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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest rjcm127






Thanks to j2dlee for the provided translation. Even though just watching the two makes me squirm with happiness, knowing that is actually being said is way better.


Tsk. Tsk. Tsk....no goguma points this week for Yong. And no wedding ring or SNSD ring on Hyun during their practice either....


Even though the timeline for this couple is all wacked out due to the PDs' editing (understandable that some info/events regarding their schedule), but their timeline is off the charts. Just trying to figure out when and where and going back and forth is a doozy...Now i understand why Onew told Yong on Night Star Filmed July 9/Aired July 11 "Don't hurt Seohyun's Heart!". Maybe she was really really confused that's why Onew went to SNSD Dorm at 2am to explain a guys perspective...Hey it's a possible reason, right? Inbetween that time period and now all their push/pull makes sense: Yong with the Star Date/Holika Photoshoot, Hyun with Trax MV/Photoshoot, Meeting with Ueno Juri : totally confirm & understand the look Hyun gave Yong when teaching UJ the word "Oppa".


Everyone has posted speculations and reasons why he really didn't contact her and I just feel sad for both of them. Mainly due to both being hurt because there was no contact (supposidly)...and everything that lead them to (birthday celebration) point of the relationship has just gone down, thus leaving Hyun to push him away and rebuild the trust...


Also after re-watching a marathon of the two's episodes from the beginning I came to realize that if Yong didn't purposely not call/text her then he probably would've received a hug during the Chuseok special when Hyun won the wrestling match against her Vic Unnie. Instead Hyun just hi-five...I've seen screen captures of Yong fixing Hyuns hair on the bus and passing the insect spray to hyun during the wresting match, but can someone fill me in the part "Let's not talk about that.."in the Chuseok special?


Although Yong plan of R=VD was to become closer it is now Hyun is pulling away now and being cautious. Remember Yong Seohyun has said through her book report, "When it come to dating I’m not only indifferent but also have no experience. At the thought of being scarred, I began to close my heart…However, this book allowed me to learn and realize many things. This book isn’t only about dating, but it also helps you find your soulmate. It is natural that you should be with someone…and it’s beautiful. It shouldn’t be something you should be afraid of. Marriage helps man and woman, who are individually incomplete, to be united as one. It allows for them to encourage one another and live a new life. That is what I realized. Although I may be clumsy when it comes to love, I only get to live once. I would like to be cautious with which person I choose and be smart with love.”


Please try hard and rebuild the Goguma points. YongHwa I really do hope that you keep your promise and attend her concert. Seohyun mentioned that while getting to know you she realized that you keep your word, which means a lot. Reel or Real Goguma couple FTW!!



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I just finished watching this week's episode of WGM and... my feeling is this: What did I just watch?!? With this episode, I was suddenly reminded of all the reasons I disliked WGM and avoided WGM with all my passion prior to falling madly in love with Yongseo couple. :blink::lol:

@Crystal Malfoy, Korean fans are just as confused about this episode and whereabouts of those "spoiled" CN Blue episodes as international fans are. :lol:

@cailei23, I was about to post something very similar to your post. :lol:

I think the main problem with this episode is that the PD and writers of WGM has been forgetting that this is "We Got Married" not "We are Dating". Yonghwa and Seohyun are supposely "a husband and a wife", not "a boyfriend and a girlfriend". Therefore, there is really no such thing as "getting mad because one didn't contact the other for a whole month" since they are supposely "living in a same house".

Another problem with this episode is that Seohyun is supposely mad about something that there really is no reason for her to be mad about in the first place. Yonghwa and Seohyun are not real life boyfriend/girlfriend. Yonghwa didn't do anything wrong by not contacting Seohyun outside of "WGM" and not wearing ring sometimes when not filming "WGM". He is not bounded by WGM at all times even when not filming WGM. This is where this episode went wrong. Soehyun didn't have a reason to be mad at Yonghwa for not contacting her outside of WGM, because they are not in "real" relationship outside of WGM. By going outside of WGM and trying to pry into what happens outside of WGM filming, the PD and writers of WGM are in stepping into a delicate area of "invading the personal lives" of two "actors".

This second problem is one of the reasons that I disliked WGM so much. Now, because of this episode, Yonghwa is being branded as "a bad guy" by netizens. :vicx:

Now, why do I think they included this "Seohyun mad because Yonghwa not contacting Seohyun for a whole month"? One thing comes to my mind is that they are trying to write a comic relief with Yonghwa being "bad boy" to match the lyrics of "Run Devil Run". It is a very ill conceived idea, imo.

Did I completely "dislike" this episode? No. With all the problems the episode had, I actually enjoyed watching because of on screen chemistry between Yonghwa and Seohyun. They are just precious and sweet together even when they are at odds. :wub:

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Guest Crystal392



kay77: Thanks soo much for sharing info. So I guess there are a lot of Gogumas who are confused with the timeline. I was also surprised when they mentioned their lives and interactions in 'real life' and not while filming because supossedly, as the WGM PD said on the interview I posted on the previous page, they aren't supposed to contact each other but sometimes it's inevitable because they can meet on music shows. Also if I'm not wrong other couples (WGM Season 1) had WGM wedding rings but they only wore it when they were filming WGM. I remember how some fans from couples from season 1 were surprised when Yong~ and Hyun~ wore their wedding rings outside WGM because no one had done that before them (correct me if I'm wrong (: ). I guess, as you said, the PD and writers of WGM are in stepping into a delicate area of "invading the personal lives" of two "actors". As much as I love them as a couple, I also love them individually and respect their privacy. And also as you said I actually enjoyed watching the latest ep because of their chemistry and when they look at each other :wub:




YongxHyun: OMG really? really? I hope it's true! After this ep I learned not to trust on rumours xD but please I hope this is true!! *fingers crossed* Yong~ is about to fullfill one of his first promises to Hyun~ ^___^


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Guest yongseo_fighting

Thanks to j2dlee and kneenim for the translation. You are just GREAT! Without you, there is no way for us to truly understand the long converastion from this episode. Well, just my 2cents here. Somehow, I do really feel Hyun was seriously worried for Yong and I find it very real. Though she had not explained the reason why she is worried, I do think she is worried what could happen to Yong after the "lovey dovey" episode last week. Will he be reprimanded or scolded by his company or manager? Or were it because few of his fans grudge over the last episode causing CNBlue's company to consider to take his phone away etc... Of course she was mad after found out it was actually "pull and push" game from Yong. She is such a kind girl who thinks of others. haha.. I actually found the preview of Hyun pushing Yong away was sweet. Yong had a smile after hearing Hyun said that. In some way, I found Hyuns push was cute. I wish Yong felt the same... Well, another long wait till next Sat...

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Hello everyone, hope you don't mind my posting this here.


The SeoHwa International Project is holding a project meeting today


(Sunday) at 10:30AM KST (which is about 30 minutes from now). We have some exciting news to share about the 300-Day Anniversary Project. So please come by and help us share the love from international fans for the Yongeo couple.




As always thank you for supporting the project.



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Guest BluMistLaydee










After taking a much needed break (haha this the most I've posted in months) I want to say thank you to the person who posted the BTS of SNSD recording and MV filming for their Japanese version of Gee. The fact that she's wearing both her ring and her necklace is rather uplifting for me as it shows their "problems" have been resolved and Seohyun is wearing her necklace because she wants to and not because it's just for show. There's some sort of friendship/feelings there. If it was just another gift from someone she considers to just be a colleague she's doing a show with, she could've just put it away along with the many other necklaces that she possibly have, but she's taken to wearing this particular necklace all the time. Their practice and MV filming was done before the airing of the last episode as well as the recording of the G20 session songs, and we've seen it on her during SNSD many trips abroad have shown us this and I must say I'm quite happy with that.



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Guest who_art_thou






I was at work, and I was thinking about how Hyun~ feels.


I think I would have felt the same way too..


I mean, this was hyun's first hand--holding with a guy right? (I think)


She expected yong to contact her, but then when he didn't, she felt like yong wasn't being true to her. (IMO. LOL)


YongxHyun: I hope that's true!!! :D <3




I haven't seen the episode yet since I'm waiting for the subbed vid,


so my opinion might not make sense. haha



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Guest YongxHyun
















































something add on to the rumor:
















Yong had arrived Taiwan and lived in "xx" hotel which is the same hotel as SNSD :)
















although is a rumor, but u know all the taiwan fans are so excited about it
















i think there is a great chance yong will go to SNSD concert, because there are lots of supporter of them in taiwan
















looking forward to see yong sing love light with hyun ^^
















and finally~~it's just a RUMOR

















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Guest Crystal392



genxv: I'm there!!


BluMistLaydee: hehehe I've been very busy lately but today I finally found some time to just chill on Goguma Planet with my Gogumas!! *hugs everybody* I'm also happy with that, when I saw her wearing the butterfly necklace I couldn't help but smile :)


After spending almost two hours thinking about YongSeo I realized this last episodes have been like turning points not only for Yong~ and Hyun~ but also for us, Gogumas... Yong~ confessed he wrote the rap part (and maybe also the rest... who knows) of 'Love light' for Hyun~, and somehow 'I don't know why' fits the feeling of the latest ep. Also the line that separated their personal lives and their WGM lives is now blurry imo... and they keep 'mentioning' each other somehow outside WGM. Like Yong~ showing proudly his WGM ring outside WGM and Hyun~ wearing the butterfly necklace outside WGM too... I am happy, as a Goguma, because I feel this two are really real. hehehe sorry for my rambling blush.gif

Somehow... YongSeo always manages to make me happy :)


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Guest mimayree




We've seen Hyun not wearing her couple ring too in the past right?


maybe it was those times that she's mad at yong. she's getting revenge, since he knows that


yong is monitoring her always.


but she's wearing it everywhere now right?


I think they made up and yong added 100 gogumas to hyun. LOL






If I was Hyun I will never talk to him again.



I think it is such a lame excuse.LOL.



But Yong is taming Hyun he thinks Hyun will accept his apology.



I feel you Hyun. Yong be prepared for the revenge.


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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































THANK YOU keenim, j2dlee, yukiandjudy, redtulip and all of you :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































~after reading the translation, i think hyun did all of this because she really cares for yong, and poor yong he need to taste hyun's anger first to know what he means for hyun :w00t: "i don't know why" is surely the song yong's write in that period, he mention that after the concert he write a song whole day, it's definitely "I don't know why" -_- the lyric really shows his feeling at that time towards hyun~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































~but i think we shouldn't be worried coz at  17 august they film horror special, look how close they are.. hyun is certified sooo into yong in that horror photo, and i guess they're arguing about pull and push war at the beginning of the horror episode~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ YongxHyun : OMO, i hope Yong really comes to SNSD concert  :wub: thank you for sharing the rumour *even it's just hearing the rumour makes me happy*

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest scatterbrain

credit: jinmeiyan baidu>

a scene in the blackroom interview was deleted.

hyun said that she got to know what yong had been doing from people around him.

yong never decided to not contact hyun from the start. but during those times, he got busy with the concert and had other things to be done. so he always missed the time to make phone calls. so the time they did not keep in touch became longer. but he knew what hyun had been doing

i quite believe what yong said about busy preparing for the concert. coz it's CnBlue's 1st concert. so he had the pressure to make it perfect since the tickets were sold out very quickly. and i watched CNBlue's older reality show. they practised until very late.

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Guest desirenhope



About Yong in Taiwan, I hope its true though. He badly needs to recollect all his goguma! Cause if you go to Cn Blue's official site under staff notice, there's still SBS recording going on. It's posted a few days ago though. Normally the staff notice will be updated to the latest news if there's no SBS recording going on etc. It'd be epic if he did went to her concert.

This episode is making me lose my sleep. Seohyun does know how to control her man. In a way I'm proud of her. She's not easy. Yonghwa does has a valid reason for doing so but 1 month is too long. And like many of you, I too believed that the PDs somehow edited and exaggerated a lot.

For instance when Seohyun told him she was mad, there's all the other stylists and assistants. For someone so shy, she's definitely not shy revealing their "dirty laundry" when others are around them if you get what I mean. But I could be wrong here. :P


But thinking about it, isn't Taiwan gonna air WGM? Or was it another country? So it'd make more sense if Yong flew down to Taiwan. These way, they can do some WGM promotion as well.


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Guest YongxHyun
































credit: jinmeiyan baidu>
















a scene in the blackroom interview was deleted.
















hyun said that she got to know what yong had been doing from people around him.
















yong never decided to not contact hyun from the start. but during those times, he got busy with the concert and had other things to be done. so he always missed the time to make phone calls. so the time they did not keep in touch became longer. but he knew what hyun had been doing
















i quite believe what yong said about busy preparing for the concert. coz it's CnBlue's 1st concert. so he had the pressure to make it perfect since the tickets were sold out very quickly. and i watched CNBlue's older reality show. they practised until very late.































MBC!! how can this be cut!!! hope it will show in next week
















but i'm so happy now :)
















yong! u are not the bad guy! u are a responsible leader!!!!

















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Hmmm ... after watching this episode, I really feel that Yonghwa wasn't sure if he did too much during that last episode, if she likes him just as much as he does and so one. I found it *really* interesting.

However because of the timeline ... have they met or haven't they, IDK ... maybe someone should clarify this. However, why didn't he contact her?

I mean, even for persons who aren't married, who are just friends, it's sort of weird to not text and say: Hey, I'm in Taiwan now (or wherever), how are you? If you are busy, you can at least text. If you meet someone regularly, every month, you could at least SAY something.

Maybe the company took the cellphone away and he couldn't say it on air - IDK. That was sort of weird.

Best regards,


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Actually season 1 couple AnSol wore their rings outside filming. Ant couple text and contact each other and call each other by their petnames outside filming. Although its a rule by the PDs, i dont think they are strictly obliged to. Couples in season one alshin, ansol and ant contacted each other outside filming and it was fine. Even if this is just a make believe marriage, doesnt mean they are supposed to go back to being strangers outside the show, without any form of contact. The public , media and celeb friends refer to them as husband and wife outside filming, so them being in contact outside filming would help in the progress of their relationship. So they'll still be married off screen until they have officially left the show.
































































this is the disadvantage of WGM, the couples cant help being emotionally attached to each other. alshin, ansol, ant and marbi couples were the ones I've seen to be emotionally affected by their farewell because simply put, they developed feelings for each other and they were used to each other.
































































I've mentioned this before, some said that its not wrong for them to not contact each other outside filming, true BUT to think that all this while, both yong and hyun has been contacting each other outside filming, hyun is used to that.. then suddenly for the whole month they didnt get to meet each other, he didnt text or reply her messages. I think that worries her, when its an unusual thing for him to do. If they hadnt been contacting each other outside filming since day 1, i dont think hyun would bother.
































































Anyway, on the bright side, dont forget about the UJ episode and Horror special aired before this episode, our couple seemed to be back to normal. I dont know if we'll get to see more skinship in the upcoming episodes we'll just have to wait and see.
































































































































Someone posted the subbed preview for next week, it goes along the lines of Yong was shocked to receive a text from seo and seo said but you didnt reply. something like that.
































































So she initiated but well yong had his plans. lol

































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Guest Crystal392



mimayree: If I were Hyun~ and was worried about him I would have called him, they are at least friends right? :) and if I were Yong~ I would have said 'Hey! But you didn't call me either. I'm sad too'.


scatterbrain: Thanks so much for sharing that. I want to believe you but now I'm not sure :/ Is it from a good source? and why did they edit that scene out?


desirenhope: Yeah I also think the latest ep was so weird... that's soo not uri Hyun~. I am part of the Gogumas who think the PDs somehow edited and exaggerated this whole 'I-am-mad-at-you-because-you-didnt-call-me-in-a-month' thing. And I still want to know what happened to the YongSeo+CNBLUE ep!


genxv: I can't access to chataango.. I was talking and then it appeared 'You've been restricted for 15 minutes' :(


*fingers-hands-legs crossed* I hope those rumors of Yong in Taiwan are true. But I won't believe in them until I see a pic or fancam! :D




p!nk22: Thanks for claryfying that. Yeah, as the WGM PD said, it is a rule but sometimes couples (specially the younger ones ;) ) can't help and contact each other outside WGM. I wasn't a fan of WGM season 1 couples (I wasn't into Kpop in that time :P ) so I didn't know much about them, just what some fans shared here. I remember when I got into YongSeo I tried to watch 'ShinaexAlex' and then I found out after they stopped filming she got married o_O So I stopped watching their cuts because I felt sad. Btw when you said 'he didn't text or reply her messages', does it mean she texted him? :o EDIT2: If it's true Hyun~ texted him (you know how much WGM PDs love to tease us and edit their scenes) and he didn't reply it was probably after the second time they filmed after the whole month they didn't see each other (their clothes on the preview are different from the two sets of clothes they wore on the latest ep) so I assumed that text message was sent after they saw each other. The first time they saw each other was on Aug 3rd and then they probably met the next weeks because the concert is on the 29th. Also Hyun~ would have mentioned it on the latest ep, but who knows? I hope to find the answer to that on the next ep :P


Kerube-Chan: I agree 100% with you sis! (you are female right? if not sorry! I will call you brother). This last ep was confusing for us and for them, if we can't differentiate from real and reel, imagine how uri Yong~ and Hyun~ think. During that whole month (if it's true it was a month and they didn't contact each other not even once and didn't have lunches/dinner together as WGM crew once said) I am sure both kept thinking constantly 'Is it just for the show or for real? Does she/he really care for me? Will he/she miss me and call me?' I can only imagine the turmoil inside their pretty heads.

I'm off to a party! Yay! I hope when I check the thread tomorrow it will be full of pics of Yong~ and Hyun~ in Taiwan. ^___^


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Guest Kerube-Chan













My personal opinion with this issue... I think the line between reel and real have become almost non existent, the two of them are really commited to this (carrying around their gifts) and maybe because they dont know if it is real or reel from the other person is POV they get insecure about their status.











Just my personal opinion.











On the other hand, Please let it be true, I just need one little picture of YH in Taiwan, I dont need fancam or paparazzi photos, just to know he is there. Please let it be true!!!






















@Crystal_Malfoy I really think they are in that moment in their relationship, maybe for the Japan episode they got over this issue and became a LOT more close to each other... I am hoping for the best.











By the way I am a Girl... You can call me Sis!!! BYE!!!











Edit 2: Hello fellow GOGUMAS!!! New and old.... Please remember











It is against soompi rules to post ONE LINERS (20 words or less) Edit your one liners or people is going to begin to give the minus sign.
































And quoting images too. It is against the rules and we have to protect our thread from getting a warning from the moderators.











Happy spazzing!!!


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Guest pretty_92868












thanks for all the infos,videos, translations,etc




My point of view here is like what Kay77 and Crystal has emphasizing, the pd made some exaggeration on this situation just to spice up things completely to attune to what's next episode is all about. The bad boy thing that they want to be brand to Yonghwa was all for the show to fit for their RDR+Love light performance,maybe they just putting it up so there's story behind.




But all in all, I love this episode,although it maybe short but you can see the development of the relationship.




I love the headbanging of Yong (reminds me of my son whenever he wants something from me or want some attention or money).CUTE




But one thing lesson learned from this episode:This beautiful innocent baby would be scary at times,Yong you better be careful next time





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