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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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otty! i lol at your caps!

that is the last thing i expect from hyun! :sweatingbullets:

i thought she was looking at his......mike? :P

but hey, coming from a guy..u do observe all this, don't u? ;)

trent, how cute! daebak indeed! :lol:

ooh..i see more lurkers coming out to share their happy views.

Welcome U All...

hi there, gumma omma!! :)


prncsscharming, see my PM? :)

sun_sun subbed vids






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hi everyone its been such a long time ipost here..but my day wont be complete without visiting this thread.^^<
































like everyone said the last episode was truelly full of love^^, im so inlovewub.gifwub.gifwub.gif with this couple that my for them is geeting bigger than ever..makes me want to also fall inlove with someone...anyways i have nothing to say because i think all of it was been said in the previous comments...so i wont be covering anything...but i will in the futur..
































































ohh yeah..hmm i just found a video THIS VIDEO can anyone please confirm if the ring that seohyun's wearing is her couple ring???please..im curious..THNK you.ill be waiting patiently happy.giflaugh.gif

































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Can anyone tell me what episode did SNSD girls visit the potatoes couple? Thanks

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Can anyone tell me what episode did SNSD girls visit the potatoes couple? Thanks

epi 12

here, yong said he knows hyun well...or something like that.. :sweatingbullets:

but in latest epi, (june) he admit he didn't know her THAT well.

but again, in UJ's epi,(aug) he confidently said he knows her better than anyone else..

yes, yong we heard u..

so what happens btwn june till aug? ;)

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Guest Goguma06



Like everyone else said....this episode was DAEBAK (i know i am not original XD)

I was just able to watch it today because i was out for the weekend....but everytime i could, i took my Itouch and i came here, lurking like usual!

I had a large smile in my face during ALLL the episode!.....(and i almost cried at some place).....this episode was just sooooo sweet....and we could really see that Yong is in love with Hyun...the way he was always saying "Seo ju hyun".....or "Jashik"....He was really touched!

awww i can't wait for next week episode...


Going to watch the episode again and again and again!!!


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Guest teoki61
















































































































































































































































































I'm really addicted to them haha omg i will be so sad when they leave we got married!! nothing to watch on saturdays :o but i don't want to think about that just enjoy the time they are together :D
















































































































































































































































and there is something i don't get..why do the mc's have cards in their hands?are some of the phrases they say scripted so they read it?? really curious about that.

















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Guest ningyit






Hi all gogumas






Wau!!! this episode really makes us cried or tearie, i always felt this yongseo couple as my children, as if they are into a real marriage life, so you know how we parents felt and cried during our children's wedding. This is the feeling! Feelings of joy, happiness, fullfillment, excitement, all the memories from the past, and so on..., and besides all that there is also a part in our heart with some prayers for their happiness in the future. Maybe because i am a goguma ahjumma, this what i felt. (Sorry maybe this is just a perspective view from an elderly)






Really love the part when both of them satisfied with each other happiness when receiving their presents.






Next what i'm looking forward to see is their comfortness in skinship, i don't know why but i just love to see yong putting on the necklace on hyun. i just wish to see, yong tying or untying hyun's hair, will that be something different besides buttoning their jackets.






Whatever their next moves, this couple really entertains us more with actual drama without any scriptwriter needed.



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Guest FallenAnjewl
















































































































































































































































































































































































I am not sure you guys watch this video or not: Lovelight 100707 Lovelight 101008
















































































































































































































































































































































































Hope he is okay now. I also hope it has nothing to do with hyun. Maybe he just needs some rest???
















































































































































































































































































































































































I guess the ring on his finger is still a good sign
















































































































































































































































































































































































My hopes are still high for yongseo being a real couple because they really match each other.
















































































































































































































































































































































































Hope we see some updated news about yongseo couple because from what ive read, the last time they actually met each other was in japan which was quite a while ago
















































































































































































































































































































































































Lets see if they mention each other in any recent interviews or meet up with each other/contact each other
















































































































































































































































































































































































But i guess it is hard for them to see each other since they are always in different contries promoting =[
















































































































































































































































































































































































BUT LOVE LOVE LOVE the most recent episode. I seriously couldnt stop smiling. I really hope i can find a guy like yongg <3
















































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest zero_one
























if i was not mistaken a few waaaaaayyyyyy page back someone gives a link that today wgm gonna air








is it true?








can anyone shed any light to us? wishing for a season recap just like the adam when they hit the 27th episode









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Guest alucard81




























mostly a re-run...




















not sure though I just catch the stream on Saturday then wait for chinese sub on Sunday and then try to see the english sub later





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Guest raindrops_919

@ Joh-Eun : i'm totally agree with you, that scene when Yong sings love light and Hyun teasing him is absolutely adorable  :wub:

it really show the playful side Hyun's got that we thought she didn't has  :ph34r: ahhh jongmal *Hyun mode on*

Hyun can't look at Yong's eyes when she sings love light, but during "you are the president in my heart" and "there's no reason for my love, you know" part she did look yong in the eye  :wub:

@ cmkc109: i love your artwork, very nice  :wub:

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Guest L0v3SeoHyuN

YongSeo couple catched attention this week!!!!!

LOVE them so much, and Hyun is changing LOL....

Hope they will hav a nicer time :)

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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































































































































































































hi everyone its been such a long time ipost here..but my day wont be complete without visiting this thread.^^<
















































































































































































































































































































































































like everyone said the last episode was truelly full of love^^, im so inlovewub.gifwub.gifwub.gif with this couple that my for them is geeting bigger than ever..makes me want to also fall inlove with someone...anyways i have nothing to say because i think all of it was been said in the previous comments...so i wont be covering anything...but i will in the futur..
















































































































































































































































































































































































ohh yeah..hmm i just found a video THIS VIDEO can anyone please confirm if the ring that seohyun's wearing is her couple ring???please..im curious..THNK you.ill be waiting patiently happy.giflaugh.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hmm im pretty sure it is the couple ring.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i couldnt get a close up shot of the ring otherwise it'll be too blurry. But it is obvious that it is imilar because of the ring with the crystal in the middle (i.e. the shiny spot )
















































































































































































































































































































































































yaya!! at least we know seohyun wears the ring during filming
















































































































































































































































































































































































Do any of yous know when this was filmed??
















































































































































































































































































































































































i really want to see some recent action between the couple or at least some news talking about them contacting each other. Its been like 20 days since they last saw each other in Japan i think
















































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT::: oopss topped the page hmm lets see found these fotos from CNBLUE's event yesterday at Jump Guro 2010 Festival
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. omonajungyonghwa
















































































































































































































































































































































































Yong is looking better abd happier in this foto compared to the PIFF event. Im glad to see him with a smile back on his face
















































































































































































































































































































































































Seems like he got some sleep and yes the couple ring is still there yayaya!!!!:wub:

















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Longtime lurker here. Could not stop smiling after watching this last episode. I was gonna wife Seobaby myself but I'll be happy with an invite to their wedding now. 
























Big thanks to j2dlee and sun_sun for providing the subs week in, week out. 









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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































Thank you EVERYONE, really. I wish I could thank you all individually for the beautiful screen caps, fan art, videos, outside info, opinions, and of course, the overdose of YongSeo spazzing, but there are so many of you. sleep.gif But really, THANK YOU ALL.































































































































































































Also, I was wondering, does anybody have the link to the "ZOMG" photo of MC Kim flipping out during Yong's "Love Light" explanation.  I almost DIED when I first saw it w00t.gif

































































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Trent: Your cartoon is so cute!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yesterday I went to watch the duet Yongseo did in Incheon Aug 29 again, and I do noticed that Hyun is wearing the ring too for the duet. :wub: So I take back my words that she doesnt wear it, she probably wear it on special occasions when they are together.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Somehow after Sat's ep, I just want to keep rewatchin the duet, it give me special feelings.

































































































































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Guest donna_xD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have been watching this couple for a while and I have been a fan of WGM since the very beginning of the show...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I have to say, this is one of the ONLY couples that I feel really developed feelings and opened up. When it started, Seohyun kept things to herself but all the way until now... she has really changed (or opened up).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I couldn't control myself while watching it because everything just came at once but really, they must be in love or I'm crazy.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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