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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




@jnj: yes. the DFBS message was recorded on the same day they did the back room interview. Yong mentioned in his message that Seohyun did not allow him to go. hhhmmmm. after filming ep 27, they were so happy. and after all that happened in filming, he must have felt that Seohyun has some sort of sense of ownership towards him. and vice versa. 


speaking if the DFBS message, it was the day after filming, they were probably tired because of the work they did and being there until night time. We saw that Yong was worn out. and Seohyun only had about 2 hours of sleep. but in the DFBS message, they were so happy and playful, specially Seohyun. we just watched the reason why they were so happy filming DFBS. we watched it a million times. :)


I think they monitor each other. but Yong is more vocal about it. Seohyun watched the Gag concert and found a very interesting and funny way to present her gift to Yong. used the Gag man mask to hide her shyness. also, when she was asking about the song Love light, at the back room interview she said that she ask in a round about way because she knows Yong doesn't want to talk about the past. more importantly, if she asked in a round about way, Yong would answer her question in the back room interview. so she watches Yong's backroom interview. also when tasting the soy bean stew, she asked about the taste then Yong said it taste the same as the one she made, but she did not believe him, probably she saw the back room interview of Yong saying that the stew was bland, but it was "warm." 


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A GREAT BIG THANK YOU TO jd2lee and sun_sun!!!! :w00t::D:wub:














































































































































































































































































































So, I spent all day yesterday at a Korean Health Fair. I was manning the free mamogram service and I really had a HARD, HARD time shaking of my goguma fever. I had to literally stop my self from asking all the halmeoni (grandmothers) to translate the episode while watching on my iphone... hahahah... I'm so bad... lol!!

















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cr dc

gogumas... u all have got to see this!

err..unless its shared before...

MV from the latest episode. :w00t:

its already 2am but i'm still jumping like :crazy:

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Guest DJHinata

ah! i just rmbr something!

seeing yongseo at the darkroom interview, reminds me of this clip

where they gave interviews abt DFBS.

hear the man's laughter at the end of hyun's clip?

sure sound like yong's... :wub:

does this mean they did their darkroom interview on the same day?!  :w00t:

Yes , they was together that day maybe later they go in a date or something ? who knows XD

I love all the goguma detectives !! 

i remember that seohyun said: when we sang "oh" oppa saranghe , she was so shy to say it , and now ! she said saranghe darling to YONGHWA in front of all us !! HOW friking amazing is that !

edit: dreamyboo: DJHinata,* ♥ u back* ekekeke and thanks for those beautiful wallies~! i noticed ur yongseo works in Facebook ... WHat? where ? yongseo couple♥ ? >,< i want you in my facebook D_D ! XD hahah ^3^

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Guest maybelove










cr dc




gogumas... u all have got to see this!







err..unless its shared before...












MV from the latest episode. :w00t:




its already 2am but i'm still jumping like :crazy:







OMG this is GOOD!!! :wub: thanks for sharing!!




i've just finished watching the episode for the 3rd time :crazy:




and btw what does 'jashik' means?



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Guest gauri92
































































































































































































OMG this is GOOD!!! :wub: thanks for sharing!!
































































































































































i've just finished watching the episode for the 3rd time :crazy:
































































































































































and btw what does 'jashik' means?































































































































































































































































































































im not too sure....but i think jashik means 'kid'...as in a child...
































































































































































i read it on the thread itself...but not sure which long gone page it was...
































































































































































someone please do correct in case im wrong....

































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22



OMG this is GOOD!!!  :wub: thanks for sharing!!


i've just finished watching the episode for the 3rd time  :crazy:


and btw what does 'jashik' means?



based on what I learned from j2dlee, jashik means somewhere along the line of dude, rascal, and other similar terms. also it not usually said between sexes. Yong first mentioned Jashik on episode 8 I think, after watching Avatar, when Hyun asked about the 22 day. then Hyun got a big laugh out of it. Yong also said it to Jungshin when Jungshin came to their house warming. I guess it is one of the ways Yong express his happiness, but says it only to people close to him.


EDIT: @gauri92: yup, jashik can also mean "kid."


EDIT 2: from what I gather, jashik has no English equivalent. but in other shows that I have watched, for example Running Man ep 7 (Yong was a guest and the MVP), one host (Jae suk) misheard his name (I think) and thought he heard jashik, and it was translated to "dude"


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the more i read u guys views on the DFBS interviews, the more hyper i am! :lol:

now i am curious as to when do they do the darkroom interview after each filming?

but yeah, heartbreak, (hows the job going?)

they were both tired BUT definitely happy after shooting this epi.

can tell yong's tiredness when he answered hyun that if he doesn't come back,

he may fall off into the water already..

and hyun..well, just look at her messy hair! ^_^

i love how they cant even look at each other's eyes, even tho we know

yong will not lose out on the staring game.. :P

DH, i think hyun is not shy anymore..

together with yong, practise makes perfect! ;)

u rmbr what j2 taught us, hearbreak. she taught us well eh..

jashik is like a guy thing.

u only use jashik on the opposite sex, saying it with lots of affection.

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I don't know how to describe my feeling right now for the great weekend we have, Gogumas~
































































































































































































































































































































































































I have to come out from my lurker shell to express these feelings... :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































Firstly, thank you so much to j2dlee for the awesome translation... You have enlighten us the international Gogumas with your translation... thank you so much!!! ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to Sun_Sun for subbing it... You're so great... ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much guys... this weekend, we're all floating in air with YongSeo love... I don't know how to describe it again...
































































































































































































































































































































































































this week episode, each time I'm re-watching it, I will giggling, squealing over YongSeo...
































































































































































































































































































































































































Since the 1st episode I watch them, they totally have improved a lot... especially Seohyun...
































































































































































































































































































































































































My favorite things from this week episode (maybe not all of my favorites just the one that I can remember):
































































































































































































































































































































































































1.Seohyun's "Yonghwa Oppa~" - looking at Yonghwa with that scary mask... LOL XD :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































2.Yonghwa's aegyo "쑥스러웠어~엉? / Were you embarrased?" - his aegyo, kawaii~
































































































































































































































































































































































































3.Yonghwa calling Seohyun with her real name, Seo Joohyun. - So lovely~
































































































































































































































































































































































































4.Yonghwa calling Seohyun "Jashik/짜식" - I'm totally loving it...
































































































































































































































































































































































































5.Seohyun's "ah, jeongmal / 아 정말" - that's her aegyo there. her aegyo that all her unnies has said before... hehehe...
































































































































































































































































































































































































6.their birthday presents... - loving all single present that they gave each other... It has a lot of meanings... all of them... :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































7.Kissing you and Love Light being my favorite song of the week!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































8.Loving Rapper Seohyun :wub: - her unnies used to say that at home she always rap Yong's part so it's true then... ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































9.MC Kim jjang!!! I love his reactions over YongSeo... he even mention me in his tweet though just to say thank you... my first K-Celeb that mention me in twitter... (sorry for my random spazz over MC Kim... :lol:)
































































































































































































































































































































































































This week is totally 대박!!! 용서 is REAL!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

































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Did anyone catch this, I thought it was rather funny and cute, because Seohyun sure is becoming a woman with some *cough* "womanly" interests ... That would be one very big "that's mine" smile on her face when Yong bent over just before buying bug incense.

Hyun's thinking "my baby got back!" LOL

Seriously, watch the sequence again, she was really checking Yong out ... Someone should make a gif of it.

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Guest Joh-Eun

The best episode to date... :D Sorry for this lengthy daydreaming post.

Yong sincerely would like to meet the mother of the person he has known to love even going all out to buy her a necklace.

Fans have launched the Ring Watch project. I wonder if there is a Necklace Watch project as well. Hope so.

I noticed the white-cream like wrist band Yong was wearing (when he was putting on the necklace), was the same thing Hyun was wearing when they were out fishing. Was it Hyun"s?

Yong's face when they smelled the poop, was like that same expression he had, when he was making faces on the boss who kept praising Hyun. LOL.

I remember Yong's character as Kang ShinWoo told a story that he killed dogs. He couldn't kill a dog as adorable as that.

Hyun is known by fans to always say the line "Together, Let's do it together", whenever a thing needs to be done.

Hyun made a perfect sound of a mosquito... E-eing.

When she made a sound of a fish, Yong burst into laughter and he wanted to reach out to Hyun but there was a seat gap in between them. tsk tsk tsk.

More than surprised, Yong's jaw dropped and was speechless because he (us too) thinks that seeing Hyun imitating that provocative comedian in the gag show is so not like Hyun. This was a 1st!!!

Yong imitated Hyun's signature "combo" arm folding+head swaying style when she didnt want to sing without the mask.

The MC's were all "ahh,hahaha,kyah..." seeing Yong gazing softly at Hyun singing without the mask.

Yong endearingly starts calling Hyun by her complete birth name.

Hyun wasn't paying attention with the topic Yong wants to talk about, so he called out her name HYUUUN!!! High intonation^

Even the MC's (and you there) noticed how lovely Yong had those eyes when Hyun was pulling out the book.

The MC's spazzed out along with the millions of viewers when Yong took out the ring from the heart in the book. They looked like Korea won some sorta world championship game.

Yong couldn't contain his happiness. Imagine your girl going to a jeweller to have your couple ring done, even without knowing the ring size of your partner, Hyun was DEABAK guessing it. Seriously, lovers like that in reality are made for each other.

Yong (in all his nature) was still estimating Hyun's reaction when he was slipping the ring to her finger, those eyes were saying "is it okay if I..."

And again, you sure felt this, the way Yong said "Seo Joo Hyun" was :wub: . He wanted to say something but was lost for words.

Hyun is proud of her partner's efforts. Really, buying a field is unthinkable as a birthday present. I would marry anyone who can do this for me.

While Yong's heart is filled with emotion, we finally see and realize that Hyun is now changing to be the wife we want to be. Initiating lovely gestures worth all the warm shivers in the world.

Hyun has now learned what it's like to be sharing things like this. It would be bittersweet for us and for Hyun to remember this once she gets into a real off cam relationship. :(

One of the DEABAK parts was, Yong was demonstrating to Hyun how to sing looking at someone straight to the eyes, Yong was pulling himself away, Hyun was teasing him and she was like a magnet moving forward closer to Yong when he tripped and then :w00t:.

Someone puh-leeze, make a GIF of that scene. This is when I believe Hyun has really changed, she's not holding it back anymore.

Yong had this smirk, when Hyun brought up the Love Light lyrics history topic. As the conversation progress to the revelation, I will forever remember this part as the most sweetest romantic scene to date in the Sweet Potato Couple story. Back in the 1st episode, Yong said Hyun's eyes were very clear and he liked it, and has said this in another accassion when the sister in laws came to their house, those sparkling eyes - giving light to his love has something to do with the lyrics.

MC Kim, seriously, he's hilarious. I LOVE HIM. Everyone should have enjoyed his cheers, screams and yells. We were totally in the same shoes with him.

Hyun's heart must have suddenly skipped a beat differently when Yong said he wrote the lyrics after he met her, she was stuttering.

Yong smile was so lovely reminiscing his feelings during the process of writing that song. Hyun's gaze at Yong never looked the same as before. Hyun must be overjoyed.

The BEST part was, and I fell in my seat, I saw fireworks, they HELD HANDS. Just like the MC's, it felt like I was goin to cry, then in standing ovation, overwhelmed, masterful, words cannot express the whole of YongSeo lovers' happiness. Indeed BRAVO! Round of applause!

Omaya! It's 4am. I've pulled out an all nighter for Yong and Hyun. Gotta sleep now. Work later. I'll carry their love in my sleep.

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Guest MrsAthenaG




Hello to all my Goguma Citizens, this elder Goguma was just too excited about this episode that I created the entire Birthday Even in one video compilation. Unfortunately, uploading it on YouTube is not possible because it's too long. Maybe someone else can share it with others who can't download. It's a 56 minute video compilation titled - "Yong and Hyun, A Very Special Birthday".




I made it to show the entire event from episodes 25, 26 and 27. Although it's my own remake, credits are due to the wonderful translators, subbers, timers, etc...j2dlee, sun_sun, rdrsubs, soshisubs and to Yong & Hyun for this video. I apologize in advance for the poor editing but I hope you enjoy this, here's the download:




Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OLSCX8QA



Yong and Hyun, A Very Special Birthday


1. Surprise Trip


2. Goguma Field 2-plot gift


3. Mother-Daughter necklaces with a Letter of Thanks


4. Hyun's Love Light dedication


5. Yong & Hyun's Storybook of Love


6. NEW Couple Rings - complete with putting on each other's finger just like in a wedding ceremony. (Hyun/Yong, Wear this ring as a sign of my love...)


7. The truth behind Love Light


8. Arm in Arm


9. Holding Hands


Did I miss anything?




Continue the love and support for our YongSeo as we journey with them together. With Love from your Elder Goguma, your Guma Omma.



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Guest Crystal392
















































I had so much fun reading all your posts ^_^otty I was lolling so much while reading your post hehehehe :lol:
















I'm so proud of Hyun and Yong. Hyun has grown so much through WGM and Yong has shown his lovely personality, he is so charismatic :wub:
















Goguma jjang! :wub:

















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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Isn't it just me? Love light has been my favorite Cnblue's song, and Korean song too. From the day, it was released, I loved it at the first time hearing it. But since the last ep, the feeling in it has changed ! Don't know why, I feel like...something...something really special :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm just being dreamy?

































































































































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That's awesome, Trent!! So cute... :w00t:
































































































I'm trying to finish start my research paper :crazy: but I keep going back to this thread and re-watching the subbed episode for the Nth time... lol
































































































EDIT: Shaaww! Topped the page with nothing to share...
































































































hmm.. here's the link to sun_sun's post with the subbed episode..
































































































































































































*sorry.. don't know how to repost... :sweatingbullets:

















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Guest klare84



hello to all gogumas!! wow this weekend was just a GOGUMA WEEKEND!! even though i am feeling under the weather, i have all the reason in the world to stay at home, rest, get well and my best medicine is this DAEBAK of an episode!! i believe this is my best and favourite moment of WGM because to me, Seo Hyun surpasses all other former and recent lady WGM wifey's EVENTS for their husbands...she is a GENIUS!! she really carries that title and deserves that title...

i would like to thank j2dlee for the awesome subs!! you fulfilled everyone's curiousity like myself who doesn't understand korean :) lots of blessings will come to you...thank you thank you thank you :)

also, i would like to promote (if that's the right word) of a YongSeo story collaboration between indi(bezbezbez) and myself and it is called,If It's You...i hope you can give us some support in our story... :D

i can't wait for what is in store for us next saturday! :w00t:




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Guest rjcm127




I don't know how to describe my feeling right now for the great weekend we have, Gogumas~


I have to come out from my lurker shell to express these feelings... :w00t:


My favorite things from this week episode (maybe not all of my favorites just the one that I can remember):


1.Seohyun's "Yonghwa Oppa~" - looking at Yonghwa with that scary mask... LOL XD :lol:


2.Yonghwa's aegyo "쑥스러웠어~엉? / Were you embarrased?" - his aegyo, kawaii~


3.Yonghwa calling Seohyun with her real name, Seo Joohyun. - So lovely~


4.Yonghwa calling Seohyun "Jashik/짜식" - I'm totally loving it...


5.Seohyun's "ah, jeongmal / 아 정말" - that's her aegyo there. her aegyo that all her unnies has said before... hehehe...


6.their birthday presents... - loving all single present that they gave each other... It has a lot of meanings... all of them... :D


7.Kissing you and Love Light being my favorite song of the week!!!


8.Loving Rapper Seohyun :wub: - her unnies used to say that at home she always rap Yong's part so it's true then... ^^


9.MC Kim jjang!!! I love his reactions over YongSeo... he even mention me in his tweet though just to say thank you... my first K-Celeb that mention me in twitter... (sorry for my random spazz over MC Kim... :lol:)


This week is totally 대박!!! 용서 is REAL!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:



Gotta agree with you on the favorite things. One of the best weekends I've had since attending SMTown LA...I've been a lurker here and yesterday was my first post. Eversince the show aired, it's been on replay on my laptop and i've even tried to upload it to my iphone...


i think I have to add something to your list though...


10. How they stare into each others eyes to communicate their :wub: and appreciation for one another...Especially how Yong stares at his Hyun after singing L.L. and receiving the ring.


11. When Hyun sent Yong to buy bug repellant/incents, but it looked like she was checking his gluteus maximus. :lol:


12. When Seohyun was singing L.L. without the mask she gave Yong a look at "you know" during the rap part like it was a hidden message of her feelings.


Big thanks to j2dle and Sun_Sun...You are truely great for providing all of us this. I love the soompi thread. Thanks to everyone else who has shared their pix, vids and thoughts.


I wonder if all her Unnies are really happy for her and supporting her. I know that it was translated on an audio during the fanmeeting that if she really likes him to tell Unnie and she will help...


I can't wait for next weeks episode. Hyun can you say/sing Oppa now with ease.



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Guest rjcm127




Hi, annyeong gogumas!!!


cant u see what uri yongseo did at the back??  yong helped seo like what nickhun did to victoria's hair before(?):wub: just watch the eps to see it clearer,coz im not good at captioning pict <_<


*sorry if it's had been shared n sorry too 4 my bad bad english :sweatingbullets:  annyeong~ *off 2 continue rewatch my fave eps*



Ya I saw that. It was cute how he was helping her. I wish the PD didn't edit the girls turn doing the game. I would've liked to see how the ladies did...


Does anyone a real timeline of Goguma? If I'm correct then the first time they actually held hands was here on the birthday special and the Chuseuk Horror Special would be the 2nd time then (through WGM2 airings). My brain won't stop trying to analyze their real events vs. the events showed on WGM2. More things make sense now since with the latest episode. Another reason why Hyun gave a look at Yong when he was teaching the Japanese Actress the word "Oppa". Hyun gave that stare look, same one she did on the bus as a "combo", but without the arms. Arm I wrong here?



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goguma1207 I agree with you that he was tempted to kiss her while he sung too her, so he moved away.....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think if I had to pick, my favorite part of the episode was the ring exchanging moment. It was so cute....they look like a real life couple exchanging rings and so in love....they were so in awe of each other. Just pure HAPPINESS!

































































































































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