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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hi, happy Goguma lovers!








Just got back from work a few hours ago (T^T), couldn’t concentrate on translating with such a sweetness overload! Sorry for keeping you guys wait. This is the translation of part 3 (from keoconvoineverdie’s channel, thanks keira 53 for the link) where everyone seems to spazz about. Huhuhu… Will do the rest of it as quickly as I can. Thank you Yukilovesyou, redtulip, unnieria, armedbattle for the translation and many others for awesome posts, links, caps, summaries, news, pics and all!








p.s: I didn’t translate all the caps, so if there’s anyone who would like to sub the videos with my translation, could you please PM me? I’ll send you a completed version after posting parts in the thread (if you can wait).








I think I explained about 'Jashik' in my previous post(heartbreak-warfare 22, jnj, you already know about it, don't you?), it means something like a kid, a dude, a punk, a babe.... Yong seems to use the term to Hyun when she acts especially adorable and cute^^;;;








(Part 3)








H: Two-row-field!








Y: Not everyone can dig it, even if it's only two rows!








H: I’d say.








MC Park: People say, in an exchange of gifts there grows feeling. There should be something to give and receive…








NY: That’s right.








Y: Seo Joo Hyun…








H: So you should keep hold (of her).








Y: Your mind is so different from others.








MC Park: He loved it so much.








Y: Haaaaaaaah…….








H: Haha!








Y: Really……..








(Backroom interview)








(after receiving his wife’s gift)








Y: It’s just… something…ahaaa…..








MC Kim: He looks so happy.








NY: Ahoooo~








JW: He can’t stop smiling~








Y: Is it her true character, or has she changed…?








Y: (I’ve come to realise that) There’s a different side to her as she plays a guitar and sings a song for me…








Y: That I don’t know her truly well…








Y: Something… It filled my heart with emotion.








A moving… and special gift!








Hyun: I had to choose… should I look beautiful or should I complete this gift? And, ‘I should complete the gift!’








MC Park: Aww….








H: So I did it. The dark circles came down to my chin. I only slept for about 1 ½ -2 hours last night.








MC Park: Really?








When look around other people...








H: There are so many anniversaries.








H: I used to wonder, ‘how do they keep a record of every anniversary?’ and couldn’t understand it.








She couldn't understand it at that time...








H: But when I did my best to prepare it, and when he liked it, I realised, ‘Ah, is this the reason why people do it, because there’s such a joy in it.’








The first time she learned about such a joy








H:…I did it by myself, like this.








Y: I see.








Y: Jashik (kid)!








Y: You couldn’t even look at my face when you sang a song without a mask.








H: What~!








Y: Jashik, I saw it all.








H: Eh~








Y: Jashik, were you embarrassed~?








H: Ah, really!








H: No, how can you sing looking at someone directly?








Y: Why, why not? Can’t you?








H: Then try!








Y: I will.








Y: 'You’re a darling, even prettier than a star in the sky~'








(Yong falls over)








H: I told you!








H: Hahahaha!! Where’re you going?!








H: I told you, you can’t sing looking directly.








Y: (coughing) Hy-un!








H: Yes?








MC Park: It’s gone quiet after that… something is in the air…they might break into a cold sweat.








H: I have something to ask.








Y: Hmm?








MC Kim: She starts talking.








H: Your song, the ‘Love Light.’








Y: Yes.








H: It’s about first love, right?








Y: Hm, yes, why?








H: I was just curious.








Y: The ‘Love Light?’








H: Yes, I like that song very much.








Y: Then, what?








H: What?








Y: What are you curious about?








MC Kim: I saw it on the internet, that he wrote the song for Seo Hyun.








JW: Yes.








H: Just, curious.








Y: About what~?








H: Just…








Y: (seems to know already) What are you curious about~?








H: Hmm, writing a song itself is amazing…








Y: Yes.








H: And even more that you wrote a song for your first love.








She can just ask for whom he wrote the song.








Y: Why are you asking me this, out of the blue?








H: I was just curious.








Y: Is that really what you were eager to know?








H: Yes…








Y: Just that?








H: Ah, and one more!








Y: What’s that?








H: Why is there a part of the ‘TMYW’ lyrics (in his song)?








NY: Oh my god!








H: Do you like ‘TMYW’?








Y: What?








H: Is it because you listen to that song often?








Y: What, listen to it often?








H: Because when you like a certain song, you tend to write a song that is similar to your favourite. Don’t you?








Y: Okay-








H (keeps going roundabout): You like ‘TMYW’, don’t you?








Y: I do.








H: Hmm~ is that the reason?








Y: What is it you really want to know?








The wife keeps beating around the bush and the husband holds out without telling her








Y: Just ask me directly.








SO: Yes, just tell him directly!








MC Park: Haha!








MC Kim: She wants to know, ‘Is your song for your first love or me?!’








SO: They both know what they're talking about, just won't admit it!








Y: Just ask me, it’s okay.








H: Ask you what? That’s what I’ve been wondering.








Y: Jashik~








Y: Just curious?








H: Yes!








Y: All of a sudden, now?








H: No, from long ago.








Y: Long ago? Why?








H: What why?








Y: You’re curious about writing a song…








(Backroom interview)








PD: You kept beating around the bush…








H: People say it’s about his first love, but if I kept asking… because he once said ‘aren’t you asking about my past too casually?’








H: So I had to be careful, I thought, ‘if I keep asking about this he will say something in the backroom interview later, won’t he?’








H: I wasn’t sure whether I should ask or not, so I did it, in a roundabout sort of way.








Y: Why you ask me in such a roundabout way?








H: Ask what?








Y: Just say it, with confidence!








H: Say what?








Y: ‘Did you write the song for me or not?’ Like this!








MC Park: That’s right!








H: Ahahaha!








H: It’s not that.








Y: You want to know.








H: No, I don’t.








Y: Then what?








Y: Just talk to me, clearly. Clearly!








H: No, I don’t want to.








Y: Hahaha, such a kid (jashik).








Y: You were curious about it, weren’t you?








H: Yes.








H: Ah, really!








Y: Why do you go such a long way to ask about it?








Y: Don’t go roundabout from now on!








H: Why~








Y: I’m just going to say it.








H: Yes.








Y: Don’t go roundabout.








H: Yes.








H: Ah, really…!








Y: kkkk….








Y: This is the first time I have ever talked about it…








MC Park: Woah!








NaYong: Don’t go roundabout.








MC Kim: If you cut the episode here, you’re dead meat!








Y: While writing the rap part…








H: Yes.








Y: I had been writing that song since long ago.








Y: But it didn’t have a lyric yet.








H: Yes.








Y: Then I started WGM with you.








H: Oh…








Y: When was it…?








H: When did you start writing…?








Y: The day when we did the ring performance…








H: Yes.








Y: That day, I started writing the lyrics.








H: That day, you w-w-wrote, s-s-s-started writing the lyrics…?








Y: Yes, from that day.








H: Hmm…








Y: And as I spent days with you…








Y: It became like…‘Let’s write a song, thinking of you.’
















Y: While writing the rap part...








SO: I like it….








MC Park: Really?








MC Park: Does that mean he wrote a song, thinking of Seo Hyun?








SO: Yes.








NY: Oh my god-








MC Park: Then, does that mean his song is dedicated to Seo Hyun?








MC Kim: You can say something like that.








SO: That’s every singer’s dream…








JW: True…








NY: Then write a song for me…








MC Kim: Please be quiet!! Let me hear what they’re saying!!! It’s the important part!!








Y: Let’s write the lyrics thinking of you… that’s what happened.








H: Ah!








Y: While writing the rap part….








H: Oh…..








Y: Then the ‘TMYW’ came to my mind.








H: Haha!








SO: I like it.








Y: And later, I came to dance to that song!








H: Hahaha!








Y: Ah, really!








H: It’s funny.








Y: That’s how it happened.








H: I see.








H: It’s getting really dark.








Y: Jashik~








H: I feel good.








H: We should catch a fish soon.








H: Uh? Uh?!








Y: What, what?








H: It’s moving, it’s moving!








H: Eyah!








H: Oh, it’s nothing…








Y: Hahahaha!!








H: It was nothing.








Y: Hahaha!








H: Hahhhh~ I was sure that there’s a fish…








Y: Hahaha!








MC Kim: He enjoys it so much!








MC Park: Yes.








H: What should we do?








Y: Where is it?








H: Here.








Y: Give it (a fishing rod) to me.








Y: Seo Hyun-a, at times like this, you should walk arm in arm.








NY: He said, should walk arm in arm!








Y: Jashik!








MCs: Woah!!!!!








MC Park: Yes!








MC Kim: Bravo!








H: Yes, let’s go.








Y: Aigoo, you look so awkward!








H: Ah, really~!








MC Park: That’s not how you link arms!








Y: Why, why, why, why?








H: It’s good, let’s go.








Y: Ah, you jashik~








SO: They’re holding hands!!








MCs: Woah!!!!!








Y & H (singing): ‘Walk to the pace of your footstep, holding your hands~’








MC Kim: Today’s such a meaningful day for both of them.








SO: I’m going to cry, really…








Y: Seo Hyun~








H: Yes~








MC Kim: I should listen to the ‘Love Light’ once again.








MC Park: They keep holding hands.








MC Park: I heard that that day was really hot. Their hands will be all sticky~








SO: Oh my god.








(backroom interview)








H: He told me that I can, no, should link arms. When he said it, I thought ‘I really should do it now.’ But when I linked my arm with his, it was really awkward. How could it be so awkward?! But, really… at that moment… I was getting slightly cold, somehow… his hand was warm. Hmm… His hand was a little smaller than my dad’s hand. And it was a little softer than my dad’s hand. Yes, it was.








See you soon!















my dear j2dlee..definitely you are our number one angel...thank you so much....your translation are so amzing...








please never stop loving us the gogumas and yongseo..i know its not easy still you put your best effort for our happiness...thank you...









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Guest lizramyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































still cant get over this episode. i mean
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this couple its the most close to what real couple means.. cuz
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































while i was watching the episode i was remembering my old stories haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahh and to be sincere patience its one of the most important things in this world
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































have to say that yonghwa catch the perfect time for her and him to get to te skinhip so yea
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it was just the perfect time ahh
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and i love how they are like kinda slow in that kind of things.. cuz
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































that style is the most sincere relationship for me that go all in the first dates or stuff
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hah thats why i love yongseo couple♥

































































































































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Guest miel_1301
















































It seems like NOT all the photos in Hyun's Yong & Hyun Story Book have been shown in the episode with Yong reading every caption of the picture/pictures. I think that there are parts of the book that had been skipped such as this one.














































































These photos were taken when the couple opened a "Couple Bank Account".





























































































Likewise, I would like to believe that YongSeo couple has tons of photos of them captured and taken from their every step of their way on their "Journey...Together".































Thanks shane and patate for capturing those precious moments in gifs. Hugs to both of you!






























































A very brief post from silis@snsd thread

I havent watched the latest Yongseo episode yet, I didn't read about it I don't want spoilers but what in the world happened today? The Korean sites went berserk today :blink: after Yongseo was aired...































I hope she can give us a more detailed update from her end.

















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haha......i think tonite every gogumas already infected by YongSeo's Love Light virus......im happy for today's episode....thanks to j2dlee, redtulips and to all for sub, gif, pic etc......

my happy lists for today :

1. happy with Yong gift to Hyun and her mom. Im impress with Yong, even all this while i thought that my fiance is the most romantic person in this world, but unfortunately i watched someone more romantic than him....(hahahah he said he gonna kill me when i say this to him).......congrats Yong, i think now every women around the world will vote you as their ideal man....all moms and daddies will choose you as most wanted son-in-law.

2. happy for their new ring. im always waiting and keep asking about their new ring. the moment they put the ring to each other finger, i was imagine this is their REAL engagement or wedding session.

3. im happy the picture story book. it;s simple but full with sweet memories....

4. im happy to know about the connection between Hyun and Love Light song.

5. im happy the SKINSHIP today.

any idea what is next week episode...is it their Japan trip?? I cant wait for next Saturday.....


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Guest mediumpurple
































































































































































































































































hello everybody. nice to meet you.
































































































































i've been lurking since the beginning,and i'm not really a forum person. but, this episode just got me squealing so much, i've decided to make my first post! in my opinion, yongseo's 'slowness' is what makes them more realistic compared to other couples because they progress at their own steady pace. And yes, we waited sooooooooooooooo long just for them to hold hands!!!! :w00t:

































































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Guest kevin1320

This espisode is so good... They r so cute together.... I know they were born for each other....

Sweat potatoes fighting... We r looking forward to seeing more emotional scene and sweat...

Thank you every1... TodAy is the most precious day not only for potatoes but for us also...

I'm sure seohuyn couldn't sleep that day after hearing he wrote the song for her,,, that was really precious

Happy happy happy

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in my entire life as a fan girl, this was the first time i ever dl-ed a raw video. for real.
































































thanks to yongseo! :wub:
































































i bet all the loyal gogumas who watched this ohhhhsum episode cried when our yong and hyun held hands! myself included.
































































let's just admit we were already so impatient and frustrated over this couple, even the mc's, but nothing will ever compare to what we felt on today's episode. right? ;) i seriously wouldn't ask for more skinships from this couple but i just want them to keep being true to themselves. nothing more nothing less. ^_^^_^
































































and lastly, i wanna share a very nice quote:
































































"The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but hold hands." -Julie James

































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Guest sake_bomb
































Hello to all Gogumas! I have also been a silent lurker since the very beginning. Like many other silent lurkers, I had no spoilers, pics, or gifs to share so I remained quiet and soaked in all the awesomeness that was posted by other members. Today however, I feel compelled to write something, anything to express my support and love for our Yongseo couple. Watching this couple makes me feel all sorts of giddy inside and I'm so happy that this episode showcased just how far our couple has come. I still remember how awkward and shy Yong and Hyung were in the very beginning. Now, look how close and comfortable they are with one another!
































Thank you to all the Gogumas who have made my weeks so much better! I've gained so much happiness from watching this couple!
































I'm not the type to post on threads so this will probably be my one and only post. I'll remain a loyal silent lurker and perhaps if something DEABAK happens again I'll feel compelled to write again. I look forward to that day! Maybe when they have a wedding photo shoot?
































And once again........"I'm Genie for you girl"

















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Guest marymoua





























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Guest MrsAthenaG




Our Goguma Planet is rejoicing today! What a lovely, heart-warming, romantic (YongsSeo Style) episode it was! My babies didn't fail their Guma Omma, it was the most memorable event in their lives as they continue their journey together. Yes, indeed, Patience is a Virtue, we were subjected to numerous ups and downs and yet love prevailed.




Birthday Event:


1. Surprise Trip


2. Goguma 2-plot gift


3. Mother-Daughter necklaces with a Letter of Thanks


4. Hyun's Love Light dedication


5. Yong & Hyun's Storybook of Love


6. NEW Couple Rings - complete with putting on each other's finger just like in a wedding ceremony. (Hyun/Yong, Wear this ring as a sign of my love...)


7. The truth behind Love Light


8. Arm in Arm


9. Holding Hands


Did I miss anything?




Someone posted the MV of "Kissing You" and noticed that Hyun was young and had her hair with bangs, just like Yong's drawing of his Ideal Girl. I'm not sure what the timeline is but it just brings it out after this episode. And their Concert performance in front of millions of viewers all over Korea, not to mention the millions of views via Youtube, Twitvid, etc... was VERY SPECIAL only to the two of them because we haven't seen this episode yet and didn't know the truth behind the song. So now that we finally know, I understand the way they sang together and the natural way they held hands. I also understand why Yong was so disturbed when he lost his ring. Granted that it happened before this episode, however, the ring did hold a special meaning to him. Knowing that he started back on finishing the composition of his song because of the ring performance and as time went on with filming WGM, he created such beautiful lyrics representing Hyun in his heart. Now, I will go back to Episode 1 and with the mindset of this episode, will look for signs, since this was filmed late in June.




Continue on with the celebration as we all anticipate the rest of their "married life" together. I just want to bless this couple as they look forward to the future!



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Guest Ae-Rin
































Hihi, I just saw that my last post was cut because of my computer :(








What I wanted to say is that today is such a great day for us, my dear goguma friends!








Thank you to everyone for your captures, your gifs, your commentaries! I had great pleasure reading it all! It made me laught several times, because I was like "Kyah! I thought the same!"








Thank you j2dlee for the fast translation, you're the best! *hug*








Not only do Seo Hyun & Yong Hwa truly care for each other, but they allow us, their followers, to talk together et get to know each other. The sweet potato love is spreading all over the world, allowing us to create wordwide frienships.








Thank you dear YongSeo couple. I wish you all the best! Please, keep making us smile like today!








And I also thank all of you, dear goguma followers, for lightening my day with your comments.

















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omg, this is the best episode ever!!!!
































































































































































































































































it's just sooo sweet. it made me smile the whole way ^^
































































































































































































































































love the skinship, and i love how shy hyun was, and yong was brave and was not afraid to tell her about the song <3
































































































































































































































































oh geez. this is definitely my FAVORITE episode!!!
































































































































































































































































hope they initiate more skipship from now on ^^ more hand holding, and maybe some hugs? :DDD

































































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Guest ชะอมทอด&












Seriously I love this week EP is ((((Screming))))
























><" Please be real Hyon Yoong!!!!! Love to read all of the post here ^^
























for this week have only one word to describe DAEBAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK



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Guest Patate_douce
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks miel_1301 and jnj  I'm glad you like my gifs  ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My last for today : Since i made a zoom it's a bit blurry
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We can see that she felt a bit uncomfortable about the link arms and yong noticed it

































































































































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Oh, what a day... this episode by far surpasses any episode of our yongseo couple.It's a heart wrenching to see 2 beautiful people do it even though cameras are rolling. This shows their sincerity and devotion to each other.You  can see clearly through their eyes what they feel at that time. And lovelight, it"s a profess of love  song. That's why on the fansigning of snsd in korea, 1 of hyun's unnie told her in a letter that she cant lose to sulli and jihyeon maybe because yong sang lovelight to sulli in a show (just a guess). It's her song from yong and she is possesive of it.



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Guest Patate_douce
































































































































































































I'm a little bit confused :unsure:
































































































































































Is it only the rap part that yong was thinking of seohyun
































































































































































        OR Is in the rap part that he thinking of Genie thus he write the all song about her?
































































































































































edit:           thank you maretta for your answer
































































































































































                  i'm so happy :)
































































































































































































































































































































































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I'm a little bit confused :unsure:
































Is it only the rap part that yong was thinking of seohyun
































        OR Is in the rap part that he thinking of Genie thus he write the all song about her?































































I guess the whole song, he wrote the song while thinking of seohyun but when it came to rap part, suddenly, yong Genie line came out as well..."
































hope that answer to your question...





































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Guest j2dlee
















Thank you, codename_burning, adriana-kian 86, K1L1OnMr4, kimjica, tecle, Soshimunky, alexia92, blu3bird80, rednev, AsiahkateBella, Patate-douce, waniey-haha, shenibabi, lunasol, BlueFreak, Ae-rin, lovekim (for the trans of the story book) and many others for kind comments, links, pics, news and all!








I missed you, the keepers of our thread: jnj (are you the first ‘Plus’ in my post this time, too? Huhuhu…) dreamyboo (the reason why I posted only the translation of part 3 was because I knew you guys were waiting for my translation, but didn’t have enough time to do the whole episode at that time. Just dropped by to let you know that I was on it. Am still in my make-up and had only two slices of toast and a bowl of cereal all day…T^T), nazweena (Go, go SeoHwa project!), clumsy (Hey~ someday I’ll read all of your fanfics), heartbreak_warfare22 (always enjoy reading your posts), miel_1301 (thank you as always for your hawk-eyed observation, will come back later to spazz with you!), panGG (hehehe~ Can you feel my love, too?), woollylamb (haven’t seen you for a while!), crystal_malfoy, _d3seohyun, genxv, Yukilovesyou, redtulip, and, and… (can't think properly! Please don't be mad even if I failed to remember your names)








[EDIT]:sun_sun, I edited my post (all the caps translated), you can use this for your subbing^^ Thank you for your hard work~








Anyway, here the full translation of the latest Goguma episode.








Ep 20 From a girl to a lady, the final story.








Hyun: Let’s go!








Yong: …








H: Feeling good.








Y: Just one more-








H: Why?








Y: The sweet potato you put in that exact spot will be most delicious.








H: But I’m done. Let’s just go.








SO: ‘Let’s just go~’








MC Park: She just wants to leave, doesn’t want to work anymore.








Y: Just one more.








H: Ah, really!








H: Here?








Y: Yes.








Yes, right there…!








JW: Maybe….








H: …?!








H: Uh? What’s this?








Y: kkkkk….








JW: Did you hear the noise that Yong was making?!








H: What’s this?








Finally reveals…








H: Woah!








NY: She found it!








MC Kim: How could she miss it by an inch?








H: Woah, what’s this?








H: Surely not… is it a present?








Y: Yes, it is.








MC Kim: The gift that he hid before.








Y: How could you put the shoots just in between?








H: Hahaha!!








H: Thank you~ what’s inside?








H: (to) Hy~un mother?!








Y: Yes.








H: Wow!








He wrote a letter to his mother in law on his wife’s birthday…?








His letter: Hello, mother in law. I’m Yong seobang (son in law). Thank you for giving birth to such a beautiful daughter, like Hyun. You have faith in Yong seobang, don’t you? Hehe… I should go and visit you personally, and I am very sorry that I couldn’t. I will come and visit you soon. I’ll be good, mother in law.








H: Oh~








MC Park: It’s really moving.








Overwhelmed Yong seobang








H: Then, is this a gift for my mother?








Y: It’s a couple necklace for you and your mother.








H: Really?!








MC Park: To mother and daughter?








MC Kim: That’s a good idea.








MC Park: It’s nice~








Sensible Yong remembers his mother in law on his wife’s birthday!








H: Yay~








Y: I didn’t have enough time yesterday,








H: Yes.








Y: Just made time to buy it.








H: Really?








Y: I was going to finish our field work with a surprise. It was hidden between those shoots!








H: Hahaha!








A couple necklace for Hyun & mother in law








H: Woah, it’s pretty! It’s a butterfly!








H: Did you pick it by yourself?








Y: Of course.








JW: He’s going to help her to put it on, put it on, put it on!








SO: Hug, hug, hug!








H: Thank you.








MCs: Eh~~~~~








MC Park: That’s not the way to do it!








NY: He should fasten it standing in front of her!








Impatient viewers always want more








Y: This is the first time I have hung a n-n-neck, necklace.








H: What? Hang a neck?!








H: Thank you~








Celebrating her birthday together for the first time…








Y: It looks good on you, it’s definitely yours!








H: Haha!








Y: It’s so your type, customer!








H: Hehehe-








H: Thank you~








Y: Don’t forget your mother’s…








H: Hmm….








Y: Do you know Captain Hook in Peter Pan?








H: What?








H: Hahahaha!!!








Y: How do I look?








H: You look terrifying.








Y: You’ll get scared if you meet me at night, won’t you?








H: Yes, don’t do it.








Excited two people… now time for lunch!








Take a short break on the hill…








Y: Shall we sit over here?








H: Yes, it looks cool.








H: Oh, it’s really cool!








Y: Aigo, aigo, aigo, I’m gonna die, die, die.








The two have been working really hard…








(Yong’s shirt wet with sweat)








MC Park: Aigo, it must have been really hot.








Y: What’s the smell?








Y & H: ……








Y: I think it’s dung.








H: Ah….!!!








Eventually move to a different place, and lunch arrives…!








Looks really tasty!








Y: Woah!








H: Woah~!!








MC Kim: Lunch!








SO: Boiled potatoes!








MC Park: It looks really tasty!








Y: Even makgeolli (raw rice wine)! Thank you so much.








H: It looks so delicious~








Y: Here’s a bean-paste stew.








H: Kimchi looks yummy.








H: And courgettes~ a (hot) pepper?








Y: Is this a pepper?








H: A pepper looks like that? Very unusual.








Y: I’ll start with stew.
















H: How’s it?








Y: Really, it’s really delicious.








H: Hmm! How can it be so delicious?








MC Kim: It looks really delicious.








NY: They eat so well.








MC Park: Ah~!!! He should make one (rice with side dishes wrapped in lettuce) for her, too.








Y: Hmm~








Tastes so good especially after the hard work!
















H: The bean-paste stew is so delicious.








Y: Well, it’s not that different from yours.








H: Really?








Y: ….








H: Hahaha!








H: No…








Y: After a couple of practices, you can make it like this.








H: I should remember what this tasted like!








Y: Are you a J-Janguem? (A character from the K-drama, A Jewel in the Palace, I think?)








MC Park: Hyun-janguem.








Y: You can figure it out just by tasting it?








H: I’m so happy!








Y: Let’s drink makgeolli, too.








MCs: Woah~








MC Park: You should stir it with your finger and lick it!








Y: Should I?








H: Yes.








MC Kim: Oh~








MC Park: He looks so manly while drinking it.








MC Kim: He’s a Busan guy!








NY: His adam’s apple! Adam’s apple!








Y: Oh, it’s refreshing.








H: Really?








Y: Yes, try it.








H: Hmm…








Y: It fits this atmosphere perfectly. (Suddenly in Busan-accent) it’s really refreshing.








H: I’ll try.








Hyun sips carefully…








H: Arrrugh!!!








Y: Why, is it bitter?








H: Hmm…it tastes like this.








We should treasure our tradition~








Y: I’m getting drunk.








H: Eat watermelon! Watermelon!








MCs: Eh~ He’s just acting! Acting drunk!








Out helping with the boss








Y: What’s this?








H: Woah!!








MC Kim: Potatoes!








H: Woah, it’s really amazing!








MC Kim: They just fall from roots like that~








H: A hoe.








Y: I’m fine without it.








H: Will I find something too while digging the potato field?








Y: W-what?








NY: Once you have a taste of a (surprising) event, you come to expect more.








SO: Is Seo Hyun getting into such a (bad) habit?








Yongseo goes for a walk








H: What?








Y: (It looks like) You’re a transfer student from Seoul, and I’m a country boy living here.








H: Hahaha!








Y: But you have an illness… like in a ‘A Shower(a famous Korean novel)'.








JW: Like ‘A Shower’!








The real countryside drama II: A Shower








Y: One, two, three~








MC Park: A dandelion, a dandelion!








The love story between a country boy Yong and a weak girl who used to love a dandelion~








Y: It didn’t stick (?), it didn’t stick.








H: Mung, mung (woof, woof or bowwow)!








Y: Should take a picture with SNSD.








Y: Bububububu!








H: Hey, look at the camera!








MC Park: Even a dog is a white dog (as in a book?).








MC Kim: It’s so energetic.








Y: It’s (the picture) so lively~








Lively puppy and Hyun








MC Park: You can only see the butt of a puppy.








Y: Sit still, Jaerongi!








Y: Sit still.








MC Park: Oh~








NY: Sit still, Jaerongi.








MC Kim: It sat!








H: Oh~








Y: Jearong, look ahead.








A country boy Yong and his friend Jaerongi








After ‘A Shower’ play(?)….








Y: Boss~








Y: Is there another place to visit, too?








The boss: 200m further from here, there’s a dam. You can go fishing there, too.








Y: Fishing?























After changing their clothes, Yongseo comes to a fishing spot.








H: Woah~








MC Kim: I want to go to the countryside, too.








Y: I’ve been here before.








H: Really?








Y: Really!








Yong’s repertoire, ‘I’ve been here before’








H: Hmm~?








Y: Hmm~?








The man: Welcome.








Y: We’ve come here for fishing.








Y: Here?








The man: Yes, these are your spots.








Y: I really wanted to come here.








H: Really?








Y & H: Thank you~








A couple fishing starts!








Y: Should I start?








H: Let’s do it together, together!








Y: Together?








H: Yes, together.








Y: Don’t I look professional?








H: Hahaha!








Y: One, two, three~








Y: Uh? What’s this? Eh~








Yong hubby starts with enthusiasm….but…








H: Haha!








Y: Okay!...Eh~








Y: Ah, really!








H: Hahaha!








H: I’m okay-








Yong’s second try








Y: I think it’s too short.








MC Park: Will they actually be able to catch a fish?








(backroom interview)








(After receiving a sweet-potato field as her birthday gift)








H: He gave me a sweet potato field, but (compared to it) what if my gift is too small…








MC Park: Ah~








Hyun also prepares a gift for him








MC Kim: A birthday gift for him!








H: So I was worried whether he would like it or not.








MC Park: She’s prepared something, too.








Whether she is worried or not…








H: It’s been five minutes.








H: There’s nothing, I think they just ran away after eating the bait.








H: Again~








Time goes by…








Y: For 30mins.








Y: Oh, Hyun~ You look professional!
















H: You’re bored, aren’t you?








For 2 hours, they’ve only been catching bugs…








Y: Hmm? Yes…








H: I hope we can catch a fish soon.








Y: A fish?








But a wife still has a hope…








H: Yes. What kind of fish will it be?








Y: I’ll catch (japda) them all for you.








H: Haha!








SO: Just hold (japda) her hand, her hand! (japda = to catch, to hold)








MC Park: Hahaha, instead of a fish?








H: Hahaha! Please~








Y: Make the sound of a mosquito.








H: I can!








Y: Let’s hear.








H: E-eing.








Y: Kkkkk, e-eing.








Y: Make the sound of a fish.








H: Pu-duk.








Y: hahahaha!! Kkkkk….








MC Kim: They will chase away all the fish!








MC Park: They will all run away~








Already given up fishing?!








Y: Puh-duk~ Puh-duk~








(backroom interview)








H: Slowly, the thought of a gift began to fill my head.








H: I didn’t know how to start. I was waiting for the right moment, then due to the mosquitoes, it came.








MCs: Oh~








JW: What kind of a gift it is?








Y: Uh?!








H: What?








Y: A mosquito just whispered to me.








H: What?








Y: It said, ‘E-eing’.








MC Park: She should give a gift to him anytime soon.








SO: She’s waiting for the moment.








JW: That’s the only thing she can think of at the moment.








MC Park: Yes, in her mind.








H: I hate bugs! They come to my face.








H: Should we buy a repellent? Burn incense?








Hyun tries to send a hubby away for a while!








MC Park: That’s right.








Y: Incense? Yes, I’ll go and buy it. Watch my rod while I’m gone.








H: Yes.








H: Come back soon~








Sending her hubby away…








Y: If I don’t come back, just assume that I fell over into the water.








MC Kim: He’s sending him alone on purpose.








MC Park: Yes, she made the chance to give him a gift.








MC Park: She’s going to prepare something!








Yong hubby, oblivious of what’s going on, only thinks of the incense..!








Y: Hello. Because there are so many mosquitoes out there, do you have incense?
















H (singing the ‘Love Light’)








Suddenly Hyun Buin becomes busy…!!








MC Park: I heard that song before.








JW: It’s ‘Love Light’.








MC Park: Ah, ‘Love Light’!








What’s her present for Yong?








JW: What is her gift?








MC Park: A mask?








Yong hubby comes back with the incense








Coming closer to his wife…








Y: I’m back~








H: Yonghwa oppa~
















MC Kim: Look at him shocked!
















H: Listen to my song~








JW: I’m senorita~








H: Listen to my song~








NY: Listen to my song~








Y: ???








H: Sit down, please.








Y: What’s this?








Y: Uh~!








H (starts singing): ‘When I look at you I blush, When I see you my heart flutters (dugeun, dugeun), I talk shyly like a child~’ (ding ding)~








Singing her hubby’s song…!















Can’t stop smiling








SO: She’s adorable~








H: ‘I think love has come to me~








MC Park: Omo, love has come to her!








Here comes a rapper Hyun!








H: ‘You’re the president of my heart, you embroider stars in my heart. I’m Genie for you, Boy~








You’re a darling, you’re more beautiful than stars in the sky...You’re my love light…’








H: End!








Y: Eyah~ Is it a gift for me?








MC Park: She’s so adorable.








H: Yes.








Her first solo concert for her hubby!!








Y: Eyah~








MC Kim: I hope she never wears that mask again.








SO: It’s Seo Hyun’s first event ever.








(backroom interview)








PD: How did you feel at that time?








Y: When she turned her head, you know the movie ‘Scream’, with a mask and all.








MC Park: It really looked like a horror film.








Y: So I was really startled, and she was holding a guitar too.








Y: Do you really have to wear that mask?








H: Of course.








Y: Because it’s my birthday gift, please do it without a mask.








(Yong)asks for an encore with her face shown








H: No, hurry and sit down.








Y: No, hurry.








H: Sit down please.








Y: No, don’t want to.








SO: She’ll be embarrassed without a mask, she’s only 20!








H: Ah, really! Why are you like this?!








H: ‘When I look at you I blush, When I see you my heart flutters (dugeun, dugeun), I talk shyly like a child~ I think love has come to me~








SO: She can’t look at him.








MC Park: She just steals a glance at his face.








(Yong’s stare) Softly








MCs: Kyyahhh~








H: ‘You’re the president of my heart, you embroider stars in my heart. I’m Genie for you, Boy~








Y: Oh, you changed the lyric, too.








H: ‘Whatever you want, because I love you. There is no reason for my love, you know. You’re a darling, you’re more beautiful than stars in the sky…








His cheeks are going to explode








H: ‘Every night I look at you... More I look at you, more you become bright, you’re my love light…’








Y: Eyah~








H: Yay~








H: Hahaha!








Y: I’ve never imagined.








H: Really?








The birthday party that he hasn’t even dreamed








Y: You prepared an event, like this…








H: Hmm~








Y: Eyah~








Y: Seo Joo Hyun, do you have this side?








H (trying to change the subject): The mosquitoes will go away soon, won’t they?








Y(rejects to change the subject): That’s not important.








Feelings still linger…








Y: I thought it’s someone else.








H: Hahaha!








Y: I thought I was dreaming.








Y: Eyah~ Seo Joo Hyun!








H: Oh my!








Y: Hy~un!








H: Yo~ng!








Y: You’re daebak.








MC Park: Omo, look at the way he’s looking at her~








JW: His eyes…








H: Dugeun, dugeun.








H: Wait.








Hyun buin, prepared something else as well?








Y: What is it?








MC Park: She’s got something else, too.








H: This is a fun… children’s book.








NY: A children’s book?








JW: Did she make a book out of their own story?








MC Park: Impossible!








The second gift: A children’s book








Y: Yong and Hyun’s Story.








MC Park: You’re right! I wasn’t sure about it. Oh~ Jin Woon!








MC Park: You guys are experts of the WGM.








The book (read by Yong):








‘A long, long time ago, there was a boy called ‘Yong’ and a girl called ‘Hyun’.








They were very much loved by other village people….








Hyun: There, village people!








‘They landed in Jungdongjin, after a long train journey….but it was raining.








And a drivers licence…kkkk…








Y: Oh, I look like a really good dancer.








'But…there were a few funny moments, and it became another unforgettable good memory.








Y: What funny moments?








H: You looked like a chicken.








Y: What? A chicken?








Chicken Yo~ng








MC Park: A chicken!








(The book continues)








‘Even thought it was completely empty, we decided to fill it up with beautiful things like drawing on white paper…








‘To show her gratitude to Yong, who is always considerate and accommodates her, Hyun decided to do something for him.








Happy birthday to you, Yong… and (a big heart).’








MC Park: Is there something hidden under the heart?








H: And there’s something important, too.








H: Push the heart.








NY: Oh, there’s something in it!








MCs: Woah~








MC Park: Surely not that’s everything!








MC Kim: A ring, ring, ring, ring!








Something inside the heart..?








Y: What’s this? Uh?








MC Kim: A RING!!!!








MCs: Kyaaaoh!!!!
















JW: We’re all experts!








Y: What’s this?








Y: It’s a new ring!








H: It’s new.








Y: When did you buy it?








Their first 2,000 won worth couple rings, which are so worn out…








H: When do you think I bought it?








NY: Is it the same ring?








Y: But it’s new.








H: You want to know how I did it.








Y: Did you take the ring to the jeweller and ask to make it the same?








H: Yes.








MC Park: Ah~ with the ring that’s broken into two.








H: But I didn’t know your ring size, so…








So she just guessed his ring size…








Y: Yes. Put it on me. Let’s see whether it fits or not.








H: Shall we?








H: Dugeun, Dugeun. Please fit!








H: Wait!








Y: It stops there.








H: Go on! Go on!








H: Wait, does it hurt? It’ll go on.








Y: Eyah~








Luckily it fits perfectly…!








H: This way it won’t fall off, will it?








Y: Kyah~ it sparkles!








JW: It sparkles!








MC Park: He’s all happy~








H: Do you like it?








Y: I’m so touched. Really… I’m so touched. I’ve never imagined….








H: They were in this case together.








H: And me, too…








And a hubby puts a ring on a wife’s finger, too…








MCs: Eyah~~~~








MC Kim: What are they doing, in the middle of the night at a dam?!








SO: (If they hadn’t spent time playing together) they might have caught at least five fish!








MC Park: They are catching each other’s hearts.








H: We have new rings!








Y: It won’t go rusty, will it?








H: Of course not, this is silver.








Y: Ah, really?








H: Yes.








H: Finally, our couple rings have come back to us!








Finally…couple rings came back…!








Y: Ah, really….kyah….Thank you.








H: Really?








Y: Yes.








H: Hehe, it’s nothing.








H: Please keep it well.








Y: It’s colourful, too.








H: Here, pink is SNSD and blue is CNBlue.








Y: Seo Hyun..








H: Yes?








Y: Seo Joo Hyun….Ah…..








Y: Compared to this, my gifts for you were too small.








H: No, never!








Y: No.








H: How can a sweet potato field be small? Who would ever buy me a sweet potato field for my birthday?!








Y: Hahaha! I’m a man with a capability, right?








H: Yes, two-row-field!








Y: Not everyone can dig a two-row-field.








H: I’d say.








MC Kim: Everyone is content.








MC Park: People say, in an exchange of gifts there grows feeling. There should be something to give and receive…








NY: That’s right.








Y: Seo Joo Hyun…








H: So you should keep hold of her.








Y: Your mind is so different from others.








MC Park: He loved it so much.








Y: Haaaaaaaah…….








H: Haha!








Y: Really……..








(Backroom interview)








(after receiving his wife’s gift)








Y: It’s just… something…ahaaa…..








MC Kim: He looks so happy.








NY: Ahoooo~








JW: He can’t stop smiling~








Y: Is it her true character, or has she changed…?








Y: (I’ve come to realise that) There’s a different side to her as she plays a guitar and sings a song for me…








Even though he’s been thinking that he knows about her well…








Y: That I don’t know her truly well…








Y: Something… It filled my heart with emotion.








An emotional…and special gift!








H: I had to choose… should I look beautiful tomorrow or should I complete this gift? And, ‘I should complete the gift!’








MC Park: Aww….








H: So I did it. The dark circles came down to my chin. I only slept for about 1 ½ -2 hours last night.








MC Park: Really?








Before the marriage, watching other people…








H: There are so many anniversaries.








H: I used to wonder, ‘how do they keep a record of every anniversary?’ and couldn’t understand it.








One of those things that Hyun couldn’t understand at that time…








H: But when I did my best to prepare it, and when he liked it, I realised, ‘Ah, is this the reason why people do it, because there’s such a joy in it.’








H:…I did it by myself, like this.








Y: I see.








Y: Jashik!








Y: You couldn’t even look at my face when you sang a song without a mask.








H: What~!








Y: Jashik, I saw it all.








Yong being playful








H: Eh~








Y: Ja~shik, were you embarrassed~?








H: Ah, really!








Y: Why~?








H: No, how can you sing looking at someone directly?








Y: Why, why not? Can’t you?








H: Then try! ‘Love Light!’








Y: I will.








Y: ‘You’re a darling, even more beautiful than stars in the sky~’








(Yong falls over)








H: I told you!








H: Hahahaha!! What are you doing?!








Even he can’t do it…








H: I told you, you can’t sing looking directly.








Y: (coughing) Hy-un! Hy-un!








Yong coughs, trying to hide his embarrassment.








H: Yes?
















MC Park: It’s gone quiet after that… something is in the air…they might break into a cold sweat.








H: I have something to ask.








Y: Hmm?








MC Kim: She starts talking.








H: Your song, the ‘Love Light.’








Y: Yes.








H: It’s about first love, right?








Y: Hmm, why?








H: I was just curious.








Y: The ‘Love Light?’








H: Yes, I like that song very much.








Y: Then, what?








H: What?








Y: What are you curious about?








MC Kim: I saw it on the internet, that he wrote the song for Seo Hyun.








JW: Yes.








H: Just, curious.








Y: About what~?








H: Just…








Y: (seems to know already) What are you curious about~?








H: Hmm, writing a song itself is amazing…








Y: Yes.








H: And even more that you wrote a song for your first love.








Y: Ah...








She can just ask who he was thinking of while writing that song…








Y: Why are you asking me this, out of the blue?








H: I was just curious.








Y: Is that really what you were eager to know?








H: Yes…








Y: Just that?








H: Ah, and one more!








Y: What’s that?








H: Why is there a part of the ‘TMYW’ lyrics (in his song)?








NY: Oh my god!








H: Do you like ‘TMYW’?








Y: What?








H: Is it because you listen to that song often?








Y: What, listen to it often?








H: Because when you like a certain song, you tend to write a song that is similar to your favourite. Don’t you?








Y: Okay-








H (keeps going roundabout): You like ‘TMYW’, don’t you?








Y: I do.








H: Hmm~ is that the reason?








The wife keeps beating around the bush and the husband holds out without telling her








Y: What is it you really want to know?








Y: Just ask me directly.








SO: Yes, just tell him directly!








MC Park: Haha!








MC Kim: She wants to know, ‘Is your song about your first love or me?!’








SO: They both know what they’re talking about, just won’t admit it!








Y: Just ask me, it’s okay.








H: Ask you what? That’s what I’ve been wondering.








But her face tells a different story…








Y: Jashik~








Y: Just curious?








H: Yes!








Y: All of a sudden, now?








H: No, from long ago.








Y: Long ago? Why?








H: What why?








Y: You’re curious about writing a song…








(Backroom interview)








PD: You kept beating around the bush…








H: People say it’s about his first love, but if I kept asking… because he once said ‘aren’t you asking about my past too casually?’








H: So I had to be careful, I thought, ‘if I keep asking about this he will say something in the backroom interview later, won’t he?’








H: I wasn’t sure whether I should ask or not, so I did it, in a roundabout sort of way.








Y: Why you ask me in such a roundabout way?








H: Ask what?








Y: Just say it, with confidence!








H: Say what?








Y: ‘Did you write the song for me or not?’ Like this!








MCs: Ah~~~~~!!!!
















Park: That’s right!








H: Ahahaha!








Yong decides to bring out a secret(?) first!!








H: It’s not that.








Y:That’s what you want to know.








H: No, I don’t.








Y: Then what?








Y: Just talk to me, clearly! Clearly!








H: No, I don’t want to.








Y: Hahaha, jashik~








Y: You were curious about it, weren’t you?








H: Yes.








H: Ah, really!








Y: Why do you go such a long way to ask about it?








Y: Don’t go roundabout from now on!








H: Why~








Y: I’m just going to say it.








H: Yes.








The heroin o‘Love Light’, what will be Yong hubby’s answer…








Y: Don’t go roundabout.








H: Yes.








H: Ah, really…!








Y: kkkk….








Y: This is the first time I have ever talked about it…








MC Park: Woah!








NaYong: Don’t go roundabout.








MC Kim: If you cut the episode here, you’re dead meat!








Y: While writing the rap part…








H: Yes.








Y: I had been writing that song since long ago.








Y: But it didn’t have a lyric yet.








H: Yes.








Y: Then I started WGM with you.








H: Oh…








Y: When was it…?








H: When did you start writing…?








Y: The day when we did the ring performance…








H: Yes.








Y: That day, I started writing the lyrics.








H: That day, you w-w-wrote, s-s-s-started writing the lyrics…?








Y: Yes, starting from that day.








H: Hmm…








Y: And as I spent days with you…








Y: It became like…‘Let’s write a song, thinking of you.’
















MCs: Kyah~!!








SO: I like it….








Y: While writing the rap part...








MC Park: Really?








MC Park: Does that mean he wrote a song, thinking of Seo Hyun?








SO: Yes.








NY: Oh my god-








MC Park: Then, does that mean his song is dedicated to Seo Hyun?








MC Kim: You can say something like that.








SO: That’s every singer’s dream…








JW: True…








NY: Then write a song for me…








MC Kim: Please be quiet!! Let me hear what they’re saying!!!
















MC Kim: We're getting into the important part!!








Y: Let’s write the lyrics thinking of you… that’s what happened.








H: Ah!








Y: While writing the rap part….








H: Oh…..








Y: Then the ‘TMYW’ came to my mind.








H: Haha!








SO: I like it.








Y: And later, I came to dance to that song!








H: Hahaha!








Y: Ah, really!








H: It’s funny.








Y: That’s how it happened.








H: I see.








H: It’s getting really dark.








H: I feel good.








Y: Jashik~








H: We should catch a fish soon.








H: Uh? Uh?!








Y: What, what?








H: It’s moving, it’s moving!








H: Eyah!








H: Oh, it’s nothing…








Y: Hahahaha!!








With no results (no fish)…








H: It was nothing.








Y: Hahaha!








H: Ha~ I was sure that I caught a fish…








Y: Hahaha!








MC Kim: He enjoys it so much!








MC Park: Yes.








H: What should we do?








Eventually…a married couple leaves








Y: Where is it?








H: Here.








Y: Give it (a fishing rod) to me.








Y: Seo Hyun-a, at times like this, you should walk arm in arm.








NY: He said, should walk arm in arm!








Y: Jashik!








MCs: Woah!!!!!








MC Park: Yes!








MC Kim: Bravo!








OMONA (oh my god)!








H: Yes, let’s go.








Y: Aigoo, you look awkward!








H: Ah, really~!








MC Park: That’s not how you link arms!








Y: Why, why, why, why?








H: It’s good, let’s go.








Y: Ah, you jashik~








MC Kim: Jashick~








SO: They’re holding hands!!








MCs: Woah!!!!!








Y & H (singing): ‘Walk to the pace of your footstep, holding your hands~’








MC Kim: Today’s such a meaningful day for both of them.








SO: I’m going to cry, really…








Even though they didn’t get to see a fish…








Y: Seo Hyun~








H: Yes~








MC Park: They still hold hands.








MC Kim: I should listen to‘Love Light’ once again when I go back home.








A special double-birthday party filled with so many events…








MC Park: They keep holding hands.








MC Park: I heard that that day was really hot. Their hands will be all sticky~








SO: Oh my god.








(backroom interview)








H: He told me that I can, no, should link arms. When he said it, I thought ‘I really should do it now.’ But when I linked my arm with his, it was really awkward. How could it be so awkward?! But, really… at that moment… I was getting slightly cold, somehow… his hand was warm. Hmm… His hand was a little smaller than my dad’s hand. And it was a little softer than my dad’s hand. Yes, it was.





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Guest ahn_annann
























can't wait to post here.. this episode is really sweet with yongseo .. , make me got a big smile..
















j2dlee , thank you so much for your translated.
















in a below pic, do you know what song on this part? that so beautiful song and melody.





















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