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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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YT link already out:

































































































































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Guest keira53
































part 1
































part 2
































part 3
































credit: keoconvoineverdie

















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today's episode so short & need  someone to upload a video of yongseo couple today as soon as possible&translation too from j2dlee please,,,,,








i feel dissatisfied watched wgm live streaming through tvu network coz the picture always missing,,,huh,,,,(sorry my english so bad)









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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































(Oct 16) YongSeo [1/3]































































































































































































(Oct 16) YongSeo [2/3]































































































































































































(Oct 16) YongSeo [3/3]
































































































My favorite part:

































































































































































































































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Ah, quite the mystery why Yong did not contact Hyun there. Was it because he was busy with the concert?


Hmm... and his "I did not contact because I know it would make you think of me"...hmmm




Looking forward to the translations!! Thanks in advance dear translators and subbers ^^


Edit: thank you thenatstory for the review and translations! And jnj for reposting, because I totally missed that. :)



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wow fast upload thanks keoconvoineverdie                                              









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Guest wallpaperfood


U GO GIRL!!!! go flash that pic of u in a wedding dress with TRAX oppas to make Yong jealous!!

Payback for the unforgivable.....

I think I know why Yong didn't contact her/wear the couple ring on that one occassion:

(a) too busy (not a good enough excuse)

(B) he felt he had shown too much emotion in the previous ep, and put up his guard again (still, it's OFFSCREEN if you contact her, dammit)

© i hate this reason, but: Yong does not want to get too deep into a relationship (work maybe) and hence doesn't want to lead Hyun on (which would be fair, and thoughtful on his part)

Well, I'm glad Hyun is taking the initiative to be jealous here! I want to see some rating with Hamburgers going on - Hyun's showing her true colours even more, albeit still smiling calmly :P

On a brighter note:

I LOVED how Yong switched places with the hairdresser to wash her hair!!! I'm sure he was being ever so gentle <3, it's like, such an intimate thing to wash your gf's hair for her. Bet he's been wanting to touch her silky hair for a while ^^

The headbutt was cute too <3 <3 <3

Now i'm going to go rewatch it again, thinking about the nice stuff that happened ^^

(and btw, Hyun's dressing has changed :D she's worn dresses on TWO occassions after ep 27's filming :) LOVE HAS STRUCK!!! So feminine, how can Yong resist?)

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Hello. first time round but im here to briefly tell u whats going on.

Basically Yong has not been contacting Hyun for a month since the fishing event. And Seo was worried about him and also a little pissed off, but Yong thought if he didnt contact her she would miss and think about him more. So he held back. At last he told her why he cut off contacts, and Hyun was so shocked that he would think that way because all she did was worry as to what might have happened to him

She was also angry that he didnt wear their couple ring (at some event) that she diligently prepared.

He was also teasing her with confidence. Kept asking her "You missed me right? Right? Right". Maknae didn't really reply but Yong commented that she was shy about it because she folded her arms when he said that. Apparently thats the "Shy pose". Anyways she still insisted that she was angry. (So cute :P)

They were also segregating lyrics parts for the Incheon Wave Festival, and maknae insisted that Yonghwa sang the line from RDR "Only curiousity"

There was also a part when I thin Hyun was talking about TRAX's mv and Yong asked why didn't she tell him about it. Then she exclaimed "ITS BECAUSE IT WAS DURING THAT PERIOD". He cheekily asked when and she said "when we stopped contacting!"

Yong was also insiting that they got closer but Hyun insisted they didn't (mainly because she was angry that he didn't contact her)

She also commented that his Sweet Potato points have dropped drastically. And that she thinks that by her showing her discontent, she believes that he will feel sorry. Teehee.

Silly Yong! Big mistake.

hug u for this!

yes, yong, a big mistake indeed!

after the birthday celebration, she is left with anxieties abt hubby.

see how diff a guy thinks than we girls..

and hyun has so much to share with him.

besides text, don't they use email or something?

not going to pass much judgement on yong..he's just being yong choding

love this epi

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

Ok, i just want to get this out of my system before i keep on analyzing this episode. ^_^

OH MY! just how HOT is Yong in that Hoodie? blush.gif

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i miss the first part..








































but yong is so jealous about the wedding dress part..








































and the fact its with trax.








































i think he feel sorry not contacting her and not








































hearing beforehand that she would be wearing a wedding dress and be in a mv..








































wish she would also be feature in their (cnblue) mv.








































what would yonghwa do if he heard that there is supposedly be a kiss but seohyun doesn't want to..








































maybe he would be happy because it didn't happen..









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Guest scatterbrain

i am quite confused now. is it filmed after cnblue's concert? cos there was news that hyun attended the concert, so how can they not contact each other during that time?sind someone mentioned that yong's brother got to meet hyun backstage?

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power of 9 omg.....omg.....omg.....your caps w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif , that so make me breathless kyaaah w00t.gif

















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i thk tis episode indirectly says hyun didnt attend cnblue's concert at the end of july since this salon episode is the first time they met since the fishing eps.




abt yong not contacting for 1 mth just so hyun miss him more....


do guys really thk that way??


i dont buy it... yong seemed so happy to be able to hold hand w/ hyun...and then suddenly stop contacting her just like AT ALL!!! REALLY??


honestly...if i were hyun...i wont even want to consider to have any more to do w/ yong at all...




it is just so cruel...yong gv me the impression that he take WGM at face value..just another show...forget her after filming...1 mth later, start filming...start to act lovey dovey again...




sorry for the negativity.... just ignore me if you dont agree... i am just a very very dissapointed gal w/ yong's behaviour...i am angry w/ him for detroying my happy bubble from the fishing episode...




normally i am only lurker..but i just need to vent my frustration


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i think yong will be alright again, once hyun told him she refused to do

the kissing scene..

*i reserved it for u, oppa*

prev is out!

practising their perf at home.

using blue and pink umbrealla as mikes!

i think everything is back to lovey dovey as usual

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next week preview Incheon concert

















































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Guest baby_bo



Oh wow! you guys gave me a shock!!

715 User(s) are reading this topic


Anyway, my thought.

EXHIBIT A. (lol) Let me point this out first, they said today's episode is just 18++ minutes.

-For me, it's totally fine. We had more minutes last week and that was the most epic episode ever. So longer time for JoIn and Khuntoria today is cool :)

EXHIBIT B. Bickering YongSeo

I SUPER LOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!! SeoHyun looked so pissed and it means 'LOVE' why would you get mad at someone who wouldn't contact you if he's nothing to you right? and yonghwa's reason is so childish! haha he's so funny! well some might find it bad, but well he's also a busy guy and july was the busiest month for CNBLUE bec of the concert kekeke


-Im totally with Seohyun. Yonghwa hmpf! LOL


-despite the angry Hyun, skinship was still there.. I DEFINITELY LOVE THE HEAD BUMP!! kyaaaaah!!!

okay forgot the other things i want to say will post again later haha


wow topped the page..


posted by: ♥♥PowerOf9

(Oct 16) YongSeo [1/3]

(Oct 16) YongSeo [2/3]

(Oct 16) YongSeo [3/3]





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Guest sabby25




























Maybe Yonghwa did not wear his ring as often cause he is afraid of losing it again? :wub:




















Since Seohyun got the ring and is more expensive than the previous ring (customize from jewelery store) and etc.




















i think he is just safe keeping the ring in my opinion :sweatingbullets:





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Keira/Powerof9/Genxv: Thanks for all the links! so fast and helpful.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am amazed at how Yong can hold out not contacting her for a mth. If I like someone, I probably can only hold out for a week or 2? But a month? Wow thats a stretch and show his determination. I think if I were Hyun I will be angry too. But seriously Hyun, if you like him, you can initiate the contact too yeah.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Do I get that she actually know what is the significance of the 29th date and is just pretending to get back at him?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh pls you two, just stay lovey dovey together ok?

































































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^ she knew about the 200 days on the 29th but pretended to not.
































I also think she told yonghwa in the practise room something about going abroad and she didnt get anything for him because of something. but i think she did, she lied because she was still mad at him? im not too sure about this one. gotta wait for accurate translations. :)

















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