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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































































































"Love Light" on Naver's Top ten searches! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYw00t.gif
































































I lovelove the MCs, but especially, MC KIM. I saw the "ZOMG" photo floating around on twitter. I legit LMAO-ed. AHAHAHAHA.
































































































































I remember on July 31st, it was reported that Seohyun attended CNBLUE's first concert, and I thought at the time, they seem so awkward together though. How did Yonghwa manage to ask Seohyun to come, and how did Seohyun gather the courage to go? THIS WAS WHY. At the end of July, material from April was being broadcasted, and it didn't seem to make sense. I hate MBC for being so behind, but still, THANK YOU FOR TODAY'S EPISODE!!
































































They've come so farwub.gif

































































































































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ahnyeong gogumas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
























i have to go to work..(call center) so i'll just make a quick spazz..be back next time..
























if we listen carefully over the chaos of the MC's celebrating for our couple's official holding hands moment..LISTEN CAREFULLY guys..
























hyun was singing the part in kissing you "We walk while matching our feet, holding our hands















































..she was looking at yong and you could clearly hear yong say "johayo" or "i like it"



















































my guess he was pertaining to the lines hyun was singing to him..in other words, he likes it that they are holding hands together while walking..
























YONGSEO IS REAL. Now, i'm sure of it.c:
























till next time! happy spazzing guys!!!!!!!!!





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I gotta say that today's episode is Yongseo best episode so far. They were like so shining and super sweet to each other. The story behind Love Light is definitely so lovely. It's so loved. And when they're holding hands, gosh, I can't stop smiling and just thinking and imagining that moment again, automatically I smile. I'm so going to get diabetes because of this. Too much sweetness in one episode, not that I complaint or what, but this is totally something so worth waiting for! I especially love the look in Yong's eyes when he faced Seobaby. It's so deep and pure and loved. I think I'm going to love sweet potatoes for the rest of my life. Go Yongseo <333
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































p/s: It really has been a while since I last see a thread with 700+ users. Yongseo is totally loved <3

































































































































































































































































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Guest danedane










Ahhh! My first time posting ~~ but I don't think I could NOT post anymore! This episode --- its hard to even argue that what they have is fake! The most like significant piece of evidence ~~ yo~ng's smile when she sings "love light" its an absolute look of adoration!!!! Please, will anyone make a GIF of it so I can watch it all day? keukeukeuk 











❤ 。◕‿◕。













*EDIT* i thought to add a screenshot of that moment ~ his smile is just so 'floating in the clouds' 












I can't wait to see what happens next!!!! Their relationship has grown so much ~ its so beautiful~~~












listening to love light on repeat ~~~ 



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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































I really wish j2dlee will arrive like right now! hahaha
































































In yahoo.kr seohyun is no. 12.. :)
































































my gosh.. im still very happy..
































































This is what you call patience is a virtue.
































































NOw, their first ever holding hands is more meaningful and full of love :)

































































































































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*leaving lurk mode* I really have to let it out before my parents get convinced that I have a split personality for smiling and giggling out of nowhere... Waaaa I'm going crazy!!! I'm smiling like a mad woman hahahaha














































































































































































That was really sweet of Yong to write a letter to Hyun's mom and give her a present too! How many guys would actually write to a girl's parent on the girl's bday just to say thanks for bringing her to this world??? These two really drive me crazy~ they are real right???














































































































































































About Hyun's present... it was totally way beyond my expectation. Knowing Hyun's and her attitude towards guys, this was totally WHOA O_O!!! Like omg is that you Seohyun?! she must be totally comfortable around Yong now to be able to do those things. I think partly why Hyun wore that mask is for confidence... She was probably blushing like crazy under that mask while she was singing such a mushy song hahaha! Oh and I can't get enough of the look on Yong's face while he was watching Hyun sing Lovelight. It was love right? You saw it all too right???? Even the MCs were squealing XD (I was squealing soo loud that I woke up my bros and got shouted at hahahaha)














































































































































































ahh I got to go~ I'll spazz a bit more laaaatersss~ Happy spazzing everyone~~~ kukukuku~







































































































































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Guest choconutella
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong: I wrote the melody long time ago but there was no lyrics, then we started WGM filming. The day we bought our ring, [remember] that day? I think is that the day...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: You wrote the lyrics that day?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong: I started to write the song again that day, then slowly as time goes by, I wrote the lyrics thinking about you. When i was writing the lyrics of the rap, "Genie" came  to my mind.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you so much for sharing this and sorry for cutting your post but....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I SQUEALED LIKE CRAZY AFTER READING THIS!!!KYAAAAAAAAAA~~~ so does that mean that love light is ACTUALLY written by uri yong~ to his wifey hyun~ and not for his ex-gf as rumored? :wub::wub: cause my goguma part of the brain keeps telling me that it IS written for uri seobaby~ heheheh sorry i'm high on goguma drug now lol :wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@_d3seohyun i totally feel you!lol i never want to leave my lappie and have been refreshing this thread like every 3 seconds lol cause i'm afraid that i might have to back read tons of pages if did leave the thread lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and big goguma hugs to all for the caps,for the translations,and also for the gorgeous and awesome artworks.hehe *GOGUMA HUGS*

































































































































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Guest starsundaepower






Official SeoHwa Sweet Potato Couple Thread


CN Blue YongHwa & SNSD SeoHyun


22,845 Replies










We may not have the highest number of replies (yet) but we have the most number of views! (Runner-up up has 6.6M)






And while the latest epi was shown there were 870+ viewers all at the same time (according to ...EDIT: crinkle_twinkle! - thanks!)




and since i know have the time to backtrack some response:




starsundaepower: how was it? did you manage to hold until the epi was shown? it was fireworks, right? me, i was speechless after watching it, and there was this weird feeling in my chest and stomach, it was as if i was also falling in love...waahh that was cheesy of me, but true!  :wub:




jnj: it's ok if you didn't take the challenge. i understand. it was hard for me as well. i forced myself to watch WGM I to distract myself. i guess after watching this episode you'll still find yourself hard to sleep. come on, let's stay awake and wait for the subs.  :P






maaaaan it was soooooo haaaarrrddd, but YEAH, mission accomplished! 


i went outside all day avoiding my laptop (i even didnt bring my phone laugh.gif) and got in front of my laptop about 2 hours after the show was end. I was even half covered my face when I open soompi to find link for the episode... so tough tongue.gif


BUT IT WAS WORTH IT!!! Like what u said, IT WAS FIREWORKS!!! 


though I cant understand what they say, but their eyes speak thousand words, jeez these two never fail me! i was screaming,laughing,blushing, smiling, and I dont think I cant sleep until the subs is out. And here I am, stood in front of soompi and utube, repeating Love Lights for 1762317321321x ( I bet all gogumas do the same thing that I do! laugh.gif)




and I dont know why but suddenly few lines of Jason Mraz' s "You And I Both" came to my mind (is it ok to be delusional? laugh.gif)



Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen but not to me


Oh things are gonna happen naturally

Oh taking your advice I'm looking on the bright side

And balancing the whole thing

But often times those words get tangled up in lines

And the bright lights turn to night

Until the dawn it brings

Another day to sing about the magic that was you and me


Cause you and I both loved

What you and I spoke of

And others just read of

Others only read of the love, the love that I love.




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Guest sessik
































WAAAAAAAAAAAAH this couple killed me many times for this episode !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! giggling to the max!!!!!!!!!!!!

















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Guest Ae-Rin
























Hello my dear Potato friends!








I'm new on soompi, but I've been reading this topic for quite a while now, so I'm gladly joining you today! Because we have to admit that today is a very special day for us, Goguma lovers. Our Yongseo coupe have taken a new step in their relationship! I might sound kinda dumb, but I feel so proud of them right now! They ha









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OMG~~ This was the best best best EP!!!






I love them so much!!!






Couldnt believe is SY give the ring to YH






omgg! Love light!! OK, i'm setting this song as my ringtone ahhhhh


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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































I just want to share..
































































I don't know but i really thought yOnghwa's gonna tear up during this part kekeke YOu can see in his face that he was so touched after Seohyun sang love light.. kyah! :wub:

































































































































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Guest constantia11


I'm sorry for joining all the excitement too late!!

I decided to read all your comments first then watch the video so I can prepare my heart.

But what is this???? My heart is beating so fast I can't control it!!!!!

I love this episode so much.

I just love how our GOGUMA FBI came with some theories and they turned out to be true.

OH!! I don't know what else to say.

I bet in a couple of days this thread will be storming by photos of Seohyun wearing the necklace in some occasions.

My eagle eyes now will swift from searching for the existence of the couple rings in their fingers to the necklace on Hyun's neck each time I see SNSD performs.

Happy spazzing Goguma aliens!!!

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Helloooo just remember of the "kissing you" ahahaha
























I start to like this song as well... here the link with subSNSD kissing you with sub
























Seohyun part of this song like this
























You stay next to me and become my eyes...* Yong did that* hahahahahah
























I will be always in your arms
























aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah gonna watching today ep again...nomun chuayo....





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Baby_bo...indeed " PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE", just look what Yong got in exchange of the patience he's been giving Hyun, a totally grand present from his Hyun, and aside from the material thing he got, he's received the friendship, love and trust from Hyun (just my opinion):wub: 












This episode is just great, it's like watching the courtship between them.  I can say that there's more to it than what's been shown every Saturday.  Hope everyday is Saturday :phew:



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Guest raindrops_919


@ DJHinata:  mc kim tribute is TOTALLY AWESOME ! i really love it! happy to know that he is a GOGUMA too, at least he's able to talk to PDnim! certified: Kim Jung Min is GOGUMA FAIRY GOD FATHER




yesterday my ringtone is high fly from jonghyun and minhyuk, now i can't decide to use LOVE LIGHT again or KISSING YOU  :ph34r:




since today we get a lot new GOGUMA posting at this thread i want to say to all silent lurker GOGUMA, :D please post your comment here, ;) i'm personally so HAPPY that we are GOGUMA FAMILY from GOGUMA PLANET, every post here is so precious since it makes me endure another week to catch SATURDAY! :wub:




*singing mode on: keudaen naui sarang bit*


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after watching this ep my mouth hurts so much from smiling!!!
































































































































































































































































its so nice to see them so super happy!!!
































































































































































































































































thank you WGM PD's for an AWESOME EP!
































































































































































































































































and seriously if YONG looked at me like this i will die from nose bleeding!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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actually, now that I have calmed down, I am just beginning to be abit sceptical and just to share with everyone my thoughts (pls dun bash me):
















































































































































































































































- did the WGM crew has any hand in plotting all these stuff? I thought some of it maybe, like buying the 2 rows of goguma, but i think buying the necklace for Seohyun and her mum is genuine...
















































































































































































































































- why is it that Seohyun's gift only got to be presented at night? All that moonlight and by the waters, hmmm seems like some scriptwriting involved?? But maybe this two needed that kind of setting...
















































































































































































































































- Also the ring, yeah somehow it has to be replaced so did the crew ask Hyun to buy it? since Yong lost his? But then the moment when she put the ring on his finger, his expression was priceless and real.
















































































































































































































































- And the book that Hyun did is real too, knowing her love for books, its so her.
















































































































































































































































- Sarang bit is real too and besides learning a new korean word for light, I think the song is one of the proof that of the relationship. And I am glad Yong did write it. I bought THAT particular album and I am going to listen to it over and over again.
















































































































































































































































Just to point out that initially hyun always tie up her hair but gradually she is letting them down (Ueno suri ep), she has really blossom from a girl into a woman. The power of romance? heehee
















































































































































































































































And Yong's hand is soft? I read in a palmistry hand that it is good for a man's hand to be soft and a woman's hand to be hard. A man's soft hand indicate that he will have money/wealthy!
















































































































































































































































Just my thoughts, today is still a great day for all gogumas!

















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Guest Patate_douce
































































































































This is the best episode ever!!!!!!!!
































































One of my fav part it's when he sings "love light" to her
































































Please do not hotlink
































































Edit: Someone asked me what i means "patate douce"; it's sweet potato in french

































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