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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello Villagers!!


In my opinion, this episode shows their personality more.. Hyun being disappointed, I can totally relate to her, I'd be like her if my BF won't contact me for a day or 2 and I'd be fuming in a month's time..LOL that is really hamburger worthy.. tongue2.gif


And as for Yong, I think he did not wear his couple ring in the early days after she gave it might be because he surrendered the ring to a pawner for re-size, it' actually uncomfortable wearing a constricted ring on your finger, especially for him, he plays the guitar.. And for him not contacting Hyun after being lovey-dovey, blush.gif aside from being super busy, I'd say, he must be thinking really hard for his feelings, he must be really afraid of falling so deep for Hyun that he kept his distance. :wub: . Considering their status as an idol and the WGM rule for them not to date for real or else they're out of the show just like JunJin of Shinhwa and his partner (I fogot her name).


this is just my crazy idea so please pardon me.. :phew:


Off to lurking mode :ph34r:


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Guest monie1909

On yong defend about the ring,he might not always wearing it on public that time but anyone else remember during the concert,he didnt wear it but someone post a pic after the concert with a fans(the pics with two older women),and we spotted he was wearing the ring.I mean thats mean something,right?Why would he wore it back just after the concert.It shows that he care too.Maybe at those time,he dont really feel right to show off the new ring in public yet,maybe he did wore it off tv cam,it just Hyun didnt see it.Because of fans?Or maybe just because he's blood type A,something related to ego?And regarding not contacting her for a month,why didnt Hyun initiated it first then?i mean,he might also feel the same way about why Hyun didnt contact him after he confessed that he wrote lovelight for her.Maybe before that birthday episode he always the one that initiated the call/text?Maybe after the confession he was expecting that something will change in Hyun's part?It should,i think.Those when it didnt,he just let it be.I'm saying this based on i find hard to accept that Yong just being ignorant without reasons.Choding,maybe but not ignorant.Even if he just take this as a show,he did contacted her before that episode, right?Like when he texted Hyun about his birthday.So,my take is he must have his real reasons just cant say it on tv.Maybe they both just being type A or maybe they just didnt care that much.I wont jump into upset wagon too early,i should wait for

j2dlee for trans.

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Guest Durianzi


Thanks for your reply to my comment...

YES....YongSeo is real!


Hi! This is what I've got to know a few hundred pages ago in this thread.

Somebody (I guess one of most active and dedicated girls in this thread) shared a behind story of WGM casting with us.

A female PD (if i'm not wrong) said that the couple can't be really together outside the show...

Please correct me if I've misread!

My spazziing moments from today's episode

- Yong washing Hyun's hair and smiling sneakily

- Angry Hyun (she is a way cute when she is upset hahaha)

- Yong singing a part " bad boy" and Hyun insisting him to sing that part

- EYE contact ! yes this is what YongSeo couple is!

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Guest kimjica
































now,uri hyun is revealing her true feelings!!!
















the bickering part is cute... and because her nampyeon didn't contact her for a month,its a nice idea of her showing her picture in a wedding dress with jungmo oppa!!!phew.gifphew.gif
















"take that yong oppa!!!!"fury.giffury.giffury.gif







































and because he's not wearing the ring...sleep.gif
















i think thats the origin of yonghwa mentioning that "somebody" would be angry if he takes off the ring...w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif









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Guest gettawa

Hyun is really mad..i can see that..she's worried why Yong didn't contact her for a month..

our uri Yong, i think he's trying to hold back his feelings..as an A type, he might think that he's exposing too much of his feeling to her after the fishing episode when he himself wasn't sure of what Hyun's feeling for him..he get insecure..

during hyun's event previously, he was like 'did hyun changed?i dunno this side of her'..

i think he was confirming with his heart of what he actually felt for her and he wants to test hyun's reaction when he didn't contact her..

'will she miss me like as much as i miss her'

now that Yong know hyun really indeed miss him like crazy, i don't think he is suicidal enough to repeat it again..

it's must be painful when he's trying to hold back not contacting Hyun..

@ twinkystar ..... sorry for cut your post

When i saw your post .... Oh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that right

felling betwween them I thinks it hard to accept

may be we must give more time for them to lerning  how to manage they feeling

just support them .... Every YongSeo Lover :wub:

I edit for Announce

I thinks they are absoluted Real ^^ :)

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Guest scatterbrain

it's a bit too much for yong not to contact hyun for a month, i really feel bad for hyun but i think he has his own reasons.we have to remember WGM is a show. i think the producer try to spice things up and edit here and there to make it look like a really major problem. i still believe that they contact each other maybe once or twice and hyun attended cnblue concert(it's in the news, but they didn't mention anything about it coz it's not WGM related.

i think yong already learnt his lesson from this incident. he wears his ring everywhere now. and from fanaccounts, the filming in japan went well even though hyun and yong didn't meet for almost a month. also, itn the G20 BTS, hyun wears the butterfly necklace....so we shudn't worry. i hope yong's goguma lvl has returned to normal by noe ^^

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Guest cindyle






I think there might be something between them which were not shown to everybody. I means even the rule of WGM that they cant date. But even if they call, text  or date each other, who knows?They can do them secretly. However, we can see how much their relationship has progressed through the stare, the way they were together. As long as they have a true feeling for each other, they will find the way to contact.



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@ twinkystar ..... sorry for cut your post
































































































When i saw your post .... Oh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that right
































































































felling betwween them I thinks it hard to accept
































































































may be we must give more time for them to lerning  how to manage they feeling
































































































just support them .... Every YongSeo Lover :wub:































































































































































































YUP, i think they are at the point where they are learning to accept and deals with their feelings..there will be expectations not fulfilled and misunderstanding..
































































































they are still learning about each other.. blush.gif
































































































if they get past this, it's LOVE everyone..that's when they truly understand each other.. :wub:
































































































relationship has its ups and down or else it'll be no fun and monotonous..
































































































love quarrel is good in sense that you can show what is your real feeling towards your partner..it's unhealthy to hide it..

































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its cute to see yong acting loving towards hyun when they first met again,

not knowing that she is seething with anger!

seeing his shocked expressions makes me :lol:

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

After reading some translations about this episode,

I knew someone is going to take the whole "Yong-didn't-contact-Hyun-for-a-month" negatively... <_<

I bet we will be spending the whole week in this thread analyzing & arguing why he did that.... (Although, i hope not.)

As for me, i don't have a problem with it. ;)

Seeing both of them bickering about it is fun to watch.

Yong has his reasons. We may not agree to it or think it's lame for him to do that. But, he did what he did and we can't don't anything about it.

As for Yong faking it? Nahhh, i don't believe it.

His reactions last episode are too good to be faked. I'm not dissing Yong (coz it's through him & You're Beautiful that i discovered WGM),  but i  don't think he's that of a good actor. So, i don't think he can fake those emotions we saw last episode.

Common, let's give the guy a break. Somehow, he's bound to make silly mistakes. He's 22 years old. He's young and still learning about life & relationships...

Aside from that, look at the way they looked at each other at the Incheon concert. I think it's safe to say that, Hyun already forgave Yong.;)

though it maybe a short episode, it was fun to watch.

I don't know about you guys, but i'd probably get bored if i always see both Yong or Hyun constantly please each other or be sweet with each other.

Arguing, fighting, bickering or whatever you call it, i think is what makes a relationship exciting. especially the making up part... hehehe :lol:

Besides, isn't it fun to watch them  bickering with each other??? :sweatingbullets:

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Guest sirius1430266457









August 2010

Aug 03 [WGM Filming] Hyun & Yong filming in a park per a fan account. DCGallery fans went there to give them gifts.








































































































































































Aug 03 SeoHyun with CNBLUE at a Make A Wish Event








































































































































































Aug 04 CNBLUE @ MNET the Beatles Code Filming








































































































































































Aug 06-14 SNSD @ Phuket, Thailand








































































































































































Aug 07 [Episode 18] The one where they have to pay up on their bet








































































































































































Aug 07 CNBLUE @ NII Fansigning in Busan








































































































































































Aug 07 CNBLUE @ Green Number One Performance








































































































































































Aug 09 YongHwa filming for Running Man








































































































































































Aug 12 CNBLUE @ MNet Beatles Code (Broadcast date)








































































































































































Aug 14 [Episode 19] The one where they play pool and someone gets a piggyback ride








































































































































































Aug 17 [WGM Filming] Special Episode with the Adam and Khuntoria couples. Reportedly for a horror film special








































































































































































Aug 20-21 Listen to the CNBLUE Concert - Singapore








































































































































































Aug 21 [Episode 20] The one where they make kimchi and visit the CNBLUE dorm








































































































































































Aug 21 SMTown Concert








































































































































































Aug 25 SNSD Showcase in Japan








































































































































































Aug 26 Listen to the CNBLUE Concert - Hong Kong








































































































































































Aug 26 SNSD on Mezamashi Live








































































































































































Aug 26 YongHwa @ HaHaMong Show Filming (Broadcast on September 12)








































































































































































Aug 28 [Episode 21] The one where they cook at CNBLUE's dorm








































































































































































Aug 28 CNBLUE concert @ Chuncheon








































































































































































Aug 29 [WGM Filming] Incheon Korean Music Wave. Performing Run Devil Run and Love Light together. Filming also occurred at their house before and after the concert








































































































































































Aug 29 *Sweet Potato Couple 200 Day Anniversary*








































































































































































Aug 30 SeoHyun @ Superbad Press Conference























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































okay now im really confused.








































































































































































1.where is the filming at the park episode??they skip it??








































































































































































2.he didnt contacted her for 1 month?but they have filming on aug.17








































































































































































i dunno anymore.this is confusing









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Guest archiehon
























































I think I can understand why Yonghwa didn't contact Seohyun for 1 month. it's not just abt ego but more on insecurity and caution. He wasn't sure of his and her feelings after the double party celebration. I mean in that moment he might feel very happy and high but after coming back into the real world he may have some doubts and hesitation. It's not like they are really dating and having a real marriage. So to bring the relationship to another level needs a lot of courage and confidence on his part. It's like he is putting himself out of the bubble and try not to read too much on Seohyun's action. I hoped Seohyun could have taken the step to contact him first but that would be asking too much. I think she is quite the traditional type OR someone had adviced her never to contact a guy first! (make a guess). I think WGM PD should do a special DO's AND DON'Ts IN A RELATIONSHIP special program. I bet they have a bulk of collection on relationship blunders and sweet moments between the couples in season 1 and 2. Maybe Valentine special PD nim?









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Watching WGM since season 1, i recall the rule was for them to not be in a relationship when they are on the show or in other words date. Not too sure if dating each other is considered as breach of the rule. Calling or texting each other should be no problem imo afterall communication would help in the progress of their marriage. since season 1, even when the couples are not filming, they are still refered to as husband and wife.
































Seohyun was disappointed, any girl would be when the guy didnt contact the wife at all for one month. It should be hard for seohyun to initiate it first since shes a girl and its only her first experience in being a relationship. I could imagine her checking her phone constantly, waiting and wondering why he didnt call or text, what hes doing now, is he not thinking of her. Poor seohyun. perhaps yong was too busy with the concert preparations to call or text his wife?
































I feel a lil bit of worry with their frequent bickering lately, though its not huge and too frequent but in normal situation its possible that one will get tired of constant bickering and lost interest before ending the relationship. Im just a lil worried but judging from the japan filming etc , seems like things are still going strong and thats a relieved. :)
































about yong not wearing his ring during the concert, maybe seohyun attending the concert was a surprise so he wasnt expecting her in the audience. Positively thinking, he probably wanted to make it like a personal concert for his fangirls so not wearing the ring would be like something special for his fangirls.he wore the ring back after the concert right? Its not a bad thing, after all it is a fake marriage and he is a celebrity. so it is understandable for him to want to be closer to his fangirls like that for the concert. im sure hyun would understand if he explain it well to her.
































hope things will get better for yongseo couple. yong looked really sad in the preview cause it seems like hyun is still sulky.

















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Guest Kerube-Chan












okay now im really confused.











1.where is the filming at the park episode??they skip it??











2.he didnt contacted her for 1 month?but they have filming on aug.17











i dunno anymore.this is confusing





















This is what happened...











June 29 - B-DAY filming











July - They did not contact each other











August 3 - They go to the saloon (Today is episode) and receive the mission. For that you have to practice so they probably meet each other during August. They go to the park this day but it was not shown.











August 17 - Horror Special filming (They were closer, my guest, they make the peace)











August 29 - Concert - Filmed in the morning at their house (NEXT Episode) and they filmed after the concert. Maybe someone make an special event for the 200 day (My wishful thinking).











Hope this help, correct me if I am wrong. BYE!!!


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Guest seveneightnine








today episode was short but cuuuteee ..






YONG HEADBANG :rolleyes:






next preview daebak!!!






aaaaa can't wait next week >.<


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Guest seizmic

Hi gogumas,

I just want to point out the possible reason that yonghwa didn't contact hyun during last month as well as on her birthday.

CN Blue doesn't carry mobile phone they promise that they will use it again after one year of success

You can read details on that from this link : MC radio CN Blue interviews

According to one of the TV program Yonghwa just got the phone from his Sony Errisson job but I guess with the promise they made he won't use it (and doubt that he will carry it)

There's a another interview on Yonghwa that asked if he contact seohyun for personal manner or not as well, he said yes he did when he was in hospital (from my point of view it seems like that might be hospital phone or via his agent)

Reference on that here

It would look bad on WGM front if viewers know that yonghwa didn't contact hyun at all therefore I think WGM might forbid him to tell the truth on the show

This is just only my stupid theory on the subject please don't be mad at me ><, I really love this couple

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Guest shadow_of_Atum


Hello! My personal opinion in the matter...


I think this have to do with insecurites, in the end this is a make believe marriage, and I think he is worried about were this is going. I dont know if he is worried because is getting to real or because he wants it to get real.


Dear Kerube-Chan (sorry for cutting your post)


My thoughts exactly. I do really love this couple but my heart breaks for them too because I think the line for them between what's real and what's not has become blurry.


For the first few months, we see Yong trying to make Seobaby comfortable and close to him - like I said in a previous post, it all probably began as work for him


Buy her a guitar? - Aren't husbands and bfs supposed to do that?


Let her into his circle of close friends - sure why not - a wife needs to know them better plus it's great publicity for CNBlue.


Buy her goguma land - no problem - a wife must be treated in a special manner!


And then it happened - she sang a song about first love (Lovelight) for him as his birthday present and took the time to custom made their couple rings. That had to be a turning point not only for us audience but maybe for HIM too.


But after the filming: perhaps he too had questions about their relationship. Was that really for him (= is that really you, Seo Joo Hyun?) or was that for the cam? Afterall PD-nim must have asked her to prepare something for him, the way he was assigned to do something for Seohyun. And why Lovelight? Was she telling him something?


And this is what really gives me hope that this relationship might be more real than reel - he and Seohyun do what many new bfs/gfs do - they start testing each other :w00t: I cannot speak for the world but I myself, during my courtship days, tested my hubby to see who loves who more. Very childish but... :)


He probably wanted to see if she would call him within a week, and when she didn't, probably told himself to give her another week and when that week dragged too, he probably thought that she didn't care enough and let it go. If we think it was torture to Seohyun, and we found out that it pissed her off, imagine the emotional rollercoaster he'd be on if this was really a kind of test! Silly Yong! :o


Although I didn't understand much of what's going on, why do I get the feeling that between Yong and Hyun, she is more stable should she decide she's in this for the long run?? :lol: Don't kill me for this!! I watched this couple initially for Yong cos I knew more about YAB, didn't really know much about Seohyun except that she's quiet but boy, she does have a personality that I like.


Anyway can someone explain to me the word 'choding'?


Sorry for the long post but needed to spazzzzzzzz!


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Some translation from Chinese from Baidu to share.

In the black room, Yonghwa joked that Seohyun went to the same salon as him cos she missed him. While Seohyun explained that it was more of a coincidence as she wanted to change her style due to the Japan promotion.

Yonghwa told the lady to ask Seohyun what had she eaten. She replied dajiang soup and vegetable rice which were all very healthy food.

Before Yonghwa went for his hair wash, Seohyun wanted to know what he had been busy with recently. After the concert, he went to the bookstore and was also composing new songs.

In the black room, Seohyun was upset that he did not contact her for a month and also did not wear the ring.

To break the ice, Yonghwa actually asked her whether she got home safely after the fishing trip. (what kind of stupid question is that???) That started Seohyun stating that she was not happy and wanted Yonghwa to explain.

In the black room, Yonghwa explained that he thought she was going to miss him hence he did not contact her. The MC all felt that one month was too long, 3 days should be more like it.

In the little room, Yonghwa kept asking Seohyun whether she missed him and said that it took him a lot of control not to contact her. Soehyun was actually worried.

To be cont.


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Guest SophiaPia



This is what happened...


June 29 - B-DAY filming


July - They did not contact each other


August 3 - They go to the saloon (Today is episode) and receive the mission.  For that you have to practice so they probably meet each other during August.  They go to the park this day but it was not shown.


August 17 - Horror Special filming (They were closer, my guest, they make the peace)


August 29 - Concert - Filmed in the morning at their house (NEXT Episode) and they filmed after the concert.  Maybe someone make an special event for the 200 day (My wishful thinking).


Hope this help, correct me if I am wrong.  BYE!!!



yes! i think this is correct :) month of July after the bday LOVELY, SWEETNESS trip they didn't meet, coz if they film in July for sure we found out already :):) so, maybe on that month of July Yong didn't contact Hyun. Which is Hyun expecting Yong to call her at least after their bday trip. And she is thinking about Yong. And why Yong didn't call her hmmm! Yong Seobang WHY? :( Yong got his reason but huhuhu! Yong at least u call Hyun even just for 1 min. 


So from 29th June, this is their 1st meeting 3rd Aug. ( and i think they filmed again for extra scenes, and it's the park )


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