do i know what he's implying by giving me the ring? yeah, it does seem like he's taking some liking towards me. *DUGEUN DUGEUN* should i call/text him tomorrow? but what am i gonna say/text about? i dunno how to react to this! maybe i need to calm myself down 1st before i do anything. yes, clear my mind. besides, my very 1st concert is coming! dang! so many things to prepare & i must make this concert a success. hmmm... how about him? i'm sorry blah blah, i don't think i'll call u these few days. i need some time to think about where we're at too. we seem to be more real than i expected. u're indeed what every girl dreams of but am i that worthy to be ur 1st? gahhh i'd better monitor this feeling of mine.

after a few days: hmmm... so far, he didn't even call/text me after my interview with a radioshow. i even purposely answered Tamaki Hiroshi as my ideal. i wonder what did he think of my answer? heh heh heh... i wonder if that'll tickle him to call me or something. ohhoho i'm still not gonna call him today! not till he calls me~! hmmm i wonder if he actually likes me? why isn't he calling/texting me!? >.< should i call him now that i'm a bit free & there's no one around? gahhh someone's calling me now! dang, hafta go practice now... my 1st concert should be a priority for now. sorry blah blah... i'll try to call u again soon, hopefully!

eventually, the few days turned into weeks:

gahhh this ain't good. we still need to harmonize this song. ughh my voice. *someone asking for a short break* ok, short break it is. we'd better perfect it guys! gosh.. i'm feeling moody here. if only he'd call/text for some encouragement. i'm sure he knows about my upcoming concert by now. but why isn't he? hmmm i guess he should also be busy with other things huh. oh, i heard that he's gonna be featured in an MV with f(x). sigh, the girls are gonna swoon all over him. maybe i should call him now & ask about him? but i dunno, the feelings to call him right now doesn;t seem right. it just doesn't seem like the right timing again. sighh! and even if i call, i think i'll sound awkward. dang, i don't get him at all! does he actually like me? oh well, i guess i'll find out as soon as we meet again in august. and maybe i'll just let him lead the way. or maybe i should just let my feelings lead the way? i dunno... we'll see how.

kekeekekek sorry for this kinda imagination. i mean that must've been the scenarios happening to yong. i reversed it though. xD

kekeekekekekekekekekekekekekekek :P

goguma...i totally agree with u on yong being frigtened at 1st. hahaaha sigh... i hope yong wont think it as a burden to have her feelings getting deeper for him. edit: but it seems like wheneever yong meets hyun face-to-face, he can't seem to control himself, his feelings for her. it just shows how much he missed her when he nudged her with his head. he even nudged her twice! i guess when he saw how sad & worried she was, it just breaks his heart to see her like that. i dunno... eventhough there're positive outcomes... the one who might take a bigger blow if they don't happen after WGM is hyun i think.

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Guest shadow_of_Atum


Dear Kay


Responding to some parts of your post; sorry for cutting it.


Except that I don't think that line between "real" and "reel" will ever be "almost non existent" for those who are involved.


Agreed. I just need to rant a bit about this. I love the concept of WGM but it is one dangerous show as it plays with the mind and the heart. In Season 1, we see couples shedding tears when they have to leave. I remember watching Hwangbo cry in her last filming with Hyun Joong, and it was so painful. And that was one strong, mature woman who probably had her fair share of pain in life and love. This does make me worry for a couple as young as them. :sweatingbullets:


Even with Khuntoria and Adam couple and the many other couples before them, I do think they do feel something for the other. This show provides them with a platform to fall for one another Research has shown that the three main reasons for attraction between two people are a)physical appearance, b)proximity and c)similarity.


In Yongseo's case, (a) is there without a doubt. WGM provides them with (b)proximity. Although, they may bump into one another at music events if they had not been part of WGM, filming WGM is actually a free pass for them to date on a basis that is more regular than any busy idol can hope for. And now as filming takes place, both are discovering more about one another. Should they find that they have many things similar i.e. values, perspectives in life, similar hobbies and interests etc, the ingredients are all there for a very strong attraction. I can already think of some things they have in common.


The bigger problem with this week's episode is that not only did PD and writers use "reality" but they also skewed that reality with poor editing and warping the timeline to suit their envisioned storyline regardless of how that might hurt the images of "actors" involved.


This is what saddens me. These two are probably very wonderful, normal teenagers who happen to have become successful in what they do and because of that they have been thrusted into a make-belief marriage by their management companies for the companies' profits and the general public's entertainment. It is not an enviable position to be in - as much as WGM seems fun, there is a darker, crueler side to it and I wish the fans of either one would not hurt them unnecessarily with nasty comments. Hence, perhaps that is why I can't help but ship them - because the only bonus I see out of this programme is not the money or the fame they'll get but each other, even if not romantically but at least as very close lifelong friends. :unsure:


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Guest ahn_annann
























thanks for all translated and info. esp. J2dlee
















Yong Boy
































Beautiful Hyun
































made by me





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Guest toomuchsmiling








j2dlee- thanks for the great trans! ^___^ as ALWAYS~








Okay, i love everyone's opinions/POVs, so i won't really post mine b/c everyone else's is what i would have said anyway, and most likely better so~~I will just add in my commentary in the trans~ lol. And spazz out my fave parts.












1- him washing her hair~ :wub: that was just so intimate not to mention CUTE!!




2- his interview in the backroom where he's all "she just wanted to see me" LOL, Yong.




3- Awww the part where the HEAD KNUDGING WAS JUST 2 CUTE!!! (but if i were her i would have wanted to hit him over the head but glad she didn't) :lol:












H: Then you do ‘I’m really a bad boy’ part.




H: ‘Straighten up!’




Y: ‘I’m really a bad boy!’




MC Park: It really suits to them!




H: I like it! I like it!




MC Kim: Yong looks a little bit intimidated.




H: Then when I sing ‘over love’, you go ‘just curiosity’.




Y: Why do I have to say ‘just curiosity’?




MC Kim: Yes, he realises that he has disadvantages.




H: No, we take turns.




Y: But it’s not my story. I’m not ‘just curious’.



H: Yes, you are ‘just curious.’



H: And I’ll do this part.



Y: ‘I’ve been deceived by you…’????!



H: That’s right.




MC Park: Oh, it just explains her feelings exactly!




‘RDR’ falls on their situation








LOL, at the bolded parts. I was just laffing so much, each line of the song, u weren't expecting it, but each line just got worse, MADE it worse for him (and all the more better for Hyun, i think she got a better understanding of what her song REALLY means cuz just look at her pleased expression)








Y: ‘I didn’t do that on purpose, really didn’t. Please accept my apology~’(him trying to apologize)




H: ‘I can’t stand you anymore, I’m going to kick you.’



H: ‘Even if you try to hold on to me I’ll turn off my attention.’ see wat i mean? Poor Yong. feel the RATH! :lol: just look at his defeated face and her pleased one!




H: Ah, this is perfect!




Y: What’s perfect?!




H: This’ll be fun.








MC Park: Yong hwa said about ‘pull and push’ but he’s just being dragged… LOL. Agreed








H: A wedding dress.




Hyun bride and….Jung Mo








JW: She’s with another man.




MC Park: With Jung Mo?!




H: We took a picture together.




Y:….You seem cheerful.




Y: When you watch dramas, wedding dresses look so beautiful….




H: Fans told us that we look good together.




NY & MC Park: Arrrrrgh!!!!! What should he do?!




Y: Jashik…..how was it, was it heavy?




H: Yes.




Y: I guess it’d feel strange wearing a wedding dress.




H: Yes, I felt really strange.




Y: Did you?




H: Yes.




Y: So, did you enjoy it?




H: What?




Y: Did you enjoy it? Did you like it?




H: Wearing a wedding dress was good.




Y: You didn’t tell me.




H: I couldn’t!




Y: Why?




H: It was during that period!



Y: What period?



H: When I couldn’t get in touch with you! Ah, really!




Y: It’s all my fault.




Y: It’s okay, we’re closer now.




H: No, we’re not.




Y: Yes, we’re.




H: No!




Y: Yes!




H: You’re delusional!




Y: Jashik.








i just LOVE this entire part. Seohyun, was so shocked she said "ppl said we look good together" *POW SMACK* to Yong! haha. P.S.- whichever WGM staff provided the wheezy laugh where i bolded, i have to say THANKS for just taking away the feelings of the moment for me <_< i have to agree with Hyun too, Yong got delusional. xP








YY: Stop pretending you don’t know, just say it.




H: Say what?




Y: The day we sing together.




H: Yes, the day we sing together.




Y: It’s my birthday!




H: What birthday?




Y: According to the lunar calendar.




H: How should I know that?




Y: So you didn’t know?




H: You didn’t even send me a text on my birthday. You were too mean. What do you think?




Y: You’re right. It’s all my fault. I’m sorry…




H: …^^ From Hyun, to Yong *POW SMACK* round 2!








PD: Why did you pretend as if you don’t know?




H: Because there’s no Goguma left in me.




H: The reason I became like this… it’s purely because of the damage done by Yong oppa’s ‘playing hard to get.’








It looked like Seolong and Jinwoon were shocked and kinda scared wen she said that. definitely shocked, look at Jinwoon there. LOL.








Y: If you’ve been to Thailand, no gift for me?




H: Uhh….a gift….




Y: You’re hiding it again.




H: No.




Y: Then?




H: I wanted to buy (your gift) last in the airport…




Y: Yes.




H: While wandering around….




Y: The flight time…




H: They said I should leave now.




Y: Okay.




H: I’m sorry, really.




Y: Why didn’t you buy mine first…




H: Because it’s important, I wanted to buy it last… I’m sorry.




Y: No, it’s okay. Do you think I’ll be upset just because of a gift?




H: Really? Are you okay?




Y: Yes, I’m fine.








From Hyun to Yong: *POW SMACK* round 3! KNOCKOUT!! :lol: :lol:












(backroom interview)




H: Of course, I bought a gift for him.




MC Park: Of course~




H: Hmm…what goes around comes around.




MC Park: Oh~!




MC Kim: She’s really upset today!




SO: Seo Hyun’s so grown up~




H: Just to let him have a taste of what it feels like being ‘pulled and pushed’. I think he’ll be really sorry.








yeah, she got SCARY. never thought i'd be scared of Hyun, but she does show she has POWER. who says she can't act either? she totally looked convincing wen she told those lies to Yong. he totally fell for them. BY THE WAY~~ i wonder wen she'll give him the presents she got him in Thailand? :rolleyes:





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Guest anne0129




















Okay just posted some thoughts...don't know if others will think if you will agree or not but just some thoughts and I don't even know if I conveyed it properly so.....skip it if you don't want to be confused.












OMG! Just left for a few hours and the thread has been bombarded. First off, I do like this episode. I don't love it but I like it because it showed an angry Hyun. Again, as I have said in my previous post, I am not a sweet girlfriend and so not contacting for a month won't be a problem for me. (Heck, in our relationship I'm the one who forgets about our anniversary blush.gif ). As long as I don't hear any news that your dead or involved in an accident I would not worry to much. I'm weird I know. So this is where I get confused? Why was Hyun worried? I mean the whole month of July despite the fact that CN Blue has finished their promotion of the album, Yong was still seen around TV and heard on radio talk shows. What was she worried about? He was still alive and well. So I'm sorry if I am asking this but what was she worried about? (Really I'm confused...sorry for being stupid but I just don't know why she was worried sweatingbullets.gif ) Also I don't believe that they did not contact each other for a whole month....because I remember that there was an interview of Yong and the rest of CN Blue when they had a photoshoot for NII and during the interview Yong was seen that his ring was being passed to him after the photoshoot and he said something like "Yes this is my ring and message to Hyun was like see I'm taking care of the ring," while he was putting it on. So I feel like he may have not contacted her right after the fishing expedition but I feel that 1 month was too much. It could also be because he was pretty busy during their first concert preparation. I remember the boys were twitting pictures of them rehearsing for the concert and Yong's picture he looked tired may be because they always pull an all nighter so as to present the best concert for their fans which by the way is a huge success. With regards to not wearing the ring in some events I guess, for me may be he had is resized? I mean when Hyun gave it to him it was a bit tight right so may be he had it resized hence he did not wear it in some event that Hyun saw. I just feel that this episode was a bit weird and I guess the PDs wanted to add drama to it. I don't know if I am making sense so I'm sorry if I just made your day as confused as I am. blush.gif For that I am sorry.






































Anyway, posting some timeline for July and August which I found in the Sweet Potato Days blog....






































July 2010


































July 03 [Episode 13] The one where Hyun springs a welcome surprise at the airport























July 05 CNBlue interview on Power Time Radio























July 06 YongHwa KBS Happy Birthday Recording























July 07 CNBlue at SBS Kim Jung Eun Chocolate Recording























July 10 [Episode 14] The one where they cook together























July 10 SeoHyun at driver's license center *rumor*























July 10 YongHwa KBS Happy Birthday Recording























July 11 YongHwa vs Onew on KBS Night Star























July 12 YongHwa SBS Star King Recording























July 14 CNBLUE @ The Muzit - YongHwa asked about his ideal type and whether he is in love with his virtual wife























July 16 SNSD @ The 48th Gyeongbuk Sports Festival Opening Ceremony























July 17 [Episode 15] The one where they do morning exercise and start the driving license mission























July 18 SNSD @ SBS My Friend Haechi























July 22-24 SNSD in Japan to film MV























July 22 YongHwa talks about his ring during a NII photoshoot interview *this is the broadcast date























July 24 [Episode 16] The one where they take the written exam for their license























July 24 SNSD @ Cabi Mini-Concert. Hyun spotted wearing a (new?) ring























July 31 [Episode 17] The one where they take the driving course exam and later go for a picnic with Hyoyeon and JungShin























July 31 Listen to the CNBlue concert in Korea






































August 2010






































Aug 03 [WGM Filming] At the hair salon























Aug 03 DCGallery fans sent gifts to Yong and Hyun while they were filming at a park























Aug 03 SeoHyun with CNBLUE at a Make A Wish Event























Aug 04 CNBLUE @ MNET the Beatles Code Filming























Aug 06-14 SNSD @ Phuket, Thailand























Aug 07 [Episode 18] The one where they have to pay up on their bet























Aug 07 CNBLUE @ NII Fansigning in Busan























Aug 07 CNBLUE @ Green Number One Performance























Aug 09 YongHwa filming for Running Man























Aug 12 CNBLUE @ MNet Beatles Code (Broadcast date)























Aug 14 [Episode 19] The one where they play pool and someone gets a piggyback ride























Aug 17 [WGM Filming] Special Episode with the Adam and Khuntoria couples. Reportedly for a horror film special























Aug 20-21 Listen to the CNBLUE Concert - Singapore























Aug 21 [Episode 20] The one where they make kimchi and visit the CNBLUE dorm























Aug 21 SMTown Concert























Aug 25 SNSD Showcase in Japan























Aug 26 Listen to the CNBLUE Concert - Hong Kong























Aug 26 SNSD on Mezamashi Live























Aug 26 YongHwa @ HaHaMong Show Filming (Broadcast on September 12)























Aug 28 [Episode 21] The one where they cook at CNBLUE's dorm























Aug 28 CNBLUE concert @ Chuncheon























Aug 29 [WGM Filming] Incheon Korean Music Wave. Performing Run Devil Run and Love Light together. Filming also occurred at their house before and after the concert























Aug 29 *Sweet Potato Couple 200 Day Anniversary*























Aug 30 SeoHyun @ Superbad Press Conference















































































I remember in my other post why RDR was chosen and now I know. Hehehe!!! It was Hyun's revenge. I do hope that next week Hyun's revenge will be finish or have come to an end. As a girl I don't like prolonged revenge. Never was my style. I always go for the 1 go. Because you have to know how long to push and pull too. If you push for so long the other side might not want to be pulled back after. So I hope the PDs didn't script in the fact that they want a prolonged push and pull. I just hope it's for their RDR/Love Light duet.






































To pinkpanther_07, I share your sentiments. Though I love WGM and these 2 when narrow minded individuals out there bash Yong for something that was shown in the new episode, this are the times I want him to quit and just concentrate on their music and may be a new drama. People easily forget the all the things he have done in the past and people tend to dwell on the present. I this is the times the I felt disappointment to WGM PDs for creating a bad light for their cast. I don't watch the other 2 couples so I don't know if they do what they are doing to Yong to the other guys in other couples. I just feel that sometimes Yong gets short-changed and always seem to be the one lacking. Sorry, I'm not mad at Hyun but sometimes I just feel the PDs are weird in their editing and storyline. It's just so confusing. :crazy:





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thanks for all translated and info. esp. J2dlee







Yong Boy














made by me













I like your screen caps. Thanks for sharing. Indeed Yong was very shy. Is he charming? I always love and trust Yong unconditional blush.gif







Thanks everyone for the sub and translation.









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I'm really curious about the date when the next episode was filmed. because in the Chuseok special, they seemed okay. but it was filmed in Aug 17. and this week's ep was filmed in Aug 2 and then a week after that. or could they have resolved the matter privately which is hihgly unlikely since we saw how angry Seohyun is. the PD's would definitely want to show how they will solve the matter. I can't blame Yong for his actions, because I did that also to my girlfriend. I also can't blame Seohyun, because when I did that to my girlfriend, all hell broke loose.
































































from the timeline I don't know how in Horror episode they look happy like that if they're in push away period

so I think this&next episode is dramatic storyline that match performance

















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Guest desirenhope



Streaming Inkigayo right now.

And they just gave out last week's mutizen to 2ne1. so I guess it means that Yonghwa is not in Taiwan right now. And they're wearing different clothes & hairstyles from the photo posted in this thread a few pages back. :(


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Guest fifth84200
















































































































hello gogumas!
















































i think this is my 3rd or 2nd post here, i favour being silent lurker more. huhu.
















































i love yongseo because they are the most peaceful couple, even when they are bickering. usually, one will sulk, the one will try to coax the other. they are funny, but in their own sweet way. yes, it seems like those sweet scenes came out from a storybook, but when they are bickering, it shows the real side of Hyun and Yong. hehe. 
















































i can't explain why i think they are the most peaceful, but maybe it is because the gogumas are all in support for both of them. 
















































in a normal relationship, 'pulling' and 'pushing' is as natural as loving, they can't remain static and monotonous all the time right?
















































by the way, i'm looking for HQ video of both of Yong and Hyun singing RDR and LoveLight, anyone has a link?
















































p/s: i followed the other two couples too, the Adam couple is the most comical, KhunToria is the most celebrity like couple, but i have to say, our Goguma couple is the most realistic of all... you can see that from their eye-contact and body language... they won't lie.









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Guest I_broke_a_nail!
































































































































































































































































Hi, sorry,
































































































































I remembered that there used to be a blog/website which subbed the episodes within 2-3 days. I forgot what the site was. Can anyone let me know? =) thank you

































































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































Hi Gogumas! ^^
































































































































I'm watching Inkigayo and Yonghwa is there.. I think this is from today? Aigoo.. I really hope it is true that he's in Taiwan though! :(
































































































































I hate rumors for this reason! I don't like getting my hopes up.. hopefully, there will be a sighting of Yo~ng in Taiwan and fans will take photos! *crossing fingers* :vicx:

































































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Guest sonnawabit

Hi all, just want to clear up that today's Inkigayo episode is recorded from last week, it's not live. It's last week's episode where Inkigayo was cancelled due to the baseball game, so with Yonghwa having no schedules today (since today's Inkigayo was last week's recorded Inkigayo).

Yonghwa may be at Taiwan right now.. and yeah hope there's a sighting of him somewhere...

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks sally7. so next week's episode was filmed the day before their duet. this is really confusing. in the preview Seohyun still looked pissed at Yong. but they were okay at their duet and the Chuseok special. she even cooked for him. they didn't really resolved anything in MBC's practice room (based on what we saw in the episode). I think at the beginning of the Chuseok special, before the Adam couple arrived, Yong and Hyun was talking and Hyun said something like "let's talk about it" and Yong replied "no." could that something be the 1 month without contact? plus they have that hip hop style greeting. if SNSD was in Phuket for a week, then MBC filming then straight to filming the Chuseok special, when did they first do that? I doubt that they first did that during the filming day at the salon and the filming at MBC. I maybe over analyzing stuff here but its confusing if you think when they resolved the matter, is it before the Chuseok special, before the duet or after the duet? I would gladly wait for the villager's thoughts on the matter. :)

































































































































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