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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest miel_1301
















































Again my deepest gratitude to our two angels in this thread--- TO TEAM j2dlee and sun_sun my never ending "Thank Yous!" .































Just a few more thoughts from my end...
































YH: Is it her true character or has she changed?















































YH: There's a different side to her as she plays the guitar and sings to me.















































YH: That I don't know her truly well.















































YH: Something... It filled my heart with emotions.
















There were 2 interesting thoughts spoken out loud by YongHwa in his backroom interview. He was contemplating whether what he just witnessed--- Seo Hyun preparing a B-day event for him when she sang Love Light imitating the gag artist from the gag concert---- was really a side of Hyun’s character that he hasn’t known of yet or hasn’t discovered since they have just known each other for four months and at that point they were still in the very early stage of their relationship.
















But then based on the knowledge known in the entire nation of Korea about SeoHyun being the pure, innocent Maknae of SNSD, who hasn't been interested in boys in her 20 years of existence, who hasn’t even experienced her “first love” yet, YongHwa was more inclined to believe and thus he boldly considered the thought even perhaps made a daring assumption that what he just saw could be after all a “change” in her character.
















Likewise, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if deep down inside him he was actually thinking of himself as being instrumental in bringing about such “change” in SeoHyun’s character.
















With June 29, 2010 as the time reference, four months of having known each other and having seen each other on the average 3 filming days a month can still be considered as a relatively early stage in their relationship so that when he made the claim in the backroom interview saying, “That I don’t know her truly well.” could be pretty much understandable. So that when he was quoted saying in the backroom interview in the Ueno Juri episode filmed on the 1st of September, ----“I am confident that I know her better than anyone else.”---- would have definitely left an impression to viewers and spectators that 3 months after the June 29, 2010 filming the course of their relationship might have taken a different turn.































And I don't think anyone has taken cognizance of this scene yet...
































YH: Seo Joo Hyun
































SH: So You should keep hold of her.
































YH: Your mind is so different of others.
















When YongHwa just had to make a repetitious utterances of "Seo Joo Hyun" seemingly lost for words to express his feelings after Hyun revealed all her surprises for his Birthday, Seo Hyun directly and straightforwardly stated, "So you should keep hold of her.". Is there even a need to further analyze this brief yet direct statement of Seo Hyun, having nothing else to be read in between such line?
















Before the airing of the Birthday episode [June 29, 2010], I wrote in my previous post many many pages back that while I anticipate the 2nd gift of YongHwa that was buried in the field, I was more anticipating what SeoHyun had in store for Yong. And equal to such excitement and anticipation was how YongHwa would react to Hyun’s prepared surprises.
















Yong Hwa may not have responded extravagantly with words of gratitude or he may not have acted dramatically in response to all the surprises of Hyun. In fact, I thought he suddenly fell short of words to say, that he encapsulated his entire emotions right that very moment in a seemingly non-stop repetitions of utterances of “Seo Joon Hyun” and “Jashik”. I would not have wanted nor traded the “rawness” and “subtleties” in YongHwa’s reactions and expressions in exchange for a litany of lines loaded with sugar coatings. More than the words that ought to be verbalized, the naturalness in the display of Yong’s emotions were more than enough to further strengthen the impression of truthfulness and realism.
















_d3seohyun, allow me please to borrow your caps posted some pages back just for this humble self to share a few thoughts for I could not have captured these scenes the way you did them.































Captures courtesy of our Queen of Caps, _d3seohyun































































































































In as much as I would want to see clearer angles, shots, sides, captures of the much-awaited finale of the Birthday Celebration--- which is the hand-holding--- I am thankful to the PD for choosing to film these YongSeo Couple’s precious moments the way she/he has presented them. PDnim could have instructed her/his camera crew to zoom in their lens to get a clearer capture of the couple’s hand-holding or the crew could have positioned themselves at spots where they can get up-close shots of both Yong and Hyun’s faces while walking hand-in-hand, but they chose to stay at such distance. They at least gave the couple some space and probably even just a little privacy.
















What could have been important for the PDnim was not to highlight the much anticipated “hand-holding skinship” but rather she/he could have wanted to emphasize the stages in the relationship of YongSeo couple that both Yong and Hyun had gone through and are still continuously going through.
















I so love the image of Yong and Hyun walking, striding side-by-side and swaying their clasped hands to and fro.
















It is simply such a beautiful picture of a PURE LOVE.
































cr: _d3
















I love love this scene when they were about to ascend the stairs. I noticed that this time YongHwa, once again, gave way to Seo Hyun and let her go ahead of him first. And as Seobaby took the first step of the stairs, YongHwa raised both their arms with their clasped hands high up in the air. Whether that was just done by YongHwa randomly out of the blue or whether he's got a hidden emotion with such gesture, that's for him and only him to know. But I myself find the act/gesture "SYMBOLIC". When we are in a victorious, triumphant or exulted mood, isn't it that the automatic reflex would be to raise our arms in the air? Could YongHwa be gesturing even subtly before a national broadcast his triumphant mood in not only having finally held Seohyun's hand but having captured her heart as well?

















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Hello fellow Gogumas....how are you all?I thought I would have calmed down after 2 days but apparently not cos' I was still squealing when I rewatched that part for like  the  I-don't-know-how-many-times when they held hands.:D:D
































































































































































































































































































Sigh...Yong you have the moves...'at times like this you should walk arm in arms'....it's all about timing with your buin.You are one cool young man...kekeke..:):) I just the natural progression not forced or coerced or teased to hold hands as with some other WGM couples...
































































































































































































































































































I am all confused with the timeline now as the filming they did in Oct wil be shown in Nov? What other filming did they do if they missed Sept?
































































































































































































































































































Going back to my lurking mode but must thank j2dlee and Sun-sun as always for the subs/videos....you are my lifeline and just make my whole weekend pass by spazzing!
































































































































































































































































































Since I am now addicted again to Love Light  reposting the MV ft Seoh Yun and WGM moments...I am not good with reposting so I hope I get it right...
































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest masamii
















































the latest episode was DAEBAK..
















i feel like crying, seriously..........
































i love u all....
































YONGSEO FTW!!!!!!!!!!

































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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































saw this at dcgall..
































































It's pretty interesting.. though i don't understand what's written on the comment text.
































































It's YOngSeo's reflection on the water.. I think they are facing each other kekekE































































































































































































안낚이지 아무도































































































































































































Another one for dcgall.
































































When watching this part last Saturday, I really thought Yonghwa will reach out and hold Seobaby's hands.. keke and look at that Seohyun wink :)

































































































































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Guest tinababes


Anyeonghaseyo to all!

Firstly, a big thanks to all from this thread from their translations, fanfics, mv, and all contributions regarding uri goguma couple! THANK YOU GUYZ!!!!

This week’s episode was by far “THE BEST” for our beloved goguma couple and that roused me from my lurker mode bcoz I can’t contain it any longer!!!... just like most of u guyz I can’t get enough of this week’s episode… Ive allotted this whole day to just be “goguma couple day” for me to watch it over and over!...”LOVE LIGHT” has been this weekend’s theme song for me and surely it will be this month’s too!!! I personally love “SARANGBIT” bcoz of its melody and Jonghyun’s voice but after learning of how this song was completed I’m loving it more and I’m seeing it on a different light! I’ve caught myself humming the song even when I’m doing the dishes---oohhh they make me high!!! I’m all smiles with lots of giddiness and spazzing!!!

I’ve watch this couple since the beginning and I love how they’ve evolve to what we are all witnessing now…just some random thoughts I think Yong looks good in black and in gray ensemble whereas Hyun ---her sparkling eyes I may say is her best feature, its her strongest charm which Yong (I believe we all agree) is all drawn into!

Going back to this week’s epi …I have to commend Yong for such gestures: GOGUMA FIELD and MOTHER-DAUGHTER NECKLACE----CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! He surely scored cookie points I mean goguma points from that and Hyun for such efforts: LOVELIGHT event and the RING ---LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Also, the Yong & Hyun story book--- how creative! incorporating her love for reading and how she will present her husband’s gift that for me is more so meaningful bcoz of the efforts you’ve put in making it! I love every single moment of this episode! I hate to bore u guyz of enumerating all the scenes for which I spazz so I guess I will just leave you with this observation:

YONG seems uber happy in this episode --- his smiles and laughter says it all!!! The way he keep repeating “SEO JOO HYUN” and shouting “HYUN”—I’m reading this as “I would really love to hug you right now but can’t and wouldn’t bcoz of the camera et al. (don’t u all agree?) I know we’re used to seeing him all playful but in this episode he seems TRULY GENUINELY HAPPY!!! And also not to forget, have u guyz notice Yong’s tone of voice during the “LOVELIGHT” conversation with Hyun ---I don’t know if it’s just me but it appears more subtle more affectionate?!

Sorry for the long post!!! also, sorry its my first time posting! still at a lost!


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miel --- that raised hands for me was more like... He was trying to dance her around. hehe. Aigooo.... we'll never get over this episode aren't we??? :wub
















































































































































































































































And that "You should keep hold of her..." - Is that her tantamount-able to saying ---"Then don't ever let me go...": :wub:

















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Guest vicvickyrox




































i did some .gif s after watching this episode! yongseo couple kekekekeke this episode is so fluffy and full of loveeeee








































































please take out with credits! ^^ hope you guys like them :)





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Guest haeanna
































































































































RDRsubs has released ep 27.. enjoy watching!!
































MU link
































































many thanks to RDRsubs
































































BTW dreamyboo..
































































I couldn't find the YT link for the Love Light performance on Inkigayo but I have the link to download if you're interested..
































































here you go..4 parts of it including Love performance..
































































































































































































hope this could help you~~
































































cr: codenameblue.wordpress.com
































변신. @ jungyonghwa.net

































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








Hyun's favorite SNSD song is Kissing You. she was singing it out of pure joy. that day was indeed a very happy day for both of them. a lot happened on that day that it left a huge impact in both of them. the bus ride showed their openness to each other. Yong was very thoughtful of Hyun's mom. he appreciated her mom's effort to raise a wonderful person like Hyun. strolling in the farm and taking pictures with the dog, fishing, Hyun's event, the book Hyun made, the new couple ring, the story behind love light and walking hand in hand. all this events happened in a single day and all of it definitely have a huge impact in both of them. I know most of us wants to watch the episode again and again. rdrsubs released ep 27 and is now available for streaming and download. I watched sun-sun's videos, now will watch rdr's. :)


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twitvid :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre rdr subs

































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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































i was rewatching alot of yongseo videos and i stumbled across CNBLUE's first concert on 100731
































































































































































THis is obviously after the filming of the recent episode and hence i saw this video of yonghwa singing love light
































































































































































CNBLUE concert 100731 - Lovelight
































































































































































credit: bhlee0203 @ youtube
































































































































































You can see from this video that when he rapped the genie part, he had a secret smile/smirk on his face. ALSO about the article that someone posted a while ago about Hyun going to their concert. You can see from thsi video that yong kept on looking up at someone especially @1.48 :wub:
































































































































































I hope he was looking and hyun and singing to her because apparently she sat up the top where all the VIPs were. You can tell he was definetely singing to someone from his constant eyelook to the top
































































































































































Hope there is soon some news about yong and hyun meeting up with each other or some sort of event where they can be together. Because i dont think they've seen each other for like 20 or more days =[
































































































































































I bet they miss each other alot. But lucky they still have their couple rings on which is a good sign.
































































































































































ANyone have any recent fotos or videos of hyun wearing the couple ring still??

































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Guest Crystal392






All your comments make me happier! :D



I just woke up soo good morning to everyone! *waves*






Thanks to everyone for the screencaps, analysis, gifs, etc! c1ockz hii! I haven't seen you in a loong time! Welcome to all new spazzers into Goguma Planet!! :D :D *throws confetti*






My fave ending was when CNBLUE visited them and in the end they said goodbye to them and both went back to their Goguma house and Yong~ compared it as if he felt he was going back to his real home, and Hyun~ said something like 'Oh so this is what being married feels like'. And in the end they ran, Yong~ followed Hyun~ and she squealed :lol: I thought nothing was ever going to top that but as always YongSeo surprised me and now my fave ending is the one from the latest ep.






It's been 2 day but I can't stop spazzing.






After this was when CNBLUE with Hyun~ visited the little girl with cancer right? And after that they didn't film for almost a month? because I remember WGM PD (or someone for the crew) said they organized them to have lunch together so they won't become akward again, but they didn't film. Hmmmm... but I'm not sure



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Guest love~eastsea~
































































































































































I just come to realize. Do we have preview for next week? Just wondering because so far I backtracked, I cannot trace any preview for next week...

















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Guest yongseo_fighting

snapback.pngmy.yonghwa.baby, on Yesterday, 11:17 PM, said:

Dearest BOICEs, 

I need a place to rant, and I felt as though you all would be the best audience, for the people I'm frustrated about are technically linked to us all: KOREAN BOICEs. After this past Saturday's WGM episode where YongHwa admitted that the rap part of "Love Light" was written for SeoHyun, Korean BOICEs (And when I say Korean, I actually mean Korean BOICEs in Korea) went berserk! BOICEs wrote horrible things on CNBLUE's website's freeboard. Some people cried, left fan clubs/sites, cursed, proposed to have a party/feast/festivity when WGM finally ends, etc.,etc.,etc. 

It all makes no sense to me. I just don't understand where the frustration and anger are coming from. They're CNBLUE fans, are they not? And yet for some reason, foreign fans find so much joy in, and through, WGM, but Korean fans just can't wait for it to end. Somebody please explain this to me. Some BOICEs felt betrayed and backstabbed because "Love Light" wasn't written for them. WHAT?! I just don't get it. I mean, yes, a part of me says that those fans are probably junior high/high school girls with too much time on their hands who can't actually grasp the fact that idol stars are actually human, but it still angers and frustrates me so much to see actual fans making it difficult for the people they allegedly claim to love and support. 

I know many of you saw fancams of CNBLUE's most recent performances at PIFF and Jump Guro, and I'm sure you all noticed that YongHwa's face looked like death. I've never seen him so tired, exhausted, and upset before. A lot of people in both this thread and the SeoHwa thread have been saying that he just must be overworked and whatnot and blamed FNC, which is probably very true, but if you really take a look at his expression, it's not just exhaustion. He's genuinely preoccupied with something; there's something that's really bothering him. AND I DON'T THINK KOREAN BOICES KNOW THIS. BOICEs in Korea are arguing with each other about WGM. What is this nonsense?! I feel like they're missing what's actually important.

Something's seriously wrong right now. CNBLUE's fan meeting was cancelled, their album release has been postponed, and what are Korean BOICEs angry about? Whether or not WGM is scripted. Am I just overreacting? Or can some of you actually agree with what I'm saying? I want to grab some of those obnoxious so-called fans and smack some sense into them. It's just like, "Get a grip on yourself!" 

Ugh. These past few days have been so unbelievably frustrating for me because of what I just vented about. As a YongSeo couple fan, after watching the latest WGM episode on Saturday, I was ECSTATIC. No, beyond ecstatic, along with the hundreds of other fans. I was so happy for both YongHwa and Seohyun for all the progress they made over the past several months. And yet when I went on CNBLUE's website, with no exaggeration at all, there was not a single BOICE who was happy about what happened. Initially, I was just taken aback a bit and thought, "Oh...Well, I guess some fans just took it a bit seriously." But then the freeboard started to flood with similar, and for the most part, worse, replies saying terrible things. I swear, anti-fans may have been better than they were. 

At first, I was really angry. But right now, I'm just really sad. When I think about what CNBLUE must be going through, more specifically, what YongHwa must be going through, my heart breaks. FNC obviously isn't doing a good job of taking care of CNBLUE, the members' physical conditions have severely deteriorated, and the one group of people who are supposed support them no matter what are virtually rioting and protesting to end WGM and flipping out about a song they used to love before purely for what it was. Essentially, besides WGM fans, there's nobody supporting CNBLUE's activities. 

My heart breaks for them. Really. 

To anybody who actually read all that, thank you. Any sort of criticism, opinion, add-on, additional information, is welcome, so please do not hesitate to reply to this. Also, just so you all know, I'm a Korean CNBLUE fan living in the US so please don't think I'm being prejudiced and hating on Koreans. It's just that right now, I'm a little ashamed to be a BOICE. More specifically a Korean one.

Thanks again,


Hi, everyone, I just read this on cnBlue Official Thread at soompi. http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=307901&st=7000

I am just too SHOCKED to hear this... esp after what a sweet episode that we saw last Sat.

I just couldn't believe how can this happen?

Thanks to my.yonghwa.baby to share this.

Kay77, can you pls find out if this is real? :tears:

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Guest bonbon31



I read this post already in Cn Blue thread. It is very touch. Thanks my.yonghwa.com because she/he help us show our opinion. I hope Yong will be stronger to face with the upcoming problems. Yongseo fans, CnBlue fans and especially Huyn will be always by him side, Yong hwaiting! Yongseo couple hwaiting!


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































Gotta read everything I missed before posting this HEHE








anyway,, did wgm give a preview for the next episode, of what's going to be the next episode...?








maybe our goguma shippers know what is the next episode about......
















regarding the reason for liking YONGSEO, I will put it here,,,























I love the YONGSEO couple because everytime I watch them together, I will smile myself without knowing. Also, their relationship looks so REAL and that tells us WHAT LOVE IS ALL ABOUT!!









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Guest fara_m7













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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








thanks my.yonghwa.baby for posting that. its actually quite disturbing. why are some Korean Boices in Korea angry? because of the reason behind Love Light? why can't they just be happy about the fact that Yonghwa wrote it for a special girl in his life named Seo Joo Hyun? I don't  get that. really I did not know about it until I read your post. its really depressing actually. the word "fan" can be synonymous to the word "supporter" so if they are Boices that are supposed to be fans, why aren't they supporting Yonghwa? fan groups or support groups are groups of people with the same interest, and that is to support a particular artist or celebrity, in this case, CNBlue in which Yonghwa is the leader. How come they are hating on Yonghwa? that is a bit extreme considering the fact that based on Yonghwa's drawing of his brain (which was posted a few hundred pages back) that Boices is always on his mind. how come they are hating on a guy who has much love for his fans? aren't they supposed to support him and his band in all his endeavors? this could well be the reason why he was looking so sad in a picture of his performance. why do they want him to end WGM? can't they see that he is really happy with Seohyun's company? aren't fans supposed to be happy if the artist that they are supporting is happy? I'm neither a Boice or a Sone, but it disturbs me to see news like that. Idols like them had gone through enough hardships and they kept moving because of the support and the love they receive from their fans. but what is happening in there? I have no idea. so please someone give us an insight on what is happening now in Korea. I don't want to be negative but this would really affect everything, from CNBlue events up to WGM. a lot of people were really happy with episode 27 but they started to spoil the party. I really like it when idols always say that they would work harder for their fans. but if the fans started on hating, what is there to do? please Kay77(if you are here) shed light into this matter. 


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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































@yongseo_fighting: i dont think you need to worry too much because a true fan actually supports whatever yong does and will be happy as long as he is happy. But i understand why ur angry with the boices who are giving pressue to yong about situations they cannot control.
































































































































































Everyone falls in love once in their lives and they need to know that celebrities are human and humans have feelings as well. If yonghwa finds the right person, we as true fans should be happy for him
































































































































































However, i dont think yonghwa is unhappy about Boices going against him because of WGM because he seemed depressed at PIFF which was on 101008 but the WGM episode showing the true meaning behind love light was aired on 101009. So i dont think it could of been because of that.
































































































































































He could of been upset because of the cancelled fanmeeting but i just want yong to know that no matter what, we as true fans will be supporting you, CNBLUE and yongseo couple all the way.
































































































































































As we gogumas know that yongseo are a match made in heaven and that there are some feelings towards each other for the both of them
































































































































































@ fara_m7: wowww thats a really good observation. That hand gesture of the 'okay' seemed to be repeated both times. and in ur second link he seemed to have a big smile after he did that. There wasnt any reason for him to do that in relation to the song, so it must be a sign to HYUNNNNN !!!
































































































































































Ahh i think im going crazy with too much yongseooo:w00t:   LOL

































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