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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i rmbr that too, crystal.

its called Quiz the World or something, too bad they edit the part where yong

called hyun..


well, its morning on my side of the world...

did anyone go to sleep with ear to ear grin? i know i did!! :P:lol:


j2, hehe, not the 1st but 51st to give u a + this time :sweatingbullets:

hugs u tight for taking time on your busy sched.

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Guest Crystal392






DJHinata: MC Kim is my fave MC ever (after YongHwa hehehe)! (now Jaesuk is third MC in my heart :P hehehe)


lizramyun: Like timpa said I also think it was a few days after they bought the ring, remember they promised to show the rings on stage? The first time they did was on a music show both performed, Yong~ sang 'I'm a loner' and Hyun~ sang 'Oh!' and also a song with three or four of her unnies wearing a dress (I think was cream or pearl) and Sooyoung pointed at her ring. I think he was talking about that ring performance :D


jnj: Oh I'm not the only one who remembers that! :) Yeah I think it was 'Quiz that changed the world' (or something like that ^^).



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Guest Crystal392






Sorry for double posting... I thought someone had posted after me x_x but I'm sharing different info ^^ Sorry for double posting again.






*Uri lovely Yong~ at NII fansign:













cr:as tagged,dcmarried









cr:as tagged,ahn_annan@CNBLUE soompi thread








*A YongSeo article is #1 on NATE ^_^ ( http://news.nate.com/view/20101010n01121 )









정용화-서현 : Jung YongHwa - SeoHyun













YongSeo jjang!



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Guest orchid81

































































































































I'm pretty sure what he means by day of the ring performance is when they both had the 'mission' to show off their rings on Music Core. I think it was in the beginning of March. Seohyun co-hosted Music Core that week with her and Sooyoung filling in for Yuri and Tiffany being present as the regular co-host of the show. That was when CN Blue performed and Yonghwa kept showing off his finger with the ring as much as possible and then Seohyun tried as well and Sooyoung even pointed at the ring.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































No, the ring performance was on Music Bank on February 12 after the first filming from 11 p.m. Feb 11 to 5 a.m. Feb 12. They could only sleep for 2-3 hours, and then had to perform on stage.

































































































































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How could it not be real after this episode? kyyyaaaahh I was like smiling throughout the entire episode, I'm still smiling right now XD Love light, new couple rings, omg, BEST EPISODE EVER! I felt so touched when Yonghwa said he wrote that song for Seohyun, imagine what Seohyun must have been feeling (: Aigoo, this episode was just too cute <333












when are Yonghwa and Seohyun getting married for reals? ;P



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sorry i dont really understand the part where

YONGWHA said that he started writting the lyrics since the rings event..

WHAT RING EVENT he meant??

i dont really remember does he mean when they bought for the first time the rings??


someone helps me bubb

i think this refers to their 1st mission where both showed their wedding rings on

national TV for the first time. (epi 1 or 2)

its a few hrs after they met for the first time

now that i'm rmbring this scene, i feel like tearing up again.

hyun must have left a deep impact on yong to suddenly want to continue

writing Love Light. (u know, all melody with no lyrics at all)

i believe it is fate / destiny,

that awaits yong for the right person to come along and the lyric just flows like that.

Its like Love Light is waiting for hyun to owned it. :wub::wub:

shane, tks for another gifs.

can anyone rip an audio for the part hyun singing Love Light?

is the prev shown ytdy?

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Guest mimayree




I've watched the recent episode for almost 10 times today!!!


I REALLY LOVE This weeks epi.  hihihi KEEP IT UP YONG AND HYUN!!


I was Wondering What would be the next episode...?? will it be the one in Japan.



Thank ou for the translations and screencaps everybody.. it made my day.


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Guest Crystal392
















































panGG: I hope you will share your amazing screencaps again because this thread moves super fast.





























































































Welcome to all new Gogumas to Goguma Planet!!!
















I've seen lots of lurkers post for the first time!! Yay!! *throws lots of confetti* :)































*Sharing more pics from dcmarried:















































































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Guest karai_kuma

hi there gogumas ^^

yes i'm a lurker all this time ehehe.. but after watching this episode i feel like want to join talking about their cuteness here... :D

thank you so much for all the caps, link, and translation... i love you guys so much... my saturday night really fun because of that hehe...

i think this is the best and sweetest episode of them so far.. i can't stop smiling the whole time i watch the show... esp when they were holding hand, i scream at that time hahaha...

what i love the best from this part is because the fact that hyun held his husband's hand first.. it's cute to see yong surprise face when hyun did that.. he was like "jashi....." "!!!" didn't finish his sentence cause he's to shock lol and look at his face, so precious! hehe..

anyway i might will start join spazz here instead just lurking around... hehehehe... thank you again to everyone for sharing ^^

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Guest mimayree




Can someone make a gif when yong was singing lovelight and he was looking at hyuns eyes and he tripped.


Hyun was approaching him and looking at his eyes. he's walking backwards. LOL that was really sweet and funny.


I don;t know how to make one.LOL. Thanks Thanks=)


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Guest lizramyun

































































































































































































































































I'm pretty sure what he means by day of the ring performance is when they both had the
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































DJHinata: MC Kim is my fave MC ever (after YongHwa hehehe)! (now Jaesuk is third MC in my heart :P hehehe)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lizramyun: Like timpa said I also think it was a few days after they bought the ring, remember they promised to show the rings on stage? .































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i think this refers to their 1st mission where both showed their wedding rings on































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































national TV for the first time. (epi 1 or 2)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































its a few hrs after they met for the first time






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omgg thx soo much for you help how i could forget that duhh haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aww now i gettt i... ♥ thns for the help again
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aww ahhh i cant wait for the next episodess :) for today i will
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































watch all the episodes hehe ♥ only cu zim happy

































































































































































































































































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Guest uolam21

this episode was the episode of all episodes...

it's hard to beat this episode, but guess what?

leave it to our favorite goguma couple...

they keep on coming up with more surprises!

this episode was really worth the wait..

and to think that it was filmed more than 3 months ago

i can't wait for more surprises from our favorite couple...

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Guest Patate_douce
















































































































































































Can someone make a gif when yong was singing lovelight and he was looking at hyuns eyes and he tripped.
































































































































































Hyun was approaching him and looking at his eyes. he's walking backwards. LOL that was really sweet and funny.
































































































































































I don;t know how to make one.LOL. Thanks Thanks=)































































































































































































































































































































hi mimayree
































































































































































































































































































































for the gif when he fall you can see it in the previous page :)

















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Guest _d3seohyun
















































@j2dlee. thank you so much! *hugz* same goes to redtulip, yuki and the rest of our translators, caps/gifs makers and every spazzers in our goguma world :D




















































































































































































Holding hands. A very beautiful bonus to an already PERFECT episode.....
































ahhhhhhhhh the stares and the smiles...they always get me! :wub:
































































































LOL. After seeing him spazzing, I think it's not a bad idea to have Seoulong as
































a godfather to future YONGSEO babies lol
































































when Yong stopped and decided to drop his arm and grab seobaby's hand..my heart stopped <3
































































and i love how his eyes hardly left her and his smile never disappeared :wub:
































































































LOL. Seobaby,,,Kissing You? slow down girl hahahhaha
































gah! uri maknae has truly grown up *sigh*









































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Guest begturtle




this is DEABAK!!!

I cried when I watch them..huaaa...I can feel their emotion..

I feel like they are really "like" each other..

OMO2..yongseo couple makes my life happy again over an assignment that i had to pass up next week..

thanks to all gogumas that have shared anything related to yongseo..

I appreciate it very much..^^..



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_d3seohyun unnie!!! --- awesome!!!! I love how you capture each moment that I love. Aigooo! How Yong transitioned the ARM LINK to HOLD HANDS was really, really really.... SMOOTH!!!! - I guess that's what happens when your so full of love. Everything comes out Naturally Good.
















































































































































































































































As for their STARES. --- yes, after this, their stares have gone to a different level. (AS RAINE aka jossa - and I kept on spazzing about on a cafe in Manila. (btw, raine unnie --- I am just so estatic that we met on this Rainy Saturday! haha. the effort was all worth it because this EP was DAEBAK!!!! *hugz! even our SPAGHETTI (Yong Style) dinner was daebak!) ---- moving along. Yes, their stares. LEVELED UP!
















































































































































































































































and everything else (ring comments outside WGM, stares during Incheon Love Light, ect) is now making a whole lot of sense!!!!!
















































































































































































































































I guess for now... it's safe to say... YongSeo (at that particular moment) is in a MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING position.... and yes, we all can see. They are IN LOVE! :wub:
















































































































































































































































Love you all! and I missed my dear friends in this thread ---- to name some -d3, miel, dreamy and a lot more. but either way I enjoy reading all your posts, you make me happy!

















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the ratings of We Got Married S2 on October 9th 2010












source: TNmS




























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Guest gembul10

Hi all Goguma planet citizens!

Finally, I decided to come out of my lurker mode. This is the first time I wrote in this forum.

Finally, this episode is really Daebak!

Before I began spazzing, let me introduce myself.

I'm an ajumma with 3 kids. I've been watching the Yeong Seo Couple since episode 2 or 3, but for the last 2-3 months I've been watching it with my daughter who is in her teenage years. It's fun, how we, mother and daughter like to watch WGM (Yeong Seo Couple only) via internet streaming every Saturday. We will squeal, give comments, amaze, smile and laugh together everytime we watched the show, even though we don't understand Korean.

Aside from the remembrance of our memory about first loves or love story in the past, Yeong Seo couple has become my reference when I teach my daughter about boy and girl relationship, how it should be done since we are Asian, what principles should be hold by a girl in a relationship and how a good boy will act if he really appreciate/love the girl. Thus Yeong Seo is a good example of what a boy and girl should act in Asian culture. I would really thank both of them for setting a good example for teenagers or younger generation. I would like also to thank Jung Yong Hwa and Seo Ju Hyun parents for raising a really...really good son and daughter. I think even the parents will thank each other since Yong Hwa has made Seo Hyun grows from a girl into a lady and likewise Seo Hyun has made Yong Hwa into a person who always act with reason and always have deep meaning behind the act.

Now the spazzing time!

Again this episode is SUPER DUPER DAEBAK!!

My favourite moment from this episode are:

1. When Hyun gave Sarang Bit performance and sang Sarang Bit (Love Light) without the mask, Yong expression was priceless! He was so surprise and happy, that we can see his emotion. This is not acting...it's so real

2. When Yong calling Seo Ju Hyun's name over and over again... it seemed that he couldn't say outloud that he is sooo happy, he couldn't say anything, so what he can do is just calling her name again and again.

3. When Yong speaks to Hyun with a soft voice and teasing her for asking about the behind the story of Love Light song. I am sure both hearts were feeling dugeun...dugeun..

I bet Hyun was anxious to know whether Yong was going to tell her about the stroy behind the song or not. But I'm glad that Yong finally took the initiative to please her by telling her the story. I guess Yong really cannot lie in front of Hyun, especially since the song was really made with Hyun in his mind.

4. When both of them holding hands... aauww finally!!! I was dissapointed for a while since no camera captured their facial expression on that moment. I'm sure they were smiling shyly while holding hands.

Anyway, to sum up from the first episode, here is my favourite episodes so far:

1. Blood donation

2. Piggyback ride

3. Incheon music festival, where they sang Love Light toghether. Well, it's not an episode, but Goguma lovers won't miss it as a spazzworthy moment.

4. Horror special

5. Birthday Gift/Fishing time

Watching all those episodes, you can feel it that LOVE IS IN THE AIR!!

Finally, I would like to thank Crystal_Malfoy who always manage the forum and put us on track during its hard moment in the thread; J2dlee for a very very fast translation and your dedication to translate for us the goguma shippers here; sun_sun & yukiandjudy for the hardsubed video; keoconvoineverdie who always be the first one to upload raw videos; mrsAthena ((I'm not sure if the name is right?) and other ajumma who encourage me to write in this forum; and all of the Goguma citizens in this Goguma planet who have shared links, pictures, analysis and all the gifts and goodies.


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Guest Patate_douce
































































































































































































_d3seohyun thanks for the caps and if you didn't know 

it's me s0leill123 i change my account
































































































































































my last gifs for tonight

















































































































































































































































































































































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