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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Yong: i wrote the melody long time ago but there was no lyrics, then  their WGM started. the day we brought our ring , that day? i think is  that day

Hyun: you wrote the lyrics that day?

Yong: i start to write the  song again that day then slowly as time goes by i wrote the lyrics  thinking bout you. when i was writing the lyrics of the rap Genie came  to my mind.


This was posted by the awesome GUANCI about 9 Mins ago. THANK YOU!


All credits go to Guanci (link to his Youtube homepage here) -->http://www.youtube.com/user/guanci


All video credits go to diodanooo1--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgI20ryzZIo








Thanks for bringing this over and thanks to Guanci for translating!




I'm still kind of speechless after this episode, I am in almost as much shock as Yonghwa! :lol: I also loved how he kept saying "jashik" in such a cute and teasing way; perhaps thinking back to the fight on the bus and her reaction to his initial request to hold hands with him... then saying she prepared nothing for him. :lol: You can see that he was so touched by her gifts and so surprised and you can see he got all choked up a couple of times. But I think he gave her a lot of confidence to plan such an event, too, by how he has treated her throughout and by his various reactions and willingness to show how he feels about her... and by writing Love Light. And she sang it. :wub: Wow... their gifts to each other were so meaningful!




And I saw the possibility that he was smitten by her during that first meeting, especially when they were saying goodbye for the night. :) Hyun is a beautiful girl! So happy to follow their story and that it looks like it is actually real between them. This happened 3 months ago!




panGG- yes, I'm on the east coast, NY!


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Guest linh80


yeah ithink i know why yong started writing at the date they started WGM, just because Seohuyn is so innocent, and it reminded him the first love, that inspired him, and he just like feel in love like the first time again. yeah, that is the meaning hhaah, even the melody he wrote for his first but the lyrics is for Seohuyn, i love this couple to death..ahahaha, so in love


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Guest BluMistLaydee










DJHinata... your tribute to MC Kim is pure gold. You should totally tweet that pic to him.






and I went to sleep and woke back up again and rushed to this forum. Today is the BEST DAY EVER IN GOGUMA PLANET!






We should throw a goguma party in celebration. This episode was such a heart warming episode. Lots of reveals and HAND HOLDING!!!!



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Official SeoHwa Sweet Potato Couple Thread








CN Blue YongHwa & SNSD SeoHyun








22,845 Replies
























We may not have the highest number of replies (yet) but we have the most number of views! (Runner-up up has 6.6M)
















And while the latest epi was shown there were 870+ viewers all at the same time (according to ...EDIT: crinkle_twinkle! - thanks!)








and since i now have the time to backtrack some response:








starsundaepower: how was it? did you manage to hold until the epi was shown? it was fireworks, right? me, i was speechless after watching it, and there was this weird feeling in my chest and stomach, it was as if i was also falling in love...waahh that was cheesy of me, but true! :wub:








jnj: it's ok if you didn't take the challenge. i understand. it was hard for me as well. i forced myself to watch WGM I to distract myself. i guess after watching this episode you'll still find yourself hard to sleep. come on, let's stay awake and wait for the subs. :P





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Guest rockmelon

Dear Goguma Fans,

It's also my very first time to post here and I must say that this episode is really worth my break from silence.

While we are waiting for our expert translators, I'd like to share something I found while checking the links of the episode. Someone posted this on Youtube and it's the translation of Yong and Hyun when they were talking about Love Light, which made squeal even louder.

Yong: Of course I like

Hyun: Erm.. I see

Yong: What are you curious about ? Say it honestly.

Hyun: About what?

Seulong: Just say it!

MC: Is Love Light written for me or or first love?

Seulong: They both knew it but just don't want to say it.

Yong: Just say it, it's ok

Hyun: About what, I'm just curious.

Yong:  Just curious? So suddenly?

Hyun: No

Yong: Then what?

Hyun: I was curious about  it long time ago

Yong: A long time ago , why ? (skip a bit)

Yong: Why are u beating around the bush?

Hyun: What?

Yong: Just say it out , confidently! "Is the song written for me or not?"

Hyun: Is not that right...

Yong: Weren't you curious about it?

Hyun: It's not that.

Yong: Then what is it ? Just say it!

Hyun: I don't want to ~

Yong:  So you are curious about it.

Hyun: Yes

Yong: Don't beat around the bush, just  ask me straight.

Hyun: Ok

Yong: Don't beat around the bush

Hyun: Got it, ah really~

Yong: This is really the first time i am saying this.

MCs: Don't cut it off now ~ if you cut it off now , I'll kill you~ (edit: MC's are so funny! Is this their message to the PD's? HAHA!)

Yong: I wrote the melody long time ago but there was no lyrics, then we started WGM filming. The day we bought our ring, [remember] that day? I think is that the day...

Hyun: You wrote the lyrics that day?

Yong: I started to write the song again that day, then slowly as time goes by, I wrote the lyrics thinking about you. When i was writing the lyrics of the rap, "Genie" came  to my mind.

This was posted by the awesome GUANCI about 9 Mins ago. THANK YOU!

All credits go to Guanci (link to his Youtube homepage here) -->http://www.youtube.com/user/guanci

All video credits go to diodanooo1--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgI20ryzZIo

Until the rest of the translations, I will be replaying this episode again and again! :)

I also want to express my deepest thanks to all of you who proactively make those interesting fanfics, nice artworks and entertaining comments and updates about this couple. You guys complete my Saturdays and bring a quick smile on my face during the most stressful times! Special thanks to jd2lee and all translators for sharing with us not only the story of the Yongseo couple, which transcends the boundaries of languages (even if you don't understand Korean, you'll enjoy watching the raw vids of these two!) but also sharing with us tidbits of the extremely interesting Korean culture. And to the Yongseo couple, thanks for making us fall in love as if it's always for the first time every Saturday! :) See you all again next time!

And before I forget...did anyone of you catch the preview for next week? Let us know if you have any clue! :)

hi, evryone !

I've been reading this thread since Sweetpotato couple' ve started their dating. i cant help but get to register to be able to comment today because of this amazing ep.

Here comes my question. According to your translation "Love light " didnt have its lyrics (just melody itself) until WGM started and Yonghwa wrote Lyrics thinking of Seohuyn. however, according to another post Yonghwa wrote the complete song long time ago and just changed the lyrics a bit to be more meaningful after filming WGM. Just get confused about the translation cause It's a big difference here. hope someone can answer my question. thaxlaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Part 1 of my caps! (so many i have to split them up into parts, sorry!)
































































































yong making seohyun dig for more! -------------- gogumas?! wait
















































































































to mother in law~ -------------- i buried it right here!
















































































































shall i put it on you? -------------- so pretty!
















































































































yong's first time... ;) -------------- pirate yong?! lol
















































































































tired and starving -------------- whats this?!
















































































































a mere snack... -------------- has turned into a feast!! ( i want some too)
















































































































Nomnomnom -------------- nomnomnom
















































































































rice wine anyone? yong takes it like a pro.
















































































































hyun... not so much. hahahaha. first time drinking?
















































































































helping each other pulling gogumas -------------- walking back from the fields
















































































































yong always knows how to make his buin laugh :) i love that!
















































































































blowing away dandelions to make a wish
























































"i'll be genie for you girl~" -------------- "i'll be genie for you boy~"
















































































































yong and hyun's puppy pictorial! "lol:







































































































































































will be back with more later!
























































cailei23 awesome! i'm from nc
























































sun_sun super cute picture, thanks for sharing!
























































hacker8 thats awesome! where do you go to view that?









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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh my gosh. I just went out to attend mass and a lot of new pages already..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't wait for this episodes full translation :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kyah! the best episode eveeeeeeer!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YOnghwa's confession about LOVE LIGHT is daebak! my gosh! im gonna faint! :wub::wub::wub::wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest miel_1301
































Yong: I wrote the melody long time ago but there was no lyrics, then we started WGM filming. The day we bought our ring, [remember] that day? I think is that the day...































Hyun: You wrote the lyrics that day?































Yong: I started to write the song again that day, then slowly as time goes by, I wrote the lyrics thinking about you. When i was writing the lyrics of the rap, "Genie" came  to my mind.















































This was posted by the awesome GUANCI about 9 Mins ago. THANK YOU!
















All credits go to Guanci (link to his Youtube homepage here) -->http://www.youtube.com/user/guanci
















All video credits go to diodanooo1--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgI20ryzZIo































I am practically camping on the thread right now waiting for the complete translation. I kept on re-watching the episode. This episode is worth dissecting to it's every tiny detail for our scrutiny. The whole episode just spells "Love in the Air".
















Thank you redtulip for the added translations and hugs to you unnieria for the partial translations.
















OMG!!! The TRUTH has been revealed...






























































From the translations quoted and posted above...






























































It is revealed that what YongHwa has composed for quite a long time is the MELODY... only the MELODY of the song without the LYRICS yet. And it was only right after their very first meeting through WGM [February 11, 2010] that he felt resuming or continuing with the song composition by writing/supplying the LYRICS and finally finishing and completing the song as the days that they spent together passed by.






























































So the entire LYRICS of the song "Love Light" are Seo Joo Hyun inspired.
















This is how I understood the translations quoted by unnieria.
















Thanks DJhinata for that wonderful artwork as TRIBUTE to MC Kim. He is a certified true-blooded YongSeo fan and shipper. hahaha!!!
















In re-watching the episode my eyes have been fixed only on three people mainly: Yong, Hyun and MC Kim. Because watching MC Kim and his spontaneous reactions one can deduce many impressions from him who probably is seeing this couple in a different light--- much much deeper than the context of WGM.
















And as I re-watched the episode I was able to validate that YongHwa was indeed caught with such a big surprise of his life. I likewise compare his reactions from Hyun's reaction upon knowing Yong's gift to her--- the Sweet Potato 2-row field and while she was reading Yong's letter. Like Hyun, Yong may not have reacted extravagantly, albeit "dramatically" because I really think that he was caught off-guard with everything Hyun has prepared and given him as her presents. He was practically in search of what might have been the right words to express his emotions at that very moment that all he had kept on saying was, "JASHIK!". For me, it is in the RAWNESS of their emotions that make everything for REAL.
















blueshoes and panGG, thank you for all the screen caps. Just keep them coming!

















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btw the eps 27 is jjang,but after see preview from eps 27
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































pd kinda cut when yongseo had same gesture with fingers ???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but it doesnt matter anymore,waiting for subs.(i wish ssf subs this eps first
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because i need hq subbed videos :ph34r: )

































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Guest crinkle_twinkle
























































Official SeoHwa Sweet Potato Couple Thread
















































CN Blue YongHwa & SNSD SeoHyun
















































22,845 Replies
















































































































































We may not have the highest number of replies (yet) but we have the most number of views! (Runner-up up has 6.6M)
















































And while the latest epi was shown there were 780 viewers all at the same time (according to page...i forgot!)
















































and since i know have the time to backtrack some response:
















































starsundaepower: how was it? did you manage to hold until the epi was shown? it was fireworks, right? me, i was speechless after watching it, and there was this weird feeling in my chest and stomach, it was as if i was also falling in love...waahh that was cheesy of me, but true! :wub:
















































jnj: it's ok if you didn't take the challenge. i understand. it was hard for me as well. i forced myself to watch WGM I to distract myself. i guess after watching this episode you'll still find yourself hard to sleep. come on, let's stay awake and wait for the subs. :P































































































Wow! really??? :o






















































































































































Actually today, it went up to 870+ Users... It think that's highest in this thread ever had.













































































































































































































Obviously, everyone was anticipating because of MC Kim's tweet... :lol:






















































































































































Today's is definitely DAEBAK!!! ^_^






















































































































































and oh, does anybody have the link of the preview???









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Guest teoki61















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 i just want to scream after watching this episode hahaha i love them sooooo much!!! and i like the male mc because i think among the couples he likes yongseo the most (he was happy like a fan haha).
















































































































































































































































This episode is DAEBAK (Ueno Juri style ^_^ )

















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Guest Yukilovesyou

Annyeong! I'll translate the last blackroom interview of Hyun:

When we were about to link arms, I was thinking that it was about time, but it ended up really awkward. For some reason I was feeling rather cold, so I was warm when we held hands. As compared to my father's hand, my husband's hand is slightly smaller, but also softer and warmer.

Please correct me if I made mistakes. Thank you!

Edit: Omo armedbattle translated it too! Kekeke goguma power.

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Guest armedbattle








I studied Chinese back in Secondary school so I've been following Baidu too. Here's an excerpt from their Chinese translation which I found interesting and note-worthy. It really shows how SeoHyun is more comfortable with Yong Hwa.







SeoHyun: At the end when he mentioned holding hands, I thought it was time we should. But when we held hands, it felt so awkward. For some reason, I was feeling cold then. But when we held hands, I felt warm. Compared to my father's hand, my husband's hand is smaller. And... Compared to my father's hand... Yong's hand is softer and felt warm to the heart.




On a side note, hearing her mention how soft his hand is made me recall the fansign held in Singapore about two months back. I too, had a chance to get an autograph and fortunately, had YongHwa's signature. I did shake his hand and until today I still remember the feeling. Yes, it was soft and nice (sounds wrong) but none of us who shook his hand would have felt the warmness in our hearts as SeoHyun rightfully did.



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Guest archiehon
























































I LOVE THIS EP!!!!!! am so happy i couldn't stop smiling and giggling and sighing. Any doubts that I have about this couple being real have flown out of the window. So many thoughts going thru my mind.








































1. YH is such a nice guy but this ep shows us AND SH that he is really well brought up and thoughtful and sweet. How many moms got thanked by a man, who is not even in a REAL marriage with her daughter, for giving birth to the said daughter. I'm not a mom but I'm pretty sure every mom out there wishes that they have such a thoughtful son- in - law. He will be the nation's  ideal son- in - law after this for sure!








































2. I'm really thankful to PDnim for giving us such roller coaster ride these past three weeks but THEY ARE WORTH THE WAIT. I really enjoyed the slow build up of each ep until the wonderful-cant-be-described-by-words climax in this latest ep. KAMSAHAMNIDA!








































3. I have to admit being sceptical about the lyric of sarangbit was written for SH when I 1st heard about it. It is just too good to be true. but to hear them from YH  I was squealing and sighing WOW he really have something going inside for SH.








































4. I watched the ep a few times and i have to say they are not really aware of the cam after SH revealed her surprises.... they didnt even to hide their reaction or expression. Everything is shown thru the lens, esp YH. he was really touched and 'floating' in the air. it was the time - i'm pretty sure- that he decided that SH might have felt something for him. Even after filming i think he might not have touched the earth yet! he looked so happy!








































5. I'm happy to see all the MC are rooting for this couple. Even fanboy JW looked really pleased by the couple's development.








































I think this floating feeling may push me to survive the waiting game this coming week. Thank you for the info and translation. I really love everyone in this thread.









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Guest klare84


(Oct 09) Fishing [1/3]

(Oct 09) Fishing [2/3]

(Oct 09) Fishing [3/3]

credit: keoconvoineverdie

thanks so much for sharing the links for the yongseo cuts!! i woke up so early when i should be sleeping in since its the weekend because i was curious and excited what this episode was going to show!! and i have to say it was worth the early wake up because AAHHH :w00t: OMG LOVE LOVE LOVE this episode!!! i like the horror special because so much skinship but OMG i think this is where everything started for the YONGSEO couple!!

i was giddy watching the first part with seohyun finally finding the gift yonghwa hid...haha..so sweet :wub: ...and he even put the necklace too!!AAAHHH :w00t: so so sweet!

and the fishing..wow..what can i say, seohyun is the Queen of Events in this epi (all hail for goddess seohyun!!)..who would've thought someone like her (who says she is inexperience in relationships) can pull off such a DAEBAK!! :w00t: (since everyone is using this word today...hehe) event for her husband!! yonghwa really seemed surprised and for sure he wasn't expecting it...she serenaded him twice, well the first was a total surprise and i can tell yonghwa was probably thinking, why are you singing with the mask? totally killing the song...and then she sang again without the mask, and OMG did you see that look on his face? i saw LOVE LOVE LOVE...is he totally falling for her? AAHHH!! :w00t: love it so much!!

and then the meaning behind the LOVE LIGHT song by CNBLUE...so sweet :wub: ...that's probably why they sang that song together in that special because it meant something special for the both of them. i watched that performance again and you can see them smiling at each other and yonghwa was probably thinking, we are finally singing our song together in front of everyone..AAAHHH!! :w00t:

i loved the MCs in this episode, they seem so engrossed in the YONGSEO clip..hahah..the holding hands OMG..it's like they won the lottery or a soccer game or something to celebrate!! hahah...well it is a reason for all GOGUMAS to celebrate..their first official skinship..so natural too..hahha..when they were walking back to the shop and holding hands..from the back they look like two teenage couples..still awkward but with mutual understanding..heheh..

okay i have taken too much space in this thread now..so i will go and rewatch this episode over and over again until next week saturday....hahahah...ouch..i think i am getting really bad cavities from all the SWEETNESS yongseo couple is bringing...hahah... :lol:

edit: i forgot to mention the couple ring...wow..seohyun how did you know that he doesn't have his ring anymore? aww.so sweet of her and the book too..wow..this girl can really pull events left and right..hahah...love love the rings!! one of a kind... :wub:



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hacker8 thats awesome! where do you go to view that?








sorry to cut your post, panGG:








i want to post the soompi forum board image here but i haven't learn to do that yet (i have to use imageshack, i guess) so you just follow this:








Go to:








www.soompi.com > forum > korean celeb photos > Official SeoHwa Sweet Potato Couple Thread








or the link, then look for our speeding forum:
















EDIT: here's a rather awkward image of it:













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Since part of the converstion already posted by unnieria, i share a bit about the rest.

In the black room, Seohyun was not sure whether she should asked the questions about Lovelight since Yonghwa expressed in the black room before that Seohyun kept asking him about the past. Since Soehyun was curious, Yonghwa told her to be frank and just asked directly in the future.

Yonghwa said from now onwards everywhere they go must link hand. After Seohyun linked her hand uneasily, Yonghwa said was it so embrassing before she hold hands with him.

The end

Goguma Chingoo Hwaiting!!!

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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































saw this at dcmarried
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seems like "uri" seohyunie made it to top10 daum search bec of today's episode keke

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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