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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i've got question to all gogouma 'eagle' eyes here...

after their link an awkward arm.... then move to holding hands..

whose initiate the holding hands....

i would like to think hyun the initiative 1....

makes she's ok with all intimate moves from hers nampyeong....

but maybe yong can be the 1st to move it.....

because he's already in cloud 9 at that night...

i'd say them both!!! :lol:

but my Q is not after they link arms scene, but BEFORE they link arms.

when yong suggested it, and hold out his arm, i saw hyun wanting to grab his

hand instead.

(part 3 of subbed vid @7.48)

gumma omma, i heard yong said that too (part 3 @8.14)

thank god u heard it also!! so i'm not imagining it, am i?

yes, dreamy, yong looks like he wants to eat up hyun!

even MC Miseon & JW went ga ga over this..

all the MCs lost their minds watching the latest epi,

can u imagine what it will be like if we, gogumas all over the world,

actually met up and watch it together too?! :lol:

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Guest love~eastsea~
































































































































































Hi gogumas world!
































































































































I used to be an active poster and then I switch to lurker mode but then I can's help myself to post this!
































































































































I'm currently at my work place and we are restricted to watch videos so because I miss YongSeo so much, I just minimize the window to listen to their voice from the latest episode and I have to tell you, Yonghwa really does a lot of eagyo with his voice. For example when Seohyun was asking about Love Light, the way he responded to her was sooooo sweet and cute! the way he said "Wae~" "emmm~" So softly spoken maybe due to too much loved he received earlier. Listening using earphone was much better!
































































































































and he laughed a lot whenever he was with Seohyun. For example during the part where they were playing the arcade game on the traisn when Hyun said "The Kangaroo was much stronger" he laughed so hard. and how when Seohyun made that Avatar voice. Just watch the latest episode how much Seohyun made Yong Hwa laughed so hard. She is truly his happiness and I don't think he realized that. and Seohyun also had a lot of laugh because of Yong Hwa... They are perfect for each other aren't they?=)

















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Guest glitterspark
































Please help the project team to complete the target. We have fun reading everybody's posting previously, some very emotional, some very funny, some very long, some very personal. Here are some for everybody to read again, if you are comfortable to share, please post your reason in the thread.






























































hey really sorry for cutting your post, but i'll post my reason here:
















I love the YONGSEO couple because the progress of their relationship is slow- yet so real. The way they changed each other, the way they stare at each other. Nothing can be as heart-warming as them, as their love story unfolds.
















glitterspark, 18, AWESOME Singapore
















with this, you'll have only 208 more reasons!

















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i JUST watched the newest episode and it was so spaz worthy. I feel like I'm growing with this couple. They are just so natural and so real. And i love how their awkwardness is so cute and sweet. I can't get over how cute this episode was.









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thanks magnal for the gif.






more clear and more light version...






seems like yong initiate 4 holding hands buy hyun doesn't seems a awkward to grab it...






i luv it...






so hopefully in the future wee can see more of their holding hands...together...






without being awkward...






did any preview surface for next ep????



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Our Yong is really into Hyun..LOL even at their fan meet, of all the colors why choose PINK? :rolleyes:


pink hoodie


While Hyun wore blue jeans in their japanese version MTV.. :rolleyes:


I can only conclude that LOVE HAS COME TO THEM.. :wub:


forgive me for being lame..kekeke.. it's just that i love this couple too much! :wub:


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Hey ya!

So great to be here.

I seriously want to voice this.

Yong did say something after Hyun sang the verse from Kissing You. Someone else mentioned like 10+ pages ago about hearing this. Lol. (Sorry, I forgot who mentioned it first) Yong said something like "I like it" (Sorry, don't know Korean). But, he definitely said something. :-) So, for the people who thought that they were hearing things.. Don't worry, I heard it too; just that the MCs were too loud. Lol.

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Hi begturtle, same thing happened to me Too. I have been replaying love light and kissing you with my office laptop for several times already. I think I am going crazy already. Goguma virus is too powerful to resist.

my boyfriend have rewatched the last episode for 4 times. Being a neutral fans he enjoys watching wgm although he would Sometimes commented that it was a one sided love from Yong (it is just his opinion though). Yesterday was the first time he told me that he felt as if there must be some mutual feeling between them (haha finally!!). My fav scene started from the moment Hyun sang love light to the end of part 3.all the scenes was too precious for me. Thanks to pd for not cutting any of their conversation about love light too.

Just wondering towards the end of part 3 when they were holding hands and climbing the stairs, I heard Hyun saying aigoo (sighing) did anyone know why? Was she burdened with the holding hands?or was it a response to yong's statement?

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




@xia87: I heard that "aigoo" from Hyun. but from the sound of it, it doesn't sound that she was burdened or anything. she said it in a cute way and I think it was a response from what Yong was saying. I don't know what he said but Seohyun responded with that cute "aigoo"


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acckkk woollylamb! i'm so sorry for calling u an elder if u're actually not :sweatingbullets: pls forgimme! btw, i don't think i'm any younger myself LOL :P kakakakaka oh, i hope u'll accept my gif (uri yong) of apology >.<


http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/1285/ec99b8ed86a8ec9db4ec9aa.gifcr. uploader


just wanna share this pic. credits to dcinside. doesn't this look like hyun accepted yong's proposal?! :wub: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


edit: LOL i forgot to insert the pic -.-"





Hey dreamyboo no worries about it...Even though I am 21 at heart, I'm definitely your unnie...so i'm an elder. :lol:





No need for apologies, but if u insist, can i request for Hyun's gif instead? Not that I dun like Yong, I love that he's so sweet, but Hyun's just so adorable, right jnj? *heh heh* Shall wait for Shane09 [thank you in advance :)] to post gifs of my favourite Hyun expression from this epi. Her hair got really messy towards the end but she's still so cute! & I'm sure Yong found her extremely beautiful too! :wub:





otty, cailei23, magdal & toomuchsmiling: I doubt Hyun was checking out Yong's bum. :lol: I think she was so excited that her chance to prepare for her surprise event was finally here, she was checking to see if he's suspicious & was really leaving for the mosquito coil/incense shop. *haa* the angle of that screencap made her look pervy though...


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Hi fellow gogumas! I'm usually just a lurker here, but like everyone else after spazzing out to the max over the last episode, I couldn't help but join in with everyone in their post-episode 27 bliss. I think my favorite part had to be when Yong finally revealed that he wrote "Love Light" for Hyun and how the MC's totally went nuts.


After watching this episode, I couldn't help but re-watch the Ueno Juri episode, when we first saw that mask and pink guitar in their bedroom. We now know why those are in their room..but I wonder why there's also a Seohyun mask..is there another event that the two do?? I would post a pic of it here if I knew how to do a screencap, but I dont..sorry! It's from episode 23 though.


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aigoo..i am going :crazy:

i need some news abt yongseo. anything..

Are they both in Korea now?

Is there any new WGM filming?

What are the reactions in Korea after the latest episode?

lots of post in DC abt yongseo, but i am like a blind rat there.. :lol:

ah, woolly, so u are also in line for shane to do that cute gifs?

hi5 yongseo style!

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gumma omma+jnj+forgot- me listen too..aigo... it just the mcs was very loud..cant heard clearly their convos


xia_87- me listen 2.. but i dont think she feel burdened especially holding hand.. she's so happy for that and automatically singing kissing you... that day, they both really happy with both surprised present... the day that full with REAL love..



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hey cunna chingu. *wave*

but of all SNSD songs, why did hyun chose Kissing U?

did she really want to kiss him at that time? was that why yong said 'i like'

if she did, then ...

hyun ah....we approve! :lol:

i am glad that this epi brought out more lurkers from their silent mode..

thank u all for sharing your views...

why is the prev not shown yet?

i thought someone mentioned abt yong's hand reaching for hyun or something..

wow! if this is really what they have in store for us next week, i...

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Guest littlebiebie

Hi, Goguma Villagers.. :lol:

De-lurk again this time.. Just want to say thank you for all the translator, subber, gif maker, mv maker, caps, etc.. Sorry for not mentioning ur name personally because the page moving so fast.. but u know who u are.. :D

I have re-watch this epi for more than 10 times and still want to rewatch.. I has just rewatched during my lunch time in office and my friend who haven't watch WGM or Yongseo can feel the love in the air between Yongseo.. While watching Hyun singing and the part when Yong staring at her is so :wub: she even felt dugeun dugeun.. keukeukeuk :lol: and she thought it is a matchmaking reality show because the feeling is so real.. this is from a non Yongseo POV....

I can't choose which one is my fave part because I love it all .. Yongseo is LOVE.. That's for sure.. :D

Now I really want to now Korean viewers opinion after this epic episode..

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Guest luckynew












I love the YONGSEO couple because just like "Love Light" I have become the lyrics itself. Their love can be called "True love awaits" and they are each other's "Keeper".








P.S. I really put a lot of thinking into this. I hope you guys like it. :)





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Guest seohyun_yh



Hi... I understood the translation that he wrote the music long ago but started writing the lyrics as they did their ring flashing mission on the music show and as he met up with Seohyun, he wrote the lyrics. The part where he said about writing the rap was in regards to the words "I'm a Genie for you girl" came from SNSD's song- Tell Me Your Wish. It made sense this way I think... oh my gosh, I'm panicking cz am I topping the page? Oh no! I have nothing else but to say I LOVE YONGSEO COUPLE!!!




 I understood he wrote this song thinking of seohyun...


Seohyun asked some questions and Yonghwa answered each of her questions. :wub:






 Did you write the song for me or not?






Yonghwa: I had been writing that song since long ago.


But it didn´t have lyric yet.


Then i started WGM with you


the day when we did the ring performance


that day, i started writing the lyrics.


Yes, i starting from that day.


And as i spent days with you...



It became like... "let´s write a song, thinking of you"


Let´s write the lyrics thinking of you... that´s what happened.









  Why is there a part of the "TMYW" lyrics (in his song)?


Yonghwa: While writing the rap part



Then the "TMYW" came to my mind.


  You like "TMYW" don´t you? It´s because you listen to that song often?



Because when you like a certain song, you tend to write a song that is similar to your favourite. Don´t you?



You like "TMYW" don´t you?


Y: i do.


MC Park: Really?? Does that mean he wrote a song, thinking of Seo Hyun?

SO: Yes



MC Park: Then, does that mean his song is dedicated to Seo Hyun?



MC KIM: You can say something like that.






Now I think  Seohyun again inspied to Yonghwa with his new song. "I do not know why" Seohyun and Yonghwa didn´t had many meetings in August and September.



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Guest Durianzi

Hello to everyone =)

First of all, I would like to thank those who have been posting the detailed translations, clear photos/captions and beautiful works:lol:

Also, a millions of thanks to our lovely couple YongSeo for making my weekend so much fun and enjoyable.

I still haven't got over this epic episode and been drowned by Yong's heartfull of love toward Hyun and Hyun's pureness/shyness!!!!!

Today, one thing that I really want to spazz is that,,,,,,

YongHwa is the one who spoke out that "This song is for me(Hyun) or not" while they kept turing a roundabout in their conversation.

Don't you think he is very brave and manly? 

Hyun was curious but reluctant to ask the truth of LoveLight directly because she was not sure if the song is really for her or not.

(Maybe she has read some articles/Yong's interviews about the song. Also, her unnies might have been asking her about the song...)

If it were really written for her, she could be definitely and extremely happy. But if NOT...?!

She wanna know the truth yet does'nt wanna know.  In her mind, the possibily of that LoveLight was born for her was 50/50.

Yong did read Hyun's mind and decided to put an end of their roundabout conversation.

I guess that he took a lot of courages to do that.

He knows that if he revealed that he had written LoveLight for her or thinking about her, other parties such as fans, antis, media etc. would bring a variety of responses and it would be a burden on Hyun.

However, in the end, he confessed to the truth in front of her because (I believe that)  he really wants her to know that SHE is his musical inspiration and SHE is indispensable in his life.

Even though Yong emphasized that he wrote the only rap part while thinking about Hyun, the whole song might be dedicated to his loved one.

As we have already known, Yong was carefully choosing words to explain about the lyrics of LoveLight.

His voice was soft and smooth, which made me totally go crazy.

How sweet and lovely of you two, YongSeo!

I wish they could continue their good relationship (it doesn't bother me if they are in love or good friends) even after WGM.

In reality, it is so much hard to encounter the one who is worth to trust.

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Guest bezbezbez














































































































































































































































This week's episode is the JJANG-est thing ever :)































































































I think we won't be able to stop spazzing about this until the next episode or probably even after the next episode airs...






























































































































































Welcome to the new spazzers!!!!































































































and hi to the old ones!!!!































































































I personally would want to say sorry for my absence here at the thread...blame it to twitter and my goguma unnies there :))






























































































































































TO ALL THE NEW SPAZZERS please PM me your I LOVE YONGSEO BECAUSE_______ messages instead of just posting it here at the thread since the thread usually moves fast. I might not be able to catch your reason. If you really want to share it to our fellow gogumas, you can post your reason here, but please make sure to send it to me also. I'll try my best to reply to all your PMs.






























































































































































NEXT, the project where we have to take picture with the YONGSEO LOGO is still on going. It is also a part of the 300th day project. You can send it to our gmail account or for your convenience, you can PM it to me.















































































































































































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