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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Annyeong gogumas!!


I’m sort of late posting my spazzes here.. but rest assured I was spazzing all over this daebak episode that a smile on my face lingered as I lay down to sleep..kekeke. I’m very busy reading all your spazzes, it really is a feel good episode, my tears fell out of happiness.. (I thought only Joongbo can do this to me, but then again YongSeo proved me wrong) :wub:


And his gift to Hyun is Daebak!, first the 2 row field, and because Hyun can’t carry the field with her, he gave an additional gift which is a necklace. I read from a magazine a long time ago that when a guy gives a necklace as a present, it means he is tagging you. (Just like a dog tag, if dogs have those tags it means it has an owner) :w00t: . Both mother and daughter are owned! Nice one Yong!!!:wub: ….


Although Hyun is not a property in the literal sense of the word, Yong wants a sense of possession. “She is not just a woman, she is his.. so back off guys!!!” :wub: And when Hyun chose to wear the necklace, It signals the acceptance of that role. Yong giving the necklace means “You are mine”, Hyun wore it means “I chose to be yours” blush.gif Jewelry is optional so wearing those jewelry that are given by men is the reflection of her choice to be with the giver (unless that woman is a player, vicx.gif and we all know Hyun isn’t)


And another thing, the reason why men give jewelry is because it represents the physical contact a man constantly craves. blush.gif It serves as surrogates to man’s hands, touching her even if he can’t. :wub:


Men enjoy looking at her woman wearing that jewelry, even if he isn’t present to see it. The sight of the bejeweled woman is pleasant, but the implications of her choice to wear his jewelry are much more important. (He wants his jewelry worn even if it doesn't match her outfit! :rolleyes: )


This must have been my first long post here, coz i'm more of a lurker. but forgive me just this once okay? :phew:


Thank you for all those amazing spazzers who contributed to this amazing thread. Especially to j2dlee for the translation!!! you're daebak!!! really!!!!!


Now I'm waiting for URI sun_sun and rdrsubs...kekekek fighting!!!!


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Guest wallpaperfood

Omg I only got to sleep at 5:30 am and woke up @ 1pm...and am back on my laptop to rewatch the king daebak episode of all WGM episodes I have hitherto seen...

Part of the excitement is the rush I get from reading everyone's comments on various forums (great to know there r so many goguma-lovers!!!). So I just HAD to join Soompi today to contribute to the big mother-f@#$% nosebleed over last night's ep!

I just love how Yong kept on probing her about her curiosity! The way he said it, it was like, he was waiting/hoping she would ask him out, just so he could TELL HER HIMSELF what Love Light was about! Isn't that like the sweetest thing ever?? Seo's so lucky to have a 1st love like him!

And the atmosphere was SO differnt than usual - they were blushing, giggling more, being coy, and Yong was actually in flirt-mode. I can picture him talking to girls/"prey" (lol) like that. I was squealing so much. Had to text my friend who thinks Yongseo is boring, and go "IN YOUR FACE" at 2am. I like how he chalenged to sing at her and then tripped. It feels like watching a real couple. By far, this couple has the most substgance. B/c we got to witness their progress, it wasn't forced and "burdensome" like the others/too quick and too unbelievable...

And who writes a letter to his fake mother-in-law thanking her fior giving birth to such an amazing daughter?! That part made me nearly cry. The look on Yong's face when she was about to open it looked so REAL, this couple couldn't possibly be false.

Another thing: Love light isn't a song you sing for just ANYone...especially when it's just the two of you and one's serenading the other! MAJOR KUDOS to Hyun for mustering up the courage. I don't think I could have done that even while wearing a mask. And ofc no one can leave out the fact that Yong's face/smile @ that point (yes you know which point I'm referring to) during the song - pure LOVE.

And the laughing when she thought she caught a fish. Like the MC said, he's really enjoying himself. To be honest, as much as I fangirled/hoped like mad for Yongseo couple, I was always a bit skeptical, after all,  youa lways hear that shows are scripted/not true, and that also b/c Yong mentioned Taeyeon was more his type. That's why I was a bit doubtful about where he stood with Hyun, but from last night's ep, you can TOTALLY see he's heart's been captured. Mentally/physically/emotionally/wtv.

I have to thank the producers of WGM, the PDnim for the awesome, daebak buildup (the skinship was totalyl worth the wait), and especially MC Jake (who hyped me up so much I thought i'd die before Saturday came). He's SO AWESOME...he's been following Yongseo on the net too...he knew about Love Light rumours kekeke.

And not to forget: their members are also giving it away! Jonghyun hinted that Yonghwa's into this relationship thing, and Taeyeon asked Seo if she liked Yong and said she'll support her if she did. HOW MUCH MORE OBVIOUS CAN YOU GET????

I feel so ...priviledged (lol) to know about this couple, I feel so proud too :). I'm going to rewatch everything from ep 1. it's like a freaking drama!!!

OK i could write a 5000-word essay on this topic, but I've posted so many other sites, I'm going to take a break  now, ciao :P

everybody <3 <3 <3 !!!

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Guest puding82











can anyone rip an audio for the part hyun singing Love Light?






is the prev shown ytdy?









I have recorded it, maybe some one can edit it..remove the MCs voice etc..:)


Seohyun - Love Light


Seohyun - Love Light (2nd time)



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Guest toomuchsmiling








panGG- read ur spazz. :w00t: it's like how i completely felt almost XDDD








chyme_31 & wallpaperfood- LOVE wat u guys say!!!!!! ahhh, makes me spazz even more!












We walk while matching our feet, holding our hands




I want to lean on your shoulder and tell you.




"Thank you I Love You I will only give you happiness" Kissing you oh my love




Tomorrow you are lying next to me in the warm sun




when i sing you a love song you smile




The sweet & happy words "I Love You"













ehhhh GOGUMAAAAAAS!!!! Have u guys READ the lyrics to the song?? i mean i have heard it so many times b4, but that was BEFORE. i was so surprised that Seohyun just BLURTED the lyrics. and i BET she realized that she couldn't sing the rest b/c that would've made her look like "provocative seohyun" :lol: i wonder if YONG REALIZED at that time that was wat she was singing or he was just TOO HAPPY to even realize it was KISSING YOU.








i think it doesn't matter now though, cuz if he watched this broadcast then he knows NOW. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD












anyways, I tweeted our WONDERFUL MC Kim on twitter, who gave us a hint for today's episode several days here's what I wrote




@jake82054 MC Kim!!! you are correct!! today's episode of 우리 용서 커플 was totally 대박!!



I wanna see his reply, I bet he is a goguma shipper like us LOL












soshi- u ARE AWESOME. i was thinking of doing that exact same thing. THANKING MC Kim for his wonderful twitter!!!!!! i'm glad someone did so kudos to you!












29th June 2010








~hyun say she can't look at yong's eyes when she sings love light~








~yong say he can, but that he failed~








~both can't look at each other's eyes when sing love light~








29th August 2010:








~hyun & yong sing love light in front of million eyes, they don't look anywhere else but each other's eyes~









raindrops_919- OMGEE, ur right!! great observation!!





















okay so GUYS (fellow gogumas) i THINK I CAN DIE IN PEACE it was SUCH a great ep i was SQUEEING all over the place. and after re-playing so many parts (mostly in the 2nd part) i even got a bit teary eyed from happiness!! seeing Seohyun hold his hand it was just SOO

:wub: so shocking!!! they looked REAL.



(see Yong seobang, wen u give women the answers they wanna hear u get amazing/rewarding results!!!!!)




"SEO JOO HYUN" Yong totally made me die by saying her real name so many times. and i LOVE HIM FOR BEING SO BOLD!!!!!! he didn't just let the issue hang. he was all "JUST SAY IT BOLDLY. DID YOU WRITE THE SONG FOR ME OR NO?" LOVE the MCs reaction b/c it was just like mine. :w00t::wub: and i LOVE his happy reaction after. was it me or was that AEGYO?? the way he said "u couldn't look me in the face, i saw it all" and "you were embarrassed huh?" AND SEOHYUN WAS ALL O__O hahahah ahhh~~ <3 <3 <3








JUST IMAGINE, if her unnies have SEEN this... i mean it's ONE thing for Seohyun to go home that night and SPILL everything, it's ANOTHER to see it happening on screen for them to witness themselves. they musta SPAAAAZZED like how we are right now.








Another thing. MC Kim Jungmin- we owe it to him BIG TIME. he's the gogumas representative MC right now. u can tell, he's a spazzer. "i'm going to go home and listen to Love Light again" (LOL) or wat he said to the PDS "DON'T CUT NOW OR U WILL DIE" XD




SOOOOOO~~ he IS our hero.








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Ehh I just want to thanks J2dlee for her kind heart! Our angel is daebak! and thanks to all of you gogumas for pics, gifs, links, news and everything!
































































































I also cried! haha first get shocked and then when I realized that everything was indeed happening I started to cry hahaha, but I was so Happy! and one little thing... I really think that our Yong has fallen for her :wub:.
































































































Wanna share this  video (plain and simple one) with some sweet parts of this ep, just because I can´t get over it ^^. The song is really old but kind of like the lyrics. ^^
































































































Unchained Melody- YongSeo style (ep 27)
































































































"I need your love, God speed your love ..... to me!"
































































































Love Love Love gogumas!

































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Kerube... thank you for sharing the link to that funny video...it really made me laugh so hard.  And that's actually how I react each time I watch some cute moments from our beloved couple.  I scream, giggle, shout and jump even if I'm watching the show alone :D












Good Morning to all Gogumas! :wub:



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Guest omgirly




























a few random thoughts from my overactive imagination, now that i'm still in recovery from last night's episode:






























































they've got a two month lag between their regular episodes and real time, yet they choose to wear their rings outside of the show. they could have not worn the rings, kept them in a safe place, thinking no one would be the wiser, and started wearing them AFTER this episode aired, but they didn't. hmm... yong's likely excuse of losing it seems far-fetched at this point, especially after his reaction when he found the ring and thinking back on her gift. his recent excuse that "someone" would nag him if he didn't seems more plausible. then again, will he ever admit that he WANTS to wear it and not just because he likes rings? LOL.






























































i wish i could know if there are romantic feelings between this two, but there's just no way of knowing... we're left with what we see on wgm, their actions and reactions in non-wgm appearances, and comments made by people around them. Then again, if they were dating in real life, wouldn't they be let go, since it's against the rules?






























































in my own mind, i imagine that they think they really do like each other in that way, keeping things under wrap, but are exploiting the show to their benefit. if these two really like each other and had to leave the show, they'd NEVER see each other. they're both so busy. even if they're filming once a month, at least they get to spend hours together... and the cameras are not on all the time. well, one can dream! 







































btw, i love how MC Kim (or as I like to call him, "Rocker MC") cheers his little heart out over Yongseo. the guy is a manly, aging rocker who's not afraid to yell, "panji! panji! panji!", cheer loudly, and throw his hands up in exultation when does turn out to be a ring. he is awesome. 







































edit: i forgot to thank J2dlee for the amazingly fast and awesome translation of this past episode! thank you, thank you!!





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Guest codename_burning






how many times did i watch it??maybe 5 times or more dan dat,,,but evrytime i watch it i always smile like MC kim tweets.."grinning from ear to ear"..never tired of watching this episode..they are so real...i lyk it wen yong hwa always stare at her and even says her name out loud "Seo Ju Hyun"...DaEBAK!!



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Guest Crystal392






gembul10: Hi there! Welcome to Goguma Planet (and also to your daughter) hehehe :) Welcome to all new Gogumas! I'd love to answer each post because I have lots of things to say and I love to spazz but I should really go to sleep because I need to wake up tomorrow very early.






I couldn't stop smiling today, everytime I thought about uri YongSeo I smiled :) YongSeo makes me happy! ^_^






Thanks to everyone for the pics, keep sharing your awesome screencaps! ^^








[Fancam] (101008)Love PIFF Party - CNBLUE 2 ~ 사랑빛 (Love Light)






I also love when Yong~ calls her by her name: Seo Joo Hyun... Seo Joo Hyun... Seo Joo Hyun... (:



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Guest ocha noona~








omona yongseo~~







i've been watching the newest ep for 6814651654169841 times :P







and they keep making me smiling to ear, squeezing in my couch, and heart beating..







they are too real! :wub:












to all gogumas thank u for all the wonderful gifs, pics, translation, links







i love you :smooch: :wub: :wub::wub: :wub::wub:












if i could make a request, could any fairy gifs master here make gifs of the MC? watching seulong, mc kim and all squeezing in their couch are really cute ^_________^







MC Kim, Seulong.. i <3 u! come and join this forum, haha :D
















my brothers and boyfriend are guitarists and they all have smooth soft hands. due to practice and guitar necks *if you know what i mean*







and i believe all guitarist have smooth soft hands too.







and of course yong~ aaaaahh~ hyun~ dont let your hands off from him! :rolleyes:















im getting more random. I LOVE YONGSEO~~~ :*



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Guest angeldevil1119




I would like to thank you J2dlee for the fast translation.

Also thanks to all of you gogumas for the screencap, pics, gifs, links, news and everything.


This ep is truly daebak and I've re-watched it so many times already!!!!!

YongSeo makes my day and I'm so happy...^^


YongSeo jjang!!





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Guest Crystal392






After yesterday's epic episode I wanted to know what was your fave scene?


I loved the whole episode but my two most favourite scenes where when Hyun was singing LoveLight and the way Yong looked at her; I also lived the end <3 it was soo perfect!


Someone (sorry I forgot who :( ) said he/she felt this was better than watching a kdrama and I agree 100% percent ^____*



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Guest DJHinata

OMG where is Sun_sun !! she always subs the video with jd2lee translations ~  omg i really want to watch with subs XD hahaha

Thanks to eveyone who like my MCKIM tribute! he is really a goguma fan XD

my favorite part of this episode was .... EVERYTHING !!!! the best episode eveeeeeer !! *o*

edit : Here Ringtone SPECIAL Love♥Light by SeoHyun


Special♥Love Light By SeoHyun 


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Hello happy gogumas!!































































































Just like begturtle and other gogumas here, I've got a lot of assignments to































































































complete but I can't help but coming out from my lurker mode and post a reply here :P































































































After watching yesterday's episode, I feel so happy that I could fly~































































































YongSeo Couple do have a great effect on all of us :wub:






























































































































































I was just about to post my fave scene when crystal_malfoy posted the question































































































hehe..Us gogumas really think alike eh? :lol:






























































































































































So, without further ado, my fave scene would be






























































































































































H: I feel good.































































































Y: Jashik~





























































































































































































































































both of them looked really2 happy to have each other by their side :wub:






























































































































































Of course, it was really hard to choose one scene from this episode as their whole segment































































































are filled with SWEETNESS
















































And lastly, a shout out to our awesome j2dlee for always providing us with a happy
















































Sunday morning every week without fail with the episode translations \(^.^)/\(^.^)/
















































and to all the gogumas here, happy spazzing!! ;)

















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Guest Cocomoko
































this ep was totally over the top... so sweet and cute at the same time... because of which i'm out of my lurker mode:sweatingbullets: ...












seriously... everything about this ep was daebak~












i specially love it when Yong calls Hyun with her full name~ Seo Joo Hyun ah... it sounds so sweet.. i mean i havent heard anyone call hyun with her full name so it's kinda like special in it's own way..












hope u guys know wat i mean.. keke... im just still in goguma dream land because of the last ep///












  YongSeo love forever :wub::D












p.s. im using my friends soompi id atm..,eventhough we both like yongseo couple alot, she's more like a khuntoria fan unlike me who have been following yongseo from day 1.. hope u guys wont mind..:unsure:





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After yesterday's epic episode I wanted to know what was your fave scene?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I loved the whole episode but my two most favourite scenes where when Hyun was singing LoveLight and the way Yong looked at her; I also lived the end <3 it was soo perfect!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Someone (sorry I forgot who :( ) said he/she felt this was better than watching a kdrama and I agree 100% percent ^____*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love seohyun singing love light with mask on,its show seo hyun can do gag /humor .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































well in the past if you watch snsd variety seo hyun always be the last to doing variety entertaiment (gags,talks,humor).she have little parts in snsd variety,she rarely talks,usually her unnies do the gag,talks ,but this wgm shows how seo hyun can do some funny things too.thats why i love wgm because seo hyun can shine just like her unnies in entertaiment variety skills.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































fave scene seo hyun sings the reff part of kissing you while holding hands :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































that song is so perfect.snsd fave song and the member wanna sings that song for their boyfriend because the lyrics is fit perfectly for their boyfriend.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We walk while matching our feets, holding our hands
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to lean on your shoulder and tell you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"Thank you I Love You I will only give you happiness" Kissing you oh my love
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Tommorow you are lying next to me in the warm sun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when i sing you a love song you smile
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The sweet & happy words "I Love You"

































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Guest magicaL.chubi3
































































Many many thanks to j2dlee~ :w00t: savior~
















































gah~ anyway...i was wondering if there were no preview?
















































And also thank to fellow goguma lover who shared their translations and caps. :)

























































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Guest blackflower52




crystal_malfoy: I love the Love Light part too. Yong's face and Hyun's singing is adorable.


I also like the part when they were putting on the rings. Their faces are just full of happiness.


And I love the part when they held hands for the first time.:wub:




Thank you jd2lee and everyone for translations and all the interesting comments on last night's daebak episode.


Reading everyone's comments is almost as fun as watching YongSeo.:D


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Guest starsundaepower






After yesterday's epic episode I wanted to know what was your fave scene?








my favorite scene is... 


well i cant decide, it's a tie between :



  • when seohyun turn her head, wearing a mask and scream "YONGHWA OPPA!!" ..... i guess that is the turning point, where all the magic begins wink.gif

  • in the end when they were walking side by side and holding hands, yonghwa said "SEOHYUN-YAAA" with the most soft, sweet, and lovely voice I've ever heard!!! maaaan, im in "aaaaaaaawwwww" wub.gif




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Guest wallpaperfood

2nd time post-lurking...

just gotta say: I'M SO JEALOUS OF THE WGM EDITORS!!! i'm sure this week's ep was ''kyaaah''-tastic and everyone in the editing room was probably spazzing as well. not to mention they have access to SO MUCH MORE that went on that night ... hehehe. ><


bet everyone in WGM's been following their journey ,

and damn, I can't stop thinking about Yong's deliberate confession... I'm supposed to be doing my accounting tute for tmr dammit

Yongseo better not revert to their formal selves again!!

Imagine, if this (fishing) scenario took place in the early eps, they would have caught like 10 fish by the end of the night. I think they forgot thyey were fishing, and that the cameras were rolling too ^^

AND ONE MORE SUSPICION: I bet Hyun was feeling majorly shy at the end of his confession, so she pretended she caught a fish to ease the atmosphere har har. Since she's so good at everthing, I'm sure acting comes into play too. so SWEEEEET.

First time I ever downloaded a raw ep, and this morning I ate goguma for the very first time. :)

my favorite scene is... 

well i cant decide, it's a tie between :

  • when seohyun turn her head, wearing a mask and scream "YONGHWA OPPA!!" ..... i guess that is the turning point, where all the magic begins wink.gif
  • in the end when they were walking side by side and holding hands, yonghwa said "SEOHYUN-YAAA" with the most soft, sweet, and lovely voice I've ever heard!!! maaaan, im in "aaaaaaaawwwww" wub.gif

My fave scene started from the roundabout curiosity ^^, and the REAL highlight for me, was when Yong said "Say it confidently - is it written for me or not?!" It was such an obvious deliberate confession! He was waiting for it!!

Also, the part when she was singing lovelight the 2nd time without the mask and he looked @ her and smiled, like a smile of someone in love :)


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